Ismail Kamdar – Ramadan 2019 #13 – Allah’s Perfect Mercy

Ismail Kamdar
AI: Summary © The discussion centers around the name " "time alay obez" which is the second most commonly used name in the Quran. The "centen of hellfire" meaning "willfire" meaning "the light of hell" and the "centen of malice" meaning "the light of malice". The speakers stress that religion is not a fundamental belief, but rather a group of people who failed to fulfill obligations and caused harm. They also discuss the importance of trusting Allah's mercy and justice in the afterlife and the potential for connections between Islam and hellfire. The ultimate goal is to develop a closer relationship with Allah.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah so today I want to speak about one of my favorite Names of Allah subhanho wa Taala, which is repeated in the Quran, more than almost any other name, that this name is the second most repeated name of allah Subhana Allah in the Quran after the name of law, and it is found right at the very beginning of the Quran when we begin with Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem, Al hamdu, lillahi, rabbil, aalameen or Rahmani Raheem, this name is mentioned twice in the first three verses of the Quran. And it is repeated many times over. And it's even the name of one of the most beautiful surah of the Quran surah Allah and

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the opening verse of the surah Allah man. So the name of Allah subhanho wa Taala which I want us to reflect upon today is our man, the one whose mercy encompasses everything, the one who is supremely merciful. Now, there are two names of Allah subhana wa Tada, which are directly related to his mercy. R Rahman. R Rahim. And the scholars of Tafseer have explained it or a man refers to Allah mercy towards all of the creation, while Rahim refers to the specific and special mercy for the believers. Now, perhaps in a future episode, we'll discuss our Rahim. But I want to reflect on our roadmap, because this is an area which many young people struggle with understanding right how it

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man How is he merciful to all of his creation.

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And the reason why some young people struggle with this is because they find it hard to reconcile between the idea of a loss of $100 being our man and the existence of hellfire. Right, so these two things in the minds of some youngsters, who have been affected by the ideas of atheism and liberal thinking, it seems like a contradiction. Why would our mind create a Hellfire and put people into it forever? Well, the first point I want to mention about that is that there is historically a difference of opinion on whether people will be in Hellfire forever or not. The majority of Muslims have said that they will be but they have been throughout history a minority of all ama, who have

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held other opinions based on the concept of Allah Subhana Allah being out of man by based on the idea that Elijah Rama they have been Obama like even Kamal Josie Rahim, Allah and a few others who argued that because of like our man, then because of this, no people will eventually be removed from hellfire. Right and there are many verses of the Quran and Hadith says that they used to support this opinion. So it is possible to still be a Muslim and to follow such an understanding, even though it may not be the majority understanding. Nonetheless, even if you go with the majority, understanding that Hellfire is eternal. How do we understand this and reconcile it with the concept

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of Allah being a man? Well, first, let's take a look at what it might actually mean. Our man means that Allah Subhana Allah has mercy, his kindness, his loving nature, encompasses all of creation. How do we understand this? We understand this Firstly, that every single thing we have in our lives comes from our mind, whether someone is a Muslim or not a believer on or whatever they have in their lives, in terms of goodness, it is from Allah. There are so many people in the world today who do not believe in Allah subhanaw taala, who violate His laws every single day, but Allah has blessed him with a lot of wealth, or a lot of happiness or a lot of good things in this world. That is part

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of his drama, I that is part of His mercy. And one of the most beautiful concepts related to love, mercy, is the fact that whatever we see in this world, is equal to less than 1% of Allah as mercy in because in the Hadees, it is mentioned that a wash of a hangover data divided his aurasma into 100 portions, and he sent only one portion to this earth. And everything you see in this earth in terms of Rama, mercy, all of it equals to just one out of 100 portions of us mostly just 1% of Allah's mercy, the other 99 portions, Allah subhanaw taala has saved it for the Day of Judgment 99% 99 portions of Allah subhana wa adalat, Rama and mercy that he has made obligatory upon himself, right

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that he has made part of who he is, has been saved for the Day of Judgment. And so my advice to every single believer who finds it difficult to understand the concept of how fire, the concept of disbelief is going to help I eternally or believe is going to help to be punished for their sins. I want us to think about it

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from the following perspective, and that perspective is a loss of 100 Allah is most merciful. He's most just he's most wise. We trust his mercy.

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We trust his wisdom, we trust his justice. We trust that Allah will do what is best on the Day of Judgment, because he knows better than us. He's more merciful than us, he is more wise than us. He's more just in us. And whatever decision he makes the individual, then that is what is best for them. That is what is most just that is what is most merciful, even if we as the creation don't understand it.

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So what is to always approach these issues of the afterlife from this perspective, the perspective that Allah knows we do not know. And when it comes to individuals who have passed away, it is not permissible for us to say about any individual who has passed away that they are in paradise or in *, unless their names are specifically mentioned in the Quran or in the Hadees. For everybody else, we simply trust Allah, justice and mercy. It doesn't matter whether the person passed away as a believer or disbeliever, we still are not allowed to pass judgment on where they will end up. Because we do not know we do not know the answer. We do not know what Allah will decide. We do not

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know if they have any excuses aside of our data. There may be many people out there who in our eyes, they look like the most righteous of believers, but in their hearts, they may be monastics they may be hypocrites. And so we may think they are going to paradise, but they may not be. And there may be people out there who we may think of as the worst of disbelievers, but they may have never received the message of Islam properly. And so Allah May excuse them for it. So it is not our job to say about any individual that he is in the Hellfire or he is in paradise. Rather, we see theoretically, the disbelievers go to Hellfire and the believers go to Paradise. But for the individuals we do not

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pass judgment. We simply trust Allah as our man, we trusted our man who has saved 99 portions of his aurasma for the Day of Judgment, and who has promised in the Day of Judgment, you know that he's going to, he's going to show more mercy than has ever been shown in the, in the history of this universe. You know, who Allah subhanho wa Taala with who stayed in the Hadees that, you know, after all of the prophets and the righteous have interceded Allah has removed people from Hellfire because of the intercession, Allah will then scoop out a handful of people. Those hands are infinite, right? Allah will scoop out a handful of people from Johanna them and put them into Jenna. Right? What does

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that mean? We don't know. We don't know. Because we can't imagine the proportion of that how many people that could be right. And so we just simply trust Allah's mercy. Allah has created hellfire. And I could see at least two reasons why I could think of why Hellfire exists number one, as a deterrent for us from sin. Because there are many people out there, who if it wasn't for the existence of Hellfire, they would fall into sin because that's the nature is the one thing that motivates them not to sin. And so understanding the nature of those people Allah has created how by just like the punishments for the Sharia laws, a lot of them are simply determined from sin without

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really ever enacted. It's the same with the hellfire. A second reason why help I exist is a means of purification for us, that those of us who enter the era with more evil within us then good, then there needs to be purified from us before we enter into paradise. And so they are wisdoms behind the existence of Hellfire that is Allah's mercy involved in Allah's justice involved. At the end of the day, they believe it trust that our man will be most merciful and the most just to be most just to his creation and the most wise will, will deal out the final destination of his creation with wisdom. And because we trust in that we are not worried about this. Rather, our focus is simply on

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pleasing Allah subhanho wa Taala loving Allah subhanho wa Taala and becoming from those whom he loves, because that's what really matters more than the issue of Paradise or *. It's the matter of developing a closer relationship with Allah subhanho wa Taala and becoming one of those who he loves. When you do that. Then this question of why did help I exist for to be completely because you trust Allah's mercy you love a lot and you're working towards the love of Allah subhanho wa Taala to me unless you have the goddess the correct understanding of this religion may make us from those who are people of mercy may make us from those who are recipients of His mercy and may give us a deep

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understanding of this religion Walker Dhawan and you may know Salam alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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