Hussain Kamani – 40 Ahadith of Imam An-Nawawi 12 – Mind Your Business

Hussain Kamani
AI: Summary © The segment discusses the importance of the Prophet's possession of the Deen and the significance of the Deen in the context of the Deen message. It emphasizes the importance of learning from the four possession and hesitation, avoiding activities that are not important, and finding one's own success. The segment also emphasizes the need to use one's energy and find one's own success, avoiding wasting time, and finding one's own success.
AI: Transcript ©
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Al hamdu Lillah

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Allahu akbar wa salam ala

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Susana Allah

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million BIA while early Hill Ischia was harboring that fear

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so today inshallah we're starting with Hadith number 12

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Have you heard or your loved one katalor Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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in history Islam in Turku. melayani.

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Oh Timothy open imagine

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the Hadith is narrated by Abu huraira are the long line who said,

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the prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said,

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a part of the perfection of one's Islam is leaving that which does not concern. The Hadith is narrated by him until we get off into la Holly, and also about even imagine how to lie.

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We generally start off our class by discussing the narrator however, the narrator of this Have you ever heard it or the last one was already discussed in detail? Under Hadith number five. So inshallah we'll move forward with the content of the Hadeeth with this class.

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If you focus in, revisit how a man know where to hunt, Allahu Allah, He structured his book, you'll see this theme of where he starts and where he's going.

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For example, you'll notice that and I'm never we don't have to lie here it in this 40 Highgate collection started off with the fundamentals of Islam

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taught us about Nia reminded us of the great story of debris lollies in the questions he asked the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam very eloquently summarized the entire Deen within a few sentences. And then he reminds us of the five pillars of Islam. After that, mm Noah has a lot YALI takes us to other principles like he teaches us the definition of innovation. He takes us to the importance of knowing the difference between halal and haram. So we covered those fundamental, the nuts and bolts of the dean, without which there would be no Dean. Now that he might know we don't have to lie, he only has covered some of those narrations

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in the next few narrations, he turns our attention to something different. And he's taking this now to the garnish. He's garnishing the dish. Now he's beautifying it. Because if you have the legal affairs of something in place, that doesn't necessarily make it beautiful. If there was a person who legally matched all the commandments of Allah subhanho wa Taala, and the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that doesn't make that person's Islam appealing. Because doing what you're told to do, and staying away from what you're told to stay away from is just the beginning of the journey. then beyond that kind of luck. Then after that comes out. And these are things that really show the

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beauty within a person, the person's social character, how do you interact with other human beings, sometimes you will see beauty in a person who may not have knowledge of the entire Dean. That person may be simple, but they have good manners.

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And on the other hand, you may have someone who has all the knowledge in the deen but no manners and that person isn't beautiful, neither in the eyes of the creation or in the eye of the Creator. So this is very well known. Allahu Allah introduces this idea of the subject to us. He teaches us that it's not only your deeds, that build your deen, there is more to it than that and now he introduces us to this garnishing or this beautification of the deen. However, before we go into this hobby, and start discussing the content, it's important to realize that this particular hobby is where it holds a great rank in our Deen and I'll talk about what the scholars of the past have said about this

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particular narration and how important they view it.

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There is a difference of opinion on the authenticity of this narration.

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There is a there is a group of scholars who hold the position that it is authentic, and we quoted Imam

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Ali and how he wanted me to refer to LA Holly after quoting the Hadith, he also says how different hasn't been

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This is an this is an okay narration of beautiful narration a good narration. That's actually terminology it has meaning to it.

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But on the other hand, you have other scholars of Hadith, who after narrating this very same Hadith mentioned that there is a weakness in all of its chains. And this seems to be the more correct opinion on the issue. There are some narrations of it that are more authentic than other narrations. But regardless, all the chains of this particular Hadith have some sort of weakness or the other in it.

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But that doesn't stop in my Mo. We don't have to lie they from bringing that howdy this hadith in his book. from one perspective among though we seems to be arguing that it is authentic, he holds that opinion. But even if I'm no we don't have to lie, Holly doesn't hold the position that it's authentic. Even if in his mind, he knows that it's weak. The weakness that he sees in it is minimal. And therefore imaginable. We don't have to lock it brings it and he teaches us a lesson. Let's hold the position that it is a weak narration we learn a lesson from this. Just because a hadith is weak doesn't mean we disregard it. There's much more studying that needs to be done with a narration even

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if it's weak, because the weakness lies in its chain. The message of that narration can be absolutely sound if there are other narrations that corroborate the message of that very same name, that very same narration. So this narration here is teaching us the importance of minding your own business. And that concept isn't foreign to the Quran or the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam it's a very familiar concept. It's something we find again again in the Quran. It's something we find regularly being mentioned in the books of Hadith. So even though the narration in its chain may have weakness, without doubt the scholar this particular Hadith has been viewed to be

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from the principles of the deen and note how some of the scholars whose name I referenced very soon, not only do they accept this Hadith, but they view it to be from the principles of the deen starting at the top with Imam Abdullah who to LA LA

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LA LA is the scholar who wrote the sermon of Ibiza would some of you may have heard of it, it's considered to be one of the six authentic collections of Hadith.

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What many people may not know is that Mr. Abu Rahmatullah Holly in rank in his age is a peer of emember hydromet Allahu Allah. He isn't a student of Mahatma Gandhi, Allahu Allah, unlike him, I'm Timothy, who was a student of remember how to have the law. How are you a Muslim? Who was a student of human behavior underlying it? Amanda is not a student of remember how to lie he's actually is.

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He's actually his peer. They both narrate from the humble directly in Mount Abu Rahmatullah. Holly mentioned that there are four he says, I studied, he, he says, I studied the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and I found 4000 of them to be very significant to me. Then I studied those 4000 and I realized that those 4000 can be summarized in for a hottie for the purpose of the lohani.

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And Hema, without without the law, he said, anyone that understands and embodies these four ahaadeeth It's as if they studied all of the Hadith of the Prophet allamani. And what are those four narrations? The first one is the hadith of normanby Machito the last one which is in the amount No, we're not going to lie it is 40 Hadith collection and we are we have already studied it. And helado begin with

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the helot is clear and the haraam is clear. The second Hadeeth is from optimum photography the last one which we also studied in this very same idea the collection and the mind know we're looking at is Irvine in the Milan Albania actions are based on one's intentions. The third narration is from the last one, which we also switch wheat, which is also included in this 40 Huggies collection as well. No we don't have to long early in the law play that Allah subhanho wa Taala is pure, and he only accepts pure. And the fourth narration is his very same narration the one we're reading right now of the loved one where he says, Call it a sort of loss of the law Hollywood cinema Sallam in

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Hosni Islam and Maki Taku melayani. So you see how a mama without Ali is pointing out how important this narration is. Then you have some scholars have who have mentioned that this particular Hadith it isn't one fourth of the deen it's actually one third of the the some have claimed that this hadith is actually half of the deen it's half of the religion. Why is this? Why is this hadith considered to be half of the religion? The reason is because the religion is composed of two things. The do's and don'ts. This Hadith is something that's to stay away from all the dumps. And if a person stays away from all the don'ts, the only thing left now is to do which is so much more

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easier. You can just go and do what needs to be done. You've already accomplished your deen half of your deen by staying away from the don'ts. Some scholars go as far as saying that the entire Deen can be summarized in this one Hadith.

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And the reason why they say that is because if you act upon this Hadeeth you stay away from all the don'ts automatically you are doing the juice.

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You guys understand that if you stay away from sugar automatically, what do you have

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You have to heat. So that's the way they look at this honey. There's another famous scholar

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whose name is Abu Mohammed. Even Abizaid. He is known as being one of the leading scholars of the Maliki field, and one of the leading scholars of his time.

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This particular statement of is that I'm about to share with you is quoted not in one common free, but almost if not all of the commentaries about writing that we, I wouldn't be wrong like it's a very famous quotation, something commonly referenced an attribute or towards even Abizaid. He says that, I noticed that there are four ahaadeeth, which serve as the foundation for the hobbies that relate to etiquette.

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All of the hobby if all the guidance of the prophets of Allah hottie was something that relate to martial arts and manners and how to deal and interact with one another, I find them to be summarized into four ahaadeeth What are these four ahaadeeth the first one he says, is a statement of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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I mean personally a man can you know be law he will your will offer the full your full height and earliest mood. Whoever believes that a lot in the final day should either speak good or remain silent. And the second Hadith and he says summarizes our social character and what are the teaches us about good manners? Is this Hadeeth right here manifesting Islam and methodical Humala Yani Mind your own business. The third Hadith, he says, is where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was approached by a companion and he asked a messenger of Allah give me advice and keep it simple. I don't want some long lecture. And what are the profits of the long haul it was some say to him,

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lack of control your anger, you control your anger, everything else will fall into place. And the fourth honey is where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told the companions that you cannot be a complete believer, until you love for your brother, what you love for yourself. He says these four ahaadeeth are actually the foundation for good etiquettes and good manners. This is where the discussion starts. This is where the study starts by studying these four ahaadeeth and internally reflecting.

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Now, this hadith teaches us a lot. There are so many lessons that we learn from this narration.

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The first thing I want us to know

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is that the Hadith is teaching us men Hosni Islam and mark that it is from the beauty of a person's religion. So what we learn from this is that religion can be beautified or a person's religion can be void of beauty, which teaches us a greater lesson that there are gonna jog and levels within religion. There's one person who may be at a very high rank, and another person may be at a lower rank. We are all sitting here. And we believe in the prophets of Allah Hollywood cinema and believe we believe in the heat and the oneness of Allah subhana wa Tada. But that is does that make all of our ranks equal? This is a question. Just because we believe does that mean we're all equal can come

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and can someone stand up and say, there is no difference between me and I'm going to do a long one? Because we're both believers. He said, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie lie. Well, as far as your amount goes, are you both believers? Sure. That's the part where you are equal your Eman hopefully is sound. But the difference between the two is that he has a mouth that not only beautified his Deen, but left him as a mark in the Hall of Fame studio. And you and I probably aren't even liked by the people of the US, let alone the people of the summer. You know, maybe the people of the earth can't stand us forget about the those in the heavens, they they they're they may not be pleased or ready

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to meet us either. So how does a person gain higher ranks? So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is teaching us here. There's actually a collection there's a book. It collects those a Hadith of the prophets of Allah holiday was set him that the prophets that aloha do some reference to being the best of deeds in different occasions, different scenarios while speaking to different people. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam quoted the best that best of leads to be something different. One person came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said the best of deeds is hydrocal mantle Mr. Ferrara while among the best of deeds is to learn the Quran and Houston put on

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another person who came and asked the Messenger of Allah what's the best of deeds the prophets of Allah, Allah wa sallam said, hudge, another person who came and asked our messenger of Allah, what's the best of beads, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said as yet, get in the battle. So that's the best advice for you. So depending on the person and circumstances, the prophets of Allah while he was didn't give different guidances, and all of those narrations were actually compiled together. So you have books like this that guide us to the best of deeds. So this teaches us that accepting Islam should be considered to be the beginning of the journey. But there's so much more from this

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journey that needs to be accomplished.

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the Hadith teaches us do not engage it is from the beauty of a person's faith. It is it is from the beauty of Islam, that you leave that which does not concern you. How do you leave? How do we leave that let's say for example, I was holding something and someone said leave it. That tells me right away in my mind that the command is actually to me

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But indirectly to my hand because my hand is holding it, if I let it go, I leave it. If I'm biting something and someone says Leave it, I know the command is to me, but indirectly, it's to my teeth. If I open I let it go. So until I don't know, Allah is telling me to leave what doesn't concern me, but I need to figure out what exactly am I engaging with? If I know what I'm engaging with, then I can disengage with that, in my mozartian Hunter labiatae, in his beautiful work, be directed, he died at the beginning of guidance. This is a class we do with the sisters in our community twice a month, on Saturdays. The second part of that book, he dedicates to the things that you should not do

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all the things in life, you need to eliminate, delete and get rid of. And when he categorizes the things that you should stay away from, rather than going alphabetically, and saying, Elif Botha, and then listing the different characteristics that are persons to stay away from. What he does is, he says that any sin that you commit has to be committed through your body.

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You have to use your body to commit the sin. So what I'm going to do is remember the law he says, I will walk you through your different limbs, and I will point out which limb commits which mistake walks you through your eyes, your ears, your mouth, your hands, your feet, your heart, he walks you through each limb, one by one, and it's a phenomenal journey and tour of your own body. He teaches you he informs you of ways that you sin, that you even didn't realize that you sinned in those ways. That's why they call them digital Islam the the the symbol of Islam, the proof of Islam, because of this man and his intelligence, such a

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smart person. So we have to understand that when it comes to staying away. First and foremost, stay away with your speech. don't engage with your speech. aminul kalami. One novelty while St. Mary was bought, she was mushy. What was it that Hakata bahara? Well, Bettina, he says, to stay away from, from speech, from looking from listening, from touching from walking from thinking from any external or internal movement, let your body not only disengage on one front, but on all fronts. If something doesn't relate, you don't give it the time of day step away from it. Now what does that mean? Something that doesn't relate to you, I'll come to that in a moment, we'll define what does that

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But the first thing is you have to disengage with all and I tell people, more important than even disengaging with your mouth or your hand, the most important place for you to disengage is where,

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with your heart, that's the most important place for you to disengage. There might be someone who isn't verbally engaging in backbiting, but their heart is craving to backbite you guys understand that? It's like someone who is on a diet and doesn't want to eat pizza. So they didn't order pizza. They're not eating it. But what is their heart thinking of?

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Pizza, pizza, pizza, pizza, pizza. So at this point, this person is living a life of misery, because they engaged externally, but they did not engage dissing Sorry, sorry, they disengaged externally, but they did not disengage internally. And that's where the disengagement actually needs to happen. So rather than making this an external exercise, we need to reflect internally and ask ourselves, where are our hearts connected? Where they shouldn't be connected?

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Now, what's the benefit of this? Why should a person do that? Again, we'll talk about this through the class of the course of class, how important this is.

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So what does it mean? What does melayani mean? What does it mean to stay away from something that doesn't concern you?

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How do we define something that does or doesn't concern us? I'll give you an example. Someone may say to me, I don't care about what's going on to the Rohingya Muslims in me and Mark, because that doesn't concern me.

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We don't.

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We don't we're not related to one another. We don't know each other, that person has nothing to do with me. I have nothing to do with them. That's none of my business. I really don't care about them.

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Is that a correct interpretation of Mad ironic, that which doesn't concern you?

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Let's look at it from another angle. Okay. Someone may still say the Rohingya Muslims are Muslim. So they concern you. Let's turn it another way. Let's say for example, in a country, across the world, somewhere there, it's a Christian country, and there is a drought there and people are dying from starvation. Can you say mad ironic, that doesn't concern you? Can you make that claim? that that doesn't concern me? That's why, you know what, I'm not going to talk about it. I'm not going to donate to it. No, you can't say that. So how do we understand that? How do I know what doesn't what doesn't concern you? Because in your mind, you think that an atrocity across the world that's not

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connected to someone of your faith, someone of your race, someone of your background, someone that speaks your tongue? You might think that that's nothing to do with you because that person has no connection with you. On the other hand,

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You may think that I'm watching a particular sport and watching every game that that sport relates to you is because that's your team. That's something that you have an affiliation with. Right? That team is your team, you need to get hours and hours of your time to that team. So do we leave it to the individual to decide? What does and what doesn't really do? Or is there a greater definition here. So anyone that understands, has probably already picked up so far, that we're not going to leave it to the individual to decide there is a greater definition of what does and what doesn't relate to you. And we leave that definition to the,

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to the dean, where you learn where you see that you're, you have a religious obligation towards any cause, that cause relates to you. And it's not doesn't restrict necessity, or connection or importance to a race or religion. Rather, it's to all of humanity. Where there is need, your attention is required there, where there isn't need where there is no benefit of your dunya and you're offered, I'd note this down, this is the key, where there is no benefit for your dunya for your world or your asset or that you're after where there is no benefit at all, that absolutely matches the definition of malaria make something that has no benefit at all, let's go back to that

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sporting event. Does that have any dounia we any worldly benefit of that person wins? Obviously Alhamdulillah we as Muslims don't gamble. So let's just put that out the window.

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If a person if there's a team that's playing and

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whether they win or lose, does that really have any tangible benefit in this dunya or the author? No, it doesn't. So if it doesn't have any benefit to you in the world or in the hereafter Allah subhanaw taala is not going to ask you how how many touchdowns or were in a particular game or how many points were scored and and so on. So again, those things will be asked to you because they will be asked to you, this can clearly be understood to be from melayani that which doesn't really to you, okay.

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Now, what are the harms of engaging in that which doesn't concern you? What are the harms of not listening to this hadith and continue to continuing to engage?

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The first thing, hustle and bustle come along with Allah says, a person who spends most of his or her time in that which does not concern them is a sign that Allah subhana wa Taala has turned away from this person.

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And why is that? Because Allah azza wa jal says, They forgot Allah. So Allah subhanho wa Taala forgot that. When you spend so much time in something that doesn't benefit you know that this is a sign that Allah subhanho wa Taala has also turned away from you.

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A great scholar of the past said that when a person keeps investigating in that which doesn't concern them, their life will continue to get miserable.

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manansala melayani he samyama yo D he will hear that which does not benefit him. Someone asks look man the wise How did you become so wise? So look, man Hakeem sudden return suitable, how do

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I remain truthful? Well, that will Amana. And I fulfilled the promise. watoto Kumara nini. And I stopped engaging it that which which did not benefit me directly.

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I'm sure you know, what the law, YALI said, there are three things that will increase a person in intelligence. If you feel that you're struggling with your intelligence, maybe you don't understand concepts as broadly as you would like to understand them. Or maybe you're just struggling overall, you know, because I'm shuffling the law, he says rotten, does he do philosophy? There are three things that will increase in intelligence, what are they? Number one,

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staying in the company of scholars. Number two, staying in the company of the righteous, see how we separated these two, because the first will it will stimulate your intellect. And the other was third your, your your spirit. So stay in the company of the scholars stay in the company of the pious. And the third thing mmm was

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not too long, it says is to leave that which does not concern you. As long as you stay in that you will remain stupid. You will remain dumb. If you continue to watch TMZ here not getting any more intelligent. Right? If you continue to watch, you know, I keep forgetting what it's called one of those shows calls whether you follow people with cameras, reality TV show, if you continue to watch all this buck loss, this stuff, you're not getting anywhere. You're not going to be the next zali I'm sorry, I'm just busting your bubble right now. Right? You probably won't be able to accomplish as much as you probably could, if you continue if you discontinued watching this stuff.

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Imagine a society without gossip.

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I want everyone to take a breath and really imagine that.

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This is gonna bring a smile to your face.

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You can dress however you want to and no one would talk about you.

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You can drive whatever you want to

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And no one would mock you for driving a Toyota Prius.

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You can wear whatever you want to, because you want to where you can eat what you want to because you want to eat it. You can live a life that you want to live, not a life that that's been dictated to you. This is all a byproduct of gossip, where people keep sticking their nose into other people's business, and where we would enjoy that I think we should offer it first, before we demand it, we would all enjoy a life of not being judged by other human beings. But in order for that to happen, we have to offer that first. When I go to someone's home, I don't need to steer around and start evaluating the cost, you know of this home and pull out my red fin and start using the GPS locator

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to figure out how much houses go for in this area. You guys know that's exactly what happens, right? You know, someone comes to your home, rather than asking you how much your house is for which is obviously an and an ethical question to ask. Hopefully you guys knew that.

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What they do is that they open up their Redfin app, and they hit the GPS location. So Redfin starts giving them the prices of the homes in that immediate, and that immediate area. And people start judging other people's salary by looking at the car they drive and the garment they're wearing. And whether it's Prada or Nike shoes they have on leather or cloth, you know, these silly things, we can't keep our nose out of other people's business. And because we continue to do that, what ends up happening is and I want you to look at it from another angle, not only do we harm other people, we harm ourselves first and foremost, because we lose our priorities in life, we spend 15 minutes

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focusing on that person, when those 15 minutes who actually needs them, while also the inner insana. The few who said we need those 15 minutes, because I'm so worried about other people, I am losing the ability to focus up to 2am, losing the ability to focus on myself. That's why without this Hadith, we cannot be successful in the hereafter. If we continue to prioritize other people, and what their weddings look like, and what their birthday parties look like, and what their gatherings are like and what their baby showers are like, if we keep focusing on other people, we'll never get a chance to focus on focus on ourselves. And before you know it, you're standing in front of Allah

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subhana wa tada and Allah subhanaw taala says, What did you do? What did you spend your time in the in the dunya doing? And he said, TMZ

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what you wasted your time watching a TV show that was just talking gossip about

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movie stars and musicians? Is that really what you wasted your life doing? You wasted your life, you know, finding out what the next movie was and what this person's gossip was what that person's review was, and you spend your life talking about how that person's marriage worked out, that person's marriage didn't work out? Why didn't you use that time for my a bother? Why didn't you use that time for improving herself?

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So what our Dean is asking us this, this engaging? The truth is, it's easy to do. Our Dean isn't asking to something that isn't achievable. Our Dean is asking this very clearly, every human being something every human being can do. You don't have to have great memory to do this. Have the head the dean told us that the beauty of your religion status lies in memorizing the entire Quran? Some of us would be in trouble, yes or no. If our Dean told us that you're the beauty of your religion lies and going to Hajj every year, some of us would be in trouble because we don't have the physical ability. We don't have the finances. But what is our religion telling us? You want a beautiful Dean,

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it's simple, just disengage. Keep your nose out of other people's businesses. When your child is married, you don't need to poke your nose into their marriage every now and then you don't need to do surprise witness, you know, show up set your child's home and say surprise, and daughter in law and son like oh my God, we didn't do anything. We were gonna have pizza. And mother in law walks in and says you're gonna order pizza with my son's money.

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I never agreed with you in the first place.

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And before you know it, that's where the fights start. Because people can't mind their own business. You know, with all due respect, this is what happens, you know, daughter in law's mother in law's. I'm misusing them as an example, because that's an intimate relationship that tends to be toxic. That gets really nasty quickly. People are coming in complaining that my relatives walk into my private bedroom and check my jewelry. They start going through my closet and see what kind of clothes I have. And they say, hey, Gaza, where did this one come from? Oh, so and so give it to me. You didn't tell me so and so give it to you. I didn't realize I had to tell you. Welcome to the IRS.

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You know, people are obsessed with other people and also how to win without actually the purpose of a long one. He was sitting on 100 he actually summarizes this in a very beautiful way. He said a lot of money was sent him said and this is the narrative Misha doesn't also have the long one that he wanted me to put the long it relates. I will take you someone down and if so who are mentally MOBA mode and intelligent person is someone who looks after himself. Well, I mean, really my battle mode and works for and prepares themselves for what lies after death. When when are these women about Alexa hoo ha ha ha. And a foolish person is one who continues to follow his lowly desires. His or

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her entire

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Life, what the man not a lot and continue to have high hopes with the loss of honohan without him. You can't earn genda

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by not doing anything, you have to do something. And if that little something means for you to stop yourself from doing evil and harming other people, then that's exactly what needs to be done. And one narration of lighting Mubarak Rahim Allah tala has a book called a zoo. And in his book, he brings a hadith from honorable Katara. Viola one where on one of your loved one One day while delivering the sermon, he said to his companions, ha, Cebu and fullcycle ha, Cebu, unfussy public and hospital hold yourselves accountable before that day comes that you will be held accountable, famous who want to become because holding yourself accountable is much easier for you than being

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held accountable by Allah subhana wa tada was invited for the second public on Tuesday new and scale yourselves before you are scaled by Allah subhanho wa Taala what the judge has ruled in Ottoman Kabbalah and prepare yourself for the great presentation because you will be presented in front of Allah subhana wa Tada. And then he decided the eye out sort of haka verse number. First number 18. gilma, eatin lunella farming coffea you will be presented in front of Allah subhanho wa Taala and nothing will be hidden at all.

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So when we talk about disengaging, and leaving people alone, keeping ourselves out of other other people's business, where our entire body is covered for this, we can all agree that the weight or the

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the greater weight of this crime comes down to our thoughts. Our tongues are what actually engage and keep poking. Other people keep poking their lives. Because of us at time because of our tongues. Our neighbors are losing their marriages, our relatives are losing their marriages, people are losing their jobs because we can't stop cooking. Everyone wants to hurt other people and we don't realize how much we can harm other people. That's why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam constantly reminded as companions the importance of controlling one's tongue. In one narration as narrated by lava magenta the last one more than magenta the last one asked the Prophet of Allah, the

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Messenger of Allah, are we accountable for what we say? Like I thought that was I thought you weren't accountable until you did something. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Thank you, let's go mukaiyama me Your mother loves you, Omar. What else do you think will throw people on their face down in the fire of *? If it's not their tongues? Your tongues will be what will what will put you in the grave? Well, we will put you in that tough position on the Day of Judgment, where your tongue can say something beautiful and make someone smile and take them by the hand to gender where your tongue has that ability to take you directly to the doorsteps of gender. this very

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same tongue has the ability to destroy you. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is reminding the companions of that allows origin says in the Quran Surah Nisa, verse number 114.

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Now Plato copied him in Latin America, the cotton are often always lagging behind us, the majority of what we say actually doesn't benefit us. A lot of our discussion, a lot of what we say leads to ultimately harming us except for that unless you happen to make some exclusions. And what have you also narrated by them I'm kidding at

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any moment images, similar references to the Hadeeth we're reading today. But this hadith is by Habiba de la Mancha, who is the wife of the Prophet that a lot of them she says kulu kalami Adama La la la who every statement you say will be held against you, not for you.

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Illa Amano mill maruf owner

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of the crolla illogical Allah wa sallahu wa luminometer Halima different narrations, different wording in this particular narration. She says that the Prophet said a lot of them said that your speech will be held against you not for you, unless you command people to do good forbids them from evil and engage in the remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Taala another narration by him I'm kidding we're gonna have to lolly this time by Anasazi Allah when he says that a person passed away from the companions of the popsicle awesome to theology luminous hobby

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for all of our children of should have been agenda another companion was passing by. He saw the man lying there who had passed away and he said to him glad tidings to you for paradise. You've passed away you'll be on your way to paradise. Football Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I want to tell the fella Allahu Allah Bhima Yani Oba be mad at you when he prophesied along it was Adams said, it says if the Prophet is saying, you're speaking too soon, who knows? Maybe this person needs to talk about things that didn't concern him. And maybe he was miserable and stingy with wealth that actually didn't belong to him that actually couldn't help him. You know, this might be something

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that will hold him back on the Day of Judgment. So what does it mean to hold your tongue back? I think the simple solution or beat stay silent stay quiet. You know it's quoted from cinema not he said that he said he was old enough to live

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It makes us reference in his Deen. He says in Canada kalambo minutes in Canada karamo midfield button for sakuta mean that, that if speech is from silver, if speech is made of silver, then no silence is made of gold, stay silent. In one narration the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said mon Samatha, Naja, whoever has remained silent, has saved himself. So what's the difference? And it'll be when we talk about silence, there are two words we use. The first word we use is socket, or socket. socket that is seen calf tap socket. So if you want someone to be quiet, and out of you would say it was good or scooty. Quiet.

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The other word we use in RV for quiet for for silence is samata. This time with a hard mean that samata that also means to be quiet true to to stay silent. So what's the difference between these two? What's the difference between so it's staying quiet enough? That's kind of what my question is. But I'm demonstrating whether staying quiet is enough or not through this difference of words using the Arabic language because we are asked for summit? Not necessarily second. And I'll I'll highlight to you a difference between the two.

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summit entails a long silence, while Sukkot can be used for a brief silence. So a long silence is a reflective silence. It's not it's not you to stay in quiet because you didn't have anything to say. It's you're staying quiet because you

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consciously understood that your silence was more important at that time.

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The second thing is

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socket and summit. The difference between the two is second is to stay quiet period, regardless of whether you should be speaking or, for example, let's say

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that someone did something wrong and someone comes to you and says to you did this person do something wrong? Should you speak or should you stay quiet?

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Someone just did something wrong. You saw it. They asked you did this person commit the murder? Should you stay quiet or not?

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No, you shouldn't don't quote me on sama Tanaka because that's not what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam wanted you to do. You can't say whoever stayed quiet was saved himself. Because solida is to stay quiet when you're supposed to stay quiet. And to speak when you're supposed to speak, suck at the other word entails what

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they use, they swipe they use a quiet period you don't say anything at all. So our Dean isn't only telling us to stay quiet. staying quiet in itself may not have virtue, but staying quiet properly, to know how to stay quiet a reflective state while your mouth isn't speaking and to know when to stay quiet for longer periods. This is the sort of silence that our Dean is recommending.

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There's a famous scholar by the name of Allah, Allah, what are the environmental law YALI.

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He says that if a person must speak, there are four conditions that they need to abide to four conditions that you need to abide to when a person speaks.

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He says the first thing is, when you speak, your speech must have some benefit to it.

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He says either is de la buena Eau de la, either your speech should bring benefit, or it should refrain some sort of harm. If it isn't bringing any benefit. And if it isn't saving anyone from harm, then this is a place for the second thing he says

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that when you speak, to speak at the right time, don't speak at the wrong time. I just gave an example of that. When it's time for you to speak. Sometimes delaying speech is bad. And sometimes speaking too early can be bad.

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If you delay speech, if you're let's say for example, you're not supposed to speak right now. But you end up speaking you can cause harm. Or it's better for you not to speak right now. Husband and wife are getting into an argument. And at that time you step in and start speaking when you shouldn't be speaking you're going to cause a lot of harm, then the argument happened two days ago, you were there you saw it all. Now you can stay silent and not say anything to them or you can realize everyone's Calm down, you saw it, maybe you should go and advise them. That's the appropriate thing for you to do. So finding the right time to speak. The third thing

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is to not speak more than what is necessary.

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If passera alacati hajah t to minimize to only speak to that which is necessary.

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And the fourth thing is to carefully select the language you use to carefully select the language

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To use.

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When the companions describe the purpose of the lohani he was sent him as in the heat of oblivion to fire the alarm one, he says, gala Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam UkFi ridiculous, will kill lover, the purpose of Allahu alayhi wa sallam would constantly be engaged in the secret of a law. And what very rarely or not very rarely minimize level unnecessary, useless, baseless discussion, where you'll feel slow he used to, he used to lengthen his prayer, we have sort of, sort of hot and humid,

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the hotter and the cloud, he wouldn't shy, to walk with the widows or to walk with the poor, and to be with them to fulfill their needs.

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their loved one during his khilafah. One day someone saw him with a pebble underneath his in his mouth underneath his tongue, which was stopping him from speaking he would keep a pebble there, so he wouldn't speak much. And we Shido Alice anyway of who and how they do that in my wallet, he would point to his tongue and say, This tongue right here, it caused me a lot of problem. Why would they keep a stone underneath their tongue, because if you remove the tongue, if you don't hold it in place, it can cause harm. So that would be their way of keeping their tongue kind of like keeping their tongue down, if you wish to say that was his way of not talking

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of gladness rather the Aloha unsaid when la de la ilaha illa. Who, I swear by Allah, the One to who there is no other Lord, there is nothing that is more deserving of prison imprisonment, Mona Lisa, there is nothing that deserves to be imprisoned longer than the tongue. Learn to control what you say and how much you speak. So what does this How does it leave us with I want to share, I want to close on four reflection points. What is this Hadid leaving us with? The first thing is Heidi teaches us which is a very clear message.

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don't engage in things that don't relate to you. As much as your heart may die to get into other people's business, or to hold an opinion about something that doesn't relate to you.

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As much as your heart wants that, tell yourself, I don't have time for this. I would rather direct this attention, this energy, this desire of mine to something that will help me help someone else, that it will be a testimony for me on the Day of Judgment. Everyone has energy rather than using it in the wrong place. How about we use it in the

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in the Replace, don't occupy yourself with filth, this is what shaytaan wants you to do? chiffon is dragging you down. He's using you as a foreign and other people's life. Stop engaging in things that don't relate to you. Every one of you sitting here and I speak to myself before anyone, we need to ask ourselves, what are things that we engage in that do not relate to us at all? What are the things that I can reduce? You know, at the end of the year, every business sits together and they do their numbers? And when they're doing their numbers? What do they do? They ask Where are the overhead costs? And how can I minimize them? Yes, no, anyone? That's what we do. Right? We sit every

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home, everyone you know, every home hopefully we sit together at the end of the year. And you ask yourself, what are my expenses for the house? How much do I spend a year it cost me $25,000. to finance this home? I have to see if there's a way to bring that down to 15,000. So where can I cut? Where can I save, do the same thing with your time. Don't just do it with your money. Because your money is meaningless. Your Money is meaningless if you don't have time first, time is the most important thing. And that's why I quoted the I earlier on what I'll study in Santa, if you host the second thing.

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When you stop engaging in things that don't relate to you, that will give you time. Therefore the other lesson we learned from this video is engaged in things that relate to you engage in things that will be helpful to you. Don't just think about them, do them. Say something, do something whenever you can. You know this last weekend, I was on a flight to Austin and while I was flying this person next to me, young man next to me, professional maybe in his 40s he messaged he elbowed me and I had my earphones and I wasn't really interested in talking. When I'm traveling and I don't want to talk with anyone I put my earphones in. I don't listen to anything, but it's just my way of

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saying I'm busy. So this person next to me insisted on speaking to me. So he elbowed me.

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First of all, I ignored him at all. I'm not gonna lie, Allah forgive me. I was like, You know what, let me act like I didn't feel that and I just continued having my child. And then he elbowed me a second time. So I pulled my earphones off and he said something phenomenal to me. He said to me, I hope things are too hard in these troubled times, my dear friend, and I realized oh my god, this guy's reaching out to me. So and I was wrestling my phone and my my hat and my beard. And I said, You know what, I'll prepare for this lecture later on the lecture that I had there at the university and Austin and I spent the next hour or so I mean, our story that long of a flight where you sit in

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the flight for that long, we just talked about, he wanted to know more about me and our religion customs are doing and I realized that you know, time can be used either inside

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Or you can use it for something good. And not that I wasn't preparing for a lecture, but you know, even within good things are degrees, you know, and that at a time like this, when a person like himself who wasn't a Muslim, a lawyer reaching out to me and asking me about how I am as a Muslim, how I'm doing, how Islam some community doing, what can he do to help us when he's asking these questions? He's telling me that when I sat next to you on the plane I heard had already made my mind up that when I met my friends met for drinks, I was gonna tell them, I sat next to a Muslim. Right? I said, Okay.

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So then he says to me, that I was wondering, what was I going to tell them? Because I knew for sure they were going to ask me if I talk to you. And I didn't want to tell them. No, that's why I insisted on speaking to you. I said, Well, props for the honesty. That's good. Well, I'll give you something to talk to them about. And then we talked for a while I spoke my heart to him, he shared his heart with me. And we had a very interesting, beautiful conversation. So when you disengage if you stopped playing video games, yes, I just said it. If you stopped playing video games on your phone, delete them. Trust me, you right now you're probably thinking I can't do without my video

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games. Before game addiction was something that kids were involved in. Now we have mothers and fathers that are involved in game addiction, every time Believe it or not, I still get invited to Candy Crush on my Facebook, people are still inviting me to that

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allows for second game,

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people that are still inviting me to that game. If we were to just cut away, that time that we spend on our phone, you know, or to minimize the time that we spend on our WhatsApp or minimize the time we spend on our Facebook, just looking at nonsense.

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You know, they say a person who sleeps within arm's reach of their bed. But a phone who ever sleeps with their phone arm reach of their bed, on average sleeps one hour less than someone who doesn't

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average that person sleeps, how much less, everyone's looking at each other. This is getting uncomfortable.

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Because we know we're all victims of this, we cut back from these things, you'll get more time you'll get an hour extra sleep, the next day, you'll get you'll have more energy, maybe find some time to go to the gym, or go for a walk or spend more time with your family. You know, when you remove the things that are blocking up your time, just naturally, you're going to have more time. The third thing that this honey teaches us

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is that when you step away, a little lesson that we learned from this habit is that when you step away from things that just block up your time and unnecessarily use up your energy. When you get rid of those things, you'll have more time for yourself. And naturally, you'll find yourself much more productive, you will find the home and home of your life minimizing you'll find you're not as clogged up your mind isn't as blocked anymore. You have more energy, your mind is more functional. Just like in Minecraft, he said, it's one of the three things that will help you grow intellectually.

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You'll feel more happy as a person that I don't have to worry about other people's baggage, I don't have to worry about that. It's not a part of my life anymore.

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And the last thing that Heidi teaches us I mean, there are many more lessons. But the last thing the fourth thing that I wanted to bring up this Heidi teaches us that people are in different ranks when it comes to their religion. So the question that I want to end this lecture on I want everyone to reflect over is which rank Do you want for yourself? Where do you want to see yourself? Are you happy with knowing that I am a believer? I believe in nightline law and that's all that I want from my Islam? Or do you want more? Are you happy with yourself just praying your Salah and I suggest not minimizing the the rank of Salah but just you know, it's something that many of us do. Am I going to

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be happy by saying I earned my job and that's me as a Muslim is that where I stopped normal more. And if you want more, you have to work for it. And these are hobbies these next few hobbies that even though we don't have it brings are going to be focusing on this very same thing again and again. Developing your character being better people. And you'll notice that when you become a better person when you fix your character, when you just learn to smile more when you learn to be someone who cares genuinely, not superficially, artificially. When you become that person. those around you Muslim or not animal or human being they will start enjoying your company more. He'll

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become so much more meaningful as a person. You want to have to tell people what Islam is because they'll see what Islam is in you.

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So what level of Islam Are you content with? Where do you want to be? Because there are many levels that you can be at. And this is the teaching us one of the most beautiful levels of Islam the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said from the beauty of a person's faith is that he leaves that which does not concern him pray that Allah subhanho wa Taala makes us from those who do not waste our time. Do not engage in that which is not a concern us lost power purify our thoughts, our hearts, Allah subhanaw taala safeguard our intentions, our relationships, Allah subhanaw taala safeguard our friendships and make us from those who have the most beautiful Imam was that a loved

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one a serum Hamad Samaniego, Muhammad Ali

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Donna will bark at

Abu Hurayrah (r) said:
The Messenger of Allah (s) said, Part of the perfection of ones Islam is his leaving that which does not concern him. A hasan hadith which was related by Tirmidhi and others in this fashion

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