Hasan Ali – Ramadhan Reminder 2 – Ponder over the Quran

Hasan Ali
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the Quran and its importance in helping Muslims achieve their goals, including becoming more rewarded and reducing their body weight. They explain that reciting the Quran is a means of reward and a way to change one's body weight, but it is not a means of success. The speaker emphasizes the importance of reading the Quran and its translation for understanding the teachings of Islam.
AI: Transcript ©
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Okay, now in terms of our way of getting closer to Allah azza wa jal through our worship, a lot of people again, don't understand the true nature of how we're supposed to get close to Allah. So let me start with the Quran. The Quran has been revealed in Ramadan.

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The Quran came for our guidance, it says hidden in us. The Quran is a major source of getting us closer to Allah getting as close to the accurate and so on so forth. We all know that most Muslims, the the only part of the Quran that they know is just to recite and recite and recite and recite. And what you what you got to understand is recitation will get you a lot of reward, no doubt, every letter of the Quran is going to get you 10 reward outside Ramadan, but every letter of the Quran Ramadan will give will give you 700. So yes, we want to recite the Quran a lot, a lot A lot, that's fine. But but that doesn't make the change, you get the reward. Now, what are you after, are you

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after just reward, but no change in the body, let me tell you what the trade off is. If you get a lot of reward by doing some good action, then you've got the you got the reward. But what you haven't got is you haven't got the change in your body, what happens is, if you've got the reward today, you've got the reward today. But if you don't have a change in yourself, then you won't be you won't be doing that a better tomorrow, you won't be collecting reward tomorrow. Let me explain this again. If you've got money, if I give you loads of money, and you've got let's say, you know, you've just suddenly got like a few million pounds or something like that. If you haven't got the

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drive to invest that few million pounds or to have a business mind, then you're going to waste waste those few millions of pounds, just like that, you'll just waste it. You'll waste like anything before the end of your life, you'll be in poverty again. That's why a lot of people and it was haram to play the lottery. But a lot of people who who get the lottery, you know who receive a lottery payment, they most of them blow the money away. Because they don't know how to invest. I'm not saying it's halal, but I'm just giving an example that people want to get a lot of money, if you don't know how to invest or to to make it you know, to make something out of this on a on a long

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term basis, then you will lose all of it. By having a lot of reward of reading the Quran, it doesn't mean that you're going to be doing you know, doing the same thing over and over again for your life. But by making a change in my body, when a mind changes my my whole soul changes towards you know something different than I will if it changes towards a lot towards the ACA I'm inclined towards after that I make a difference for life, then I will be doing something so now let me explain to you, the people who recite the Quran over and over again. That's just the first part of what Allah wanted us to do. Allah wanted us to read and understand because he said La La, la, de la couronne

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and RB I send you a book y la la targeting so that you can understand without understanding there's going to be no long term change for this Muslim. Again a straight up Allah said La La Quinta de kurume. So that you may reflect on this to reflect what is reflected mean. One is to understand it, okay. One is to reflect reflect means I sit there I kind of think well where am I with my life with this? Allah said in the Holy Quran he said after the brutal Quran don't they don't they ponder over the Quran? What does this mean? This means now that you sit and you kind of think over and over again about what allows the region has said and what my whole life and other parts of what's going

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on in my life reflect with this plan. So you come to the stories of the prophets you understand that to handle it like normal a Salaam he persevered, I've got to find perseverance. No handsome son disobeyed him, my son might be disobey me. You come across the Quran, you see that is reminiscent of his father was was against him. So you might think, Well, my father is not on the dean, or my father is not a practicing Muslim. So I've got to sit down and reflect this is a lot of reflection, okay. Each and every part of it brings a change in the mind. Okay? And what is the what is the greater goal of the Quran as I'm reading the Quran the Quran is supposed to be a mirror. This one thing take

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away take away from this code and supposed to be a mirror. So every time I read the Quran, this Quran supposed to show me how good or how bad I am, when I'm good, I shall hamdulillah and what I think I'm bad I'm not doing what the Quran has said that I'm supposed to think that Whoa, I need I need to do something about this, you know, and that's where the Muslim changes, okay, so I'm going to ask you this from

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On. However whenever you can please read the grantee level Arabic Yes, but I want you to read the translation of the Quran and read some kind of

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to see to the poor and to get yourself closer to Alaska through this

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