Ibrahim Hindy – Prophetic Du’as #8

Ibrahim Hindy
AI: Summary © The legal message behind the COVID-19 pandemic is to obtain power and use it for malice, and the woman is a source of pride and blessings. The meaning behind " slot app" and its various uses, including peace and forgiveness, is discussed. The importance of praise for the Prophet Muhammad sallal is emphasized, along with sending slaughter and forgiveness. The speakers stress the need to act in agreement and in unison with the Prophet's teachings, and to focus on the successes of the Prophet's lineage. The importance of sending information and highlighting their success in promoting their work is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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Hello but a cat two thank you for joining us for another episode of prophetic do I, one day obey even capital the long line came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said, O Messenger of Allah, should I make all of my prayer soda upon you. Now, what this means is that obey or the loved one, he had a certain parts of the day where he would make dry, right, so he would make other dry outside of that certain portion of the day. But there was a certain portion of the day that he had appointed to do the COVID law to make it to a law to get closer to a lost parent either. So we came to the property said this portion of the day, should I make some of it sought out upon you should I

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be praying for you? And the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, if you want and that is better for you. So he obeyed the law and he said, the Messenger of Allah should I make a quarter of it slaughter upon you, and the Prophet said if you want and if you increase that's better for you. So they said the Messenger of Allah they make half of my time just praying for you giving slugga prayer sending sada and Salim upon you and the prophecy center said in shit if you want and if you do more that's better for you. He said, should I make three fourths of it? Slow down upon you. And the Prophet salallahu Arizona again repeated and said if you want if you like and if you do more that's better

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for you, until finally settle messenger of a law should I make that entire time sending sweater and send them upon you? And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said He then took the handbook. Will you follow that book? He said in that case, your your anxieties, your worries will be taken care of and your sins will be forgiven. And this is because of the greatest of the acts that any Muslim can do is the duty of sending Sadat and sent them upon the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam taught us in so many a Hadith, there is actually difficulty to you know, enumerate the number of Hadith where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam taught us

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this very important to the one that is known as the salah and Ibrahim iya or the durood as some people call it, that he said along with suddenly Allah Mohammed Mohammed came out so later Allah Ibrahim Ibrahim him in NECA hamedan Majeed abetik Allah Muhammad Ali Muhammad came about Dr. Allah Ibrahim Ali Ibrahim filarial Amina in nica Hamid Majeed This is one of the most powerful dwad any Muslim can make, and it's enough for us to know or to see that Allah Subhana Allah says in the Quran in the lahoma equatorial saloon, Anna NaVi Yeah, a young lady and M and o Salma Ali, he will send him with the steamer, that Allah penalty itis is indeed a law and the confers blessings upon the

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Prophet SAW Selim and the angels as well. Oh you who believe this is an order coming from a loss penalty Allah Oh, you who believe suddenly we're at a send your sada upon the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was suddenly moved to cinema and send peace upon him as well. Like this is enough for us to realize how important how significant it is to send sada and Salam upon the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Now some people might be wondering or asking, what does it mean to send slaughter upon the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam right What does it mean that a law is sending sought out upon the Prophet SAW SLM? What does it mean that we send slaughter upon the Prophet so I

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sell them? What does the word slot I mean, to begin with, usually when we think of slot app, we think of, you know, seeing Allahu Akbar and praying, you know, to Rockers, and then you say, you know, you're asleep. So that's why they come at the end of it. That's what we typically think when we think of the word slot app, but the word slot has deeper, grander meanings. First, the concept of if you showed up in Arabia before Islam, and you said the word slaughter, they would think do I right, and this is mentioned in the Quran. So for instance, Allah subhanaw taala says to the Prophet, in a slight Attica second loan, your Sadat is a source of tranquility for them, meaning

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your do I or messenger of Allah is a source of tranquility for this oma, right so here the word sonet is used to mean do I, so that's one right to make dua to Allah. So, that also from the root word, why does it mean you know, why is it related to concepts of prayer and of supplication, because it has the context or the understanding of praising something, exalting something. So the word slideout means to mention, you know, to mention the name of something to exalt it. Also, that also means mercy and blessing. Also, it can mean forgiveness, right. And so, when we are saying, oh, law, sense law that upon the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we are saying, Oh Allah, send

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mercy, send blessings, shower, praise and exalt the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and when a loss of penalty it says in the law

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woman acts with a Luna and an AVI that indeed a law and the angels are sending solid upon the Prophet. What does it mean that a law is sending slaughter upon the Prophet? It means that Allah is sending mercy and blessings and forgiveness upon the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. now realize the duality of the Prophet taught us that we are asking Allah to praise the Prophet, we are saying, Oh Allah praise the Prophet Allahumma salli ala Muhammad, Oh Allah, give slaughter upon the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and we are not directly giving Sadat to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, rather we're asking a lot to do so why is that the case? Because what is our

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praise worth? What is the value of our praise? Not very much, the greatest praises of the praise of Allah subhanaw taala who better to praise the best of the creation than the Creator Himself. subhana wa Tada. And so we ask Allah subhanaw taala to send slaughter upon the Prophet. And also when we ask Allah to censor that upon the Prophet, the concepts of forgiveness and of mercy that comes from Allah is actually you know, valuable and the raising of the ranks from Allah is actually valuable, we cannot raise the ranks we cannot grant forgiveness. Now another question that somebody might be asking, why are we asking a lot to send solar insulation upon the Prophet SAW Selim, when Allah has

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already declared and said in the law, how Allah, Allah, Allah has already said, Indeed, Allah, and the angels are sending sada upon the Prophet, if a law has already decreed and stated that he is sending slap on the Prophet, why are we asking him to do so? If he's already said he's doing it? Why are we asking him to do so. And there's different reasons for this of the most important of the reasons is that when we ask a lot to do so, it is as if we are acting in agreement, and in unison, and in unison with Allah subhanho wa Taala we are united with a law we are acting with him and doing the thing that he subpanel who Tyler loves. And so this connects us to a law and it connects us. You

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know, it is it is connects us to a matter that we know definitely Allah Subhana Allah loves. And so when we do this, we are acting in unison with the last minute and with the angels. Another reason for this is who taught us about Allah subhanho wa Taala, who taught us the names of Allah subhana wa tada who taught us, you know how to pray, who taught us and conveyed to us the message, who received the revelation and presented it to us faithfully, who taught us the code and who taught us how to pray and how to fast and who taught us the, you know, the rulings of, of our religion and who taught us to overcome hardships and trials and who endured difficulties and hardships to support and to aid

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this religion? Was it not the prophets of Allah, Who are you sending them? And is it not therefore, at the very least, you know, presentation of gratitude for us to ask the last panel to either to send sada and sit down upon him, so the law wherever you send them, and so where do I begin alomost Allah, Allah Mohammed, or la cense, whatever upon Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Mohammed the word itself, the name itself means the one who was praised. The one who is praised continuously. So we're asking Allah Subhana Allah to praise the one who is worthy of praise the one who is continuously praise, Muhammad, and kind of like no other human being in the history of human beings

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has been praised more than Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam or named more than Muhammad sallallahu alayhi Salaam, and this is itself in and of itself a miracle. And so he says Allah, so Allah, Allah, Mohammed will either add in Mohammed and on the Al of Mohammed, Al means family. So we're making the app for the family of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. But al can also mean those who support those who aid those who are in the defense of And so, when we make this both meanings are intended, we are saying, Oh Allah, you know, send blessings and mercy send forgiveness to the family of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but also his supporters. also those who

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defend him those who support the prophet SAW Selim, those who love Him, those who are in his corner. And so the more that we ourselves follow the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, the more that we ourselves are the defenders of the Prophet sallallahu send them the more that we love him, the more that this also means that we're praying for ourselves that we get a share of this and the more that you love the Prophet sallallahu alayhi Salaam and the more that you follow his Sunnah, and the more that you love his family, and the more that you are in support of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the more that the greater share of this dude comes to you. And so we're making draft for

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the prophet and for his family, but in a way inshallah we're also making dua for ourselves. And then he says, KML, so later Allah Ebrahim, Abraham, just as you have given, saw that upon Ibrahim, and upon the family of Ibrahim, now some scholars bring up a question here. Does this mean that the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is equal to Prophet Ibrahim? Because we're saying Oh, Allah just says you've

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Ibrahim give Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu do you send them but the scholars they say no you know and and it is proven through many other evidences that the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is the best of all of the prophets and messengers, and after him His Prophet Ibrahim, but rather we are asking Allah subhana wa tada to concentrate all of the blessings upon all of the profits that have come from the lineage of Ibrahim, think about all the blessings that Ibrahim at least him has gotten, and his children his happiness, Marian and Yaqoob and Yusef and Moosa and all of the profits that have come from the descendants of Prophet Ibrahim, and all of the people who have worshipped

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Allah subhanho wa Taala that have come from the descendants of Ibrahim, we're seeing Ola take all of those blessings that you have given Ibrahim in the family of Ibrahim and all of those profits, and concentrate the exact same amount on just one Prophet, the prophet Mohammed slice alum and one oma, the owner of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and then he says in Mecca, have you done Majeed? We ended by saying, indeed, you are an Hamid al Majid and Hamid is the source of all praise. And Majeed is the source of all glory. We don't compare, you know, between the to Allah Subhana Allah and the Prophet slicin. As much as we praise the Prophet, and we love the Prophet, and we

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honor the Prophet, Allah is the source of praise. Allah is the one who's in heaven. And so as much as we raise and we exalt the Prophet, so I send them we don't want to create a confusion of raising the Prophet above Allah. And so the prophets I send him teaches us as we send Sadat upon the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and we exalt Him, and we honor Him and we love him. We remember that Allah is the one who's the source of glory. And Allah is the one whose source of the of praise and because he Subhana, which Allah is the source of praise, he chooses who will be praised, and he chooses Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to be the most praiseworthy of all the humans. And, you

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know, I'm recording this on a Friday, maybe you're not going to see this on a Friday, but especially on Fridays, these are the days to increase our salah and Sudan upon the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the prophet SAW I sent him said, you know, mentions the virtues of the day a Friday, and he said, feck Pharaoh, so increase your sauna upon me For indeed it will be raised it will be shown to me on the day of Friday, it is presented to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So when you hear this, it is imperative for us to send sada upon the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you know, he saw a man make him do it. And the man just

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raised his hands and he may do it quickly. And he asked for what he wanted. And that was it. And the prophets I sent him said, call the man over. And he said, that indeed this man is being hasty. So he called the men over and he said, when you want to make, you need to praise Allah cynefin out upon Allah praise Allah subhanaw taala then ask a lot to send, send em and saw that upon me, then ask for what you want. And so as we learn how to make do I sending sweater upon the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is key. And some of the scholars they said that it is the best thing for us to do is to begin and to end like near the beginning of our draw, and near the end of our die, to send

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swana upon the Prophet so I send them why, because Allah loves to accept that Allah wants to accept the fact that we send for the Prophet sallallahu sallam. And if you're sandwiched in the middle between the art of making to the making are derived from the profits of the local area send them a lot is too generous to only take your dog out for the profit and to reject the rest. Rather, he will accept all of it. So of the keys of having our dough accepted is to send soda and sell them upon the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, join us in sha Allah for more episodes of prophetic salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

Sending Salawat Upon The Prophet

O Allah, send prayers upon Muhammad and upon the family of Muhammad, as You sent prayers upon Ibrahim and upon the family of Ibrahim; You are indeed Worthy of Praise, Full of Glory. O Allah, send blessings upon Muhammad and upon the family of Muhammad as You sent blessings upon Ibrahim and upon the family of Ibrahim; You are indeed Worthy of Praise, Full of Glory.

Allaahumma salli ‘ala Muhammad wa ‘ala aali Muhammad kama salayta ‘ala Ibraaheem wa ‘ala aali Ibraaheem, innaka hameedun majeed. Allaahumma baarik ‘ala Muhammad wa ‘ala aali Muhammad kama baarakta ‘ala Ibraaheem wa ‘ala aali Ibraaheem, innaka hameedun majeed

~ Prophetic Du’as – A Ramadan Series

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