Yasir Qadhi – The Role of Hawa (AS)Eve in eating from the Forbidden Tree

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary © The conversation discusses the history and importance of the biblical concept of Eve being the primary god and the role of Hawa in Eve's story. The Bible suggests that Eve was punished by the god's wife, and that the god's wife was responsible for causing suffering. The discussion also touches on the use of "has" in the Bible and the potential confusion surrounding "has." The segment provides examples of famous narratives and their origins, including a conversation between a woman and a man about a woman who did not advise her husband, and a woman who did not advise her husband about a relationship with a woman. The importance of the Prophet system is emphasized, and the need for a more accurate understanding of the notion of betrayal is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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set on while they come Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh horrid hamdulillah Haytham Alhamdulillah Haitham Al Hamdulillah. We began by praising Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, the One and the unique, he it is alone whom we worship, and it is his aid that we seek. He revealed the Quran to our Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he taught them how to speak as to what follows we begin today in sha Allah a new topic within our Stories of the Prophets within the story of a Prophet Adam, Allah His Salam, and today's entire lecture will be dedicated to the alleged role of our mother Hawa May Allah azza wa jal send her sons, his Sadat and send them upon her, and what hasn't been mentioned

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about the role of Hawa when it comes to this issue of disobedience, this issue of eating from the tree, now the Quran, the Quran, is actually very, very explicit in this regard, in that our mother how war is never singled out and no blame is put on her directly. Any time the blame is put it is put on the both of them for worse, wasa Lahoma, a Shavon Shavon whispered to the both of them for a gala minha the both of them ate from the tree, all Rob BANA of alumna and fusina. They said both Adam and Hawa we have wronged ourselves, we'll call a semi Huma shaytaan deluded the both of them Fidella Huma shaytaan caused the both of them to slip, Allah says LM and her coma didn't I stop the

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both of you from eating from this tree? What upper left coma and I said to the both of you that you should not eat from this tree. So the Quran has no concept of how we're taking an extra blame from them. In fact, if anything, it is the opposite because even though the default of the Quran is to mention the both of them together, sometimes Allah azza wa jal singles out our father Adam. Hence it is as if we get from the Quran that our father Adam has the lion's share or the bigger share of responsibility. And the most explicit verses of course, we will call her Wow saw demo robber who fell over them disobeyed his Lord and went astray. Then Allah chose him and accepted his repentance

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and guided him again. It is very, very clear from the Quranic parrot paradigm, the Quranic narrative that our family has salaam appears to have a larger share of responsibility. And this is what many scholars have sealed concluded as well. The great Mufasa the alarm, even assured in his utter headin within will, he writes that the money his Salam was the one who acted upon the worst was out of shape on and ate from the tree and how wha ate with him, and Shavon primarily attempted to seduce them, even though he wanted both Adam and how to eat because he knew that the woman typically follows her husband and it is in the nature of a woman to follow her husband. And that is why Allah

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says wow saw dimora who even though he said this is all even actual even to Allah says for Akella minha the both of them eight even and then Allah azza wa jal singles out Adam and so Adam was the one who will harder for to know He Allah He to Allah yeah who he was the one who disobeyed the commandment of Allah subhanho wa taala. And the both of them then ate from the tree and Hawa followed the example of her husband, Adam Hawa followed the example of Adam. And so when Adam ate Hawa followed, and this is in accordance with what Allah says in the Quran, or you who believe speaking to the men, protect yourselves and your families from the punishment of Allah from the fire

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of *, and quote, and we also of course, in the famous Hadith, well known mutawatir Hadith, that when moose and Adam met in the animal Barraza, and Musa says to Adam, are you the one who ate from the tree? And are you the one who exited who causes us to be expelled from Jana? And Adam does not say actually, no, it wasn't me. It was my wife, your mother. How

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What No, he doesn't say that he takes responsibility. And then of course, the issue of mother comes up. So the Quran and the water water sunnah seems to indicate that

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our father Adam, if anybody had a greater show, now there is one tradition, we're going to come to it. Now, we're going to come to so be patient we're going to come into at the end of today, or in the middle of today's lecture. Contrast this with the biblical narrative with the Old Testament and the New Testament, the role of Hawa of Eve becomes crucial, The story centers around her she becomes the primary culprit. In fact, it is as if Adam is a, you know, bachata miskeen. He's like a poor person who has no blame he's exonerated, and the bulk of the curse and the bulk of the anger goes upon Hawa. This is one of the fundamental differences between the biblical paradigm and between the

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Quranic paradigm, I refer you to Genesis chapter three verses one to 16. And I'm going to read these because this is a very important section. And of course, as we said, this is a meandering lecture Alhamdulillah, no limits and ends and I go wherever I want to go, in terms of content and tangents and what not. And I wanted to contrast the story of how of Eve in the Bible versus the Quran and then mentioned some things at the end. So the Bible says, Genesis chapter three, now the serpent serpent was more crafty than any other beast of the field that the Lord God had made. He said to the woman, Did God actually say you shall not eat of any tree in the garden. And the woman said to the

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serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees in the garden, but God has said, you shall not eat of the fruit of the tree that is in the midst of the garden, nor shall you touch it, lest you shall die. But the serpent said to the woman, You shall not die shortly You shall not die, For God knows that when you eat a bit, your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God and knowing good and evil pause here, remember, the Christian or the biblical notion was that the tree gave them knowledge. And the Quranic notion is that is that the tree was alleged to give them eternal life. There's a contrast here, and we mentioned about how the church use that move on to the back to the

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Genesis now. So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that was a delight for to the eyes, and that the tree was to be desired to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate, and she also gave some to her husband who was with her, and he ate and quote, how many times the woman did the woman did, the woman did. shaytaan seduces the woman, the woman is the one who begins the eating, the woman is the one who convinces her husband, the woman is the one who hands the apple to Adam, the entire blame is on Eve. So the image of Eve as the temptress as the seductress has been, resulted in an extremely negative stereotype throughout most of Judeo Christian tradition. And in

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fact, because of this, all women were believed to have inherited from their mother, the biblical Eve, the guilt and also the seduction, the temptress so they're both guilty, and they're also evil because they can seduce Consequently, there was this notion that women were all untrustworthy, they were morally inferior, they were wicked. And in fact, quite explicitly, as we will mention, according to the Old Testament, God punished not just Eve but the daughters of Eve, God punished all women because of the sin of Eve. And he punished them by menstruation, by pregnancy by childbearing, and by many more things, this was a punishment for the eternal guilt of the cursed female because of

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what she had done to seduce her husband. It has Salam. And we can examine and look at this motif throughout the biblical literature. The Old Testament for example, has in the chapter of or in the book of Ecclesiastes chapter seven verses 26 to 28. This this verse here, that I find more bitter than death, the woman who is a snare, whose heart is a trap, and whose hands are chained, the man who pleases God will escape her, but the sinner she will ensnare while I was still searching, but not finding, I found one upright man amongst 1000, but not one upright woman amongst them all and quote, and then another part of the Hebrew Bible, which is found in the Catholic version of the Old

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Testament, again, Ecclesiastes chapter 25. No wickedness comes anywhere near the wickedness of woman sin began with a woman and thanks to her, we must all die, end quote. So the sin began with a woman she is the one who is guilty and the entire

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I your race of mankind is cursed because of her because of her, we are all going to die. This is what the Old Testament says. And because of this, in the biblical commentaries, the, the, the the Talmudic literature and the commentaries on the, the Old Testament and the Mishnah, you'll find a lot of references to the negative nature of women. And you have in the Babylonian Talmud, in the tract known as Eruvin 100, we find that Rabbi Isaac Ben aadmi states, Eve was cursed with 10 curses, and then he lists them all unto women, God said that, I will greatly multiply which refers to the drops of blood, menstruation and the drop of blood of virginity, meaning that her virginity is a

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mark of chastity on her, and when she loses it according to this track them. Speaking of this tract here, that it will be a mark of basically, you know, dishonor in some ways, if he does it in an illegitimate manner, the pain of bringing up children, and the pain of conception, and the pain of giving birth. So he mentioned three different pains here. And he says that the verse in the Bible that you shall be, that thigh desire shall be to your husband teaches that a woman yearns for her husband when he is about to set out on a journey, meaning that the woman is attached to the husband more than vice versa. Again, I'm just quoting you with the rabbi says Don't, don't take this as my

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statements here, and that he shall rule over the teachers that a wife solicits the husband, in order to engage not the other way around, and her hair is wrapped up like a mortar. She is banished from the company of men, she may only be married to one man at a time, and she is confined to house like a prison and quote, this was a quick run over of 10 curses that God gave to women. According to this ancient Rabbi that is found in the Babylonian Talmud, the point being that the notion of woman being evil and the source of evil and a seductress and a temptress, it has permeated throughout much of Judeo Christian culture. And this second class notion of women, it comes from this notion of Eve,

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having tempted Adam, and the entire legacy of mankind begins with this. And to this day, a segment of the Jewish people in particular, the Orthodox, they begin their prayers in the mornings, they have a morning prayer. And if you are a man, you begin by saying this, that to bless it be God, King of the universe, that Thau has not made me a woman, bless it be God, because I'm not a woman, thank God, I'm not a woman. And the woman is told to say that thank God for making me according to your will, simple as that it's not my fault you made me in this manner. And another prayer that is found in many Jewish prayer books that praise be to God, he has not created me a Gentile, praise be to God

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he has not created me a woman, praise be to God he has not created me a fool. So and quote, so this notion of woman being inferior. Now, if you look at the Quran and Sunnah there is no equivalent, no man is told, thank Allah, that you're not a woman, as if being a woman is evil. Allah says in the Quran, that he is the one who decides who gets boys who gets girls, and he gives boys and girls to whomever he pleases. Allah criticizes the Quran in the Quran for thinking that boys are superior to girls. So look at this whole difference between the Quranic paradigm and the biblical paradigm. And by the way, just for the, for the record, to be very clear, these Jewish prayers are only set by a

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segment of them the Orthodox and segues for some segments, they are not held by the conservative and the reformed, we are not trying to paint the entire religion in this manner. But it is true to state that large groups, especially in pre modern times of Jews, and Christians, they felt that women overall were second class to men, and that they weren't as noble as men. And that is not our belief. I recently gave a hold book, you will find it online gender roles in Islam, please listen to that men and women are equal in terms of their nobility. Yes, they have different tasks and responsibilities that has nothing to do with their nobility. They are equally human, and they're

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equally dignified, and they're equally accessing their ways to Jannah. Allah did not prefer one gender over the other. But this is not the notion of many theologians of other faith traditions, and frankly, sometimes even our own three tradition has failed to live up to its own understanding. So the point is that the biblical Eve, the biblical Hawa, has played a far bigger role in this notion of seducing Adam and in causing the downfall and this has given rise to a version of gender inequality in Judaism and Christianity.

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That's we find in both amongst some Jewish rabbis and amongst many church fathers, many of the Church Fathers of the New Testament of Christianity, they felt that Eve was the cause of the fault of all humanity. And therefore, her daughters were sin, sinners like their mother. So St. Paul, for example, who is really one of the main founders of your life. He has founded this modern notion of Christianity for more than Jesus Christ Himself did. St. Paul says in the New Testament, in one Timothy, chapter two verses 11 to 14, St. Paul writes, a woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man she must be silent, For

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Adam was for was formed first, and then Eve. And Adam was not the one who deceived. It was the woman who was deceived, and she became a sinner and quote, so St. Paul, the real founder of the Trinity and the concept of redemption, redemption and the abolishment of the law. St. Paul is the one who says, Woman was the one who seduced Adam, that's where sin begins. And she is the source of evil, another early church father, Saint Tertullian, he says, And he writes it in one of his treatises, and he's one of the most respected of the first generation of church fathers. Do you not know that? Each of you he's speaking to women, he's speaking to women? Do you know he's writing to women? Do

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you not know that each of you are an Eve, the sentence of God on this * of yours lives in this age, the guilt must of necessity live too. You are the devil's gateway. You are the unsealed er of the forbidden tree. You are the first deserter of the Divine Law. You are she who persuaded him whom the devil was not courageous enough to attack meaning you're the one who seduced Adam shaytaan couldn't do it. You destroyed so easily God's image man, on account of your desertion, even the Son of God had to die and quote, so Saint Tertullian minces no words about his view of the role of women. You are the devil's gateway, you are the unsealing of the forbidden tree. shaytaan couldn't

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attack Adam, he used you to attack Adam, this is St. Tertullian. St. Augustine, who is without a doubt the most famous and respected of the Church Fathers of early Christianity, and his confession is

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an amazing testament to be honest of

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his own version of piety. By the way, these people

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there is no problem in in saying that before because they were pre pre Islam, we leave the refer to Allah subhanho wa taala. We don't have to say anything. You know about their fate, we leave the refer to Allah. These people were trying to be righteous in a time when there was no prophethood of our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and they inherited a corrupted version of Christianity. And Allah azza wa jal talks about their fate and the last verses of Surah Telma Ada, that those who are righteous and sincere that it is possible Allah might forgive them. And I have read the confessions of St. Augustine, and it is truly a very spiritual and moving book if you are studying early

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Christianity. And so that's why I mean, just because we disagree with this notion here. And, and whatnot, we are not saying that everything about them is necessarily evil, no doubt they had many mistakes, and this is one of them. St. Augustine writes that, what is the difference whether it is in a wife or a mother, it is still Eve the temptress that we must be aware of in any woman, I fail to see what use woman can be to man, if one excludes the function of bearing children, and quote Subhanallah there is no use there's no fat either. Women are no fat either except as bearers of children. What benefits us a seductress is that temptress we must be aware of a wife or a mother or

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a sister doesn't matter. He's saying what difference is it make about whether he she is a sister, a wife, she is the temptress that's the one who seduced all of mankind, and then the greatest theologian of medieval Christianity. So St. Augustine is the greatest early Christianity and St. Thomas Aquinas is the greatest of medieval Christianity. St. Thomas Aquinas writing 1000 years after St. Augustine, not 1000. How much 800 years after St. Augustine, St. Thomas Aquinas. He writes, that as regards the individual nature, woman is defective and misbegotten. For the active force in the male sea tends to produce the perfection the perfect likeness of the masculine while the production

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of woman comes from a defect in the act of force or

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From material indisposition or even from some external influence, and the same goes for so many other Christian theologians, including Martin Luther, the founder of Protestant Christianity, that once again the notion of Eve being the seductress trance, you permeates throughout their writings again and again in the Jewish Mishnah and Talmud ik literature, and in Christian Church Fathers and theologians, women are denigrated, because of the image of Eve, the image of the temptress, the image of the one whom even shaytaan had to use to get to our father, Adam, as I said, the Quran could not be more different. And I really wanted to make this point in today's lecture, you really

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have to appreciate and we thank Allah, we have such a different version of this biblical story. And we should not therefore have any problem in saying or any issue and saying that the Testament or the New Old or New Testaments version of the story of Adam and how it His name is set up, really is a corruption of the original story where the Quran does not lay blame to Adam at sorry to her at all, individually. Never is the our mother who was singled out. If anything, they are both guilty equally. And if anything, the mighty hustler takes the lion's responsibility. That is the Quranic narrative. Now, is there any other evidence to suggest that how it has Scylla might have played a

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There is, and there's two main evidences for this in our own literature. The first of them is very easily dismissed. And this is a number of reports from early Morpha. Soon not from the prophets of Allah Allah who was not even attributed to him from early more fussy rune, such as Qatada such as even even above such as others, who are well known to take from the surah in the yard. Now if you go back to one of my previous lectures, I went over in some detail the notion of early authorities taking from Israeli or taking from the Judeo Christian lore, I have just quoted you 15, not 50, maybe a dozen quotations from the older New Testament and from rabbis and church fathers, it is very

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clear what the Israelis say. And perhaps the Sahaba and the tab your own had access to Israeli yet that we do not have access to anymore because again, the compilation of Australia there's a whole story altogether. The point being the Quran is very clear in this regard. Israeli it is very clear, Judeo Christian sources very clear. Now it is it should come as no surprise that those Tabby rune and yes, even the few Sahaba, who believed it to be permissible to take from the Iliad, have the same notion found amongst them. And I will quote you perhaps the most famous narration reported an authority and an old sword and how comes muster that I can be helped to show and others from

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slightly diminished debate from Ibn Abbas Radi Allahu Allah. And that had been Abbas said, No, this is an ibis, saying this is an ibis is just telling his students this right. Ibn Abbas said, When Adam ate from the tree that he was forbidden from Allah said to him, why did you disobey me? Them said, how wa seduced me. How wa made it a plea of appeasing to me.

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So Allah said, I shall then punish her, that she shall only give birth in pain. And sorry, she shall only carry the baby in pain and give birth in pain and bleed monthly, meaning the cycle. When Huwa heard this, she cried out in anger and frustration and whatnot. And Allah said to her, and your lot, your your Jani fate is going to be to constantly cry you and your daughters after you end quote. Now, we need to be very clear here people and again, may Allah and you protect us some people that are just so ultra sensitive and not very erudite or academic or open minded. They don't understand. We explained. Ibn Abbas Radi Allahu Taala and how can we ever be frustrated irritated him he's a

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greatest scholar amongst the latest Sahaba he's a cousin of the prophets of Allah or Alec was salam, Robbie Allahu taala. And we receive love and respect him, but we have to understand one simple point. He felt that it is completely permissible to narrate Surah Aliette and this is something everybody knows, by the way, just because some of our younger viewers who are overzealous and wanting to consider everybody to be a deviant don't know this that's upon them. Every scholar of his

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Islam who studies tafsir knows this right? When we point this out, there is no disrespect for even IBISWorld the Allahu and he had a methodology that methodology was I'm allowed to take from Judeo Christian sources, okay? If we understand that methodology. Now we come across something that is from Ibn Abbas Radi Allahu Allah or his students who took from Ibn Abbas right. So you had Qatada. You had Mujahid you had, you know, say they've been Juba and others over the next years. And all of them are in the same mindset and philosophy that it is okay to take from Judeo Christian sources, and I quote it even Khaldoun, the great Allama, the great intellectual thinker from from Underoos,

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who said that many of the Sahaba and Toblerone, they felt that the Jewish law was an encyclopedia of knowledge. And the Arabs did not have any knowledge at the before Islam. So because the Jewish people had knowledge and the Arabs had no knowledge at the time, the first generation felt that any knowledge from the Jewish civilization would be good and legitimate because there was nothing to contrast to right. And so they felt it to be completely permissible and okay. And they interpreted some a hadith of the process of in this regard. And I went over those ahaadeeth as well had the two administrator well 100 I went over them in a previous lecture. So the fact that even Abbas says

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this, and it is found in tuxedo 30. So what we respect and love even Abbas budget is not something we must believe in, on the contrary, because it goes against the Quran and it appears to be in complete sync in harmony with the Bible. We should reject such narrations as being divine or authentic. Now, did it even Abbas said yes, he must have said it. It doesn't mean it is from Allah subhana wa Tada. That's the key point here that the Sahaba are allowed to hold opinions and their opinions are respected, but they're not binding on the rest of us. And that's the point here and the same goes for so many other narrations that we find from the early scholars who took from the

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Israeli Iliad. So, once again, if you look at this group of great erudite, some of the Sahaba and many of the Taberner Winterbottom Varun, they are quoting this notion of Eve as the seductress Eve as the temptress Eve as the one who told Adam to eat and I say all such narrations, we simply point out with utmost respect to those who said them, they are not coming from ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada from the Quran. They are coming from Israel in the yard, and we should not have anything to do with them. Because it clashes it's not neutral. Our Prophet solicit and basically allowed us to narrate from the Bani Israel when it's neutral when it has no when it doesn't go against the Quran. And I follow

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this methodology. And I myself will sometimes be quoting you something from Israeli and I'll tell you this is from the Israeli yard. But when something from the Israeli yet causes this type of gender tension, when it when it when it denigrates an entire gender. And it brings about this notion of women being inferior, and women being the seductress and women being the temptress, well, then we have to put our foot down and say no, the Quran doesn't tell us this, if anything, our father Adam is more responsible, because Allah said so while saw the Mora who fell Hawa. So all of these reports that are found in the books of tafsir we are they are there. We respect those who said them, but we

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simply say they are not a part of the tradition that we are obliged to follow. Okay.

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There is no one text that will bring about more issues. And that text is not narrative or even a bass. It is not attributed to Qatada or Mujahid, or say they've been Jubail? No, this text is attributed to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and it is an indirect reference to the tempting of Hawa to our father, Adam, and this is where we get to the notion or this this the issue of did our mother halwa tempt them or not from our tradition. As we explained the Quran and the clearly mutter water sunnah does not have this but there is one Hadith that is found in the authentic books body and Muslim. And it is reported by Abu Hurayrah probably Allahu taala. That he

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says that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Lola Hawa were it not for Hawa, no woman would ever betray to hon her husband, and were it not for the children of Israel, no meat would ever spoil and of Hadith. Now, this hadith is is not wise, authentic, and it is reported in Bukhari and Muslim which is the highest level of authenticity.

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But it has two facts in it, both of which have given our early commentators

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offers much food for thought. And much cause to pause and ruminate and pontificate and try to figure out what do these Hadith mean, were it not for how wa no woman would ever betray her husband? And were it not for the children of Israel, no meat would ever spoil. Now, as for the notion of Hawa, betraying her husband and whatnot, I have already explained, I mean, I've already shown you for a meaning that this notion is clearly found in the Old Testament and the New Testament right? Now, whether the person said or not, we're going to come to this point here. As for the second phrase, were it not for the children of Israel, no meat would spoil. This is also a motif that is found in

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the Old Testament, the phrase that meat would not spoil had not been for the children of Israel. It has caused a lot of discussion amongst early scholars, because what exactly does that mean? I mean, one interpretation is that before the time of the children of Israel, basically, the children Israel lived 3000 years ago, right? So if one were to understand one interpretation of this hadith 4000 5000 10,000 years ago, meat would not spoil if you left it outside. That is one interpretation that one may derive from this hadith. But even our early scholars found this interpretation.

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No, not appropriate. Meat would not spoil if left out in the air, and it was the children of Israel that caused me to spoil. And

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this has mentioned that Qatar and others said that the Bani Israel were the first to store meat. And because they stored meat, they learned that it became rotten, meaning according to this interpretation, it's not that meat did not spoil before bananas rotten, it is that nobody stored meat, they just left it and walked away, or they didn't store it or whatever. So they didn't know that it became rotten. And the bunny started with the first to try to preserve it and make it dry and keep it and so they learned that it becomes rotten, and others have other interpretations, some of which are even more far fetched than the other. But clearly, this phrase has raised a lot of

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eyebrows, even in our early scholars had been Hajra has a paragraph trying to find different interpretations of what exactly this hadith means. And he simply Neris a number of opinions and then moves on. But it's quite interesting to note that this same notion of meat spoiling because it has been left out. It is exactly found in the Old Testament, in Exodus chapter 16. I quote you, verses 14 onwards, and this is when the children of Israel were wandering in the in the valleys and there were there were wandering in the Exodus and when they were expelled and there was still 140 years.

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The Bible says, when the deal was gone, thin flakes like frost on the ground appeared on the desert floor. When the Israelites saw it. They said to each other, what is it for they did not know what it was, Moses said to them. It is the bread the Lord has given you to eat. This is what the Lord has commanded every one of us to gather as much as they need. Take on Omar as a unit for each person you have in your tent. The Israelites did as they were told, some gathers more some gathered less. And when they measured it by the Omar the unit, the one who gathered much did not have too much. And the one who gathered little did not have too little everyone had gathered just as much as they needed a

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miracle happened. Then Moses said to them, no one is to keep any of it until the morning, finish it up. You're not going to you have to put your trust in Allah. The next morning, you'll get another batch do not store the meat. However, some of them paid no attention to Moses. They kept a part of it until the morning, but it was full of maggots and begin to smell. So Moses was angry with them. And then the passage goes on. This was the first time meat became rotten, became full of maggots and began to smell because they disobeyed their Lord and they kept this man and Salwa. They kept this meat when the Moses forbade them to keep meat. Now, it is interesting to note that this hadith in

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Bukhari and Muslim Narrated by Abu Hurayrah, the first phrase of it has Hawa betraying Adam, and the second phrase has the Bani Israel causing the meat to go rotten. And both of these motifs again this is I'm just saying factually, are clearly found in the Old Testament. So the issue then comes

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do we accept this narration or not? The vast

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majority of our scholars did. And the reason is because this is an authentic hadith with authentic isnaad Back to Abu Huraira the Allah one and abora is saying the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, another group of scholars from Sunni Islam. They said that Abu Hurayrah Radi Allahu Allah, Allah can sometimes his students mixed up. And as we said in a previous lecture, go back to that lecture, even Mr. Muslim, the famous student of Behati and the great Adam and the great scholar of Hadith in his guitar with to Muse which is one of the books that he wrote. He mentioned that people would see that Abu Huraira has narrations sometimes, gabble bars narrations got mixed up with them,

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and gabble bar was the rabbi, the son of the rabbi, the grandson of the rabbi, his whole family was rabbis. And Cabot bar was the senior most Rabbi convert in the time of the Sahaba slash Tabby rune. And he would narrate to Abu Hurayrah, our heroes, his price student, and he said famously, that none of my students knows the Bible, without learning Hebrew, then Abu Huraira because he had narrated the Bible the Old Testament to him. So a number of scholars have said that this hadith might actually not be a hadith, it's not from the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam this might be from the Austro Iliad this might be from that mix up that has happened, as so many scholars pointed out

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that in the narrations of warriors sometimes we find Gabbatha Boris effects and there is a legitimate mix up of potential contamination. Now, this leads us to a much larger topic which it's not the the primary topic that we're doing in this series, and this is a bit academic, but I want you to know what it is it is called mutton criticism. What is mutton mutton is the words of the Hadith and it's not is the chain that goes to the words so every single Hadith has an it's not an A mutton, the is not is so and so narrated from so and so narrative from so and so narrative from the sahabi narrated from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, this chain of narrators is called an

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isnaad. Right at the end of the isnaad is the famous Imam Al Bukhari Imam Muslim imam tell me the mama widowed or any of the 500 Plus authors who wrote books and treatises about Hadith and Sunnah the compilers, the original compiler is at the end of this nut on the other side of the isnaad you have the Sahaba who inherit from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam between the compiler and the sahabi This is the fool is not and so this is the is not the bulk of Hadith criticism, 95% of it deals with the snot

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is it authentic? Are the people trustworthy? Do they have good memories? Have they met one another? Is there any defect missing link? That's 95% of it. Generally speaking, the concept of criticizing the mutton the concept of saying okay, even if the Snark is authentic, is the mutton also authentic or not? Generally speaking, mainstream Sunni scholars were very, very hesitant to open this door. Why? Because they did not want to do what the other groups did, especially their counter part, which is the Morteza school the two main schools of early Islam were the Morteza Li and the Sunni. And from the mortar Zilla, you had many strands Twelver Shiism, and sadism and herbalism they took many

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of the notions of the mortal Zilla and they adopted them. And you had of course, soon ism as well. So Sunni Islam, generally speaking, and we are all I am we're all belonging to Sunni Islam. Generally speaking, they did not want to open the door of mutton criticism. Why? Because the more arteza were the exact opposite. They cared more about the mutton than they did about the isnaad. And they said of Hadith doesn't make sense, then we're not gonna accept it. But the problem comes if a hadith doesn't make sense, according to whom, and this is where the Sunnah Sunnis felt very uncomfortable with the Martha zili paradigm. They said, Who are we to reject with the Prophet

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sallallahu? I just send them might have said, if he said it, we must accept it. And that's a great premise to start from because exactly that is true. Like a worker is so different the Allahu and if he said it, it must be true. And so they generally speaking, I mean Sudanese did not want to open the door for mutton criticism. And generally speaking, no matter how, generally speaking, whatever the mutton was, they would accept it if the isnaad were authentic, unless they had to, and when did they have to? Well, generally speaking, again, being very generic, this is a crash course in a very advanced aspect of masala Hadith, which is beyond the scope of our lectures, but it is important

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that we understand this because again, the only we have to do

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As clarified that those people who did find this particular Hadith to be not authentic, they are applying legitimate Sunni principles even if you disagree with their conclusion. The methodology is not more diversity the more the methodology is Sunni to say that this hadith seems to contradict the Quran, and it seems to contradict each other a hadith and the narrator or the narrators are known to come from a contamination of Cabot bar ie the same source we know from so many instances and from Imam Muslims book and whatnot authentic narrations we know that Gabriella Boras statements sometimes creeped in and so what if this was one of them and we know this to be the case before anybody

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accuses or whatnot great scholars like your mama know we like even to me like imminent AHA em, they pointed out in another nourish not this one. By the way. abou Herrera has a narration in Sahih, Muslim, Abu Huraira Radi Allahu Allah and has an original Sahih Muslim. That is highly problematic for many scholars of Islam, as I said, even in no way and even to me, I don't know him, they all say this is from the Australia is not from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and that is an aberration in which it is alleged, it is alleged that you know, the prophets of salaam said Allah created the earth in six days. On Saturday, he created the mountains on Sunday, he created the

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oceans on Monday, he did this on Saturday. So he lists in this narration, something that is pretty much straight out of Genesis, it's literally you can call it you can see Genesis and this and it's very, very similar. And it goes against the Quran, and it goes against the seven days and it goes against what not. And so a lot of our Allama said this hadith is not from the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wasallam. It is from the Israeli yards. It is from Judeo Christian sources. Now, when they say this, nobody should accuse them of rejecting or will do anything that the Prophet system is saying, here's where we have to be again, we have to be more intellectual and academic. We have to

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calm down our emotions when somebody objects to a chain or a mutton. And they say the prophets have some did not say this and they find a weakness. This is not a rejection of the prophets of Allah who isn't it's a rejection of a statement being attributed to him. And the difference between the two is the difference between Eman and Cofer. I repeat, the difference between the two is the difference between Iman and Cofer. If somebody says, I don't care if the prophet system said it, I'm not going to accept it. That is Cofer. I repeat, if somebody rejects something they know came from the mouth of the prophet system this is called for. But if a scholar says no, no, this this this hadith, which

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is reported in this book, I don't think it came from the prophets of salaam because of such and such a reason. And because of this, I consider to be weak or Israeli yet, and I don't accept it. This is not cool for at all. You You could say he's wrong. You could say he's mistaken. You could say he's applied wrong principles you can disagree, but it is not crucial to find a hadith week because of the problem in the isnaad. That's the essence of Sunni Islam, or even a problem in the mutton if it is done properly. And I'll give you some examples so that you understand mutton criticism. While it is rare in mainstream Sunni Islam. It is found and it is done and it is a well known chapter in the

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books of Masada are the books of the sciences of Hadith. And there are many instances for example, the sahabi could have made an honest mistake and it is authentically narrated, he said something and he's attributing it to the past, but his memory is wrong. The classic example is the famous narration is Sahih Muslim, that even Abbas Allah the Allahu Taala and the great Ibn Abbas the same Ibn Abbas said that his Aunt May Munna it is his own holler Maimunah is his own aren't that the prophecy is a married Maimunah while he was in a haram while he was in Haram, do you know after you know the the Umbra when you go to the Haram before exiting the Haram according to this report that

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had been Abbas that the prophecies and married Maimunah while he was in a haram, the vast majority of scholars even told the isnaad is like the sun. They say even Abbas is wrong. Because the prophets Assam was not in Haram because Maimunah herself narrates that the processor married me when he got out of Iran. So you have a narration of a nephew. And you have a narration of the eyewitness and the one who actually was the one married Who are you going to accept this has nothing criticism. Okay. You have in Sahih Muslim? You know the process that he prayed the Eclipse prayer once in his lifetime right once in his lifetime he played the Eclipse prayer in Sahih Muslim with authentic is

00:44:55 --> 00:44:59

nods we have multiple narrations of how he prayed

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Multiple mutually exclusive, contradictory narrations. Some say he did two, some days, the three record sounds dated for record. And he only prayed at once. How could he have done three record or two record or four record in the same record? Clearly, something is not right and some of them and so our scholars have sifted through. And there are 50 books written about this. But the point is, this is where mutton criticism occurs. So, if somebody were to say, if somebody were to say that yes, this hadith is in body and Muslim, and yes, the default is that we acceptable haughty and Muslim, but in this particular case, this narration, both of its phrases, really seems to go against

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the rest of the texts. And the source has been known to be contaminated, ie the reports from cabinet bar and the circle of Cavalia bar. And therefore, the stronger position will be that this hadith is from the Israelis, the not from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, then this is a valid opinion, and it has been opined by a number of especially modern authors from within Sunni Islam. However, this is an opinion, and it is a minority opinion, there is no doubt that the majority of opinion throughout our Islamic history has been that the hadith is from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and therefore, if that is the case, then they have interpreted and accepted it to

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be valid. And so even hedger comments that the betrayal of Hawa to Adam was not a betrayal of adultery, for no wife of any prophet even ruled and nor betrayed them in this manner. Rather, it was the betrayal of enticing and the betrayal of encouraging her husband to eat from the tree. And so he then says this admin hedgerows saying that because Hawaii did this to Adam, so too, if any woman betrays her husband, it is as if she is not doing justice to her husband in this regard. And YBNL, Josie, the famous scholar, he says, As for the betrayal of her wife, to her husband, he says, it was because she did not advise him regarding the tree. And she should have stopped him from doing so.

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And quote here. And here, he says the same thing, that the betrayal of Hawa was that she did not advise Adam, when he ate from the tree and quote, now to gently push back. And again, these are great aroma. And I understand, you know, when I say these types of statements, many people they get very flustered and whatnot, and who are you and how dare and what not. And the responses that we all have the right after having studied to have opinions and positions, we present these opinions, whoever wants to take them fine, whoever does not that is fine, to gently push back. And of course, even though Josie and a theory are great giants of our tradition, but to gently push back and say,

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if this is considered betrayal, then all of us have betrayed everybody in this earth. If this is Kiana, that her that, however, did not stop Adam and Hawaii did not stop. And so that's why we're it not for Hawa, no woman would betray her husband, right? That's a very, very blunt statement. Did the Prophet system say that, that women betray their husband because Hawa betrayed Adam? Or is this a sentiment found in the old the New Testament as I have quoted you? So those people who say, this phrase, and the other phrase meat spoiling because of the children of Israel? These are not some things that in all likelihood, the prophets of Saddam said, then that is a valid opinion. And I

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would respect that opinion, and it is within the mainstream and it is applying the principles of masala Hadith. And if somebody says, as is even hedger on on these great scholars, and we all love and respect them, that no, it is a betrayal. But it is a betrayal that Hawa did not stop Adam and Howard did not advise Adam the way that she should have advised him. And so that's the betrayal. And so any woman who does the same has also betrayed her husband. Okay, that is an opinion. And we respect that opinion. And I leave both of these opinions for you. And you can decide which one you think is the more accurate one. And in the end of the day, as I said, you have therefore these two

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positions there. And the first position is that

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that this notion of how we're betraying our father Adam, and how was seducing Adam, and how was telling them to eat? It is a purely biblical one found in the Old and New Testament and the Quran.

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Clearly, without a doubt, nobody can say this, that the Quran the narrative of the Quran has nothing to do the biblical narrative. And the Quran does not place any primary blame on Hawa, there is no singling out of Hawa at all, whereas the Old Testament blames Hawa almost entirely women, woman Woman has done this almost exonerating Adam from the picture, as if you know, he has nothing to do with it. And from that Western civilization went the way that it did. And because of that feminism do what it had to do, feminism is a byproduct, because because of how they treated women in medieval era, therefore, they had to make that up by going the way that they did. And every action has an

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equal and opposite reaction. And so from one extreme, they go to another extreme, but the point being that, if you want to take this notion, and because of this say, this one narration that is found from the cabin, bar circle does not really tally up to the rest of the Quran, to the entirety of the Quran, and to the other traditions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, that's a valid opinion to hold. And if you want to say, well, we will accept it because the majority scholars have accepted it because Bukhari and Muslim have accepted it, well, then that too, is a safe position as well that if you wish to hold it, but one should be careful to not extrapolate from this and go down

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the route of Western civilization. Do not blame women for something that even if our mother had done it, it is one person we don't believe in the original sin. And that's another point of this hadith by the way, that word not for how was the rest of women? What have the rest of women got to do with how by the way why should the rest of women have to do with our mother how well as Allah says in the Quran, colonists and democracy but Raveena and as Allah says, the Quran locally Fulani, F's and Illa WUSA and Allah says in the Quran letters it was it was an okra and now we find the Hadith that comes from the pool of gab. And it seems to suggest all women share a trait of one mother, it actually

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goes against the Quranic message brothers and sisters, let's be brutally honest here. It goes against the Quranic message that nobody shall bear the sin of another and no one shall be held accountable because of another. So even if our father ate, it's not my sin that I have to worry about. Even if our mother might have done something. It's not going to be cast upon women that because of that, she's going to have the painful child childhood or childbirth and a painful you know, giving this in a painful menstruation. No, this is straight from the Bible. It is not from the Quran, or from the words of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So anyway, to conclude, as I

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said, we have both of these opinions there. And I'll leave it to you to see which one you think is the one that is more in line with

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the Quran and what we know of the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and in the end, Allah azza wa jal knows best and I say very clearly and unabashedly, whatever the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, and we know that he said it, it is true, anything he said, We believe in it. But the question is, what how do we know what he actually said and what he didn't say and that's where the sciences of Hadith come in. That's where we will find differences of opinion from the beginning of time up until our times however, this will come to the conclusion of today's lecture about the role or the alleged role of our mother Hawa and I will see you Inshallah, next Wednesday

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until then, just a couple little hit Send unwanted rahmatullahi wa barakato.

00:53:18 --> 00:53:23

Ghana fee consequences seeing him I don't want to leave only al

00:53:26 --> 00:53:39

Magana Hadith, me off doubt on Water Drinking just the Kalevi vein a day He wants us to clean and cool ghoulish a

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mentally oh me You mean

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