Ismail Kamdar – Inspirations From The Righteous – 12

Ismail Kamdar
AI: Summary © The transcript discusses the loss of Islam in Syria and the loss of Muslims in the early days of Islam. The loss of the Prophet Muhammad and the loss of the Muslims led to the loss of Islam, leading to the loss of many Muslims and the decline of their culture. The segment also touches on the loss of family members and the importance of protecting one's bodies and culture. The speaker emphasizes the need for trustworthiness in protecting one's bodies and culture, and gives advice on living in a safe and pleasant life and avoiding violent means against Muslims.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam O Allah Muhammad Al amin from Antalya Dena cubilia sir Nila Yomi Deen, written by praising Allah subhanho wa Taala and asking him to send his peace and blessings upon the final prophet, Mohammed bin Abdullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and all those who follow his way with righteousness until the last day. Okay, I hope everyone can hear me clearly we don't have a mic today. So we'll just have to use my internal microphone shall write hamdulillah. Today we are going to be looking very briefly at some of the lessons from the life of one of my favorite Sahaba. We are looking today at the life of our

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VEDA, even Jarrah, Raji Allahu anhu,

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or as his full name will be army, even Abdullah even algebra, right he was known as Abu Zubaydah because he had a son by the name of omega, and he was one of the earliest converts to Islam. In fact, he was such an early convert to Islam, that he converted to Islam The day after Abu Bakr radiallahu. And we know historically, that Abu Bakr radi Allahu anhu, was the first man to convert to Islam. Right? So, the Estonian stage that the first person to accept Islam was Khadija, and within those first few days of the message of Islam, splitting just amongst the righteous leaders, the righteous companions of Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, the first few people to accept Islam with

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those who were closest to him, those who are already righteous individuals before Islam, right, Khadija Ali Abubakar ladybird harita, man even alpha and amongst them obey the law. So that means ADA was known already even before Islam for his good character. And this is why Abdullah even Umar radi Allahu anhu states that amongst the Quraysh they were three men who the appearance, their manners and their modesty, you know, their manners and their modesty. It completely dominated everybody else. And they were known for the eloquent and gentle speech. He said these three men were Abu Bakar

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and Abu Zubaydah even algebra. So Aveda is not a minus or hobby. He's from the highest Sahaba. In fact, he is from the Ashura Bashara. He is from the 10 Sahaba, who a given the glad tidings of Paradise in this life while they were alive. Now, many Muslims think that he was just these 10 were given the glad tidings of paradise. Actually, they are called the ashram Bashara because, on one occasion, these 10 were listed by name. And they were given the glad tidings, so they were 10. In one occasion, there are many other Sahaba who are given such glad tidings and other points in their life. But these 10 hold the special significance as being 10 of the best.

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And what they all have in common is that they will affirm amongst the earliest men to accept Islam. Now, for a man from the courage to accept Islam in those early days, meant that they had to go through hardships that nobody else even knows about. Right many of the hardships that Abu Zubaydah faced during the modern era, we can't find him in the history books, but he was the only Muslim in his tribe. And so this meant he faced great hardship. And the fact that his own father tried to kill him in the Battle of brother can give you an idea of the level of animosity he had to face from his people for being a Muslim. So these men were given the glad tidings of gender for nothing. They were

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given this glad tidings because they were the best of the best.

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I will be there was not just from amongst the 10 who were given the glad tidings agenda, but he was he had other virtues that no others are how beholds from amongst them.

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Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam stated, equally Omar amin, amin, who has the Luma Abu Zubaydah, even Al Jazeera.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam stated in every oma there is one man who is trustworthy, someone who the entire Ummah can trust. And he said, The Man in this room who everybody can trust, you know, if you have to trust someone, the man to go to, he said, This man is a motivator in algebra. And we'll see later how the Sahaba took this to heart. So I will be the man of generosity was given a special status by Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, which is even listed in some of the books of Akita that we believe as Muslim leader in our key that we believe that he is the most trustworthy of men.

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Another special status that he received that no others or hobby received was that he was the

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A man chosen by Omar Emil hottub, to be the Supreme Commander of the Muslim army in Syria.

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And we know that Syria at least the majority of Serbia was conquered during the time of Omar Abdullah hotdog, which means any conquests done in Syria during that period was done either by Abu Zubaydah, or one of his lieutenants one of his generals. So this is a very special individual. He's not just a hobby, but he's from the very best and one of the very earliest Sahaba. So we don't have a lot of details about his life in the modern era. We know he faced hardship. Just like every other market Muslim, it was a difficult time for everybody. But Aveda really stood out in the early battles, the Battle of battle and the Battle of word. Because those two battles were the time period

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was really decided, who had the best of the best, it was like the most difficult time the Muslims face after Makkah. When the Muslims had made the hedra. from Mecca to Medina, it was a source of relief for them. They had escaped the oppression they had escaped the difficulties that comes with living in a majority hostile environment. And they were now living in an environment where the majority were either Muslims or the allies of the Muslim so they were in a more peaceful situation. And so when the time for battle came, it actually separated the true believers from those who are weak of faith and those who are hypocritical. And so it was during those early battles that we get

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to see who were the true believers and who had the best of the Sahaba and mo VEDA he shown he was one of the guiding lights on the shining light of Islam in both battle and in bother. Abu Zubaydah faced one of the hardest tests, any Muslim can face something which I don't think any of us would ever be tested with.

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In bother Abu Zubaydah, found himself hunted down by his own father,

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his own father was trying to kill him. And according to many of the history books was described by the every time Aveda was fighting, he would see his father coming towards him to strike him down, and he would move away and he would avoid fighting with his father

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until they came a point where in the heat of battle and you know, in the heat of battle, you don't always know who you're fighting, you don't always know what's going on. In the heat of the battle. Our VEDA is fighting some of the enemies, and one of the enemies catches him from behind. So he immediately turns around and slices the man in the head and kills him. And when he looks down, the disbeliever, the enemy of Islam that he had killed him was his own father.

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And our movie that this was the point to really, really tested, what comes first family of law, he tested our beta in a way which none of us will be tested. But the reality is we all in some way or the other, maybe in a much more minor way, maybe in a much, much, much more smaller way. We all will be tested. What comes first, our family or law. This is a test that every human being faces, where you have to make a choice to please your father or please your mother, or please your spouse was pleased your children are pleasing Allah subhanho wa Taala. Right. This is something that every human being has to deal with, we may not deal with it on the same level as the as the early

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believers. Aveda was not the only one who had to face a father who literally tried to kill him for being a Muslim. Right? You know, he wasn't the only one to have to deal with this situation. We discuss Muslim even made a few weeks ago and how his mother tortured him and had him tied up. Right in the Quran speaks about Ibrahim alayhi salam, a prophet of Allah, whose father, Chetan, to beat him up if he preached the oneness of God. So they face the appearance on a much stronger, a much stronger issues. Today, unfortunately for many of us,

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when it comes to the minor issues, we don't even have the strength to say Allah comes first. I how many times today? Would we compromise literally every aspect of the religion, just to keep our parents happy or to keep our spouse happy or to keep our children happy, or to keep society

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forgetting that Allah comes first. And so I'm available in general his story his life. He reminds us that Allah comes first before anything else. And he was tested this with his love for Allah in a way that many of us can't even imagine being tested. So when we feed our tests on a daily basis, when we are faced with situations where family members want us to disobey Allah,

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we have to remember the role models who came before us and the way they were tested. And we have to remember to make the right decision, because Allah is the one who will be accountable for the day of judgment and nobody else

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On that day of being anyone in the disobedience of Allah would not have been worth it.

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So if he proved his love for Allah in the Battle of whether it was in the Battle of ohana, then Abu Zubaydah proved his love for us through the loss of Allahu alayhi wa sallam.

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Love for Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is a topic that we love to throw around. Right? Many of us like to claim that we love Rasulullah or we like to claim the other people don't love Rasulullah right. This seems to be a nice point for people to beat each other over the head word that this group doesn't love the Prophet, we love the Prophet, and it becomes like a slogan becomes like a catchphrase. But what is love for Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, what is his Now let's look at Abu Zubaydah. And see in his life, an example of true love for Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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To understand this, we look at the Battle of God. And as you see with these past few Sahaba that we have been discussing, the Battle of God comes up over and over again. It was a very key point in the history of Islam. During the Battle of Muhammad, Allah subhana wa tada tested the Muslims. With defeat, he tested the Muslim with defeat and not defeat without any quotes. The call of the defeat was the Muslims, not a 100% obeying Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam had given a group of arches, instructions to wait on the mountain side, strategically blocking the enemies from attacking them from the other side of the mountain. So but difficult to

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explain without any pictures. If you ever visit Medina, the mountain is still there, the hill is still dangerous, we'll show you where the archer stood and exactly how it protected people. But basically, these archers were given a very simple set of instructions, a very important set of instructions. And those instructions were don't move no matter what.

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But when they saw that, in their view, the Muslims were winning, and they wanted their share of the booty, to many of them left the position. And that left the Muslims open for attack. And that's when the turn of the tide turned against the believers and the Muslims, the Sahaba and Rasulullah. Islam found themselves on the losing end of this battle. Now some of the commentators on this story they explained that this loss of the Muslims was directly linked to the arches leaving their posts and the arches leaving the post was directly linked for them to them wanting the booty and then wanting the booty is directly linked to materialism, chasing after this work,

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which means when we the oma, no matter how righteous we are, no matter what level of status we have in the sight of Allah when we put the dunya first, when we put this world first when we chase after this world, expect defeat. Don't expect victory in that situation. Right? If the Sahaba Allah allowed them to be defeated because of the small amount of desire for the world just to desire for booty Allah allow them to be defeated in battle. You know, we understand why the Muslim world today as a whole cannot be victorious in battle. Because as a whole, we have become a very materialistic community. And Rasulullah loisel himself he prophesized this, when he said the time will come when

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the nation will gather to destroy the Muslims, and they will be powerless they won't be able to do anything about it. And the Sahaba asked him will the Muslims be few in a day, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, No, there will be many, but they will have a weakness in their heart. And that weakness is the love of this world and the fear of death. This Hadees perfectly describes the world we live in today with the nations gathered to destroy Muslims. And we can't do anything about it. A Muslim man is in prison. We can't do anything about it. Muslim woman is in prison, we can't do anything about it. Muslim countries are bombed and NASA we can't do anything about it physically. Why?

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weakness of the oma materialism has gripped us.

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If it caused such a defeat for the Sahaba for us today, which has become our way of life, that all we think about it more money, and more money and more money, and this type of house and this type of car, and we completely become oblivious to those around us who are suffering with poverty, because we don't need to look outside of South Africa right here in our own city. There are many people who are poor, there are many people who are homeless, there are many people, our jobs, but we become oblivious to them in our own pursuit of money. And this is what led to the defeat of the Muslims. And that's why when Allah Subhana Allah speaks about the Battle of COVID. In surah, Allah imraan you

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find him talking about charity, you find him talking about the Riba interest, you find him talking about spending in a way of Allah. What's this got to do with that? It's very directly linked. The cause of the defeat at the Battle of word was love for money, giving in charity

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Avoiding interest. These are the things that removed a lot of wealth from our hearts. And so the link is there. so in this situation with the Muslims, we're now in a state of defeat. So to say, and many of the Sahaba has abandoned the battlefield, they will show what to do during the state of confusion. And there was a rumor spreading that Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam had passed away, but he hadn't passed away. He had been very severely injured. At this point in time, when the enemies of Islam has surrounded the Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam and his companions, he was heavily injured, he was struck, and two links from his armor had pierced his forehead. And he found out and

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he chipped his tooth, and blood was pulling from his forehead. and in this situation, or a few last words, he was understated. How can any people be successful when they have caused blood to flow from the head of the Prophet when all he did was invite them to worship the one who created and sustains it? How can anyone be successful without this? Do you think about the animosity that the enemies of Islam had or still have today for the loss of a lot while he was alone?

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What did he do to just for them to justify the animosity? He only cause people to worship the creator alone, and to be good to you to humanity and to be good to Allah creation. How can that justify the level of hatred that they had back then and that some people still have today that they're willing to harm the Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and caused blood to flow from his face. Now at this point in time where he is in the state and these changes stuck in his forehead, and the blood is pouring to Sahaba come running to help him. Abu Bakar and Abu Zubaydah and as the Richard Aveda tells Abubakar, give me the honor of helping Rasulullah sallallahu sallam. Let me do

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it this time. Because we know Abu Bakar was always the first to do every good deed. And Abu Bakar already had the honor of being the one who made the hijra, good Rasulullah salallahu alayhi wasallam and being the closest companion of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam and being the first man to enter Islam being motivated by just one day. He accepted Islam just one day before Aveda. Right? So he is, has all these virtues I'm always give me this chance to get this one virtue, right is one thing that nobody else will ever have. And that was Abu Zubaydah wanted the opportunity to be the one who helped Rasulullah and allow the use of the bathroom when nobody else did. So what does he do? Abu

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Zubaydah. He bends down, and he grabs the link of armor that is stuck in his forehead, he could have grabbed one with his feet. And he rips it he pulls it out of the head of Rasulullah saw somebody steep. And as he does that, one of his teeth, one tooth falls out of his mouth. And again, of course, that means it's gonna be a lot of blood. And without showing any pink out bothering with the pink out showing that he was suffering, he immediately grabbed the other link of armor that stuck in Susan's head with his feet. And he pulled it out as well. And when he did that, another to the physical act.

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Now if you don't get the full picture you think about

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how painful is a toothache? Right? When your tooth is painted, you literally feel like you're going to die. a toothache is that painful. Imagine you're getting ripped out of your mouth without any injections beforehand. Well, anything to numb the pain is just got literally ripped out of your mouth. Imagine the pain. Now imagine that happening twice, within a few minutes. Prabhupada didn't mind it. Yes, he felt the pain just like everybody else does. But he didn't mind the pain. Because he was going through pain, to help and to save the Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he sacrificed his teeth and the pain that comes with losing two teeth in one occasion. And besides

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these, of course, you know, the back in those days, if you're going to lose your teeth, you're not going to get them back. There's no folk speed that people can put into your mouth or anything like that. It meant for the rest of his life. He's going to have a toothless smile. Right? And he was a very, very handsome man. But he didn't mind he didn't think about that. He didn't care. He didn't care about his looks. What was concerned what he was most concerned with, was defending and protecting the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and so he lost his duty in the process. And the Sahaba say that since then, he was even more handsome without his teeth. I mean,

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any Sahabi would look at him they would feel jealous that he's the one who helped Rasulullah for the Dalai Lama that occasion when none of us that.

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Respectfully brothers and sisters, this is this is love of Allah. Allah Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. were amazed.

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He's willing to lose his teeth and to lose his good looks. And to go through all that pain, to save Rasulullah lifestyle from pain, right to save Rasulullah from potential debt, the Sahaba sacrifice everything that they have the wealth, the lives, the limbs, everything they had to sacrifice for Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Today we claim to love Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but we do not want to wake up in the morning for Salatu future. We do not want to pray Our solar, we do not want to show any of the signs of our love for Rasulullah saw something in our lives. Why? Because you know what the people say? That's not love. Right? That's not love.

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Love, especially for Allah and His messenger. Love is obedience, right? This is the definition of love when it comes to messenger, Lao equals obedience.

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As I stated in Surah, Allah abroad which is the surah dealing with the Battle of God, Allah does teach in the sutra that will say to the people in condemned to a boon, Allah,

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Allah, if you truly love Allah, then Follow me Follow along with Islam, and Allah will love you. Right? So this is the test of love that do we are we really going to follow Rasulullah sallallahu something, we don't need to do it today. We're not gonna have to suffer and bleed for it today. Right? Or he might have to put up with the people saying a few bad things about us. All we have to put up with these people may be holding a grudge against you, or looking down upon you, or calling you names. That's our jihad. We are we are even in a situation where we make any form of physical jihad. But we are afraid to do this. So I will be the he's a role model of the true jihad, a man

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who's true and sacrifice, his life and his limbs and his teeth and his smile and his handsomeness

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to protect the message of love, so the love who I think he was,

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I will be the was a leader of the Sahaba. He was the leader of the Sahaba, even in the lifetime of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam Rasulullah appointed him as a commander of some of the armies, and he remained in that position right until the time he passed away in the life of Omar Abdullah Hata, Rodrigo Ando, and once a group from Yemen, wanted Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to send somebody trustworthy with them to the community to collect the jizya.

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And all of the Sahaba were hoping that they'd be chosen. Why? Because whoever is chosen, it means that Rasulullah sallallahu, some trusted person the most, that's the most trustworthy man of the oma. And so it was on that occasion that Abu Zubaydah in algebra was chosen. And he went and he collected the jizya from Yemen. And when he came back, this was after this, he was known as

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the trustworthy man.

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So rasulillah some trusted him with a lot of wealth. Right, and we'll see this later on. We see more examples of his trustworthiness later on, just to fast track of it through his life. Most of what is narrated to us about the life of Abu Zubaydah is to do with Jihad and the battles that he fought in the time of Abu Bakr and Omar Omar Abdel Fattah rajala. And this is because he was a commander of the Muslim army. It's interesting that our VEDA was not just a commander, but in many ways, he was the commander of the Muslim army. It's interesting that he was a very soft, sweet, gentle and caring person.

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It breaks our stereotypes of the Mujahideen being these rough, tough, angry people. There wasn't a boveda he was a smiling man. He was a soft, and sweet and soft spoken man. But at the same time, he was a warrior who wasn't afraid to die. He wasn't afraid to defend through the justice, he wasn't afraid to defend the deen and to stand up for those who were oppressed. He had this balance in his life, he he knew how to have good character with the people, and how to be strong in the face of the enemy at the same time. And this is something which is lacking in the world today. On one hand, you know, we get too soft, and we are unable to defend our own families in our own selves. Because of

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the softness, this is wrong. On the other hand, we have Muslims who are too harsh and too violent, and they give the religion a bad name because they don't know where to draw the line. Right, where violence becomes the religion today, even though in Islam, it's a last resort. Now, what's interesting, but I will be there even Joe and his success as a military commander is that many of the places that he conquered, he conquered them peacefully.

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He conquered more cities through diplomacy, and to offering peace terms and showing people what Islam had to offer them to our

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Did you actually Viking, this was his methodology, we would first go to the people and convey to them the message of Islam and offer Italian judo. And except this time, they gave me the GCR. Right and live in peace. And many of the, of the smaller cities and villages in Syria, they chose this option to pay the jizya because they noticed in the Muslims, that the Muslims were more just to them than people from their own religions. Right, because the people of Syria were Christians, and they were ruled by the Roman Christian Emperor, but they prefer the Muslims to rule over them. They'd rather pay the jizya and live under Abu Zubaydah even algebra, they live under their fellow

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Christian Caesar. Why, justice.

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And this is a very important part of our religion, that we have forgotten justice on every level. The early Muslims were legendary for the justice. Just to give you an example of how legendary they were for this justice and Justice wordiness when it came to dealing with people, the Muslims were so just and they were so known for the justice, that within 90 years of the coming of Islam, the Muslim we already the rulers of Spain, in, in Western Europe, right? In the West, in Europe, the bottom of Europe, this is this was already part of the Muslim world, and the Muslims didn't go there to conquer Spain. This is an interesting story. The Muslims did not have this intention to conquer

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Europe, didn't have this intention to conquer Spain. What happened was that the people of Spain, heard about the justice of the Muslims. And they couldn't handle the injustice of their fellow Christian ruler, King Roderick. And so it was the Christians and the Jews living in Spain, who asked the Muslim to come to Spain to help them.

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And so without even Ziad went to Spain, they assisted him, the Christians and Jews actually assisted the Muslims in getting rid of the Christian ruler and turning Spain into an Islamic country, and Islam and Spain became one of the most

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amazing Islamic countries for over 700 years until materialism consumed it and it became a Christian country once again. But that initial phase with Islam actually spread all the way from Arabia, to Spain, within a period of 90 years, it was slowly because of the justice of the Muslims. The Muslims were so just that people wanted them to rule over them. Today, we've become so unjust, that people don't want to work for us. People don't want to marry us. People don't want to put us in charge of the organizations because they are afraid of what we do if we have a little bit of power. I'm not talking about Muslims, Muslims tell me they wouldn't work for Muslim they only work for a non

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Muslim, when you ask them why because the Muslim bosses oppress them. The Muslim bosses don't give them the full salary. They treat them badly, and the non Western ones treated with respect and kindness and justice. What has happened to our religion. What has happened to this, just watching this and this justice, there was so much a part of the early Muslims character that the Christians of Syria wanted to avoid even algebra as the ruler they wanted after he passed away and Alia became the ruler, the people of Syria were loyal to Huawei for 40 years. Imagine a man running a place for 40 years, and the people remaining loyal to him to the American dream for four years without the

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people turning against him, because of the level of injustice and corruption for a man to rule a country for 40 years. And for the people that continue to love him that much that they want him to him to keep the rulership in his family in their country. You know, it shows you how just he was the people of that country. So you see that the Sahaba who ruled over Syria, they will legendary in that area for the Justice and the mercy to the people. Aveda was not just a justice, but for his trustworthiness as well. So Aveda was the commander in the time of Abu Bakar.

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And after Abu Bakar passed away, Omar Abdullah hottub appointed I will obey the law as the Supreme Commander of the Muslim army.

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Did anyone know who was the Supreme Commander before him?

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Khalid even Walid

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This is one of the most controversial decisions that are

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made in the time of Abu Bakar.

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hardly been bullied was conquering city after city in both Persia and Syria. And suddenly, almost Nakata when he comes into power. One of the first decisions he makes is to remove Holly from the position of supreme commander Abu Abu Zubaydah in charge instead. And even at that time, many of the Muslims were shocked by this decision, because Khalid bin Khalid is this legendary hero, right? He's like a superhero at that time. I mean, he's going through the entire house.

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And not getting cut, he can poison oneself that will kill him and the enemies can killing no matter how many times they stab you. He was like, he was known as the sword of Allah. And the Muslims believed that as long as he was with them, you know they would be undefeated the battle. So they could not understand why would Omer, remove Khalid as Supreme Commander, and replace him with Aveda who the soft, sweet, gentle smiley nice guy.

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And these two different ways to look at it, even to me, Rahim Allah gives a very good explanation. He says that this was to maintain the balance in the rulership. Because when Abu Bakar was the felipa, Abu Bakar was a very soft, sweet, nice guy. Right? He had a very similar personality.

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And so for his main commander of the armies, he had someone who was strict, somebody who was staunch and somebody who was very outspoken colleague even.

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Now in Omaha, Tom comes into power over has a similar personality to Hollywood. And they don't really get along at times because of their personalities. They both have the strong personality. And so generally when you have two people with a strong personality, they end up having at times issues with each other. So having a strong, tough person is the halifa. And the strong, tough person as his commander meant. There was no softness in the rulership. There's no gentleness in the rulership, there had to be this balance. So to balance it out.

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Abdullah Fatah, Aveda as his Supreme Commander. And so what we see in both the time of Abu Bakar and the time of Omar, we see a balance. Abubakar was the soft man with a strong guy supporting him. Omar was the was the strong man with the softer guy supporting and so they would actually balance each other out. And so someday, Abubakar might take a decision for the armies, which Holly been worried might find Khrushchev and Holly been while he would follow his own strategies and didn't end up winning. And it was the opposite with the type of woman woman might take a decision with Abu Zubaydah found too strong and Abu Zubaydah will tell him, No, we can't do it that way. So for

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example, Ahmed Nakata wanted Abu Zubaydah to go back to Medina to save his life for me, and I will either say no, right because he he had he understood something which did not and we'll come to that a bit later. So Aveda became the Supreme Commander at the time.

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And under his leadership, the Muslims conquered the majority of Syria, and he became the first overall ruler of the area ruling Damascus. Now Damascus is one of the most amazing cities in Arabia at that time. It was like an absolutely beautiful city full of wealth. And so when the Muslims conquered Damascus, and he started living there, and the Southern Living in Serbia, the Sahaba, who lived there, they started living a much more extravagant lifestyle, compared to what they lived in Makkah and Medina, right, because coming from the from the desert of Arabia, they were used to a simple lifestyle. This was the way of the Sahaba. But in Syria, they exposed to a different culture.

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And, of course, wherever you live, you are affected by the culture. So they took the * out of the culture, good clothing, nice houses, and they started living off of it.

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And so when Omar

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came to Damascus, to visit the people there to visit the Muslims of Syria, he was a bit disturbed to see the level of extravagance of some of the Sahaba were living in. everywhere he went, he met people who were simple Bedouins A few years ago, who are now extremely rich and living in these big houses. And he's the Khalifa and he still got the very simple lifestyle. So he asked the people, where is my brother? And the people ask who's your brother? He said, Where's my brother Aveda in algebra, and so the people point him out towards Abu Zubaydah,

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and he asked boveda to take him to see Abu Vader's house.

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He comes to the house of Abu Zubaydah, even algebra,

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and it's a small room

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with no possessions except for his place to sleep. He's pleased to play his water jug foo and his weapons. That's all nothing else.

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And almost looks at Abu Zubaydah and He's surprised and his, he tells Abu Zubaydah that, you know, it's permissible for you to have more than this, you delete a ruler,

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and I will be sad, but this is enough for me. You don't need anything else.

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Now what's truly amazing about this incident is not just a movie this response, but this is the opposite of how Omar had to deal with other Sahaba right with all of the other Sahaba hotdog

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kept a very strict log of accountability. They had to account for every cent he spent. He would literally hold high sahaabah nickel even when he answered even eBay costs to account for every cent they spent. And he would take measures against him even if he if he felt that they were spending in the wrong way or the way spending too much money. Right. So he was really strict with the Sahaba. On this, he would check with each of the Sahaba and make sure they are not spending more than they are supposed to spend. And when it comes to, to Abu Zubaydah, he's studying Abu Zubaydah. You can use more than this, you can't spend more than this. Right? He has to give a movie the opposite advice,

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that he's not spending enough on himself.

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But a movie that was the trustworthy man of this woman, more trustworthy than anybody else can ever imagine.

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A woman did not need to hold him accountable. Omar didn't have to keep a log book of how much I was taking for himself and spending on his family. We didn't take anything for himself. He was the ruler not just of any part of the Muslim world. Abu Zubaydah, at that point in time, was ruling the richest and the most luxurious and the most extravagant part of the Muslim world. The best place that you can possibly be the way they have been perfectly justifiable, a perfectly halaal for him to live a nice life.

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But still, he didn't want any of that. He didn't want any of that, because he felt it will distract you from what is more important, the afterlife, the pleasure of Allah subhana wa Tada. This is the trustworthiness of Abu Zubaydah even algebra

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to be trustworthy. What does that mean?

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trustworthiness means that when people look at you, they know they can trust you to do the right thing. Right, it means that you have such character, that people are willing to trust you with their wealth, with their lives, with their property. You know, for example, today, if we look at teachers, right, in general, we trust our teachers with our, with our children, right, we send them to a school, and we trust them to teach our children the right things. But when you talk to the average person, and the average parent doesn't really have that much trust in the teachers anymore, right? Because so often teachers are teaching children the wrong things. It's the same with a business, you

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know, people would hire manager, and again, the trustworthiness, always there. But really as Muslims, whether you're a teacher, or you are a manager for someone's business, or whether you're taking care of someone's wealth, or whatever the case may be.

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As a Muslim, by definition, people are supposed to be able to trust you. In fact, not being trustworthy in Islam is regarded as one of the qualities of hypocrisy, one of the qualities of a two faced individual that someone claimed to be a Muslim, claimed to be a follower of Rasulullah, sallAllahu, Alayhi, wasallam, anti Sahaba, but nobody would trust him with anything.

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So let us think about it. Let us think for a while. How trustworthy are we? What is our level of trustworthiness? Do people actually trust us with anything? If not, why, if there's something in our life that's stopping people from trusting us, then we need to work on changing that. Right. And if people do just as hungry, let's keep that up and work to take that to a higher level. Because the reason that the people of Syria, even the Christians of Syria, and trust in our movie don't even have to be the ruler, was because they just did it. Right. He had the trust, he had the trust of the people, he had the trust of the halifa.

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Today, you know, one of the biggest problems in the Muslim world and even in even any way the works, he wanted the biggest problem for us. We don't trust those in power at all, and for good reason.

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But until we become trustworthy ourselves, we cannot expect to have a trustworthy ruler. Because the ruler comes from the people. A trustworthy family will produce trustworthy children. A trustworthy community will produce a trustworthy leader, a trustworthy country will produce a trustworthy leader of the country. It starts with us to build in our families in our children, this character that people can trust them, and that starts by our children knowing that they can trust us.

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So this is one of the most important characteristics of Aveda, even algebra rajala one. There's one story I forgot to mention a bit earlier in his life, which shows his high status. And that is when Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi Salaam passed away and the Sahaba were not sure what to do about the rulership.

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It's interesting that aboubaker

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he pointed to Omar Anahata and Abu Zubaydah even on camera and told the Sahaba to choose one of these two to be the halifa and you will need an Omar

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Who gave the pledge of allegiance to Abu Bakar and chose him to be the halifa so that means, when Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam passed away, Aveda was one of the top three choices for halifa for the Philippines,

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think about that think about the status in the eyes of the Sahaba. For him to be up there with our Baccarat an omen amongst those who they had hoped you were considering to be the Khalifa Abu Bakr himself recommended Abu Zubaydah Saliba, why is trustworthiness is justice. Right now I will be the one who he passed away during the reign of Omar.

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During the latter part of the reign of Omar Al hottub, there was a very strong plague that gripped Serbia, and it caused the deaths of many famous Sahaba. And during this time, Omar himself wanted to visit Syria, but he was advised not to by the Sahaba, because of the Hadees of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam which states that it is a plague in an area, nobody should leave it and nobody should enter it. Because those will leave it may carry the disease with you. And those who enter it. Well, Islam teaches you not to put yourself into danger, even though it is dangerous and wait, we know the sickness of it, don't go there. And Islam teaches us to protect yourself to stay safe. Right. So

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Omar did not enter. But

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he was scared for one person only this one person who he did not want that clique to affect right in the whole of Australia with all of the Sahaba and all of the righteous Muslims living there. There was one person that woman was caught was concerned about and so he sent a letter to Abu Zubaydah,

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telling Aveda to leave Syria and come to Medina for some important business. Right very strict later, but Abu Zubaydah being as soft as he was.

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He was also quite firm on certain issues, and he knew that if he had to leave

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Syria, he might carry the plague.

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Right, he might be a means of contagiousness taking him to another place. And he knew that he wanted him to come to Medina to protect him. And he knew that nobody can protect him except Allah. So he replied to hottub and he declined it. He declined to come to Medina, no did a movie that directly did not obey the felipa. But Omen did not mind because he understood.

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And when, when Omer read the letter of Abu Zubaydah in reply, he started to cry. And he's a Harvard thought leader had died, because why else would only be crying and Omar say no, but death is near him.

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And he was correct. Abu Zubaydah was one of the major Sahaba who was stricken by the plague. Right display claimed the lives of hundreds of people from amongst them with the likes of Sohail even armor, and he said Abu jandal, the likes of yours, even Abu sufian and, most importantly, Abu Zubaydah even algebra.

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Aveda stayed in Damascus, caring for the people until he himself died of this plague. But before he died, he had some last words and last advice for the unborn.

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And whenever a righteous person who lived in this world leaves some advice before passing away, and reporting for us to eat it. This is not just the righteous man. This is a man who we all trust, the trustworthy man of the former. This is the man who is from the people of China. And he tells us, he says before he passed away, I am going to give you all some advice. If you accept it, you will find peace.

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The first advice establish your Salam

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Akemi sala de command in the Quran establish with Allah. Why the sooner you know Islam has faced the Salah as the second pillar of Islam and many Muslims cannot understand why why do we pray so that we know what is the purpose? Because the problem is for many of us Salah is just a ritual, when in reality if you understood Surah Al Fatiha if you make dua in your surgery, if you understood what is Allahu Akbar, what is super hanabi Rolla what is super honorable as in if you understood the verse that you are reciting in your follow up, the Salah is not a ritual the Salah is a conversation with Allah, it is the most beautiful experience that you can have. And Allah has made us pray the solid

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five times a day so we connected him five times a day because this is our daily reminder to stay connected to Allah. If you let go of the Salah.

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Then you let go of your connection with Allah. And so the first thing that Abu Zubaydah advises the Muslims with and advises all of us would is keep your Salah and Allah advises us this about this in the Quran so many times should you not take the soldier lightly.

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And then he says fast the month of Ramadan, paid the charities and give a lot of charity. Go for hygiene for Allah knows he's talking about

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The five pillars of Islam. So advice first and foremost is make sure you fulfill the five pillars of Islam. Those five pillars are there for a reason. They are not empty rituals. Each of them make us a better person, if you do them properly, make sure the five pillars are in place. And woods, aka extra charity would have extra ombre, don't use the money to do more.

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He didn't say, teach each other or encourage each other to do good deeds. Don't Don't be in isolation in your practice of Islam, be a community, be the be the type of community that that encourages each other to do good and stops each other from doing wrong. Don't be the type of community that just each person for themselves living their own life, not caring whether the neighbor is on the path to paradise or how No, instruct each other to do good.

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What good for your rulers wish well for your rulers and be loyal to them, and never deceive them. Right? This is a very important point a bit of advice back then, because after his death, and after a little over the top, we find the oma entered a state of civil war that started with disrespect for the ruler when people want to do kill. Kill was manganiello. And so his advice was very timely for the times. Right. And it's very timely for today as well, because so much of the problems in the Muslim world today come from the fact that we are not patient with the evils of Jews and the continued. So what does that mean a patient with the evils that come from the rulers, and we end up

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you know, many countries and Muslims have taken equally violent means against the rules which have led to more civil wars and more bloodshed, and so on also advise Muslims to avoid that because it just needs to double the amount of problems for the oma.

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And so he advised the Muslims to treat the rule as well. And as we see that was very important at the time.

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And then he said, Be careful that you perform all your duties and make sure you are not lost in the pleasures of this world.

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And of course this advice to him from him was very important at that time, because the Muslims had just been exposed to great wealth, and the Muslims are just starting to live luxury luxurious lives. And he knew that over time, this would corrupt the ummah. They came a time when the oma was the richest and most powerful nation on Earth. For example, in the time of King Harun al Rashid, by the time of King Abdul Rahman, Spain, the Muslims were the world's superpowers is no exaggeration, there was a point with the Muslims, from Spain, all the way to the borders of China, across three continents. They were the most technologically advanced, most scientifically advanced, and most

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powerful and richest nation on Earth. But would that the Muslims fell into materialism and luxury, and became weak. And over a period of 1000 years, we have lost our power so much that when you talk about that point in history, it sounds like a fairy tale compared to what it is today. And so he wants the people not to be lost in the worldly pleasures. And that's a warning to all of us as well. We live in a country with safe, and we are free to practice Islam. We don't have to deal with Islamophobia, or people killing us for practicing Islam, or people putting us in jail for practicing Islam. We have the safety and freedom to practice Islam. But many people don't for no other reason,

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except that we've been distracted by the worldly pleasures. So very important advice. And then he gives his last and most important and beautiful piece of advice about either ends up by saying, Listen carefully to what I'm going to say next. Even if a man loves to be 1000 years, one day, he will be in the same position and being in doubt, because nobody can escape that.

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That was his last piece of advice. And he made Salaam to the Sahaba. And he told me he had even traveled to read the prayer. And he passed away.

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His last bit of advice that even if you live 1000 years, you still gonna die.

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Why? Because many of us are deluded by our lives. We think we still young. We think we're gonna live a long life. We think YOLO you know you only live once, enjoy your life, do what you want.

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But we don't realize the time will come when we too will be on our deathbed and we might even have a deathbed you know I will be the you know he still had a peaceful death where he could talk to people and give advice. You know, people die in car accidents people die in suddenly without even getting a chance to repent or to think about the lives. As always I say don't wait until you die. Right? Don't think that you're gonna live in this world forever. understand the nature of this world. Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us in Surah Al Kahf in

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Zenith Allah Nina bloom, au bazzano Amma who are in the ledger, Illumina Marlene Eden Julissa that definitely I have made it

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Everything on this beautiful to test which of you is best in your needs. And definitely, I will turn all of it into dry set.

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Meaning everything you see in this world is beautiful as a test, but understand it's all going to die. It's all going to end one day, every beautiful person, every beautiful building, every beautiful car, every beautiful country will come to an end one day, do not allow the beauty to deceive us, and stop us from focusing on what is most important. You know what's fascinating Babu VEDA before we close off,

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I will be the new he was gonna go to China.

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He knew it. The prophet SAW some himself holding this, that will be that easy agenda. He knew he's going to go the agenda. But he still he still spend the rest of his life not enjoying this world at all, just doing everything good he could possibly do. Even when there was hello world at his fingertips to use for any holiday that he wants, he still didn't even touch it. He didn't want anything from this world.

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And this is why he's one of the people of gender. Because his heart wasn't attached to this world in any way whatsoever. His heart was attached only to Allah subhanaw taala and the love of Allah and His mission, just logging Islam and the desire to go to gender. Right. And this is the advice he left the Muslims with. And this is the example that he leaves us with

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Abu Zubaydah

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was one which affected the entire time. He was somebody who was known amongst the Sahaba, not just for his trustworthiness, but he was known as the leader of potential Khalifa as a man All

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right, oh my God, love the movie de rasulillah. Movie, Abu Bakar loved

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the fact that Abu Bakar recommended him for the halifa the fact that Omar tried to save him from the plague, you know, the fact that they did these things show you how much they love this man. And so when he died, the Omar lost one of its greatest assets.

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And so let us take a lesson from his life, and then as to try and be assets for the oma and let us to try and be from those who make it to paradise. Right? We have no glad tidings of gender. And so we need to work extra hard to make sure we get there.

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because nobody's Paradise is guaranteed. It is only the forgiveness of Allah, to those who try their best that enters a person into paradise Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam stated that nobody enters gender because of the needs. We only enter agenda because of the mercy of Allah.

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When he Sahaba asked him, even you he said even me, meaning gender is so amazing and so perfect, and so beyond description and so eternal, that no good deeds that you ever do in this world can make you worthy of it.

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The only reason Allah allows us to enter gender which is his property, the only reason he allows us to allow any people to enter it is because that person worked hard in this world. And so Allah forgive the mistakes because no one's perfect, no one sinless, Allah forgive the mistakes out of his mercy. He multiplied the good deeds out of his mercy. And so the good deeds outweigh distance again part of His mercy and he entered them into paradise. It's all about the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala let us do our best to try and earn the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala We ask Allah to make us from those who follow in the footsteps of the righteous, and from the people of paradise for

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Africa 100 Giga Hello Bella alameen wa salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

Biography of the Trustworthy Companion – Abu Ubaidah Ibn Al-Jarrah

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