Hasib Noor – What Is The Most Prominent Of Human Habits

Hasib Noor
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses their love for the community and their belief in their actions, as well as their habit of complaining. They share stories of how the Prophet gives guidance and commandments, leading to leashman behavior and the importance of facing one's limitations. The speaker emphasizes the power of positive experiences and accepting and blessing the situation to overcome difficult situations and create a leashman.
AI: Transcript ©
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See, Michaela

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even knows what the animals feel. We praise Him we asked him and on him we have reliance. And it is him we only turn to for true guidance. And we send peace prayers and blessings of God and Allah subhanho wa tada upon the best of human beings and prophets, the best of examples upon whom we praise the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, until the very end of our days, and we asked the last panatela for mercy assistance and to never lead us astray. And for him to save us on Judgement Day.

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As well I love this community and I'm sure every person that visits this mission, they love this community that has a lot of friends here are Misha sheffy also

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is one of the most beloved people to this panel and had a very, very strong effect, you know, on my life personally growing up, so it's just his final it's a it's a great honor just being here to to speak in front of Homer city man, very, you know, our mentor, teacher and humble very, very close friend. And as close points increase you Mashallah this community is always we're hearing great things about it. So I definitely keep up. And one thing I definitely want to say before I even start, is the fact that the whoever's recording the Rios Allah hain,

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by Chef yassa is happening at after Aisha, may Allah reward you with agenda. Because that was one of my ardent wishes, that somebody record the shifts lectures and be made available, and I listened to them in mid from Medina. and benefit from the shifts with Hannah law has, has has wonderful insight that even we benefit from.

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I want to ask, ask, first of all, ask you all the question.

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If you could pick one characteristic, or a habit that's very pervasive or in, in our society and culture that you would want to change. It's a it's a negative habit. And it's something that is you find it in our culture, it's very like prevalent. What would you say?

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And this are in our culture and our culture, when I say our culture, American culture, like you're not avani right. And mostly

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our culture meaning American culture.

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backbiting, okay.

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untrustworthiness Okay, anybody else?

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stereotype, stereotyping, prejudice.

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Anybody else?

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not respecting the elders?

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Anybody else? Like two more?

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Not being able to keep commitments. Okay. What else?

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In decency? This panel panela.

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Hmm. Not being a family. Okay, not being family oriented.

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These are all very, very powerful, powerful habits, I would always consider considering more habits or characters like characteristics, like backbiting somebody was mentioning somebody said not holding commitments in decency, I guess can be a sort of a habit. But there's one prevailing habit that surrounds some of these are very, very powerful and strong, you know, like indecency. But there's a habit that's very, that's very pervasive. Every maybe one of us indulges in. Every one of us has a part in doing this habit.

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And there's parts of this habit which is positive and parts of which which is very, very negative. And you see it almost on a day to day basis. It's not pervasive, it's that ingrained in our culture. To the extent that they said that this particular habit costs America $510 billion a year.

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And they said that 78% of your work day, three to six hours of it is is dedicated to dealing with this habit.

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70% of all work three to six hours is related to dealing with this habit. Okay, now, give me a guess this, huh?

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intranet online. Okay. Yes. Gossip.

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I'll make a skinnier yellow. Yeah. Good.

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time wasting okay. procrastinating okay.

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I'm sorry.

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smoking, smoking,

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social networking. So that was not what he said. Okay. We'll take two more.

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wasting food.

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Business one, laziness. Okay, none of you guessed this panela

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the habit is complaining,

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to such an extent there's a complaint department in almost every single department store.

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Just to take your there's even a suggestion box in this machine somewhere right? There's a an I called the complaint box too as well because you have your complaints or your your suggestions you put it in this box complaining isn't that is a habit that's so pervasive in our culture. It happens on a day to day basis

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amongst Muslims, amongst you know, your family members complaining about your job, complaining about how you deal with each other complaining about your friends, and then brings into the other elements and other bad habits as well. Like elements of gossip, elements of backbiting. It could even include elements of indecency, complaining Subhan Allah is a natural habit. It's a natural characteristic. It's a natural human thing to complain about us one certain situation. So what is the Quranic guidance? When it comes to this natural habit of complaining? How can we look at complaining and say, How did Allah subhanho wa Taala give us even guidance in our natural habits? Because in that is

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where the true message of Islam, you see the the example of what the prophet sallallahu Sallam gave in his character, when I shall the Lord has said, Can a hollow COVID

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that he made his habits the Quran in that guidance. So hello, what I did is I looked at the thematic overview of the Koran in complaining, how did a las panatela deal with complaining in the lawn. And I'll give you three stories inshallah. And then some practical guidance that I came and derived from some of these stories. First and foremost, a last panel to add one thing I found very, very powerful of how Allah guides us in the Quran, most of the time, how he guided us, you have to reflect over when you're reading the law. And this was first and foremost a message to me It sort of Sam and the companions. So when you're reading it, you have to also imagine that this was also direction to the

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Prophet himself. So how did the Prophet get guidance through through his manners and characteristics and also be given direction and commandments and prohibitions?

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It was through stories. It was through the example of others before him. And that's why the vast majority of direction in the Quran is through is through the stories of the prophets and those who exemplified what Allah subhanaw taala wanted for us. So it's not just theoretical, you know, concepts. But it's the example of these messengers and prophets that gave a full picture through that guidance. And Subhanallah one of the one of the best examples is the example of Ibrahim it cetera. Why because this is the only prophet in the entire Koran that we were guided to and commanded by a lot to follow him completely and everything he did every other profit one of his

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legislations in that particular

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time period or was abrogated. Like for example, the direction or legislation to musala was abrogated parts of it. Some of the legislation given to the Saudi citizen, Jesus was abrogated, but a loss of power that I said about Ibrahim a cent of Sumo hanaa, aka and Tibetan military of Allahumma, hanifa that we have revealed to you to follow the way of the of the religion of evil.

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And Ibrahim al is certainly one of the things that that occurred to him that we all know and heard is that he left his family in a barren land, which has nothing simply because of the command of a las panatela leave your family here in this particular land. So what did he do? He said, I'm gonna

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scan to Ria TV wagon lady, these are the big one. Rob Donnelly up Masada,

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Sita huie him

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you know, some atina love him your school.

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He said, turning to

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the one who already knows what what command he gave him they in this situation and what he left his family with. He said, Oh our Lord, I have settled and I've set some of my descendants of my family, my children, my child in an uncultivated Valley near your sacred house. Why he said to Allah subhanaw taala so that all law that they may establish your prayer. This is the only reason why I did it. To establish your command so that they may establish your prayer, you remember it, so make the hearts of people inclined towards them and provide for them fruits so that they may be grateful.

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Keep the story in mind. Another example is the stories of how to LA is that

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The model the

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law, the law that recited in the salon, recited in the salon, which sort of did he recite.

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So it's

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a very, very powerful tool. And the I had were extremely powerful, and we'll go over why. Especially when she said fecha de la je they're in LA to

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yell at me to cabella ha, una Seon sia, she complained of that situation.

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An angel even came to her and told her this is a commandment from God, and you will be given this blessing of a, a sign for mankind. And she's still after she received that message. She complained of a situation to such an extent, she said, I wish that I was dead.

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Forgotten, and I never existed before this, like to that level.

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And another example, was the example of use of Allah His Adam's Father jacobellis after he found out his sons were dead. And he thought that they had perished. He still had hope he was given the news that he was that you have lost a child. And what did he said, all in a school bus he was knee in a long, while a woman Allahumma Telemundo. He said I only complained of my suffering in my grief to Allah. And I know about a lot that what you do not know.

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In these three particular stories, there's just extremely powerful messages and guidance from Allah subhanaw taala, how to direct our natural habit of complaining five things. The very first and foremost, if you look and read the Quran, the exemplary model of how las panatela wants us to deal with many of the hardships and difficulties and when we complain about them is to first and foremost complained to a loss parameter

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in a school, but it wasn't a law that I complain, my distress, in my worry to our last panel.

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Many of us when we weren't getting worked up in a situation some difficulty that we're going through, the first thing that we do is forget everything. And that's a natural human instinct. And we can become engrossed in that hardship, becoming gross in a difficulty with one spouse, with difficulty at work, or whatever it may be. You just become engrossed. And you forget. And this is why the last panel is calling us back that even in these moments, the strongest form of strength is to call to a last point of data in that time of complaint. The second thing

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is that then the natural reaction of complaining is not wrong.

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In the example of medium out of his system, she complained to the extent that she said I wish I was dead before this, and I never existed. I mean, the highest form of complaint. I wish this never happened to me.

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And then Allah subhanaw taala gave her strength, physically and emotionally and spiritually. So anyone who's going through that distress and they have complaint, it's not to suppress that complaint, rather, is to direct it and give it guidance through the guidance and the loss patterns. Thirdly

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is that if one is going through a very difficult situation, that you seek counsel,

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from a specialist, and this is in the life of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, that when he was first receiving the message from a loss,

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he's he had received solace and comfort from his wife, but his wife didn't tell him Well, I think you know what happened to use this and this and that. She took him to what she took him to a specialist by the name of Wanaka nofal.

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At that time, who was a pure worshipper of God, and he was a Christian who was pure worship demographia. And he was the one who guided him and told him that the person that came to you was the angel GPT, a specialist and we have two problems when it comes to this particular thing. A big problem. Number one, we have, unfortunately, the habit of going to people who are not specialists. When we talk when we ask advice about our situation, when somebody's going through a very difficult, you know, problem, they go unfortunately to the wrong people when they're seeking counsel. And number two, the wrong people are giving counsel. If somebody comes to you with a very, you know,

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difficult situation or a question about Islamic law or finance, don't just give your opinion, guide them to the specialists. Well, what about psychology counseling, somebody going through difficulty with any kind of, you know, problems with drugs or even worse you

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To go to specialist, and number four, is that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam sought solace in the remembrance of Allah.

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Allah practices that remember our last prayer that often, because in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest. And this is something we often forget when we're in difficulty. And the last part that calls us to that when we're actually in that state of difficulty, because that will give us solace, and it will give us comfort. And lastly,

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never underestimate the power of

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every single example, I would look through the most powerful form of complaint and solving a person's problem. And what they're complaining about, was through connecting with the divine.

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And that was the primary way how it was presented as brought solutions to that person. One of the last things I want to I want to finish with inshallah, is that as soon as I walked in, I heard these verses being recited, I say, Subhanallah, it's, it's a lot. So again, like, you know, giving that comfort to me personally, particularly, of what I'm about to speak about, and it allowed me to reflect even deeper on some of the meanings and I benefited from the way even the stops that he had in his citation. One One thing I want to relate to you is that we cannot lose connection from Allah subhana wa tada in our day to day life,

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that everything happens for a reason you will meet a person, and he will say something to you. And it's as if that Allah sent that individual to you, solving your problem.

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And this is a sign of the existence of a Lost Planet on itself. So when you know this, that a loss of habitat has taken care of you in this way.

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And also part of that is decree is functions and this way, you will never complain of the decree of a lost price and in your life.

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You will always accept what happens in your life. And I guarantee you there's somebody in this room, challenged by just the words that we said and there may be going through a very difficult situation. And it's as if Allah subhanaw taala sent me from Medina from Austin to come and speak to you will lie I guarantee it will come tomorrow say that

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because this is how a lot of parents that have functions in this universe. This is the connection we have with our with our Creator was a loss on American libido. While he was a he was sort of missing caveolar escolas protetta to allow us to gather with the companions of the Prophet SAW Selim and to bless this community and to allow it to flourish and inshallah next time I come we'll see that in the big mystery. That's the last thing about

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Isha Khatira by Sheikh Hasib Noor


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