Ismail Kamdar – Islam – The Universal Religion

Ismail Kamdar
AI: Summary © The history and characteristics of Islam are discussed, including the universal message of Islam and the use of shullies and pride to attract people into culture. The speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding different cultures and adapting to them to ensure the message reaches as many people as possible. Islam is becoming a fast-growing religion in the world, with around 24% of the population now following it. The importance of learning to adapt to different cultures and avoiding bringing up things that are not in one's culture is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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Moving along a window to be learning Julia kusina woman care Amina mejor de la vida de la, for me usually

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called Allahu Allah Pico. Majeed badalona Mila him in a shape on rajim Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem. In the deal in the oil is

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one of the most unique things about the Sierra and the life of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is that when the Muslims began to gain a bit of power, when they had turned Medina into a base for Islam, he had letters written and sent to the rulers of every major power of that time, to all the surrounding countries near Arabia, he wrote letters to the rulers, inviting them to Islam.

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Now, this is something which was very unique for that time. Because we don't see this as a normal practice of people of that time that people would preach their religion to the ruler of another country.

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If we look at the world's religions, a lot of people say they have so many religions in the world. How do we know which one is true? Well, you can narrow it down to a variety of different ways. One way you can narrow it down is you can look at which religion commands people to preach its message to other people.

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And out of all the hundreds of religions in the world, there are really only three that have this nature of of preaching your religion to others, Islam, Christianity, and Buddhism, these are the only three, right, Hindus don't preach or try to convert people to Hinduism, it's not part of their religion, the Jews, the Jewish nation, they do not reach Judaism, or try to convert people to Judaism, because it's not part of their religious religion. There's only three religions that have this feature. And from the three, there's only one way traces right back to its founder, because he saw a Sarah, team with his message to the Israelites. His message wasn't for the world. He was later

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all that people turn into a global religion. Same with Buddha, he was sent to the people of India, Allah knows best, but a lot of people believe he may have been a prophet. And I don't have that opinion. But it seemed that he was saying to the people of India and the dog, his message was corrupted and became a global religion. Islam is the only religion we can go right back to the person who started it. And you see him sending his message across the globe. This is the only message that goes across the globe from the very beginning. And that is the topic of today that Islam is a universal religion. We've learned that Islam is the religion of ease. It's the religion

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of good character, is the religion of let's see how sincere advice and we learned that is a religion of the fitrah. And it's a religion of higher. Today, we will look at the fact that Islam is, in its nature at its core, a universal message, a call an invitation to the entire world, towards a better way of life, a superior way of living towards a life of sign a life that benefits you in this world and the decks in life that brings in a peace in life that brings purpose, a life that helps you to cope with death, a life that helps you to prepare for the afterlife, and a life that makes you realize, no matter how happy you get in this world, there is a better happiness waiting for you in

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the next. And so we look at the message of the profits or loss of a handler. The unique thing about Shula Silla Lombardi he was send them is that every messenger before him was sent to a specific tribe, or a specific country, and Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was the only messenger sent for the entire world. And therefore his message had to be suitable to work in every time in every place in every culture. And so he was sent to the Sharia, that is fixed in its fundamentals, but flexible, any secondary issues, so it can be implemented in every time and every place in every culture. So he came with a message that was universal in its values, from the universal values of

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this religion is that Islam is the religion of toe, heel and toe, he is part of the fitrah of humanity. So people in any part of the world can recognize Toki as something that makes sense. They can recognize the message of the oneness of Allah as something that makes sense. This is a universal belief. It is a belief that all humans and all gene as well naturally know and believe, and all animals in all plants as well and even the earth itself. This dough heat is part of every creation of Allah. And so it's part of the universal message of Islam, from the universal message of Islam is it's called to

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Good character. That good character is something that again, every culture in the world recognizes. Every culture in the world loves people of good character, every culture in the world is attracted towards good character. And so when Muslims practice Islam, and we become people of good character, we attract people towards Islam, because as we said a few weeks ago, Islam doesn't just call towards good character, it calls towards the best of character. Yes, sir, in our in our core look to the very best and perfection of human character from the universal message of Islam is justice. One of the fundamentals of our religion is universal justice, a justice that applies to everybody. You this

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practice found in almost every culture in history that's wrong, and the people recognizing as wrong, and people really, really speak against it. And that's the practice of when a person from a noble lineage or wealthy family or influential family does something wrong, people that it's like, I mean, somebody who is poor or downtrodden, or not looked up to by society commits the same crime, that person received the full force of the law. Islam came to change this. And so in the life of Rasulullah, sallAllahu, alayhi wasallam, there was a woman from the Quraysh, who had a habit of stealing, and one day she got caught, and she was one of the most noble families of the coloration.

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And so this culture was still there amongst the people there because let a noble woman's hand be amputated. So they wanted to ask Rasulullah saw some ladies like, so they told Osama bin z to go and speak to him. Why Osama bin z? Osama bin Zayed rajala one Houma is the son of the adopted son of Rasulullah sallallahu he was at Manhattan. So he's like a grand central Rasulullah sallallahu some very, very close, like when Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to sit, he used to put his biological grandson Hussein Hassan on one knee, and Kusama his adopted great grandson. Oh, nice, I will be used to treat them equally. Right. So this is the family of Rasulullah saw in a way he's not

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biologically his family, but in terms of how he was raised and the close relationship they had in that way. So they told someone this close to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam speaks to him, maybe he'll go soft. So sama rajalakshmi goes to Russia.

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And he tries to he asked him about this, he says that, you know, can we just not have her hand chopped off? Can we just not have the punishment applied. And Rasulullah saw you said he gets angry that he said you could see anger in his face. And also the love, saliva does not get any easier. But at this moment, he gets angry. And he decides to give a good buck. And this is from the beautiful o'clock of Rasulullah, sallAllahu, alayhi wasallam, when he wants to connect society, he does not call people out by name. He does not do what we have today, this this shaming and call it culture, though. He gives a generic quote, where he addresses the point. So everybody gets the message

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without anyone getting embarrassed. And he gives a good point. And he says What is wrong with people, the nation's before you were destroyed. Because we know when people did something wrong, they let it go. And when the poor people did something wrong, they applied to law to the law to them. He said even if my own daughter Fatima had to steal, we would apply to law. This is the universal justice of business doesn't matter. WooCommerce doesn't matter who they related to doesn't matter what the lineage is, doesn't matter how biased they are, when someone does something wrong. Just this is terrible. And so this is something that attracted people towards Islam in the early

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days. So Islam is a universal religion. And we see this today also in the back that it is, and it remains despite what people are saying, the fastest growing religion in the world. We approximately 24% of the world now follows Islam, and inshallah, within our lifetimes you will see grow to be the majority religion of the world. What attracts people towards Islam? Well, one can see one of the reasons that Muslims are growing so fast is that we have more children than anybody else, then. That's true, right? So it's actually a Hadees. When you professors have told us to do that. He said, have a lot of children. So we can have many, many numbers on the Day of Judgment. So that is

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possibly, but also people convert to Islam all the time. Many of my teachers, many of my friends, many of my students are people who are born into other ways of life, and in converted to Islam. And

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all of them were attracted to the universal message of Islam. And so one of the things I want us to take home from this one of the points or one that's the practical point that one doesn't take from all of this is for us to make our a part of our lives.

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in whichever way we can, Islam is a universal religion. And our job as the ambassadors of Islam is to make sure the message reaches as many people as possible. Now, whether people accept the message or not, is between them. And Allah, our job is to get the message out there, through our character, through our lifestyle, through our contributions to society, through the way we represent Islam, in our speech, in our manners in our actions, and in speaking to people directly as well get the message of Islam out there to your neighbors, to your friends, to the people you work with, doesn't have to be in a preachy way. Sometimes it can be as simple as being a practicing Muslim in their

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environment, or be the practicing Muslim in their environment. I know some people in our community who are so good at this, that if they have to move out to the neighborhood, the non Muslim neighbors will cry, because they say that the person who called blessing is coming upon us because this person is our neighbor. They've seen this in the person in fearing the person. Why, because they these people represent the values of Islam and how we treat our neighbors. And so we believe Islam is a universal religion. It is a message meant for all of mankind, and in messages applicable in every time in every place in every culture, and a message that someone who is seeking the truth sincerely,

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from any background, will be able to recognize the beauty of Islam, to embrace Islam, to find inner peace in Islam, and to be able to live a purposeful, happy life, because of Islam. Our job is to get that message out there, to get that message to the people to let people see the beauty of Islam, in our actions in our lifestyles. And in our speech, may Allah make us from those who are means of guidance for others, and rightly guided making makers from those to whom others embrace Islam, and make the makers from those on the Day of Judgment. We don't just get our good deeds, but we get the good deeds of many, many, many others who are influenced what a lot to us, after Dawa, in

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hamdulillahi, Rabbil aalameen

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100 in 101, there was so that was Saddam was

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part of the universal message of Islam. And this one, this part tends to get lost in sub segments of the community is that Islam embraces the good of every culture of the world.

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Islam didn't come to enforce a specific culture upon humanity.

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And we see this in different parts of the world, different cultures were,

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you know, made became part of Islam, or the Islam kind of evolved around the cultures in in different parts of the world. So for example, if you had to go to Turkey, or to Malaysia, or to Saudi Arabia, you will find that the cultures of these three rents are very different, but very, some very different are very Islamic, in that, when you go to the average person's house, you will see things like the Islamic culture of how to address the Islamic culture, how to teach your neighbors, Islamic culture of focusing on morality and modesty. But the way it manifests itself is different in every place, and every time.

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And this got lost somehow, when our forefathers migrated to this land.

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Where our forefathers migrated to this land, we kind of lost this point. Instead of embracing the culture of this land, and becoming Muslims within this culture. One of the mistakes people made was to try and force foreign cultures to be specific and black Indian culture upon others in the name of Islam.

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And so it's really important that we understand and we differentiate between what is Islam, and what is culture, not so that we reject culture, but we learn to accept the different cultures of the world. And we learn to understand that Islam accommodates all cultures, as long as we're looking at the good of the culture, and not the bad. And so we have a principle in our religion, right? This is a principle that governs a large portion of our work. That principle is called

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the local culture is the deciding factor. And what this principle means is that the people of a specific culture, the practice of Islam, will be according to that culture. And when they move to another culture, likewise, the practice of Islam may change according to their culture, not in the fundamentals, fundamentals never change. But in the details, I'll give you a few examples to understand what do I mean by what changes and what doesn't change? What doesn't change? We pray five times a day. Doesn't matter what culture time or place living, you pray five times a day, right, we cover our own format.

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From his navel to his knees for a woman is everything except her face and has become our own and that doesn't change. Right? What do you use to cover your? You have to wear a soap? Did you have to wear a quota? Can you wear a shirt and pants? All of that is cultural. All of that is allowed you just according to your culture, we just according to the time the police the occasion, Allah has lived and fixable right? What doesn't change our morality? Xena will always be Hara, right? All forms of Zina will always be heard on what changes the details of the practicality, right? So for example, Islam teaches us that the husband and wife have rights upon each other. Very interestingly,

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the Quran doesn't spell out what the exact rights are. It simply says we're actually ruhuna Bill Maher will treat your wife well according to your culture. So the Quran Imagine if the Quran said you have to give your wife 100 gold coins every month. Right? And then time goes by. And now we live in a time when nobody works with gold coins and other gold coins as a lot of value today, right? It would be very impractical. But instead the Quran came with a simple guidance sheet your wife Well, according to your culture? What does that mean? How much money does a man need to spend on his wife every month? It depends on his culture, where he's from his economic level, you know how much he's

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earning? How much people of his economic level in his country are expected to spend on your wife. Right? It depends from different lands, to different families to different tribes to different neighborhoods, allow them to fixable. So we shouldn't try and construct it, when it's the way we dress, very sick treatment of our family members with is how we run our business is a part of business law, Islam as well. A large portion of Islamic business law is dependent on culture. Simple example, like who provides transportation, does the buyer provide the transportation? Or does the seller provide transportation? It's usually left up to culture. Islam doesn't dictate. It leaves it

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up to culture. So the point I'm trying to get to is that sometimes we mix our religion and culture to a level that we get confused, what is what? And then when we doing Dawa to people instead of calling him towards Allah, we call them towards our culture. And we expect people who are for example, you know, to be blunt, in our community, with someone who is not Indian converts to Islam, people wanting to just like India to talk like India, and even just start eating spicy food. Right? That's not Islam. let people be that people. Islam is universal in the sense that all of it is fine in the sense, right that you dress according to your culture. As long as your aura is covered. You

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eat according your culture, as long as the food is hot. Now you speak the language of your culture, it's all acceptable. Don't try to force culture about people in the name of Islam. And you will find that if we go towards calling people towards a lot, except calling them towards our culture, Islam will spread a lot faster. I really believe one of the reasons why Islam is not spreading in South Africa, as fast as it should, is because we are preaching our culture to people instead of preaching the message of Allah. And if we learn to differentiate culture from Islam, and just preach to people what they need to hear about the oneness of Allah, about the fitrah, about justice and the morality

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and the modesty of Islam, and we need the culture side we need them to follow their own cultures, a lot more people will flock towards Islam, because they will recognize the universal values of Islam and this is what will attract them towards the message of Islam through which he will find peace to which they too will by the elimination of the loss of a handle on data and the best of both worlds that we end by asking Allah to grant the for the best of both worlds Aloma

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hivium idea by the heart enough in junior Hasina will feel as if it has enough work in other but not Robin, because the world was reacting according

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to behind

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was allowed in other groups.

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