Ismail Kamdar – Heraclius’s encounter with Islam

Ismail Kamdar
AI: Summary © The segment discusses the story of the internationally recognized Islam (Rise) period, including the struggles of the Prophet Muhammad's death and the importance of finding the right person to talk to about Islam. The segment also touches on the struggles of the prophets during their lifetime, including the lack of success in their message and the use of words to identify them. The story also highlights the importance of learning from the story and its impact on one's personal and professional life. The segment ends with a recommendation to read a book on the holy eye and its significance.
AI: Transcript ©
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Learn me about that my bad.

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We need to get out we love your honey honey Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, or Sharon Marie deserve to have

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a tindora or kulula.

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There is a very fascinating story from the time of this era of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam that is often overlooked.

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And this story is very deep and full of lessons,

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you will find the story in the region at the very beginning of Sahil Buhari has actually discovered the ration Sahil Gohan. And this is a story of interaction between Abu Sofia, the leader of the Quraysh of Makkah, and Heraclius, the Caesar of Rome and find this entire story to be fascinating for a number of reasons that it is full of amazing and beneficial lessons for us all.

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So what are you going to do today insha, Allah is going to give a bit of a backstory to what led to this event. They're going to narrate the story, and after inshallah extract some lessons from it.

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So this is a story that takes place in the seventh or eighth year after he in the time of the Treaty of Arabia. So to put things in context, Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had signed a peace treaty with the people of Africa. The people of Africa, we're still not Muslim yet, right? We're still piquancy we're still idol worshippers, but they are now in a state of peace with the Muslims. At the same time,

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the superpower of the world at that time was the Roman Empire. Right the Byzantine Empire and the Caesar of Rome. His name was Heraclitus. Now, Heraclitus is his on one hand, the seas of Rome, on the other hand, is actually a scholar of Christianity. He wasn't just a politic politician. He was a very pious and intelligent Christian scholar. And he was someone who was well aware of the Scripture. He was well aware of the differences between the different understandings of his of Christianity at that time. And he ran a very religious kingdom. Now, there are about three or four different durations in Sahil Buhari about the story if you put them together. This seems to be the

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order in which happened.

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One day after Rakesh had reconquered, an oxide ticket back from the Persians, he was visiting the region, he was building a Jerusalem. And while he was visiting Jerusalem, he had a dream.

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He had a dream, in which he saw that a new leader had arisen from a group of people who were uncircumcised, also a group of people were circumcised, the new leader has arisen from a group of people who are circumcised, and then you are going to take that Anthem. So he woke up very worried. And he immediately thought that it was the Jews because at that time, there was a lot of political strife between Jews and Christians, right? Anyone who knows the history of Judaism and Christianity, these two religions were essentially at war with each other for the bulk of history. So he thought, because the only people he used to be circumcised were the Jews. He thought that the Jews were going

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to rise up and take his land.

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But at the same time, he receives a letter from Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he asked his people to check it the person bringing the letter, the Muslim, whether they are circumcised, and he learns that the other the Arabs in general, were not circumcised only the Muslims have it. So he realized that it really wasn't about the Jews. It's about this new body.

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So at that time, because there was a peace treaty between Rasulullah saw ism and and the pagans of Makkah, it allowed Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam to branch out his Dawa. So he began to write letters, or you had the scribe write for him letters to send to all the leaders of nearby regions. So we had legislation to the kings of Abyssinia, the king of Egypt, the leader of the Persian Empire, and of course, of Rome.

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So he sends this letter to the Caesar of Rome. And the Cesar upon receiving this letter, he decides he wants to learn more about this man, who is this man

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claimed to be a prophet.

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So he sends his scouts out to see if there are any Arabs in the region, to see that any Arabs who know this man and can tell you more about this man, and one of his scouts, they go to a nearby city. At that time it happens that I wish to be the leader of the enemies of Islam at that time.

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Abu Sufyan is in that city of business with some of his colleagues. So the delegates to get out the shipyard and his colleagues and they take him to Jerusalem, to stand in front of the seas of Rome, and to report the rhetoric he received.

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Now, there's so many interesting things about the story. Firstly, I wish to be on himself in the rain system. And if we go to Sahil Kobani is number seven, Abdullah even above the race of Abu Sufian, the entire incident, so this generation is verbatim from Abuja, exactly what happened to you because remember, three years after this event, he ends up converting to Islam and becoming one of the sahaba. So apostrophe I imagine this he is, at that time, the leader of Makkah, right, he is at that time, an idol worship, in many ways, he was the enemy of the prophets voice of at the time.

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And he gets called to the court of the season, to talk about the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam.

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And his and his companions, they enter the course of the season,

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and the season through translator,

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which is most closely related to the prophets of Allah.

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Which of you is most closely related to the Prophet SAW Allah

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replies, and the one who was mostly related to him, he replied, I am the one who is most closely related to it, because all the people in the group, obviously, I think, for one, Obeah was the closest in relationship to the prophets log.

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he gets apostrophe to stand. And he gets everybody else to stand behind him, so that

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if apostrophe and lies, they can signal to the king, the apostrophe and his life.

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So he has no choice but to tell the truth. So he comes forward

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and directly as the season begins to ask him a group or a series of questions, really fascinating questions. And let us reflect on this question. And the answer is given. It's really fascinating the conversation that takes place between the season of Rome and Abu Sufian, about the prophets lawyers have during his lifetime is a very fascinating conversation. To the Caesar asks, what is the lineage of this man? We need the man thing to be a prophet? And Abuja replies, he comes from a good family.

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Your doctor is then asks, Has anybody else from his community ever claimed to be a prophet before? And Abuja says no. Then this is asked any of his forefathers Kings

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says no.

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Iraqis asks, Who are the majority of his followers? Is it the rich or the poor, and appears to be the poor?

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And he says, His followers are the increasing or decreasing, he says the increasing everyday

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then he asks him, has anybody accepted his message, and then left his religion because it was too hard at anybody accepted his message and then left the religion because it was too hard. And I was too big to

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get wrapped if asked him, Have you ever accused him of lying before? And the answer is no.

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Has he ever broken a promise pops up and says no. But we have a peace treaty with him. Now, we don't know who's going to pick that. They don't want to be in the reading the story, he says, I couldn't think of a single bad thing to see about the profit. So I just snuck that one line in there. Maybe he might read the street,

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then, directly his house? Have you ever had a war with this prophet with this man? And the answer is yes. You asked what was the outcome of the battle? Sometimes you want sometimes to be more? Right? Like the prophets, why some won the battle of butter, and they won the battle.

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Rap is the answer. What is his message? What does he command you to do?

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This is fascinating, because

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I wish you well until this point is adamantly stubbornly against Islam. In a conversation with the CEO of ro has to rethink this entire thing. He has to go through the entire message and personality of the Prophet and really think about it. And so he tells Iraqis the message that the Prophet Muhammad had come. He says he tells us to worship God alone, and not to worship anything else, and to abandon what our forefathers worship. And he calls us to pray and to speak the truth and to be chaste and to maintain good ties with our family.

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rattlers thinks for a while, and then he explained to us pianos questions.

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I asked you if it comes from a good family, and you said yes. And all of God's profits come from to come from

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Good families. Remember, Heraclius is not just a Caesar. He's also a scholar of Christianity. So he studied the lives of Musa Islam, and he saw the salami, Suleimani and Gouda. He knows that these are all people who come from good families, he knows from the lives who are one of the signs of a true prophet. So all of these questions were to figure out, Is this managed to profit or not? So he second question. He said, I asked, you know, whether anyone else in your community claimed to be a prophet? And he said, No. If you had said, Yes, I would have said, this is just a trend. It was just something people in our community do. And he's just one of those people following the trail. But the

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fact that nobody in your community claimed to be a prophet besides him, he must have had a serious reason to make this claim. I asked you if his forefathers were kings? And you said no. If his forefathers were kings, this might have been a ruse to take back his kingdom.

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But because his forefathers were kings, his roots out political motivations.

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I asked you when he spoke lies, and you said no. So look at what our Iraqis, he tells him, why would someone who doesn't lie about his world liable court? Why would someone who doesn't speak a lie about any worldly things? Why would he lie about Allah?

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It's amazing. It's as if the Christian king is doing Dawa, to the Kurdish Arab.

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He didn't help him. I asked you whether the rich or poor follow him. And you said it's mostly before. And so that is the case with all the prophets. That the in the beginning they followed emotionally the poor. I mean, New Orleans, London is exact same story, right, that the New Orleans slums and the rich people don't even your followers are the poor people. Musa alayhis salam it wasn't the federal afforded him it was when he saw him, right. He Sally salami had his disciples, even the wealthy of the community. In general, when the prophets of truth came, it was the poor, who were the first to embrace the message, because the witch had a lot to lose. Right, the deal of the

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community had a lot to lose by embracing the message.

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Then, Iraqi has asked him,

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or at least held him asked you whether the followers are increasing or decreasing. And you said they are increasing. And he said that is the sign of children. That is the sign of the true religion that he's following to keep on increasing. And this is fascinating, but think about it. Rasul Allah Biloela are they he was his followers have been continuously increasing, and they continue to increase today.

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In the past 2000 years, there have been dozens of people who claim to be prophets, and only one man from the entire 2000 years has over a million followers today. That is Rasulullah sallallahu, wasallam. And his followers continue to increase, even though the combined state of political weakness to such an extent that even non Muslim say by that by 2050, or 2070 liters will simply be the largest religion on earth. Because that is how Islam just continues to increase. And axes of Rome back then said that's one of the signs of the true religion is going to keep increasing. I asked you whether people leave with religion because it's too hard. He said no. He said that means

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this is a sign of true demand. They've been through a man of faith enters a person's heart, they're not going to leave it. Because think about it. following Islam was much harder than being a pagan at the time. Right following Islam meant avoiding sinner avoiding alcohol, it meant defending the prophets going some battles, it was not easy. The fact that the followers of Rasulullah saw the lows of the show converted to him, despite all the hardships and all the sacrifice that you make for him was a sign that this was the true faith that he put through, he won the house.

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And then I asked you about his message. And you said that he told you to worship no one besides call and to abandon idol worship and to be chaste and to pray. That is what every prophet before he taught as well. That was the message of Jesus. That was the message of hoses. That was the message of all the prophets before him. Then Heraclius had something amazing. I think he said, this patient and dreamy had, he told Abu Sophia, if what you are saying is true. He's going to take this land from you. If what you are saying is true, is going to take this lad from me. This is the seas of Rome, the most powerful man in the world at a time the superpower of their time, telling us that if

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what you were saying about Prophet Mohammed is true, he's going to take Jerusalem from me. And just nine years later, during the life of Iraqis, Omar Raja who conquered Jerusalem and became a booster that remains true for the majority of Muslim history Allah returning to me.

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after this conversation,

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hereafter, yes gets someone to read the letter, that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam sent and the letter says, In the name of Allah, Most Beneficent, more merciful. This is a letter from Mohammed the servant of Allah and His messenger to Harakiri to Caesar of Rome. Peace be upon

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The right path, I invite you to Islam, if you become a Muslim, you will be saved. And Allah will double your reward. If you reject it, and upon you is the sin and the sin of all your people. This was the letter of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to the Iraqis are flown. Now, two things happened after the event, one Iraqis himself considers becoming also why? Because all the signs are there that this is a true prophet. Right? So he gathers these people together. And he tells him, what do you think if I become Muslim?

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Literally, they start to write, the whole community starts to write and he gets scared that he's going to do this kingdom. It says, I was just joking, I'll just testing it. So even though he refused to recognize you, the Prophet Muhammad was a true prophet. He doesn't accept Islam, because he's scared of losing his kingdom,

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opposed to fear. And on the other hand, the person he interrogated about the Prophet, the man who was the prophets enemy, right, until this moment, he leads. And he says, in the narration, that's the first time I began to think about all these things, and just a few years later accepting Islam, meaning the conversation with Iraqi has had an impact in Abu fianza. Because he had to ask these questions, honestly. And when you answer this question, honestly, you don't upon you that Islam was going to get through and he was going to dominate. And he says that that was when he realized Islam was going to dominate, not just the Muslim world, but the entire world, and even told his friends

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that the matter of the point of Muhammad

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has even reached the king of the of the equality bunny as for at the time, the king of the roads, right. And he said, soon after I accepted Islam. So this is the story. It's a really powerful story, it's one is often overlooked in our history, we study the seal of Rasulullah, Salah, we don't often

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look at the story of what happened between Iraqis and beyond. But this is a beautiful and powerful story in which there are many, many lessons you can extract and what does all just take some time to reflect upon the story, and to think about the story and to think about the implications of the story and the meaning of the story. But here we have the Caesar of Rome, calling the leader of the markets to ask about the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the answers he gives in the conversation that takes place between them has a lot of benefit for all of us. He asked Allah to accept from us our efforts to grant us proper demand and to pay

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for salam ala mousseline.

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Hamdulillah he was there was Salatu was Salam ala Mala. And

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so we said that

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the story of what happened to be able to PR and heal after years is full of amazing lessons.

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That the Caesar of Rome had a dream that this new prophet that had arisen was going to take over that map.

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And after having this dream, he received a letter from the prophets of Allah God, he was calling him to Islam. And so he calls upon Sophia to his court and the conversation takes place between them, through which it was determined that he was indeed a true prophet, that he was indeed a true prophet. And the fascinating thing is, even though correctly his father disappeared, VI, to determine that this was a true prophet, he wrapped his ends up not accepting Islam, and apostle beyond except accepting Islam. The conversation ends up the opposite way in terms of impact. And what this teaches us is, we don't know what Allah has written guidance for. We don't know what

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allegedly, if you just studied the Sierra for the first 15 years, you would write off and you would write off, you will write off many of these people. It might be job, you will write off maybe we'll call it even Waleed, it Allah wrote guidance for all of these people. And you don't know where the guidance will come from. The Abu peon grows up in the same town is Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam sees his character by himself more than he is the truthful knows that he is trustworthy, spends time with him in person for many, many years. Yet it takes him going to a different country, speaking to a king of a different country to realize that the prophets will always be the true

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It takes him quick all the way to Jerusalem and speaking to the CFO of Rome to realize that the man from his own town is indeed a true prophet. Because sometimes, sometimes when you get close to a situation, it's hard to see the truth. And sometimes you need an outside guy to show you the truth. Another beautiful lesson we can take from the story is what are the signs of true prophets? And what are the signs of the true religion? Because Heraclius ask very intelligent questions. And the question that we all need to ponder about, they help us to increase our pain and our conviction. Now imagine this religion

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because these questions show without doubt that the prophets of Allah, Allah, he was somebody he needed to pocket. When you look at the questions for example, he asked, Does he ever lied before? he's ever been accused of life, as opposed to fiance? No. Now how many people do you know

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have never been accused of lying in your entire life. Very few. It's a really rare quality for someone to be that truthful.

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And or at least give a very important comment. He told me that if he doesn't lie about this world, why would he lie about God?

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You see, you get only two types of people who claim to be prophets, the best of people and the worst of the best of people, Allah chooses them as they progress. The worst of people are people who are willing to lie about Allah and wake up religions. And so Rasul Allah slowly summed his character put him amongst the best of people, and absolutely no reason he would ever lied about something like this.

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Then you asked him about Islam, about whether the followers increase or decrease, and he said they increase. Now think about it. At that time, the Muslims were oppressed, the Muslims were in a state of war, where Muslims were not a superpower yet, yet, Islam was increasing in followed every single year. And he continued to increase your followers. And he continues today, and it will continue in the future. And then he said, This is the sign of a true fate. This is a sign of the true religion. Because you see what happens with false religion. What happen to false prophets is eventually people pick up.

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Eventually, people realize this is a cult, this guy is fake. This is, you know, this is not real. And they start to lose followers over time with this happen. Many of the false prophets that popped up in the past century that they had a spike in following, and then crash after, right, the ones who popped up in America, in Pakistan and other countries, all these false prophets, that they had a spike in followship. And then people realized we were false prophets and it dropped, it's not dropped to zero, but it dropped significantly with the the numbers are not continuously increasing. Because when a person is a false prophet, they can't keep up that fraud, wherever, somewhere down

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the line, they're going to slump. Somewhere down the line, you're going to make a false prophecy. Somewhere down the line, the true calc is going to be revealed. And when that happens, that's when that religion falls apart. But superblocks Elisa was off the best of character, and he's the type of followers he produced, we have the best of character, and Islam continues today to be the religion that produces the best of character.

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Another lesson that we can take from this

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narration is that a lot of Hunger Games, the Romans a chance to be part of this republic. He gave the Romans a warning and a chance to be part of this warm up that he literally said Heraclius dream that the Muslims are going to take over this land, followed by the letter followed by the conversation, but I was young, it was clear as day that Rasulullah sallallahu. Leeson was a true prophet, and that he's got the confidence that all productions had to do to be on the right side was to accept Islam, for the free of his people writing afraid of his people killing him, afraid of these people turning against you, he did not accept the truth, even though

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a formula we see that the Romans were what they may want. And had they accepted that warning history would have been very different, they would have been the bulk of the early Muslims.

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But Allah would for it to be otherwise.

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Another important lesson we accept from this, or that we learn from this is that not everyone who recognizes the truth is going to accept it. Some of us have this naive idea that when we do dour, as soon as somebody realized Islam is the true religion, they're going to accept it. But I will tell you Islam was the true religion. The seeds of Rome, were the true religion, I will tell you what the true religion but for different reasons, they all didn't accept it. Some people don't accept it, because they blindly following the forefathers, some because they worried about material political loss, some because of arrogance, some because they want to follow the desires, people have, you

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know, things which they consider bigger priorities in the church. And that is a choice that they are free to make. Allah has given him free will and you will have to answer to the choice on the Day of Judgment. But we have to understand not everybody who hears the truth and recognize the truth is going to accept it. And people are responsible for their

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choices. So these are just some of the lessons that we can take from the story. What I want us to do really is to reflect on the story. Take time to go home, open up Sahil Gokhale is narration number seven at the very beginning of the first chapter of the hippo hurry and read this narration, because this the purpose of you see him and the family the way he arranged it, it's not random, everybody's put in a specific place to give you specific lessons or benefits. And the first few Hadith in the entire profile are all the foundations of our human. Right, they are the foundations of our Eman to show us the proof that Islam be the true religion, and to show us the proof that this is the that

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this is the true fate. And so this hadith is right there at the beginning at Hardee's number seven, because it's meant to be one of the proof of this. And that's why I find it very sad that we don't discuss this often enough, then really this is one of the stories we should tell our children

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that long

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time ago, when the Romans ruled the world, the king of Rome, or Rome, had this dream and received this letter and had this conversation. And this composition itself was the Islamic religion.

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A lot of brothers with either two acres from those who understand it, understand that by practicing, Robert a hard thing to do in your arsenal will be the half has never been done. But when I have learned I mean as watching, I will react in a corridor in which my mama

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