Irshaad Sedick – 09 – The Fiqh of Dhikr

Irshaad Sedick
AI: Summary © The upcoming week's lecture on the theory of Islam will be a challenge for students to complete the entire recitation of the Quran. The student is advised to read the chapter and make a habit of it. The benefits of reciting the Quran include personal reasons, the effectiveness of it, and the importance of knowing the negative consequences of disputing opinion and power. The importance of certainty of mortality and a belief in achieving power and authority is also discussed. The transcript is a jumbled mix of words and phrases, making it difficult to summarize.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Al Hamdulillah Hamdu lillahi rabbil aalameen or salat wa salam ala shortfill Mursaleen say he didn't want to be you know one more learner Mohammed a wider Lee or Safi a Jermaine Robicheaux Holly surgery WASC li MD Emery Hello operator Millie Cerny of Coco Lee Subhanak la Mulana in Lima lantana in the candle Ali moolah Hakeem Allah ma Lim Nama and founder and founder of EMA ILM Tana was in Elma Alhamdulillah Allah Cooley hurl when are all the biller him in highly albala Bureau medica Yeah, Rama Raha mean assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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respected Brothers Sisters in Islam, and then also Helena marhaba and become we welcome you to the last the final class of this series.

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And that of course means that next week this time will be well into the month of Ramadan in shallow data, the sighting of the moon or at least the search for the place in moon will take place on Friday night. And in all probability. Again, I don't want to comment on all probability because you know these things completely unpredictable but be that as it may, Ramadan will start in sha Allah when they say the moon or the following day if they don't say the moon.

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Tonight, we'll go through our few lines of poetry. And then we will continue with our article Hi Dad, I hope inshallah to have a more substantial time for vicar pimalai to Allah. Before we commence, there are few things number one, the book, the book Matata Toluca loop, as well as the article had that I have a challenge for everyone who has been in the class and those who have been following online. And the challenge is that if you are looking, if you are looking, you should be looking for a way to maximize the benefits of Ramadan. This is a beautiful way in which to do so how take the book. And every night in Ramadan, you read one Listen, just one Listen, few lines of

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poetry, it's very deep. So you can you can reflect on those lessons. And if you wish you could even discuss it with you with your spouse. The nice part about this is you don't need to figure anything, anything out, you really be the shot. The explanation, the commentary by Sheikh Hamza Yusuf at the bottom is more than sufficient to get a to get a basic understanding of what the boom is actually trying to convey. So every night potentially after selected throw away, or after selected Marieb depending on when you find some time to read one lesson and try to absorb the lesson as well as the the outcomes of the lessons each lesson you would you would discover something for example, in V,

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then, okay, the first step is learn about the theory. Second step is try to identify the quality within myself. Third step is what is what does the scholar actually say is the cure. That is the cure the remedy for that particular disease, and then you try to work on that consciously for the next 24 hours until your next lesson. Similarly, if you if you're not fluent, or proficient with the recitation of the Quran, your primary focus should be on the Quran, right. And if you if you've set a goal for yourself, that you wish to complete an entire recitation of the Quran, that should be your primary focus. It's not necessarily something that you should, you should, you know, go out of

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your way for, if you can't manage to recite the Quran from cover to cover for whatever reason. That doesn't mean you give up entirely. I will then recommend that you stipulate for yourself a certain amount of time every day to recite the Quran, whether that is 20 minutes, with 30 minutes or an hour. But that's your Quran time and your day is not complete until you've given that time to the Quran. Even if you don't finish that would be more valuable, I think, than the person who's going to rush through and a juice of the Quran for the sake of finishing so that they said you know, I finished the juice or I completed the hard time in the month of Ramadan. Then

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if you've got time beyond that

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excellent expenditure of time would be in the remembrance of Allah. So of course we come to salatu tarawih that's remembrance of Allah. We listen to a seminar see how obita Vanessi Hi every day that's remembrance of Allah. If you find that you have an intellectual interest and intellectually you'd like to enrich yourself as well as spiritually, then you could perhaps look at

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A study of a particular surah. But if you are, if you are in need of more spiritual nourishment, and I think we all are really

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use the article had dad and recite it every day in Ramadan, or every night in Ramadan, you don't have to do it in the way that we've been doing it in class or in the way that we usually do it. You're in the cape, you know the logo and everything, that's going to take you a bit long. But if you do it in the manner that we played on the recording, we it takes about I think it was 11 minutes or so you could do that every day, you choose a walk after that particular sila, you recite the entire article Hi, Dad, I can assure you that you will find profound benefit in and I've actually experienced this.

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The first magic that I was that I served as a mom at was magical Manawa in retreat. So the one year what we did was every morning off the Fajr we recited the entire article had dad during the first 10 days of Elijah. Now normally law barring * right, as we call it here.

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The ego of the heart is normally not as spiritually rich for most people as a little fitter.

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It's supposed to be because it follows the base 10 days of the year as idol fitter follows the base 10 nights of the year. But for most people, it's a matter of oh, it's aid, you know, in today's time, so that was a profound experience because leading up to a duel alcohol we read the article had that every morning of the budget, and all of us unanimously felt that it had a profound effect on us. So that's the challenge in sha Allah to utilize the book and utilize the article hi dad every day in the month of Ramadan, and make dua that Allah Subhana Allah grant us the benefit they have I mean, now we return to the book insha Allah Allah and please remind me of habit at the end of the

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class, to explain what the procedure easier for Ramadan, foodora We, etc, what we do the times and so forth, so that we can all be informed. So tonight's chapter, which commences on page 29 After we discussed no not 2924 iniquity, boom versus number 34 to 42 of multilotto Kulu. But the English translation reads as follows the disease of iniquity, according to the book, opening of the truth,

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is defined as harming a fellow creature without the right, okay, harming a fellow creature without the right to do so. Its cause is the powerfully intoxicating wine, love of a worldly position. So remember, if you wish to turn this intoxicant into useful vinegar,

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there's a lot going on the first and foremost the definition, harming a fellow creature

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without the right to do so we also refer to that as Doom or oppression.

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Why do people harm other people?

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The Muslim nick the author, he mentions that its cause is the powerfully intoxicating wine is referring to it as a wine, what is it love of a worldly position, hope ghulja in Arabic, this is not hobo dunya not worthy position, worldly position. So this is the strong desire for power.

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Okay. And

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we can see this within organizations within within I think organizations just think about any Islamic organization, any Islamic organization that you may be involved in, and a meeting within that organization 99% of the time, you would have witnessed this power struggle taking place, because

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most people are not Alama. Right? And orlimar not that they should pursue it or not that they should want it. But they naturally have a certain level of authority. People listen to them. Okay? And it's, for somebody who has it, you don't really think about it much. Although I am. I don't think about you know, having authority or you know, people listening to me and so I honestly don't think of myself like that. I just look at myself as an ordinary person like everybody else.

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But I also so me of the fact that people that are covetous of that type of authority, that type of power, we your word Your opinion is listened to and it's taken seriously. When that happens, when that becomes a desire, not having the authority but when you have a serious desire for that authority.

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That's a very dangerous position to be in when you need position, because you don't naturally necessarily have it, but you want it. Okay, that's a dangerous position to be in. Because now you could potentially harm others, you could potentially harm others in order to acquire it. And this is why he refers to it as a powerfully intoxicating wine. Because it can, it can make you drunk with power, right can make you drunk with power, the need refers to so remember, if you wish to turn this intoxicant into useful vinegar, because wine, haram Hammad, that wine can be turned into vinegar. And when it becomes vinegar, it becomes Halal becomes permissible, this some in relation to it,

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whether you add chemicals or whether you don't add chemicals, whether it's a natural process or not. But that's not the point here. The point is, you can change this, how many a leader achieved his heart's desire of rank and position, Yet in the end, the devotee and his object of devotion, who are leveled to equal plains by death. So in pursuit of leadership, we're in pursuit of power. What happens? You become so drunk with that power, that you forget, what matters most is that there are people to follow you at the end of the day. And our history here locally, is riddled with this exact problem.

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If you haven't already done so, read the book, the masks of the burqa

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read most of the book, as we would say, read the book. And you can see how come we actually have so many masajid in such a little place such a small place called VUCA. That doesn't even make sense today. How did it make sense, all those many years ago when the population of Muslims here in the cape are far less, and it was almost entirely because of power struggles? Right?

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So it's a very dangerous thing. And what tends to happen is that you you achieve at the end of the day, I've got my own Masjid. Now, you had an argument with me, I started my own organization, you had a fight with me difference of opinions, I started my own halau authority. You know, this happens, it's our history is riddled with it.

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But the consequences they have is far reaching. Very, very far reaching up until now is disputes among different messaggi these disputes within communities in one masjid, that's not new. It's been coming on for generations of for many, many decades. Another example is the the type of disputations that occur within different organizations, right? You look at the study of the Muslim Judicial Council and our other because that was the first olema body that really started, how is it that we now have so many others, right? What was the cause of that?

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The history tells the truth, right. And of course, one needs to be very careful of it, because a lot of is a lot of emotional baggage that goes along with it, and you tend to become opinionated about it. But we need to take the lesson nonetheless. So at the end of the day, the community suffers, the people suffer because

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everything dies, because there's a power struggle, how many? How many masajid have had brilliant activity, leaders, scholars, etc. And then because of some silly power, struggle, everything just comes to an abrupt halt, nothing happens thereafter.

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And if you think about it, what a tragedy like how much knowledge is the community now deprived of, you know, so keep in mind that this desire is about turning away from your master towards these impoverished and miserly servants. When you desire power, when you desire authority, and you desire that from people, when you desire that from people, what actually happens is that you've turned your gaze away from Allah, and you've looked towards the people and you can never succeed in that right. This is why manda well by Lila Rafa hula, those who humble themselves for the sake of Allah, Allah raises them in rank, Allah raises them in rank, but when when you seek is when you seek your is

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which is authority and might finalize that and in that he Jamia know that might and power belongs only to Allah and once you seek what belongs to Allah, Allah strips you away with that slips that away from you, completely in you lifted nothing, right where you live to the facade of authority, a facade of power. But in reality, there's no substance behind it because everything was destroyed in its wake. concern with the affections of others is exhausting constantly wanting

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people to like you to look up to you to listen to you. It's exhausting. And though you may please some others will flee from you fold with anger. Yet what is prohibited regarding the pleasure of others is what is procured, by way of trickery, ostentatious display, showing off of religiosity, or hypocritical affection, affectation, know also that the seeker of vape pleasure cannot expect the pleasure of Allah, the fashion of creation, the mighty the capable, as for the one whose heart is entrusted with the love of this world, is only cure is having certainty of his mortality. So, when you find yourself power, hungry, that you seeking without it, are you seeking position, where you

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find yourself secretly jealous of those in a position of power? Right? Because let's face it, anyone can criticize the leader,

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anyone around the Sunday lunch table or around the breakfast table can speak about, oh, this group is so bad and that Ireland is so bad, and

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but there's no substance to that unless you can take up the challenge in the mental and contribute towards its improvement to his improvement or the community's improvement. Right? Show beta naught speak. There's no There's no benefit in that. So

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the cure, as he says, is having certainty of his mortality. Having conviction that look, why am I so covered this? Why do I desire power and authority so much? When I'm going to leave this world?

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You know, very soon. Think of the endless court cases. I mean, masajid went to court to oust an imam or to oust a particular group of people within a community. That was, let's say, Look, this measure is about 112 years old, something to that effect, 120 years old. So if you go back 100 years, at that time, people were willing to go in fight in court

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of authority. And I'm just using this as an example because it's in my mind, I've been reading about it that there are many other examples. So people were willing to, to break up communities. To the extent I have a magic idea, then you build the magic across the road. So I split the community, right?

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With its fatawa Okay, no, mgcc there's no, I'll say something completely different.

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Historically, not right now, historically.

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We are willing to break up our unity and so many other important things.

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And then 50 years down the line, none of those involved are still working on the face of this planet. They're all six feet under, facing Allah subhanho wa Taala is it worth it?

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Is it really worth it? To, to pursue that type of authority, ALLAH SubhanA wa sallam that if he keeps death constantly before his eyes, this acts as a cleanser, for the soiled matter in crusting his heart. So constantly reflect on death. If you feel like you wish you had more power, you wish you the, the Imam or the chairman or the the, the boss or the CEO or whatever position of power or authority, it may be in whichever context

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and you find that it plagues you remember the idea of death, the fact of death, the reality of death, and that would be the cure, and Allah knows best time so we can switch over to HDMI IN Polycom. So we can commence with the Asgar portion of the lesson in sha Allah

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Okay, so rotable had dad, the Litany compound by a mammal her dad, a biller, even Allah, we all had that. Now, we've completed quite a bit odd

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and if I'm not mistaken, we have about three, three or four lines to complete this evening.

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So let's look at number 17. Also the Hala who are more almost Muslimeen Sora Allahu CharBroil mo Deen Isla the word Astra. Hi, usually how is sola Han you probably be familiar with the word

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is laugh

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or soul. Right soul is another word we might be familiar with. It means reform reformation bring right. So therefore the translation here reads Allah correct Allah correct the fees of the Muslims. So you're in this litany This is

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not for oneself alone, but for the entire ummah. And this is one of the beautiful, the beautiful aspects of reading do is application from the Quran and from the Sunnah, because it would cover matters that we wouldn't necessarily cover in our own personal desires. Most people when they make, they're either going to make the offer themselves, for the children, for the parents, you know, the immediate people in their lives and there's nothing wrong with that. But occasionally, we also need to extend our supplication because the Rama of Allah and the treasures of Allah Avast, they are beyond, you know, any limitations. So if you look at the dua of NaVi Ibrahim Alayhi Salatu was

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Salam, for example, when he makes to our Robinette Baba, I see him Rosu Len min and fusi him, oh, Allah sinned among them, a messenger from themselves, who will recite the verses upon them and teach them and purify them. This is 1000s of years ago, 1000s of years ago, and he's praying to Allah data to send another prophet among the people of his son be smiling. He's not just thinking about a smile. He's thinking about the progeny of the progeny of the progeny of the progeny of NaVi smile, and I said, I thought Sam, and he's asking Allah to send them a teacher, who's the response to that da, Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, right? So you know, I can be far reaching here, instead of

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just making dua Allah, you know, bring my life in order, bring my life in check. Here we are praying to Allah Subhana Allah to make all of the affairs of all of the Muslims, right, our Salah Hala, who Moodle Muslimeen Sora. Allah right. Many people say shut off Allah. Shut off as we sit means nobility or honor sarafa Sora means to turn away to avert to avert shara, the evil I'll move Ilene Elmo viene from the word other, other

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you know, like when we come to the toilet, we say Alhamdulillah he never ever harbor any other obeys is due to the one who had removed the other the harm from me. So this is the same, it comes from the same word as the, the evil of those who harm so sawed off Allah may Allah turn away normally people avert their hands like this also indicating the meaning of the DUA sort of Allah who shahrul movie in the evil of those who cause harm.

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And again, like others have noted, we are many applications within the raw table had dad and the the litanies that we usually recite in our broth now what we call the Hadith that is like all encompassing and is not only for ourselves but for the OMA for the community. And as we've explained last week, per chance, and Allah only knows right, but John's it is for the abundant supplications of this nature, that our community was assisted to survive in the beautiful way that it has all these many years. Lila Hill hummed. Then the next portion. Next line is a combination of the names of Allah subhana wa Tada

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Yeah, i Li you. Yeah. Kabiru Yeah, I Lemo Yeah, Cody row. Yes. Sameer? Oh, here about zero, e ll T fo? Here Habiru.

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Now, the names of Allah

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while Illa Hill USMA will husana further who will be happy to Allah belong the most beautiful names call upon him with those names.

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Most people understand from this

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that we should make dua using Allah's names. And there are various ways that we could do this. For example, your man or woman Iran era Jaime Rohana here if the hyena can hear him using the name and then a word derived from that name to bring across a particular meaning here of man. oh merciful era Hamner Have mercy on us here factor. Oh opener, or one who grants success if the Elena

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Allahumma and the center and we do it all the time. Oh Allah. You are

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Now I know our minds go straight to the word peace because you know Salah means peace. But technically yeah it means something slightly different. Alma and Assam Allah you are the perfect your sound, your sound warming has Salam and from you is peace, same word slightly different meaning so in that way we can use Allah's names to ask him for something to ask for our needs. But yeah, and when we recite the asthma Allah Hill husana You're not actually asking for anything, you just using Allah's names. Because implicit in calling Allah by a particular name, is asking Allah for that the quality and the virtue that that name represents.

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When combined, or when used in a particular way. It often yields and understanding that we desire to get from Allah Tada Yeah, i Li You. Oh, most Hi yah. Kabiru Oh, magnificent. The big the great. Yeah, I Lemo all knowledgeable. Yeah. codeguru Oh, powerful. So implicitly we actually asking Allah, Oh Allah. Yeah, Ali, Allah raises. Yeah, Kavita. Oh Allah make matters great and important. Yeah, I Lima OH, knowledgeable one. Grant has knowledge we're not asking for that. But it's built in here Cody. Oh, powerful one. We are asking Allah from his power. Yes, Sammy. Oh, oh, Euro. The capital H O Euro. You asking for anything? No. But by appealing to Oh, here. We ask Allah to accept that there

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is right. You don't even need to say it. Allahu metacarpal Mina da Anna. That's one way of saying it. Oh Allah accept our please. Yes me at Daya, right.

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We you are explicit in saying it. But those who are close to Allah, they often have far more creative ways. In speaking to Allah subhanaw taala and using the Asma Allah Hausner is one such way. So you say yes, me or without asking anything? Oh Euro. Because you want Allah to Allah to listen to us? Yeah, about siru Osia yellow three, four. Now, thief is a very difficult word to translate. But it means a gentle, subtle, oh, one who is was aware of our subtleties and is closer to us than we can perceive. He or Habiru a one who is all informed. Now why this specific combination? Is it because it rhymes liquor?

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No, it's because

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the scholars I think I mentioned this once before in the class, the scholars of Islamic spirituality, often they recommend a particular dua or they recommend a particular vicar so they would say okay, recite this seven times. And sometimes it doesn't come from Quran at all. It doesn't come from sunnah at all. Like these no combination of those words in the Quran. Osuna it can't be against the Quran and Sunnah. Because that would be problematic, right? But it's not directly from me. So then the question comes, okay, so if it doesn't come from the Quran, and it doesn't come from Hadith, where does it come from? It's most of the time from taggi riba from the experience, they

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have some insight into the virtues of that particular name or that particular supplication and the combination of which they strongly feel or sense that it would yield some results and then they prescribe it to others. Now, I would never recommend such supplications over over that which comes in the Quran and the Sunnah. That's just my preference. Others would say no, no, but Vijay, you don't know anything he's called is a close to Allah, they have insights and they get, you know, Allah knows based, I would say, if you can manage to get your priorities in order, and you're making to us from the Quran, and you're all making your eyes from the Sunnah there's absolutely no harm in

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adding more. I only I only have a problem when somebody prefers, you know, matters or do as supplications entirely outside of the Quran and Sunnah and they not doing anything from the Quran and Sunnah then I feel bothered about it because there's a ways you priorities, but that's my approach. Others differ with me and I'm very open and honest about it. It's completely a matter of preference, right?

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So when you read a book, like I'm sure we all have books at home 99 Names of Allah, then you open up the book, in in the book you will find, recite this name 1052 times or something of that sort, and then you will get this

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Right this name seven times

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Lappi put in the water drinker and you will get that. Now this is an example of what I just said. It doesn't come from the Quran. It doesn't come from Hadith. It comes from a particular pious, usually a particular pious person understanding of that name, when they practice state. And they found that they get certain virtues from it, and then they simply just prescribe it to others. It's nothing wrong with it. As long as it doesn't go against the basic rules of Islam. Okay.

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We do this, right, we do this. It's built into our culture also, for example, on the 10th of Muharram.

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We have a tradition of making liquor food and really nice delicacies on that particular day is the thing that Hannah Yeah, in the Mohan patina Mahara, right. Why? Because this basic tradition that speaks about man unfocus, Allah IRD, he will save his spins upon the family, but it's a weak tradition, but we do it anyways. Because the scholars mentioned even though the tradition is weak, they've experienced that doing so does in fact, bring about Baraka that Allah to Allah gives you for the rest of the year. Is there any harm in making nice food and that into Mahara? No. So I mean, what's the point of making a big deal of it? Right.

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Another example would be the

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recitation of Surah waqia. For the purposes of poverty relief, I'm sure you've heard provoca as a source of wealth, there are no authentic hadith to indicate that Slovakia is the source of wealth. But it's it's not it's not fabrications. Number one, it's just weak. And then, even though scholars acknowledge that it is weak, that particular virtue, they say, still, they found that in reciting Slovakia on a daily basis, or regularly that they've never experienced poverty. So can they be any hominid? Right. So some people are more stringent about these things than others more puritanical than others. And Allah knows based. That's just a bit of insight in that regard.

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So those are the names Yeah, i Li you Yeah. Cabiria Ali Maria Cordelia Sammy. Oh, yeah, about Syria. Latif. Yeah, hobby row. Let's read that that's the one we didn't read last week in the way we normally read it and just be careful of the words so we know we are actually getting the words right. What's really funny is when you when you attain the head that right and then there's a Buddha sitting next to you. Hey, can next funny word then he doesn't have any words and he just humming along

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Yay. Oh,

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be you know you're just here a few consonants here in the but he's got the two in right. Obviously that that's not good. So we take the opportunity to learn as well inshallah.

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Yeah, Ali, yo,

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Li Mo

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Cordy RO,

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Sammy Oh.

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But now via what normally because something's missing here right.

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Also too minor is the n so that it can flow. So now normally we will say you

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see the word ILS meaning it means upon and if you add it in there, it makes no sense at all. Okay, so rather, rather do this. We use strategically pose and then the rhyming continues. Yeah, Ali, you Yeah, Gabby? Nemo. Cordy row. Yeah. Sam Sammy. Oh, yeah.

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pose the

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bouncy ruya T foo. Hobby. today. Yeah. Ali you Yeah. Gabby area. Isley mu

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Cordy row,

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Sammy. Oh, yeah. Belsey that's another option. You can pull as long as you want because it's not. You don't need that weed. There's no rules of pulling here. This these are a car it's not recitation of Quran. You can you can pull. Yeah. Belsey baton, insert another word here. See, that changes the meaning. Okay. Very simple. No, no harm. No foul. You just pull the up.

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One more time. Yeah. Ali, you Yeah, Gabby?

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li mu

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rd ro

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Sammy oh yeah bossy ro

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now cleave

00:35:17 --> 00:36:00

Corby okay. Now the next one was was was a personal favorite of mine as a child because of the sound effects, the sound effects, nothing wrong with sound effects sound effects coming apart and also sound effects we learned in literature also at school onomatopoeia right with the words reflect the meaning. Okay, the rumbling row of the raging sea something of that nature. It has rules ILA to allow those zils Allah Ha, the shaking of the the earth when it shakes. So the words reflect the meaning here Yeah.

00:36:03 --> 00:36:08

Regional hum at that, that low,

00:36:09 --> 00:36:29

deep, sad, melancholy that, that that that sort of just naturally accompanies this look at the meaning. You see it makes perfect sense. Yeah, oh, Farida Fallujah the giver of relief of what of a hum grief

00:36:30 --> 00:36:39

Oh woody lever of grief. So it's image matching if I understand this it's it's like nice poetry. Yeah

00:36:42 --> 00:36:45

regional hum. Why

00:36:49 --> 00:36:54

she fell from cash he fell on cash if is one who

00:36:56 --> 00:37:15

it could mean exposes Noid cash to open up or expose. A could also mean remove could mean lift depends in the context, right? In this context, yakka she felt calm over Remover of distress, RAM, distress, anguish, anxiety.

00:37:17 --> 00:37:31

If anyone is facing any form of sadness, anxiety or even depression, this is a beautiful diet to incorporate on a regular basis. Yeah fatty gel. Hum yeah Kashi Fela calm and then

00:37:32 --> 00:38:22

another appeal to Allah Subhana Allah notice, nothing is being asked. Even though we are asking. Oh, reliever of grief. But we didn't say relief relief as of our grief. You don't need to. You are appealing. You're calling upon the reliever of grief. Yeah Kashi follow him Oh Remover of distress. You're not saying remove my distress. You're not saying he for her manner, which would also be completely fine. You're saying oh reliever of distress or removal of this list? Yeah. Malia Bedi yo Fiero. While hum, nobody reads this right. As far as I will. I've never heard anyone in a hudec reading these words correctly. Unless of course you like you know, one of the scholars check his

00:38:22 --> 00:38:28

mail and so forth. So yeah. Oh, the one who man Oh, the one who

00:38:30 --> 00:38:40

lay Abbe de for his servant, yellow Pharaoh, He forgives a yellow hum yr hum and He has mercy.

00:38:41 --> 00:38:50

In other words, if you put that into sort of beta English, oh he who shows forgiveness and mercy and to his okay.

00:38:51 --> 00:39:18

So we asking implicitly, because we actually didn't ask anything. But implicitly we are asking Allah Allah to relieve us of grief remove the distress and show compassion and mercy unto us in a very beautiful poetic way but the sound effects in everybody sees it and you know you get that the brutality is deep low voice it's a beautiful it's a beautiful application add the meaning to it.

00:39:19 --> 00:39:28

And it's quite profound. So to give the now follow the words and just be careful of the ending out in larger than the screen so you can see again those who are watching online

00:39:30 --> 00:39:45

I've I've mentioned where we getting our text from but you can use any rotable hudud text this one I found on Salawat hub online, her article had Dad You can download the PDF and the mp3 and so forth for you to follow.

00:39:46 --> 00:39:47


00:39:51 --> 00:39:55

regional hum Yeah.

00:39:59 --> 00:39:59


00:40:00 --> 00:40:02

Hello I'm here.

00:40:03 --> 00:40:33

Manly Abdi yo fiero IR hum so obviously you don't say manly Abbe de normally we just make the warm day. It's not Quran so that doesn't really apply. So any which way will you read manly Abdi or manly? RBD it's fine because you're not changing anything. But the word yellow Pharaoh needs to be there and the word yellow ham needs to be there because that's specific meaning right? Yeah

00:40:37 --> 00:40:40

regional hum here

00:40:44 --> 00:40:52

Schiphol come here. Mallya buddy elbow Pharaoh era

00:40:58 --> 00:41:01

Ranger hum. Here

00:41:04 --> 00:41:07

she fell. Oh, come here.

00:41:09 --> 00:41:13

Buddy yo fiero era hum.

00:41:15 --> 00:41:15

The next one.

00:41:17 --> 00:41:49

Very straightforward. We all know a stellar federal law, a stellar federal law. Oh Allah, I seek your forgiveness. But the next part, it's a beautiful way of asking Allah forgiveness. Rob Bell Barah Rob Bell Barah oh lord of Berea means creation or creation. So it's basically another way of saying, Rob Bell Alameen. Okay. So as, as Delphi Rola Rob Bell, borrow

00:41:51 --> 00:41:58

the next part as the federal law say meaning, I seek your forgiveness of Allah manana Hatha

00:41:59 --> 00:42:08

from all wrongdoing. So it's a Toba. This is a Toba and it's a very poetic, very beautifully worded toga

00:42:10 --> 00:42:16

as Delphi Rola Rob Bell ba

00:42:18 --> 00:42:23

esto Feola Meenal Koto

00:42:25 --> 00:42:31

Astellas funeral law bah bah bah yeah

00:42:33 --> 00:43:25

I still feel hola Mina Koto Yeah. As the federal law da da da da Yeah. As the federal law ah, Mina Hata Yeah. And if you wondering why some of them three times and others for it's purely because of what I said early on in mammal had dad at some insight that this one you should ideally make it for. There's no There's no logical reason behind it. There's no not always at least there's no there's no perpetual Hadith reference for it, although some of them have, it's just a matter of his own personal insight or preference or cash as they may call it, that this is how it should be done.

00:43:26 --> 00:43:46

The next one Lila in Allah Now normally what we do is you must know that most of them we don't actually do our article had that right, what we call a high that is normally just the flow of air, okay, and a little bit of the caper picoliter has everything is that you can be doing anything else, it can be a booger Joe, also, it will still be rotting. Hide that okay.

00:43:48 --> 00:44:22

But technically, if you were to do the raw table had dad correctly, then you need to decide La Ilaha illa Allah as you can see, 50 times over 100 times 1000 times normally you will just do like 15 times because it's long. But if you want to get the proper impact and spiritual benefit that was intended by mom or dad in this then go all the way and actually read it 50 times and I remember my grandfather Rahim Allah Tada He used to sit with a with a Sabha and used to count 50 times we just called shortcuts these days right.

00:44:24 --> 00:44:41

So, when you do decide that on your own Insha Allah, it is cited as was intended and that that brings us to the end of that section of the article had that then you know, it goes on, we once again he goes Lila in Allah Muhammad Rasulullah and ends that then again, the recitation of the three calls come in.

00:44:42 --> 00:44:48

Yes, it was recited before but the entire thing in this PDF, the entire procedure

00:44:49 --> 00:44:58

should ideally be followed again Alfetta Haleh Ruhi Sadie, narrow su di Di sola YT wassalam and then it continues. So it's quite long.

00:44:59 --> 00:45:00

If you do if you

00:45:00 --> 00:45:01

do the entire thing.

00:45:02 --> 00:45:05

And then it ends you're on page number nine. Now,

00:45:07 --> 00:45:46

Matt, I know you need to make that plan. But I promised a run through of all of the Asgard so we're going to do that first right one one recitation of each. Just so that we can do some revision of this and our intention in doing so tonight in sha Allah is Allah grant as a successful Ramadan grant as a spiritually uplifting Ramadan. Grant as a Ramadan we in we earn your forgiveness, your mercy and salvation from the fire. Guidance, bless us predict us and bring us closer to you and your love and the love of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam and bring us all the benefits that you know we need that even we don't really know we need because you are Abu Alameen

00:45:51 --> 00:45:53

in Lalo,

00:45:55 --> 00:45:56

Cherie Shangri

00:45:58 --> 00:46:14

La Hotel MOLKO Hola, hola, Hamner. Yo fee. Are you me? Wahoo Ida Cooley shaking Cody Suba

00:46:16 --> 00:46:20

no law, he 100 in

00:46:25 --> 00:46:33

Isla in law law, Allah Akbar Bob Suba has

00:46:35 --> 00:46:41

no law you are being Hamdi Suba.

00:46:42 --> 00:46:46

Allah, you know we rock band all the

00:46:48 --> 00:46:52

way to Berlin marina in NACA, and that the

00:46:55 --> 00:47:12

bow Rafi Allahumma suddenly Isla Sayidina more Hamada. Allah ma suddenly I lay why Sonny? Oh Dooby Kaleem.

00:47:23 --> 00:47:27

Timmy Shalimar cola co baseman

00:47:30 --> 00:47:31

Illa de

00:47:33 --> 00:47:40

Jago ro ma eyes me schoenfield of the

00:47:41 --> 00:47:42


00:47:45 --> 00:47:50

your who was semi Yolandi all been

00:47:52 --> 00:47:53

been in

00:47:54 --> 00:47:56

Europe bow Venus

00:47:57 --> 00:47:58


00:48:00 --> 00:48:03

Wahby Mohammadi Ross Rasool en be

00:48:05 --> 00:48:06


00:48:08 --> 00:48:09


00:48:11 --> 00:48:15

You are the hero washer Ruby mushy

00:48:21 --> 00:48:21


00:48:26 --> 00:48:27

he while yo me

00:48:30 --> 00:48:30

to burn

00:48:32 --> 00:48:40

you know lo Heba to you know, although Utah he

00:48:42 --> 00:48:43

rob burner

00:48:51 --> 00:48:56

Yeah, Robin was one

00:48:57 --> 00:49:00

warm awful lady.

00:49:02 --> 00:49:02

I mean,

00:49:04 --> 00:49:12

yeah, that Angelina Jolie wanna grow meat now right?

00:49:15 --> 00:49:16


00:49:17 --> 00:49:21

Yeah. Poway yo yo

00:49:22 --> 00:49:51

Amati ik facia ro ball Namie Isla how long ah, oh, more or mostly me, son of Allah who shall move the Yeah, me ne yo, yo.

00:49:52 --> 00:49:58

cabbie area. Ali mu

00:49:59 --> 00:49:59


00:50:00 --> 00:50:01


00:50:02 --> 00:50:07

Sammy oh yeah bouncy row

00:50:09 --> 00:50:15

344 baby Yeah

00:50:20 --> 00:50:24

very gentle hum yeah

00:50:28 --> 00:50:36

she fell gum. Yeah. Money IBD over zero

00:50:38 --> 00:50:45

as the federal law rah rah rah rah

00:50:47 --> 00:51:25

as the ofuro ah Mina Hatha Yeah, it's repeat this a few times and actually think of it as doba and we think about sins and you ask Allah to forgive us as Stella Pharaoh ah, Rob Bell da Yeah. As Stella Fetullah Mina katoh Yeah, I still have a funeral law bah bah bah Yeah. As a funeral

00:51:28 --> 00:51:31

Mina photo Yeah.

00:51:32 --> 00:51:51

Federal law Ah ah ah yeah. I stole federal law ah, Mina Kataya. I will hire you Mabu.

00:51:55 --> 00:51:58

In llamo

00:52:00 --> 00:52:03

Illa in love

00:52:07 --> 00:52:07


00:52:09 --> 00:52:10


00:52:14 --> 00:52:16


00:52:20 --> 00:52:48

Illa in law. Yeah. Ila hi in law. Ila in law more help on Isla in low. Isla in love more help Allah Illa in love more.

00:52:49 --> 00:52:57

Isla in love more how call Illa in love more.

00:52:59 --> 00:53:00

Ina in

00:53:02 --> 00:53:23

how Paola Isla in low. Ina in more how color Illa in low. Isla in low ha corner Illa in love

00:53:27 --> 00:53:32

in love more how color Isla in

00:53:34 --> 00:53:37

Isla in more

00:53:39 --> 00:53:42

ILA in low

00:53:43 --> 00:53:51

ina in low how color Isla in low

00:53:52 --> 00:54:01

ina in more how color Illa in low

00:54:02 --> 00:54:03


00:54:04 --> 00:54:05


00:54:08 --> 00:54:14

a couple of let me know i mean come make do after the Ayesha sada inshallah Ramadan

00:54:15 --> 00:54:59

we will not be doing 15 minutes after Ayesha any longer. We will be commencing with our event, five minutes after the calendar event. And we will then make Salah followed side of Asia immediately they often we normally decide a half a juice per night. And they after we have all the usual I've got and so forth, and a 10 to 15 minute talk. We theme that every year this year the theme is going to be around the life of NaVi Ibrahim alayhi salatu salam. And of course related to that would be the life of NaVi smile and Abby's half and the Hajj and see the hijab and say that in a sobre la hemos Salatu was Salam and of course

00:55:00 --> 00:55:29

because we we actually started earlier we normally in the early we'll probably in even earlier now, even the light either of course you're welcome to attend year anywhere else but do attend in the month of Ramadan food throw away it's a golden opportunity. Baraka lofi come Xochimilco Iran until next time inshallah to allah sallallahu ala Sayidina Muhammad Subhan Allah behind this behind Niccolo Morbihan Nick Nasha La ilaha illa Anthony Sturgill Fuuka one and two we take a Salam o Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Mowbray – Masjid Ar-Rashideen

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