Ibraheem Menk – The Link Between Brotherhood and Faith in Allah

Ibraheem Menk
AI: Summary © The transcript describes a group of people discussing a split between their mother and brother in Islam. They talk about feeding them food, while also discussing the hub of the world and the importance of email and email into their hearts. They mention that they may be scared of their brother and sisters and may be scared of their mother. The speakers also discuss the importance of email and email into their hearts and how they can strengthen their email.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Ar Rahman AR Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen Isla

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ob Hina studying one suddenly on a certain level,

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be even more serene Nabina Muhammad, the more other, he will be here and you're married

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to john who has either

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a BSc in biology I see what's happening

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with that send commands to kind of data for having gathered us here today. And we also can learn to kind of do a Tyler to surround us with the melodica and to cause his mercy and His Sakina to descend upon us, and to raise us with the ambia alayhi wa Salatu was Salam and those whom he has mentioned with them, I mean

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Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, must mean as he

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did him, what Allah for me, him, what are to feed him? methadone, just as the example of the meaning

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is that their example of meaning in their love for each other, and they are men and they have mercy for each other. And they feeling an emotion and compassion for each other.

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Said, it is like the example of a body is a sticker.

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When a part of the body begins to complain to

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you just as the summary when

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the rest of the body rushes to the assistance and the help of that part, even if it means that it will suffer from a wickedness sleeplessness, and it will suffer from fever, the rest of the body will rush towards the help and the assistance of that part, even if it means that it will suffer as a whole with no sleep, and it will suffer with fever.

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If we take a look at it

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Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam begins by saying methadone meaning the example of the believers and throughout the Quran and the sooner we find that this word is used time and again, the believers oh you who believe those who have faith in your heart, Allah subhanho wa Taala is addressing you are pseudo masala yourself Sallam is addressing you why he does Allah subhanho wa Taala addressed us with these words, why does he use a lot mean?

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Why does he use a man because he wants us to be meaning he wants us to be believers. So it is obvious why a Muslim can have who attacked Hana addresses us with this word not me.

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But the question comes

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How is it that I know that I am a strong believer in a lump sum kind of word Tyler How is it that I know that my man and my faith in Allah subhanho wa Taala is powerful unless you can who attalla did not give us a gauge on our hearts such that we see that today my Eman is 20% tomorrow it is 40% the following day perhaps it has come down to 20 again, and then it is 100% one of the days I'm not so keen on what Allah did not give us that gauge. So we don't have a gauge that we can take a look at and say today I'm a strong believer.

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But do you know what the gauge of Eman is

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the following words of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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The example of the medium and use that word not meaning for this reason he did him in the love for each other. Number one, your love for each other. What kind of love do you have for your brother? It tells you how strong you imagine unless you can do it. Allah is

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what kind of love do you have for your brother to have that which you have that which you love for yourself? Do you love for your brother to have that which you have that which you love for yourself? Now you may want to come again that word he man now you know how to come out of you does not completely believe it is not 100% now you do come had you hit buddy or he may you hit Boolean FC until he loves for his brother that which he loves for himself. So you want to know your Eman is 100% then ask yourself, I love for myself. This car, or I love for myself. Gentlemen, I love for myself. Peace and Harmony do I love for my brothers

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In the same manner that I love for myself and if you do, then you know that your Eman and your faith in Allah subhanho wa Taala is complete. Because he says now you one of you is not a complete believer until he loves for his brother that which he loves for himself. So this is the first part of the Hadeeth etowah demon, they love for each other what they love for themselves,

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what's all upcoming and the man and the mercy that Allah subhana wa Taala has placed in the hearts of the meaning they have upon each other, they have mercy upon each other. I see that my brother does not have this I have a lot of it. Let me take out a little bit of it and give it to him. And you know interestingly regarding the first part of the Hadith where it says one of you wait says fetullah Diem in the love for each other.

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If we take a look at this little pseudo masala

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does not say that we have to take out everything that we have and give it to that person. I have a car I must make sure that my brother has a car No, it is to do with your heart to do with the love for your brother that which you love for yourself. And then the second part of the Heidi fasulo masala bhagwad Gita homing in

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upon each other. I have something great Allah subhanho wa Taala has given me a lot of wealth. the least I can do is take out a little bit and give my brother the least I can do is ensure that he is okay for the day. People are filming him, what to How to Feed him. And they feeling for each other. They emotion for each other. When you see your brother happy, do you rejoice? Are you happy to see him happy? And when you see your brother sad, are you sad to see him sad?

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To see him the emotions as well are connected. Why? Because they have one mole. They have one love, that they all recognize that they all worship so they understand that link of brotherhood is powerful. That link of brotherhood is strong. So when my brother is said I should feel for him. When my brother is happy, I should feel happy for him. And if you do not feel happy for you for your brother's happiness and sad for your brother sadness, then became food for your man. Do you know what Allah subhanho wa Taala says about the university? Do you know what he says about the hypocrites those who don't truly believe in Allah subhanho wa Taala but claim to do so by the

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tongues? He says into sin kasana

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when a good thing comes to you, it hurts them It hurts them we're into cipco Seba and when a bad or a calamity for befalls you

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well intrusive mercy bathroom. Your phobia they become happy with that mercy but they look at it and say hey, look at that brother. He's now fallen. What kind of man do you have? When you are happy for the falling of your brother? It means that there is either no human at all. All these a great lack of the human in a lawsuit kind of who attallah me Nina feito de him What are filming him What are to see him method we'll just set the example of the believers in their love for each other embellishment for each other and in the feeling and emotion for each other is like the example of one body is a second wound one part of that body feel sick. One part of that body begins to complain

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Iran just said be sorry we'll have sudo masala mahalo does not say it is possible or maybe it will happen no the rest of the body becomes sick with sleeplessness, and fever. The minute the body sees that the finger has been hurt, the rest of the body comes to the assistance of that finger or of that hand or of that limb until that that learning completely becomes normal. In fact, if it means that it has to suffer with a deficiency in its own performance, such that it does not perform at its peak it does not sleep, it becomes sick with fever. it suffers in itself it will make sure that it does not move until the brother is okay until the limb is okay. That is what the hadith of

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Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam means

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we walk past our brothers in a hole. We see them in a room. We see them struggling to get out of that hole and we can help them

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We have the ability to help them But do you know what we do? We keep walking, and we ignore them.

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What kind of

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what kind of faith in Allah subhanho wa Taala. When we have when we know that the brother is there suffering, I can help him. All I need to do is put my hand down, rather let us move together. But do you know what I do? I keep working. What does that say about my email and my faith in Allah subhanho wa Taala when the Sahaba heard the alarm or

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the unsolved

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they received the mohajir in these people were people who had nothing. These people were people who were strangers. They did not know. They did not really have any dealings with him. They were people from different clans and tribes. In fact, some of them were people of different skin color, but the Sahaba hobby a lot more. They stood up with big hearts, huge hugs and tears coming to our homes. Yeah, we are we will give you half of our home and half we will use and then they said our businesses here we are. I've got a business 50% is yours 50% is mine My spouse's I've got two you take one I will divorce.

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I will divorce for you. This is what the Sahaba did for strangers for people who they didn't even really know. But because they had that bond of Eman, that bond of faith in Allah subhanho wa Taala, they help each other way they have to help each other. If we don't go back to that template. If we don't go back to that example of the Sahaba, the Allahu anhu, then we are becoming closer and closer to an effect and hypocrisy because we say we believe but when it comes to helping my brother as you know what we'll see about

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well, he'll see lots of a lot more either you or send them is telling you that the gauge of your Eman the gauge of your faith in Allah subhanahu attallah is not to wag your tongue and say that you believe in Allah subhanho wa Taala. That is part of it. But you've got to add on to that. And you've got to ensure that your brothers okay you love your brothers, you have run upon your brothers, and at the end of the day, if they are in difficulty, you will we will help them out of that problem. And when it comes to fighting amongst them winning the fighting

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that we see so prevalent today in society. You see, each mosque is fighting amongst themselves. Each community is fighting amongst themselves, you find not only the community at large, but each mosque is fighting amongst themselves. You have two parties. What does Allah subhanho wa Taala say about this? What does the loves to kind of do attalla say about this? What

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is that

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mean enough

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that if two parties have to fight each other, they have to fight each other for our sweet home by email. So make sure that you make amends between them, try and help the situation go and try and cause them to come back to loving each other, to come back to having that emotion for each other to come back to having mercy upon each other. But that was done.

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So if one of them has to continue fighting the other one party is standing and stretching in his hand and saying brother I'm here to shake your hand and the other party keeps fighting them. Do you know what you do for it Don't let the temporary so fight the one that is fighting fight the one that is fighting habitat defeat either umbrella until they return to the command of Allah subhanho wa Taala

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and what is the commander of a monster kind of island? That they ensure that there is peace, that they ensure that there is that that they ensure that they is that mercy that they ensure that there is that feeling between the brothers so if one party is fighting, fight them, fight them hashtag Isla umbrella until they return to the command of Allah Subhana who attack

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the problem today the brothers and sisters in Islam we see each other fighting. We know who is right we know who is wrong. We know what is happening. But do you know what we do we choose to ignore? We choose to see our brothers in a hole and continue working because you know what? It doesn't affect me. Well it does affect you are you not one body? Are you not one body like muscle Maguire the seller has said in fact, we see people smiling as we talk because they are happy at the DVD the split that happens between the mother who just said you are one body, your arm is being cut off and you are saying no it's okay I'll walk you through what kind of men what kind of a believer are you

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to ensure that to let it go and just say it is okay for it to happen. If your finger was to be cut off

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Love you would not wave your finger was perhaps just the maybe you had a situation you were you were sewing at home and the needle went through your mail. You would not sleep until that nail was removed it was bandaged up and everything was okay.

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If you are a true and sincere believer in Allah subhanho wa Taala when you see your brothers fighting, when you see your brothers in difficulty, when you see your brothers your problem, you will help the situation as far as possible. Allah subhanho wa Taala did not give you the option of ignoring Allah subhana wa attalus is for us to do so make amends between them if you can't make amends, then what happens?

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So fight the one which is fighting fight the one which does not want to that peace fight the one which does not want that right man and that mercy. So this is one part of the Hadith that is very relevant in community and society. Today I am not mincing my words. I'm making it very clear for all of us to understand that there is a situation not only here but everywhere else, not only in Zimbabwe, but everywhere else you find the brothers are fighting each other. Do you know what's happened our Eman and our belief in Allah subhanho wa Taala has become weak. We have moved closer to the south. We have been closer to hypocrisy than we have to imagine inflicting the loss of Hannah

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who are tired well into sukoon. Say yeah, attune and women evil and mercy that something bad happens to you. Do you know what happens? If

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they become happy? What is that that is a sign of the moon. That is a sign of the moon or sort of lots of a lot more I think you will send them says in a heartbeat could see from a mechanic

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that in the letter to Holloman piano to cool Indeed Allah subhanho wa Taala will say on the day of pm

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you have never done Oh son of Adam, married to me. I became sick so you did not visit me. So the son of Adam will look at how much you can do at Allah and say, yeah, I'll be working for tomorrow. What can you do one tabula mean and how is it that I will visit you yet you are the hub of the world you cannot become sick. So Allah subhanho wa Taala will respond. Mariela Abdi Fulani,

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a certain slave, a certain servant of mine, he became sick and you did not visit him visit him. Mr. alimta and McKellar taboo, Noah jack Kenny,

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did you not know that you visited him? You would have found me with him. You would have found me with him. And then the Hadith continues. It says it's the time to hand them to me. I asked you for food I asked you to feed me This is Allah subhanho wa Taala talking and he says I asked you for food for them to tell me you did not give me that food you did not feed me.

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So the response comes once again, you have been working

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with me and how is it that I will feed you yet you are the hub of the world? And Allah subhana wa tada will say, and I'm Thailand. Oh, am I limited? Hello. Hello, Mr. Olympia and in a kilo of Amitabh de

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vida, indeed, did you not know that if you have to feed my servant, then you would have found that with me, you would have found that food with me. In the form of freewill. You have servants of Allah subhana wa Taala, who are hungry, you have servants of Allah subhanho wa Taala who are thirsty. In fact, the last part of the Hadith says is that it took for them to speak, I was thirsty and you did not quench my thirst and the response will come okay so to speak. Will Allah mean and how is it that I will quench your thirst yet you are the hub of the world and Allah subhanho wa Taala will give us the response to that he says is the Kaka have

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asked you for a drink of water for them to speak. So you did not give him that drink of water.

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Did you not know and nichetto a state that if you gave him that drink of water now he can indeed you would have found that with me. What kind of person ignores the fact that I know I will find this drink and this food in the form of reward with Allah subhanho wa Taala on the day of piano I have it with me but I will not share my food. I have it with me I know that this man is hungry I know that this man is thirsty. I know that this man is sick but I will not visit him yet I know that I will find a lot of kind of mortality. What kind of Eman Do we have when we ignore all of this? This is all part of the hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Minato de him the example of the

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Their love for each other will tell our homie him and they look upon each other what to feed him and the feeling and the emotion for each other. Nothing will just said he is like one example of one one body, one body.

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One, when one part of that body becomes sick today

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just said to be sorry, will the rest of the body it stays awake and it becomes feverish until that body part is completely okay. Until that body part is completely fine. Today we sleep with a complete conscious, complete consciousness of the fact that my brother is sick. My brother is hungry, my brother is thirsty, my brothers are fighting we sleep. What does that say about our email in Allah subhanho wa Taala The point is today Let us review our email and let us understand that if we want to gauge our Eman, then there is no gauge on our hearts. There is no 2050 100% but there is a gauge that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gave us and we're lucky if we don't step in to

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help the problem if we don't sit in to help our brothers and sisters, then we're lucky our Eman is deficient and perhaps we would be scared that the man is not even there. May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us And may Allah subhanahu Allah grant us the ability to strengthen our email and to inculcate email into our hearts. I mean what Solomon will send them out robotica and and Amina Mohammed why the lineage lineage many

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