Ibrahim Hindy – The One Who Compels (Al-Jabbar)

Ibrahim Hindy
AI: Summary © The segment discusses the names of Islam, including its powerful attributes and evil attributes. It also touches on the use of Jabbar's words to describe himself as the most powerful person in the world and the importance of strong faith in one's ability to deal with difficult situations. The segment also touches on the importance of having a strong faith in one's ability to deal with difficult situations and the need for strong faith in oneself to deal with difficult situations.
AI: Transcript ©
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All praise is due to Allah alone. And when we seek aid and assistance into him we turn both in repentance and for forgiveness. Truly am Allah subhanaw taala guides is not can mislead, and whom Allah leaves to go astray There is none who can guide and everyone is that there is nothing worthy of worship save Allah alone. And then Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is both his servant and His messenger.

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Often when we reflect upon and study the names of Allah subhanho wa taala. To get to know Allah azza wa jal better to understand Allah's influence and effect on our lives with more clarity, to be able to connect to Allah subhanaw taala better in our lives.

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we learn the names of Allah in an attempt to emulate aspects of it. So we learned that Allah is man the Most Merciful, in order to emulate mercy in our own character, or that Allah is Al Karim Raja words that He is Generous so that we can become generous ourselves. But some of the names of Allah subhanaw taala are only be fitting

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in all of its aspects to be attributed to Allah subhanaw taala. And when it becomes attributed to a human being, it becomes evil.

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And that the way for us to connect to Allah through these particular names is not to emulate it, but rather to connect to Allah by assuming the opposite of it.

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We connect to Allah's attributes of being alive man, the Most Merciful by emulating His mercy in these other names of Allah azza wa jal, we connect to Allah by doing the opposite.

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And so in today's chutzpah, we will talk about one of these names, the name of Allah al Jabbar, Allah subhanaw taala says in the Quran and one of the most beautiful verses that mentions a number of the names of Allah, O Allah who led the law you know, in the whole medical produce who Salah mean I mean, only Mohammed hola Aziz will Jabba al Motta, Kabira, Subhan, Allah Allah, usually Kuhn and so Allah calls himself as Jabbar, what does it Jabbar mean?

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And Jabbar has three different meanings.

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The first of them, as Jabbar, Hola, Li Li fo Kochalka he, the one who is high and elevated above his creation.

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The Arabs used to say to jump boat on the backs. The plant or the tree has become Jabbar which means it has become high, it has risen up, it's been raised. In fact, the Arabs would call the palm tree and as you know the palm trees are incredibly tall in their stature, they would refer to it as Jabara or dubara. It's another name for the palm tree. Why? Because it's very high up, it's raised up.

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And so when Allah calls himself as Jabbar and aspects of it is to understand that Allah is the Most High, the most elevated that he Subhana wa Taala is above us, that his plans, override our plans, his desires, override our desires, and that no matter how high we are elevated in this world, whether you are elevated through knowledge, through wealth, through fame, through social status, through power, through eloquence, whatever you think has raised you in this world, you are always beneath al Jabbar, he is the one who was above all of us. And because of this is one of the reasons amongst many reasons why this attribute of Al Jabbar is only good one it is attributed to Allah

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and it is evil and it is attributed to human beings.

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Allah subhanaw taala mentions it in an evil tense when he refers to human beings throughout the Quran. In the female Coleman job Berrien. Allah mentions when the people of Musa say about another disbelieving people that they are a people of Thai, Thai irony and Thai radical strength jeberti in Allah Subhana Allah says was Stephen Warhol the Kulu Jabarin I need. Allah says that, on the Day of Judgment, they will request victory from Allah and ruined and disappointed Kulu Jabbar and I need every obstinate tyrant. Similarly, Allah azza wa jal it says in the Quran, Kedah.

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They came up with a law who couldn't be Muhtar, Kent Baden Jabba. Thus God seals over the heart of every motor can bear the arrogance, jab bow, the one who was a tyrant. And so Jiabao is when it is assumed by the human being, that they put themselves over others. It's an evil thing. And this leads to the second point because when Allah uses Jabbar in these tenses in the Quran, he is not only speaking about them, lifting themselves other up over other people, but in other aspects of Allah being as Jabbar

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which is a lady eEdge Burow Jamia healthy He Allah Masha, I'm angry, that he is the one who compels His creation, over what he wants from his commandments, over what He wills out of His commandments. Allah has al Jabbar in terms of that we are all compelled by the will of Allah subhanho wa taala.

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When a human being compels others to the will, typically, in most cases, it is a form of tightening. It is evil.

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This is why are you sad? He said, when he is born, when he has a baby when he's in the cradle, and Allah gives him the miracle to speak. What does he say? Well, let me a journey Jabbar on Shafia God has not made me Jiabao, a tyrant, nor chef, the one who is wretched and ruined.

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But when Allah is the One who compels when he is the Jabbar, it's a reflection of his perfection subhanaw taala. Because his knowledge and his wisdom, and His love is perfect.

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So when he compels us, he compels us to what is perfect, even if we do not understand it's

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who compelled you to look the way that you look?

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Who compelled you to have the skin color that you have?

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Who compelled you to be born in the city or in the country that you were born in?

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Who compelled your father to be your father or your mother to be your mother?

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Allah gives us certain freedoms in this world, for men shall offend human women shall Finnick for whoever wills let them believe whoever wills let them disbelieve.

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And yet we are compelled.

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If we choose to believe we are compelled, in doing what he wants in our DNA as well.

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He compelled us in our Shediac

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who made fasting obligatory and Ramadan

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al Jabbar,

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who made it that fasting in Ramadan is 29 or 30 days, as Jabbar who made praying five times a day obligatory al Jabbar, who made

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federal to work hours and effect three rock house and for her for rock house. Algebra, he compelled it to be this way.

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Allah gave us the choice to believe or not to believe, right? But he does not give us the choice in what the religion is. Nor does he give us a choice in the circumstances of our lives, who our parents are, who our children will be, what city will be born in what skin color we're going to have. This is incredibly important. Maybe this is the most important part of the football.

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When someone hates something that Allah has decreed or compelled upon us,

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whether the person hates the skin color that they have, and that they were born with, or they hate the parents, that Allah bless them with or gave them or they hate the country that they were born to. Or whether they hate the commandment of Allah, to pray too fast to give the care

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to avoid the intoxicants to avoid all the prohibitions of our deen when they hate what Allah has compelled us to. It is a deficiency in either their understanding or their belief in Al Jabbar.

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And when we understand al Jabbar, a perfects our belief in the decrees of Allah subhanaw taala what he has decreed for us.

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And this is that we understand that we are truly servants of Allah subhanaw taala

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well, you can go into the science of this, by the way, not that it's super important, but if someone wanted to the genetic effect

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how genes affect our behavior.

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Understand how so much of it is determined by your genetic sequencing, who compelled us in this way other than Jabbar subhanaw taala, he has given us aspects where we have Muttiah we have choice, we have choice and belief and in disbelief. He has given us aspects of our lives where we have choice, but so much of it has been compelled by Jabbar and when you understand this,

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that Allah is the Most High and he is the most powerful, and the all things are in his hands, this should push you towards Allah subhanho wa taala. This should bring contentment to your hearts. Why? Because you know, Allah is in control of all things. And if Allah is in control in his power,

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then you then you will for sure should feel protected under the power of Allah subhanaw taala and a removal of your worries.

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And this brings us to the third definition of eligible

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a levy edge borrower or more, a useless

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the one who compels our affairs, meaning the one who rectifies the affairs,

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the edge of rural caste, the one who mends that which is broken, Al Jabbar is the Compeller.

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And just as Allah can compel the affairs of our world, he can compel that which no one else can compel. This is why again, for a human being to be a Jabbar is evil. For Allah to be the Jabbar is perfection. Because there are things that Allah can compel that no tyrants can compel. No human being can compel.

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He can compel your problems to cease being problems.

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He can compel that which is broken to men and he can compel the hurts in your heart to become and to soothe. He is Al Jabbar, the one who mens the one who fixes the one who rectifies the problems. This is a powerful name of Allah subhanho wa Taala one that we have to connect to. Not only is Allah strong and powerful,

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that He is the Most High

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and compels us, but he is the one who uses this power and strength to heal us and to mend us and to protect us.

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Who is the one

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that the oppressed turn to?

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Who should those be fallen by tragedy turn to? Who should they ask?

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If someone stole money from you

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a significant sum

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if you lost a loved one, who do you turn to for strength? Who do you turn to to mend your heart? When it feels hurts?

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You turn to algebra, a lead the edge broadcasts the one who men's and compels the hurts to heal subhanho wa taala. This is the beauty of this name. On the one hand, it points to the power of Allah Zoa Jen, on the other hand, it points to him aiding and supporting and loving and mending those who turned to him strong and powerful against the oppressive, kind and merciful and supportive to those who are oppressed.

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And so sometimes we think about this, we think about our brothers and sisters in Palestine. We think about our brothers and sisters, or Uighur brothers and sisters

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in Turkmenistan and what is known as China. We think about our brothers and sisters, the Rohingya brothers and sisters, we think about our brothers and sisters who have gone through so much oppression, homes being destroyed, children being killed, houses being lit on fire, and panela sometimes when we look at the oppression that they have faced, we think to ourselves, I don't know how they're strong.

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I don't know how they're so strong.

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You think twice we think to ourselves if that happened to me, I don't know how I can continue.

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I don't know how I can find strength in what is happening to them happened to me. I'm sure all of us think this. Where do they get that strength from?

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Where do they have that internal power? Where did it come from?

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They turn to Al Jabbar Subhana Allah and he mends them and he heals them and He strengthens them. In fact, the more hurts and oppress they become, the stronger their heart becomes

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The more impressive the situation is, we find their hearts become even stronger because they turn to Al Jabbar subhanaw taala and he mends the hearts in ways that other people cannot understand.

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We see this in many aspects of the Quran, and stories of our Prophet.

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For instance, we see the story of the mother of Musa

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alayhis salaam.

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And Allah tells the mother inspires to the mother

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to throw him

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into a river. Imagine the hurts and the hearts ache to throw your baby into a river into a flowing river.

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And Allah subhanaw taala tells her to do so what to hoffy What attacks any in our raw do you take?

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Don't fear and don't grieve we will bring him back to you.

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This mother trusts in Allah subhana wa Tada she throws her son into the river.

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And Allah subhana wa Tada

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has the child brought back to her, for her to nourish and take care of and to be paid money to take care of her own child?

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Allah subhanaw taala says what do you tell them? What do you tell them and know what are the law? Yeah, well, I cannot fit on NASCI Well, I can knock federal homeland animal

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for her to know that the Promise of Allah is true. And that most of the people do not know.

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Allah loves when we recognize that we have no one other than Allah.

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No one other than Al Jabbar who can heal us. No one other than Al Jabbar that can support us

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for our gender for our journey, Kayla Omega Kitakata ah, you know what I Tyson. We brought you back to your mother Oh Musa so that

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we can

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calm her eyes and for her not to grieve.

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Allah loves when the person feels that they have no one other than Allah, and that he's there to take care of them.

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Think of this hadith in Sahih Muslim

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Hadith, pudsey that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says that Allah says that Allah will see to a person on the Day of Judgment IDNA Adam is so for him to care for them to take money, all our bouquet for over a mocha, intolerable alanine called a sutra Amica Abdi Phoolan, phenom Tata mo MLO autometer, who will guarantee that he said, Oh, son of Adam, I asked you for food and you did not feed me.

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The child of Adam will say, Oh Allah, how can I feed you? And you are the Lord of the universe. Allah will say My servant, so and so asked you for food, and you did not feed him?

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Didn't you realize that had you fed him? You would have found that reward with me.

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Then Allah asks another question in Adam, is to say he took Flm too skinny, Oh, son of Adam, I asked you for water, and you did not quench my thirst. Again, he says, Yeah, Robbie Kiefer was speaking in total with me and my Lord, how can I quench your thirst and You are the Lord of the universe? And Allah says, My servant, so and so he asked you for water, and you did not quench his thirst? Didn't you realize that? How did you quench his thirst? You would have found the reward of doing that with me?

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And then he asked the third question.

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You have no other Marie to film Tori, Danny, Oh, son of Adam, I became ill and you did not visit me. He says, Oh my Lord, how can I visit you one time will allow me in and You are the Lord of the universe. And Allah tells him, my servants, so and so became ill, and you did not visit him? Didn't you realize that? Here's the interesting point. And lower that Sir, who?

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Didn't you realize that? Had you visited him? You would have found me with him.

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Did you see the difference in the Hadith? The first two people, the hungry in the thirsty. What does Allah say? How did you find him and had you quench this thirst? You want to have found the reward of it with me? But when he came to the one who was ill, and marine, what did he say? Had you visited him logia 10 year into you would have found him

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with him.

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Now the scholars look at this hadith. Why does Allah make this difference? Why is there a difference between the hungry in the thirsty versus the one who was ill?

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And the scholars comment on this hadith. And again, this is an authentic hadith in Sahih Muslim. And they say the difference here is the one who is hungry and the one who is thirsty, has some capability. You can be hungry, and you go out and you work and you seek and you ask, and you try, you can be thirsty, and you're still traveling and you're still trying and you're still seeking the water that you need. But when someone is really ill,

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they're stuck in their bed, they're bedridden, they can't even get up from the bed. Some people are so sick, they have no capacity.

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Why is that important? Because they said, What is powerful about this hadith is Allah is showing us that the more that you are in need of a law, the more Allah subhanaw taala is with you.

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The more you feel helpless in the hands of Allah, like a person who was sick and stuck in their bed, they feel completely dependent on Allah. The more you feel dependent on Allah, the more Allah is with you.

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And then ug will move forward either way, actually for Su, ALLAH says who is the one who responds to the desperate when they call upon him and remove the evil? He doesn't say who is the one who responds to the righteous? Who is the one who responds to the one who memorizes the most Quran? Who is the one who responds to a nurturer?

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The one who is desperate

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one who is desperate.

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The more desperation you feel the closer Allah is to you. The closer I Jabbar mens your hurts, takes care of your desperation. So our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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would make a dua along mahine Muskegon. Why Miss Nina Skene and why should ni fi Zuma tell Misaki Nyoman, Tiana Amin. Allah allow me to live in poverty, to die in poverty and to be resurrected on the Day of Judgment with those who are poor.

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Some people read this hadith they say it means we shouldn't have any money. We should all Muslims should be poor. But the prophet made another dua

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along with the rules of the criminal factory will cough or lie seek your refuge from poverty and disbelief.

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So which is it? Does the Prophet want to be amongst the poor? Or does he want to seek refuge from poverty?

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The problem is we didn't understand the first thrive when he's saying Oh, Allah Heaney miskeen and what makes the skin and why shouldn't if he's on retina Serkin allow me to live in poverty, die in poverty and be resurrected with those who are in poverty. It's not about money.

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It's about poverty in the hearts.

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Allow me to feel poor

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to you or Allah. Allow me to always feel in need of you Allah. Allow me to always feel desperate for you. Oh Allah. That's what that door art means. Allow me to constantly feel like I am helpless between your hands Oh Allah

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you yah yah yah yah

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yah yah Ness. And someone Fukuhara Allah, Allah who would have it would have means

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Oh humanity, you are the ones who are poor in relation to Allah. And Allah is the One who was money without need and He is full of praise.

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But you have to feel poor in front of Allah subhanaw taala

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that's why they don't value the long one.

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Who would say yeah, Jabiru Kulu Cassia

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Oh Jabiru Jabbar of everyone who has broken Oh mender of every broken one.

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Go to Allah and feel broken.

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Turn to Allah feeling broken.

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And Al Jabbar is the one who amends Menjou. When you feel broken, think of our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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the year of autopilot his uncle who protected him died. The year his wife Khadija who gave him internal support. She dies. Everyone in Mecca is turning against him sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he decides a last ditch effort let me go to a thought if and give our to the people have a thought if maybe they will accept me. And he goes and they treat him the leaders of the thought if treats

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I'm horribly, and then they unleash a mob against our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and they attack him with sticks and stones, and the Prophet is bleeding until the blood is flowing to his ankles.

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And he runs in terror. So Allah whoever you send them away from this mob

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and finally he sits under a tree and he makes to art to Allah. And look at this to look at how he turns to Allah subhanaw taala allow many ESCO in a Kava Kava tea. Welcome Letter here at well how many ins Oh Allah I complained to have my weakness and my the scarcity of my resources and the humiliation that I have been subjected to by the people. And terrible el Amin will interrupt be one to interrupt me when terrible Mr. affino and therapy. You are the Lord of the universe. And you are the Lord of those who are weak. And you are my Lord

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11 tacular testimony Illa buried in Gemini and Illa I do women Lakita who Emery Oh ALLAH To whom are you entrusting me to a distant person who receives me with hostility or to an enemy whom You have granted authority over my affairs.

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The distant person who receives me with hostility that people are the PIF

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and to an enemy who have control over my affairs, are the leaders of quash

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and then he says Illa Mia, Kubica Alia Haldeman, Farah O'Malley,

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as long as you will Allah are not angry with me. I do not care. I'm okay with whatever I'm going through these a few of the brokenness of this dua in front of Allah azza wa jal, the helplessness in front of Allah subhanaw taala. This submission in front of Allah subhanaw taala in this to your inner fear, take a hit Oh, Saturday, he says except ALLAH, your part in your protection is more expensive for me. He's putting himself between the hands of Allah. He is showing his brokenness in front of Allah subhana wa Taala What do you think is going to happen to him? So Allah who already who sent them, immediately as he's making this dua, someone sees him from afar, a disbeliever. And

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they feel sympathy for a suit of Rasul Allah, Allah Selim, they send their servant with a plate of grapes to go to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And so all of a sudden, the prophet sees a servant, coming to serve Him with grapes. And the Prophet begins to speak to the servant, and the servant accepts Islam. And in the same year, we're all of these tragedies happen to the Prophet sallallahu. I don't even know what else happens. And it's wrought with my Raj, Allah lifts him above the seven heavens,

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Allah subhanaw taala will mend you, and take care of you, when you go to Allah subhanaw taala and show him your helplessness and your desperation. And you break yourself in front of Allah subhanaw taala.

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Look at the beautiful example of Abu Talhah and almost a name for the Allahu Anhu. We know this story, the two of them have a child and the child is sick.

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And the child everyday is sick. And one day the child passes away. And that will plug comes home and almost same.

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Being an excellent wife wants to protect her husband as much as she can, from the heartbreak that their child has died.

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So he asks, How is the child doing? She says he's very quiet. He's been the quietest he's ever been.

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So he thinks the child is sleeping. And she beautifies herself. And she spends the night with her husband. And then finally she asks him a question. She said, Do you think if someone loans something to you? And then he asks for a doc, do you think it should be returned back to him? The one who was loaned it? He said yes, yes, of course. She said to him, indeed, Allah loaned to us our child. And now he has asked for it back. And she explained to him that the child has passed away, but he felt very upset. You allowed me to relax this whole evening. And you didn't tell me that my child passed away.

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You went to the Prophet sallallahu to send them to complain. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told him, Allah has blessed your night together. And he's blessed you with a child.

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And indeed his wife became pregnant from that night. And Allah bless them with a child. And that child had 10 Other children so they had 10 grandchildren from that one child, and every one of those grandchildren or her father of the Quran, all of them memorize the Quran. Subhana Allah when you go to Allah with your heartbreak, when you turn to Allah subhanaw taala with your heartbreak, who else

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can mend it other than Allah, who else can take care of it other than Allah subhanaw taala turn to Allah Jabbar, the one who mend Subhana Allah to Allah and He is the one who's who can support and mend our bodies and our souls and our hearts popolo Holyhead our suffer suffer, suffer in order for Rocky

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Smilla from the Los Altos salam ala Rasulillah he was early he also happy woman while up in the Lahoma it was a luna via Medina amazulu Ali he was sending along Sunday we'll send him Allah said you know whenever you know have you been a Muhammad Lamas Allah Allah Mohammed metacoda Quran and abroad? Masala Ali hiragana Matador mismo fac so the ALI hiragana salatu wa sallam immediately a woman dean well he he was happy to you know for hitting well I mean what I didn't know I saw the hand Alma letter that another female called me and I heard that the lava photo forester what are they in Lolita? What I'm worried

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what level la vita? What a hydrogen atom how're you doing? Yeah, what else did I hear? Like I didn't want to feel sada Illa for the tower so Debbie Rockman ticker Hama Rockman Allah meson Islam when Muslimeen where can you be from different elements of our deen Allah Mohammed Eden Elaine and Eman was in Filipina and kind of hidden in and could flow through so called Lucien or animal Rashid in in the lion a little bit earlier sending the Cordoba 100 fascia even more cruel beliau coolala Come to the Quran was Coralife Coco mush guru, me his political Allahu Akbar, Allah Leanna was their own Abdullah himself


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