Muhammad West – Islam From Scratch #11

Muhammad West
AI: Summary © The history and context of Islam is emphasized, including the use of "has" as an excuse for refusing to admit their religion. The importance of belief in the presence of god and faith in achieving spirituality is emphasized, along with avoiding confusion and misunderstandings through a focus on avoiding confusion and misunderstandings. Different ways of establishing religion, including avoiding confusion and misunderstandings, are discussed.
AI: Transcript ©
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Can anyone give me confirmation? Meaning?

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Yes, we can. Yes.

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So happy to be here. We are doing lecture number 11 of our series, Islam from scratch. And we've covered obviously a lot of things before I move on. And last week, we basically had a bit of a q&a session and just getting the course started once again after, after Ramadan. And once again, as is the case, if anybody has a specific question, please feel free. And this is the right platform to, to discuss and Hamdulillah. I mean, I've had a wonderful email that I did this afternoon, by one of

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the sisters that join in, she's a diva. And she wrote a nice long email and actually apologize for the long list of email. In fact, I really enjoy reading long emails, and speaking about her journey to Islam, and one of the things that you mentioned that was really, that attracted to Islam, the many things that attracted to Islam, but one of the things that she really found wonderful was the relationship that we have with NaVi Sally Sana, she grew up as a Christian, obviously. And so she

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had a very close affinity to Jesus Christ. And of course, finding out that Muslims also love maybe Isa, we love Meriam and a Salaam and that, of course, we believe that he was not crucified, that he's still alive, and that he will return as the Messiah. This was something you know, wonderful for her. And I haven't really left it is something that, you know, as we get through the, the series, we'll get to know that. And I think we mentioned this last week, that our belief that you cannot,

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you cannot be a Muslim, if you do not believe and love or the Gambia or the prophets. And so Islam is not

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restrictive in that we only, you know, follow maybe Mohamed Salah Salem, and he's I wouldn't be and that's it. No, you have to believe in every single Nabhi every single one of them and every single Angel. And the question that came up last week was Why is believing in the angels loving the angels? A part of your Eman? Why does this matter if you're a believer and unbeliever one of the reasons is is it shows you the honor and the sanctity that Allah has given to the angels, the honor and the

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sanctity Allah has given to all the prophets that one might say, you know, let's take an Airbnb Idris we know very little about him. But you have to believe that there was an ABI call NaVi Idris he's mentioned in the Quran. And he's just mentioned passing in the Quran Subhan Allah but we we believe in them. And you cannot be a Muslim if you don't believe and honor and obviously love the Gambia and the the angels and so on and so forth. Today Inshallah, we're going to talk about

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what is perhaps the most one of the most important Hadith. And I think before we actually get into the Hadith talk about what is Hadith, what does it mean? And it is a Hadith which really summarizes our theology as Muslims, it summarizes what it means to be a Muslim. So up until this point, we've discussed sort of what Islam is all about what you're required to do, the submission to Allah worshiping Allah. If someone were to say, okay, you've sold me, and I'm convinced that you know,

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Islam is the way for me, it's the religion I want to follow. So what do I need to do to be a Muslim? What are the minimum requirements for me to be counted as a Muslim? You know, to join the Club. The Islam is very broad, it speaks about Marriage Divorce, it speaks about you know, business transactions, halal food, interest, it speaks about so many things. Do I have to do all these things to be a Muslim? Or are there specific things that I need to do that makes me a Muslim and that's the

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minimum and inshallah this hadith, the quote the hadith of Gibreel will be discussed in sha Allah this evening. Again, before we start, as is my sunnah and my custom. Is there anyone that has a question is a question that I didn't answer. Last week. Anyone has a coming to me

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wait, is there any questions on the YouTube channel?

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Not currently, I think one of the questions that was posed last week and it was sort of the concluding question was around solving exclusivity, salvage meaning salvation, meaning going to Jannah.

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And being exclusive. So

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the world that we live in is almost the dominant culture, religion of the world, the Western secularism, it basically says to you that it doesn't matter what you believe, who, you know, what you do, everyone is everyone's believes is equal, you know, whether I believe it's a god or I don't believe this God, it's equal, whether I, you know, worship, I don't worship, whether I'm a Muslim, or a Jew, or Christian, or Satanists, and atheists, all of us are equal, in terms of equally

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correct. Now, that's, of course not possible. Certain things are mutually exclusive. Either Allah is One, or is Trinity, we exists or doesn't exist. They can't be multiple opinions in these kinds of effects. Of course, we live in tolerance, and we live we live with tolerance, and we live in harmony with people of all walks of life, and all beliefs in all persuasions. We are duty bound as Muslims to give a good character, to give

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the rights of all people not only people, but all of all of creation, you know, you have to treat an animal with respect. So let alone a human being. And so, this is not about how we engage with people, there are other in terms of beliefs. We of course, said from an Islamic perspective, that there are certain fundamental beliefs that you need to have need to subscribe to, to be a Muslim. And this was a very common question. We're not the first people to ask this, you know, I'm a Muslim,

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I have reverted to Islam. What about my parents and my grandparents and they were good people, from my perspective, you know, they were righteous people, but they didn't embrace Islam, and they died on this belief, what happens to them? So the Sahaba, they There's a very famous Wahhabi,

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you know, sahabi, a deep,

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hot, I didn't even have them, or the the son of had him and hurt him, so that his father was hurt him and hurt him was a very famous man in in Arabia before the coming on to be Salam. He was what we would maybe call a Nelson Mandela like figure, a very, very prominent figure, a very generous man, a man that was all about philanthropy, and you help the poor and he was a good a good guy. And so but of course, he was a pagan idol worship of worshipped idols, and he died like, so when Islam came his

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son, it comes to the Prophet peace be upon him, the son is like a chieftain. And the Prophet SAW peace be upon him talks about Islam. And, you know, he, you know, he acknowledges that Islam is correct. And he said, Look, this religion is better than worshipping idols, and in idea that I was a Christian. And he said, it also makes more sense than Christianity. And so he embraced Islam. But then he asked an interesting question to the Prophet, be sure. And we said, what about my dad, my

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dad was a good guy, what is going to happen to him, and the Prophet Sonam responded, and he said to him, your dad will get what he intended. Your dad, Allah is going to give him what he intended, meaning if he intended well, and he intended Allah subhanaw taala. And he believed in the Oneness of Allah, Allah knows what's in his heart, and Allah will give him that, as for the external, we judge people on the external, I, as I said, as I said last week, that if a person dies externally, as a

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Muslim, we believe and treat him as a Muslim and make dua for him and we commemorate him as a Muslim. And if someone dies externally, as a non Muslim, we treat him as a non Muslim, but ultimately, he's faced with Allah subhanaw taala. Allah knows in his last dying moments, what was in his heart? Also, there is a deep discussion around you. What about those people that never heard Islam? So there are people I mean, before the internet, for example, there are people that grew up,

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never meeting a Muslim never reading about Islam, they lived completely oblivious to this religion called Islam, or those who have heard about Islam, but in a very incorrect way. There's some people, the only engagement and interaction they have with Islam is what they see on Fox News, whatever, of course, today with the internet, there is a level of responsibility that you need to do research, but it's a you lived in the Amazon jungle, you have no electricity, you've never met a Muslim, and

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you live and you die like that, what is going to become of you? Allah subhanaw taala, as he says, In the Quran, that, you know, Allah does not deal unjustly with his creation. And also he says in another verse, that he will not punish a people until a messenger was sent to them until they received the message until he had given them a chance to believe until they basically rejected faith from themselves, that he will not punish such people. And so, for those people who have we call them

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the people are fitrah people have basically they have no religion or they were not in cut did not encounter Islam or they weren't able to comprehend Islam. They will be judged on the Deaf piano and they will be given a special test

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The test is basically they will see people, the deeds being accounted for people being sent to paradise people being sent to *. And then Allah will speak to them. And I'll say, do you recognize that I am the God the Lord the Creator? And they will say, Yes, we recognize that you are the absolute authority. So then Allah will say to them, now go to Jana, I command you to go to help. And if they obey, they will find being Jana. And if they disobey Him, then they will find that it is

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Jana, but Subhanallah, as we know, in Allah's mercy, that any opportunity and any excuse for Allah to enter people into Jannah, he will do so that was a very, very famous and I think we spoke about this in lecture number four, when the scholars would say that if you knew the way in which Allah judges His creation, you will be more contented with Allah judging your affairs than your own mother. Now, if I knew my mom was going to decide if I go to heaven or *, I'm pretty confident

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I'll make it so span Allah, Allah is even more merciful and loving than my own mother. And so this is Allah subhana wa Tada. And if Allah knows, and that is why we don't no one has the right to judge. And it's not about judgment. We don't have the right to judge Allah is the only one that judges because he knows what you do, what you don't do, what you thinking, what you're feeling, what's in your heart, what you know what you didn't know, all those things. Allah subhanaw taala

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will take into account however, we do say very clearly very explicitly, but someone that does not enter into Islam, and he does not embrace Islam and he has rejected Islam, when he's a fee with Allah is that May Allah protect, then he is not allowed to enter Jannah he's not allowed to enter Jannah what happens to him and Jana is a different story. That's a different discussion. What will become of him you know, is eternally punished or not that's a different discussion. But Jana

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paradise is forbidden for someone that refuses with all knowledge or understanding woefully he refuses to embrace Islam. And so it's a very difficult thing and a very unpopular discussion, but it's our theology it's what we what we believe and therefore we make dua for all our friends and neighbors, May Allah guide them to the light of Islam and to guide them to Allah subhanaw taala any questions before we begin with a hadith of Gibreel?

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No questions.

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Right? Okay. So,

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today inshallah we begin with a serious very important

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Hadith which is called the hadith of Gibreel. And I think this is before I even get into it Gibreel whose video by now we should know is is the Ark angel. He is the senior most Angel of the angels His name is Deborah L. The L that you said mica il she para el sol il was Eel is Allah right?

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And so it is like Ciara, Abdullah, the slave of Allah, the servant of Allah. So Jubilee Gibreel. He is the senior Angel, and he has multiple functions and jobs. His most important job was, he doesn't have this job anymore, was to deliver messages between Allah and His prophets. So a prophet is someone as we said before, is someone who receives the revelation from Allah, apart from very few prophets, or in fact, only Nabi Musa Prophet Moses and Nabi Muhammad Salam on the Saranda Mirage, no

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prophet received direct speech from Allah Allah does not speak to them directly, but rather a embassador a messenger is sent to the messenger I a, like a postman panel and hold up the postman, but someone conveying the message. This is the angel Djibouti This was his primary function and he has other functions as well. And that he did and he continues to do and He is the senior most of the of the angels are Allah subhanaw taala a hadith what is the word head so the hadith of God do

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something about your video, Hadith for Muslim you take this for granted, but perhaps a person who has embraced Islam recently, who is not a Muslim does not understand what this means. In Islam. We have two sources of law or two sources of truth. Islam comes from if I asked if someone asked me,

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Can I eat pork? When I drink alcohol? I say no, you can't. Why can't I is that your opinion is not my opinion. It is what Islam says. Who's Islam? You know, how do I know Islam says that so well. Islam is confined in what Allah has said. Whatever Allah commands you, but I'll ever Allah instructs you that is Islam. Right that is the nature of Islam also, whatever the Prophet peace be upon him parameters Allah instruct you commands you, that is part of Islam. So one right so somebody will

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say, Okay, fine. I need to follow all the rules the commandments of Allah, okay, I get that he's, he's, he's God, He created me. So obviously, if he commands me to do something, I need to follow him. Where do I find these commands? I can't call him. So how do I know what he wants me to do? Is it up? No problem. He sent down a book of Revelation. And this book has been preserved. It's called the Quran. It is the last of his revelations. He had sent me new revelations down, but those

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revelations have been lost to time. They've been abrogated, corrupted, changed by its people. And now the final revelation, you know, the last

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By law, the final law that he had sent is called the Quran. And that has been been preserved in its original format, we still have it, there is no two Krons on Earth, like there's no two versions of it. Every Quran on Earth is identical and therefore Alhamdulillah as Muslims, and we are very proud that we are the only faith on Earth the only faith where there's absolutely no,

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not a single contradiction of a single second opinion as to the religious texts, you'd find that the Catholics have a different Bible of the Prophet, Protestants, a different Bible to the Coptics will find that the within Judaism for example, you have different scriptures, some except some reject within Hinduism, the set of the different leaders so it goes on and goes on every religion, they have they have disputes around the sacred texts is this in is this out. Islam is the only religion

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on earth with these absolutely zero dispute and its problems themes. Not that we we agree we agree we agree on very little sometimes we can't even agree when to celebrate, eat, you know, our Christmas, one day it should be one group days today one does it tomorrow. But Alhamdulillah we all agree that the Quran that we have is the same the Quran you go to China is the same your Quran you find in Brazil, the same Quran you find in, in every mosque on Earth, So alhamdulillah the Quran is

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the final testament. The first is the Old Testament, the New Testament, the Quran is the final testament of Allah, the Lord, creator of the universe, that he sent to mankind and in that in the system within this book, is wisdom is guidance is the law that he wants us to follow. And so we say Islam is whatever is in the Quran. If the Quran says that you

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you know you're not allowed to drink alcohol, then honestly we don't have a choice. Allah said, so come on in such the Quran commands you to dress a certain way to pray a certain way we have to obey it. So that is that is the law of Islam within the Quran. We say also, besides the Quran, Allah has allowed His Prophet, not only the prophets Allah has

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if we lost connection there for a second,

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okay, now, Allah has allowed His prophets peace be upon them all of his prophets, to be law givers, the prophets of Allah, because they are inspired by Allah, because they have what we mentioned last week, something called the ESMA Isma is a type of infallibility a protection around him, a,

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you know, a guidance, Allah has guided them that if they give an instruction, it becomes authoritative. You don't have a choice in the matter. So if the prophet peace be upon you, if we were we were alive in his time, and he said, Guys, today is Thursday. On Thursdays, no one is allowed to eat bread on Thursday. We have to obey it without any question. The same way if Allah says you're not allowed to eat pork, we accept that we don't have a choice. Even if pork this nice,

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even if it's cheap, whatever it is, you don't have a choice, it's haram, It's haram. And if any of the Prophet peace upon him gives a law like that, it becomes equally forbidden. If it gives an instruction, you have to obey it. And Allah says in the Quran, that you are not a believer, until you accept which was that which the prophet has given you, and you have no resistance to His commandments at all. So we have two sources of law in Islam. We have two sources of of truth, the

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Quran and the teachings, the tradition of the Prophet we call the Sunnah, the lifestyle, he's come up all the sermons, all his commands, all his instructions are in what we call the Sunnah. Now someone might say okay, fine, that's easy. I think the Quran I look in the so let's say for example, someone wants to know

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is it permissible for me to eat an elephant said okay, fine. Let's go through the Quran. If it's a chapter, the elephant must be in the butt. Read the chapter, the elephant, nothing to do with eating elephants. Okay, so the chapters are gonna help you so you read the whole Quran he said, Okay. Not much about what to eat, what not to eat. So we say I read through the Quran, where else can I look for guidance? Look to the Sunnah the teachings of the Prophet peace and said, Okay, fine, give me

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the book that gives all the laws of the Prophet peace upon him. So we don't have a single book, rather the life of the prophet peace be upon him. He statements that which he said that which he did, how he prayed how he ate, that has been recorded in little pieces of information called Hadith, little pieces of information called Hadith. Put together all the Hadith together will make up what we call the Sunnah. So you need to study all the Hadith of the Prophet peace be upon him. And in

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that we will begin to understand the Sunnah of the teachings, the traditions, the commandments of the Prophet, peace be upon him. Now, there is a further discussion around authenticity, right, authenticity, can I truly believe that the Quran I'm reading today is the same Quran that the Prophet peace be upon him read the same Quran he received from God. So remember, the Quran is the speech of Allah Allah spoke it to God

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And Gibreel took that and conveyed it to the Prophet peace be upon him Mohamed salah, then the Prophet peace be upon him, he internalized it, it became imprinted on his heart revelation almost, you know, became firm upon him. And then he of course taught it recited to his people. Now, we asked, is the Quran the same one that we need now, the one that the Prophet peace when taught? And Alhamdulillah? I think there is absolutely no

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notion there is no doubt that the Quran that we have today has been preserved in its original format. There are many, many evidences for that. The second thing is, one might ask the Hadith, the books of Hadith, which talk about what the Prophet did. And he said, and he didn't know, has that been preserved correctly. And we say that this is a human effort. And that is why you have grades of Hadith you have some Hadith that are, without a doubt, as authentic and as clear as the son. You

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know, think about it as eyewitness accounts. If 10 People saw the same accident, and they all reported the same thing. The chances are that those 10 got together the night before and said we're going to make up a story that's more unrealistic than 10 Strangers, seeing an accident and given the same eyewitness account, so Hadith of the same, the more people corroborate it, the more people heard it. So when the Prophet gave a sermon, and many people heard it, and they report it to the

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next generation, this gives us strong evidence that it's authentic. There might be other Hadith that also statements that are claimed to be Hadith. So someone says, this is a statement from Abu Salah, the Prophet peace economy said that on Mondays you're not allowed to eat bread. So okay, fine. Who told you that? Did you speak to the Prophet Salim said, No, I never met him. But my dad told me that, okay, we told you that. And so we assist, and we grade and we take, and again, this study this

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audit of information. Islam, once again, is the only religion on earth that was in its very early days, and a process called authentication of Hadith. We have a tradition, we have a today you have something called a blockchain. So for those of you who know cryptocurrency, if you if you buy a Bitcoin, you have a chain of all the information or the history, almost the history of that, when that piece of currency came to you, there is a sort of a chain that tells you how it came from, you

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know, its history is sort of preserved. hadith is like that. So when I opened this hadith, I say the Prophet peace, he said, it wasn't that he said it to me. Rather, there's a whole list of narrators, someone heard from the previous person who heard from the previous person all the way back to the companion who heard it from the Prophet peace upon him. And so we have a chain of narrators, sometimes it's very short three people, five people, six, seven people, something is wrong. And each

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and every one of those individuals have been studied, they've been graded. So we actually grade them, you know, is this person triple A, you can accept him? Or is this person unknown is this person known to lie, and each time that there is a deficiency, the grading the authenticity of the Hadith becomes less and less and less, until some Hadith we even say they are completely fabricated. They don't say this, the Prophet peace will never say that this thing is a fabrication. It is a

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human effort. And of course, the hadith is not of the level of the Quran in terms of authenticity. But the authentic hadith those that are authentic, has the same influence or the same authority as the Quran in terms of law. It's a very, very technical discussion. I need to take a moment here to ask the class do you understand what I'm saying?

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Mashallah, Brother Muhammad Ali, you you're the only one with a with a with a picture. So I see your face. Did that make sense when I said that you understand? When I say Hadith what it means

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I'm picking on you Brother Mohammed.

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Any questions on that?

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So if I asked you Okay, so we say the Quran the laws of Allah is in a book called The Quran. Where's the Quran? Well, you go to any module you'll find in everyone's house is the Quran hamdulillah the Hadith which is little pieces of the NABI salaams message, where do I find these Hadith? We say it's in books like what books

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and books like that. Alright, so there's a number of Hadith books, none of the above. You know, this many, many Hadith books. There are some of them that have the highest level of authenticity, the most authentic of them. The most famous of them is called the Hadith compilation of Buhari. Now, for those of us I don't know if there's any reverts here or those who are Christians, they will say, what is the difference thing between the Hadith books and the Bible? Understand the Bible. The Bible

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is a mixture of the laws of the words of ALLAH, the words of Jesus, and most of it is said to be the, the biography of Jesus, the Gospels, for example, written by his companions or those off to them, so it's people who wrote the life of Jesus. So we say, Yes, hadith is similar to that in the sense that

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It is a human compilation, humans wrote it down. And it is done by the companions and those afterwards. But what we have which the Bible doesn't have is a audit process. The Hadith from a very early point in time, was graded and assessed and analyzed. And then when it was recorded in book form, we have every every Hadith on earth has a blockchain has a chain that you add to the visa lump sum of the chain is weak, and we throw it away, some of the chain is very strong, and we keep it

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some of the chain is 5050. And so we say, look, there is some problems with this hadith, it could be that it comes from the rissalah War, it could have at least we have that comfort in knowing what evidence is 100% authentic, what is 100% fabricated and what is in between as a gray area. And so when you study Islam, we bring all of this together and from the we can derive our laws. Let's ask one of the sisters. Again picking on someone Yeah.

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Right let's use in our class

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since the Syrah

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or UV Sasara.

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Will very shy to speak up your hamdulillah right. Okay. Yes. Someone sent a Sasara Yes, you raise your hand.

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Go ahead. You raise your hand you turn your mic off though it okay. Right. So

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we're going back to all of this was an introduction to this hadith called the Hadith video. So when I say it's a hadith of Gibreel it's not in the Quran. This thing is not found in the Quran. The story is not in the Quran, rather it is something which occurred where the prophet peace be upon him and his companions recorded this event, okay? So it's part of the the Sunnah of going to be Salaam. Okay. So who narrated this hadith who tells us a story? None other than Omar even know how to obtain

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our this is perhaps for the first time I think the first companion that we are mentioning. So in our Omar the Prophet peace upon him has disciples like Nabil Issa and Jesus disciples, the Prophet peace upon him had many, many disciples, but we call them companions. So holla he had many of them, when he passed away the Prophet peace upon him. In his Farewell Pilgrimage, there were over 100,000 people that attended he is, is his sermon. So many, many 1000s of people meet the Prophet peace upon

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him, spend time with him learn from him, but they were of course, a core elite group that were with him all the time throughout his life. One of them is Omar peace be upon him, Radi Allahu Allah be pleased with him, say normal. And so this companion, this disciple, he narrates a very interesting event. So he said one day, while we the Companions, the disciples were sitting with the Prophet peace be upon him in the mosque. So imagine the scene the Prophet peace upon him was sitting in the

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mosque like I am, and he's teaching his, his disciples, and we're all sitting there, listening and learning from the Prophet peace upon him. When a man appeared with extremely white clothes, and very black hair, a stranger walks into the mosque. So a man which we didn't know, unknown man, he walks into the mosque, and everybody notices this man, because the way he is presented is extremely beautiful. He looks very nice. He is He is well maintained, well groomed black, and his clothing is

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immaculately clean. It's, you know, sparkling white, this clothes, the man is weighing.

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And so not only says there was no signs on travel, there were no signs of travel on him. And we did not recognize him. Now, why this is important. The city that they lived in was a very small town, everybody knew everyone. So there were no strange faces in the crowd. And if there was a strange face, it had to be a traveler. And you would have seen this guy is a traveler, he would have been dusty, he would have come from the desert. And so he wouldn't, he would look like a traveler. So

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say, Norman said, I was surprised, because this was a stranger, and he will head no signs of travel. And this man comes forward. And he sits in front of the Prophet, and he raced his knees, against the needs of the proxim. And he placed his hands on his own thigh. So the so the, so you know, as you would imagine, that if you're sitting in a gathering, and there's a teacher, and you join the gathering late, you sit at the back, but this man comes into the middle of the gathering, and he

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sits face to face in front of the property is so close, that his knees are touching the knees of the Prophet peace upon him, right. So he's facing that episode, I'm face to face.

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You know, the, the Companions are like looking at one another, like, Who is this guy? You know, who is this person? And the man then says the stranger, he says, oh, Mohamed, tell me what is Islam? Tell me, what is Islam? And the Prophet responds. So the man asks the question and the Prophet is responding, the Prophet peace of mind, he says, Islam, if you want to be a Muslim, if you want to join Islam, then Islam is that you need to testify. You need to be a witness, that there is no God

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worthy of worship, but Allah. In fact, I need to change my slides. There's a

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Report translation Kalama there is no God worthy of worship or no deity worthy of worship

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besides Allah, and you need to testify that Muhammad peace be upon him is the messenger of Allah. First thing, Islam is you need to testify that is unworthy of worship but Allah and that Muhammad is his messenger SallAllahu sallam. Number two, you have to establish you need to pray salah, you need to pray five times a day. Number three, you need to give annually a charity called Sokka. If you can, if you're able to afford it, you must give charity. Number four, you need to fast in the month

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of Ramadan. And number five, you need to perform a pilgrimage to Mecca once in your life if you're able to do so if you have the ability to do so then you need to do these five things. We call it the Kalama the declaration of faith. So it's a statement you need to say this word I believe that is unworthy, worshipping Allah and Muhammad is his messenger. You need to say that number two, you need to pray. You need to fast you need to give charities aka you need to perform Hajj pilgrimage once in

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your life.

00:31:03 --> 00:31:25

When the Prophet peace was said that the strangest is so ducked. Correct, you told the truth. And now the Sahaba the companions are shocked. Listen, the Sahaba say nombreuses what kind of person asks a question of the Prophet peace be upon him and then sort of grades him it's it's good. You see the right answer. So who is this guy? Then?

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The strange man asked the Prophet Bishop tell me what is Iman What is faith? So first question, What is Islam? The second question, what is Eman? What is faith? What does one have to believe, to be a Muslim? And so the Prophet peace of mind misses faith belief is to believe in Allah that Allah exists. That is one, you need to believe that he has angels. You need to believe that he revealed books, you need to really believe in His messengers, you need to believe that there is a life after

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death the last day, and you need to believe in Providence, color, Destiny, the good of it, and the evil of it, you need to believe that everything is part of a bigger picture, which Allah has decreed and ordained. Okay.

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So this one, the first question was Islam, and the Prophet said, told him five would be called the Five Pillars of Islam. The stranger then asked, what is Iman What do I have to believe? And the Prophet response says, there are six things you need to believe. You need to believe in Allah in His angels in His books, His prophets in the last day, and you need to believe in destiny other in

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the fact that a lot everything is decreed by Allah subhanaw taala. And the man said, You are spoken truthfully, you spoke correct. And once again, the companions were quite surprised, what kind of person you know, he asked the question, and then he corroborated the prophet who had spoken the collecting. The man then asked a third question and he said, Tell me, what is your son? So this Islam, Iman, and yes, and what is your son, your son is translated as excellence or perfection?

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That is asked, and I'll explain this perhaps in more detail. The The man asked the Prophet Bucha, what is the sun? What is perfection? As the Prophet says, perfection is to worship Allah to live your life, as if though you can see Allah Now I ask all of you, how would How would I live my life? If I looked up, and I saw Allah looking at me, if I looked, and on my one side, I could see heaven. And on the other side, I can see how well how would I live my life, I would live my life perfectly.

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And so the prophets is prediction is to worship Allah, as if though you could see him. But if you cannot see Him, and of course, we cannot see him in this life. Remember that he surely sees you. So it's a heightened sense of consciousness of your Creator. That is your son. And so the man said, correct. And then he asked the Prophet peace of mind, he said, Tell me, when is the Day of Judgment? Tell me when is the final hour when is going to happen? Give me a date. Give me a time. And the

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Prophet said, neither the one being asked, being meaning me, neither I nor the one asking the question. Neither you have any knowledge as to when the day of judgment is going to come. This is a secret, no one knows when it's going to happen. Mmm, this is correct. But tell me some of the signs so that he insists now he says, give me some clues. Are there any clues about the coming of the day of judgment, something that gives an indication that it's about to occur? And so the Prophet said,

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amongst the signs that when you see these things happening, that they have judgment is very close. He said, When the slave woman will give birth to her mistress, Mistress here means her master, when a slave gives birth to its master.

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Okay, let's just talk that for a second. We'll talk about that in a minute. So the first sign the prophecy of the signs of Kiama is close. The Day of Judgment is close, is when a slave gives birth to a child, and that child becomes its master. That's one. The second sign is when the whova tune or auto tune when the

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When the Barefoot naked Bedouins of Arabia, shepherds, yo Tao Luna feel Ghanaian, they start competing with each other in building very tall skyscrapers. SubhanAllah. When the Arabs start before, they were illiterate backward people, they start competing with each other in building skyscrapers. In fact, the English is incorrect. It is not constructing two buildings yet our own means they compete with one another, the one builds one, the one on submit a total one. And it's

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like a competition. When you see this happening, the Day of Judgment is close. Okay, so let's just unpack this the profit piece from two signs, the first one, the second one is quite easy. And it's Hala. We've never lived in a time in the history of the world, where the Bedouins of Arabia started competing in building the tallest building in the world. Now, the tallest buildings on Earth are all in most of them are like in Dubai. And then Saudi Arabia competes with him. So the Middle East, each

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royal, you know, King au Prince wants to build the tallest building, as if they want to bring this hadith to reality. The first one is more cryptic. What does it mean that the slave woman gives birth to her master, there are many, many interpretations of this one of it could be that the time will come when parents will give birth to children who will overpower the peanuts, they will be the ones that commands and Mark and rule over them. That's one interpretation. The more

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accepted interpretation is that a time will come the Prophet says when slave women will give birth to two rulers two kings. And again, this is unique to Islam. Now, Islam, as we would know that the is, you know, Islam is very much against slavery. But of course, it came at a time when slavery was very common. The Christians had slaves, the Jews had slaves even had slaves. So when Islam came, Islam made it a policy, we're gonna get rid of slaves. And if you have a slave woman, and you have a

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relationship with her, and she is pregnant, so in Islam, you can marry a slave woman. And if you do, so, then the children of that slave woman would become free. So any child born of a slave woman would become the child of the master. Understand that the past, if a master had many slave women, and he slept with him, and they gave birth, those children were both slaves, it's obviously know that if you want to sleep with a slave woman, you need to marry her. And if she gives birth, her

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child, that child of the slave woman, is equal to a woman that is the princess, a queen that you married, those kids are the same. And so what happened in Islam, when kings and of course, the kings had many women, that's the ways of the royalty, many of them, their firstborn sons, were actually born to slave mothers. So they would have slave goals that may be sons of these girls would become the next Caliph. So most most of the caliphs of Islam, they might the fathers were kings, the

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fathers were the king, but the mothers were slave women. And so this is unique that in the history of mankind, you'd find many slave women giving birth to men who would one day rule the world. And so the Prophet is saying, When you see this happening, then it's then the Day of Judgment is close. Now another one of our students here in Bhutan, he said, You know what, why even discuss? What does the slave girl giving birth to a master means? What does it mean? What is what it means the fact that

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slavery is coming to an end, it means that this sign happened, and it only passed the sign, we long time pass, this already occurred. So both these signs, pretty scary already. You know, of course, we escaped, as already occurred, the the issue of slavery, and the ending of slavery, and the construction of tall buildings by the Arabs, these two hints appear to be true. So the Prophet peace, you've heard me saying, when these two things happen, when Kiama is very close, then the

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stranger he got up, and the man and he got up and he left, he just walked up, and he left the mosque. And so the Prophet said to Narooma this wasn't only one menace in the mosque, there were like 70 people than the many companions who were eyewitnesses to the event. And so the Prophet looked at the companions and he saw the beholder and he saw that people are shocked and surprised. And so the Prophet said to Omar Omar, do you know who that man was? And I'm gonna say, Allah and His

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Messenger, no base. And so the Prophet peace. That was the angel Gabriel, that was the angel Jibreel, who had come in human form to teach you people about Islam. He wasn't teaching me, you asked me the questions, so that you may learn and 1400 And how many years afterwards, we could be sitting in Cape Town and talking about this exact event. So we may learn about our religion. So this hadith is very comprehensive in terms of what a Muslim that what a Muslim needs to do what a person

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needs to do to be a Muslim, what he needs to believe to be a Muslim. What is the perfect Muslim and something about chiamato really four areas in this hadith the first question was, What is Islam? Islam? If you look at the answer the Prophet gave were all physical things, things that you do, you must say the declaration of faith

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If you must establish Salah you must pay Zakah you need to fast you need to go for pilgrimage. These are physical, tangible things. So there are five things that you must do to be a Muslim. If you do those five things, and you're a Muslim, even, even if you don't do all the other things, so someone might say, you know, can I be a Muslim, but I don't wear hijab? So yes, you can, so long as you do the five pillars of Islam. Can I be a Muslim? And I, you know, I, I drink alcohol, for example, you

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know, we say, Look, brother, alcohol is haram, it is sinful, you are liable for punishment. So can I be a Muslim? And I still do it this way? Yes, you can, so long as you do your five pillars, if you say, can I be a Muslim? But I don't want to foster Ramadan, will say no, that's a problem. You must do these five things. If you want to be a Muslim, these are the minimum requirements, like you know, the university has minimum acceptance requirements, these five things you must do, to be able to do.

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And they are all do the all actions. And there'll be they're not that difficult. If you think to enter eternal paradise, to do these five things, very simple. I mean, to get to first class and an aeroplane is more difficult thing to do these five things to enter Jannah a better one comes to the Prophet peace upon him. And he says, oh, Muhammad, and the baby ones had no no manners. So they were very rough and gruff, and very illiterate. So he says, oh, Mohammed, what must I do to be a Muslim?

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So the Prophet said, You must do say that you must testify, verbalize, that there's nothing worthy of worship of Allah, and that I am the messenger of Allah and His servant, the servant, then His Messenger, and I'm the final messenger, and you must perform Salah and you must give us a car, faster Ramadan, perform Hajj. So the Bedouin said, Only these five things, you gave me a list of five just that said, obviously, those are the five things. So he says, oh, Muhammad, I swear to

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Allah, I will do these five things. Nothing more. Nothing. Please don't ask me for anything else. Don't ask me for one cent more, but I will do them and I won't be deficient. And so the message masama going out and he left and the Prophet peace be upon him suitable companions. This guy, if he tells the truth, and he does those five pillars, he will definitely go to paradise with difficulty Jana, very strong, Allah. Allah has made Jana very accessible. So those are the five pillars that

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everyone must do to be a Muslim. Then you have the next question, what is Iman now all the things that the prophet spoke about are intangible. They are faith, they are beliefs. You can't see it. You can't smell it, you can't touch it. You believe in it. You know some things about it. But not everything is a leap of faith. There is a leap of I don't know, but I accept it. You don't 100% know Allah subhanaw taala you believe he exists. So I believe in Allah. None of us has seen an angel but

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we believe they exist. None of us have received a Book from Allah. But we believe that the Quran and the books before our revelation, none of us meet any of the prophets. But we believe that they are such people. And we believe in that they are telling the truth that they would if they were divinely inspired, we don't none of us has come back from the dead. And know what is what happens after you die. No one knows. We believe that there is a life after death, you don't just disappear. And of

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course, we believe that everything happens with a wisdom and a reason that if you're in an accident, it was because of a decree that Allah had decreed that if you, you know you become wealthy, it was out of the Mercy of Allah, subhanaw, taala, and so on. And each one of these beliefs and as we say, beliefs are, we is an element where you can as much as we study, and we know and we learn, there's always going to be a level of unknown. We don't really know the mechanics of freewill and destiny.

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How does it work? We don't know fully. We can we can spend hours talking about it. But we don't really know ultimately, how do the angels sleep to sleep to the eat? How do you know what's the biology? We don't know? How does Allah subhanaw taala? You know, His attributes and His names? And what does it look like? We don't know any of that. When Allah says he moves, how does he move from A to A, we don't know these things. This is above our pay grade. So all we can say is it's Eman. You

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must believe me? If you don't believe in these things. You can't be a Muslim. So if someone says, the six pillars, I believe them. But really, I don't believe that Jesus was born of a virgin, then we say then you can't be a Muslim. Because part of your faith is to believe that he is a man called Jesus, that He was born of a virgin mother, and that he is the Messiah, he will come back if you don't believe that you can't be a Muslim. So Okay. Another person says, I believe in reincarnation,

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that when you die, your soul gets recycled. So if you believe in that you can't be a Muslim, because this is fundamentally against against the revelation of fundamentally against the ethos or the theology of Islam. You also cannot say, I believe that the Quran was from Allah, but now it has become lost or it become Oh, we can abrogate it, we can rewrite it. If you have that belief, then it's not compatible with being a Muslim. So that is Islam and Iman, these two things are the bedrock

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the basis you can't go listing it, you must do the five pillars. You must believe in the six pillars of human nothing, nothing less than that. But of course, if that is the entry level Muslim, if someone says okay, so I do these five things, I believe in those six things in our Muslim

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Does it stop the music? No, it only begins the now the journey begins if you want to become that's the first step to being a Muslim. So then the video asked a second, a third question, what is the end of the line? What is the top Muslim? If that is the basic Muslim, what is the highest level of iman? What is the best believer? And so that's when the Prophet peace when he said, that is a sign that level is called the level of a son. That is where you live your life, completely conscious of

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Allah, everything you do you think you say you, it's in the service in the obedience of Allah, that you live your life, not only believing in Allah, but you live with such an oath with such a fervor. It's as if though you can see Allah and that level is called the sun. Very few people reach that level. And to reach the level of sun isn't, is a is an intention, you hope to reach it, you hope to get there. But if you don't get there, so long as you're on the path of it, it's okay. So long as

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you're on the path, you will be rewarded in sha Allah with a destination.

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Then, of course, the last point was about the day of judgment. And also part of the question, it shows you this is God, the most powerful sacred of all the angels, and Muhammad peace upon him, the leader of all the prophets, the most revered of all the prophets, yet they are both of them servants of Allah, they are some knowledge Allah has given them, Allah has given both of them some knowledge, but he has kept a lot to himself. And God and the Prophet both of them, they have no idea when Kiama

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is going to come, they have no idea when the day of judgment is going to occur. But the little hints that Allah has given and these are just two of them, the slave giving birth to her, her master, and the Arabs competing in building two buildings when these things happen, when Kiama is very close. And of course for all of us panel has something to think about Qiyamah happens the day you die. You don't have to wait until the trumpet is blown in the heavens forward and the stars lose the light,

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all that will happen when it happens. But for you and me, the moment we die, the Day of Judgment has began for all of us, reckoning has begun. And so the Prophet whenever he was asked, and he was asked frequently,

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you know, when is the place of judgment, tell me when he's Kiama tell me when the end of World is gonna happen. And the Prophet peace upon Him will always respond and respond in a way to say, what have you prepared for it? Are you ready? If you were to die right now? Are you ready to meet your Creator, and something all of us still to think about? So this hadith has received the hadith of Gibreel? Oh, by the way, when the Prophet said to the Sahaba, this is Gibreel. And he came to teach

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you your religion, all of them jumped up and ran outside and say now I want to mention is when we went outside, we couldn't even see footsteps in the sand. It was so this man disappeared completely. And, of course, he's an angel, he went back to his angelic form.

00:47:45 --> 00:47:49

We're close to about 510 minutes before the end of the class. Any questions?

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Any questions? Any comments, anything outside of the lecture? Anyone learned something that you'd like to contribute? I'm sure most of you have heard this hadith before. But it's a nice summary of Islam in a nutshell. Yes, probably Mohammed.

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Muhammad Ali, go ahead. You raised your hand.

00:48:13 --> 00:48:30

With regards to the different levels you spoke about the Imam yesterday and Islam out one measure oneself to find where you are, if you would do some self reflection like we Mia in the stage, you know, what am I at the level of Islam right now with my level of Eman

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out I would you would you recommend that one do to to sort of gauge where you at the base?

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belief Eman. So let's call faith once faith fluctuates as Muslims we believe and this is in the Quran, that is that your faith fluctuates. And we've all experienced this. And you can agree with me or disagree with me. The person the level of faith that you had in Ramadan, is different to the level of faith that you have in the last 10 nights of Ramadan is very different to the way you are outside of Ramadan. The guy who's on off on Hajj, his level of spirituality is very different to the

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level of spirituality outside of and so it goes up and down. And those are the companions were very concerned about this. They would they would go to the Prophet and they would they would cry. And they would say yesterday I was so spiritual. I was praying at night and reciting today I was lazy, I didn't do much. And the Prophet said that's fine. This is what it means to be human that we go up and down. And it's not about reaching as we said, it's not about reaching that high levels. It's

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about continuously growing. It's about it's not a destination. It's about always being on the path of improvement. So the best way of judging how do I know what is the level of my faith? Totally. What is your relationship with Allah? How often are we in relationship is measured in worship? How? How are you worshiping Allah, some very quick, quick test, what is the quality of our salah. Really, the best litmus test as to how close you are to Allah is how much Salah

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You're making how long you're performing a Salah. how sincere you are in your Salah for most of us, myself included Salah we do it more out of obligation rather than out of no we do it because we have to make salah. Not because we want to make Salah as you reach in a more spiritual state because you love Allah and this is your time to be with him. You begin to enjoy it. Then it's almost you get to the level academicism when life was difficult, he would look forward to ya Allah when is it gonna be

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salah, so I can be free from all this burden and worry. Masala was his his holiday was his relaxation was his enjoyment. So the quickest level, the quickest way to judge your relationship with Allah is to look at your surah if Salah is something you just get done quick, quick, quick, and that's integration problem. If Salah is something that you neglect completely your performance Allah, you forget about salah and that's the level of Islam the level of your email, I these

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ultimately there is no answer. The only answer is going to be the Day of Judgment when Allah will get what Allah will tell us what is the level of our our belief may Allah protect us and we make dua that's why in salah the one thing you ask all the time in a circumstance Allah guide me let my Esna let my let me always be on that path of becoming a better Muslim. I mean,

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anyone else?

00:51:22 --> 00:51:23

Just like love it. I'm hammered for the question.

00:51:25 --> 00:51:27

Lovely question, Sister Elemis.

00:51:29 --> 00:51:30

This is Lamesa. Uri.

00:51:35 --> 00:51:36

System all

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00:51:42 --> 00:51:43

Anyone else?

00:51:46 --> 00:51:49

Have any questions? Okay. What have you

00:51:50 --> 00:51:51

want? It's nice, because?

00:51:53 --> 00:52:05

Because it gives you a way to answer it as long as you know these things, but you can't always put it into words. So it's quite nice to do it in this detail again. So you can actually answer sometimes when you are asked.

00:52:06 --> 00:52:32

And you know, there's this book called The 40 Hadith everyone. No, ma'am. No, is a great scholar that, you know, many, many 100 years, although his Prophet peace be upon him. So he's a scholar of Hadith, his job was to great Hadith and authenticate them. And so, you know, he's the man that has, you know, a huge collection of Hadith. And so, he was, you know, he said, Look, can I select, like you have the Quran, I want to select 40 Because mobile 4340 Hadith, that if you study those Hadith,

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it would give you a proper understanding of this religion, you don't have to study the 1000s of Hadith books, rather just these 40 It will make you understand this religion very comprehensively. And of course, this hadith video is one of the first Hadith from the book, I think it's the second or third one, the hadith of God, that really explains our religion in in a nutshell, if someone came to you and wanted to be Muslim, we tell them what the hadith of Gibreel and if anyone says, You know

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what, I can accept this, this makes sense to me, then Hamdulillah you can be Muslim, you know, the other things are extra. And some it's also important for us as Muslims, sometimes we fast over things, and everything is important in Islam. But some things are more important other things. You know, establishing your faith and establishing the pillars of Islam is more important than other things which we overemphasize. And it's just something for us to think about Islam has a sense of

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priorities. And we'll talk maybe in our next lecture about the prioritization in Islam, what are the things I must do? What are the most important things to do? What are the most important things to avoid? What are the least important things to do the least important things to avoid and so on and so on and what are the things are nice to have extra as the flaws and the fancies order that we will talk about inshallah what I call a nine step plan to get to Jana is about nine steps that you must

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do we must understand to get the general

00:53:45 --> 00:53:51

system a means you will honestly you will please go back on and you can have the last comment inshallah.

00:53:56 --> 00:53:58

I just wanted to do everything

00:54:01 --> 00:54:02


00:54:03 --> 00:54:08

Let me see if it's really discussing Casilla Oh, but the customer is the customer Are you feeling

00:54:11 --> 00:54:13

much better? The shorter hospital

00:54:16 --> 00:54:18

I wasn't just discharged on

00:54:20 --> 00:54:20


00:54:24 --> 00:54:51

with the customer. Two very good questions. You asked a question around when the angels were commanded to bow was to Allah within every item it was commanded to notify them that they had to bow to not be either but the commandos to Allah. So when God when he believes disobeyed, he didn't disobey Nabi Adam, he disobeyed Allah. He's his son was raised Allah it wasn't a snobby Adam, and why. So one might ask, Well, how is it that you could bow to someone other than Allah? Of course if

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Allah commands you, then it's fine. If Allah commands then it's fine. But

00:54:56 --> 00:55:00

but of course we know that Allah has made it forbidden that anyone should bow to anyone other than him. No

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is allowed to bow up before anyone besides Allah subhanaw taala. Any any questions for the customer on tonight's lecture?

00:55:07 --> 00:55:08

No, no, that's fine.

00:55:11 --> 00:55:19

When that happened, that was the person who was that person or not or

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did something was he was he was that the person who was was

00:55:29 --> 00:55:55

a person that was committed. So look, we don't Allah subhanaw taala is without time, we don't know if they were creations before the angels before the gene. And you know our belief is that Allah continuously created and continuously will correct there is no beginning with Allah subhanaw taala but what we do know is that the gem existed before us and they lived very, very long before us and of course the jinn have free will. So the gene committed this is not the first son he believes his

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son was not the first son and rather was the first son that they'd be either encountered at that point in time. He had never seen anyone disobeying Allah

00:56:10 --> 00:56:10

the internet

00:56:20 --> 00:56:21

Oh, the internet dropped.

00:56:23 --> 00:56:24

Let's just see if I can quickly.

00:56:55 --> 00:57:21

Salam Alaikum apologies. We just lost connection. But I think just to conclude, yeah, so that was the Christians call this original sin, but we don't call it original sin. It was just and it's now extra even if it was the first one. There is no extra important that we put on it. Rather what is important for us is that we can commit sin, but we can also make Toba and that is really the crux of the story of of Nabil Adam and Dan for each is going and so inshallah our session is concluded this

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evening. We will continue next week. Just like Okay, thank you so much for your time. Allah bless us in the week to come Allah bless us, you know, families that aren't human. May Allah grant that we always are in a perpetual state of increasing our human male Eman always increase. And when the day we die, may Allah Imam be at the highest level. May Allah take us in a state of perfection of a stick of accent where we stand before a lot of mean I mean, just like I'll see you next week. Sure

00:57:48 --> 00:57:55

grant so much Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. are so Allah saying that Muhammad when it was like Islam or something like that, I mean, I don't want to Forget

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