Kamal El-Mekki – Dont Lose Hope In Allah

Kamal El-Mekki
AI: Summary © The importance of not losing hope in Islam is emphasized, along with the need for forgiveness and forgiveness. The use of words like "will" and "will" to describe actions and behavior is also discussed. The concept of "arthing of Islam" is also emphasized, along with the importance of addressing "arthing of Islam" in a setting.
AI: Transcript ©
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What should I do Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah.

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Muhammad Rasul Allah, all praises due to Allah we praise Him and seek his assistance. We seek refuge with Allah from the evil within ourselves and from the evil of our deeds. Whomsoever Allah guides, none can misguide him, yet whomever he allows to go astray, none can guide him. And I bear witness that there is no god worthy of worship except Allah alone. He has no partner, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and His Messenger. Yeah, are you Hello Xena, Amano Taku. La Casa Casa de La La Tomatina Illa want to Muslim moon. Oh you who believe fear Allah as he should be feared and do not die except in the state of Islam. You hola Dena Amato. Hola Hola. pulu Colin said EDA,

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useless Kuma Kuma filicudi Nova comme la hora Sula, hufa fosun Aviva, are you who believe, Fear Allah and speak the truth. He will direct you to do righteous good deeds and will forgive your sins, and whomsoever obeys Allah and His messenger. He has indeed achieved a great achievement. Am I bad? Enough? takahara Kitab Allah wa Sen howdy howdy Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Bashar Al Omar Mr. De to her Hakuna Matata desert in VEDA wakulla Allah Allah wakulla confine our brothers and sisters in Islam. Today we're talking about having hope in Allah subhanaw taala and never losing hope in Allah azza wa jal not losing hope in the mercy and the forgiveness of Allah azza wa jal not

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losing hope in the victory of Allah subhanaw taala not losing hope in Allah subhanaw taala in any aspect in our life, and Allah azza wa jal tells us in the Quran,

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in Surah Al hedger upon the tongue of Ibrahim alayhis salam, the attitude towards those who lose hope in Allah subhanaw taala color woman yanapuma Rama Tierra de

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Lune Ibrahim Alayhi Salam said to the angels, and who loses hope in the mercy of their Lord, except those who are astray, except those who are misguided. So the Quran is telling us only those who are astray and misguided would lose hope in Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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And many times people as they watch the news, they find calamity after calamity happening, especially in a Muslim country, whether it's a natural disaster or some kind of economic turmoil or political turmoil. And so it has gotten some people to become despondent meaning to lose hope in the victory of Allah azza wa jal, but we are the oma the oma of Muhammad Salallahu alaihe salam, we were designed to never ever lose hope in Allah subhanahu wa Tada. We read the Quran and the scholars say 20% of the Quran, deals with stories of the prophets and you read the stories of the prophets and you will see a reoccurring theme, difficulty and then ease from Allah subhanaw taala oppression and

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then victory from Allah azza wa jal. It can't be that someone who reads this book and would still lose hope in Allah azza wa jal. We're the only oma that recite Surah tilka every Friday, so every week we recite this surah and in the surah, you see people being tested, and then some kind of relief coming from Allah azza wa jal, you have in sort of healthcare, people being tested in their Deen in their religion, the story of the youth in the cave, you have people being tested in their knowledge, the story of Musa and other alayhis salam, you have people being tested in their wealth, the story of the two gardens, and you have people being tested in their knowledge, the story of gold

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per name, so we are an oma there is always aware of this fact that you're going to be tested. And that relief and ease eventually comes from Allah subhanho wa Taala. It can't be that we're reading the Quran. And we see the story of Musa alayhis salam with Israel as they're escaping and running across the desert, and an entire army with weaponry and full armor is coming behind them. And Musa alayhis salam and his followers, they reach a physical dead end, what looks to me and you to be the end. So when they got to the Red Sea, the followers of Musa alayhis salam

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callooh in lahmacun, we're going to be captured, we're going to be overtaken, but Musa alayhis salam never ever losing hope in Allah subhanho wa Taala. He very quickly said Kela in Morocco besides Deen, no, my Lord is with me. And he's going to guide me out of this situation, he is going to find me a way out. Many times in the stories of the prophets, you find that it looks like the end, and it looks like a low point in their life. But they never lose hope in Allah azza wa jal, and they're given glad tidings of a high point to come in the distant future, never losing hope in Allah azza wa jal. And you see this many times in the theater of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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and the scholars again say, one sixth of the Quran, deals with issues in the life of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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And you see when the Prophet sallallahu Sallam in his Syrah when he is now with Abu Bakar, and escaping to Medina, and a man in full armor and weaponry comes to capture them, because there's the price of 100 camels for each hand. And now it looks like a low point they're running for their life and a man is coming to capture them. But the Prophet sallallahu Sallam tells this man and he was Soraka nomadic, he gives him glad tidings of something good that will happen to him, not in the near but in the distant future. And the Prophet sallallahu Sallam asks Rob nomadic, a very strange question, a man that's coming to capture him, Priscilla asked him the following question. He said

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cave, enter your Soraka mafia, deca soiree. kisara he said, How will you feel Osaka when on your wrists will be the bracelets of kisara It looks like a low point. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam is escaping with abubaker running for their lives and there's a price on their head. But and Nabi sallallahu Sallam is giving this man who's coming to capture them glad tidings of something that will happen in the distant future that he's going to be wearing the personal bracelets of the leader of one of the superpowers at the time and he's going to be wearing his bracelet. Then in the Bissell Allah Selim continues on into Medina until he returns to his Lord. Then Abu Bakar is the halifa for

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two years until he passes on. Then during the reign of Amara, the Allahu anhu. The Muslim forces enter into the palace of kisara and they send his personal treasures his personal jewelry back to Medina and Amaro de la Han, who opens it and he sees the bracelets of kisara. Knowing this narration he called Saurabh nomadic many years later, he brings to accompany Malik, and he puts the bracelets on his wrists. And he says, Now I want you to walk with your hands held high, and tell the people what the prophet sallallahu Sallam said to you. And so lock up nomadic rhodiola and who was walking with his hands held high amongst the people. And he was telling them the Prophet sallallahu alayhi

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wa sallam said to me on the day of his hegira key for NTR Soraka Sofia de casa kisara How will you feel Oh Soraka when on your wrist will be the bracelets of kisara. Many times it looks like a low point. But the prophets of Allah never lose hope in Allah azza wa jal, and they give glad tidings of high points to come in the distant future. And there are many examples of that in the era of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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One of the things we want to understand what is the value of having hope in Allah subhanaw taala. But not only that, what does hope? What does having hope do for living things? We're not even talking about human beings. Now, for animals. What's the difference between when an animal has hope and doesn't have hope? We conducted this experiment where they brought rats, these regular rodents, they brought rats and put them in a dark container full of water, there was no light and there is no way out. And they wanted to see how long these rats will keep trying to swim before they allow themselves to drown. And on average, the rats were swimming for 30 minutes, then they gave up there

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is no light, there's no hope. So the rats allowed themselves to drown 30 minutes. Then they repeated this experiment. And they put the rats in the same container. And when it was about 30 minutes, and the rats were about to drown, they reached in and they saved them. So these rats now they learn to have hope that they can be saved. On another day. They take these rats that learn to have hope, put them in the same dark container full of water and they let them swim, to see how long they would keep swimming now that they've learned to have hope. In the beginning, in 30 minutes they drowned. And now that they learn to have hope they swam past 30 minutes past one our past three hours, 15

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hours, 30 hours 36 hours of continuous swimming before they gave up and they lost hope the difference

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Not in human beings in animals in having hope in Allah subhanaw taala was from 30 minutes of continuing to try to swim to 36 hours. This is the effect of hope on animals, let alone believing men and women who believe in Allah subhanaw taala and His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So the believing men and women never lose hope in Allah subhanaw taala never lose hope and Allah azza wa jal, we never lose hope in the victory coming to the religion of Allah and to the Muslims. We never lose hope that Allah Subhana Allah will forgive our many, many sins. And Allah subhanaw taala tells us in Surah Zoomer

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Kalia kuliah eva De La Nina Ashraf, who Allah unfussy him, say to my servants, which particular servants here, the ones who have overburdened themselves with sins, they've committed so many sins, that they feel paralyzed, not the ones who commit sins and they quickly repent to Allah, but the ones who have piles and piles of sins, speaking to those people love tokonoma Rahmatullah. Do not ever lose hope in the mercy of Allah. In Allah hi Yaga funeral Nova Jamia Verily Allah forgives all the sins, all kinds of sins, and all numbers of sins in who who will afford over him. Rarely he is the most forgiving and the Most Merciful. So even when it comes to sins, we never lose hope in Allah

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subhanaw taala we never lose hope that Allah subhanaw taala may not forgive our sins. Some of them who are sitting including Eben Cathy Rahim Allah, He comments on this verse. He says this verse, according to indicate here is not even speaking to Muslims, who sent a lot the verses speaking to non Muslims. So if Allah Israel is telling non Muslims who don't pray to Allah, and don't repent to Allah, don't lose hope in the mercy of Allah, Allah will forgive your sins, then what about the believing men and women? And that's why you see, there is no room for people to ever lose hope and Allah is diligent, there is no room for people to ever think their sins will not be forgiven, and

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there is no room for people to ever think that victory will not come from Allah subhanaw taala and we have so many examples before us, in the Quran, and in the lives of the righteous. So, when it comes to the believing men and women and their relationship with Allah subhanaw taala all they need to do is put their hands up and ask Allah azza wa jal and Allah subhanaw taala is the most generous, and we've never even seen a generosity like that of Allah subhanaw taala in the hadith of Muslim, Imam Ahmed and Nabi sallallahu Sallam said, Man, let me ask Allah, yo, Baba Ali, those who don't ask Allah, Allah will be angered with them. This is a level of generosity we have never heard of. That a

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larger deal is so generous, that if you don't ask him, he will be angered with you. That means this is a relationship with a larger budget. We're constantly going back to him constantly putting our hands up and calling upon Allah subhanaw taala. The scholars of Islam say when you want something from Allah, you ask the same way a child will ask something from the parents. If a child says something as something from a parent, and the parent says no is the child give up? The child will ask again and again and the child will cry and the child will beg. They say ask Allah zoodle in the same exact way. ask Allah subhanaw taala and ask again and cry to him and beg Allah azza wa jal.

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But not only that, the Prophet sallallahu wasallam in one Hadith gives a very strange description of Allah subhanaw taala. And maybe solo seldom said in the LA ha ha Yoon city, that Allah is high, which is from the root higher and higher. There is no direct word for it in English, but it's a combination of being shy, and modest, and bashful. These are very strange words to describe Rabbil aalameen jell O Allah, very strange word to describe Allah, that he is shy, that he is modest. What would the Lord of the Universe be shy of, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam explained that Allah subhanaw taala, he hates for you to put your hands up like this, and you return them empty

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handed Allah, Allah hates that, that you asked Him and you put your hands down without him giving you anything. So that means he will absolutely 100% give you something, either he will give you what you asked for, or he will give you a similar something of similar goods or benefit or push away equal harm away from you, or he will give all of it to you on the day of judgment and forms of good deeds and in rewards. So, that means anytime you put your hands up to Allah azza wa jal, this is a win win situation. You never lose when you put your hands up to Allah subhanaw taala. And the companions understood this concept very well the Sahaba and when they understood that, they said a

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short sentence that shows they understood it very clearly. They said, even fell look through, even for Look there, that means we should make a lot of

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it made sense to them. If every time I put my hands up, I'm going to get something, then I should always be putting my hands up and always be asking upon Allah subhanaw taala. And when they understood it like that, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, Allahu Akbar, and Allah gives even more than that. So how could it be someone who knows these descriptions of Allah subhanaw taala, and would ever lose hope in Allah subhanaw taala giving them what they want, or relieving some difficulty that they're experiencing, or some kind of calamity or Allah subhanaw taala forgiving their sins, and we know that this is exactly what it's about that we sin, and we rush and return to

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Allah azza wa jal and Allah Israel forgives. So that means there is very little room for people to ever lose hope in Allah subhana wa Tada. And we were designed to never ever lose hope and Allah azza wa jal, yet you find many people losing hope, and giving up and this is one of the tricks of the Shabbat. And that's why the Prophet sallallahu wasallam explained to us that when you commit a sin, you when you do a good deed, the angel on the right immediately writes down your good deed. But when you commit a sin, the angel on the left withholds he delays writing down the bad deed. The Hadith says for a term of sit, SAT, sit SAT, which means six, and then many times in books, and from

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speakers, you hear it translated as six hours, but six hours doesn't help you repent. Six hours helps you continue sinning, because someone will will sin and say the angel will not write it down for another five hours and a half, and they keep sending and then I have four hours left and three hours left. But the scholars say this is from the importance of understanding what a word meant, at the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam at the time of a Nabi sallallahu Sallam the word Syrah didn't mean one hour like it doesn't contemporary Arabic, the word Sorry, I meant a few seconds, a few seconds in the Hadith in Sahih al Bukhari, the wife of Hillel of new omiya she was

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brought to court to testify.

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And the Muslim asked her to testify, the narrator says fitara that, Sarah, She hesitated. Sara. So mean, She hesitated for a few seconds. Then she made her testimony, she didn't hesitate for a full hour. So sorry, I miss a few seconds. Some of the the focus of the PSA is how long it takes the mom to come up with a member which is only three steps. So that means when you commit a bad deed you have sits at six of these short moments seconds, to repent to Allah before the angel writes it down. And if we ever succeed in repenting to Allah azza wa jal before the angel writes head down, and it's not going to be in your record. That means a low will not ask you about on the Day of Judgment. What

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an excellent opportunity to quickly rush and repent after committing a bad deed. That means the minute I commit a sin, I instantly quickly rush to Allah azza wa jal and repent and ask for forgiveness from Allah azza wa jal, not giving the shaitaan time to come between you and Allah subhanaw taala and try to delay your Toba and your repentance but this is how it was designed. So it can't be that a believing man or woman in this oma understands the following concepts and they would ever, ever lose hope in Allah subhanaw taala We ask Allah to make use of those who never ever lose hope in his mercy, and never ever lose hope in his victory and in his ease.

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of Hola Hola. Hola. Hola. Hola. de les welcome in Jamia festival Pharaoh, Pharaoh Faisal. Mr. Varian asked Allah subhanaw taala for his forgiveness, surely those who ask for his forgiveness shall prosper hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah I mean, he was so happy here Jemaine about. So we're talking about never ever losing hope in Allah azza wa jal, never losing hope that the final victory will be for the people of taqwa a large reset in the Koran. While Atiba to the taqwa the final end is for those who have Taqwa when aka to limit the pain many times in the Quran. And sometimes we share things with each other that make us lose hope. You will might hear

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some people say things like the melody is the only one that is going to free fall esteem. The melody is going to free beta lock this Alexa. And these things make you lose hope. Because if the man is going to do it, that means there's nothing I can do. If I boycott companies that support Zionism, then there is no benefit in that. If I write to congressman and I tried to politically do something to help the Palestinians, there's no benefit in that. All I have to do is just sit

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Watch it on the news and wait for them to come and do the work. But the scholars say this is actually not true. And the Hadith mentions very casually, that the melody when he emerges, he will pray to rock out in beta democritus. The scholar said it's mentioned so casually, it shows you that bit, and muchness is already under the control of the Muslims. And this is something that gives you hope, because maybe I or my children or my grandchildren will be part of the capitalist that will free Philistine or bring back bait and muck this to the believers. So that brings more hope, as opposed to telling me sit back and there's absolutely nothing you can do. This attitude of nothing

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to do. We never see this in the Quran. We never see this in the seed of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam that individual Salaam will go on a journey and he will share the count his karma with two other people. That means he's walking two thirds of the way. But he physically had to walk he was not teleported or transported magically, the profits are seldom had to dig the ditch and carry the dirt and the dust carry the bricks to build the masjid. It was not built for him magically, he had to do all this work, he physically got hurt, he physically got injured. All this to teach the woman that you have to do your own work. And then the woman comes and sits for someone

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to do something for them. And this is what happened. When the Mongols or the tutta invaded by that. When they invaded Baghdad. It is estimated they killed from one to 1.2 million people, men, women and children. And for six long weeks there were killing people left and right. And not barely a single Muslim would lift the hand to defend himself.

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So a group of Muslims went and they started hiding into graveyards and graves in the ground to escape the death. And others were confident that the Maddy will come because if 1 million people are killed, and then Maddie doesn't come when is he ever going to come? So they just sat and waited for the Maddie instead of defending themselves. And this thing of waiting for the Maddie. This is not the oma of Muhammad Sallallahu sallam. We never to sit and wait for someone to magically come and do all the work that we're supposed to do. And if people contemplated the life of them already, you will see that in the life of the MADI he doesn't wait for a sub No, Maria. The melody knows. No one

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can kill the job except for a sub no Maria, no one can kill the Antichrist except for Jesus, the son of Mary. And yet he still puts together an army and goes out and fights the arm of the judge day one. Why didn't he say I can't kill him? Oh, wait until he does. He doesn't wait for it. He said, We don't wait for them. That's how it works. We're the oma of working with Omar of actually going out and rolling up our sleeves and doing work and not waiting for some kind of miracle to come from anywhere.

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The thing is that many people confuse the relationship between working and making the route to Allah subhanaw taala. So they will either think you make the law and you don't do the physical necessary work. Or they will do a lot of work and never once making dua to Allah azza wa jal to what could have in your heart relying upon Allah is an act of the heart. In the tawakkol Your heart is attached to Allah, but you physically do the work. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam, when he was coming back from a thought, and everyone knows what happened to the prophet SAW Selim in a pious and he was attacked and he was pelted with rocks and stones. So he's coming back to Mecca. And the Mexicans are

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very angry at him, because he, he slipped out of the city and tried to get support somewhere else. So now the Mexicans are very angry with him. Abu Talib died, there is no one to protect him meaning tribally. So they're going to attack him severely. As they're walking to a thought to back to Mecca. zaidan high author realizes how dangerous the situation is. So he asked him, How are you going to go back to Mecca? They're so angry with you. You have no protector, and they're going to meet you with all their anger. How will you go back to Mecca? Then look at the words of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and see if he was confident in the victory of Allah from his words or not. The prophet SAW

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Selim said yes 808 in Allah Ha. JOHN Lima Tara for Raja Raja. He said Oh, Zayed Allah subhanaw taala is going to give what you see here Islam and this situation and the ease in a way out. We're in the Lucha. Now serum Dena Allah is going to give victory to his religion will move the heroine nebia and he is going to make his profits superior. In the words of the Prophet Allah, is he not confident in the victory of Allah? He is 100% confident. So did he just take this confident and blindly walk into Mecca and received the punishment and all the torture? No, he still went through the means.

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What we're trying to say is that there is a difference between making dua to Allah and still seeking out the worldly means. That's how the believers are. So the process, Selim was confident Allah is going to give victory to Islam, and victorious prophet. But he still went and got protection before entering Mecca, Mecca. So he went to a multinational ID, who is not a Muslim, and he got the GR a system of protection from him. And then he went into mech, meaning you don't just make dua and say Bismillah and blindly go into danger. But it's about planning, it's about strategy. It's about being careful, and seeking out the means while you're still tied to Allah subhanaw taala These are just a

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few of the lessons for our oma to learn from our Prophet sallallahu wasallam from his Syrah and from the book of Allah azza wa jal. And if that were the case, we would never lose hope in Allah subhanaw taala. And we would know how to plant and carefully do things for the betterment of our religion and for the betterment of our communities. We ask Allah subhanaw taala to make use of those who recognize truth as clear truth and follow the best of it. And we ask Allah azza wa jal to make us of those who recognize falsehood as clear false and abstain from it.

Shaykh Kamal El Mekki – Don’t Lose Hope In Allah

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