Ismail Kamdar – Summary of Tafsir of Surah Yaseen

Ismail Kamdar
AI: Summary © The Makjit Surah is a symbol of high culture in the world, with a combination of a traditional shiny and modern shiny, including a story about three prophets and a design that shows the existence of an intelligent designer. The Surah is marketed as a tool for gaining support and motivation to continue with Dawa, and is linked to the message of profiting to rejected people and finding one person believed in them. The Surah is used to gain support and motivation, and is linked to the message of profiting to rejected people and finding one person believed in them.
AI: Transcript ©
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hamdulillah salat wa salam ala rasulillah. So today inshallah, we are going to briefly revise through the core themes and the main top seed of suya seen surah Yaseen is one of the most famous sutras in the Quran.

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It is one of the most often memorized and recited sutras in the Quran.

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It is a sutra about which you will find differences of opinion regarding its virtues. So, amongst the majority of Muslims, CRC is looked upon as a virtual surah. It has it's considered to be the heart of the Quran, and it has significance to be recited after someone has passed away. However, according to some modern Hadith scholarship, the opinion held by many Salafi all about today.

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They say that none of the Hadees is related to the virtues of surah Yaseen our authentic

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now this is a difference of opinion that you will find in the oma.

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The high D says regarding the virtues of suraiya seen some of them are find them authentic, some see their husband some pedia weak, these a difference of opinion and Allah knows best. Personally, I believe there is some virtue to the surah all the way Allah would not have put such love for it into the hearts of Muslims across the globe.

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There has to be some special virtue to it. And so therefore the Hadith says, Go with the opinion of the more classical scholars that the Heidi's is related to the virtual CRC acceptable

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Surya scene is a mock console. And this can be very easily seen from its format, its style and its themes. So your scene begins with RuPaul macatawa cut off letters in this case, the cut of letters are your scene, right? Which only Allah knows the meaning. And in general,

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most of the students that begin with the cut of lettuce or Makkah,

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there are a few students that start with cut of letters that are Medina but even did the verses that include is considered to be maka just generally a sign of a makansutra.

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The second sign that this is a makan surah is that the surah speaks about Akira about a man about our beliefs.

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So the bulk of the surah focuses on the concept of tawheed, the oneness of Allah rissalah, the messengers and their messages, the afterlife, the day of judgment, the end of the world. All of these are Eman or aqeedah related topics. So all of this shows that this is a magical tool because that don't do the themes of the Macintosh like the Medina sutras tend to focus more on loss while the makansutra tend to focus more on beliefs. The third sign that this is a makansutra is that it includes a story about three prophets they were sent to the people and the people rejected them.

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This kind of story has more relevance to the makan audience in the Medina and audience. Because in Makkah, the people in general had rejected the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. While in Medina, the people in general had accepted Him. So these types of stories were generally revealed in Makkah to give the prophets or some some consolation as well as some encouragement and motivation to continue with his Dawa despite the fact that people were rejecting his message. So all of these indicate that this is clearly a makansutra and its themes are clearly market themes.

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So what are the themes of two IRC, which I briefly mentioned already, number one surah. Yaseen teaches us the natural proofs for the existence of awash with a hangover. So this Shura focuses on

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all of the signs of the existence of Allah around us, the things he has created. The design indicates the existence of the designer argument, right? We can take the argument from to IRC, that around us are all proofs of the existence of an intelligent designer who created a system that works perfectly from the orbit of the Sun and the Moon and the Earth, to the way that ships flow in the ocean, floating in the ocean to the

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creation of the various creatures on earth. All of these are proofs for the existence of Allah. So this Shura provides a natural

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logical evidence, or rather a natural logical argument for the existence of Allah as the only God.

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The second thing the surah does is it reminds us that this world is going to end. And then we will stand before Allah on the Day of Judgment. So it is our responsibility to prepare for the Day of Judgment. It is our responsibility to live our lives in such a way that we are preparing for that day.

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The third message of the surah

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is related to the story of the messengers. Now, what's interesting about this story is it's mentioned in Surah. Yaseen without any names, the names of the Prophets is not mentioned, the names of the city is not mentioned, the name of the person who believed in them is not mentioned. This falls into the category of Hamas right stories in the Quran, in which names are not mentioned. So this makes it a very,

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it makes it a story, which is very ambiguous, because the focus is on the lessons not on the story itself. So the story in short, is to profit to ascend to a city, the people rejected them a loss of 100 other symptoms a third profit, and only one person believed in these three profits, and he was killed by his people, and he entered gender. And even in gender he wishes people could see Joshua D would believe. Now the purpose here is not on the story itself, or on the lessons that we can derive from the story. So from this story, we learn

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that it's not necessarily that people will believe in you, if you preach the truth, it is possible that someone can do Dawa preach the truth conveyed with with full conviction and sincerity and still be rejected by the people. This is an important lesson in our times, because many people nowadays, you know, they like to rack up high scores in terms of Shahada. You know, so many people converted to Islam in my hands, and so many people can discover my group. This doesn't mean anything. Because Allah is the one who put guidance in people's hearts. And it is very much possible that someone can be very sincere, and very eloquent and very

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well versed in Dawa. But still, these people may reject this message. So guidance is from Allah.

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The second lesson we can take from this story is that truth does not lie with the majority. So in this story, we have three prophets and one believer, for people out of an entire city that believe in Detroit, but that does not in any way. Stop it from being Detroit. And again, we live in a time where the majority of people reject Detroit, where the majority of people have embraced liberal ideas, modernist ideas, Western values, that does not in any way, decrease the truth of Islam. Islam remains the truth, regardless of the fact that the majority of people no longer

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follow it properly. Right. So majority is not an evidence in that case.

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A third lesson we can take from the story is the care and compassion we should have our people, the desire, we should have our people to be rightly guided. Should we see that the man in the story he came running to tell his people to believe in the profits, and even after his people killed him. He wished that these people could see gentleness that they would believe in the profits, meaning he genuinely genuinely cared about his people and embracing Islam and then being saved from the hellfire. And that's the position from which thou wants to come. Thou should not come from a place of feeling superior.

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It should not come from a place of hatred.

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It should not come from a place of thinking that you better than others. It should come from a place of genuinely caring for people and wanting them to be safe.

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