Ismail Kamdar – Lessons from life of Suhail Ibn Amr (RA)

Ismail Kamdar
AI: Summary © The importance of memorizing names, dates, and emotions in learning about history is emphasized. Suhail's actions, including his desire to use his son's teeth to defend Islam and promote Islam, led to the deaths of many Muslims. The importance of avoiding mistakes and changing one's life is emphasized, and the speaker emphasizes the need for everyone to be aware of one's actions. The transformation of Suhail by the Prophet Muhammad Ali ultimately became an Islamist, and the importance of not judge others' actions and not trying to change one's life is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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Al hamdu. lillahi Rabbil alameen. Wa Salatu was salam, ala Nabeel Karim Allah Allah He was heavy in.

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We begin by creating lascia hana with Allah and asking Allah to see these Peace and blessings upon the final prophet Muhammad you will not be Abdullah Salalah while he was salam, and all those who follow his way with righteousness until the end of time.

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Today, I want to simply share with you a story from the life of the Prophet Muhammad Ali Salah, rather story, but one of the Sahaba. And along the way, discuss lessons that we can take from the story and apply to our lives.

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And before I begin just a couple of points about history, one of the mistakes we make in the world today is that we approach history in terms of, we want to memorize names, you want to memorize dates, and we give children testimonies topics, when we forget what's most important, what's more important than the names or the dates. And that's that you learn a lesson from the story. That's what's most important in any story. The most important thing is you take a lesson from it, even if you can't remember the name of the person. So

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when we approach history, we should approach it from the perspective of what can I learn from this? What can I learn from this and apply to my life.

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The second point I want to make is the hobby I'm about to talk about is someone who throughout the life of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was one of the enemies of Islam. And right at the end, he converted to Islam.

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And I want us to understand his perspective, understand his journey, understand what led him to do what he did and end up where he ended up. Because sometimes when we go through history, we think of it in terms of good guys and bad guys. We think of people who are purely good and purely evil. And we forget that most people were sincere people on the spiritual journey that sometimes led them down wrong paths.

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the person I'm gonna talk about today, one of my favorite Sahaba, in terms of how his story ended, is Suhail, even amor rajala.

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So Haley bin Ahmed, was one of the chiefs of the college one of the elders of the college. He was known as the spokesperson of the college, he was a very eloquent and elderly man. By the time Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam became a messenger. So he was quite elderly. He was quite respected. He was he was given the duty of speaking in public and reciting poetry on behalf of the population. And what happened in the early years of Islam when Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam first started preaching the message of Islam.

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It was mostly the poor people and the young people who accepted Islam.

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But the elders were the ones who initially rejected.

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So for example,

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we know that Abu Jamal rejected Islam. But he said he crema became as a hobby.

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Right, but as later on, if you go early on in history, we see for example,

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opa, did not accept this. But he's done. a coup d'etat was one of the first Sahaba

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we see this later on as well.

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Well, even movie rod did not accept Islam. But he's done Khalid, even while he was one of the greatest Sahaba should exist in the early part of history, where the younger people were more open minded, be more willing to listen to the message of the Prophet, and see whether it makes sense and accepted accordingly. But the elders were setting the base. This is our culture. This is our religion, the field our forefathers followed. This is the source of our business and profits. So they didn't want to listen. And so this led to a clash between the older people and the younger people.

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And what I understand is from amongst these older people, not all of them were bad, right? Some of them simply did not believe yet, even not convinced yet. I saw some of the originally bad people like a Buddha Buddha. From what we know of his story. He knew in his heart that Islam was true, bounded arrogance he rejected it. Suhail was different Suhail. It took him many years to realize that Islam was true. So before that, he rejected it because he hadn't realized it yet. And this led to a big clash between him and his own children. Because two of the early Sahaba two of the early Muslims were Abdullah.

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Even Suhail and Abu jandal eventually I will jungle and Abdullah were two of the early Sahaba. And their father is one of the elderly leaders of the non Muslims. Should this lead to a clash in the household itself, where the father does not believe in Islam, and he sends a convinced of Islam. Right. And he did something very bad at that point in his life, which he later defended from, by the point that he thought he's doing the right thing, but he did something very bad and that is, he basically imprisoned his children at home. He imprisoned Abdullah Abu jandal in Davao and he kept them as prisoners out of embarrassment that his children had left his religion out of trying to

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convince them to go back and suddenly have no clue what to do about the old situation.

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Now, many years later, the Prophet Muhammad was Mrs. sahaabah the move to Medina because things are getting too difficult in Makkah, and the Battle of battle takes place. And this is where we have a very interesting story about Suhail, Suhail son, Abdullah convinces him that he's not a Muslim anymore. Right. So he and his son Abdullah in prison because Abdullah converted to Islam, and Abdullah told his father, I'm not a Muslim anymore. Let me go and fight in the Battle of butter. So he lets his son out of prison. And he goes with essentially the Battle of butter. And at the Battle of butter, his son runs across to the other side and joins the Muslims. Right. So Abdullah, in this

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case, tricked his father pretended not to be a Muslim just to escape from prison, which is something understandable. And so this was a big blow to him, in terms of his, his, his ego, his arrogance, and in terms of family as well, his son deflected to the other side. And he now how to fight a battle against so many of us don't think about this. When we think of the Battle of bedroom. Many of us don't think about the fact that people are fighting their own fathers in their own children.

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It was literally father versus son was a very emotional battle. And eventually, Suhail was captured. He was captured by the Muslims, and

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he was ransom. But before he was answering something very interesting happened. Omar rajala, who wanted to the moves to hate speech. Now we know Omar was one of the more stricter and scarier Sahaba at that point in time. So he wanted to remove Suhail, Kranthi. So that Suhail can give any more lectures against Islam, because as I said, he was a very well spoken person. Right? So he so he wanted to do this in the proper slides and did not allow it because mutilating people is not allowed in Islam. He talked about this on this occasion, is not allowing any made a prophecy prediction about the future. And he said, Maybe one day, Suhail will use those same teeth, and that same time

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to defend Islam to promote Islam. So this is a prophecy that only comes true 10 years later.

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So the purpose lies on the lead to hail goes to alien back to Makkah. And what's interesting is we don't really have record to hate fighting the assumption up to this, a lot of records, he basically lived the quiet life, you know, the Muslims let him go. He went back to Makkah, he didn't believe, but he didn't fight either. The only thing he wanted, he wanted his son to go back to his religion. So he kept his son Abu jandal as a prisoner. The next important event we know about Suhail is many, many years later, the Treaty of good Abia

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when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam wanted to make aamra. So he's coming from Medina to make Kumara. And the people of Makkah did not want to allow him in. So they sent to Haile to negotiate with him, essentially Hale to negotiate with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And they signed a peace treaty, which changed the history of Islam. Right. This is like a turning point in our history, the sign a treaty, a peace treaty, that the Muslims would not make that year they will make the year after that. And they will not have conditions in their Treaty that seemed unfair to the Muslims, that Suhail came up with. For example, He said, If anyone from Makkah converts to Islam,

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they can't move to Medina. And if anybody from Medina Devi Islam, they are allowed to move to Makkah. I seem very unfair.

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the interesting thing about this is after the treaty was signed,

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nobody from Medina left Islam to catamarca. But many people from Makkah, converted to Islam, and eventually ended up moving to Manila. Right. And the first person to try and do this was to his own son, Abu jandal. Right there while they were signing the treaty, Abu jangle comes in tied up in his chains and tells the proper slicer that his father imprisoned him and Can I come with your bathroom Medina? And Suhail says we just signed the treaty. And my son's the first one who has to stay back. I'm not letting my son go. So for the sake of keeping the peace treaty, I will gender

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was sent back to live with his father who had imprisoned him. So what's really interesting about the story is right up until this point, so he's like the bad guy throughout the history of the property regime. So he's like the bad guy right, imprisons his sons. He fights against the Muslims in the Battle of Belgium. He he again imprisoned his son, he makes a very unfair peace treaty. But what I want you to look at is the ending. Look at the end of the story.

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At the conquest of Makkah, Suhail even Amma is hiding in his house, afraid of what the prophet SAW somebody's going to do to him, because he just spent the past 20 years fighting against him and speaking against him. And now the Prophet slicin has taken over Makkah. So Abdullah, Abdullah comes home, he hasn't seen his father in years. And he tells him Come with me. I will give you security and safety and so to speak the prophets of Allah, Allah. And he took Suhail took his father to speak to the purpose while Islam and Suhail converted to Islam. At this point in time, he is genuinely convinced about Islam. Why is he genuinely convinced about Islam? Because the Prophet Muhammad Ali

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Salaam went in 20 years, less than 20 years, from a man with only 80 followers in Makkah, to a man who the army of 10,000 without the whole of Arabia.

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If Allah wasn't on his side, and if any of the idols were real gods that wouldn't have happened. This was what happened. This is the thought that Suhail had, that even if the idol that he was worshipping, we're really gods, this wouldn't have happened. Right. And if God wasn't on the profit side, this would never happen. So this convinced him that Mohammed was some Israeli a true prophet.

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And so he converted to Islam.

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And then, after he converted to Islam, there are two stories about him. They are really beautiful. The first story is when the Prophet Muhammad passed away. When the Prophet Muhammad was and passed away, many of the neighboring cities began to leave Islam.

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And some of the people of Makkah, were thinking of doing so as well. So, Suhail got up in front of the Kaaba, and he gave a lecture, remember, he was very good at giving lectures. And he told the people of Makkah, we were the first ones to receive the message of Islam, and we are the last ones, to accept it. So let us not be the first people to leave it. Very beautiful lecture. And his lecture convinced the people

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to stay Muslim to remain in the fold of Islam. Go back 10 years before that, when he was an enemy of Islam, when he was captured by the prophet SAW us on what did the prophets lie? Some say? He said, Maybe one day so he will use this tongue to defend Islam. And after the Prophet slicin passes away, this prophecy comes true. And Suhail defends Islam, and he stops the people of Makkah from leaving Islam.

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Then Sohail he goes to Medina in the time of Omar Abdullah and he Abu sufian. They want to meet with Omar and you speak to me the whole time. But many of the poor Muslims already seeing them first before seeing Suhail and Abu sufian. Because Omar's method was he he doubted you according to how early you accepted Islam. So someone who accepted Islam early, he gives them preference over someone who accepted Islam later. So Abu sufian got angry about this and Suhail said that we deserve this. The prophets lie some came to us first, he taught us Islam first. But all of these people accepted Islam before us. So we deserve to be left last. And then Suhail came to a decision, he said, that I

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wasted my entire life fighting the Prophet Muhammad Ali or salam, whatever is left of my life. I'm going to spend it in shewhart. And he's in his 70s at this time. So as in his 70s, he leaves Medina, he joins the Muslim armies and he goes out to fight in jihad against the Romans.

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And he ends up dying from a plague in Syria, many years later.

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Now, this the lesson I wanted, I wanted to take from the story, the main lesson I wanted to take on the story is that

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we should not judge people's endings. And many of us have this habit, that we look at people and we assume this person is going to paradise this person is going to help this person Johanna me, right? We have no right to say this about anyone, because we do not know where somebody will end. There are many people born into Muslim families who die as atheists. And there are many people who spend their whole lives against Islam, but the guy is true believers. We see this with Sohail. Suhail spent his entire life right into his 60s or 70s, fighting against Islam. And then he turns around, he becomes a hobby and he dies be Sabine Lula.

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So we learn from this we do not judge people's akhira Yes, we can see the actions are wrong. What they are doing today is wrong. They are wrong today. But we do have Allah to guide them. Make dua for Allah

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To guide him make dua for Allah to show them the light. And do not decide whether someone's going to paradise or * because that's not our decision that Allah decision. The second lesson we can take from the story

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is that no matter what sins you have committed in your life, you can always recreate and become a better Muslim.

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Shaytan wants us to lose hope. This is shaytans goal. His goal is not to make you sell. His goal is to make ecommerce such sense that you lose hope in our currency. Because when you lose hope in Allah's mercy, you leave Islam or you leave trying to be good. And that's what the shaytan wants. He wants us to just stop trying. What does Allah what Allah wants us to keep trying? No matter what sins you've committed, no matter what mistakes you've made, no matter what you've done wrong.

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You can still make Toba you can still make mistakes, and you can still try again. And every time you do so, Allah wipes the slate clean, and you start off again.

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And so no matter what you fall into in life, don't ever lose hope in Allah's mercy. Can any sin v commerce be as bad as fighting the Prophet Muhammad SAW something.

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Think about any sin that you can think of any sin that we covered? That is worse than fighting Prophet Muhammad Hassan himself in that

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this is like one of the biggest things a person can fight, fighting in the Battle of battle against the Muslims. But that same man who did that converts to Islam many years later and dies a Sahaba, Sahabi and Amata

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Meaning what? Anything that you do wrong, there is a way back to Allah, there is a way to repent, there is a way to get closer to Allah.

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So again,

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I just want us to focus today on these two main lessons. Number one, don't judge people's.

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Number two, whatever sins you have committed, you can still repent and change your life because a lot of a fudo Rahim Allah is waiting for us to repent. He gives us so many opportunities every single day. I want you to think about this. For every sin you commit, Allah gives you one citizen in your book of bad deeds. For every good deed you do, he gives you 10 or more in your in your book of cookies. how merciful is that? Every time you make Voodoo Allah washes away some of your sense. Every time you praise Allah, He washes away some of your sins. Every time you give charity washes away some of your sins. Every time you fast he washes away some of your sense, you go for over he

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washes away since you go for it washes away since you help a person who washes away since almost anything you do. Allah uses it as a reason or an excuse to forgive you for some of your sins. So even the Day of Judgment we are left with more sins than good is whose fault is that?

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If Allah has given us so much opportunities, to wipe away our sins to be forgiven, to to to do good deeds, to get 10 times reward for each good deed compared to sin. How do we still end up with a scale of more sense and good deeds?

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We must appreciate Allah's mercy. And the way to appreciate Allah's mercy is to be the best Muslims that we can be, and to keep trying, no matter what we fall into to just keep trying. Never stop trying to obey Allah and never stop seeking Allah's forgiveness. The Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would seek forgiveness 100 times a day, even though he never committed a sin.

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You and I, we also have to do this as well. He was teaching us what we need to do. We need to seek forgiveness 100 times a day, because quite frankly, we come at 100 cents a day on average. Right? So we should seek forgiveness, make it a habit to make it safer. And not just to make it stick far, like some people sitting across the road are suffering our suffering all the while thinking about something else. No. Think about the sins you committed to think I looked at that woman I shouldn't have looked at her suffering. No, I lied to my customers.

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You know, I sold something and I cheated in business and stuff. I think of a specific senior committee

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that has a far bigger impact on your soul than just saying it without knowing what you're saying I stopped a lot for think about specific things you did and didn't see your stuff, federal law, and then you can have an impact on your soul and will be a means not just for forgiveness, but becoming a better person. So finally, a quick reminder for those who are dateable what we did was we looked very briefly at the life of Swahili but Amara and we said that this was a man who in the big most of his life, he was the enemy of Islam. He spoke against Islam in prison, essentially converting to Islam. He fought the Prophet Muhammad army in the Battle of butter.

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He was responsible for some major transgressions in the Treaty of Westphalia. And then eventually, after the conquest of Makkah, he converted to Islam, he became a Sahabi he stopped the people of Makkah from leaving Islam. He went to Syria to make jihad against the Romans, and he died a masterpiece of a Leela in the 70s. And so, we learn from this story two very, very

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important lessons. Number one, don't judge people's ask enough because you don't know where someone's gonna end up. Someone may be an enemy of Islam today, but they may diagnose pious

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we don't know. So instead of judging people's accurate make dua for them, you see somebody doing something wrong with seeing something wrong as an electric items. ask Allah to guide don't make too against him. Don't curse them don't say going to * Don't say things like that to people rather make dua for Allah to guide them. And the other important lesson we learned today is that when we commit sins is always a way back to Allah just like Sohail for the Muslims, Allah allowed him to allow us to forgive him he still became as a hobby, whatever sins we commit our can forgive to Allah except our good deeds and forgive our sins. Roku da da da da da da.

A Jumah Khutbah focused on lessons from the life of Suhail Ibn Amr (RA).

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