Ismail Kamdar – The Shariah Built on Infinite Wisdom

Ismail Kamdar
AI: Summary © The importance of understanding laws and the sharia is highlighted in sharia books and the need for strong understanding of the wild. Consent on one's actions and intentions is crucial for positive outcomes. The importance of trusting one's knowledge and understanding the laws is emphasized. Viewing one's actions and intentions as a " waiver" is also emphasized. obeying laws and avoiding negative consequences is also emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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In Surah Baqarah,

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chapter number two, verse 216, which I believe we internalize this verse if we understand it properly. And if we view every law in Islamic history, or in Islam, in the books of faith and in the Sharia through the lens of this verse, then

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it will help us to understand and to follow Islam better.

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We live in a time where there are a lot of doubts and questions that people have about Islam.

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And very often, these questions or doubts, they all come from a place of why?

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Why does Islam have this? Why does Islam have deadlocks? Why does Islam prohibit this? Why does Islam prohibit that? Why doesn't Islam allow this wider Islam for my dad. And

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very often, we become too obsessed with the wild. Nowadays, the other extreme where we don't we don't explain the why at all or whatever, right? That's never been my methodology. But there is also a level where we become too obsessed with the why, to a level that you want a logical, rational reason that we can understand for every little thing and the point. And the truth is, there isn't always a reason that you can understand behind everything, they may not be logical way to explain to you, why bother him. So that is to say,

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they may not be a logical reason behind why we wash our face three times into four or five times when we would have a lot of laws or simply somewhere now we have

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a lot of times the laws of Islam, boiled down to trusting Allah and obey Allah.

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So in our time, we have a lot of these questions people want to know, why does Islam you know, have the concept of jihad? Why does it have such harsh penalties for criminal crimes? You know, why are they you know, these restrictions of hijab and covering in a certain way and certain gender roles in the Manage why, why why have to offer this comes from a place of assuming that the morals of other cultures is correct. And Islam needs to answer to that, and Islam needs to get in line with that. But this should not be our attitude. Our attitude should be that Allah knows best. Allah knows best. And we obey Allah. And then the verse in the Quran that's profound, because it's actually talking

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about jihad, specifically, the verse talks about jihad. But in this verse, Allah gives us a moral principle, a philosophy of life, you can see that you can apply to any of the laws of Islam, to any law in Islam, that you do not understand the reason or the wisdom behind, you can take this verse, and you can apply it and you can find peace in it.

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And this is verse 216, of Surah Baqarah. So, in this verse, the backstory, this verse was revealed very early on, right around the time of the Battle of battle, when Jihad first became an obligation. And there were people in Medina who were not happy about this. There were people in Medina, who were not happy about the idea of war being a religious obligation.

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And they were rumblings about this. So Allah subhanho wa Taala revealed a very powerful verse that you can really take it even though it's about jihad, you can apply to any of the laws of Islam. And that verse is good Eva Ali will Kidada

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jihad is an obligation upon you, even though you don't like it will answer and to call up our heroes. And maybe you don't like something, but it's good for you. What other people say, Oh, what was your role level? Well, and maybe you love something, maybe you love something that is bad for a while while we are level one, two blank, Allah knows, you don't know. Allah knows, you don't know.

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It's a very powerful box. You should take the time to digest it, to reflect on it, to internalize it, to make it our lens through which we view the entire Sharia. Allah knows and you know,

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it's a very simple but profound answer. And it links directly to two of the names of Allah smile husana which Allah subhanho wa Taala we know him to be unhappy in

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a login from the word hate. It means wisdom. I'll have been means infinitely wise, or wise wisdom is info

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He understands what we don't. His laws are derived from the infinite wisdom.

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None of us are going to attain infinite wisdom in our lifetime or anything close to it. So there will always be laws where we don't understand the wisdom behind it because we're not. We all have that level of wisdom. We go into life to be learning. How many times have they been things in our life, which we thought were, you know, we don't we were right, everybody else was wrong. And as we got older, we realize, you know, they had a point and wisdom sensing, we realized that we almost had a point in time when that happened.

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And that's just human wisdom. We talking here about infinite wisdom.

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And this is something that we need to internalize when it comes to the Sharia. The Sharia is built upon infinite wisdom. It is built upon the fact that our Creator

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is most wise, infinitely wise.

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It's also built upon the name of Allah directly related to this verse, Allah Azza. Allah says, In this verse, what Allah Who ya Allah Allah knows best. And this is linked to Allah's Name Alene

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infinitely knowledge of the wild who knows everything, the one who knows best.

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Allah knows best. internalizes

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Allah's laws are based on his wisdom and his knowledge.

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That means sometimes we understand the rationale. We understand why alcohol is haram. Right? Because we've seen the destructive results of alcoholism and intoxication in our community. So we understand it. We understand why murder is haram. We know what murder does to society. Sometimes we understand it. Sometimes we may not.

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Sometimes, we don't have that level of knowledge or wisdom to understand why Allah want it this way. And

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in this verse, Allah is calling upon us to trust, his wisdom, to trust his knowledge.

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If you believe that there is no creator besides Allah, and that Muhammad Salah body was only the messenger, messenger of Allah, and Allah, if all all knowledgeable, Allah is intimately wise, then you must trust the laws of Allah even when you don't understand it.

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And you can take this verse and apply it to anything in the Quran, or

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any law of Islam that you don't understand. You can take this verse and you can apply it. Yes, it was revealed about jihad. But the principle is universal, Allah knows that you do not know. It's a universal principle that can be applied to any aspect of our religion. So let's break down this verse a bit more and understand each part and how it helps us to, to, to become more confident in the Sharia and Allah's laws.

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Allah tells us with the Berlin Kabuki valuable, jihad is an obligation upon you, even though you don't like it. Right, you're in this verse, one of the lessons we can extract is that they will be obligations that we don't like.

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We will be asked by Allah to do things that I would love to does not want to do.

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You don't have to like every obligor

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he has, as you grow in piety, you will learn to love it. But at the beginning of his spiritual journey, you may not like it. You may not like observing hijab, but you do it for the sake of Allah. You may not like waking up for Salah Bucha but you do it for the sake of Allah. You may not like fasting, but you do it for the sake of Allah. You don't have to like an obligation to do it.

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Right. In reality, a lot of the obligations in Islam are did to come out enough to control our desires. And that means on the internal level, there is going to be a part of you who doesn't like it, and you have to find it. That's what does get to nasty the bulk is about fighting that side of you. That doesn't like the commands of Allah and overcoming it. And overtime learning to love the laws of Allah you may not love it in the beginning. You may not enjoy praying five times a day when you first start, you may find it to be an inconvenience, you may find it to be difficult. Over time you can learn to love it. As your spirituality grows and your connection with Allah subhanaw taala

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grows, you learn to love it. It's the same with observing a job. It's the same with any of the laws of Islam. So right here from this verse, you understand that there may be times that Allah commands us to do something, and we don't like it.

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Or we do it anyway because we trust Allah and that's what the next part of the verse houses, wasa and double crochet out while we're here.

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Maybe you don't like something, but it's good for you. So Allah is now drawing our attention to the fact that they are aspects of

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The Sharia, that we may not like, but Allah has obligated or allowed it because it's what's best for society or what is best, it may be best for your soul. It may be best for society, it may be best for the family. You may not like it on a personal level, but you do it for the sake of Allah.

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Right? There are many, many aspects of the religion that may be like this.

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And when you come across a wall in Islam, that you personally may struggle with. You may not like it, right? Like some ladies don't like the fact that the man's elope four waves of Islam, right? You may not like it. But Allah Allah will be going into what's best for society, on the broad level, right? And sometimes you don't like it and you just suffer because what Allah wants Allah knows what's best for us. Some people don't like you know that they have to go to the masjid. Especially with the business. You know, sometimes the test comes and your business is booming. And he's joda time and Allah has commanded you in the Quran. The way the Azzam for Juma goes, go to the masjid and

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leave your business. You don't like it you don't like leaving the business you losing all the profits? Do it for Allah, Allah knows what's best for us. Allah knows what's best for us, we may think that business is best boxing may not be best for us, may not be good for our soul. It may affect our greed, our materialism, our our desire for dunya. It may cause us to love money more than Allah. But Allah knows what is best for us. And we have to understand this, that one of the lessons that we derived from this verse is that if something is allowed by Allah, explicitly and more so if something is obligated by Allah, there has to be benefit in it.

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There has to be benefit in how do we get the children to Allah says, walk, walk the Rodolfo. It's good for you.

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Allah is saying, even the laws of Islam that you don't like it is good for you.

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Meaning, if you don't understand the law of Islam, that doesn't take away from the fact that that law is beneficial. That doesn't take away from the fact that there is benefit in you following them. Well, even if you don't understand it, you may only understand it 1020 30 years down the line. Right? Well, if you follow me today, you won't have regrets. If you go against it may be too late when you find out that you should obey the law.

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And seeing what the opposite what I said unto him, Bushehr, Wawa, Sharon, maybe you love something and it is bad for you. And again, the beauty of the precise language of the Quran. Allah did not see perhaps you like something and it is bad for you. Allah said perhaps you love something and it is bad for him. This means every single believer will have to struggle with the fact that there are things in this dunya that you love that Aha. And you need to control your doubts and avoid the things that you want. Everybody has the struggle, and it's different for each person. Right? It is different for each person.

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Maybe as a man you love looking at a woman. Allah commands you to lower your gaze.

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Maybe as a woman you love displaying your beauty for Allah commanded to cover up.

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Maybe you love to do something but it is bad for you don't understand how it is bad for you. But the fact that Allah prohibited it means it is badly. Well who are shallow L'Aquila use the word sharp shadow means evil. Allah is telling us that these things that we love in this dunya that are haram. There is evil in it. We don't know the evil, we don't understand the evil. We want it you know, sometimes we want people to pass what was now available? We'll just make it Hello. You know, times have changed. culture has changed the world has she just made it I'll just just ignore that versus ignore that. He just say he doesn't apply to our time. No, you can't do that. You can't mess with

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the laws of Allah. Yes, the second year the fifth issue of secondary issues, do change from culture to culture and necessity and harm and all that. But that is something that will allow him to do using the principles of the madhhab not something just anyone can do as they wish. Are we talking about fundamentals? Are we talking about the shabby are we talking about matters upon which they are consensus things that are clear in the Quran and Sunnah.

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You can't ask someone to change it because you don't like it. Because Allah is telling you there's going to be laws you don't like, Allah is telling you there's going to be things in this world you love. You can't do it. You can't do it because it is bad for you.

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And from this, we derive one of the goals of the show to

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share even our show Radhika hula is a result of my positive Sharia. He stated that the only word or goal of Islamic law of Sharia is the removal of harm and the attainment of benefit that anything Allah has prohibited is harmful. That's what he has made. You have

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on anything Allah has obligated is beneficial. That's why he has been an obligation. And this was one of the evidences that he brings

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that you like something, and it is harmful to you, you dislike something and it's beneficial to you. Therefore the law is beneficial and the prohibitions are because those things are out.

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There may be people who like alcohol, who love alcohol, but for the sake of Allah need you to give it up. There may be people who love to gamble, but for the sake of Allah, they need to give it up. There may be people who enjoys enough but for the sake of Allah, they need to give it up. If Allah has prohibited something that is harmless, even if you don't understand the heart, you give it up for the sake of Allah. And that brings us to the final part of the verse.

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Which is that

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well, level yamamo Want to know to Allah, Allah knows, you don't know. Allah knows. You don't know what Allahu Yun

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I want us to think about this anytime.

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Anytime we come across a

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verse of the Quran

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that goes against your designs. Anytime you come across a law in the Quran, or Hadith or in the books of tech, that goes against what you want it to be. That goes against what you want, that you don't understand.

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I want you to tell yourself this verse, remind yourself of this verse. Remind yourself while long you're number one two that Allah knows if you

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learn to trust the knowledge of Allah, learn to trust the wisdom of Allah. You cannot go wrong by obeying.

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At the end of the day. This is the test of life.

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The test of life is whether we are going to obey Allah or not.

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And if you take this verse of the Quran,

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and you apply to any of these doubts that people have today, you will find that if someone truly understand this verse, that that will go away.

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If someone wants to know, why does Islam allow Jihad why Islam have harsh Guinean penalties for crying? Why does Islam have different rules for men and woman in different roles for men a woman in the family widened Islam to this a wide Islam that will lock me up number one, Allah knows you do not know. That's what it boils down to. And by the Allah give the same answer to the agents, who the angels ask why in creating human beings why and greeting humans are gonna we're gonna kill each other and cause chaos. I'm gonna say, I know, you know, he said that to the agencies and that was, that should be our way of interpreting everything in this religion Allah knows best.

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Learn to have the workload in Allah. Learn to be confident in Allah's knowledge and wisdom. Learn to be confident in the show real learn to accept that the law of Allah is what is best for us. And if we do so, our heart will find peace with those laws, even the ones that contradict our nerves, because we know that perhaps we love something and it is bad for us and perhaps we dislike something that is good for us. And we know that Allah knows of the you know, so when Robin Robin is an emergency phone was salam Salim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen.

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In Al Hamdulillah whoo hoo when it's done, you know this stuff, you know what may not be here to welcome it, we're not gonna be laughing Sharone and Christina Amin Crtl Marlena. Yesterday he loved for the Medela community who for that ha ha ha ha.

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So when it comes to the laws of Islam, we say that every law of Islam is based on divine wisdom.

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But we need to add a footnote to that footnote is we don't always know what that the Bible studies.

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We can understand it most of the time,

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we can understand the divine wisdom behind the prohibition.

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We can understand the divine wisdom behind the prohibition of Zina, but we can't always know it. Now, why do we make the gamble when there's no water? Just touching sand and wiping our face? Allah knows best. Now, why do we have to pre budget so early in the morning? Allah knows best. Why did Turaga have Oracle's Allah knows best? So these are principally in the books of fake books. Of course, initially, Anna is interesting because into Sharia is the science of understanding the wisdom behind Allah's rules, right Mikaze the Sharia is the science of understanding the wisdom behind Allah's laws. But in the books of Makkasan. You will find that the scholars make a

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distinction between those laws that we can understand the wisdom behind and those laws that we count, and every major scholar in this field has written about this. And every major scholar in this field has said that there are some laws in his

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Landon. We do not know the wisdom behind it, but we still trust Allah's wisdom.

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They even have a technical term for this. In the books of Vic, this is called the avoiding the avoiding what does that mean? It means you're following this law how to worship of Allah even though you don't understand it, the oblique from the word a bada means that this law is the act of worship.

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Right when you see the word the agouti in a book of fake, it means the scholar who is telling you the ruling does not understand the wisdom behind the law. But they understand that this is the law of Allah and what we need to follow.

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So the very fact that this term exists, means that they will be laws in Islam that you and I don't understand that you and I don't know the wisdom behind, and that's fine. You still have to follow it. You still have to obey definitely the test comes in, is not a test to follow a law that you understand. Right? If you understand the harms of alcohol, you want to stay away from alcohol, right? Because you understand it's rational. But if you don't understand why something is haram, and you're just staying away from it, out of worship of Allah, obedience to Allah, this is known passing the test of life. This is now showing that you trust Allah more than your own self.

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This is now a, this is now loving the principle of Samia now what we hear and we obey.

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So understand that yes, sometimes we can explain things rationally. Sometimes we simply say, Allah said it, we obey. Allah said, we do that.

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And that is something that every single one of us need to internalize. And that is how we should assess the entire Sharia. It doesn't always have to make sense. It doesn't always have to match modern sensibilities. If Allah said it, or baked. You ask Allah for guidance you ask Allah for the correct understanding you ask Allah to grant us proper knowledge and understanding and practice for this religion. subarna Robin Robin is a de mis goon was the love of saline with hamdulillah optimist salah.

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