Irshaad Sedick – Purity 101 #05 Tayammum and Related Matters

Irshaad Sedick
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of understanding the needs of the moon and its impact on humans, including its use in praying and washing one's faces. They stress the need for water to avoid harm to oneself and others, and emphasize the importance of avoiding touching sand. The speakers also discuss the use of sand in various situations, including urban lifestyles, travel, and personal experiences. They stress the importance of water and its necessity in various circumstances, and provide examples of practical advice for wiping hands and hands. The Sha considered "medirty" and its impact on health is discussed, as well as the importance of performing a normal will do and not doing certain actions during "slack breaks."
AI: Transcript ©
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I mean it'd be rock medica rock. I mean Assalamu alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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or place and thanks to do Sarita Allah subhanho wa Taala tree says Peace, blessings and salutations upon our Master and exemplary Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will commence with some recitation and some of the cruel Nila.

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How will we learn Muna shaytani R rajim Bismillah AR Rahman AR Rahim. Alhamdulillah Europ Bill and I mean, a rough man yo Rahim. Malik yo me Dean. A canal boudoir a canister Irene Dino cero autonomous stealthy stealthing Serrato Nadine Ananda, I lay him royalmail To be either a model or the

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in Lola will say you do know Mohammad Rasool Allah He sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Hello Mossad

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more heavy

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So the irony was a lot of rumors on there either more

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based on the they he was

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playing in Charlotte shallow data we come into the class on purity 101 How Muslim we should clean. In this class we will be dealing specifically with diamo dry ablution in the lighter IRA. And as you can see from the list of topics, we've covered the types of water we've covered ablution overdue. The causes of minor ritual impurity in other words, what breaks the window. We spoke about using the lavatory In other words, relieving oneself and making a stranger. He spoke about the hustle and the Sooners in relation to that

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this class will be dealing with the DRI evolution or diammonium. And what we will still cover is menstruation and manifests and then we have already dealt with Nigel asset. So, actually, I think this is still have some notes and Nigel said that we will cover

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but in total, we only have about one clause remaining of this of this particular series if I'm not mistaken. And they after we will proceed with sada So, what are we going to cover here in sha Allah Allah?

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Note that

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we are looking at the three causes of the moon, like why would would a person need to take the moon what brings about the the application of the moon what makes it relevant, the 10 conditions of diamon In other words, what needs to be prevalent before they can take place, the five integrals of the moon or the Ark can those acts without which there is no Tam. And finally, the three Nullifiers of their moon what breaks that they are more so this is the text that we need to get through. There's quite a bit in terms of the Arabic so I'm not going to read through everything here but instead I'll go straight to reading the Arabic along with the translation give me like the island so

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we proceed to our first section called Moosonee for Rahima hola with the either whenever analog will be aluminium or aluminium amine

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also known as Barbu damn mummy fella satin the causes of their mum or three cockadoodle Murphy, the absence of water while Murghab illness while the edge of La Healy aperti, the outer sheen or the outer she Haiwan in Mata Rahman, or the need for water, when there is a thirst of any creature that is considered vulnerable, that is considered honorable, you will speak a bit about that.

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Or you will Mata Rami set the tone and then he goes into who are the

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let's call them undeserving undeserving people and deserving creatures. So this is important because this section deals with

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what type of situations would bring about the need to resort to Tammo. Right, under normal circumstances you perform will do.

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But you may find yourself in a situation where you think that okay, I need to perform them. So to put things into sort of context, a few years ago, we had, we had a drought here in the Western Cape. And amidst the drought, we were all limited to a certain amount of water every day. And the water was fairly little.

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But it was sufficient. And then in certain quarters at certain masajid and so forth, a cold game that people should resort to Tianmu

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so tonight in this lesson, you should hopefully be able to answer the question for yourself whether that was a valid scenario in which you could perform the ammo die. There was a lack of water in the sense that we were limited, but it was not an absence of water.

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some people resorted to the ammo under those circumstances, but you will see in shallow data. If you can answer that if you don't, if you still don't understand it by the end of the of the class, then you can specifically ask just in case I overlook it. Where does this discussion come from? Before we proceed any further.

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I want to quote the verse from the Quran

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that forms our basis for this discussion.

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In the Quran in surah, toma ADA that's the fifth Surah of the Quran Druze number six and is number six. Allah azza wa jal says but an Akula are all the bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah R Rahman Rahim Yeah, you're Latina Manu O believers, is the tomb Illa sada when you stand to go and pray your Salah folk Zulu would you have come when wash your faces or a deer come Ill Moravec and your hands up to an including the elbows or OMSA who b2c can wipe your heads or our July calm and wash your feet ill campaign up to an including the ankles. That discusses we'll do the covers we'll do we've covered that already. We're in Kentucky gentlemen, and if you are in the state of Geneva,

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football how to then purify yourselves now the words performer who said we're in going to Mirador, but if you are ill,

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who is suffering or you are on a journey, oh Jaya had to mean Come Minella it or one of you returns of the answering the call of nature.

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Then the understanding is you're ill you're on a journey or you come out of the bathroom you come out of answering the call of nature, oh Allah Masterman Nisa or you had touched your wives. And again these two understandings here the one is, we discussed this last week the one is refers to sexual intimacy, but according to another reading, it is any touch. So that's a factor that breaks the will do then Allah Allah says falam Dad, you do man and you do not find water by lambda g Duma, and you do not find water. But I am Malmo when your mum, but this is in the form of a of a verb, but they are more than they should intend. So, Eden for you EBA they should proceed an intent towards

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Pio Earth. So, the word that I am actually means to intend towards because when you perform them, you must go to the earth you must go to the the soil of the sand, and you must proceed with intention to utilize it right.

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Then you proceed to pure Earth from Sir Who will be will do he come and then wipe your faces where a deer come and your hands, but a decom your hands men who from it from the earth, that's it, there's no

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what, as in the case what we'll do the face and then the arms, the elbows and then the wiping the feet, sorry, wiping the head and washing the feet. It's not all of that just wipe your faces and wash you sorry, and wipe your hands with it, like FEMSA, who B will do he can wipe your faces or a D comb and your hands Minho have it

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keep this in mind because this is our basis for the entire lesson on the moon.

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Notice also that as opposed to the previous section when the verse spoke about washing in will do it says it says specifically.

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First Zulu would you hakam wash your faces while Adi comb and your hands ill Mara feel

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up to and including the elbows. But when it speaks about the young mum, it says

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wipe your faces from Sahabi will do he come with a D comb and your hands men who have it doesn't say Elan Moravec right. Just this subtle difference. I'm just remembering something here. It stands out because these pilaf among the scholars among them other hip as to what needs to be wiped in the damn right. Everyone agrees the face in their hands. But the difference comes in as two up two way must you wipe the hands. So the predominant opinion the preponderant view initial fairy school is that it must be wiped to the same extent that you would wipe in the will do up to an including the elbows, though that is not mentioned in the iron explicitly as the mother hip considered sufficient to

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simply wipe the hands itself, meaning up until the wrists so there are different views in relation to that. I just wanted you to notice how these differences come about. And then Allah concludes the ayah by saying ma you read hula hula Jalla la caminhada Raj, Allah doesn't want to make your lives difficult for you. The intention behind these commands these laws is not

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To make life difficult

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while I can bet you read only YUTAN hirako Allah wants to purify you, Allah want you to be bill

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while you team many amateur who Aleikum and he wants to complete his favor upon you, while Allah Quran, Allah Allah Kodesh Quran so that you may be grateful. So never in in fact, should we think about these laws as cumbersome as difficult. And it's easy when when one first learns fic or, you know, at the at the more advanced level, you learn fifth, and then you you become so fanatic about the technicalities, which are important, but you forget that these technicalities have a greater purpose. And the greater purpose in all of what we've been discussing so far is for Tahara. So purification is a great emphasis in Islam on purification. On Friday, we discussed one of the verses

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that define who real men are. And the one that you find in surah. Toba refers to this, this almost an obsession with purifying themselves.

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But it is essential for us to understand that the external purification, while critically important in order to to worship Allah, you cannot worship Allah without will do without Tahara. What is even more important is the purification of our hearts, the purification of our souls, the purification of our character. Right now, I'm mentioning this, because it is essential that while you study, you always bring it back to the heart of what is intended. So many classes of fix so many years of study, some people go through it, and they leave the not feeling anything in it. It's just a set of laws. But it's important that you always bring it back to the sources of the law, the Quran and the

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Sunnah. And you can see the difference in the way it is expressed. Notice how at the end of that verse, Allah subhana, wa Taala went on to say, Allah doesn't want to make things difficult for you, he wants to purify you, he wants to complete his favor upon you. And so that you may be grateful, you're not going to hear that in a fifth book. Because the fifth book serves the purpose of teaching you the laws, the do's the don'ts, the rights and wrongs. And when a student studies Islam, at a at a formal or full time level, they don't study fit in isolation. But in our community, there are many individuals who studied fit for years, I know some people who've studied with a chef, for example,

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for 30 years, 40 years, that's good or bad. But often this is done in isolation. So they only studying the do's and the don'ts. And they never really connecting that to the broader picture of what Islam is trying to, to impress upon us. And I wanted to make sure that we don't go down that same route for these series of courses, that we should always bring it back to the objective of the Sharia, which is to bring us closer to Allah to live the best possible lives and to attain his pleasure and ultimately to attain his Jana and that is how we should think about this.

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Hey, now that you've added that as a bit of an intro, back to the slides and shallow data, and we look at

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the first section

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again, so what's the first reason why you would need to take the ammo number one says absence of water

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this means if there is a little water that is insufficient for attaining purity, right?

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You don't have water for wudu simply put, now what if you have some water get this bottle still quite sufficient as it stands, but it's only had this much water left in the bottle, right?

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That's definitely not enough for will do fill magically some people in hygiene managed to take will do for five weeks with so little water. That's not That's not valid, right. But if there was this much water left, what must I do? So I immediately resolved to tie among now you cannot do that. If you have this much water left and it's not for drinking purposes, then you have to use that for Who are you going to get through the entire will deal with it? No, but you get as far as you can. Why? Because you cannot perform the move unless you do that. So this is what we refer to by absence of water. Some scenarios of absence of water

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not too long ago in the surrounding areas where I live not in my own area but around the there was a big water pipe burst night so for I think about a day and a half and announced people didn't have any water in the taps. So didn't

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have a chance to prepare for this right? Now for some people,

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they can go out and seek water, they can buy some water, they can go and collect some water, whatever the case may be. But there's possibly a situation when somebody is without transport, or is not mobile, or is incapable of moving around, etc. So that's absence of water. Absence of water is when the drought happens. That is, of such a severe nature, that the only water available to people is for drinking, right. In that case, we call that absence of water. Now the example of absence of water is you're on the road, and you're on the long road, you don't have any water with you in the vehicle back, and it's the time for a walk, the time for the cider. And it's the type of sign that

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you cannot delay or bring forward. It's it's legit. Right? Now what you're going to do, you have to play sada you have to play on time. So that will be absence of water, and you can resort to the moon. So that's the first cause.

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The second cause of the Hammam is illness,

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what type of illness, any illness that will render the usage of water too difficult, or

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harmful for the person. Harmful, meaning if they use water, they can cause bodily harm to themselves or harmful, because

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they would increase the illness, they would prolong the illness that will take longer to recover. That's all in terms of harmful and in terms of illness, a person who is bedridden methylene, and he cannot access the water, he cannot go to the woods, it's too difficult for him. That all falls under illness. Now number three, this is predominantly hypothetical in our day and age. And we shouldn't take this at its face value.

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As literally as it is stated here. Let's see, what does it say? It says the need for water exists by oneself. All worthy animals worthy creatures. Do you have water? I have a bottle of water. Right? So I can perform them on with this. But I need the water for what? Because I'm going to drink the water. But if I use this waterfall will do I don't have drinking water. That would be the need for water exists I oneself or worthy animals. So then the author goes on and he says well how are you gonna tell me Sita tune unworthy creatures are the following.

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Number one, the person who forsakes the cider person who doesn't make Salah

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number two, a convicted married adulterer.

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Number three, an apostate, somebody who left the fold of Islam. Number four, a non Muslim from a non Muslim country that has or is within war waging war with the Muslim country.

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Number five, a vicious dog or a rabid dog a dog that has rabies. And he's and he's predominantly harmful. And number six, a pig. So what the author is saying is that generally speaking, if there's water required for the thirst of people or creatures, you rather prefer the thirst of creatures and people,

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but not for the six. Right? So, in fact, last night I answered a question on this exact point.

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The person says, look, if I have a mother who doesn't make salah, and I have some water and the need arises and stuff with maths and not give the water to my mother and rather prefer

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to take we'll do right

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Like I said, we shouldn't take this

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too, literally. Because the point here is to emphasize

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the severity of the sins associated with these people that are mentioned here. The severity of the sin of the person who forsakes they pray, and that the convicted adulterer, the apostate people who wage war with Muslims, and the vicious dog and so forth. That's the point. As for practical application, they are authentic a hadith narrated by Imam Al Bukhari, enema Muslim, that clearly indicate cruelty towards animals, even a dog or cat or something of that sort could result in a person being damned in their after and these days

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In a hadith that specifically mentioned that a woman who was in fact, an adulterer was in fact, a prostitute by trade, if you can call it that, who gave a dog some water to drink and earn Jana through that a lot of people like to quote this hadith for the wrong reasons, but this is the right reason. Yeah. Ty, this is referring to the compassion that Islam teaches overall. So it is, it is it is not that you should, you know, go and take the water away from bad people. That's not what it is saying.

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Number two, the second point is over and above the compassion factor. This in our day and age is predominantly hypothetical, right?

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The lack of water, according to the Shafia in school, the predominant view in the Shafi school is almost impossible to be a reason for wudu sorry reason for the mom in this day and age.

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And the most circumstances, without repetition, sorry, I should add that

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in our modern age, water is so widely available, that the conditions that the Shafi school says you need to follow. Before you can say there's no water would would immediately make their money not an option how so it's that you need to go and seek for water.

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Before you can say there's a lack of water. If you don't have water down, we must go ask your neighbors, you must go check down the road, you must go check in the shop day. It says you must go and seek. So under under our urban life, you're not going to find yourself in a situation

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I would say 95% of the time with this genuinely no water for you to use for thermal bearing in mind that you can use river water, sea water all of those things, right?

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They can be circumstances we temporarily is an absence of water, like the water that gets switched off at home because the pipe burst, right? And all your neighbors don't have you don't have you have some water but it's drinking water. So that's temporarily you can perform the ammonia Yes. But you will need to repeat the Sylar later on when you have water.

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With me. That's not a genuine absence of water. That's a temporary absence of water. So they assume the the practical application of it today in our circumstances is predominantly going to be for unique situations of travel, that unique situations of water pipes bursting and the like. Other than that, it's going to be for illness. It's going to be for illness, right and Allah knows best.

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And I've actually asked a couple of scholars about what they feel in our day and age within our urban life. Can they imagine a scenario where you would genuinely meet a young mom without having to repeat the cycle later. And I've yet to find a circumstance I'm speaking about normal circumstances and Allah knows best

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player we move on

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to the next segment of text

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the conditions of their mom shuru to tear mommy Ashura to the 10 conditions of the moon. Number one, a Hakuna be to Robin they are must take place with sand with Earth.

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I've heard many strange things about this. Man, you can hit the cockpit hit the walls, people in the plane hit the seat, you can't do that.

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It's impossible. It's not allowed. There's no opinion among any of them either. Hey, that vetted that allows you to do that. Right? So they must be with sand with Earth. Number two, a Hakuna to robata here on the earth must be pure. What does this mean? It means it mustn't be used. Somebody used it with them already know must be contaminated with NASA and so on and so forth. Right?

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So if I go outside now, and I go and find a patch of sand, can I use that for their moon?

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Yes or no?

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Why not?

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So that is the answer that I was hoping for. But it isn't the right answer. Because in fact, we never. We never go on might and probably sorry and maybes. And perhaps it's always going to be based on

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fact, on probability either Yaqeen which is re open

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probability. So we never go on assumption that Oh no, the grass might be dirty because the dog might have been USB. We never ever go in that that's the normal human instinct, isn't it? I can't make saliva because I don't know if a dog does business here that's the normal human instinct, but that's not our fake works. So we don't go according to that the entire Earth is MSG. That's the prophets on Sam's statement so how do we apply that that means you can make Salah anyway you don't need the masala you don't need a mat you don't need a Maggi you know the the special place you go on the beach and make sense out in the sand. You go to the park and make salah and the grass, you pull up

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by a mole and it's time to Salah you don't need to go find the salah room. I mean, it's comfortable. But you can make salah the next year call. Right? Oh no Melinda but this oil the is oil najis

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No, that's not the that's not the 30 in your mind, but it's not it's not really that. So the sand is Bill, the sand is generally pure, when does it become impure. If I saw with my own eyes, there was a kelp and he was lying in the sand with me. I saw my own eyes the * as the that makes it impure. So we have to sort of change the perspective on that. I know that's generally the perception, but we have to change that. The same thing applies with making this is off the topic now but the same thing applies when making Salah with your shoes on. Why do we take our shoes off when you make solder?

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Why? For two reasons. Number one, because you're gonna do it the math.

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We play on a Mac. And number two.

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my shoes are not full of NASA. I didn't walk into NASA, you with me? What's the second reason? Because it's uncomfortable. The shoes that we wear. You can't bend your toes the way you should bend the Yukon. You know manipulate your feet in that sense. Your shoes your sandals, unless you know you've worked in NASA. You don't assume it to be full of NASA you assume it to be clean. Most of the time the prophets are SNM in the Sahaba played with issues on most of the time, there was no Masjid study, there was no carpet in the masjid. The Masjid was because ground when the sahabi sorry, when the Badawi came in and urinated on the ground? What did the Prophet system do? He said the measures

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throw water over it, there was no carpet day. Right? So these these modern day,

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conveniences can often change the way we think. Right? And it does. So the assumption is in the assumption is everything is clean, unless proven otherwise. Right. So when you might ask but didn't have any Musa have to take his shoes off when he stood they you know, speaking to the burning bush, yes, indeed. That's the specific circumstance. But that doesn't mean that every time somebody is making or making Salah that they need to remove their shoes, you don't have to save you standing in the in the park or by on the sand at the beach or whatever. It's probably better to take your shoes off so that you can bend your feet as you need to. But you don't have to write you don't have to.

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And Allah knows best. The hadith in which the Prophet Sam is making cider with issues on the Sabbath making Salah with issues on and then during the solder, he moves issues. Right. And then at the end of the solder, it turns in, he sees that the Sahaba remove their shoes. So you ask them like why did you do this? They said because we saw you doing this? So I said Um, and so he said no, I was informed by God that I had some nudges on my shoes. So I removed my shoes do the same, you didn't have any nudges on your shoes. So those type of things, it's just a matter of what we are accustomed to and what we are used to, but it's not dictated by fit in that regard. Right? Obviously you can't

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come in make Salah with your shoes on in the magic because these two reasons they number one, you're going to dirty the carpet. And number two, you're going to upset everybody else. Because the overwhelming majority of people are going to save a staff Rula you know, what are you doing? is haram, this type of ruling when you learn fic and you come to learn about something that most people would find strange or don't know about even if it's 100% valid. Right? What should you do

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that fall in a vase?

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It can be a major hit from USC as his people's attitude. So the guy will come now here and the friends of and makes our last sitting

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00:35:01 --> 00:35:08

you want to make sense? So I think it's completely fine. I could do it at the back, you know, you're gonna upset the old Buddhists. So what's wrong with you?

00:35:10 --> 00:35:19

That's, that's you have knowledge but you lack wisdom. Right? You have knowledge but you lack wisdom. So that's a side rant, but it's an important one nonetheless.

00:35:20 --> 00:35:34

Number three, Elia Hakuna Musa Ahmad and it mustn't be used. We mentioned that before. So the idea of having a Bucky, right of of sand that you take to somebody in the US that

00:35:36 --> 00:35:43

it's fine if you replace the sand, but if you're going to just reuse the same sand they that's not fine. Okay.

00:35:46 --> 00:35:59

While you haul it to who the pecan winner who it mustn't be mixed with foreign elements like flour. You think okay, now the sand is a beachy smelly? Let's put some baby powder in the No, it can't be mixed with anything.

00:36:02 --> 00:36:19

What are you acceder who the person must intend as we say the person must go to the sand as opposed to what you oak in in Mauritania right back in the day city it's very easy for your limbs and so forth to become full of dust because of the sun it's a dusty desert.

00:36:21 --> 00:36:42

So you can't Okay it's time for the what I need to prove on their mobile images stand here I got dust on me. Okay, that I got the helm or this wind blowing as a sand stone is a sandstorm so the sand is blowing the wind I can just stand your Bismillah right I got the ammo. Now you have to proceed to the earth to intentionally take the earth that's what that means. The

00:36:43 --> 00:37:28

number six What am Sir What Yeah, who are they? He he needs to wipe his face. And his hands be door button with two strikes. So one strike for the face. One strike for the end. We didn't speak about how to perform the ammonia we'll get there. This is just speaking about the fact that there must be only two strikes. You don't strike one time for both face and ends. No do you strike once with the face, then again for the right hand and then again for the left hand. Now two strikes, one for the face, one for both hands or arms. Right. Number seven are a US Ilana Jessa Whelan. If there is any nudges on you on your person, you have to first remove that before you resort to them. Number eight,

00:37:29 --> 00:38:12

by age 30 The fill capability popular who this point here is not preponderant view. So this also is mentioning a view that's not the most reliable view in the Shafi school. He's saying that you must first determine the direction of the Qibla before you take the ammo. What's the point? Yeah, what's the idea? The idea is that as soon as you have the hammam, you need to proceed to make solder. So he's saying to the point where you must actually first determine the direction of the Qibla before but that's not the preponderant view, you don't have to first determine the direction of the Qibla you can first perform them and then proceed. Number nine, for a Hakuna Teja moon but added the holy

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locked, that they must take place after the time of the pre had entered. You can prepay before the time of the pre printed others before the exam commenced, you can perform the mundane and then maintain or ATM adequately 14 A person must perform their minimum for every followed Salah much the same as what we explained in relation to the person with incontinence and how they should prepare for Salah the same concept app anzia You can perform several sunnah Salah as you can perform corridor ciders and so forth. But you can only perform the one parent followed solder and then you'd have to repeat the TAM those are the 10 conditions of diamo Allah subhanaw taala. Harlem is proceed

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to the next section keep your questions in mind inshallah Allah will, we'll get to that full route to Taya mummy Hamza, they are five integrals of the dam. This is how to make the ammo. And I'll Oh, well, the first Nepalese to rob the transfer of earth, the earth must be moved. It's very simple concept that the earth is in the ground. So it was moved from the ground to your limbs by the striking motion. So that's an integral it must have been like that as opposed to one as opposed to pouring the earth, right or the earth is maybe like sand falling down somewhere and you use that they must be a transfer number to a knee. Yeah, they must be consciousness of purpose. That mustn't

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just be lucky. I happen to be lying down in the beach, and then I was rolling around if for some reason, okay, I needed the right. You understand? You need to have any consciousness of

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plus, at Silas must pull watch wiping the face. How do you wipe the face we'll get to the method in a moment, but wiping the face is an integral aerobic number four must fully again, Ilan Melfa, clean, wiping the hands up to an including the elbows. Again, this if Philadelphia so if you find somebody wipes only their hands like that, that's also a valid method. And home is number five at the table banal mass hightide you must follow the right sequence. So you must first what, wipe the face then the the hands and not the hands first and then the face. Okay.

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And then now we speak about the methodology, the Sunnah way.

00:40:45 --> 00:41:03

So you begin as you would with the will do Bismillah R Rahman Rahim, you wipe the upper face before the lower face, you wipe the right arm before the left. And then for wiping the arms, you hold the palms up. Okay, before I go into that, let me just demonstrate it right.

00:41:05 --> 00:41:17

Just imagine yourself standing in front of me. So I would just basically strike the sand like that the idea being whatever dust is contained in the it comes onto the hands, right?

00:41:18 --> 00:42:05

I mean, I just wiped the face. Simple as that. It's not like well do, you must make sure that the water reaches everywhere, you don't put sand in the corners of your eyes now, right? It's just, it's more symbolic than it is a method of purification, that we don't take the moment to lift the state of impurity, we take them for the permission of Salah with the permission of doing something that you would need to do for that you cannot take will do. So it's not, you don't need to be as thorough as you would have to be in wudu. No Can you be because it's, it's That's not water. And then as for the arms, one strike, face. Next, drag both arms, right arm

00:42:06 --> 00:42:25

lift on, that's your thermal. Now, these a specific way that is going to be mentioned here in the book. By the way, the books are available as mad as them at 75. Within each day, you're not obliged to take a copy. But that would help you Inshallah, unless you decide to download it and use the PDF, it's up to you

00:42:26 --> 00:42:28

for wiping the arms.

00:42:29 --> 00:42:32

Hold the arms, palms up,

00:42:33 --> 00:42:44

placing the left hand crosswise under the right, with the left hand fingers, I'm going to just make the picture bigger for the people on Nyonya.

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Like this, now you start like that, with the left hands fingers touching the back of the fingers of the right hand, passing the left hand up to the right wrist thing curling the fingers around the side like this of the right wrist, one passes the left hand to the right elbow, then turns the bomb so that it rests on the top of the right forearm with its thumb pointed away. He has the stamina pointed away from one before passing it back down to the wrist, we want to wipe the back of the right thumb with the inside of the left thumb. One then wipes the left arm in the same manner.

00:43:27 --> 00:43:47

Like that, that's not critically important that you follow it in that specific way. The point is to wipe the right arm and lift on. But it's a very simple motion. If you read the description is like What had he and but it's basically just that, that and that and that

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simple enough.

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And then finally,

00:43:53 --> 00:44:01

it is also when it is it is it is important that when you strike the Earth, you separate the fingers, right?

00:44:02 --> 00:44:05

You separate the fingers when striking the earth for each of the two times

00:44:07 --> 00:44:21

for the second one because you're wiping your arms you must remove your watch you must remove your ring if you have one on that's important. Okay because you must have no obstacle in its way again, it's not that the Sandhu the dust message every way.

00:44:23 --> 00:44:26

But that is an obvious impediment so you remove that

00:44:28 --> 00:44:31

finally what breaks that they are Mum

00:44:33 --> 00:44:47

what breaks that they are mom the same man about oil will do that which nullifies the whoo whatever break breaks the will do analysis the right pop quiz, what breaks to do

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that will see those of you who can answer mashallah, those of you can't. You must pay school fees.

00:44:58 --> 00:44:59

What's the first thing

00:45:02 --> 00:45:08

Anything that exits the front and the rear private parts second

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okay skin skin to skin contact with a manageable person that you can get married to

00:45:22 --> 00:45:31

that which touches when the two ends meet touching a human private path trying to do right and forth the last one

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losing consciousness a lapse in consciousness. So those things would nullify the Taya Moon as well. And in addition to that, I don't know why specifically the author mentions this point here because this kind of nullifies everything this is a read the apostasy okay that nullifies everything number three, the one whom will marry entire mama Tamil entire family fatty This is an important one

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the moment you have a suspicion that they might be water and the reason you took time mum was because there was no water the mere suspicion nullifies your demo

00:46:16 --> 00:46:57

does that make sense? So the pipe burst is no within the area right so you integrand perform them while you stand even if you in Salah you standing and making Salah and then you hear the sound of flowing water in the pipes and you're not sure your site has broken your dam is broken you must immediately go and check must remember to miss the dispensation so it's not as you think about it, I bet it's not as solid as strong as we'll do would be Allah Subhana Allah Allah that's it for the content. Now we proceed to the questions in Sharla any questions related to what we've discussed or they after you can ask whatever else comes to mind? Bismillah Bismillah?

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00:47:17 --> 00:47:31

Okay, excellent question. So with that you see is asking, if you have a little bit of water, you must first use the water before you can go and perform them right. But you only managed to do your face and then there was no more water left.

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A good practical example of this would be when the water shuts off in your house

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and you turn on the tap is still a bit utility, isn't it? But it's not much. So you decide okay, let me quickly proceed with this. You have to you perform Moodle, you wash your face because you think okay, that's the first first part and then you can't get any further. Then what you do is you dry your face, right? And then you proceed to do a full day or mom. Okay? This is important. Diane mum, as we've explained that is always going to be the same.

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It's easy to get confused because it's not something that we deal with regularly. So you go to the hospital and you have to go May Allah protect us, oh, you broke a limb and you have a a cost that they put on. And the cost they put on one of the limbs of the among no not of the among the one of the limbs of voodoo. Let's say you, your ankle broke and they put a cost on me.

00:48:34 --> 00:49:17

So now you are told you can perform they are moved. What does that mean? Now for the chef very school. This is a matter which the medina differ in right the Shafi school is very strict. I'm not going to get into all of the details now but what it means is you must perform a normal will do but when you get to you your feet because you cannot wash your feet in the way that is usually prescribed back in the Shafia a score what you need to do is you need to perform a complete Ironman when you get to that to that limb. Now I say that it's very strict. Most scholars would prescribe a different madhhab for the situation that would say look, follow the humbly school for example, we

00:49:18 --> 00:49:38

you perform a normal will do and you just wipe over that limb. The cost when you get to it and you don't need to do anything else. The Shafi school is very mesothelioma strictly Shafi school is number one, before they put on the cost, you must perform odo if you don't, and you could you sinful number two.

00:49:39 --> 00:49:59

When you get to that limb in the wudu in the process in the right 30 hands, mouth, nose, face, arms, head is feet. So whenever you get to that point, even if the point is in the middle like the arm, you must perform a complete demo. And if it's an upper limbs, you have both arms in costs, then you must you must

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performed for each limb, if I remember correctly,

00:50:04 --> 00:50:10

that doesn't make sense, though I might be mistaken in that one. So don't take me on face value, then

00:50:12 --> 00:50:13

on top of it,

00:50:14 --> 00:50:19

when the cost comes off, you must repeat all the supplies.

00:50:21 --> 00:50:23

And if you didn't have to do

00:50:24 --> 00:50:26

if you didn't have to do when you also be sinful

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for that, it's very strictly

00:50:33 --> 00:51:03

the Hanafi school is easier. And the humbly school is also easier in that regard. They basically say make maths over that cost of the bandage that you need to take you then you need will do before, you don't need to make any repetition. And there's no need for them either. You just make muscle over that cost and then you proceed. So I've never I've never prescribed that somebody follow the Shafi rolling strictly though it is the more precocious view and Allah knows best, any other questions.

00:51:15 --> 00:51:55

That is actually why I mentioned the point, thank you for reminding me. So in that instance, that they are mom is still the same. My whole point of mentioning all of that was to demonstrate the fact that they are mom is the same. So the Shafi school says you must perform the moment you get to say your broken ankle, but that doesn't mean you go and wipe your ankle with test, it's still the face and the arms. That's what you need to do the right. So it doesn't change. So the person who was a cost of his entire body doesn't need to go roll around in the sand methylene remains the face and the hands. But here's a question for you. You're in a situation where you don't have to do that you

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don't have water back. And you don't have said

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how would that work? It's a you're on a long flight. And everybody's stomach was working in the flight. There is no alternative in the bathroom. And there's no water that you can use because it's all drinking all the time that you know, it's thinking about what you're going to do

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now, let's see if this when the time comes you pray salah, you are what is called an Arabic key to tahu rain, the one who was absent or the one who doesn't have either of the two forms of of purification, you still have to perform the sire. Naturally, you would have to repeat it again. Later. Right? We'd have to repeat it again later.

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the thing to look at, in a situation such as this, your mom Mulligan Anta Schieffer in contentment to all of you, she's ill, she's bedridden, under normal circumstances, for everybody else, it's my crew to have somebody else, pour the water for you for wudu or to you know, take wudu on your behalf, so to speak. So, in a situation, I need it's case specific, because it needs to be How is a string 1000 ability with water does it cause it discomfort, the coal, etc. If it causes absolutely no issues whatsoever is Mila sister with the will do.

00:53:55 --> 00:54:34

But she doesn't have to like the verses at the beginning. Allah doesn't want to make things difficult for us. That's why it's the so resort to the easy option. So if there's any sort of discomfort, especially if it's an elderly person, a person in bed and so on, there's no collusion, there's no difficulty that is expected for them to get out of the way, you know, because they can still perform or do the dispensation is there and they should, they should take it. So as case specific, if the person is comfortable and completely fine, the only thing is they can't get to the bathroom, and they need assistance. Bismillah they can take wudu with the assistance of somebody,

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but if there's any form of inconvenience, even point where I mean elderly people, you know, you can your skin can be seen when I COVID, for example, who do was painful, like the water touching your lungs, those like I've never experienced that before. So you can only imagine a person who's suffering with some sort of chronic ailment and the like. So don't put them through any form of difficulty like that. rather take the dispensation

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of the moon. Allah knows best. Now anything else?

00:55:06 --> 00:55:37

Okay, so next week is the last class on purification, one on one in sha Allah. And then after that we will be proceeding over to the class on Salah 101 I might decide to take a week off, but we'll see we'll see often next week in sha Allah, Allah Xochimilco Koran until next time I saw the Allahu ala Sayidina Muhammad Subhan Allah who will be Hamdi Subhanak Elohim Morbihan Nick machete Illa in the enter in a sterile Fuuka when it will be like Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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