Ibraheem Menk – IntaLIVE #41 Reading

Ibraheem Menk
AI: Summary © The importance of reading for personal gain and knowledge gained through reading with purpose is emphasized. The speaker discusses the benefits of reading for personal gain and personal knowledge, including the mobile advent of the mobile phone and the influence they felt on their reading habits. The speakers emphasize the importance of learning a language in a correct manner and finding new things in learning. They stress the need for practice learning and finding new things in learning.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa sallahu wa Sallim wa barik ala nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi oedema and we have an alert Today we'll be speaking about a very important topic, we look at it. It's the very first part of revelation that the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam received, spoke about this topic and that is the topic of reading.

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salaam alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh

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or La Casa La, la vaca to shift on a How are you? hamdulillah? How are you?

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Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah very well hamdulillah we hope everybody else was following are all well, inshallah everybody is, you know, progressing through these rather challenging time with Sharla jephunneh. Today we want to speak about a topic that's extremely important to topic spoken about in the deal, a topic that's actually people who the current situation we live in, it's a very important topic to speak about also, and that is the topic of reading. When we look in Revelation we find that the very first word also the loss of Allah alayhi wa sallam received or that the very first word that was revealed to him was a para, which means read. Obviously this is speaking about him reciting

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the Quran, Allah Allah, Allah orders him to read the Koran this may not be can levy hallak in the name of the one or the Lord Allah Subhana, which Allah Who created Allah subhanho wa Taala then encourages him, or orders him to read more to learn more to ask Allah subhanho wa Taala if there's anything we derived from this, I think we can derive quite a few things, the importance of reading, the very first word of Revelation is to read and one of the reasons why we read is so we can increase in knowledge. We read the Quran, so we know who is Allah subhanho wa Taala we know him by his names by His attributes, and the whole quality of the whole, you know, passing your time should

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I say I shouldn't say passing your time but being involved in reading that which is beneficial, especially the Quran, especially the Summa is an iba in its in and of itself.

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Yes, absolutely. And I think this is the way man has progressed in a lot of spheres of society, etc, or life. So it's the way that we find people learnt of other cultures, other ways of doing things they progressed and, you know, expanded through this type of reading that was there previously wouldn't have such connectivity that we do today. So the best way to do that was to read different books that were out there. And I think that's why there's so much benefit from reading.

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Yes, in the very same surah last panel, what Allah says a lot of bukal Akram basically ordering the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the orders for him. The order is for all of us also, he says, read and your Lord is you know, most generous, most kind and when in mind Allah that shows that the person who reads has the correct intention, who wants to learn more? Allah subhanho wa Taala will grant him more he then says Allah, the Allah will call him the one who taught with the pen. Also, when it comes to writing, it's extremely important. Yes, we did speak about reading the Quran and Sunnah, reading anything that's of benefit. A question then arises, how should somebody read because

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there's so many people who read as leisure was a hobby or as a pastime, there's others who read wanting to learn, I think when you want to read, obviously, you have to look at your intention. Why are you reading, we're not saying it's wrong to read as as leisure was pastime or as a hobby. But sometimes, if you are reading with a purpose, you then benefit much more than as if you were just reading to us time.

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Yes, absolutely. With a purpose at hand, I think it's important because

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many people like you mentioned, we just read for the sake of reading, we want to gain information and learn. And sometimes it's just a pastime, especially on your phone, when you're just scrolling through things and you know, aimlessly going through stuff, you're not actually gaining something or you're not going in with a purpose at hand that this is what I'm going to get from it. And this is how I'm going to benefit from it. So what you mentioned is is of utmost importance, which is reading with purpose.

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Jeff, and I know you yourself from when you were very young, you were always a reader. Maybe if you could tell us a little bit about how you read what helps you to read because if I look at myself, for example, I only really started reading anything after the age of 20. Before that, I must have read three or four books in my life. And I think obviously you've read much more, so maybe you could speak to us about it and how you carried on reading what got you stuck

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Why did you read What kept you going?

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Allah, you know, it's interesting you say that you started from the age of 20. So we really started reading because previously, I would read a lot. And I spent the bulk of my teens reading and read anything and everything because I was just bookworm I loved reading, you know, it was something for me, it was an escape, you know, leave the realm of my environment, by reading. So I'd go into different areas and into sometimes I read novels that were fiction. So they take you out of the space that you're in. So it was an escape from not to say that I had something very bad to escape from, but it was just an escape a change of scene, so to speak. So and what I found amazing is that,

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when I read, I developed an imagination of that particular place time people, things that are there, that is completely different to a person that's reading the same another person that reading the same book. So it gives me you know, a fantastic ability to travel without having travelled to be somewhere else without having to actually be there. So I did start like this. But eventually you find as I went to study in Medina, and started reading Arabic books, and I remember there was a time where she was married our, you know, Mufti, he was telling me that, you know, read newspapers, and I pick up the newspaper and try to read the newspaper, even though I was still studying the Arabic

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language. So that was my initial thing with reading. But then I eventually they phone, and the mobile advent of the mobile phone actually influenced me a lot. So I started reading a lot more online, and a lot less of books, etc. So even when it was a traditional book, I'd look through it online, I'd find it on Google the PDF, something, I'd go through it, and then I'd be reading it online. Obviously, your studies, you do your studies with Michelle, if you'll be reading from normal books, but you know, ordinary pages, etc, with ink and that type of thing. But I think the mobile phone influenced me a lot to start now watching more of YouTube videos, and etc. And now of late,

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I've been going back to my reading from text. So it's just been a whole rigmarole for me, so to speak. Yes. When it comes to your reading, do you have these days, like a specific time? Or do you want to cover a number of pages, whether it's during the day or during the week, maybe your your method?

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Actually, I don't have a specific method at the moment because you know, time doesn't allow, so I'll just be very busy. And whenever I get a chance, if I get a chance to read through something, I'll go through it, read it, and not specifically only Islamic books. So of late, I've been reading a book called The history of beekeeping. And it's got, you know, it's a very interesting book, because it's fictional. But it's based on what the person thinks will be the future, what what was the past, and that's reality, but they've based it on a fictional character, and then the current beekeeping reality, and then what it's going to be like in 2019. So it's a very, very interesting take on

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things. And this person is of the opinion that bees will be extinct completely, completely. And people will have to literally pollinate plants with feathers, you know, they will pick up a feather and God put it into some pollen and then go to the trees and pollinate the plants. So they'll be doing the work of bees, because bees would have long been extinct because of the behavior of man on earth. So I find it very, very interesting, because it's a different take altogether.

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You know, you mentioned about reading, when we look at the scholars who came before also we find, yes, obviously, they spoke Arabic. And we find that sometimes they read in the books of Adam, so Adam not to talk about etiquette, books of poetry, things that we're just doing Arabic language a lot of the times to improve their own Arabic to learn more words. So they have whether it's martial arts, or whatever it may be, they would read and memorize these things. And that was to improve their language to improve the vocabulary. So they have many more words when they come to speaking a few things also when it comes to understanding the previous text. So the Arabic language as we all

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know, it's evolved over time. So what we refer to some words we refer to today have a meaning that was different to the meaning before so I think it's important for us as Muslims, even students of knowledge we read even if it's not something that's Islamic, as per se but you try to improve your vocab you try to improve your words you try to understand Allah

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And I think that's a benefit. And the previous callers also did that.

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Just now what about you like, what do you read? I know you're an avid reader, you also listen to a lot of podcasts, etc. What do you do? Well, as I told you, when I was younger, I didn't read much, I think I think I can safely say, Okay, before the age of 18, I must have read three books, I think. And obviously, after going to Medina, learning a bit of Arabic, I said, Okay, I want to start reading. So I remember one of the holidays, whether it was the first to the second I bought from the sea ribbon, cafe, and a few other books. And I said, right, I'll start reading. Now, we were still learning the Arabic language at the very beginning. So it's those who know it's very difficult to

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read a lot. So you find up reading 1520 minutes, and you haven't really passed the first page. Also, when you read in a different language at the very beginning, you want to know every word, which I think is a mistake, you should know that just stop the sentence and move on eventually, you'll get it at the beginning. If you're learning a language, and you try to know every single word that you're reading, you won't pass three lines. So after that, I used to read a lot. I tried to start reading develop a habit in reading. Thereafter, a few years past my Arabic became a bit better, and I started reading more hfcl sahale Buhari, for example, the Hadith podcast was something not

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planned. So I had been reading Sohail Bihari for about three years. And what I also read something very interesting is that I read one of the scholars here, as far as I know isn't but Ron, he said that when you read a book, you must read it in such a way that you must feel that you will never get back to it. I used to take everything you need to one time and imagine that book will be taken away from you forever. And you won't get anything back Seidman. But when I first started, I said, You know what, I used to write on pieces of paper. So I used to write my summary, I used to write this. And I said, eventually what I'll do is I'll take these summaries and summarize them more, you know,

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put them in a bit more in order and type them out. Then after a while, I thought that you know what I'm adding extra steps here. I'm wasting my time summarizing on a paper and then summarizing on the internet because I really wanted so what I said is that, okay, now when I read the book, I'll have my book open on whatever I want to summarize, I'm writing in my email drafts. So this was a bit before Google documents and that thing, and then once one day, I lost my drafts a few of my drafts, and they all went. So then one of the brothers told me that no use Google documents. So these days, when I read any book, I try to read, I've got my book open.

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And I've got my Google Documents open. So anything I see of benefit, I write it, I've got another folder, which is just about anything of benefit I read during the day, I tried to write it and reference it. Because so many times I'm more of the type who's, who was a bit more lazy on this side way in terms of writing down and I say no, remember this, I'll never forget it. I'll remember it. Three days later, I can't remember, I can't remember it, or I can't remember the way I read it. So sometimes you read something and you have a certain feeling you come up with something. And then you forget later on. So I try to document that. Also, when it comes to reading before I used to believe

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a lot in reading the actual book, having the physical copy. But seeing you know how technology has progressed. These days, I mainly read off a device a really, really I do have a lot of books that obviously packed away want to ship them. So I started I made a habit to read on a device, whether it's the phone, whether it's an iPad, anything, and I've got Google Documents open somewhere. So for example, if I'm reading Sahaja tried to read a little bit, this Hadith, I want to speak about it, I write the number, even a Sahil Buhari I don't read in the book now because my books are packed. So I read on the app is an app called Jeremy, good to put this way the nine books of Hadith. They put

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them all and you can book market, you can write your note. So I just like the number of the Hadith, what's it speaking about? And what I want to say about it? So I've got a few collections like that. And then I try to read slowly off late of the last week or two. I've had a lot of people speak about audio books, and I always believed it not to be reading. They say we read a book, ie we listen to the audiobook. And I was reluctant but then I slowly started so I'm on my second audio book I say I think the beauty is you can play it on twice the speed. And you just sit with your notepad. So anything of benefit you write it down, you write it down, you write it down your Google documents.

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And yeah, I think that's where I've progressed. So these days I read I tried to read in the Quran, obviously I'm interested in zero tetherball so to speak specifically. And then in Hadith, I tried to get fewer Hadees every day. And Sahil Buhari because if you look in karate, there's about 6000 other Hadith, which have been you know, he mentions a hadith he also repeats the same Hadith at times three, four or five times during the book. So there's about six hours

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And, and if you read only 10 a day, you will take 600 days to read it. That's almost two years. So I think that if we want to cover that we have to have some sort of program in place not to sound the best seeking to any program. But you try. But what I noticed is of most benefits for myself, is that when I'm reading, if I write down the little that I've benefited from, I can always reference it because so many times when you're reading a book on one page, you'll come across three, or four or five or 10 things of benefit, and you get to the next page and the next page we forget. And then you say that, you know what, I read the summary, where did I read it? You're not really sure. So yeah, I

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think that's how we've progressed.

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Well, Mashallah, you've got a really in depth way of reading and you know, writing, you've given us a lot of depth into how you read and you write down your notes, etc, I think people can really benefit from this, because most of us, so I can't speak for others, but I can say for myself, safely, that I'll read, solely to generally grow my knowledge, you know, and to understand, and I'll remember part of what I've read, etc. So I think I can learn from this as well, where you read and you write, of course, we've, we've heard of this before, but this is a very practical explanation from you as to how to go about it, I think it can, it can work for me as well, I mean, somebody else

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might have a different methodology. But it's something that I can really put into practice, because I fully agree with you where you say that you've read something, and within two, three days, you've forgotten it completely, at times, even posts have come up with them

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at this particular time, and I'll think, impossible, I can forget this. And literally about four or five hours down the line you thinking, Okay, it was about that. But what was it exactly? Because so much has happened in between that, you know, that's now out of your mind. So I think this is very, very important, what you mentioned, of reading it like you never going to come back to eat again. Absolutely. 100%.

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Yes. And also, sometimes I do have some books that are read just for the sake of reading for the sake of growing for the sake of getting an idea. So I've got books I'm reading, for example, I've got books I want to study. So to say this books, I want to take our benefit. This looks, I just want to know what's going on. And there's one shift, I remember who mentioned before Monday, I heard his lesson and he said whenever you open a book, try to read the introduction. So it tells you about the book, what they speaking about. And I always found I always found myself skipping through this first part. And he said, one of the reasons is, if you read it, you know what the author is going to tell

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you later on. Generally, they say that, okay, we're going to mention this, this this, well, this is our methodology and writing. So instead of you, for example, saying that, oh, this author didn't cover everything in the car. But if you read the introduction, he would have told you that he's only going to mention it in brief, and is only going to mention certain parts of it. So it gives you a head start also, knowing who wrote the book is of benefit when they lived roughly not only as general knowledge, but also the circumstances they lived in. Another important thing you touched on is that with now audiobooks, podcasts, try to listen to that, that which is beneficial. I remember

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on my commute, when I used to drop off my wife to school, generally going and coming and going again to pick up and coming back. I think that was my time to listen to podcasts. So now it's holidays, I haven't really listened too much. But I found that I grew a lot. And the funny thing is that none of the podcasts I listened to Islamic podcast, so to say, but I was reading other Islamic books, listening to Islamic lessons, etc. But I think I've got to a stage in life way. I truly believe that we have to gather between the two before I wasn't more like that. But now I really believe that it's important to gather between the two because wherever you look, whether you look at the seal, or

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whether you look at full of Al Rashid when you find that they gathered between the two, but the difference between them and a person who's living for this world is they used it as a means it wasn't a do all and be all and big goal. So to say that it's important.

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Yes, absolutely. Absolutely. 100% I agree with you on that part where we've got to join the two bring the two together. And together you will be able to lead your life in a correct and good manner. And yeah, what I love about the fact that you were talking about audio books as well, this is something that someone who doesn't like to physically read, you know, book or scroll through the book on online etc. They can actually benefit from the so listening to the book itself, if they're lazy, so to speak to to pick up a

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can read, and they just lying in bed or they going somewhere, they can plug it in listen to the audiobook, and you benefit so much from it because you listen to the person's expression, the way they come across, how they come to a full stop, etc. There's so much to learn, and so many different ways to learn today.

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You know, speaking about audio books, I came up with this thing, I don't know if somebody else has already come up with it. But this was my theory, I was looking to learn another language, in fact, to teach the Arabic language and then looking myself to learn another language, I was thinking of learning Chinese. But I thought I sat and I fought hard. And I said that we have, we call them the five senses. So obviously, you can see and you can hear and you can smell, you can taste and you can touch. Now, I think Allah knows best. But the more senses you able to incorporate, when you're trying to learn something new, it it speeds up your learning process. So if you're only listening,

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then obviously you'll be getting it through one side. But then if you if you're only reading, it's only one side if you gather between the two. So whatever you you read, you try to write it down. And then whatever you write down, you try to teach it, they say that whatever you teach, because remember, when you're teaching when you have to prepare for something you've prepared, whatever you've prepared, let's say it's 100%, you only going to teach about five or 10%. Right? The risk is for you. So you always have to learn much more before you teach them. When you teach you teach once you teach twice it teach price, even in law, you won't forget. So I thought that when somebody is

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learning a new language, they must try and incorporate as many of these senses as they can. So they must try to listen and read and see and look. And well, it's hard to taste the language. But anyway, then I thought really in depth. And I said, is it possible for somebody to learn a language in 24 hours, or in one week, in one month. And after that, I came across a few people who tried it. And what I found what I think it's possible and why to learn a language in a week or in a month, 30 days is fake. Why? Because if you look at a language, you're not going to learn everything in one month, you look at the specific thing you want to learn about. So if you look at, for example, you into

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business, and you wanted to learn Chinese because you wanted to see a few things in business. So let's say you're not going to learn the the writing part, or the reading part, you want to learn the speaking part, there's roughly 1000 words you need to know now I'm, I'm totally against memorizing words, there's people who do it, that's the method. I believe if you take the word, use it 345 times in different sentences, then it will stick. But if you memorize only what good is word. So I thought that if somebody takes these words relating to business or relating to something else, and they learn this language, get a few words, so they need to know a few numbers, they will need to know how

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to ask certain questions, those 1000 1000 words in Chinese or whatever other language it is, I think even a level of practice within one month, you'll be able to speak decently. That's why if you go on holiday anyway, or if you visit any way for a week or two weeks, you already start picking up the local language, whether it's a few Greetings, or whether it's a few numbers, or whether it's asking a few questions, because you're in that environment already. So that's what I thought I haven't yet tried it, but inshallah maybe I'll try it one day.

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And Shall I fully agree with that, you know, experiencing the language will help you learn it faster than, you know, just simply reading about it or trying to memorize certain phrases. And this is what I found when studying Arabic as well. We had studied a lot of it, you know, by text, and we knew what the texts had to say, etc. We could read it and understand it. But I couldn't speak it. And when I went to Medina, initially I was very shy to speak. I wouldn't you know, engage in discussion, fearing that I'd make a mistake. And then I remember I don't know what got me out of my shell. But I started speaking to different people and making mistakes, and they would correct me. And there was

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one incident where I was standing in a queue to buy some coupons or something of that nature. And I made a mistake and everybody laughed. And I said, No, that's good. You know that that's excellent. Because the fact that the laughter taught me as well, that this year and that word, I never forgot that this is how I'm supposed to say it. So I think what you've mentioned of experiencing it is absolutely important. You can learn with different senses, your your eyes, your ears, touch, etc. And like you said, I don't know how you can taste the language but yes Subhana love is there's a lot maybe if you taste it

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And then you learn the name of the food, etc. And you think it can teach you teach you as well. So yeah, there's so much beyond the book that you can do to learn language. Yeah. You know what I found that when when you when you immerse yourself in trying to learn something of benefit, whether it's a language, whether it's something else you'll find the world then becomes an abundant place, you forget the fact that time is going to slowly you forget the fact that you are depressed or sad or everything is going wrong in the world. In fact, you'll find that you've got no time you just want to do this and this and this and this and everything. And you find that Subhanallah life is is is

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enjoyable, so to say, enjoyable, it has a bit of a stretch to achieve something but it's enjoyable. And since we were talking about the Arabic language, maybe inshallah, next week, we could speak about it your journey, how you learn the Arabic how we learned Arabic, maybe it would be of benefit to others inshallah.

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inshallah. inshallah. I think there's been a lot of good points that you've mentioned here, as well as hamdulillah. And

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there's a lot of people who follow of different ages, please, those who read is those who don't read? would you encourage somebody? Obviously, you would, but whether they are 12 years old, or much older, those who are not reading, what would your advice be to them?

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No, I think the best way to do this would be to put aside the phone, Honestly speaking, I, I see a lot of a lot more harm coming out of the phone for the youth than there is benefit because what it does to you and especially with the feet on social media is you shortening the time span that you can concentrate for. So it's a very short time spent 10 second video 15 second video, one minute video, two minutes is already too long. So what happens is you creating a situation where your mind has to be constantly stimulated in order for you to be focused. Whereas with reading, you're going to read rich portions where you won't really want to read it, you'll want to, but you'll go through

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it because you enjoy the process. It's a long process, but it's beautiful, that outcome is a lot more beneficial. You come out feeling elated, you come out feeling positive, like you've achieved something. Whereas when you're online and you just scrolling, I think it trains the mind to be constantly stimulated. And then unfortunately, you don't actually enjoy reading, you know, and

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you know, yeah, some kind of wanted to say something. But let's, let's leave that on one side. Well, possibly.

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I read a lot. Yeah, I read a lot of the phone and off the device. And I found so many times if there's a notification, and it, even if you don't go into it, it breaks your train of thought. So sometimes it's good to have it on, you know, flight mode or whatever if you're reading on a device. But you can also read, for example, blog posts or

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something small of benefit. That's why I was reading for somebody he said that.

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podcasting is the new blogging and blogs came from books. If you look at a book that's this big, then a blog is like each chapter. And from there, you've got your Instagram posts, for example, three Instagram posts will make your blog post. So obviously, you've got to read that which is of benefit not to say you don't, you can't pass time in something that's permissible you can but also try to build yourself, somebody who's trying to read I would say that, obviously, try to read something, try to gather between the two. So take something Islamic as well as something that will be of benefit to you something that will benefit you whether it's in your Dino your dunya. So you

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can be reading the Quran or the Tafseer of the Quran or translation of the Quran. Give yourself one page a day, half a page a day three verses a date slowly, you'll find that you will be able to build up also have something of benefit. So let's say you are a doctor or your psychologist or whatever you may be, whether it's in your field or something outside, develop your skill. There's some universal skills that we all need when it comes to speaking when it comes to interacting with others when it comes to reading other people's, you know the way they behaving and how to deal with them. Those are all skills that are universal, we all need to learn them. Along with that you try to have

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some sort of accountability don't make it a chore or a burden. Let's say that you know what I've got to get through so much, or I've got to read a little bit, let's say not the result. Let's say we don't need to get to a page or two pages a day. I need to read for three minutes a day or five minutes today I tell you something interesting. I was listening to the founder of one of the big banks in the world investment bank a few few weeks ago and he said that he came up with the idea

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let you know what he wanted to do with this take on this project. And he said, so I said every day, what will I do for the next so long, I will concentrate five minutes a day on this project. So he says that he put his alarm for five o'clock from five o'clock to 505 was time for concentration on this project. He said every day he did it. And after that, obviously be even Illa. This is the project he's got. So it was very interesting to see and to read. And to listen to that. Sometimes it's not how much time you put in, I may read a book where I've already finished the book. And I've got maybe three pieces of benefits, you may read the first page and take three different pieces of

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benefit. So it's it's not really the how much it's what you actually taking away?

00:30:47 --> 00:31:27

Yes, absolutely. And the five minute rule really works, you know, you spend five minutes on it, and eventually, you'll end up spending more and you know, that mental block also is something where people feel like it needs to be a an occasion for me to start reading like, Okay, I'm going to sit aside this time this data, I'm going to sit and start reading, don't do that don't make it something like it's too big for you to achieve, rather when you when you simplify it and make it such that Okay, let me see what this book has to say and read one, two pages, like you mentioned, you start with one two pages, and put it down, maybe the next day you pick it up again and read some more,

00:31:27 --> 00:32:07

you'll find yourself naturally increasing and getting better and better at it. Whereas the same goes for tober. You know, people set aside a date now and make tau on this date and make tau well that don't don't do that. Just do it immediately and and keep going keep going and building on it. And then that's that way you you're actually achieving and inculcating something into your life positive. Very quickly. Checking out we've obviously spoken about the reading part. And the reading part is more the learning of things. So whether it's Islamic knowledge, whether it's whatever it may be, and that's good. However, sometimes when people get too much into reading, they then go down. So

00:32:07 --> 00:32:30

they say the rabbit hole or they carry on going, they just want to learn and learn and learn and learn and there's no practice of there's no trying out what you've learnt. Obviously, there is a balance, what would you say about this balance of actually learning a new concept? And when the time when you learn it and the time you try it out? Or how do you balance your time in terms of how somebody balanced their time, when it comes to learning something and doing it?

00:32:31 --> 00:33:17

Yes, absolutely. With Islamic knowledge, I think it's important to remember that you've got to implement what you learn. Because, you know, the famous saying of earlier the Allahu anhu, he says head TEFL at Mobile America in a job well enough to have that knowledge is connected to practicing on it. Because if you don't respond to that, and you don't actually practice on it, it will leave you it will travel, it will go away. So when you don't practice upon what you've learned, then ultimately that knowledge will leave you. But you know, in other spheres of life, you won't always be able to practice on what you're reading. But at the same time, try to benefit from it and

00:33:17 --> 00:34:00

inculcate whatever you can into your life and what is bad, leave it out. And don't go too in depth into something because like you said, it becomes a rabbit hole, where you just want to learn and learn and learn. And then the end is no longer of benefit. It's just to, to read to learn. That's it, I don't want to actually implement this, it's not going to benefit me or anyone, I just need to know because I need to know that that becomes it can become a serious problem for a person where they become too engulfed into their books. And then again, it creates this disconnect between theory and reality, at times, especially when you're studying Islamic books you're reading and people are,

00:34:00 --> 00:34:35

you know, you they, it's all about principles do and don't do. And you just keep reading, reading, reading. And you think that okay, this is how life will be. And then when you come into reality, and you try to see what's going on, there's a serious disconnect because you've never ever tried to implement that. So I think when you've learned something, try to implement it then something try to implement it, see how it works in reality as well. And then you will get an idea as to how to marry the two together.

00:34:37 --> 00:34:59

It's important that what you mentioned that somebody must try to gather between the two married between the two otherwise, it eventually becomes your your knowledge whether it's Dean or dunya. In Islam, everything any knowledge you learned is supposed to be practiced upon that's why it's always really an animal. And after you've learned obviously you also teach others Dawa.

00:35:00 --> 00:35:36

So that's very important to mention and so many times, or a lot of times, I think, is that when it comes to any specific science, obviously, if you're reading about it or learning about it for the first time, and Islamic Studies is a little bit different in the sense that we will tell you, if you starting out, if you go and read the books, there's a lot of things that you're not going to understand, you'll understand wrongly, try to learn from somebody who's already learnt. And after that, slowly, you can start reading more in depth or a little bit more in depth. As for when you're starting off and you just want to learn from the books, then that's, that's not really the way of

00:35:36 --> 00:36:12

seeking knowledge all the way recommended by most if not all scholars that start off with a chef, especially if you know nothing, learn from him and more important than learning his knowledge is learn his other, the way he speaks, the way he carries himself, the way he deals with people who differ with him, etc. and you learn that add up, slowly, you learn your knowledge. So it's extremely important for us to know these things together between learning, practicing upon and inviting others towards goodness, any good principles. Chef, anything else you'd like to mention?

00:36:13 --> 00:36:19

I think it's good that we had this live it was a good session beneficial and hamdulillah.

00:36:20 --> 00:37:02

Someone did mentioned are there any audio books, islamic audiobooks that they can listen to? And I can't seem to remember any to be honest with you all having I can't remember having come across any so I don't know if you can mention, if you can benefit us besides the recordings of the Quran, I don't know if any others especially in English, they must be they surely is out there. You can check whether it's the audible or the Amazon Kindle and see where these audio books maybe listen to a bit and see. And yeah, I'm I'm not quite sure currently with that.

00:37:03 --> 00:37:04

Yes. Does that

00:37:06 --> 00:37:22

mean we can check and inshallah maybe next week, we can speak about the Arabic language or unless we think of something else? Yes, I think that's a good topic, inshallah. Let's talk about it, a lot of people are interested in learning so it will be of benefit inshallah.

00:37:25 --> 00:38:03

inshallah, I think that's all we've got to say for today, there was one more thing I wanted to mention is that somebody who wants to start reading, you will go through difficulty it will be hard, there will be times especially if you're not into the habit of reading, there's a time where you read half a page and it will be too much, there's a time where I find a lot where I'll sit with a book to three days, I'll read half of it to almost to the end, and then I just leave it I don't end up finishing it. And as you spoke about it before, it's it's a mental block if you miss a day, or you miss a target, and then you don't really want to visit that thing and I think you just have to

00:38:03 --> 00:38:29

force yourself whether it's a three minute rule five minute rule. I'll just go and read for a few minutes and even allow you find your carry on otherwise, it happens to everybody you do find that difficulty You carry on don't burden yourself that it becomes a burden. You just try to learn something of benefit if you learn just one thing of benefit every day but even in lab by the end of the year you will have 365 new things that not only did you benefit you could have practiced upon and also taught others

00:38:30 --> 00:38:43

absolutely Zettel here It was lovely being on the live with you and inshallah See you next week she's gonna be in the lab. Erica level Fie comm shala We'll see you next week as salaam alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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