Irshaad Sedick – The Fiqh of Dhikr 06

Irshaad Sedick
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the concept of honoring sacred law and obligations of the heart, which is a reflection of the rule of sacred law. They also discuss the problem of affordability, the importance of avoiding nitpicking over trivialities, and the use of culture in various fields. They stress the need for a culture that is rooted in history and the importance of finding one's way through existence. They also discuss the importance of reciting certain words and practicing "has been" in various settings. The conversation concludes with a recitation of Sharia's language and a virtual class for people to practice "has been."
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Al Rahman Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Salatu was Salam or other shorefield Mursaleen say et now and ABBYY now Mowlana Mohammedan sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who either early or sahih Germaine main. We should rally so the way a silly Emery wha Hello operator Millie Cerny of Coco Lee satanic la isla Melina in lemma LM tena in La La Mola Hakeem Allah Houma. I'll eliminate my unfair owner was it now in may mean a bit of Medicare or Hamura Nina Salam or aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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All Praise and thanks to do so due to Allah subhanho wa Taala Teresa's peace blessings and salutations upon our Master and exemplary Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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our author, Imam Al mo lewd in his mouth Hara to localglobe. The book that we are reading from at the beginning of each class continues with lines 16 to 25, the topic is miserliness. And of course, this is a translation of the Arabic bone.

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And he says, Now then, the refusal to give what is obliged according to sacred law, or to virtuous merit, is the essence of miserliness, which is mentioned among the diseases of the heart. As for the obligations of sacred law, there are such things as Zakah supporting one's dependence and the rights due to others and relieving the distressed examples of virtuous made it include not nitpicking over trivialities. So, just up until this point,

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what is miserliness? From a Shariah perspective, according to the Sharia, right? In our traditional everyday language, we can say, oh, this person is so stingy, that person is stingy. He's a stingy person. I'm a stingy person. We use the word loosely, right? But what's the definition of miserliness of stinginess, according to the Sharia, at which point is a person

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And at which point is it acceptable? You know, penny wise, just a wise spender, a person who is concerned with with using money, or wealth in a very wise way?

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And the answer, as both so succinctly puts it, as for obligations of sacred Okay, before that, he says, it is to refuse what is what is obliged by sacred law, to refuse what is obliged by sacred law, meaning the Sharia necessitates that you give within a particular context, when you refuse what the Sharia demands that you give that is miserliness, right? Beyond that, it's not considered miserliness.

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And what is the Sharia require one to give? And that that type of miserliness is an illness of the heart. Right?

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If a person

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does doesn't give beyond what the sherry dictates, that's not miserliness, that is something else. That's just, well, he's not such a big spender, or is a very, you know, careful spender, whatever the case may be. But if the person refuses to give what the Sharia says they must give, that is the disease of the heart. What are the obligations of sacred law, there are such things as Zeca. Right? Zakah is a big one, because it's a pillar of Islam. It's like refusing to make salah, it's one in the same thing.

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Various simply zakah is the obligatory arms owed to the poor, which consists of approximately, depending on the type of Xhaka, we are speaking about 2.5% of one's accumulated wealth that has been that has been over a particular

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limit, which we call the nisab. For one full lunar year, right? We're not going to get into a fifth lesson about Zika.

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Excuse me, but Zika is owed by anyone who has the nisab amount, which is a certain amount of gold, the equivalent of that in cash, right. And if you have that amount,

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in in cash for more than a year, and it never dipped below that point, there was no month during that year or day, even one moment in that year. We your money dipped below a particular point. So you've had that money consistently for a full

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Lunia when that year expires, it's not that now you must give money to the poor now, it's that the poor owns that money and you are holding on to it. And justly. To that extent, it's actually not your money. So, of course, you need to have a certain level of wealth in order for zakat to be obligatory upon you. And you need to have it for that period of time, a person refuses to give Zakah that is the worst form of stinginess that you can possibly get. Because now you're being stingy with other people's money, right? You're being stingy with other people's money, and money that is owed to the poor specifically.

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There's a lot that we can say about Zika. But as I said, it's not the purpose of this we are looking at the idea of stinginess or miserliness as a disease of the heart, supporting one's dependents right?

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To give NEFA, to those upon whom Nafa is obligatory for you to give. Now, in the case of the breadwinner of the family, and in the Islamic paradigm, that would be the male head of the household, right. Others may contribute if they so wish, but that is from their own volition and it is sadhaka from the side, the one who is obliged to spend the rest of the family is the the male leader of the household, according to sacred law, okay.

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If one, such as that one breadwinner, refuses to give what what he owes to the dependents underneath him, that is a form of miserliness. Now, one has to visit sacred law and study faith in order to get a proper understanding as to what exactly is owed because it's not, oh, no, he doesn't want to buy me that bag from Gucci. And he doesn't want to give me extra spending money to go on branches with my friends. No, that's not what is being referred to it is that the basic requirements of one's dependence need to be seen to and they need to be seen to according to the dictates of sacred law, so that is to be studied. And you will find details of that in the bulb of Nikka. Right? In the

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Bible of Nicaea, you will generally find what NEFA a person must give, okay.

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Another one would be REITs due to others. If you owe somebody money, you have the money to pay them but you are not paying them or you made a deal and you're not fulfilling your end of the deal. In all of those cases that would be miserliness

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and relieving the distressed, okay, you see somebody in distress, you are able to assist them, but simply, you know, I paid my Zakah already. Why do I need to help you? That would also be a form of miserliness. And Allah knows best

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examples of virtues merit include not nitpicking over trivialities. They we can have a mouthful to say. Okay, we mentioned a lot of this last week as well. To not nitpick over trivialities, avoiding this is even more important with respect to a neighbor, a relative or wealthy person. Right? Now, yeah, remember the topic is miserliness. So think about our relations with our neighbors, with our relatives, and with the wealthy and how we view them. Now I find this fascinating Alhamdulillah I don't, I don't often think of other people's money. Right. But I, I do notice that many people

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think in terms of money first and other things later. So I find that maybe I'm a bit naive in this regard, or I'm just blind to certain things, have got weaknesses, don't get me wrong, I've got a lot of weaknesses. But when I look at someone, the first thing I see is not the brand of clothing that they we or the type of jewelry that they we or the type of car that they drive. That's not Alhamdulillah right. But I have witnessed how people find it difficult to see beyond that. So the brother pulls up in a brand new BMW, the person with whom he is conversing is unable to see past that they have an hour long conversation, the man departs and the first words that come out of the

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person's mouth is about the BMW we designate this from you know, I want to call like that something so they are unable to see beyond that, that would be that would be problematic, and it's an indication that the something in the heart now

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visa visa vis the OH is a discussion of the problem of poverty. But we need to be having the conversation about the problem of a wealth

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problem of work.

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All right. And you don't need to be wealthy in order to have the problem of wealth.

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If you look at the aspirations of the impoverished, you'll be surprised. Right? Among them, there are those who simply want the baby necessities of life, right and there'll be happy with that they want to beat, they want to shelter a roof over their head, they want food on the table. But for others, the first priority is the system in the car, the wheels that spin, you know, the 19 inches at the big screen TV, the double storey house, the posh area, etc. So the problem of wealth is a big problem. Now, recently I gave a good buy at the masjid saying that you should aspire to be wealthy if, if you can manage the wealth. And if you know that the wealth will not change your heart that

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you won't, that you won't have it into into your heart, but you keep it in your hands. Other than that, it's better to be poor.

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And when I say poor, I don't mean poor as in so poor that your basic needs are not seem to I mean, you living hand to mouth, you don't have any extra. Why is that better? Because they will be the first to enter Jannah why will they be the first to enter Jannah? Are the rich bad people know the rich have moto answer for

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F mo to answer for right? They have more responsibility but Allah subhanho wa Taala it's not the bad thing. Perhaps they have more to answer for and they have all the right answers and that's good. Because they could make a solid difference in the world. Using an Allah tells us in the Quran, right those who strive with themselves and the wealth in the Cause of Allah subhanho wa Taala that's extremely praiseworthy.

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It's not that money is a bad thing, but the problem of wealth is the way we interact with it. He carries on he says oh and hosting guests, or concerning something in which such behavior is inappropriate, such as purchasing a beautiful shroud or sacrificial animal or purchasing something you intend to donate to the needy. That's one who makes matters difficult for one whose rights clearly render this inappropriate to do so such as the neighbor has indeed thrown away the veils of dignity. This ease as the majestic and guiding sages have stated this is comparable to one who fulfills these obligations without good cheer. Oh, who spends from the least of what he possesses?

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And I want to comment on this these two lines as well, the person who fulfill these obligations, right? But

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very reluctantly, were given the fitrah with a with a very heavy art, man, it's like

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okay, I must give my fitrah Oh, yes, I must.

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Give it but they find it to be a difficult task. Right?

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Please Allah if you find that when an opportunity to spend for the sake of Allah arises, you become happy because Allah sent that opportunity your way that is, is really commendable.

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Or they spend from the least of what they possess. This is a very important lesson as well. And when we gave, you don't have to give and this is in the Quran directly from the Quran. Yes Aluna can Mata Yun Fei Khun, they asked what should spend? Allah says coolly Laffel say that which is surplus, just give the extra if you have 10 Cause you don't need them cause right.

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And normalcy circumstances, or they have the one very nice one, for example. And when you give, okay, the Masjid needs some braid for Iftar. And they ask you to give the breed. So you go find the shop that selling prayed of two days ago, because you're going to get that for a very big discount, you're going to give that to the masjid, right? Or donations of the suit. You give the clothes that you would never wear

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to the poor.

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And Allah mentions this as well. They give that which they wouldn't accept themselves, except with closed eyes, that would they would look down upon that when we give, we give happily we give joyfully and we give up that which we ourselves would accept if we were in similar positions, not that we ourselves with except in our own positions, right. So you may find that a trouser it's not suitable for your purposes any longer. You're not gonna wear it for work, but it's it's pretty good. It's decent and had you been in need there would be no problem with that trouser for you. That's fine. Okay, so its root is love of this world for its own sake. The root of miserliness in

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stinginess, is love of the dunya for the sake of loving the dunya

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so that the self can acquire some of its fleeting pleasures, the nafs wants to get as much of the dunya A lot can be said about this and that's why we have the VCR. But I'll How can we take care through the surah is an excellent starting point. For one who wants to reflect deeper into this, this concept, like the vying of wealth has kept you busy until you visit the graves.

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We need to see that which Allah gives us in this life, of risk and of sustenance and of favours and of pleasures. We need to see it as a tool through which we live in this world, and we earn the world you're after. For the day we leave this world, it remains behind. It doesn't go with us at all.

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And that's a painful reality. But it's reality nonetheless.

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Think about the person who's on his deathbed. Show me the person on the deathbed who wishes they spent more time getting more money.

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They may be such a case, but that would be the person who spent time getting money to use that money for a very good purpose that made a difference in the world. So with these few thoughts around miserliness we pray that Allah makes us from among those who don't suffer from miserliness, but rather that we spend wisely and that we spend for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala and that our wealth be a means of earning his pleasure and earning his Jana, welcome to the Awana annual hamdulillahi rabbil aalameen will continue of the the Maghreb sada inshallah Kemal Ohira

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Allahu Akbar love walk

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alone walk bottle love Walk

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herd Illa Illa love

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Isla ELO Hello

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muda rose

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Allah saw Love

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love love

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straight in the nines. Sharla Tyler SaLuSa Latham what they are and it has players that maybe are lost

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Bismillah learning you're off man you Rohi

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Al Hamdulillah you rob Bella me mean a rough man you Rafi Manning Kiyomi D I mean, he can. He can have styrene they know Sarah Mustafi Sirata Nadine and I lay him in the eye lay him one bow. The

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Bismillah heroes manual Rafi Boffi

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Aloha ko Mata Castoro Hatter's rotomolded Maccabi Kerala so fighter Allah Moon as McCullough so further the moon can lota

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ERP letter Rahman Al Jaffe from my letter Robin Iein Alia ke some mulatos Now Yo my eating irony now ie

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Allahu Akbar

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Samia Allah Huni man Hamidah

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Allah law workable

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law workable

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Bismillah Manu Rafi Alhamdulillah Europe below me in a row of Manu Rafi Maddy Kiyomi de

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cana boo Buddha he kind of Starry mean they now see rotten Mr. Clean

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see rotten levena And I'm dying him Oh boy. Do we I lay him

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on the

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Bismillah Rauf, man you Rafi me in

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outliner can go sell false on linear up became one help in Nashua and the ACA while Abbott

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a low Akobo.

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Semia Hello Lehman Hamidah

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Oh law Akobo

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a law for Akobo

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Oh law workable

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law workable.

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Oh law

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Oh whoa echo

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semi Allah only men Hamidah

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law aka

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Allah Allahu Akbar

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Allahu Akbar

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Allah Akbar.

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As Salam or aleikum wa rahmatullah law. I said Mr. Kumar of metal law, Lakota stuff little law stuff little law stuff, little Lloyd aubema to have Rahim Allah either in law on how you look or you might we likewise educator whatever Mr. Ratan in the who who had the word Raheem, Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem Allah and has said, Minka said I'm the hyena. Robin Have you he said, What do you think? Nanogen Netero medica or sell antibiotic troba now with the idea they're generating money Chrome, Samia I know I thought I know Veronica Rob whenever he can. molsey Smilla Rahmanir Rahim Allah hula ADA in who and how you will hold the whole center to water No. Lahoma for someone to fill out the

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man the lady Ashford one Oh, Ellerbee easily Yamabe de mama colfo home while you're here to NaVi Shay me nine me be mash

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was the accuracy us our it was our i o do the Houma Wahoo Allah Allah you love him Europe Venice Baja Nova

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how the villa min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem equal who Allah wa Dooney lo samedi merely to Allah mula Kula buco for one head Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem equal to Bureau Bill fill out me shettima Hola como Ameesha Rivas you can either call me sure enough that if it occurred to me shortly Hi see Dini there has said Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim Nikolaou robbing se Malik in sila in Simi shadiness was Ilhan as I lead the USB Sophie's to do in salmonella gene at 100 mil European aalameen or salat wa salam morada should have even more sunny say et now whenever you know a mole nm or how many water early he wasabi here Jemaine Robinett acaba Almina in the Cantus Samuel Sallim wa

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to Ballina Mowlana in the candidate, Rahim probe banner, Tina dunya, Hassan atomwaffen Filati hasenhuttl Joaquina either but now, what are the things that agenda item ilevel Rhodia iceis, we have offer riobel alameen Allahumma Bertie klenner, FEMA berkelium in Shabbar noble Luna Ramadan Allahumma Salli ala Ramadan wa salim Rama Ramadan Jelena was sending moulana Muto Cabela erotica Rama Rama Hamid Allahumma, Ines Luca Hi Rama he had he Leila Fatah Why not Surah new Raha Baraka Houda when are all the becoming shattered him if he had the Leila chatroom Abba then God Quran in Navajo mela Quetta who you saw Luna Allah Nabee here you Alladhina amanu Sallu alayhi wa sallam

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Mutaz Lima Allahumma Salli ala Sayidina

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Muhammad wa ala Sayyidina Muhammad was heavier vertical sending their own fears to behenic Allahumma haYom via Salah were filled with our Hamdu lillahi rabbil aalameen Immediately after the Sooners inshallah we will continue with the class for those who are leaving now they are dates for sale at the entrance of the masjid

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it will be in support of the masjid Ramadan activities so don't leave until you've had a look at the dates with very very strong consideration of purchasing them in sha Allah particular vehicle?

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somebody can just organize the fact that Malkia at the back and she'll be there you see he's got to pull us in adultery cities

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oh yes and healthy. But the

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the requirements of the event we'll make up for that tomorrow in shall we run it off for him so we as you know I've been going through our our traditional liquor which is composed of a number of things as opposed to what we imagined it to be just the head dead right we call it the head that that's more of a an our own local nomenclature. We call it the head that right but sometimes there's no head dead in the snow. Nothing of your mind will hide that it's not a problem. So essentially we've got the introductory Amal, which is often called the for work, which is what we did for the first few weeks. And then we proceed into the article had that and sometimes there are a few things

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in between as well. Sometimes, when we recite the Asma, Allah He al husana. Sometimes that's in there as well. Not sure exactly where that fits in. But every element within the vehicle that we generally have, has special virtues, and special rewards and special blessings attached to it. Right.

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There are several reasons why this is important to us as a community and why it's important in the life of a Muslim.

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They are they are definitely without a shadow of a doubt they are drawbacks and there are certain pitfalls that one needs to be weary of which we kind of point out as we go along.

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But be that as it may. Our purpose here is to connect the concept of what we already know. To the more formal

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vicar as Allah mentions it and as the prophets of Allah Allah wa sallam encouraged it, and then to breathe life into what we have, so that it can be a means for us to grow closer to Allah on a daily basis.

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So, we have card is very evidently sacred and precious to our people in this culture here.

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Last week crinkle fabric brought it to my attention that even if you look at the opening lines of the of the raw table had that after the Quranic yet

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this is part of Quran yet starts with

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it starts with Al Fatiha La Rue Sahib erotic that's sort of just seeing what the intention is for that we recite Surah Fatiha, we intend the reward for Imam Abdullah ibn Allah we all had that as well as the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in his family companions and then we say the Fatiha we recite the Fatiha then the recitation of Surah Fatiha commences after which is recorded C is recited year, all of the rules of recitation must be observed. Okay, even if tradition shows us otherwise, right. So, for example, when we did the course on the recitation of Surah Yaseen, we came to learn about the fact that Surah Yaseen, traditionally other vintage readings will

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be certain things that we do, simply because it's tradition, but because we are doing it only because it's tradition, it's actually problematic, right? So for example, saying yes, seen sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Yes, you know, Al Quran Al Hakim, that's not how the IR goes. This is the reason why it's done like that. It's, it's kind of Tafseer, because he has seen is also the name of nabina, Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but fch should be kept with fsid. And when reciting Quran, it should be kept pristine in that way. So ideally, that shouldn't be done.

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Then, if one repeats a particular idea, it's completely permissible.

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But we need to be a reason for the repetition of that idea. And the reason is not something that is repeatable. So for example, if an iron really moves you, right, you standing inside and you reciting an idea. And on that particular occasion, the I say,

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ear canal, Buddha, he can Stein just struck strikes a chord with you, and then you repeat it, right? That's perfectly permissible, these standards of evidence from the prophets of Allah, Allah cinnamon, the Sahaba, that they will do this, because they were moved at that moment. And then they, they proceeded to repeat. In fact, the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam would sometimes play an entire night with just one idea. Right? There's evidence of this. However, we sometimes do this simply because we heard it was done like that. And therefore we repeating it that can be problematic, because it leads to the belief that it must be done like that, oh, it's recommended to

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be done like that. Oh, it's sooner to be done like that. That's when it becomes a problem. So Salah Moon cola muraki Rahim, for example, is a profound idea in its meaning. It means that Allah will greet the people of Jana at that moment. And these are the words that they will hear. That's profound. So somewhere along the line,

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a scholar or group of people read it, and repeat it for that reason.

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That's fine. But now when it becomes a thing that you just repeated when every three cited, it's no longer fine. Okay? That's somewhat problematic.

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So observation of the Tajweed observation of the pronunciation maintaining the meaning that's the Quran and then we start with the F car, which I decided as a car and now as we say, locally, you can go to Kira for fuel pools and your sounds and so forth. Absolutely no problem. And we were very creative in this regard. So in in the article had died last week, we recited the first three lines, la isla in LA law, the hula Cherie Cara, level Monaco Allah Al hamdu lillahi Umi, wahoo, Isla Galicia in Cody.

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That's how he's reciting in the ROTC we'll had that. But this same, the same line, the same sentence, meaning that there is none worthy of worship besides Allah alone who has no partners. The kingdom is he's Praise belongs to him. He gives life he causes death, and he has power and dominion over everything is the best possible dua that anyone could make on the best possible

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They have the which is the Devaraja. Because the prophets Allah Allahu Allah Salim said. So it's an extremely powerful line. So we were creative in that we've got one logo for the article had dad, then we will use the same thing in our tarawih with a completely different logo, right? Because it's got so much significance that embeds itself into the culture in that way.

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Art is the Dharavi flag Go Go and cause me for this one.

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is the same. No man.

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Can I get it confused? Okay, what's the other one?

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Were still getting me? I figured it out. Let me know. I'm not an expert in this.

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Then the next line Subhana Allah Alhamdulillah La ilaha illallah wa Allahu Akbar.

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We spoke about this again last week.

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And then you've got different ways of saying this, right? It's very interesting. So yeah, at Mowbray they got their own style, right?

00:41:09 --> 00:41:13

Pattern painting we've got their own style in a trademark

00:41:15 --> 00:41:17

I don't know if they're gonna give us a demonstration of that

00:41:23 --> 00:41:23


00:41:25 --> 00:41:28

art is the recitation of the screen that there are we

00:41:29 --> 00:41:31

know now Subhanallah

00:41:33 --> 00:41:34

via Cedro.

00:41:43 --> 00:41:44

He must come to the mic.

00:41:46 --> 00:42:34

So let's differentiate the ways generally recites it in the other masajid again, and I found this to be true not only between mobile and other mosques, but in the masjid in copei, very small Masjid. That's we, my father and his brothers and sisters grew up in that particular Masjid way my grandfather was was the the VIN the below of the mask and he would lead all the all of the Vickers and so on. So they have a completely different puji in a thorough way. That you if you never been there before, you never heard it before. Right? And I couldn't figure out what it was. It sounded so strange that people thought it was a different language entirely. People thought it was malaria, you

00:42:34 --> 00:43:01

know, or something of the sort. And then I came across that very same vicar in Imam Wilhite that will do Latif Subhanallah he added me Allah Subhana Allah He mill AMA, Allah Subhana Allah he added a coolie Shea Subhana Allah, Mila Kootenay Shea. So the way it sounds is very different to that. But what was interesting is that all of these

00:43:03 --> 00:43:12

were functional. They were functional. How are they functional? Have you been? Have you been to Saudi for football before?

00:43:13 --> 00:43:20

Raise your hands if you've been in Saudi in Ramadan. Right? How is the how's the PGA today with Ravi?

00:43:22 --> 00:43:25

A super visited a non existent super.

00:43:26 --> 00:43:37

So the experience is very it's very cumbersome you either way because you you've got your head screwed on right. And you pay for the Salah and for the Quran and you know,

00:43:38 --> 00:44:18

or you're not the two options. But you're our forefathers they had all sorts of interesting ways. In you know, through which they embedded these acts of a bear that into our hearts and into our lives. We Yes, so somebody goes to throw away because they like the Fugees not necessarily the right reason. But they still at the raw we wonder they grew up in in a way like it for the right reason again, right. And this goes, this goes for the other factors as well. This goes for the Thursday night vicar that Buddha

00:44:20 --> 00:44:32

doesn't make up for 5g Doesn't make nothing nothing. But he wants to be by the vicar because he's going to get these cat that milk and he's gonna and the voices are going to come out and so forth. So it has a very important function and then

00:44:33 --> 00:44:45

to top it all off, and again, I'm not I'm not saying that there are no problems with it. We point those out but the top of all of look at the last two years in our community, right.

00:44:46 --> 00:44:55

Look at the last two years. We we managed to somewhat maintain the bare minimum, the dry, you know, this is what must be done so we'll do it

00:44:56 --> 00:44:59

wasn't that fun? Right

00:45:00 --> 00:45:16

People used to just cut out everything and there was no community gatherings and there was no spirit of solidarity with the remembrance of Allah and so forth. The experience proved the value of the cultural aspects of these things. So

00:45:18 --> 00:46:01

I personally believe that as long as we can avoid the major pitfalls, we should, we should keep the spirit of the krola alive and the means that we've been given is an excellent one. Right improve on it, though improve on it, though. You can't possibly be sitting, the kid in the kid out year in year out from five years old to 50 years old, and never going beyond just the sound of what we're doing here. attaching yourself to the meaning, it could be more than just the sounds and the voices and the language that needs to it needs to bring you to Allah. Allah be victory light automatically no clue right, it must be a means of making the heart content, it must be a means of

00:46:02 --> 00:46:23

cleansing the heart of the spiritual diseases right from from one vicar gathering to the next dhikr gathering you should be a slightly better person and this is why it needs to be part of everyday life. So read the first three will continue from the insha Allah and each time explaining the

00:46:25 --> 00:46:50

explaining the virtue the meaning and so forth. Now that the third one or rather in in the numbers that you see on screen for those of you watching online, you need to go to that website I spoke about last week Salawat hub and download the PDF they then you can follow along inshallah Tada. The eighth line Rob banner, Phil Lerner were to Ballina in NACA entered the verbal Rahim.

00:46:51 --> 00:46:57

Now let's look at the meaning Robina Oh our Lord. So what is this? It's a

00:46:58 --> 00:47:29

it's a dua it's a pray, right. As opposed to the ones before this we Yes, it's a dua but it doesn't come in the form of asking Allah for anything. This one is it do i It's a pray we actually asking Allah. Listen to what we are asking Allah for her. abana Oh our Lord in the field. Lana, forgive us. What do by Elena and give us Stober? Give us Tober accept our repentance in NACA indeed you under you, oh Allah.

00:47:30 --> 00:47:38

At the web, you are the oft acceptor of repentance not the best way to translate you are the

00:47:39 --> 00:47:59

I don't know that word. relinquishment is that a word? Three Linden. Okay, but the one who accepts tilbyr r Rahim and the Most Merciful. This is a pre from our sins. Now at this point, when I'm sitting in the vehicle,

00:48:00 --> 00:48:36

if I was dozing off or if I wasn't paying attention up until then, this is where I feel like this is deep. Because immediately you realize that you are you're making Toba to Allah now. And you should be making it like that. So the spirit if you know the meaning, you will automatically connect to the feeling. And what's so nice is that the the the tone the melody the rhythm is designed to induce the feelings of Toba. It's not a very joyous recitation this one it's a somber it's a sad

00:48:38 --> 00:48:48

it's a introspective type of don't listen to how it is normally recite and recite with me because you probably know better than I do. Anyways. Rob Bernal Finland

00:48:50 --> 00:48:54

to Ballina in Osaka and that

00:48:57 --> 00:49:02

boo Rafi Rob Bernal Finan.

00:49:05 --> 00:49:09

To Bernina he NACA and that

00:49:11 --> 00:49:22

boo Rafi Rob burner, Filipina what to Ballina Inaka and that

00:49:24 --> 00:49:29

boo Rafi, so we turn to online Toba.

00:49:30 --> 00:49:41

The next the next line of Dicker is salawat and Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam we spoke quite at length about the virtues of Salawat

00:49:42 --> 00:49:59

Thank you shukran Oh, it's feroza Shakira for that three Linton also means for giving great Island to wear tonight and so did you. Rillington Allahumma Salli ala Sayidina Mohamed Allahumma Salia

00:50:00 --> 00:50:07

Lay Why suddenly Allahumma Salli ala Sayidina?

00:50:08 --> 00:50:20

More Hamada Allahumma Salli ala he was a name Allahumma Salli ala Sayidina

00:50:21 --> 00:51:10

Mohammed Allahumma Salli ala he was a name. So paying homage to our master Tao exempla, Nabi Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa Tada and he was happy with them. Now we may ask at this point. So why this one first and that one they and this one they in that specific order? That's the meaning of karate. That is the meaning of erotic erotic means and order in a particular way. Could you recite it in a different way? Yes, this is the raw tip of Imam will had that now is a bit of a bit of a higher in the so wolves Islamic spirituality thing? Why did emammal had dad arrange the ASPCA in this particular order? Is it because there's an IRA that says you must do this? Is it because

00:51:10 --> 00:52:03

there's a hadith that specifies it must be like this? The answer? In all probability, I can't say this with a cane but in all probability is inspiration. It's inspiration, right? When we speak about the likes of Imam Al Haddad, Imam Ghazali we're not talking about you know, somebody like me, you're talking about people who live the every waking and sleeping moment in the service of Allah, and they were righteous people, everyone around them, it tasted to this right in terms of the bad and in terms of the relationship with Allah. So not like profits, but the next best thing. Only have Allah friends of Allah, who received what is called not worry, but cash. Cash, we, Allah reveals things to

00:52:03 --> 00:52:51

their hearts and inspires things to them, whether it be through dreams are through experiences, that gave them the insight that this particular vicar will have that effect. You know, like you read these books of the 99 names of Allah. And then one name it says, Read this name so many times and that's going to happen, right? These know these no value for this in Quran and Sunnah. So where does it come from? It comes purely from the taggi Rebbe article experience of those who recommended it. And often, what one finds is you practice what they recommended with the virtues that they said you'll get from it. And you'll find the same thing, right. Another example of this is

00:52:54 --> 00:53:29

okay, I don't want to get into that one right now. But the point is, that's why he arranged it in this particular order, because he understood the deeper meanings of these Adguard the benefits of these upcat and he was inspired to compile it like this. It's as simple as that. There are other Aroer tip there are other orders. There are other recitations I've got no one is right or wrong. That's why I said right at the beginning of this course, when it comes to vicar, there's actually a lot of flexibility as far as the Sharia is concerned and Allah knows best. Now the next one are all the big Kelly Mattila. Matthew meaning shall remain holla

00:53:30 --> 00:54:14

you say it was me a few times without the language just so you can get familiar with it. Or to be Kelly Mattila. He multimedia Reema holla, Ruby Kelly Mattila Murthy, meaning shall Rima Horlock, this comes directly from Hadith, right, and it's included in the morning and evening to our eyes if you've been reading them. And it's a dua for prediction. It's due Alpha prediction, specifically from evil things that you cannot see. Right, evil things from the unseen. And I think if I'm not mistaken, this one or the next one has virtues of prediction, even from the likes of insects and things like that. Right, the Prophet SAW, some would say that the person will be protected from

00:54:14 --> 00:54:51

insect bites. And these are authentic virtues that I'm speaking about. So the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam would use this as protection, even for his grandchildren. Sarina Hassan and Selena Hussein Rhodiola who and Houma before the revelation of the three calls Kulu, Allah Hakalau, the Philippine Cola or the Bureau of Venus, he would use these lines of prediction and he would say or even be aware, or he lucuma be Kelly Mattila. hitam Artemesia Rima holla, I take refuge for the two of you.

00:54:52 --> 00:54:56

Be Cali Mattila with a with a speech with the words of ALLAH

00:54:58 --> 00:54:59

minchah Rima holla

00:55:00 --> 00:55:10

from the evil of what he had created, if somebody is brave enough, can he take the B? Because he's gonna die over here you can see his like his

00:55:11 --> 00:55:15

his knees water or something and then place him outside before they come

00:55:23 --> 00:55:29

now, so it's for prediction. How do we recite it? Oh Dooby Calima

00:55:31 --> 00:55:31

de la

00:55:34 --> 00:55:35


00:55:37 --> 00:55:43

t me diminisher Reema Hordak Hello Dooby Kalima,

00:55:45 --> 00:55:45


00:55:51 --> 00:55:57

diminisher Rima Cola, co o Oh Louie CK aneema

00:56:05 --> 00:56:08

Timmy Shalimar color calm

00:56:10 --> 00:56:42

I can't help the Tajweed stuff just comes through. You're not even supposed to use that read when you're reciting non Quranic stuff. Right if you knew you knew that, but it just sort of comes through even when you make dua you don't have to like Alma and they said it's Alma and this Salam Amin Kassala Huaming guest Salam Hunan those things is for Quran but be that as it may we you kind of accustomed to it into it like that. And the same thing applies the other way around.

00:56:43 --> 00:56:56

As I said, you can sit with the HUD that Kitab in front of you and read Bismillah he la de la jolla de Roma ASMI show on fill out the LF is sama who was Samuel Alim but you've learned it

00:56:57 --> 00:56:59

or is it gonna be Smith

00:57:03 --> 00:57:50

and in some people say young guru, there's no young today you can be looking at the text and still say young the room because you know it, it's like been with you since you were seven who younger. So it's difficult, and it's especially difficult when the old Jama is saying that one way and here you come in saying it different Trust me I know. So ideally, if you want to if you want to do these changes or or learn these things, ideally, you'd want to join a group that's doing the same thing. Right? So I know she is my Lund, they recite the vicar. I think they do it every Thursday night at the masjid and they broadcast it on social media.

00:57:52 --> 00:58:10

They you can hear this is from somebody who knows the recitation of Quran and then the others the other pronunciation as well. So yeah, it's not Quran. But saying young guru and saying your door row is two very big things. Very big differences. What does it mean?

00:58:11 --> 00:58:31

Just paste the next one. In the Name of Allah by whose name nothing in the heavens or the Earth can cause harm. So the word your door ro means cause harm. The word young guru which they replaced it with means to see Nevada young guru means to look to see so it changes the meaning entirely. So don't recite that right.

00:58:33 --> 00:58:46

And then you can all recite it together in sha Allah and follow my queue and also read the words again though online, do get the PDF inshallah open up your your, your hierarchy tab if you have one at home

00:58:48 --> 00:58:51

and follow the words inshallah Bismil.

00:58:53 --> 00:58:54


00:58:56 --> 00:59:03

yo ro nice me shy own fill out the Wi

00:59:04 --> 00:59:05

Fi some of

00:59:08 --> 00:59:12

you are who was semi olallie Bismil.

00:59:15 --> 00:59:15


00:59:17 --> 00:59:24

yo yo ro mice me show you own fill out the Wi

00:59:25 --> 00:59:25

Fi some of

00:59:28 --> 00:59:32

you are who was Samuel Eileen bass Bismil

00:59:35 --> 00:59:36

Illa de

00:59:38 --> 00:59:44

yo ro my eyes me Shay on fill out the

00:59:45 --> 00:59:46


00:59:49 --> 01:00:00

You are who was me? Oh alim. So again the meaning in the Name of Allah, by whose name nothing in the heavens with the Earth can

01:00:00 --> 01:00:43

cause harm. He is the old hearing the old knowing. This also comes directly from the Sunnah is contained within the morning and evening the eyes of the prophets of Allah Allah wa sallam, and is attributed with what? With protection with protection. So it's basically saying I'm taking the name of Allah Bismillah Cena, Khalid, even while he did a strange thing, which is not permissible for us to replicate, is a Sahabi. And he added, obviously Sahaba status. So he took poison. I can't remember the circumstance, somebody challenged him or something of the suit. And he took poison, and he drank the poison, you ate the poison and he said, Bismillah Hila De Lisle Romans mission, Philip

01:00:43 --> 01:01:13

develop his semi well who was Samuel and him. He said, Because I'm taking the name of Allah, Allah is the one who causes harm, not poison, not, you know, any sickness or germ or whatever. And if, if Allah wants, he can remove the harm from the poison, and I will be unharmed. Now show me you do that. Right? That is better type of tobacco. That is not for the normal person. We spoke a lot about this when the pandemic hit. And some people said, You know what, you might just have full tobacco right? Just

01:01:14 --> 01:01:55

know that to be the same as the person standing in the middle of the road and saying, I have full trust that nothing can harm me except Allah. It's true. But under normal circumstances, Allah will harm you through that car that's going to eat you. Right? special people, very, very special people can have that type of conviction, we, you know, like nobody Ibrahim going into the fire and the fire just becomes cool, it happens. But it's the exception to the rule. We don't base our lives and the exceptions to the rule. And Allah knows best. So we'll we'll leave it at that in sha Allah. And next we will continue in this regard. And if you have any questions, quick ones, then now's the time to

01:01:55 --> 01:01:57

to throw them away. Or let me Smilla.

01:02:13 --> 01:02:14


01:02:16 --> 01:02:33

Oh, oh, I see. Okay, so next week Queens they still come to the machine but we won't be having a usual class will have the room and by the way, if you if you come to the masjid and you see Luke here, but we had a class and we said that and then now we in the vicar but we're not doing that it sounds different. It's not my fault.

01:02:35 --> 01:02:48

Right? It's the the problem is what I explained earlier on once you get into a JAMA and the majority goes this way. It's extremely difficult take that whole majority and go that way without causing reactions. So I mean,

01:02:49 --> 01:02:50

what can you do?

01:03:14 --> 01:03:14


01:03:16 --> 01:03:20

I'm not gonna repeat that one in the mic, but it does actually work.

01:03:21 --> 01:03:31

Okay, so next week, there's no class in this in this capacity, but we will have the the traditional gathering of Laila to nice

01:03:32 --> 01:04:14

missionary Siobhan. It's a very special night as opposed to say Mirage, we it was a special night and we commemorating it right? So we only commemorating it annually but on that night every year it's not like something special happens in the summer, the Mirage took place. But Miss Fisher urban is not like that. Something special actually happens on that night is evidenced indicated. And what is the special thing is that Allah forgives everyone, except for people who are but your feelings are people who are Masaryk basically they they idolatrous in one way or the other. We'll talk a bit about about that next week in sha Allah. So do join us for that probably between Missouri Ben Ayesha

01:04:15 --> 01:04:20

so you all welcome to come and bring your families along as well. Zakum Aloha Iran Yes.

01:04:23 --> 01:04:29

If you'd like to have a day to Vankleek son is available at the door. figure that one out as you leaving each

01:04:32 --> 01:04:34

Oh, is it okay?

01:04:39 --> 01:05:00

Insha Allah I just want to comment that the dates that the masjid sells, they are exceptionally nice. I'm not just saying so because I want you to buy from the Masjid. But I bought a packet at Jumeirah. I have to buy another packet because it's up. My daughter loves it's like toffees. Actually it goes down like a toffee. It's very, very nice. If you haven't tried it, please

01:05:00 --> 01:05:08

And it's also for a very good cause those online you watching for free but we're going to charge you all with bang some dates and shall Zacco McLaren

01:05:12 --> 01:05:28

say if you'd like a date from on quicksand take his number, WhatsApp him organize that date inshallah. I'm not sure how NTP Rose is going to respond to that and but he you understand what I'm saying and then also the books that we have the officer outside the dates cost.

01:05:29 --> 01:05:34

It's on the board as you leave inshallah. So Monica murottal overeducated.

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