Ismail Kamdar – Fiqh Maxims 1: Introduction

Ismail Kamdar
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of preserving people's minds and emotions in achieving spiritual health and advancing their spiritual journey. They touch on the use of " gut health" and "ruptile principal" as means to achieve goals and reduce harm. The historical context of "God's Work" is discussed, including the significance of "has been" in the title for the audience.
AI: Transcript ©
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hamdulillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu salam ala Karim Allah Allah, he was happy.

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Before we begin today's presentation,

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just a reminder that today it's going to be a mixture of two different topics, right? Initially, our plan was to finish mikaze the Sharia today, and to start a wide up to the big Maxim's next week. However, in order to complete the series, before Ramadan begins, we have to compress it a bit. So what we're going to do today is I'm going to finish the last topic of mikaze in about 20 minutes, and then dedicate the rest of the lesson to the API. So we covering two separate topics, mocassin and COVID, Max, goals and maximums.

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So we'll jump right into it. inshallah, let's get started with our mocassin. This is inshallah going to be a summary of what we've covered in our five lessons, or mikaze, the Sharia, and a little bit of an explanation of the categories of hygiene and Garcinia. These two categories, they haven't really explained them. We mentioned them every week, we haven't really explained them. So today inshallah we'll do a brief explanation of them. Because it all sherea sherea is the higher objectives of Islamic law. What this basically means is that the laws of Islam all have goals, they all have wisdom, the benefits behind them. And we said very importantly, in the first lesson, that

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not all of the laws of Islam, do we know democracy, right? This is very important, not every single law of Islam, do we know democracy? So there are laws where we don't know, for example, why we play three rockets of mockery?

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Why do we have one rule and two such as these are things where we believe Allah created or made this law for the reason why we don't know why. And we sit only about five or 10% of Islamic law is in this category, the majority of the laws, it's very easy to rationally see why Allah made the law what it is. And this became known as democracy. In the second week, we learned that the primary maqasid of the Sharia is the attainment of Musleh and the prevention of Mufasa. Right, the attainment of benefit and the prevention of harm. And what this means is every single law in our religion either helps us get that which is beneficial to us, or keeps us away from that which is

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harmful to foreigners or it does vote.

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They receive the benefits that the Sharia projects have three categories the guru, Riyadh, the Hijri, art and Tasmania. And we spent three weeks discussing the rue de Arte, which is our religion, our lives, our wealth, our intellect, and our family. Now, the hajia and the SR are the sub categories of that that we will cover today inshallah, right, so hagyard is generally translated into English as needs, and Juliet as necessities. And the technical difference is that a, the UI is something that's needed in of itself. And a hairdryer is something that's not needed in of itself, but it's needed to complete the other thing. The easiest example is the difference between solar and

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we do solar is needed in of itself, right. But we do is not in of itself will do is needed for, for solar. So that's the easiest example. The other word, which is the senior, most of the English books of maqasid, translated as luxuries, and decided to stick with the translation. But this doesn't really give the full meaning of the words that are the senior at the scene comes from the same root as a son, which means perfection or excellence. It means reaching a highest standard, right? So what this means is, when it comes to my closet, at the government level, at the very basic the government needs to maintain the rules, it needs to maintain the necessities of life so society can function

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properly. Then, on a higher level, the hijikata instituted the hajia idea to

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sustain the duty to make sure that they happen, right and we'll look at examples later. That SR is the highest level, the senior the things that are not needed anything in our sherea that is not needed, but it enhances the quality of life.

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It takes things to the next level, it takes things to a level of excellence, this is called the Tasini yard. So,

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in our religion, you will find things which are necessary in of themselves, you will find things which are needed to accomplish other things. And you will find things which are not necessary, but there is a reward for doing them. And so this categorization when it comes to the mocassin is the ruli, the hydrea, and the TA Sr. So, if you look at it from a government perspective, we would say that, when starting an Islamic community, the focus is on Buddha, the focus is on getting the basic needs of society met. And that is done through the hygiene. And when a society grows to a level where it experience for example, a golden age or reaches the peak, that's when the senior is

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throughout all of society. But, in general, what you'll find is, when we dealing with people, we rarely deal with other people on the level of buryat, just getting him to do what's necessary.

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When it comes to our own personal development and spiritual development, we aim for the senior, we push ourselves to the higher levels. So

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I'm going to give an example of * art and the senior in each of the five categories. So it becomes clear what I'm referring to. Number one, preservation of faith, necessary for preserving faith is solid is the second pillar of Islam man terracotta kotkapura whoever abandons it leaves the fate. So this is buruli Salah is a necessity, it is something that as a Muslim, you cannot have no Salah in your life. It's just there is no such thing as I'm a Muslim, but I don't pray, it doesn't work in the long run, it will lead to your in mind disappearing, right? Who do who sell the yamo. All of these fall into the category of hygiene, having a clean place to create hygiene. So

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basically, the conditions for Salah will be hired yet. They're not needed in of themselves, but they are needed to fulfill the Duryea the senior, someone who plays the huddle, someone who plays the student, someone who plays in our field, someone who plays extra, this is not a senior. So when dealing with people, we try to get people to do what, three, five times a day.

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When focusing on our own spiritual development, we aim for what we aim to become people who eventually build 100 pray or the extra Salah we try to reach the higher levels of fate.

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Same with the protection of human life. So the rule yet it is necessary that murder is haram. Murder is prohibited as lead to real level that people feel safe from being murdered. The Hadoop exists to establish that so the who do the penalties, the legal penalty penalties, they're not needed in of themselves. They are other ways to

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preserve human life without the Hulu, for example, just don't kill anyone. Right? Or prisons. Right? There are other ways to do it. But the Buddha established our religion, to protect human life. So when you have the system of the death penalty, and an eye for an eye and these kinds of systems in place, it protects human life from harm.

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highest level if you aim for the senior is to have a high quality of life. So preserving your health.

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Having a nice home, having a good environment. All of this is not a senior. It's not necessary. It's not Wajid, but it's something we should strive for. Right?

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intellect, same thing, the ruling is making sure that you are always sane and you are never intoxicated or high or in a state of of chosen loss of intellect. And obviously, if someone loses the intellect or something beyond their control, like

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you know, an accident or a mental illness that's beyond the control does not hold him accountable for that. But choosing to lose your Internet, drinking alcohol, taking drugs, these kinds of things. This is prohibited, why to protect the mind. So keeping yourself in a good state of mind is necessary. What's needed to do that. The avoidance of intoxicants to the avoidance of intoxicants takes the role of Hajji as it is needed in order to protect the mind and how you label preserving your intellect, continuous learning, learning for the rest of your life seeking knowledge until you pass away. Right. This is the senior This is reaching the higher levels. Now is it necessary? Is it

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Why do you want every Muslim to attend Islamic classes until they pass away?

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Know what's necessary is to know the follow up to know what's compulsory. What's needed of you, the solid will do this because that's what's necessary. But if someone chooses to study Islam until they meet the Creator, this is now your son's in our senior This is now reaching the higher levels of preserving one's intellect.

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Same with wealth. Wealth is very easy to see the three levels, right, giving people the right of ownership. The ruling, allowing people to do business has yachts that is needed in order for people to trade what they own. Having savings having investments, having all of this is the senior This is higher levels is not necessarily for every single person to be at that level. But it's something people should aim for people should aim to have a higher quality life when it comes to the world as well.

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Family, avoiding Zener jewelry that's minimum level, don't go any higher than that nikka marriage. Now marriage is not compulsory enough itself. It's not compulsory enough itself. It is nice to have. If someone can avoid Zina, without getting married, they don't have to get married. And it's not a wise up to a booster. But if nobody in society gets married,

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Xena is going to happen. Even if it doesn't happen, our lineage will go extinct. Right. So it becomes needed to preserve the image, it becomes needed preserved family becomes needed to preserve honor. So it may not be that every single member of society gets married. But the institution of marriage is necessary for the preservation of lineage honor and family.

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That senior level, a happy marriage. Not everyone gets it. Some people have a marriage that works or marriage that's functional, either to the richer level where you're your manager is your source of Sakina and your source of happiness and your source of inner peace. That should be the goal that should be what we strive towards, even though it's not watching.

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So basically, when it comes to how we treat Islam, when we deal with other people, we focus on Turia don't steal prayer, Salah, avoid drugs, you know, avoid Zina. That's what we focus on doing our calling people to be better Muslims or to towards Islam. When it comes to developing our souls, getting closer to Allah subhana wa Taala we move beyond that, which we strive for.

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in this field of spirituality, it's called a sun in the field of makkasan is called the scene yet they both come from the same root has that which is good, a sign means that which is excellent. And the senior means, you know, attaining higher levels of of living. So this is the final part of our courses. And with that, we are done with the topic of maqasid Sharia any questions related to this, I'll take at the very end because we have a lot to cover for our first lesson on alcohol.

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So now we are going to shift to a completely different way of approaching.

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Remember, this is something a lot of people don't know.

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Growing up in South Africa, we've only taught one way of approaching which is this is halal. This is haram. That's it. Now you just learned the rulings. When you studied 50 deeper, you will learn three other approaches to pick the first one we studied last year which is

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shoe right shoe fit is one approach to fit. Now we finished a second approach which is more costly to do. The third approach, which is actually the last of the three to develop in in the books I pick is a wide

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or wider pa which translates into English as the Maxim's of pig or the legal Maxim's. Now this is an approach to vehicle which is, I would say unheard of in South Africa, for the most part, especially in Durban. It's something I've been teaching at the International Open University for many years now. It's something that's taught almost everywhere else in the world. When I looked at the curriculums in Malaysia, in Saudi Arabia, in USA, most countries were looked at the curriculums are, why do faqeer is a subject, just not here. This is a very important approach to pick. And what you're going to see is that this approach which developed in the latest centuries of Islam, it makes

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fick very easy to understand. And he makes it very easy to figure out on your own whether something is halal or haram or valid or invalid. Right. This is perhaps one of the easy approaches to pick between Arabic It is called alkalies which can

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slate as legal Maxim's, and is basically short formula that are used for HD hired and chaos. So what the Oliver did in the latest century during the golden age of Islam onward, is that they had already formulated,

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they had already formulated it.

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They had already started writing about the maqasid, the Masai already came into existence. What are the later generation scholars? Do? They find ways to make prs easy. Something new pops up, do you go through all of the IDs, look for a similar Hadees and find the ruling? No, what he did is they found patterns. And they summarize these patterns in very short sentences, the average

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effect is like three words in Arabic, the average about three or four Arabic words in English, it translates a lot longer, but a very, very short if you learn them in Arabic is a very, very short. And what you will find is that each one of these formulas that they developed literally gives you the solution to 1000 issues. That's no exaggeration, one formula can give you the solution to 1000 issues. So this made it very easy for the latest generations of Polymer.

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And the unlike maqasid, which we said developed primarily in the Sharpie and Maliki math hubs. COVID is found in all of them as hubs, you will find books have provided the Hannah viola, Maliki Allah humbly Allah Shafi Allah Ma, Salah piola, everyone's written books on fire. In fact, the

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major book of the Ottoman Empire, I can't remember the name right now, the main work of the Ottoman Empire, professors remember the main book they produced towards the end, this is multi volume book produced by the Ottoman Empire towards the end, which was basically meant to codify an epidemic. It's essentially a book of unethical weida it was taken from this approach, they took this approach to fit in the Ottoman Empire which was to focus on quiet and to have the allama and the judges memorize the oId. So any new issue that comes to them they have the formula for solving it on the spot. So this became very popular during the Ottoman era.

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Now what you will find in 230 is that they are five called are going to cancel Cobra, the five major Maxim's like the big five, these five provide all of the muda he agree upon. If you ask a Hanafi Maliki Shafi humbly a Salafi you ask anyone about the five provide, they will tell you the same five, these these basically in Somalia, it's very rare to have HMR in later generations. But when it came to the formulation of the carbide is h ma on these five, you won't get any of the main orlimar saying that he disagreed with one of these five, and that's what we're going to focus on over the next five weeks, we're going to focus on the five main collide, right, the ones that are agreed

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However, the orlimar do differ on how to apply these five. And they differ over the subsidiary or secondary Maxim's so what this means is from each of these five D are dozens of other Maxim's that stand out. Now when you look at the examples, it will become easier right now it's all theory. But essentially, you have a formula for failure. Right? From that formula, you have multiple other formulas that came out. Now the main formula, all the mods have security upon the secondary tertiary onwards. Now you start to get differences of opinion, whenever we say oh, we applied in this way. Mulkey will say, Oh, we applied in that way. And today, when we look at the first of the code, I'll

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give you an example of how all the mods have security upon it. But the 100 is applied differently from the other methods. Right? So we'll look at an example of that. So first and most important, what are the five providers? That's going to look at first, what are the five provider Cobra when I show you these five and I'll give you an example of each application, then you will understand what we mean by Hawaii. Until you add excuse me examples. It's very hard to understand what is Hawaii and what is the difference between this episode. So let's take a look at the five main Coca Cola, Coca Cola, the five or the fic, the major fick Maxim's five number one muru Bhima qasida right in take

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actions are judged by the maqasid intentions. Number two, a yekini

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conviction cannot be removed by doubt. I have it in English the next slide number three euro us all harm must be eliminated. Number four Alma Shaka potentially booties here. extreme difficulty causes the gods to relax. They're important and number five is

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That hakama local culture is the deciding factor. These five provide agreed upon by all the mothers, you will find it in the books of Hawaii in every mother. No mother disagrees with any of this. They may disagree in how its applied and when it's applied, and the secondary Maxim's that stem from it, but they don't disagree upon these five being the big ones. And basically what you must have say is all of fick

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revolves around these five. And you can use one of these five statements to solve almost any issue. Okay, let's look at it in English. And with each one I'll give an example. So the five major Maxim's number one, the one we're going to study today, matches a judge by the intentions, right? This is a very easy one. We'll cover it very briefly today. This is obviously taken from the opening address of Sahih al Bukhari in Nepal, Armenian actions are judged by the intentions. What does this Maxim mean? This Maxim means a lot of things, right? Someone gives me $1,000. Is it a gift? Is it a bribe? Is it sadhaka? Is it repaying a debt? How do you work out what it is? intention? actions are judged

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by the intentions, somebody stands up and prays for aka, is that other is that sooner? Is that no appeal? Is that a shot? It's all based on what intention? It all boils down to intention, there are literally 1000s of issues with the only difference between one thing and another is intention, even when it comes to murder. How do we decide whether someone is worthy of the death penalty or not? Did he intend murder or was it an accident? Right? So in almost every single issue, this Maxim pops up you can apply anywhere almost anywhere. Number two, akinola you're going to be shocked certainty cannot be overruled by doubt. This one, it's difficult to understand in English, it makes sense in

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Arabic. When you study the secondary Maxim's that stem from it, it becomes easier to understand what it means is when a law is established, that established law cannot be overruled by eight out. Okay. So I'll give you two of the subsidiary Maxim's so you understand it. The first subsidiary Maxim of that is that the original state of things is permissibility. As you know, Phil,

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Phil, a shy diva, the original state of anything is a baja possibility. Right? So if someone walks in your and says, using a projector is wrong, you will tell them as blue with a shiny body orange, original routing for anything is possibility. He says no, but I think it's haram because you know, who invented it? Right. That's a general idea. We say, akinola, you need to be shocked conviction to not be overruled by doubt. We are convinced that things are halal until proven haraam. You are thinking it could be haram because of this, we will not go to what you think. Because we have something concrete, what do we have concrete, the principle of the Sharia that things are halal, and

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Haram. So unless you can bring concrete proof on the same level, that this is haram, we're not going to follow that. Right. The second subsidiary Maxim we take from that is that the original state of people is innocence. Right, the original state of people innocence, this Maxim of the Sharia was later on adopted by the West, and they also got the old Maxim in a different wording, which is innocent until proven guilty, innocent until proven guilty, was not originally a maxim of the West. It's a maxim that you can walk away from the interaction with the Muslim Empire. They saw this in the Muslim Empire. They saw the Muslims applying this if you go back to the ancient Christian world

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if somebody was accused of being a witch, was she innocent until proven guilty?

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Oh, people were guilty until proven innocent. People had to prove their innocence. It was the interaction of Muslims to introduce them to the idea that you need witnesses. You can't just go around accusing people. People are innocent until you have established proof. His whole modern system of innocent until proven guilty comes from the akinola to the bishop. This is where it originates from, and from there the rest of the world adapt adopt it. So technically, right when the West say people are innocent until proven guilty, they are applying the Sharia. Right. This is creeping Sharia. They hate the Sharia but they live by it. This is one of my favorite things to tell

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people who hate Sharia law. Because if you hate Sharia law, go back to the olden days when you were burning witches at the stake. That was the Sharia law. Stop that. That's what stopped that from happening. I said this principle. We'll discuss it next week in details. There are many many subsidiary law students. The general example given up

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I have this Maxim is that when a person is praying for that, and they know they made will do, but halfway through the Salah they are now doubtful whether they will do is broken or not. What's the ruling?

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continue praying? Why certainty that you may do? doubt that you will do is broken? certainty cannot be overruled by doubt. Right? This is the clearest example of this Maxim in application. Number three, we discussed this in detail when we first studied our capacity to Sharia. And we said that one of the primary goals of the Sharia is the removal of harm. So he pops up again in Hawaii, one of the primary provider of it is a daughter who you love, harm must be eliminated, as far as possible, right, harm must be eliminated. Murder is prohibited, stealing is prohibited. harming yourself is prohibited, right, all forms of abusing people is prohibited. All of these prohibitions all exist

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for one simple reason how much be eliminated. So

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a normal user is the primary Maxim governing the fate of heroin. Right the physical harm, things are wrong because they are harmful. So this Maxim can override the second Maxim. Now we supposed to the second Maxim is things that halaal until proven wrong, one way to prove something is wrong is what to prove it is harmful, you prove it is harmful, you no longer apply Maxim number two, you now apply Maxim number three, which is harm must be eliminated. Now, of course, there is a lot of subsidiary Maxim's governing this choosing the lesser of two harms.

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You know, things like if something is will have for the benefit and beneficial at the same time, what do we do, what's the ruling on it, all of this will be covered inshallah, in two weeks time.

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Number four, very important Maxim found in every Muslim

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on Morocco, potentially with a severe, extreme difficulty, causes relaxation of the law, or the simple translation difficulty facilitates ease, right? extreme difficulty causes relaxation of the law, very clear examples in our Sharia. When you travel, you shorten your Salah, in most of the Muslims, you combine your Salah, right? When you are sick, and it's fragile time, and is only cold water.

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Give me a moment. Right You can make the mo is what is going to make you more sick. If you cannot stand and pray you sit and pray. And all of these are examples of Alma Shaka to touch him with a seer taken to his extreme, if you are dying, and the only thing available is pork, or alcohol, or even a dead human.

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You can save your life by eating dead, right? So a shocker to touch him with this here is a very, very important Maxim, which has some very

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crucial application in modern times. One of the reasons that I believe our fate in South Africa is so strict is that we're not applying this Maxim when you need to apply. And there are many, many issues in South Africa where we need to apply that Maxim but we not applying it. And we're just sticking with the most hardcore of rulings making life unnecessarily difficult for people.

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The final one we discussed this last year, when we spoke about ORF, this is the maximum governing oath and it's agreed upon by all of the Muslims. So remember, last year, I said that the honeybees and the molecules used the word dwarf, but the maximum local culture is that is the deciding factor. This Maxim is found in every muscle, every must have has it every muscle has idea. For example, an application of this

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we open up a mustard is an argument amongst the founders of the masjid one group of people want the lectures to be in English. One group wanted to be in Arabic, one group wanted to be in order to we use this Maxim to solve it local culture is the deciding factor. What is the language, the dominant language in this culture? That's what we will go with. Right? We do use it some other issues as well. Is it permissible for a man to wear a tie? So you will find Obama living in cultures where that's not a norm? They may say Taiwan, because in their culture, that's like something only to non Muslims. But you find Alomar living in cultures where it's the norm. They'll see nothing wrong with

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it. Why? Because it's a part of the Muslim culture where they love. So sometimes even something being halal or haram very, very often.

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It just boils down to culture, it boils down to which culture the scholar is from. So you may have many things where if you ask a scholar from Saudi Arabia about it, or from India about it, he may be disgusted that you're even asking the question. And so it's definitely How long was the Ask the scholar from America, UK about it? Well back in high latency, it's fine. Why different cultures

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So culture fits in a major way. And we'll come to that inshallah, the final

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lecture before Ramadan. So these are the five topics that we're going to discuss over the next five weeks. Today we're going to look at intentions how fake revolves around intentions. Next week, we will look at

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Yaki Nila to be shopping a lot of time for that one. So we'll do an entire hour on that one. Because there are many important subsidiary Maxim's that stem from that one. The week after that, I'll cover both how must be eliminated and local cultures. That is that is the basis for judgment. The reason I cover both of those in one is we've already done them to an extent, right, when we covered the maqasid of removal of harm, we technically covered harm must be eliminated. And we covered the pseudo pic of Earth, we technically covered Adama comedy. So those should be more of revision, but we look at some of the subsidiary Maxim's one time. And what I think I will do is in the final

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lecture, I will do a show called attention to DC difficulty because the relaxation of the law because again, we need an entire hour for that one, because there are many, many situations in South Africa, where we seriously have to consider these here, we have to consider relaxing the law because of the situation that people are. So we'll come to that inshallah in the final week.

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we have about 20 minutes left, I'm going to use those 20 minutes to cover the first Maxim, which is our moral democracy, the actions are judged by the intentions, before I get into the first maximum, raise your hands if you still don't understand what the maximum is.

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The examples make it clear.

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Right? So the maximum are short sentences in Arabic and look at the difference the English looks long, but if you look at the Arabic, it's like two or three words each. It's very easy for Allah ma to memorizes. So what's happening before the Maxim's were invented, Allah had to memorize volumes, like have you ever seen a big book of Amazon, a fifth book of alphabets like this one? Right? You had to memorize that. Now the Maxim's make them memorize that one small book like that, which has like 100 maximum at all of them shortly, all the easy to remember. So now you just memorize the short book. And with it, you get the answers to all those 1000s of issues. So it's all about making

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things easier. And in general, this topic is only taught to orlimar as part of the HD heart training process, or the becoming judges are called these in the community as part of being able to solve disputes in the community. Nonetheless, in our community, I believe it's necessary for us to introduce this at the general level, so people are at least aware of it. And you can use this

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for dealing with day to day issues. You have any day to day issues where you can use this Maxim to solve your own dilemma, so you only have to ask someone about it.

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They start off with looking at intentions. So again, this one is taken from the Hadith in Sahih al Bukhari the opening Hadees or Sahaja hottub Raja Kala Kala Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in Albania. Oman, hotdog rodeo narrated that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam stated, indeed, actions are judged by the intentions and people will only get what they intended. So this Hadith, Emma Shafi said of it is that there are 70 fic chapters in which you use this Hades to solve the problems. Now 70

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Are you familiar with the use of the word 70? Arabic?

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It's similar to how in English you would say there are 1000s of issues. When you see 1000s of issues. What do we mean? We can't really count it. The words 70 707,000 70,000 in Arabic have the same usage. And this is why there's a lot of misconceptions because people don't notice. So for example, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that Eman is divided into 70 something branches. It means it's divided into many branches. The prophets always said this Ouma will divide into 72 sets. It doesn't mean 72 it means an uncountable number of things. The prophets of Allah alayhi wa sallam said 70,000 members of my Ummah will enter agenda without accounting. It doesn't

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mean 70,000 it means millions. It could mean billions, hundreds of 1000s. Why? Because the numbers 70. And it's you know, adding more zeros to that 70 707,000 in Arabic means can't count it from just using this number. That's what it means. This is the usage of this number in Arabic. So anytime you come across a Hadith, which uses the word 70, or several 100 or 7000 70,000 understand it in this context, this is how the Arabs spoke when you're trying to mention undefined number. Our problem is we took it literally in English. So people come to the practice or something they're going to be 72 cents. I can't

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100 right? It doesn't mean 72 it means more than the Jews and Christians that what it means is when the prophets lie, some said there will be their seventh Judah divided into 70 Christians into 71, the Muslim to 272. He's not giving exact numbers, it means the Jews were divided into many groups, the Christians into more and the Muslims will divide into even more. That's what it means. And many people don't notice. Same with the 70,000 only 77,000 over billion Muslims now alone, you know, what's our chance? 70,000 means uncountable number. That's what it means. So with a sharpie said that this IDC is using over 75th chapters, what he means if you understand the way Arabs talk is,

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it's used in so many chapters, we can't complete it. It's like basically every fifth chapter is another quotation at the formula. Somebody's been humble. When he said one third of fick is resolved, which is Heidi's one third of fifth is resolved with the Saudis.

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Now, intentions, plays a dual role in our Sharia, it plays a moral and illegal role. It plays a role in our spirituality and its plays plays a role in fingerlings, right? What do we mean by this moral role? Is last sincerity. This is the moral application of this quite in everything we do, ask ourselves, am I doing it for Allah? Am I doing this with the right intentions? Right, so this Maxim has a role in our spirituality, in that we applied in making sure that whatever we do we do it for the sake of Allah is a collapse in everything we do. The Frick rolling is many, many things, right? Number one, is the action valid? Is the action even valid, right? the validity of an action depends

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on the intention. So if somebody stood up, and they prayed to the gods of Salah for exercise,

00:36:57 --> 00:37:00

right? So comfort is not valid.

00:37:01 --> 00:37:32

intentions, not there is no near. So validity of action is dependent on intentions, if someone needs to pay 1000 Rand in soccer, and he gives 1000 randomly without any intention, that he can't there's no such value, because there's no intention. So this is the legal role and the moral of the moral role. Always check your intention for the sake of purification of the soul, the legal role, that the validity of the action is dependent on its intention.

00:37:33 --> 00:38:11

So for an action to be accepted by Allah subhanho wa Taala, they are three conditions. Number One must be done by a believer number two must be done for the sake of Allah number three must be in accordance to the Sharia. It must be something legit in the Sharia got something invented by the individual. Right. So if somebody wakes up one morning and decides to pray, six rockets are selected for the sake of Allah and he's a believer, not valid, not valid, because it's not in accordance to the Sharia. And all three conditions have to be there, it must be in accordance to the Sharia, there must be sincerity of intention, the person doing it has to be available, when these three conditions

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are there, then and only then, is an action acceptable to Allah subhana wa Taala.

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So how do we apply this in fact,

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number one, it is used to distinguish between mundane acts and acts of worship. The difference between partying or showering in a hotel is simply what your intention, right? So that's the only difference between the two is your intention. If someone gets into the shower with the intention of muscle, it's a muscle, if you get in without intention of muscle are compensated with later, the Muslims have a difference of opinion. Right? We'll come to that a bit later. But in general, a mundane act and an act of worship, the difference between the two is, once intention, many things we do can be elevated to an act of worship, simply true intention. If someone goes to sleep, because

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they are tired, Monday night, there's no reward, no punishment, it's just something he did. Someone goes to sleep with the intention of waking up for so long.

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That sleep is now Avada is now rewarded attached to it. It's now an act of worship. So, an intention can change a normal permissible action into an act of Ivana. Number two, intention can separate one good deed from another good deed.

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If someone gives money to another person, the intention determines is this xhaka is the sadhaka Is this a gift? Is this paying off a debt? Is this helping him to buy something? Now, whatever it is, all these things, the difference is simply the intention. You can walk up to someone and hand him 100 rent, that 100 rent could be sakar. That's your intention.

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Or it could be sadaqa just your intention and this is why we often make it we always ask people to specify the intention so we know what to use money for. Right? So one good deed is distinguished from another simply true intention. It's time for for example, if it's time for Salah someone stands up and please for Raka is that for a car sooner or

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if someone signs up to pay for a car at your time is considered to be the sooner the for

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its intention What did he intend if he stood up with intention to pay his for sooner, that is now for sure. Now, if he stood up with intention of paying for fun that is now for far the only difference. You know, if you look at the act of worship physically, it's the exact same movements. The only difference between the student masala and the parcela is the near

00:40:48 --> 00:41:00

it seemed to rakatan Aqua judicata. No, literally the exact same actions at the exact same time. The only thing that the first one from the other is your intention that you intend to pray sooner or for

00:41:02 --> 00:41:24

another application is Maxim, wrong intentions can turn good deeds into sense. wrong intentions can do turn good deeds into sets clearest examples, if I sit here and teach this class with the intention of showing off my knowledge of or becoming famous, or for any other words, the intention, this whole class becomes a sin for me.

00:41:25 --> 00:41:56

The whole thing becomes a sin. Why the Hadith in Sahih al Bukhari, the first people to be thrown into jahannam will be who the alum, the generous person in the Mujahideen, who had the wrong intentions. They were the first people to be joining the army who did it for sure. The person who gave charity for sure the person who made waging Jihad for sure. These people will be the first to be joining Johanna. Why? Because they good D transformed into a sin because of the intention. Building a mustard.

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Even mustard these birds for the sake of Allah. It's a good deed. If a Masjid is built to cause friction and division and sectarianism in a community. That's not a good deed. That is not a good deed. Right? So a good deed can literally become a sin with the wrong intention. So on priests a lot so people can see him and think that he is pious, he's committing a sin.

00:42:21 --> 00:42:34

And intention, the application does maximum intention can also be used to separate good deeds from sins. If someone goes to his friend and gives him 1000 Rand

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that 1000 Rand with the right intention is a gift and a gift in a good deed. And the proper subset spread gifts amongst you, it increases love. But if his intention is I'm giving this guy this money, so that he can help me with you know certain illegal things or getting through certain barriers. His intention now is bribery. The action is exactly the same. And sometimes even the wording will be the same. And so what's the wording? Most people think I'm not giving you a bribe or giving you a gift.

00:43:07 --> 00:43:12

The words don't matter. I this is importantly one of the Maxim's one of the subsidiary, Maxim's

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is forms and words don't matter. intentions are what matter. You can say I'm giving a gift. It can take the form of giving a gift, but the intention in the heart is bribery. On the day of judgment, the concert right, regardless of what the person said. So intention overrides, even what is stated, intention overrides, even what is stated, someone says I am giving you a gift, but in his heart, he is attending a bribe, it counts as a senate as a good deed. So sometimes the only difference between a sin and a good deed is what's the person's intention. Simple as that.

00:43:52 --> 00:44:05

Now, the example Nowadays, people go out to eat our right. And he sees a lot of young guys when they first get involved in Dawa The only at the beachfront giving Dawa, to the girls in bikinis, right? Is that our good deed? Or is it a sin?

00:44:06 --> 00:44:07

Allah knows.

00:44:15 --> 00:44:38

Okay, so we'll end off with the exception. So as I said, at the maximum, there are some differences of opinion amongst the alama on how to apply it. When it comes to the maximum of intentions. We have one of the clearest examples. The clearest example here is, does the maxim of intention apply to secondary acts of worship? They hustle, we do anti Mo.

00:44:39 --> 00:44:59

Right now, the Sharpies, the Moloch is and the humble is all say, and even the Salafis they all say that if a person does not intend to do the will do is not valid. If a person does not intend the hosel. The hosel is not valid. And the evidence is Heidi's in double armor up action.

00:45:00 --> 00:45:07

adjudged by the intentions, the 100 the Allah say no, they say intention is not a

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is not a pillar of these acts of worship intention is not required or hostile or will do. So, for example, where this will come into place, if someone's in a state of Geneva, and they go for a swim and they come in from the pool, according to the Sharpies, molecules and humbleness, they are still in a state of gentleman, unless they had the intention of puzzle when he jumped in the water, you need to make an intention before jumping in or while you are in the 100 bc whether the intention is the or not they are now purified.

00:45:37 --> 00:45:39

Right. So this difference of opinion stems from

00:45:40 --> 00:46:10

to make it easy to understand, go back to what you mentioned about the reaction hydrea I should 100 please look at widow and herself as not acts of worship in of themselves. They look at it as conditions for the validity of Salah they look at as conditions for the validity of salah and the mercy intention is not needed for any of the other conditions for valid for the validity of Salah. So for example, you don't need intention to be in a clean place reading clean quotes as

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just conditions. So they take the same and they put would do and

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and so the 100 Allah say that if a person

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with the part of the body that are required to wait for hosel overdue to be complete, whether the intention is there or not, it is complete. And the other three must have seen no intention is necessary. So the main reason I'm bringing this up is to show you all four must haves agree in principle, but they differ in application. Right, they differ in application. And you will find many other areas where the default application but this is the clearest example this is the example which everyone is familiar with. Right? That hosel and we do it the Hanafi madhab intention is not necessarily but in the other three month hubs it's watching it's fun, in the other team other bits

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forbid to have intention we will do we will do also is something you have to do. So just keep that in mind. That one of the reasons why only this this is generally only towards Allah is the golden masters and all the exceptions as well. So you don't just learn all the Maxim's but they learn all the exceptions to the Maxim's as well and all the areas where they will have it for as well in this area. So, this is the make the first maximum effect and you can use this for solving many many issues you can use this in many parts of your life, you know for understanding what is acceptable, what is not acceptable. Why is the how when do we get what kind of ruling?

00:47:38 --> 00:47:46

For example, another example of intention would be divorce right if a man told his wife get out of the house, as he calls it, the devotion of

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Moshe Malhotra See, look at your intention. The Happy mother will see look at other look at local culture. Its local culture, those words are considered divorces consider divorce Nana female, but in the other mother to say look at the intention. As you again you see the difference between the Hanafi madhhab and the other labs when it comes to the application of this heavies.

00:48:07 --> 00:48:12

The other reason why the Hanafi madhhab doesn't accept this Hadees for Voodoo and also

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the very technical issue.

00:48:15 --> 00:48:39

And essentially the Quran says Allah says in the Quran, when the time comes for Salah, wash your face, your hands up to the elbows, your MiG massage your head and wash your feet up to the ankles. So the 100 Viola says that the Quran says 40s it doesn't mention intention. Therefore in the Hanafi madhhab these four things of birth and everything else Yes.

00:48:41 --> 00:49:18

I'd why because one of the principles of the Hanafi madhhab is a Hadees. Particularly a Hadees which comes through a singular chain of narrators cannot overnight Cora. And this Hadees enamel Amato venia, even though it in Sahih Bukhari even though it's 100% authentic, even though it comes on top, he's the only Sahabi to narrate it. So it comes to a singular chain of narrators, which later attained your highest status to all the different people in the region from him. But when he goes back to Sahaba, it only once a habit of eating it. So technically in the Hanafi madhhab, it does not meet the Hanafi standards for being equal to the Quran. So the Hanafi almasi. The Quran only

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mentioned four things, only those four things are compulsory, therefore intentionally is not compulsory. That's the other way to look at it. And again, every month have has different evidences you look at the other month hubs, they have the longest evidence as well. This just shows you how and why odema have differences of opinion. Now time is up. So I hope that this gave you a good introduction to Alcoa wide, and the basic idea of the first side up which is intentions.

00:49:47 --> 00:49:59

Just to give you an example of how I teach this in the university, I spend two weeks teaching the history of Maxim's how this field developed over time. spent three hours on the first maximum on each of the five

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Maximum three hours each. Right. And then after that, we look at some other Maxim's as well. So what we're doing here is very condensed. Obviously, when you're teaching at the bachelors level, you're going to go into a lot more details. But this is mainly an introduction to know that these five principles exists, and also to be able to take them and apply them in our daily lives. So with that, we come to the end of today's presentation. Are there any questions or any points of discussion? can ask now? I'll just go back to the slide with the main Maxim's

00:50:30 --> 00:50:31

Yeah, here we go.

00:50:33 --> 00:50:35

Any questions on any of these things?

00:50:37 --> 00:50:40

everyone understand what the Maxim's are and how they work.

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00:51:01 --> 00:51:04

me the difference of opinion about something, can you use it?

00:51:08 --> 00:51:09

To build a habit?

00:51:15 --> 00:51:15

In other words,

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he can if he believes the evidence is strong enough? I generally, okay, so the question is, when Allah might have a difference of opinion, whether something is haram or not, is it right for one item to use the word hello. Now, generally, the early scholars, you see this, particularly amongst the writings of Mr. Malik, very, very rarely use the word hero, very rare for them to use the word hero, he would say things like, I don't like it. It's not good, better to avoid it. It's not the best of options, you know, these kinds of bodies.

00:51:52 --> 00:52:29

He would only use the word haraam when he felt the evidence was strong enough to justify that. So this really boils down to if someone is saying, this is another one saying no, this is wrong. If that person genuinely believed the evidence, you know, that level, that is how long he has the right to say that. So for example, I say that smoking cigarettes is haram. So when you say Oh, but so and so Adam said, He's makuta for me. So my answer is Baku, Tansy. That's the opinions but for me adoro you that must be eliminated. Now, this thing is killing people every year in the millions is killing people across the globe, you want to eliminate harm.

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eliminate this, I show media, the evidence is strong enough that I believe is I believe strongly that he's wrong, even if other people say it's not. We have On the flip side, people on another issue where I might say hello, and somebody else will say hello, it is firmly believed the evidence is strong enough. So let's look at the example of men wearing a suit and tie. Right? So I say hello. So alpha says hello. Right. And he may have the right to say that way. Because he's basing his opinion on that Hadees. Now, I don't agree with his interpretation of the Hadees. I don't agree with how he's applying the Hadees. But nonetheless, from his perspective, that's the Hadees that's how he

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understands that as he says the ruling has arrived that he has the right to call you right. Now again, there's a lot of

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there's a lot of Israel related to the issue of other real estate, right manners of having differences of opinion.

00:53:32 --> 00:53:37

I don't like to use the word haram very often because haram means a lot for him to delete.

00:53:38 --> 00:54:05

So I will only use an issue which either I in the Quran or in the Hadees or each ma or it is genuinely harmful. These are the four things I look at. If it is Quran Hadees each Mark are genuinely harmful in and we use the word Halong. Right? Because Allah has prohibited all hot. Otherwise, anything else if someone asked me like, just truly I've got so many questions someone asked me is watching movies with clean content. halala

00:54:06 --> 00:54:07

I told him akuntansi

00:54:09 --> 00:54:18

not the best usage of your time, but you're not gonna get sued for doing it. Right. So he asked me he's playing soccer games on the PlayStation helado era. Right?

00:54:19 --> 00:54:32

Fine, permissible. And if you'd asked me about some other games, which had a bit more questionable content, I would say it's not the best thing to do with your time is not the best of options. I will not say video games are hard.

00:54:33 --> 00:55:00

Because there's no explicit evidence for that. So you are saying Allah has prohibited something. But you have no evidence that Allah has prohibited that. And this is a major sin. There is a verse in the Quran, Allah says, say who is it that is making Haram, the good things of this earth that I created for myself as to enjoy. This is a verse in the Quran, the translation of Allah says, who is making haram the good things of this earth that I created for my servants to enjoy? So that verse is available.

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strong warning, don't use the word harm, unless you are sure. Now it's possible for one person to be sure on one side and one person to be showing the other side. If that didn't exist, we wouldn't have, we wouldn't have differences of opinion.

00:55:12 --> 00:55:15

So that's really the fourth condition I look at before using the word hard on

00:55:17 --> 00:55:17

the question and say,

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00:55:28 --> 00:55:33

yeah, the word copier is Oh, that's, that's a big problem in our society, the fear of the other.

00:55:35 --> 00:55:51

When you look historically, always like to look back at the Abbasid Empire, the Ottoman Empire, and you had Sophie's selfies she are all living in the same community or being treated as Muslims, even though each group acknowledged or the group's beliefs are wrong.

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Nobody slotted anyone. Nobody charged anyone jizya nobody exiled people. with exceptions. They were exceptions like Salim the grim if you are the extremists here and there. But the general norm throughout our history is all existed together, right in the societies. And now, you have, I mean, not even forget Shia Sunni, we have the Juan de bourree. We call each other coffee, right? When they literally both come from the same chain of teachers. If you go back four or five generations, they have the same chain of teachers, they would go back to Sha one EULA. Right? So and the differences of opinion I'm very, I won't even see secondary issue issue nobody even thinks about or talks about.

00:56:37 --> 00:57:19

If we look at why a very high quality open to caffeine or Deobandi Michael Burrell via carpet, it's always about issues that nobody talks about, nobody thinks about. And you see what the deobandis believe this or whatever it is believed that or the Celebes believe that it was issues that are like completely mundane, completely unnecessary. So, the general principle is do not use the word kafir. Except maybe in I would say three situations. Number one, the person himself called himself dead. So nowadays, we have this apostate moment. Nothing wrong with calling them coffin. Right? They themselves, calling himself God. Number two would be if a person

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is unrepentant, or something that is clear go for even if they don't regardless go for themselves. So for example, if someone is openly mocking the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. No, and I don't mean proceed, blocking is clearly mocking he's drawing cartoons of the Prophet of Islam, and making a mockery of him in comic books. And he called himself a Muslim.

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Nothing wrong with calling that person coffee because his actions is clear. And all of the Muslims know that it's clear. So for someone to continuously engaging, clear go for after it's been made clear to him without repenting, there's nothing wrong with calling the coffee. Number three, when these each ma there are certain belief is

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the clearest example today, believing in a false prophet.

00:58:08 --> 00:58:49

Right so Ahmadis Nation of Islam, Rashi, dites, Bahais all of these movements Ah, by the HMR of the one D Sellafield Burrell is all put together. Coffee. Why? The following a different prophets, the following the own false prophet false revelation, false religion, they're not Muslim anymore. That's an area where you can see this each month. When a person follows a false prophet. You can call themselves a Muslim, they can say they believe in Allah they believe in the Prophet Muhammad Ali Assam, but once they choose to follow a false prophet, what is the difference between them and the followers of Muslim Alcazar? What is the difference? Right so that becomes the biggest issue.

00:58:51 --> 00:58:59

For me the issue of Shia Islam I think that's the big one in our community. Every day, pops up in our community, someone saying she has a coffee, coffee in

00:59:01 --> 00:59:30

my opinion, and this is the opinion of almost all my teachers. And I've studied under Deobandi Allah Salah, viola hardcode, Giovanni Allah Maha casilla Viola. I've studied under people who are humble do the math study and the Sharpie odema. All of them, not a single one of them. Not a single one of them ever meet up feet of the shell. Not a single one of them. The most hardcore Salafi teacher of mine said if you trace the love behind a twelver Shia Imam, your Salah is

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the most hardcore teacher have said that your Salah is valid. What does that mean?

00:59:38 --> 00:59:39

Right. So

00:59:41 --> 00:59:59

I do not know of any of my teachers who went to the extreme to see the 12 but she has a copy. I found this amongst certain smaller groups or individuals, but not from people who are senior in the business. The senior alumni don't take the position, the senior all about the opinion that they add and set the beliefs

01:00:00 --> 01:00:18

Wrong. Some of the beliefs are confirm. But it does not take them out of the fold of Islamic identity believe in Allah Muhammad Rasulullah. They believe in the five pillars of Islam. They believe in the six pillars of Eman. And so that is enough to keep them just barely, barely, barely in the fold of Islam, barely in the fold of Islam. Right.

01:00:19 --> 01:01:00

So I don't regard them as Catholic, I regard them as deviant *, we disagree with their beliefs you believe? Do you believe that their beliefs are completely wrong? Are they Muslim, I will treat them as Muslim. And we will interact with them as Muslims. And I believe the majority of Muslims throughout history to that approach. Because we do not see the passage or the image or the ultimate expelling the Shia. We don't see them charging the Shia GCR. We don't see them treating them as non Muslim citizens. They treated them as Muslims. Right. So that's again, now again, the other groups that what we are types of Shia, like the elouise.

01:01:02 --> 01:01:18

The Jews, the assassins, these groups most is more differences of opinion, but in general will America them as as coffee, even share with them any kind of coffee? Hey, these groups believes that so far, that the Shia militia, you know, those guys are coffee. Right? So but in general,

01:01:19 --> 01:01:46

the majority of Shia are 12 hours, you know, what the 12 I guess, maybe even 12 months, right. And in general, most of the Alomar have not made that theory of the 12 months of the of the target sheet, obviously not the top not regard the mobs as being part of a holy beacon being Sunni Muslims, most for the most part, but the 12 was themselves. They did not make the fear of them. They simply said the IDP and set their beliefs are wrong. And I believe that the more balanced abortion Allah knows best.

01:01:48 --> 01:01:50

Any of the ladies had questions.

01:01:59 --> 01:01:59


01:02:03 --> 01:02:45

Okay, it's a good point. So expressing our intention, firstly, the local practice of verbally stating our intention. That's not from Islam. And so we have this local practice where you stand up and you say, I am praying to the gods to her in an immediate memorize in order to Arabic, right? Nothing like that. In Islam, there's nothing that Imperato Hades or any of the mothers intention is in the heart. Now, the other question is, does it have to be a conscious thing? The other issue is its subconscious unconscious. Is that acceptable? there is difference of opinion. Yes. So for example, someone's you wanted to do the daydreaming the year, in which time he goes to the masjid

01:02:45 --> 01:03:08

they pray, they come out, someone asked him to pray. They think they think they think oh, yeah, fetus. Right. So is that valid? because there wasn't that conscious intention is just like an automatic it is an autopilot. Right? The clearest example we all do, this is fasting in Ramadan. Most of us don't wake up in the morning. So let me say today I am fasting. And it's just automatic.

01:03:09 --> 01:03:45

The majority of the orlimar say that it is valid, the very fact that you made will do and went to the masjid at that time, or you will go for support. That is your intention. The fact that you're doing that means you have intention to do that the worship, right even though it's automatic, but human beings are creatures of habit once something becomes a habit it becomes automatic, if you are continuously making attention your heart and really eventually even that becomes automatic automatically budget time you obviously Salah Why are you up and running Salah is because your intention is to pray Salah even if you don't stand there, like some people will literally stand

01:03:45 --> 01:04:19

there frozen for three or four months before they started. So, they are so afraid that the intention is not going to be valid. The very fact that you woke up You mean do you are standing there you are praying to the gods at fudger time is enough itself enough to contest the intention. So my opinion is if a person is doing an act of worship that they are accustomed to doing and they do not take a moment to stop and think what my intention is alone accepting from them because the the intention has now become habit it's not become part of the subconscious. It's something to do automatically. A lot of space but that's my opinion.

01:04:36 --> 01:04:47

Yeah, okay. So, the question is, if you join the Jamaat and the praying one salah and your intention is a different Salah right. So, they could be praying a certain your intention is over.

01:04:48 --> 01:04:54

Or maybe you played us already. So you make intention of some Nuffield fellow because our Salah

01:04:55 --> 01:04:59

most of the Muslims, most of the illnesses, it's fairly simple. It's acceptable

01:05:00 --> 01:05:17

It is accepted. All of my teachers from whatever school of thought I studied, taught me it's accepted. So I don't know. It could be a difference of opinion. I don't know about you. Generally any teacher I studied with said you go if if you bring saliva in someone, if they intentionally go hurt and your intention is also

01:05:18 --> 01:05:46

the your your your slides accepted according to your intention. Right. Sounds asking how we're wondering how does it happen? Easy. You traveling in mind the airport, so the Sharpies are combining the 200 and 100 fee is only things over. And so he's playing behind him with you assuming the day brings over but he's been volunteering us right. So they are still is accepted. His offer is also accepted because it's two rockets, rockets, debris, two rockets, intention of ascent up to rocket to the intention of

01:05:47 --> 01:05:48

actually to be accepted in Shell.

01:05:50 --> 01:05:54

Now the actions are different. That's a different story. Like if it's a four rockets, Alon unique intention.

01:06:01 --> 01:06:04

a disbeliever makes a pixma symmetric corporate,

01:06:07 --> 01:06:08

acoustic from the US

01:06:10 --> 01:06:31

when I see people going in both directions. Very, very important question is the difference between someone who has actively rejected Islam and someone who's not a Muslim, and having not heard about Islam, yet, so long discussions on this and the books of theology.

01:06:33 --> 01:06:38

There is a term used by others called quantum fitrah people who are on the natural disposition.

01:06:39 --> 01:06:40


01:06:41 --> 01:07:07

generally we have to understand the difference between using a term in his technical sense, and using a term in a in a in a binding sense. So technically, if someone's a Christian, or a Jew or a Hindu and the identify is that it is not a sin or haram to seek the caffeine. Because caffeine means not a big evil, don't believe in Islam. Right? What would be a sin

01:07:08 --> 01:07:10

is to say he is going to join them.

01:07:12 --> 01:07:27

In a job, that would be a sin. Right? So you need to distinguish between the theory and the application. Islamic theory, believers go to Jenna, disbelievers go to China. That's clear in our religion application.

01:07:28 --> 01:08:16

JOHN grew up in Texas, in a small ranch surrounded by Christians, he follow Christianity never met a Muslim in his life. All he knows about is Fox News. Right? He's very sincere. He follows Christianity as sincerely as possible. He dies in that condition. Is he a kafir in the afterlife? He had a difference of opinion. Right? Imam Al ghazali, for example, said in his view, the Romans living in the edges of the Roman Empire, who have never met the Muslims, they allowed except from them their religion because they've not heard true message of Islam. Well, the majority say same thing applies today. For people who have not heard the true message of Islam yet, then Allah can

01:08:16 --> 01:08:28

still forgive them and can still accept from them. There's multiple evidences for this one evidence is the Hadees with the prophets or subset, any Judeo Christian who hears about me and does not believe in me, will be the hellfire.

01:08:30 --> 01:08:32

So the mohalla body

01:08:33 --> 01:09:10

on the inside, opposite of that is, any Judeo Christian who has not heard of me, will not be that way. Right? That's understood from the Hadees or not explicitly stated. The other evidence is where Allah says in the Quran, I will not punish a people until I send them a message. In the Tafseer. If you opened up seal of biliteracy, read the Tafseer of that verse. There is a hadith that even cassiobury brings with the proper assumptions stated on the Day of Judgment, children, insane people, and people who have not heard the message of Islam, a prophet will be sent to them, a messenger will be sent to them. Right. And if they accept his message, they go to China, if they

01:09:10 --> 01:09:51

reject his message, they come to China. So all of these indicate that, again, it goes back to the issue of Allah infinite mercy. Allah is not going to hold people accountable for something that is beyond the abilities. Allah is not going to hold someone accountable, something that beyond their knowledge alone is not going to hold someone accountable for something he didn't even know existed. So, we do not say about MVC in general, believers go to Paradise, disbelievers go to *, but we do not say about any individual that he is in the Hellfire or he is in Paradise, unless it is stated in the Quran. So we can say Pharaoh is in the Hellfire because that's in the Quran. We can see Abu

01:09:51 --> 01:09:57

Dhabi's in the Hellfire because that's in the forum. We can say that Abu Bakar is in general because that's

01:09:58 --> 01:09:59

we can't say

01:10:00 --> 01:10:39

I have seen lots of people say this, for example, Nelson Mandela is in tune showplace. Right, because you can't say Mother Teresa is in so and so place. Now to see that that's not our decision to make, we will say, judging by the law here, they died upon Cooper. Right. So we will treat them as a copy, we will not have janazah for them, you will not be to offer them, whatever the case may be, but a final judgment in between them. And if they come before the day of judgment, and they have excuses accepted to Allah, or if they accepted Islam and secret that we never knew about it, or if they see their Shahada before they died, and nobody heard it except a lot. We don't know. So it's

01:10:39 --> 01:11:04

not permissible to say about the individual that you're in paradise or have paradise as well. paradise as well. You can't see Oh, he died in Ramadan and Juma is definitely going to Providence. He says, one of the drug lords died in in Ramadan Juma someone came to watch us like someone will come up to me or confused as to what happened. One of the main drug dealers Muslim in Durban died in Ramadan, Juma,

01:11:05 --> 01:11:08

quick agenda, you can see

01:11:09 --> 01:11:17

if you can just make judgments like that, that's what I love to say. And so we cannot see for any one gender or jahannam unless it in the Quran.

01:11:18 --> 01:11:39

So important, what you mentioned about seeing carpet again, there's nothing wrong with using the word to mean this believer if some people find the word offensive petted on us in front of them, this matter of other manners, right. But there's nothing wrong with Cynthia disbeliever. But we don't make a judgment call on the ark. You know, that's what's important. Because you don't know who ends up with only Allah who ends up

01:11:54 --> 01:12:21

people who understand. Yes. So yeah, there's one interpretation. So in Surah, COVID mentioned all the different groups that will coordinate one of them could not understand it. Either one of the interpretation days that he did not have to deliver the message to them because he was beyond they were primitive people. You can understand things like prophets and messengers and all of that they are very primitive nation. So again, Allah holds each person accountable to what was within the capabilities of understanding

01:12:28 --> 01:12:29

attention doesn't mean

01:12:31 --> 01:12:44

necessarily, you know, because the Imam could be paying Salah with the intention of showing off and you'd be paying saw behind him with the intention of pleasing Allah, you're just validating his is not right. So the mount intention is separate from the followers intention.

01:12:59 --> 01:13:35

It doesn't work that well. For example, I could be praying Isha yoga myself with the intention to pray for myself, and someone comes and stands behind me and follows me. Salah is valid, it is also valid, and that's an all the massage there's actually no difference of opinion it will be valid. He doesn't have to come and tell me I am now praying Salah behind you please change your intention to become an evil. No, it is a lie so valid. So the man's intention does not reflect the book The intention, and the several examples of that. No Sharia. The man can be a traveler, the person behind you can be someone praying in the hometown. He's praying to regard the person buying praying for the

01:13:35 --> 01:13:57

man could be paying to her person behind everything. A man could be paying some extra as soon as another person behind him is praying depart Salah right? The Imam could be praying to show off the person behind you think for the sake of Allah or the opposite. The mom is praying for the sake of Allah the person behind him is trying to show off. In all cases, each individual is held accountable only for their own intention. I just did it and that's what matters.

01:14:02 --> 01:14:03

Any other questions?

01:14:04 --> 01:14:20

This will be done for this week inshallah does aka hate for all of you for your time and attention and inshallah next week we will discuss the second of the COVID which is the akinola you're gonna be shocked. Certainly cannot be overruled by douches aka aka da da da da da da da.

In this introductory session on Qawaaid al-Fiqhiyyah (Legal Fiqh Maxims), Shaykh Ismail summarizes the concept of Maqasid al-Shariah, introduces the concept of Qawaaid al-Fiqhiyyah and discusses the first maxim related to intentions.

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