Ismail Kamdar – Spiritual Lessons From Surah Fatiha

Ismail Kamdar
AI: Summary © The title "verbal" in the Quran is important for understanding who is Allah, as it is a master and king of the "verbal" aspect. The history of Islam is discussed, including the significance of fear of Islam and the role of Islam as a powerful force. The importance of guidance, praying, and good manners is emphasized, and individuals are encouraged to pursue their careers and pursue their goals. The importance of guidance for achieving a path towards gender is emphasized, and the need for individuals to learn to be good at all aspects of Islam is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala nabina. Karim Allah Allah He was happy in Frobisher presurgery way as Thierry Omri melissani fo od.

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We begin by freezing allow us to have a handle at Allah and asking Allah to sin is Peace and blessings upon the final prophet, Muhammad, even Abdullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and all those who follow his way with righteousness until the end of time.

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Today inshallah, I just want to give some reflections on

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what one of the most important suitors in the Quran

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and the surah that each and every one of us are familiar with, we've memorized it will recite it every day.

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But it is a good reminder to us to reflect on the verses of the surah and to always derive deeper meanings from it. And so today's topic, inshallah are some lessons from Surah alpha.

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From once the miracles of the Quran is that every surah of the Quran is such that you can study it and learn a lot of lessons. And then you can study it again and learn even more lessons. And you can study it again and learn even more or less than this can continue and continue. Because the word of Allah is so deep, that the lessons that can be derived from it never ends.

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So even if you have studied the Tafseer of Surah Fatiha,

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there is always something you can learn from it.

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And this is why it's important as Muslims that we don't just recite Quran, but we learn the translation, we study the Tafseer and we reflect on the meaning because it is only when we do these things, that the Quran can really impact our hearts and change our lives.

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So for all the students in the Quran,

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Allah subhanho wa Taala chose one surah for us to recite in every Raka of every Salah a minimum of 17 times a day.

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And that is the party, the opening chapter of the Quran.

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This surah is so important that the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam stated last fall at the lobby party had to get up. There is no Salah without Surakarta, meaning if you leave after a party had the Salah is invalid. It's incomplete. This is how important the suit is. This Torah is so important that when it was revealed, a door of Jenna was opened it had not been opened before.

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The surah is so important

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that the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam once asked one of the Sahaba Do you know what is the greatest surah in the Quran? And another Hadith he said do you know which Shura is such that nothing like it has been revealed in the Torah, the gospel the Psalms or the Quran. And he both of these Hadees is the prophet Elijah says, It is true that

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the Surah Al Fatiha is so important

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that Allah subhana wa Taala himself praises it in a healthy socket.

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And in this head these outputs he establishes a directly relationship between him and the one who resides to our understanding. And so this Hades

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in which our super handle what Allah says that I have divided the Quran, or others that have divided the Sala between me and my servant into two parts. When my servant says al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen I see hamadani Abdi and he goes on and he goes on a conversation between the serpent and Allah Surah Al Fatiha is a conversation between the servant and Allah for every line of Surah poggioli the reply from Allah and it is mentioned in the Hadith. When you say all praises for Allah The Lord of the Universe, Allah replies, my servant has praised me.

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When you see you alone, we worship and You will know we ask for help. You're gonna Buddha you're gonna sign Allah says, This is between me and my servant, and I will give him whatever he asks for. And then when you ask industry rocketbooster can guide me to the straight path guide us to say Park our says if this is what you want, I will give it to you. I will give you guidance. It is a conversation between you and Allah. Sir our party has not just mere seven lines, we memorize a paragraph in a conversation between the creation and the creator that is supposed to take place in every locker of every salon. Now, why does your wife have all 114 students that Alex use this word

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for us to recite every

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There are so many reasons there's so many wisdoms, I just want to focus on a few today. The first is that this surah memorize this story this summarizes the entire message of the Quran in seven lines. The entire message of the Quran is summarized in these seven lines, and soon we recited in every rock Uppsala, we are reminding ourselves of the entire code and message. What is that message? Allah subhanho wa Taala is the Lord of the Universe, He is the Most Merciful, he is the one who you report to on the Day of Judgment, he is the one we worship alone, we must follow the straight path and you must avoid the path of Miss guidance. This is what the entire Quran is about. And this is summarized

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in the seven verses that make up your path. And so when we recite to our partner when we reflect on Surah Fatiha when we read the translation of Surah Fatiha, we are reminding ourselves of why we exist. We are reminding ourselves of what the Quran is about and we are bringing the entire message of the Quran back to ourselves. So this is a very, very important part about understanding that it is the entire Quran summarized in seven lines. And let's break that down into three topics and inshallah those three topics will make up the bulk of today's presentation.

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The first topic is who is Allah, the first three verses of Surah Fatiha, tell us who is Allah? Allah hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen our Rama Manu Rahimi, Malik Yomi, all praises for Allah, Robert of the universe, most merciful to all creation, especially merciful to the believers, and the master and King of the Day of Judgment. Right in these reverses. We have we have six descriptions of Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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In three verses we have six descriptions of who is Allah? Number one, He is Allah. Right? Allah means the only one worthy of worship of Allah, the only God, the only one worthy of worship, this is the meaning of the word Allah. And this is why it is the greatest of the 99 days. So He is Allah The only one worthy of worship, in that already there is lessons, we must worship Allah alone. Number two, he is the ROB Buddha. Allah mean, what does Robert mean the Lord of the Universe, it means he controls the universe. He sustains the universe. He's in charge of the universe, Nothing happens without his work.

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Right? So this attribute of Allah being Rabbul aalameen it should put into our hearts and understanding that Allah is in control of everything. There is no good luck. There is no bad luck. There is no

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outside force that can influence our destiny. Everything is from Allah. And so when good happens to us we see Alhamdulillah when test happened to us, we say it's a test from Allah. Either way, we know everything from Allah. As soon as we learn from rebel army, then we learn that Allah's mercy or Rahmani Raheem Allah's mercy is divided into two parts. R Rahmani r Rahim. Al Rahman means that Allah is merciful to all of his creation, the believer and the disbeliever, the human and the jinn, the animals and the plants, Allah's mercy, accomplices, all of his creation. This believer Allah gives him his entire life to repent and change and to start worshipping Allah. And even while he is

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disbelieving and evolved his allies to providing for him, Allah still giving him well, Allah still giving him fame, Allah still giving him status, Allah still giving him life. He's still making his heartbeat. This is all as mercy. Many of us don't think about this. Our Rahim refers to Allah as exclusive mercy for the believers. And if you choose to live a life of worship of Allah, there is a special blessing that you get in this world and in this world, that special Mercy is the help of Allah, divine assistance do as being answered miracles, all of this is part of Allah's mercy in this world, where Allah subhanho wa Taala helps you out of a situation in which there was no human way

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out of it. That is his special mercy. But Allah subhanho wa Taala answers your dua even though you thought that he was asking for something that's not possible unless you gave it to you. That is Allah special mercy.

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This is the special mercy for the believers and in the afterlife is even better special mercy for the believers and that is eternal paradise.

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So this is our Rahim, the Most Merciful to the believers or other Especially Merciful to the believers.

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And then the final description of Allah subhanho wa Taala. In the Quran, it has been revealed in two ways Mali, kiyomi Deen and Maliki omit the Master of the Day of Judgment and King of the Day of Judgment, right? Two Names of Allah or are two attributes of Allah. Allah is the master and the king of the Day of Judgment.

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What does this tell us? It tells us that when we die, it doesn't matter who you were on Earth, whether you are CEO, you were a president, you were a king, you are an entrepreneur, you were a scholar of Islam, it doesn't matter.

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You are responsible to Allah for how you live your life, your title straightaway. Your titles mean nothing on the Day of Judgment. What matters is what did you bring to Allah, your in mind and your good deeds. And so Allah reminds us in this verse about us. Now, it's interesting that in Islam, our Eman is based on three things, love of Allah, hoping His mercy and fear of his punishment. And the first three verses Tirupathi has summarized all three, we learned that Allah is the one who controls the universe, and this increases our love of Allah. We learned that Allah is most merciful. This increases our hoping His mercy, and we learned that he is the master of judgment. This was the fee

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of align our hearts. So in these three verses alone, we learn to love Allah to hope for his mercy and to fear his punishment.

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Before we move on to the next verse, just very briefly, I want to comment on this topic of fear of Allah because it is very misunderstood in many, many of our homes and many of our lives. Many of us think of the fear of Allah, as a new as something scary as something bad as something that they will push people away from Islam, we think of it as, you know, just fear or punishment only. Right? And we think of it as separate from the love of Allah. That's not the correct understanding of fear of Allah, I want you to think of it like this. A child who loves the father,

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still fears disappointing their partner.

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They still fear doing things that the fathers dislike, this little fear that the Father may punish them one day, for the love their father. And the good news they do is out of love for the father, right and respect for the father out of love for the father, right allies above all resemblance to humanity, but just just to give us an idea. We love Allah, out of our love for Allah, we fear disappointing. We fear doing things that he does not like. And we fear that we may become worthy of his punishment by living lives that are displeasing to him. And so fear of Allah is part of love of our life, not separate from it. It's part of love. You love Allah so much. You don't want to do

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anything to displease him, you are afraid of disappointing him. And so this stops you from committing sins. This is the fear we should strive to have. You see the level of fear that is linked to love. And really the love of Allah is crucial. That is the that is what we should aim towards giving people who love a lot, not just people who fear punishment.

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So moving on to verse number four.

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Verse number four, is considered the most important verse of the entire Quran. Entire books have been written, explained as one verse of the Quran, he aka nabooda can study you alone, we worship in you alone, we ask for help. Why is this the most important verse in the Quran?

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Because it's it summarizes for us the purpose of life and the way to gender.

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Why did Allah create us to worship him ago? What is the weak agenda to worship Him alone? Right, the entire purpose of this world and the way to succeed in the next world is summarized in this one line that we have to repeat every day every Salah to remind ourselves that this is the way to check now. You're gonna Buddha, you're gonna study you alone, we worship and You will only ask for help. What is worship? And when we say the purpose of life is to worship Allah. Some people may ask, but you know, I have a family to take care of I got a business to run. I've got studies to do. How do I put worship of Allah into all of that? Well, we have to understand worship of Allah in Islam is a very

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broad topic. It's not like the English meaning of the word worship God or the Arabic word worship. A better translation may be to submit to Allah to obey Allah, that the purpose of life is to obey Allah. So if you are working hard to provide halaal money to take care of your family, that is worship of Allah. If you are treating your family, well if you are being good to your wife, if you are being good to your children, that is worship of Allah, if you are sleeping early, so you can wake up for slacker budget, that entire sleep is worship of Allah.

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Right worship of Allah is not only the rituals, it's everything else as well. Allah has created for us such a beautiful religion, that you can be sleeping and earning reward for worshiping Allah. You can be working and earning reward for worshiping Allah, you can be with your wife and earning rewards for worshipping Allah. This is how beautiful our engineers so when Allah subhanaw taala says He created us to worship Him. The main meaning of that or the primary meaning of that is we need to

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pray five times a day. That's number one pray five times a day. Beyond that the other Pillars of Islam Sokka once a year, fasting once a year, how'd you once in a lifetime? What else is there to do? Be a good person, be in your business, be good to your family, be good to your neighbors have good manners, all of that is worshiping Allah. Right? So these are all the things we need to do to get to agenda.

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So this is a very important verse of the Quran. Really, an entire lecture can revolve around just verse number four, but I just wanted to remind you of that one point that Allah subhana wa Taala created us to worship Him and all of this is worship, when it is done with the right intentions.

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Now to the final message of the sutra,

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the last part of the surah is a to a to either we are supposed to make in our Salah MPD and already mentioned the beginning Allah subhanho wa Taala replies by Allah subhanaw taala said in the address bootsy that when you see yaka yaka Nesta in Allah replies to you, or other replies in house, the angels, that my servant, you know, he has said this, whatever he has asked for, I'm going to give it to him, whatever he asked for, I'm going to give it to him, and then you make a dua, then why is it a pharaoh to guide us to the straight path? And Allah replies to this to our he replies and says, you will have this you will have guidance. Now why does Allah ask us to make to offer guidance,

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every day of our lives in every Salah? Are we not Muslims?

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Have we not been guided to Islam? While Allah ask us to make dua for guidance every day? Because we need guidance every minute of every day? Yes, we are Muslims now. Alhamdulillah for how many people who used to be Muslims have left the deal?

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How many people's mind has disappeared?

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It's not just about that. What about since yesterday, we are Muslims, but sometimes before we forget Allah, right before in two major sins. So we need Allah's guidance to protect us from them. We need our guidance in deciding what's the best way forward, you have two career paths in front of you, one's going to make you a lot of money. One's going to help the oma Which one do you do you choose? You know, this is something where you need a lot of guidance. So a lot of guidance is something we need every day of our lives. We must not take for granted that because I was born in a Muslim family, I'm going to gender. That's not the way it works. It's not how we were born, that decides

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our gender. It's in what state do we die? What is our the state of our image when we leave this world? What is our relationship with Allah when we leave this world, what quality of deeds we have when we leave this world? That's what matters. And so we need to be constantly trying to reach higher levels of guidance, right guidance, you know, the one level somebody converted to Islam Hamdulillah, that's guidance. But now that person starts to pray five times a day, that's the next level of guidance, the person starts to grow a beard, that's another level of guidance. The person gives up his job because it's haram and he starts a different job for less money because it's halal.

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That's another level of guidance. Guidance comes in stages, it's a different levels. Each of us have areas in our lives, where we still need the guidance of Allah, we are still doing the hierarchy and we need that shift towards the Hello. And so we need to be asking a lot every single day enough to

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guide us to the stripper. Because each of us have since each of us have misunderstandings, each of us have some levels of internal problems when it comes to the dean allows guidance is the only thing they can protect us from any of this

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show to end up. I want to mention

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the the final two versions of the sutra, Allah subhanaw taala. He summarizes for us the part of guidance and the parts of misguidance. The way towards Allah is called Scirocco, Mr. Hakim, the straight part. What's interesting is in another verse of the Quran, Allah says, Whoever drives makes Jihad to fight to find the truth, whoever strives to find the truth, then at the end,

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we will guide them to our paths in the plural. So recently, I was asked, Is this a contradiction? Allah says three part singular. In other words, he said, our guidance, our roads, our hearts in the plural. It's not a contradiction. shirat and subrule are two different words. Think of it this way, right? If there's one highway to gender, on the highway, they are different lanes, and they all headed towards gender. And so the straight path is one, but on that street party are different roles. They are the Mujahideen. They are the Alma de Arte, they are the people who are who are generous, the people who foster God, the people who bring the 100 the people who have good manners,

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all of these are different passions.

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agenda. There are eight doors to agenda, the good deeds that you excel that that is the door you will enter agenda true. So yes, there is one slot. But on the one zero, Allah has created multiple ways to Excel to some people excel in that they print 100 every night. Right? This is the agenda. Some people excel in that they are extremely generous, yeah giving money in charity every day. This is their growth agenda. For some people, Allah has blessed him with deep knowledge of the religion. And this is the agenda. For some people, Allah has chosen him to fight in his path against the enemies of Islam, and this is their party agenda. So the steel rod is one the shovel or maybe the

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straight path is one but only there are many different roads to take. You have to figure out in your life, what is the good deed I excel at? When it comes to what is wajib we have to do everything. When it comes to what is nothing or optional. Choose something that Allah has blessed you with the ability to do, maybe it's the 100 maybe it's fasting, maybe it's charity. Maybe it's just having good manners. The Prophet Mohammed slow summer stated that the two things that get the most people into Jana are taqwa and good manners. Good manners is a path to gender, the path is going to take the most people's agenda. So why a child needs to take that path agenda where we at least have good

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manners and not so rude and vulgar to each other.

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And finally, the surah ends by reminding us just as there is a single part to Jenna. There are two parts to Janda mob, dooby Alaykum was the part that brings about Allah's anger and the part of misguidance. And scholars of that theory explained the difference. A lot of anger is upon those who know what is right and they still choose to do what is wrong. That is the worst part a human being can choose. somebody knows Islam is the truth. And they still say, I'm never going to become a Muslim because, you know, I like alcohol. I like Coke. I like worshipping idols, or I don't want to follow in a structured religion or whatever it may be. Right, but they know in the heart Islam is

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the truth and they still choose a different path. This is not to be a lady. I was angry with them they know right from wrong, but out of arrogance, they have chosen a different path. Though lean is a lesser type of guidance that still leads to jahannam. This is someone who believes they are right, but they are on the wrong path. Someone who, for example, sincerely believes that Jesus Christ is the Lord and Savior. Right? They sincerely believe that but it's not true. It's wrong. So the heading down the wrong path and you don't even realize you're on the wrong path. This is what's called dadada. Right? It misguidance with someone honestly believes I am right. But with the guy

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they realized they were wrong.

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Allah tells us to seek protection from both seek protection from knowingly going astray and unknowingly going astray. So how do we seek protection from knowingly going astray? By purifying our hearts and becoming sincere and doing what Allah whatever Allah our service, even if you dislike it? How do we seek protection from unknowingly going astray? by seeking knowledge, the more knowledge you have, the less likely you are to choose the wrong parts. And the more sincere you are, the more the less likely you are to reject our commands. So improve our knowledge, improve our sincerity, and inshallah we'll find our way to the straight path. So to summarize, in our final two minutes, today

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inshallah we discussed the lessons from Surah alpha, we say this is the most important sutra to study a lot chose for us to recite the surah in every regard every Salah because it is the most important to write the Quran. It is a summary of the entire Quran, in which Allah tells us who he is that we must worship Him alone, that you must take the straight path and you must avoid the patch of misguidance. In the surah we learn some of the most important Names of Allah because He is Allah. He is the laws of the universe. He is merciful to all of his creation. He is especially merciful to the believers, and he is the Master of the Day of Judgment. In this tutorial, we learned the purpose of

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life, which is to worship Allah. In this sutra, we learned the party agenda, which is to worship Allah in this surah we learn that on the path to gender.

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There are many different routes should sororities one, but on that street party are those who excel in solar, those who excel in Africa, those who excel in fasting, those who excel in jihad, those who excel in Dawa, and all of these paths lead to gender. And then we learn that there's two ways to Johanna Magoo be Allah him and volleying. Allah has anger and besides, Allah anger means purposely rejecting the truth. misguidance mean, ignorantly following a wrong path. We protect ourselves from purposely choosing the wrong path by by purifying our intentions and purifying our souls, and we protect ourselves from ignorantly following the wrong path by increasing our knowledge of Islam.

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So with that, inshallah, we come

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To the end of this discussion ask Allah to help us all to understand the Quran to live by the Quran to put the light of the Quran in our hearts to meet the guidance of our actions and to make us from the people of the Quran and to forgive us our sins of hatred walk through the world and hamdulillah Bianca mein salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

In this Jumah Khutbah, Sh Ismail discusses some spiritual lessons derived from Surah Al-Fatiha.

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