Irshaad Sedick – Nabi Musa Part 1

Irshaad Sedick
AI: Summary © The digital format "back to the future" will be admonished throughout the year, with a daily lesson in homes and praises. The importance of understanding the journey and finding out which characters are in play will be discussed. The title "imaging the" in the Bible is used to guide the audience to the truth, but it is also important to fill gaps in the world. The importance of providing accurate information and insight into the culture of the time is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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you feel

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Rockman Rahim al hamdu Lillah wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah weida le he or sotheby mamajuana whereby all praise and thanks is due solely to Allah Subhana Allah to Allah traces peace blessings and salutations upon our Master and exemplar Nabi Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, salah and Omar haben Beco. Welcome, be at peace, you are with family be the light to Allah and also 100 rasa Helen, or more Hibernia, Ramadan, welcome or month of Ramadan, or month of Quran or month of summer. This is certainly going to be on Ramadan with a difference and already in this medium which we have adopted now, as opposed to poster all we talk we will have these daily broadcasts of our particular

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theme this year in the light Our Allah, Allah Allah grants us life and we pray that he does for the entire month of Ramadan and mercy and multifuel amin Europa alameen. Our theme will be the apostle ambia the stories of the prophets specifically focusing on kissa Nabi Musa, the story of Prophet Moses, peace be upon him. Of course last year we dealt with the story of Nabhi Yusuf alayhi salatu wa sallam, which was an amazing story, accidental causes Allah calls it one of the most beautiful stories, and it was quite convenient in that the entire story is located in one chronological order in the Quran, in one surah in one place. Subhana Allah This is a unique feature of surah Yusuf and

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the story of novel use of for no other story follows this example in the Quran. However, the story that is most oft repeated in the Quran is that of NaVi Moosa, and they said it was an M and V. Benes, right. And the interesting element of this is despite the fact that it's so often repeated, the story takes different perspectives different aspects into consideration at different times. It's not mentioned chronologically, the most chronological and consecutive set of ayat would come from Serato cos, which we will begin with in sha Allah. However, it's important to recognize that the repetition in the Quran especially with this theme, has a very specific purpose. Let me just enlarge

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this quickly. So this digital format that we that you're going to be adopting this year in sha Allah is going to facilitate that we can have daily lessons in the comfort of our own homes.

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I would like to start on this evening the first evening of Ramadan. With this particular preamble.

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The stories of the prophets in the Quran represents one theme of the gluteus core and that is the theme that we that we refer to often as at DEF ki be a yam Allah, very mind is of the days of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So what does this mean? A lot speaks about this in the Quran. When that killed him Roomba yummy, let's remind them of the days of Allah what are the days of Allah old days belong to Allah? Yes, of course. But specifically the days of Allah or the days or the epoch, the eras, the time period of the NBA alaimo salatu salam when they walked the earth? Why is this special? Because this forms part of divine history. Divine is three I'm calling it that because Allah Subhana Allah

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influenced events in such a way that they would be lessons, they would be admonishments, they would be warnings, they would be glad tidings for all of those who would come there after. Divine history is, you know, a less behind on the islands power was manifest in the world in the form of miracles in the form of prophets in the form of why all of these things were prevalent. So events that took place under those circumstances would forever be recorded in the divine books such as the Torah, the Injeel, Zaboo, the Quran etc. We of course have the Quran and divine history or that can be a Milla, reminding of the days of Allah takes up about 20% or one fifth of the Quran.

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It is very important to understand how to deal with this particular theme. I recall my first exposure to the translation of copper and it seemed

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Very disjointed from from where we were we I was at least at the time, you have a book that's that's meant to be guidance for all time for all people for all situations. Yet you find it speaking about Adam and Eve and you find it speaking about navvy Moosa in a prophet Moses and the children of Israel, especially if you open up for an from the beginning sort of it has sort of Baccarat. Soon, you will see that the predominantly sort of Bukhara addresses Yeah, Bani Israel, oh, children of Israel. And the story of Moses keeps coming up. So I was 18 years, 18 years old at the time, and I recall thinking to myself, how is this relevant to me, and then eventually, you come across other

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verses that seem to be more universal in nature. But this is, of course, a misconception. The problem is that there's a lack of understanding if you're a contemporary Muslim, of course, you're listening to this. So you are, but you know, as a contemporary Muslim, it's difficult without guidance, without knowledge, to see how exactly stories of the past has relevance on situations that we find ourselves in. Now, if you're more familiar with with lessons from s3, then this will be easier. But it comes down to one thing, and that is ferric W. Yeah, Lila bizarre. It is. Take note, take Listen, Take heed, oh, people have insight, or people have intellect. What we have to do, this

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is now the crux of the matter. Everything that I said up until this point, was an introduction to this point. This point is, we have to take cognizance of the way things played out think, see how it applies to us in our lives now, and find out which characters are in play at this point? Who is the Messiah in our story? Who is the pharaoh now story? Who is the Hanged Man in our story? Who are the bunnies reveal? In our story? What is the Torah in our story? The relationship between all of them obedience, disobedience, power, humility, knowledge, etc sobor and tastes? And then how does that affect our lives now today? In other words, how can we you know, learn from the mistakes and learn

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from the the actions so that we don't repeat those same mistakes now. And when doing this when thinking of it as a form of chaos as a form of analogy on our own lives. Now all of a sudden, all of the stories of the prophets make perfect sense for our context. With that we begin the story of NaVi Moosa and a salad to a cinema. And Avi Moosa is one of the

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one of the five great prophets mentioned in the report and because of the suburb that he that he had to endure, this was gonna be Mohammed so I sent him Maybe he said, maybe Ibrahim, that'd be Moosa, and there'll be no, these prophets are called the oral azim the possessors of specific might and authority and greatness, because they had to they had the greatest responsibilities and they underwent the the greatest trials, now be musala Salatu was Salam played such a significant role, and there are so many lessons in, in the life of Nabil Moosa and the interactions of NaVi Moosa that Allah mentions him, you can't you can't delete the Jews of the Quran, except that you're going to be

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mentioning something about the story of Abu Musa alayhis salaam, his interactions with the benissa he even his birth, his interactions with Pharaoh around the way they dealt with a different taste, this is repeated again and again, you will see as we proceed, even the lighter Allah that it's not always the same angle, sometimes the exact same story is mentioned. But when it's repeated the second time around is not like the first time the third time around is not like the second time this is a slightly different angle. And when that happens, essentially what we are looking at is what is the lesson that allow us to, to to to point out at this particular stage in the Quran, our our

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journey begins in Surah total costs in this surah Allah Subhana Allah gives us the most the most content chronologically from the beginning really, back then soon you will find that the the story this is interspersed in the interest of the color and the background, I will leave for the story itself as it is revealed in the light Allah so we begin how the bill administrate on the regime. rajim Bismillah R Rahman Rahim

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Allah says in Surah two cosas por si meme, these letters are seen meme or other letters that are similar in the Quran. Alif Lam Meem Kapha in salt, these so called Heroku

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that basically means the abbreviated or the cut letters. There are theories about this as to what they mean they are

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possibilities, but all of them have a series of Allison novalja are unanimous in that lamea lm model a demo in Lola no one truly knows the meaning of these letters, except Allah azzawajal. Only Allah Subhana Allah truly knows what these letters mean what they refer to. This is one of the miracles of the Quran in that the Quran just opens up and immediately we have to submit to the fact that only Allah Allah knows. And as I said before, there are theories about this as to what the function of these letters are. There are certain things to note, and I'll mention them briefly. For example, usually, these letters are followed up with by a mention of something to do with why and as we lead

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to the book, or the pin, or the revelation, etc, except in two instances, which is Serato room and surah. Anka booth, they, it's hard to hide but without any mention of why they often. Another thing to note is Haruka Nakata is only to be found in murky sewer, except in two instances, less the first two occasions in the Quran

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that is Surah Al Baqarah and Surah Al imraan. Only in those instances, those two long SWAT madonie. But the rest of the hydrophone Macaca are actually Mackie SWAT, Mackie and madonie means either it was revealed before the the hegira or to say revealed after. And that's important because it gives us a context to understand the surah in the pre hegira period is called Mackie and the post hegira period is called madonie as opposed to su are being revealed in MK and being revealed in Medina. And immediately when we say before the general after the hegira. If we know our Syrah, we can think of what the circumstances were like in that time. So before the hegira, things were very difficult, the

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Muslims were a minority, they were struggling, they were under persecution, etc. So it was a great challenge. in Medina, the challenge was also great, but it changed because they got to a position of power, they were now in the majority that political power etc. And they were now wars and things that took place but they were more established as a community surah taco sauce is a Maki surah and one of the prevalent themes of Maki suar is that he will be a meal reminders of the days of Allah. Because one of the benefits of these stories or this category, this theme is that you can draw from it. Come up with an inspiration. If you struggling know that the base of Alaska creation, the

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prophets and the messengers they also struggled and by seeing the struggle and how they dealt with the struggle, we can learn how we should deal with our own struggle. And keeping this in mind throughout the surah inshallah Allah we can see that the prophet SAW Selim could take comfort from the struggles of NaVi Moosa with the benissa eel as he himself is going through struggles with operation at the time. So we move on unless a delicate area to look at bill moving those are the verses of the open clear that was openly clear book moving from the word began or begun the book is clear the book is not it's not confusing, you can understand the words net Lu la comm he never he

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moves that we Allah recite upon you on Mohammed Salah it was lm min from nabba imusa the stories of Musa the information or the news of the Mussa, warfare around as well as Pharaoh, Bill Huck, in truth meaning this is this is the the actual story there's no false who do the comi you've known for a people who believe this information is going to be for people who believe now who is Moosa? Moosa, Allison Alyssa to Islam, known as Moses in the Bible, is a prophet of Allah subhanho wa Taala, who is Farah Farah is Fado. Fado is a title you know, like King, and then you get the phaedo. And we will come to learn more about these figures. In the story, especially in our second lesson insha

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Allah we will give some more background information about these individuals. But yeah, we can learn immediately something that would apply for the rest of our lessons, unless he's really citing it upon you or Mohammed system with the truth. So when it comes to this theme in the Quran of stories of the prophets, it's very important that we get our facts straight. If it was mentioned in the Quran, then of course it's fact if it's mentioned in the authentic a hadith of Rasulullah assassin then it's fact if it's mentioned by the the great Mufasa rune as reporting from the Sahaba and from the provinces and in its fact but there is a lot of information that that comes through, especially

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with the stories of the prophets that

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is borrowed from the previous faiths. So the other key tab, and these are called Israel Ilia these stories, so you see what what an is not a book that gives you every single detail because all the details are not always important. The Quran is there for a specific purpose. And that's for guidance, Allah gives you the message that would bring about that guidance for that particular occasion. And it's important to understand that whatever the detail is that Allah gives you, that is the most important detail, whatever details he omitted, that's not as important. If the prophets or something gave you the detail. Alhamdulillah great. But if the Prophet alayhi salaatu wa Salaam in

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the Sahaba also didn't give us the detail, then understand that that is not critical for the lesson that we are supposed to derive. So what what many people do and what many authors do is they go and borrow from the the the whodunit, Masada and the literature, and they fall in what they believe to be gaps in the story. And then these gaps tend to be very interesting, very juicy pieces of information.

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Because you can you can bring, you can bring something across that nobody else knew about, you've never heard of before and the video amazing, extreme detail. Understand that you shouldn't sweat the small stuff, you shouldn't be too bothered about those details. Because if you're going to if you're going to focus on those things, then you're going to miss out the actual lesson intended by mentioning this the surah in the first place with the story in the first place. Now Allah emphasizes that he tells us the story of NaVi musang around with the truth and this is this is how we are going to take it the Camino and for the people who believe inshallah, we are believing people, we want the

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truth. So for for as long as we possibly can, and for as far as we possibly can, we will stick to what the Quran is saying and what the authentic sources are saying, I might mention something here for the for the sake of interest, because the Prophet alayhi salatu salam gave us a methodology with regards to the the stories of the people of the book. And that methodology is basically Landsat Dooku. When I look at it, if we don't have it in our own sources, and we get it from another source of the People of the Book, there is no means for us to verify whether it is fact or fiction. And we cannot also unequivocally state that it is fact no Can you unequivocally state that it is fiction.

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So our methodology is Lando, South Dakota land Academy, we don't affirm nor do we deny, this will be our approach in the light Anna for the remainder of our lessons every night.

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If there's something interesting we'll perhaps mention it but then I should, in my duty say that this is really a it's coming from other sources.

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What we want to learn is number one, who is gonna be Moosa number two, what was his story? number three? What can we learn from the various incidences in his life? And most importantly, how can we apply that in our own lives? May Allah Subhana Allah Allah grant us a blessing ramadan ramadan Kareem, Ramadan Mubarak,

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we do understand that it's very different, very challenging, we do understand that we will be put through our tastes late as late as come to terms of the fact that this is our new reality. It's an abnormal reality, but it's certainly our new reality. The quicker we can accept that the quicker we can move on. Let us also understand that there's going to be a bit of a missing element because we don't have that sense of a physical community. An online community is not quite the same. But the ultimate companion of Ramadan and the ultimate community of Ramadan is the Quran and that is how we will fill that gap in sha Allah more than we've ever been able to fill it before. May Allah subhanaw

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taala accept this endeavor, please do share it with your family and friends. Also Lola who is a Nina Mohammed's behind Hello, honey. So behind Nicola homopolymeric, Nash, Hydra La Ilaha Illa and Mr. fuuka when as we like Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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