Ibraheem Menk – Benefits Of Living As A Muslim

Ibraheem Menk
AI: Summary © The segment discusses the meaning of Islam's "has been a lie" meaning that the "has been a lie" meaning that the "has been a lie" meaning that the "has been a lie" meaning that the "has been a lie" meaning that the "has been a lie" meaning that the "has been a lie" meaning that the "has been a lie" meaning that the "has been a lie" meaning that the "has been a lie" meaning that the "has been a lie" meaning that the "has been a lie" meaning that the "has been a lie" meaning that the "has been a lie" meaning that the "has been a lie" meaning that the "has been a lie" meaning that the "has been a lie" meaning that the "has been a lie" meaning that the "has been a lie" meaning that the "has been a lie" meaning that the "has been a lie" meaning that the "has been
AI: Transcript ©
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To the trees to the

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smilla rahmanir rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen illa Allah Al amin Wahby Hina starion autosol Leona Salim al raha Tamil ambia you will most serene Nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi Marine Allahu Allah says Allah Allah Masha Allah who Salah

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has either she does Allah obvious sera sera Tomlin will hire ob canister in, we thank Allah subhanho wa Taala for having gathered us here today. And we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to surround us with the Mullah Inca, and to cause his mercy and His Sakina to descend upon us, and to raise us with the MBR Allahu wa Salatu was Salam and those whom he has mentioned with him, I mean,

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if we would like to understand the value of something or the benefits of something, then let us take a look at what exactly the outcome of that particular action is. So, if we would like to understand the value of studying medicine, for example, in Lake let us take a look at what will happen when we graduate. When a person graduates from the medical field, they will become a doctor. And as a result, they will earn a lot of money, and the people will look up to them because why they are saving lives. And if we go into the field of law, for example, and study that, then perhaps at some stage, we will become a judge amongst others. And we will be able to help them solve the problems

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that they have amongst themselves. If we go into engineering, then at some point when we graduate, we will be able to help others old, huge strong buildings. And as a result, we will protect a lives because we will ensure that the building is sound and secure, it is safe. Now the question I've got for myself and yourselves today is if a person is to submit to Apple is that he will

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if he is to choose to submit to His maker, in what is the outcome of that. Let me tell you what the outcome of that is. The outcome of that is none other than gentlemen, that Allah subhanho wa Taala has promised all of those who submit to Him in the studio. And not only that,

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Jen suparna life a person is to take a look at what exactly Jen is. Also Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam makes mention and I'm sure we've all heard of this P harmala.

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In it is that which the eye has never seen one

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and the ear has never heard one.

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lb Bashar And not only that, but it has never even come to the heart of a human being, it has not even occurred to the heart. Now take a moment to think of the most beautiful picture that you can ever imagine in your life. Imagine it gender is more beautiful than that. That is what that means. Gender is more beautiful than that. That is the outcome of submitting yourself to a place that you will learn in this world.

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And from that we understand the benefits of living as a Muslim.

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Now in general, someone might think that that is the end of the story. That is the end game. But Allah subhanho wa Taala says differently. Allah subhanho wa Taala says

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nyesha una fee

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as he need, they will have whatever they wish in general for whatever they wish for in general, your heart's desire and it is in front of you. When a diner moseyed and we have even more than that, we have even more than that. We are brothers and sisters in Islam, what can be more than your heart's desire. Also Rasul Allahu alayhi wa sallam mentions in a hadith and he says

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When the people of gentlemen have entered into Jana, then Allah subhanho wa Taala will say to reduce cache and as he lucam Is there anything that I can increase you give you more off and the response of the people of gentlemen will be added to the hidden agenda. And to go to Hannah, Adam tuna Jean Amina now, is it not that you have saved us from the fire? Is it not that you have brightened our faces? Is it not that you have entered into this into Jenna? And do you know what the response is? It will be nothing that Allah subhana wa tada will say, what the hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam continues, I actually fully

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so he will raise the jab that is between them and him.

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And Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says former otaku chez

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la mina naka de la be him. So there is nothing more beautiful, there is not nothing more beloved to them.

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Then looking at the

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in the sides of the globe,

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and this is what Allah subhanho wa Taala means by well Adelina z, and we have more in the heart's desire, we have more than they can wish for.

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imagine coming on the day of

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you've entered into gender, you are already there. And you are called upon all of a sudden, and we he job is raised between you and Allah subhanho wa Taala. This is the being whom you perform Salah for your entire life. This is the being whom you put your head on the ground, for this is the being whom you gave sadaqa for this is the being whom you were truthful for, this is the being whom you protected your private parts for this is the being whom you protected your tongue for, this is the being whom you existed for his before you imagine the feeling the happiness that will be in your heart to see your maker to see.

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So this is what Allah subhanho wa Taala means by whether

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we have more than that this is the outcome of living your life as a movement as a Muslim as a submitter to

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sudo Rasul Allah where it was said Sallam was one sitting with the companions and he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, it was at night

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and he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he looked to the moon and he pointed to it. And he said in Neptune set on camera all he didn't come at all. He led to the moon a few years he he says that you will see you're in the same way with your eyes in the same way that you see this moon and you have no doubts of seeing this moon. The explanation of this is in the last part of it. Someone might say that how is it that you will see the moon in the same way that you will see Allah subhanho wa Taala yet there is nothing similar to Allah subhanho wa Taala but the explanation of this is in the last part of the Hadith led to lamona. Yeti, you will not doubt the same way you don't doubt in seeing

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this moon you can see it is in front of your eyes you will see that you will tell this is the outcome of submitting yourself to Hubble is that you will learn in this world you will see Allah subhanho wa Taala and then we come to the understanding of how on the day of em when people come out from the graves. It is said that they will grow in the same way that a tree grows out of the grave. And a person will begin to join the groups of people that are moving to words of the latter. The place where the reckoning and the hisab will take place and they will be a caller that will be calling out to them. Yona Ed

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Mariela jela on that day they will be following the diary the color to Allah subhanahu wa tada the color to abolish that he will tell the color to the accounting that he will gela it will be no crookedness on that day, no zigzag No This way you know that way people will be following him or her Shadow

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Man and the voices will become humble quiet for our human

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Voices we'll all be quiet for a moment out of all for a Buddhist at one Jalan. He will be quiet,

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fella dismantle in the Hamza and you will only hear his shuffling of the feet and the whispering of voices amongst himself. Now imagine this day, people will come there, and they will be some of them who would have committed sins such that they will be up to their heels in a sweat. Imagine what it takes for you to sweat to the extent that you will be up to your heels in your sweat, and others will be up to their knees in this way. Others will be up to their waists in their sweat, up to the waist in their sweat, and others will be up to their shoulders in the sweat. And they will be people who will be drowning in the sweat because of the sins that they have committed.

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But on that day, when a mother runs away from her child and the father runs away from his son, and everyone who is close to you, you will run away from them if you have committed sins and if you have been a criminal in this dunya has only committed sins. But if you have been a criminal in this dunya then you will be running away from your own mother, your own father, your own child, your own brother, your own sister on that day.

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will be seven categories of people, seven categories of people who will be shaded under the hours of Allah subhanho wa Taala. On that day, when there is no shade except the shade of herbalist that he will, he will be reclining, enjoying relaxed on that day. Who are these people? An email will

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be just an honest ruler, the one who has the opportunity to deceive others he is in a position to be able to become very corrupt, take bribes, deceive and cheat the people make sure that they don't receive the hack, enrich himself empower himself. But he realized that horrible is that he will gela is watching so he ensured that he was a just person. And as a result, he will be in the shade of the outers of Allah subhanho wa Taala on the day of

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worship una Shafi, Reba Tila and a young man who has grown up in the remembrance or in the rebirth of

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Allah at a time when he is in the peak of his strength. He can do anything and everything that he wants to do. Allah subhanho wa Taala enabled him and empowered him to do whatever he wants to do. He chooses not to go to the nightclub, he chooses not to drink alcohol, he chooses not to have haram relations with the opposite gender, whether it is a woman or a man, he choose not to have relations opposite with the opposite gender that are four who are bullies.

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And they choose to submit themselves to Allah subhana wa Tada. They will be under the shade of the hours of Allah subhanho wa Taala on that day, or juliani to have that in La,

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La and they will be two men who come in the junior they have all the reason to get together to be able to enjoy themselves together, have fun together do that which is along together. But they will not do that. They have the opportunity to do it. But they will not do that or do not need to have the filler IE they have loved each other for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala each time IE when they gather together they gather for him

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and when they leave each other they leave for him for his sake, his people will be under the shade of Allah subhanho wa Taala and the Hadith continues. And we can continue with this logic as well. But perhaps the time is less. So let us explain very quickly what the rest of the categories are. Origin origin URL boom and lacuna will massage Ed and a man whose heart is attached to the massage and take note Allah subhanho wa Taala what a pseudolus Allahu alayhi wa sallam does not say and boom Allah couldn't be less GD and boom, Allah will mess up his heart is attached to the masjid. No, His heart is attached to the masajid Why? Because they are all the houses of Allah subhana wa Tada. In

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the same way that you have a chandelier. You see this ornament that is hanging from the building, his heart hangs in the house of Allah

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And when he leaves that door His heart is attached to the Ministry of Allah subhanho wa Taala but why is it attached to the masjid of Allah subhanho wa Taala Is it because he is coming there to become drunk? Is it because he is coming there to engage in something haram? No, it is because he comes there to meet his maker. So Allah subhanho wa Taala will give him the shade of his

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aura Julian

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will massage. His heart is attached to the masjid aura Julian, Dr Touma to determine sleeping Raja Malin, Allah La in LA and a man who a woman of status and beauty in society calls him out Hey, come, come come. We can do this and we can do that. And you know what his response to that is? His heart is not even there. He doesn't even take a second glance or color in the law. So he says that I hear Allah subhanho wa Taala I want the shade of the house of Allah subhanho wa Taala I want to be in Jenin I want to see my up on the day of em one time in general I will see Allah subhanho wa Taala that is where my focus is. I don't care for any of this. Think about this. It is not easy for a

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person who is walking he didn't ask for that desire to be put in front of immediate and asked for it to be placed there.

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But it comes to him anyways and what is his response?

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His response is in need of law. Such a person really and truly fears Allah subhanho wa Taala or or junoon Casa de cabeza de 13

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lm Oshima, Luma Emmylou and the man who gives a sada for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala such as his right hand does not know what is his left hand does not know what his right hand is spending. And this is amazing. Also de la sallallahu alayhi wa sallam uses this to explain to us the level of the sincerity of such a person. He loves to be sincere to Allah subhanho wa Taala such that his left hand has no idea what his right hand has spent. And if you want to implement this hygiene in your life in a real way, when you have some money in your pocket at some stage and you don't know exactly how much is there, you don't know exactly how much is there. Take an envelope out, put your hand

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into your pocket, take out some of that money, all of it, put it into that envelope whilst you don't see what you are putting Close your eyes perhaps and then give it for the sake of Allah subhanahu wa Tada. Allah he imagined the happiness that you will have when you come on the day of dm and you see that you are under the shade of the hours of apology well, because of a small action like this, it could have been $20 It could have been $5 It could have been a burner

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but for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala you will end up under the shade of the arch of horrible is that you will July

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or June the last category where a person

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in fact I think we have actually covered the alleged ruin that Kerala hollien for fall but hyena a man who remembers Allah subhanho wa Taala alone so his eyes begin to tear his eyes begin to tear you know when you are in front of the people I am standing in front of you here it is very easy for me to cry so that you feel that this man is close to Allah subhanho wa Taala he is close to Allah subhanho wa Taala but when you are alone and there is nobody to see what you are doing who is watching you who is watching you besides Rahul is that you will gel on your eye begins to tear because of the sinfulness that you have. You are conscious of Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah subhanho

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wa Taala will give you the shade of his arch on the day wherein there is no shade except his shade. There are brothers and sisters in Islam. This is these are some of the categories of people there are many a hadith that mentioned the categories of people who will be under the shade of the outer shell of Allah subhanho wa Taala These are some of the categories and if we can make ourselves from one of these categories at least, then we know that we are under the shade of the outer shell of Allah subhanho wa Taala on the day of tm and remember that Rasulullah sallallahu

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Are they he was settled them was a solid. I mean, he was the most truthful, the most trustworthy. When he said something he was not lying. He was not deceiving people. He was not cheating people may Antiguan in However, he does not speak of his own desire in who are in law who knew her indeed it is only revelation that came down to him. So when he speaks of something, it is on behalf of Allah subhanho wa Taala it is from Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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So, Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is telling us that the seven categories of these people will be under the shade of his arch of the arch of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Try and make yourself from one of these categories. Or if you can make yourself from all of the categories, then even better, then even better. Now, someone may ask that what is the benefit of living as a Muslim for me in this dunya you've spoken about the earth here and what we will receive, we know about that, but we want to know what is the benefit of living as a Muslim? In this dunya Allah subhanho wa Taala says, For me, you really

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do solder Rahul in Islam, the one whom Allah subhanho wa Taala wants to guide he he opens his heart to Islam. He opens his chest to Islam, while many

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who the * Raja and the one whom he wants to misguide he makes his heart constricted. He makes his chest constricted, can Yes, sir, I do feel

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as though he is being raised into the skies. Have you ever seen a person climbing a mountain, a very high mountain with absolutely no oxygen? What does this do to this person, as he goes higher, he's just becomes more and more constricted. He's just becomes more and more constricted until he reaches a point where there is not enough oxygen for him to breathe. You want to disobey Allah subhanho wa Taala you want to reject Allah subhanho wa Taala you have the opportunity to do so in this dunya but you will live the life of a constricted person, the life of a depressed person, the life of a person who is never happy. But if you want to accept the decree and the commands of Allah subhanho wa Taala

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you will live the life of a person whose heart is open, whose heart is very widely open such that you will become in your behavior like Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam

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Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam suffered hardship he suffered difficulty he suffered problems. He suffered problem after problem after problem but Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was such that he was best.

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When he saw someone he smiled in his face. Why? Because his heart was smiling as well. He was one of the happiest In fact, he was the happiest of people to ever exist on Earth. How How do I know this? Because he had the best connection was horrible is that you are jealous. He lost his children. He went through difficulty he went through hardship we know some of these hardships. We discussed them yesterday how he went to die, how he was he was rejected by his people, but he was happy. In the same way you will go through hardship, you will go through difficulty you will suffer problems in this dunya but if you have that connection with other people is that you will gelar you will live a

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happy life. You will live a happy life. This is the promise of Allah subhanho wa Taala to us and this is the benefit of living as a Muslim dear brothers and sisters in Islam. I hope that something I have imparted something of benefit here. And we ask Allah subhanahu wa tada to gather us in the same manner that he has gathered us here today together us in alpha dose Allah Allah and we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala together us when that he job is lifted, and when we see Allah subhanho wa Taala that is true happiness. May Allah subhanahu Allah grant, grant that to us, and May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us the ability to practice upon what has been said. I mean, what's Allah

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Allahu wa salam ala nabina Muhammad Ali, he was a big money

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