Hasan Ali – Musab ibn Umair RA

Hasan Ali
AI: Summary © The history of Musab Minami's Islam practice is discussed, including his conversion and desire to get married to his wife. The success of his Islam practice is highlighted, along with his desire to get into Islam. The speaker emphasizes the importance of straight up with others and avoiding giving advice. The segment also touches on the former president's actions and their impact on the movement, highlighting the need to be straight up with others and avoiding giving anyone advice.
AI: Transcript ©
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One such individual who joined in

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was must have been or made a who has Musab Minami must have been or may was a rich young Sahabi.

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His parents were well off. They had what they call it in, you know, we are different names of money but equally in Scotland.

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Don't call it God what he could do.

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Okay? They had the dope, right? Now, what happens then is they've got the money. The young Sahabi. He's young, he's, I think, around 17 years old. And what happens is, he finds out about it, he converts to Islam.

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Naturally, when his parents found out that this young Sahabi is has converted Stan, you know what they did? Of course, they start to tell him that Look, son, you got a choice. You either with us or you're against us, you know, like, which one Which side do you take? Now, the young Sahaba you know, what kind of richness he had, he had such clothes, that when he walked, others just looked at him and thought, wow, you know, look at those clothes. He has such perfume that you knew where Musab was, and where he had gone by just going to a certain place and smelling a certain perfume that existed in that time, you knew must have passed by this. And by the way, that perfume was pure

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Just to mention that too. Yeah. You know, you get all sorts of perfume. You know that Hades is there about somebody gives you perfume? You're not supposed to reject it? Yeah, we will believe in the hottest no problem. Okay, please bring me some proper perfume. Give me some people to give you perfume and he's like,

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Where's the next guy? I'm gonna rub your name you know, like, Oh, I'm gonna go to the mercy of the coffee and just like

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just rub inside the bra. You know, you want to buy a good pregnant those days that have that absolute pure perfume. You could smell it 10 minutes after the person left his place. That's how good the perfumes were. That's how you know basically pure the perfumes were it wasn't like no cheap to pound got Jasmine oil inside the mix dry with some other orange you know, peeler something. And the Indian guy just pretty old made a cocktail sold to you for two or 150 or two pounds. It's not one of them. So anyway, masala mica. He had that perfume that you spent on you knew 10 minutes ago, five minutes ago, he had walked by here. The moment he converted to Islam. His parents gave him a

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choice and they said to him massage, you have a choice. But today Gamera and I by Regina, what do you want? Right? So he chose Rasulullah Salallahu alaihe salam over his own mother and father. So they said okay, they said out he went out

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he had to get rid of his clothes because he had no money to sell them to live

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then within a moment of time that comes that comes you know who sadly miles sadly mana this is this is you got to get a hold of this. Okay, you guys in the university you've got this big opportunity. You know a lot of you are thinking you're waiting for the big Islamic week your Islamic week in February as well. Yeah, you're thinking you're gonna get Georgian Islam on a gay you know, Giovanna in Islam and Henry Islam that our marriage one as well you know? Yeah, Don Don. Don Don disagree with me. Yeah. Don't tell me you did it. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know what's up with these brothers here. They see a sister and not just you guys. I'm talking about the rest of marriage so please not

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use specifically they see sister and they say that sister she needs our

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tax system is our brother You got loads of the brothers that need our Why? Why are you going to look for a sister to get our for what why is it What's wrong with us? And you got so many other sisters that need that. I mean, why that one sister.

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But Marsha. So basically you want to get you want to give her power, and you go to give her specifically her data. And when you go and give her power. All it needs is a shaytan to go inside her and say that bruv he needs power.

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So what you're thinking of is I'm just gonna give Dawa she's gonna, you know, become practicing. Then I put a lovely job on her and get married to her. And I live happily ever after. Whoo. Right? next minute, you know, they're both given data to each other. somewhere else, you know, I'm saying like, I've done I've done and the thing is, you want to stop yourself from the fitna you make sure you make sure you follow the education you want to give. There's so many brothers to give dollar now you just keep that in mind. Say that sad ignore as he came in.

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To estimate to say all of these you know why you guys looking forward to Islamic week and you're thinking of all the other non Muslims you can get into you know, you got down to give to the Muslims don't forget that brothers. Sisters Don't forget your sisters to give our to. Even if the sisters practicing the brothers practicing, you can give them further data to make them come closer to Allah azza wa jal that is something that you can do there already in Islam. Yes, we want to get the others into Islam, but you got to find out that you know what, we were sometimes fooling ourselves you got an opportunity to make a Muslim a good practicing Muslim or a practicing Muslim a better practicing

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Muslim and you missing out on a chance Saudi numerosity Allah Han who he was in Islam for only five years

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five years you know what his deeds are?

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Get a hold of this year his deeds our he came to Lhasa Lhasa man he converted then he went for he was the one that got most Habib, Norma are made to convert this young Sahabi other rich young sabia said he converted Muslim mermaid was a young sob you know what he did? He took the dollar mission on rasulillah some sent him to yesterday, which was Medina, he went to year three, most of nomade you know, like, you know, normally you know, you think how can I give that brother Dawa? Let's say you guys yeah, I'm gonna give him dollar. You know, he's gonna mind most of the word he's ever knocked on the door. He said, Do you heard of Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam? No, okay, let me tell you.

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Let me tell you straight up. These are young guys. You know, when you got young blood, it goes the right direction. atella you got a lot of energy inside you guys. You just wanna be straight up with someone just tell them just tell them tell them don't tell them anything silly and get into trouble. Yeah, you tell him so he went you know why did he first got the leaders he got the leaders of

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is that in fact sorry Mossad nomade went into into Medina. Some leaders were against one another but he got them to accept it. I don't want to go into the full story. Then he had the permission to go around the different clans of awesome husbands and to knock on the doors he knocked on every door you could find you haven't heard of the stamp? You haven't heard the person you know haven't heard these idols. You believe this is true. You know young young person full of hot blood. Yeah. You telling the Prophet killing the stone gonna worship the stones. You know? I don't know how he said it. But he convinced him he had door after door house after house. They will come in to stamp How

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long did Musab live.

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He lived he was a young Sahabi 17 years of age more or less when it came to stuff. He lived only another couple of years. But all of our hood was the time when he became Shaheed you know what he had done. He had prepared the whole of Medina Fie Stan before the sewer system even came into his into Medina. Before Assam came into Medina. He had prepared Medina with Muslims. He had also the husband converted he had them as brothers. They said bring the solar system over into Medina. This was a huge thing, one young Sahabi that when a few others went with him, but can imagine the passion the desire he had. He went inside there he converted house after house until Rasulullah sallallahu

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came into Medina, the famous Talal Bhadra, Elena was sunk and the solar system was now part of the Medina society. Musab had done the job of what many great leaders would have done alone. He did it when he had done that.

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Two years later, Ballard Musab ignore mate,

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he becomes Shahid when he became Shaheed and after the after the bow Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam he went around looking at

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the difference Aha, because it's a habit, you know, they went through those who are killed in a bath is quite bad because they actually mutilate the bodies. And they don't want to get into all of that, as well as us and then put the Shahada, one after the other, he dug a pit, he put them one next to another, he said put them in their own clothes, that they died must have there was a problem. This rich young Sahabi who had such clothes, no one could buy, he had such perfume, no one had smelled this young Sahabi now he had given all of that away, he had one piece of a garment that was just covering his body. So when when you know when you die as a Shaheed you have to be buried in the

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clothes that you die. So that's what he was wearing in the battlefield. So those who lost and lost him then when he's so most harmed, obviously he cried he cried over Hamza, he cried over many individuals, but when it came to must have obviously they had to now wrap him but his clothes wouldn't wrap him if they covered his head, then his feet side would be uncovered. If they covered his feet, his head would be uncovered. Rasulullah sallallahu said just cover his head and leave his feet uncovered.

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Part of his feet uncovered. So that's what they did. Until this was a lawsuit. He read the janazah you know what happened? Professor Larson was reading he read 70 Genesis that day, how many 70 Genesis he had Hamza here, but the law Juan Jose de la Han, who is very emotional, very emotional distance, but I haven't got time to go into the whole thing but just on this point, if I went into it so hard A lot of us feel that you feel this is the only time the solar system he cried. He cried so much that you don't somebody cries, different cries, okay, there's one that you just have tears flowing. There's another one that you cry and you you sort of matter.

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You make a sound. Another one is you make such you your breathing is it becomes heavy. Another one is your breathing stops in between, you know, like

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you're not breathing where your breathing stops in between. That's the crying Rasulullah saw some had on his day because 100 of the loan.

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There's no other narration to describe perhaps or some crying like this on any other occasion. Okay. And he put he had, he said, Bring this the other side. So every Sahabi who Shahid had one janazah but Hamza had 70 Genesis, but the alojado say Allah 70 just because he was saying the Shahada and resources was so grieved over the fact that Hamza uglydoll Hakim a person who has so much needed for Islam had gone so after the you know what, when it came to Muslims time, he said, hurry up for the genocide. You know why? He said so many angels are coming down from the sky to join young Mousavi nomade janazah that there is no space on the earth for them to stand for his janaza Allah can you

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imagine a young Sahabi what he did what he did, he went to the battlefield. We rescued lots and lots of them he had converted all these people. You are now you look back,

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that young Sahabi who had converted so many Muslim literally the answers are the conversion of Mossad nomade alone most of them are his conversion. Every Ansari that did a deed in Islam

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and their sons and the sons sons and all the people that spread listen to that all of that reward equivalent of that goes into the category of into the bank into the act of bank of Masada no matter the alarm, Delano.

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And guess what, because sardegna Morales was behind him.

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He didn't have to do anything sad you know as this got for 17 made most of him ready to do the job. You know who gets the equivalent reward all of that sad in the model de la Han

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