Stories of the Companions #17 Halima al-Sadiya

Hussain Kamani


Channel: Hussain Kamani


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The transcript describes a woman named Halima who lost her children due to addiction and lost her parents' children. The segment discusses the struggles of finding a partner and finding a partner in a relationship. The segment also touches on the importance of trusting others and not turning away from opportunity. The segment concludes with a brief advertisement for a song and a recommendation to donate to a cause.

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So we know how to handle Hema kundala

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hamdu Lillahi wa Kapha salmonella arriba lettino Stofer

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Susana Ara CG delusory Mohammed and be up while Lila Ischia was happy to be a mother

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for today's story we turn to the childhood of Rasul Allah that Allah Allah He was set up.

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After a sort of loss that Allahu Allah He was Saddam was born.

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The women from a nearby tribe arrived to the city of Macomb, aka Rama, to receive the newborns. This was a practice that existed

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in the Arabian culture,

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primarily to

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say Save the Children from the diseases in busy cities, people will travel north and south and they will arrive at these big cities with different illnesses and different diseases, children's still being young, weak immune systems, so to protect them from these illnesses, and so they could also be exposed to pure Arabic language, without it being mixed with the colloquial use of words. Again, in big cities, people have a way of using language that is, it's very modern, and very appropriate for that place. But it may not be true to the more traditional sense of the language, which lingers on for longer in the outskirts of the cities and the Bedouin lands.

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So a group of people arrived in Macomb, Oklahoma with this very intention to take these children from their parents, with their permission with their blessings, and they would take them with them for multiple years. And the goal would be that these children would then grow up in the Bedouin lands far away from disease living a very wholesome, pure, clean life, being exposed to a pristine culture that the Ottomans took pride in.

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One of the women

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who was in that caravan

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was named Halima sadiya.

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Her story is fascinating. And she shares in her own words,

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that we left our Bedouin land. And we begin to travel to Mocambo karma.

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On this journey with her was her husband and her young child.

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that particular time, was one of drought. So the lands had gone barren. As a result of that people were malnourished, she herself did not have much to eat. And as a result of that she couldn't produce milk to provide for her own young infant.

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So she says that when we took on this journey,

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the child cried the entire time.

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We did not even sleep for one moment.

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Night after night, day after day, the child is crying. I had no milk to give to the child. And then when I turned to the animals that we were traveling with, they were also dry. There was nothing in them. The animals were, were were themselves malnourished. So the animals are thin, they're weak, she herself lacks the nutrition to provide for her child. So throughout the night, the child continued to cry and cry and cry. And for a mother, you can't imagine how difficult this is to seeing your child cry is hard. And the knowing that the child is crying because you can't produce and provide for that child makes it that much more difficult. Because you turn it to yourself, you

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begin to blame yourself that what if it's me, what if it's me?

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On one animal, it's Halima sadiya in her young child, and on the second animal is her husband.

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Now the thing with these two animals, the animals themselves are very weak. And her animals in particular were weaker than all the other animals in the caravan. So they kept falling behind.

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And the entire caravan of people were kind of frustrated that come on man speed it up. We're trying to get to McCall speed it up. We're trying to get to MCCA

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Finally, they arrive in Macomb, Oklahoma.

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This place that she is from is referred to as blue sad.

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Geographically on a map if you're trying to pinpoint it, you would find Maka, McCollum.

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And then south of Mecca is five so if you pull out your phone if you have one with you, it's a good idea to Google map it to get an idea God

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graphically where it is, I'm not sure if people know where this

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where this tribe was actually located.

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If you look south america Mikado you'll find in the mountains, a place called life. And then further south and east of that, you will see the tribe of Banu sad.

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Not just a little north of a place called may son,

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Mimi has seen a lift noon if you have the Arabic keyboard on your phone, you can pop that in Google and it'll pop right up Mason. And just when you when you open that place up to the northern dissolute or northeast of their tad bit, is where Busan is from.

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And it's fascinating and I'll talk about this more towards the end, when we speak of where Halima sadiya is buried, because there's a different opinion among the scholars. Some historians have claimed that her grave is in Bolivia and if you go to Madina Munawwara till today, you will find a grave marked and all historians will tell you that it is there that she is buried, but the more

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sort of researched position is that she is actually buried near Mason, there's a graveyard there and that's where she is buried. As for in blue sod, there are areas marked till today of where her house was, it's an untouched place. There was never a big civilization there. There was never a big community there, small little area, and there are a few houses there and the house of Halima. Saudia is marked until today.

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So these people, they arrived from bamboo, but it was sad to mcomber Karma. When they arrived there, every person has one intention, all the women of the tribe, we want to find children to take them back home with us, we will nurse them, the nursing period is two years, we will look out for them for two years, and then take them back to their families. Ideally, you want to build a relationship with a wealthy family from a higher tribe, so that not only will they compensate you for your time and take care of you. But they will be even further generous, they will provide above and beyond. And therefore now you have this blessing in your life that you can provide for your family. And for

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many of these women, they were raising their own children so they were going to raise one child, they will go to Macau oh my god, I'm gonna pick up a second child. They're already nursing one now they can nurse two, they're already raising one will go ahead and raise two or raise three children.

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Two days passed by

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honey Masada says everyone found their baby, except for me.

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And during these two days, while we were going through maca, and looking for the newborns, there was an orphan passed on to every child, every one of those women and they all turned away from that orphan.

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Because without a father who will provide who will give extra who will take care of you. So one by one they passed up, past up past up.

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You can't imagine how hard this must have been for their mother of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Amina.

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If you've ever taken your kids to a park,

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and all the other kids are playing, and you tell them wanted to go play soccer with them, and they're picking teams, and your child is the last one to get picked. It hurts.

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All the other kids are playing basketball and your child is the last one to get picked. It hurts a little bit. And sometimes, not only do they pick your kid last and they say your goalkeeper.

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That's like the ultimate insult.

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But not only are they not letting you play the outfield, they barely picked you. And now that they have picked you they're dumping your shirt in the goal where there's minimal movement and the defenders job is to make sure you're never involved in the game.

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So as a parent, and I must have been so overwhelmed.

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The caravan is ready to head back. Halima sadiya is the last one left. So she says to her husband that he needed another gi Elam and as you know Isla Mina Zelena or Alka Bernier called me how we felt we felt do an awful lot of the

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that philosophy soy, soy he batty Imran Illa Mahara the young Jesus I don't want to go back home empty handed.

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I don't want to go back with anything that we go back home and all we come back with how we utterly FOB hobby that we frogmen and nothing we father refers to the the leather that they would put under the under the grinder when they would grind their wheat and barley and it would catch the bottom so that my my father's empty. There's nothing there. I don't want to go back empty handed and all my other friends and all my colleagues. They all have a child with them.

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At the heaven, ILA daddy Kalia team wanted to know,

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I'm going to grab that orphan. I'm going to take that orphan with me.

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Halima Saudia had no idea

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how intelligent of a choice that was,

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how her deal was about to change how her future was about to change. And that legendary move of hers, of not abandoning that orphan, but pay off in ways that she could never imagine. And 1400 years later, people would be remembering her in Carrollton, Texas.

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Because she didn't abandon the orphan.

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Because she trusted her sort of loss and Allahu Allah, he was in him.

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And it's

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a point of reflection for us all something for us to consider. But how often do we pass up on people because they don't seem special?

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Someone comes to the Arabic class and they're reading part of me. Like they were making mistakes here making mistakes, their file file before there's all one

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they're reading Mavi with them, follow our data. Wow. That's the GEMA the wide mode for the teacher when he hears that on day one, he must think Man, this is a special breed of dummy.

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Like there are dummies. This is a special breed right here. It's easy to give up on people because they're not talented. But you don't give up on them.

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You never give up because you have no idea which person will be accepted by Allah subhana wa Tada.

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You have no idea who Allah subhana wa Tada will accept. And Allah azza wa jal doesn't accept based off of talent. Allah subhanahu wa taala accepts based off of Ellis, Halima sadiya, wasn't the wealthiest of her people that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam went to her. She was tested in that moment her child couldn't sleep. Imagine how frustrated and worked up she must have been as a human being just as an individual in that caravan. But in that moment, she says, I am going to trust this orphan. I'm going to take this orphan home and her husband. When he hears this, he says to her Lavazza Leakey who Lee fossa and year out Allah houfy, he laid off for the hub to Isla on me, he

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will hug. Her husband supports her that no, let's do this. You trust Allah subhanaw taala that hate will come from picking up this orphan. And so do I

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never give up hope on any person. If a person is going through a divorce 10 People will say he was a horrible person, she was a horrible person. Don't be those 10 people be the 11th one be the unique one who was able to see potential in those people and doesn't just strike them off because they went through a divorce or because they had a bad business transaction. Or maybe at some point of their life, they made a mistake or someone that might have had an addiction. It's so easy for us. We are such a judgmental group of people, that the moment someone slips up, we write them off

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a horrible human being. But when it comes to ourselves, we want everyone to give us not 100 excuses, a million excuses. Don't judge me. Don't judge me. The reason why I didn't make a difference. Hello, do you even know what I went through the night before? And it may be a very valid excuse. But just as you want excuses for yourself. Just as you want people to invest in you. Just as you want people to trust you. You need to reach out to people around you and trust them as well. A Mullah tema, filata Karwa Messiah, Isla ferrata, and you don't turn people away. You have no idea which person will walk ahead and march in the future. You look at some of the greatest Madiun they will orphans

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either at birth right a young age. Remember how to hunt a lot. His father father wasn't around for too long in his life. And my mother, Grandpa his father also wasn't allowed around too long in his life, about money for him to not his father wasn't around for too long as well. The old passed away to engage. I mean, when when their children were still young, Imam Ghazali Muhammad Allah here are they same thing. And then you go even further back to the turbulent period, some of the greatest scholars of Hadith, that narrate from the Sahaba and that narrate from the tab your own. We're all slaves actually. They were freed slaves. And the moment they were freed, they left the dunya that

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they had desired their entire life and when they gain freedom, they went to the mothers of Hadith, that we're going to dedicate our lives studying Hadith. These are people that you expected it the lease from Salahuddin a up when he was born that day, his father was expelled from the fort, the fort they lived in and someone said at that point, that this child will be bad fortune for us. That the day he was born is the day we were expelled. But Allah subhanho wa Taala wrote otherwise, he opened up so many forts after that, Allah subhanho wa Taala

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I liberated goods at his hands. And the stories continue. How many stories do you want a people who had nothing running for them, but then someone trusted them. Someone believed in them. Someone said to them that you can do it. And when you give that trust to someone, when you believe in someone, when you invest in someone when you do it purely for the baraka, and Allah subhanahu wa Tadas blessings, you will see how Allah azza wa jal not only accepts from you, but will instill a confidence in that person's heart that they will run ahead of the world.

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What am I good friends, senior scholar in Chicago, he was sharing a story with me. And this particular story I had heard from my own teachers, by the way, but the teachers that I had heard it from they were sharing it from someone else, who will read it in a book who may have heard it from that person. But the shift that I made in Chicago was a direct student of the chef and he said that the chef shifts the diff.

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He shared this story with him directly.

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That when he was young, the chef when he was young, he had this desire to study. He had some sisters that were physically not well. So the mother, she said to her son, you can go and study. I give you permission to go. But I won't be able to provide for you. If you want to study you can go on your own, but I can't provide for you in any way at all. I'm busy looking after your sisters.

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So they agreed to this. He went to the mother sir. He asked the mother sir, man I study here. They said you can study for free, but we can't give you food. Because the food is paid for you can stay here for free. You can take all the classes for free. But the food is a paid service. So he agreed.

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He says I studied there. And when it was lunchtime, I would go to sleep or go for a walk. I didn't have any food. I went to the village nearby there was a Hindu man there. And he agreed to employ me on the condition that I would bring him two buckets of water. So I had to carry these two metal buckets across the village far out there was a well, he was skinny and scrawny himself said I would walk all the way fill up two buckets of water from the well. And then come all the way back. It was so hard. I would sit down halfway through the walk and just start crying your lats too hard.

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And at the end of that he would give him one or two rotis one or two pieces of bread. After walking with those buckets. One day he says I was I came back to the house and I was at the step and I tripped in the waterfowl.

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And I cried and cried in front of Allah Allah Allah make it easy for me make the path to seeking all the bearable for me. He continued this for years, by the way, for years. Then another kid from his village came he was also poor mothers, I told him the same thing that you can study for free, you can stay for free. But however the food won't be available to you. So the student was about to head back home. How am I going to study without food? So she said to him, Jeff said the one you know the law and he said to him that no, no you study I'll provide for you. And he would take the one roti heartbreaking and half, give half to him eat half himself. In four years this continued.

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I have the honor of meeting him when I was very young. He was a true scholar of sunnah. Such a powerful personality, that when he arrived and he says if the whole city will turn upside down that you have to think has arrived and his story was one the most unexpected person to ever

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to study the dean. And the examples of this are I kid you not countless, that Allah subhanahu wa Tada looks for people that have behind us. He looks for Allah gives these righteous children to parents

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who are mortals who trust Allah. You go to the parents of some of these scholars and some of their teachers, some of these teachers that we have you go to their parents, simple people.

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And you ask them that what special therapy did you do have your child to turn them into this great autumn? You know, most of those parents will say, no idea.

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I have no idea. I didn't do anything special. I didn't send them to any special college didn't give them any special tutoring. It's the father of Allah subhanahu McDonogh. And in reality, those parents, if you look at their lives, you will find them. They were selfless people just buried themselves in Hikmah relying on Allah subhanaw taala spent hours of their nights crying and saying yeah, Allah

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except one of my children to except one of my kids as well. And it's in those laws and in that sacrifice that Allah

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100 orthotic subs from them. So never turn away from opportunity. That's the lesson from Halima sadiya. Story. You don't turn away, when everyone turns away, you turn towards. If you see a person sitting alone somewhere, don't abandon them, you go to them. If there are people in the gathering, everyone's having fun, you can enjoy that gathering, but then go look for people that are sitting in the corners, people that others haven't noticed yet. Those that are failing classes, go and sit with them. Those are those that are struggling to make a living, go and sit with them. Give them him, give them hope. People who lived very rough lives will make that change. Because Allah subhanho wa

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Taala is the one that controls the hearts. I was traveling recently, and I was in a city. I met this young man.

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And the fifth mama that he did have his parents, it really touched my heart. The way he respected his mother, the way he respected his father.

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At the event itself, sat right next to his father said I'm going to walk his mother in her seat at the at our chair. They were serving food, he went and got food and give it to his mother and give it to his father.

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And when I saw this, I was really touched. Firstly, because of the hikma this very sincere hikma that he was doing for his mom and dad. But secondly, because this guy is lucky to be alive. And I know this.

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Because I'm the one that took the call from his mother, where he almost Odede

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this very same young man.

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He almost died.

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And his mother called me he had been arrested and the whole rap sheet you can say it all.

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And at one point. I mean, the situation got so bad. It was very bad situation. Unfortunately.

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At one point, their parents came to visit me all the way in Dallas, and they sat in my house. And they said sure, what do we do next?

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So I said, you know, let him live his own life. You can dedicate you can't just cancel your whole existence and not do anything. There are choices that he's making. And he's accountable for them. And hopefully through you giving him his space, he might grow into something better. Maybe he might take ownership of his life.

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The mother refused. She's a mother, what is she going to do? She refused.

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And when I saw her that day, she said move this up. You never give up on your own kids. And she smiled at me

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with the sob. You never give up on your own kids. five fourths Salam Namazi. Now I'm not saying that this is the right approach or that's the wrong approach or what to do is right what to do is wrong. And there's one way I mean, these are things that are beyond us, we don't know. But what we do know is that when a person has a class, Allah subhanaw taala never turns them down. That Allah azza wa jal makes a way for them. And once one scenario, you choose that and another scenario, you choose this. That's your decision to make. You shouldn't feel guilt over what the outcome is. But whatever path you choose, you have to choose the very, the most sincere one, the one that you are convinced

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that what you're doing is purely for the sake of Allah, because that's what everything flips. We turn back to the story of Halima Saudia, she says that I picked up the child

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and I came back to my family

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welcome to 30 I place my chest in front of the child's mouth for the rally him in 11 meals began to flow into my chest and had been dazed since this happened.

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Masha Allah and you DERA Baba and Ghana how we and Hollier for Sheree Bella Woodrum, Hatha rawia Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the small, tiny baby cute Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam drank from his mother, Halima Saudia, right until he was satisfied.

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She thought that if this kid drank, let me see if my son will drink through machete but uh, who who had rawia Even through Manana,

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that then his brother, her child drank as well. And they were both satisfied. And they both went to sleep. She said my husband and I went to the side and we lived down as well to go to sleep. And we hadn't slept in days. It was a blessing from Allah that this child already brought the most peace in our life. When it came time to head back home, we got our animals ready and we saw the utters of the animals were full of milk, I think imaginable. How did this happen?

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So her husband milk the animal.

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Farmer la had dasion Wahala you start declining he was

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Hello Birmingham, I shot him, he milked animal and drink. And then he milked it a second time. And then I drink and we were all happy. Finally we had rested, finally that we had eaten, and both turned to one another and said, What just happened? What is going on here?

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They didn't realize that everything had changed

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with them was Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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They just picked up the leader of all mankind.

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The one that will do search the in front of Allah and the day of judgment

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intercede on behalf of all the prophets and all the OMAS they just picked up

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the final prophet in this dunya

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to whom the entire Quran would be revealed

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that every person will die to just lay one glance on his face. And Halima Sadia just picked up the jackpot of being lucky to have to have her body a part of his that she would nurse Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, at that arena. Yeah, Halima and Nikki had 40 Different Mobarak and

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I think we hit the jackpot on this one. This one's a really good child.

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When it came time for them to head back. What they noticed was now they were ahead of the whole caravan and everyone saying, you know, isn't this the animal that was struggling to make it to Mecca? How are you guys ahead of us?

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So she would say, but I will Allah He in the he, these are the same animals.

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But Allah subhanahu wa Donna has now changed our affair. When they arrived to biosolid.

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It was still in drought. But because of the sort of loss of Allahu alayhi wa salam was there, Allah subhanho wa Taala miraculously, not only took care of the Prophet of Allah, but everyone around and sort of lost that align Islam as well. So when her animals would head out to graze, they would always come back full. After eating to their right until they were satiated, and then also be full of milk. And all the other people their animals would come back hungry without any milk. Until the point that everyone began to say to their shepherds that take our animals were Halima as animals go. But the miracle was for her family, the blessing the baraka was for her family.

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They continued to benefit from this Baraka until two years came to an end.

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And during these two years Halima sadiya, saw miracles, and I'm walking around de la YALI narrates an iteration of nabasa the hola Juan that one day, honey Masada went to search for Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he was still young.

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And so maybe still a lot of Saddam was with the animals and his sister from Halima Saudi as children was also with him.

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When she

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had a Masada approached her daughter, she said, that you guys are goofing around playing outside in this heat. It's too hot.

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You're gonna get sick, heatstroke

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for toilet off to who? His sister said, yeah, oh Ma, ma wotja, a 301, or a two Hamama and the Lilou. Allah He either work of a work of art for it as a result

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that my brother right here, no son has touched him. Throughout the day, there has been that cloud there that shakes him. When he walks, it moves along with him. And when he stops, the cloud also pauses.

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However, at the end of the two years, the nursing had to stop, so it was time for the child to return back to Makkah.

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With a heavy heart, Halima sadiya returns back to MCOM karma

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Rasul allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his mother lays eyes on her beautiful child after two years.

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You can imagine the love the happiness, the excitement, the joy, our little munchkins back. And it's sort of sort of lost that Allah Ana he was sent to

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a mother gets excited when she sees her child after a trip. And if you're traveling or you're off somewhere and you return home after a few weeks or after a few months, you know the mothers greets the child with a big smile on their face.

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When we would return back from Mother Teresa,

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my my mother would my father would pick us up from the airport and on the way back. He would call my mother saying oh we're 10 minutes out every time. Same scene that we'd pull into the parking lot and barely fixing her hijab standing in the window. Looking

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Notice with a big smile. There was a big glass there she would stand by the counter there with a big smile on her face with a hijab, barely straight. And I used to always say to her mom, I fix your hijab

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and she was slapped me on the head.

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Stop making fun of me.

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So it was sort of lost that Allah holiday was sent his mother sees her child, but how do you miss it I had other plants. She wasn't done with this Baraka she needed some more Baraka.

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So she says to

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Amina prophets, Mother, how about you send your son back with me for extra time?

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And I says, Why would I do that? She says, Well, the illnesses of maca are still around. And I have some concerns regarding your side and I feel that if I take care of him a little bit more, he'll grow. Because during that two years Halima Sadia says that the Prophet said a lot of Saddam really grew in height, and in body size. It's as if he was a young boy, he was only two years old. So she says to the mother that if you send him back, I can take care of him more and he'll be even stronger and even taller and greater.

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farlam SLB Oakland near OHA Rosie Baja had read that Humana

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and I kept hearing what her son could be and how it would benefit her son. And she placed a boulder on her heart. And Wiggins went against every desire and dream that she had and said to Halima, that, if it's good for my son, then take them.

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I'll bear the pain of separation for a little longer.

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Halima sadiya says follow Jahnavi Fatih Athena was troubleshooting. We were sight.

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Super excited that he's coming back with us. The Baraka shall continue.

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When they arrived back to their hometown, some days had passed, some months had passed. One day or sort of loss and aloha, it was it was

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outside of the house, looking after some of the sheep as they were grazing, and his brother was with him. And then all of a sudden, Halima sadiya son runs back home. And he begins to shout to his mom and dad. That Come Come quickly. My Qureshi brother. Two people have taken him and there are there they're wearing white garments.

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They put him flat on the ground, and they slit open his chest.

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Frontal of two Anna Zoji

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we begin to rush honey Masada and her husband for wha hoo Moon Katya. I'll watch more tangy fan. We saw him terrified and the color in his face had changed.

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So my husband immediately hugged him and brought him close to his chest. And we asked him what happened.

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He said two men approached me wearing white garments and they had me lie down and they slit open my chest and they took something out. And then they sealed my chest back up, and then wondering why they put some they filled his heart with wisdom and washed his heart.

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This incident is referred to the incident of Shaco solder

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the splitting of the chest of a suit of loss and Allamani he was

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honest been Monica the Allah who won said in this statement of his can be found in the manga hubiera la la sera, La Mina, Willa by the Quran to a raw, Athol, Mohit, if he saw that he I can see the sign of stitching in the chest of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam are going to Aurora Athol Mahi at fee Saudi.

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Most of the scholars are of the opinion that the shock was southern was not just manually rather it was actually his see. It was something physical. It was a real it was it was real. It wasn't just an idea. It wasn't just symbolism. That shuffled southern represented a spiritual cleaning. They said no, it was actually hissy. It was a real thing. And the words of the Hadith can be found in Sahih Muslim and other places show that to angels came with white garments to have me lie down. And then announcement Malika Viola Juan saying that his chest was split open. And then this was the first of many times it's what happened. The the there are four incidents where shuffle Southern, is narrated

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to have occurred. One is with Halle Masada. The second one reported is when the visa lottery system was 10 years of age. The third one that I had to see I'd have reported is before the prophets of Allah hadI was Saddam received his first revelation and the fourth one which is actually

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So he NARRATION The fourth one is right before the sort of loss of Allah who it was sort of departed on the journey of Illustra with mirage. So this happened more than once. From our recent times, among the scholars who held the position that this was something man we, as a position attributed to and actually stated by Sheikh Mohammed Al Ghazali, in his book fickle Syrah, and I always have to say this Sheikh Mohammed them because Ali is very different. He is a different human being from Abu Hamid Al Ghazali. Imam Abu Hamid Al Ghazali, is a classical scholar. He is the author of the Luma Deen Mohammed Al Ghazali is a different person, Imam Ghazali did not go to Oxford, Mohammed Al

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Ghazali. Did Muhammad Al Ghazali wrote an English Imam Muhammad Ali did not write in

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he did not write in English. Okay. These are two different people. Check Muhammad Ali is quite an intelligence scholar and his some of his writings very beautiful. One of his books that I enjoy very much and we actually read it with the sisters in our Saturday Holocaust when we're doing tafsir is his

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his the receipt of the Quran. He has a one volume of serum although it's a

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it's a topical, the seat of the Quran very beautiful. It's one volume and very good English senator. It's an original work of his. But even then there you can see chef Muhammad Ali has some ideas that seem to be more modern. For example, He denies the

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uplifting of Satan or a Saudi salaam into the heavens. He says this actually did not happen even though it goes against not only the interpretation of the setup, but it's in the Quran as well. Allah azza wa jal says Bal Rafa Allahu La so in this muscle as well. He says that the prophets that Allahu Allah He was Saddam did not experience a physical splitting of the chest. He equates it to the eye of the Quran, Allah Masha, Allah Allah Castlerock where there is a law that says Did we not open your chest and open your breasts for you do not so there most scholars interprets as they do not lift the burden from you. So he says that's mine and we that's not physical. So therefore this

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is similar to that. And then he says it also the loss of Allah who it was said, spoken majaz and there are many examples of this majaz meaning not literal, proximal loaded some spoken majaz he cites the dy of Aisha Radi Allahu anha. And above that as well and maybe sort of Lourdes and Kootenay Rasulullah Jana Sr. obika. Lucan, Cara Atwell Hakuna Jaedyn

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The reason a lot is they asked him a messenger of Allah who will be the first of us your wives to join you after you depart this dunya so it'd be said a lot of them said the one with the longest arm. So then I show the aloneness as we begin to measure our arms for college so that to add value when they are done. So that are the Allah Juana actually had the longest reach.

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However, later on, we found out that it wasn't the length of the Prophet was speaking about in the visa cinema speaking about charity, those that give the most, because then it was the level of the Allahu anha woman Moroccan, who actually passed away first from the wives a little sort of lesson lesson. So he uses this as an argument. However, as I mentioned, the position of the Jim who Jim Buddhadharma, from Southern Calif, from the earlier scholars, and the latter, is that this incident in reality of Chicago southern was from the miracles of Rasulullah, sallAllahu. It was a minute it Hoss thought, it Hoss refers to a miracle that occurs with a prophet prior to prophethood. Not to be

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confused with Marchesa, more desires a miracle that occurs after revelation, any revenue any miracle that occurs prior to Revelation is referred to as it hos it hos. And then after Revelation, we call it Marchesa. Without further Allah, He Manisha will Allah who will further allow the Halima sadiya and her husband

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decided that it was wise for them to take the child back to the mother. What if something's wrong? What if the child needs help? We are better when people we know how to nurse the child. We know how to take care of our animals, we can do the basics of life but something sophisticated like this, if you we need physicians, if we need doctors, we're not equipped for this. We need to take the child back. So then they arrive back to Makkah Makara and Halima Saudia, she presents the child back to the mother. I'm in a says that what's going on here? Just a few months back, you are begging me to take him back and now you are insisting that I should keep him. So then she says, No, everything's

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good. He's healthy. Now. I was worried about his health. He looks good.

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Time's up. I don't want him being away from his mother. That's not a fair thing to sound a good idea that he spends extra time away from his mother.

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So then Amina says to her levy I'll cover

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told me the chat told me the truth.

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And I'm gonna keep insisting. Until Halima honey Masada then spoke the truth, that this is actually what happened.

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So at that point, I'm in I took her child, but I sort of lost that Allah Juana he was in brought the child and close to her and said, Kalla Walla Wallahi malice shaytaan Jana human severe, no shaytaan will ever be able to touch my baby.

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We're in the ebony le Szenen. Allah subhanho wa Taala has made my child special.

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Should I tell you why? Halima sadiya says, Sure.

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I'm in a response, that when I was pregnant with him, I saw a light emitting from me

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was so special. It was so strong

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that it brought light to the the palaces of Basra

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in the land of Sham

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and then when I gave birth to him,

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he exited my womb. Nuts at a while the Ania there he on earth. He placed his hands on the ground, or off yarn rocks the whole summer with his head elevated to the heavens.

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In one narration, maybe I'll send him after he was born, he placed his hands on the ground and put his forehead on the ground and then lifted his heaven heavens. He started his time in the dunya with a small miniature such a tiny such that for our tiny baby. Then he raised his head like this to the heavens, and in one or two I have no cathedral with Allah Yanni. There was a light that spread everywhere. In one narration. The wet nurse says that when Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was born

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she says I saw the stars come close to the house.

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Later on the prophets of Allah he was telling explained that these were actually the Monica that came for this special moment

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you know that that was a Pakistani nothing. Oh God, they just now I'm with the Rasul Allah He Allah, the famous

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poem they sing in the Pakistani culture was make sharing. He says, there's one line in there that's so beautiful, he says, J Mustafa jaboticaba, the gerrae Mustafa jaboticaba joke Tara or Chandra Sharma

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to had a Mustafa jib the car the HYAH joke great Origin The Sharma

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that when the face of Rasulullah sallallahu Anil cinemas infield for the first time the stars bowed down and the moon was shot show its beauty, then I have to resign now. Think my time of being the most beautiful that poets have spoken up? It's come to an end we're done. Time to throw the towel in.

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Took the audit John the shadow mark

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I'm in BB sub, say again. Nilai do a Hobey Kabu lion

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that I'm going to begin to tell everyone around her that Allah accepted my prayers Alexa to my prayers. Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was gifted

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now honey, Masada then returns back home.

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After she heads back.

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She returns back to meet Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. How many times did she meet? Rasulullah sallallahu. It was sort of after that day.

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Well, there are different narrations. There's wondering why that Imam Sahelian Eretz. And also, you can find it even Assad narrates to that one time she visited and abuse it a long while he was sort of after the Prophet married Khadija the Allah Juana. She said O Messenger of Allah that we are struggling with a severe drought.

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And so were her people. So

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then Khadija, the Allahu Ana, she was a wealthy person. Fall fall taught her as she Rena rots and min Lana minhwa Karate, she gives him sheep and goats to Halima sadiya and sent her back as an aid for herself and her people. And then there's the secondary via

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that Imam Holla Holla Holla near it's in his

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Other we'll move right? In without also narrates this evening Hi Barbara. Lee narrates this as well. From about to fail. Or at Navia said Allahu Allah He was Salam yatse Mu llaman Binjiang Aruna that outside welcome and karma Rasulullah sallallahu sallam was distributing some meat. Well Anna Yama even when I'm on and I was a young child at the time I'm in no other world but for awkward immoral attune by the way.

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And while the results that I was giving the meat and some of us are carrying it back, a better one lady approached we haven't seen her before. phenomena that mean the visa Allahu Allah was sitting when she came close to the Prophet of Allah.

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Basalt Allah hottie dal su De La said Allah some stood up and put his garment on the ground for Jurassic la he and she sat on it. And she was close to the sort of loss at Allah Allah He was cinnamon they spoke and they spoke for some time when she got up to leave for ultimate had he able to fail that I asked who was this lady never seen her before and are sort of lost a lot of sort of honor her like this, all Mulethi or that. They said this was her mother Halima sadiya, who nursed Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when he was very young.

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Similarly, from her from her children, her daughter Judah mama, or in one pronounciation Judah Amma.

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She also interacted with Rasulullah sallallahu ani he was

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maybe Salah who it was salam had sent some soldiers who attacked the people of Hawaii Five on the map you saw earlier that it's not too far from five and I'm sad

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so they captured some prisoners.

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When the prisoners were present, total Sula said Allahu Allah He was

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one of them she said, an oath to Saudi become.

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I am the sister of your leader. Rasulullah sallallahu it was.

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The companion said the Prophet didn't have any brother or sister. What do you want about

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Philomel Kadima, Allah rasool Allah call it er Mohammed, and

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she came to the sort of loss and Allahu alayhi wa sallam and she said, O Messenger of Allah. I am your sister.

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And wondering why the Prophet said a lot. It's a week already why? The Prophet asked her what is your proof?

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So then, in one narration, she began to sing poetry. The Prophet remembered her for her poetry because she was seeing a lot of poetry even when she was young.

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Maybe it's all said and recognized her. The lines were similar. And in one narration, she said that one day I was carrying you, and you beat me on my shoulder.

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I have the mark of that till today.

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So it was sort of lost that Allah Juana he was in for a hobby. He welcomed her in well basada who he had her sit next to him on his sheet. Well, adolescent Holly, what am I now who and the two of them sat together crying?

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We'll call it a sort of loss of Aloha, they will suddenly be assaulted and set up the team in the that why don't if you'd like why don't you stay with me?

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You will be honored and beloved.

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But if you want you can head back to your people. Where you are from on Algeria. Illa comi. She said, I will hand back to my people for us limit and she accepted Islam. Well, I thought her Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam ferrata Abu jatiya maybe sort of La Mata he was Saddam gave her three slaves and a maiden and some animals back and sent her home. This is why is narrated by Ebola and also by Ignacio Taiba.

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Now regarding Halima Saudia,

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did she

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become Muslim or not?

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Do we say after her name or the Allahu anha are not

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a large group of Maha detune

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argue adamantly that she was a sabia

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and that is the more correct position.

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And not only do they argue she was as habia they actually quote some narrations like for example, the story of the whole story that she narrates about her nursing Rasul Allah said a lot isn't the quote these narrations look she narrated. This is why she narrated this way, why she narrated this dua.

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So you'll find the scholars have modified the Sahaba the Bagrat, the scholars who specialize in biographical works of the companions.

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They do list her name there.

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Even today, when I was preparing, I opened up a window in Windows for honeys Mati for the sahaba. And he lists her there too, and he writes after her name, or the EULA Juana and there's a law

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long list of scholars who are of the opinion that Halima sadiya was a she did accept Islam.

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As for where she is buried, there are three opinions. One position is that she's very somewhere in bustle. This seems to be a very far fetched position. The second position is it's commonly known as that she is buried in Bahia. This is also a questionable position, because there's no report of her relocating to Madina, Munawwara the more appropriate position is that somewhere in your her tribe,

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I believe I told you that the police's name was

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may sound Did you find it on Google Maps? Was it there? Yeah, a place called Mason. One of the reasons others was a researcher. He actually wrote a makalah on this. And he because he was trying to refute the claim that honey Masada is buried in Brooklyn. And while researching this issue further, he came to the conclusion that it was outside of her tribe not too far away, where there's a famous classical historical graveyard. She is buried there. May Allah subhanahu McDonogh elevate her McCollum as for her exact date of death, it is unknown.

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However her legacy continues, her legacy is found in the works of every Cedarbrook. And what is her legacy, to trust the orphan to not turn away from someone that seems to be disadvantaged, and how a few turn to those that are in need. Allah subhana wa Tada will take care of your needs. And on that note, one advice I give to all of you. And this is something that each of you can act on. If you can't act on this, let us know that we should be giving us a cut,

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provide for an orphan every day.

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Take out some money and give it to a cause where an orphan can be provided for

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these days, you can feed an orphan for a whole day $3

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I've seen flyers for $3 You could feed an orphan for a whole day. Is that right? When $3 Is it correct?

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Hawaiians are a fundraiser back there. You know the numbers. So $3 a day What is that $1,000 A year, just give or take. That's nothing and $100,000 in a whole year. And even if you don't have money, you should go and get a job and work and wash cars just for that $1,000 So you can get the budget of it. For as long as you keep providing for others Allah will take care of you.

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One of my teachers once said, You should never eat a meal at home without ensuring that somewhere else in the world and orphan is eating with you.

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People ask what can I do? This is what you can do. How do I think Allah for all the food in my freezer in my pantry? And for all the food in my fridge this now you think Allah you go to him and give him $1,000 But here's $1,000 Go and give it to the orphans in the world. To any charity doesn't matter. So many of them 100 out there that have these amazing causes, go and provide for the orphans and take care of them. May Allah azza wa jal accept from assault and granite still feel? Well, second, Allahu Taala and I see them Hamid Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh