Haroon Baqai – Quran A Manual For Mankind

Haroon Baqai
AI: Summary © The title of the Quran is important in various cultures and is used for personal development. It is essential for trustworthy litigants in legal action and for individuals to achieve good deeds. The importance of praying for the upcoming return of Jesus and following the instructions of the Quran is emphasized. The segment also touches on the impact of Islam on society and how it has caused people to suppress their anger. The importance of learning Arabic and implementing it in one's life is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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And then hamdulillah who want to sell you know who want to sell food over when I said d? I don't mean over here when I took karate, when I will do biller Himanshu Rory and fusina woman say yeah Dr. Medina miyetti Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah.

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Allah, Allah. Allah Ada La la la sharika What should I do an mo hamedan Abu hawala solo. Yeah, you had levena and Paula have to call it what at mo tuna? Illa one two Muslim moon. Yeah, you had NASA deplorable. kumala de hakomi nesting wahida wahaca come in has ilja What does that mean? humare Jana and Cassie are on one Isa with de la hymnody de Luna v one of ham in aloha Karnataka motiva yeah you had Latina M and de la la kulu Golden City de la comme le comm via Wi Fi la come back home welcome, woman nuclear Illa however suitable for codifies efos and as Lima Baron for in nettles Cunha dc keytab Allahu taala. Well hold on had he had you may have met him slowly along Ronnie he was setting

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them were sheltered udimi Desert wakulla Desert in beta wakulla dot and bodalla wakulla padala infinity

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brothers and sisters Sara modicon Rahmatullahi wa barakato

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I asked Allah subhanho wa Taala first and foremost at the beginning of this beautiful gathering, that just like he had and what data has gathered us here today, tonight, for his sake and his sake alone, that Allah subhanho wa Taala blesses, blesses us and gathers us again in the highest levels of Jenna in dignity for those because brothers and sisters, that is the aim and the mission and the goal of every single one of us here in China We are here for no reason but for the sake of Allah subhana wa tada

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We are here to discuss the Quran and the Quran as a manual in our lives. So I want you to imagine

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any manual that you may have for anything that you may own, whether it is your BlackBerry, or your iPhone, or your G phone, or j phone, or K phone or whatever those phones are, or your iPads or iPods or computers or cars or whatever that may be.

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And when you first get a manual

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for whatever that may be, depending on the importance of the thing that you have the manual for you treat it differently. So for example, typically when you get a manual for a phone, typically these days, what do people do, and they throw it away, because I mean, they don't really pay attention to it. Because the phone is something you change pretty much every every year, every two years, you're changing your phones, when you get a car, a brand new car or whatever car then you begin to take that manual a little bit more seriously that Okay, now this is something important because you know, it's a big car. And you know, you want to make sure as much as possible that you are putting on the

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right tires that you are using the right oil in the car and so on. When you get something bigger, let's say if you had a house and you had a you know, you put in a brand new heating system in your house, now that's a little bit more serious, or you have a put in a brand new AC in your house that's a little more serious. Now you take that manual more seriously. Or when you go to work, you just got hired at your workplace and they give you this is your staff manual 58 pages long sign and date at the bottom and so on and so forth. Now that manual is also something of importance. So brothers and sisters now compare that to the Quran, which is the manual for our life.

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And now where is it the car if you put it in the wrong oil, or you put it in the wrong tires, or in the in your home heating system, if you did something, if you didn't maintain that, according to the manual, you have the potential of your car going bad or your heating system breaking down and so on.

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Something that can be fixed still, but you see with the Quran and your life. If you don't take this manual as you're supposed to then there's a potential there's big potential of a danger at the end, and that's why the lawsuits that are long running, he was sending them. He talked about this manual and he said I'm a chef here Mr. Chef fact we're not a Muslim duck, that the Quran is an intercessor whose intercession will be heard and it is a little

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against a trustworthy litigant when you litigate on your behalf, it'll fight on your behalf.

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And then he goes on and he said, mandarina, who am ama, who are the who in agenda, whoever puts this manual, this put it in front of him. Whoever makes this manual displays are something that is important, something that they refer back to constantly in their daily lives, not just in Ramadan, not just when somebody passes away, or when somebody buys a new house or not some, you know, not a time when they're in difficulty, but don't they refer to it constantly? menjaga Amanda, whoever puts it in front of them. first priority

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are the who in agenda The result is that this manual, it will guide that person to Jenna.

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Woman Giada who confer worry, he Safa who did not come up and I decide to sue them that whoever puts this manual behind their back,

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whoever just get it, okay, I'll just get to it. Whatever I can, whenever I have time, I will get to it, whoever has that type of an attitude that they put it behind their back.

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Or who is enough, it drags that person into the Hellfire the Quran, that's if you put it behind your back, that if you don't give it its due importance. So now, when you have any manual,

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the first thing that you do is you look at it these days, when you open any manual, you usually will find it in multiple languages, you'll find it you know, in the same manual, you have English, you'll have French, you'll have Spanish, you'll have some sort of Chinese language that, you know does not make sense. This looks like drawing or some artwork. But you look at that. And the first thing, what is the first thing that you do? The first thing you figure out, okay, where is the English portion of the manual, because that's what you have to read. Because that's the language that in general, you're comfortable reading. Now imagine if you were given a manual that was completely in Chinese,

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completely in Chinese.

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What's the first thing that you would do? The first thing you would want to do is okay, I got to be able to read the manual. That's the first thing.

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Let's take it to the next step. Let's say you were able to read it. But now let's say it was in a language like French, where the letters are kind of similar to the English language very identical. And let's say you're able to read it.

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But you don't know what's going on, you have no idea what you just read at all, what's your next step?

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You're gonna want to know, what does it take.

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That's the second step. And the third step is once you know what it says, Then when something goes wrong with your device, or with your home or with your car, or whatever that may be,

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you're going to try to do what the manual tells you to do. That's the third step.

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And brothers and sisters, these are the three steps that we have to make sure that we take with the Quran as well. So the first step is to be able to read the Quran and not just able to read the Quran to this is the type of manual Remember, if this is a manual that you have to refer to constantly, that this is something you should read it on a regular basis. Again, not just in Ramadan, not just, you know, you know when something goes wrong, or not just when you have some time or not just when you are you know, when you don't all your errands, and now it's the end of the day, I needed to find five minutes. No, this should be something that has priority manjaro Allahu Allah, Who whoever puts

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it in front of them.

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Give it giving it its due, right, giving it the priority that it deserves to get.

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Brothers and sisters. I know we've we've probably heard this hadith over and over about, you know, the whole concept of how you read the Quran and every letter gets you one good deed, and one good deed is worth 10 deeds and so on and so forth. I want to do some math with you how many math majors Do we have your math majors? Math me? No math majors. What?

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Are you serious?

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statistics. Finance. Finance. Thank you my friend. All right, cool. Ready? Okay. Okay, how many people have taken math classes here so far? Come on now. Right. Here you go. Okay, now we're talking. Okay. So I once did this, I said, You know what, this you know, we talked about this, how do I want to see for real, you know, I'm not going to go to these statistics that they post put out there this this is how many letters are in the Quran, so I'm going to count it myself. So what I did was I took a page of the Quran and I started counting. I literally went line by line, counting the number of letters in each line.

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Let's just do some math again just to drive the point home. I found that on average, each line had anywhere from 45 to 55 letters, put your calculators away, put your BlackBerry's away, we're gonna do some math. So let's say average of 50 letters per like an

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average of 50 letters per line. In a typical Medina Mossad, there's 15 lines, how many letters is that in a page?

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15 times 50 comma 750. Very good. Now time that by 20, that's one does.

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15,000 who said that 15,000. Very good that 14 15,000. Now, the Hadees, where we learned this about 10 deeds, remember that Hadith, it says that whoever does one good deed, he gets rewarded by 10

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or 70, or 700, ila alaafin tefillah. It's a general tool multiple times. So the bare minimum that you get is 10. Good Deeds per letter. That's the bare minimum. Now if you add to it a little bit of sincerity, if you add to it a little bit of push, or if you add to it a little bit of focus concentration in the Quran, you could be 7700 or even more. So let's take the bare minimum 10. What does that mean? How many good deeds purchase?

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Come on, what do we say how many letters were there and it was 750 times 20 was 15,000 times 10 is 150,000. Good Deeds per just, that's the bare minimum. That's the bare minimum. Now, if you just had it a little bit more, if you got up to 70 if you just took the number 70 by itself, that's about 1,005,000 good deeds. So one does, can get you 1,005,000. Or it could be it could have the potential of 10,500,000 good deeds.

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It could be a millionaire in a day.

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Or forever. I mean, you could be a millionaire by just reading one just if you have that sincerity.

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And brothers and sisters, you know, our pious predecessors.

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They, they really understood this importance of this manual and you find some handelian just their attachment to the Quran. And just the way they would come back to this Quran and read it, it was simply mind boggling. ly it was mind boggling. So now just imagine you know in ramadan ramadan, we just had Ramadan a month ago and some of us inshallah we were reading maybe a just a day. How many people do you know who probably weren't reading it just a day? You don't have to save if you are doing it just a day. Okay? Anybody here thinks that he knows some people who might be reading two days a day?

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Okay, good. How about dude, can you think of anybody who was reading maybe $5 a day? You know? Okay, good. Good. Now that's Ramadan. That's Ramadan. We are you know hot about it. And we are like all gung ho about reading the Quran.

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Wonderful. We're tiberian his name was portada

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Rahim Allah Tada.

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It said that during the non Ramadan months, meaning during these days, do you remember the regular days

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he would finish reading the Quran every seven days.

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So every week during the non Ramadan times he would finish the Quran.

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When it got to Ramadan, he became a little more serious. He became a little more serious. So normally,

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he would finish the Koran every three nights.

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And then when it got to the last 10 nights, then it was a little more serious. Then he was like, Hey, we mean business now we're in business now. So in the last 10 nights, would you believe that he would read the Quran every single day.

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Every single day he would finish reading the entire Quran, another tab very Mujahid, he would actually in Ramadan, the entire month of Ramadan he would read the Quran every day the entire Quran cover to cover every single day. This man will be alone with data and

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the man who is promised paradise on earth. The men who would sometimes read the entire Quran in his pm at night in

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the entire Quran.

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He used to say you know no bahala todo

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boonah if our hearts were pure is talking about themselves, they if our hearts are pure, we would never have had enough of the Quran.

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We would never have had enough of the Quran.

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A chef very Rahim Allah, Allah, Allah chef, are you the famous Imam?

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Do you know that he used to finish the Koran 60 times in the month of Ramadan? 60 times. And mind you this was not just a recitation, like you know that 150 miles per hour recitation. Now these people were reciting the Quran with their heart. These people were reciting the Quran, why living it?

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This is what the importance that they gave to the Quran. You see, this was manjaro, Allah who, Allah who, whoever puts it in front of them, whoever makes the Quran their first priority.

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That was the importance of the Quran for them.

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So now, that's the first step.

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The next step that comes Okay, now you're able to read and just like you were able to read the manual in French, but you didn't understand and you had to understand, or you weren't able to read that manual in Turkish, any Turks here. Turkish.

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Turkish, okay. All right. So if you read in Turkish also that it has, you know, a similar alphabet than in English. So, and you don't understand the next thing you want to do is you want to understand, let's say, what what is this manual say? So I gotta do something about it. You see what the hold on? We're the sisters. It's not only understanding, but the Koran. When you read it, it should have even a physical impact on you. And that's why Allah Subhana without he know how he said he said no, and then another polka Nana Jevon la Ito Hashimoto, Satya muckleshoot another if we had revealed this or on on a mountain, on a

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on a mountain, you would see the mountain humbled and it will crumble into dust.

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Now the question that we should ask ourselves brothers and sisters, what happens when I listened to the Quran? What happens when I listen to the Quran? What type of an impact does it have on my heart

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and if it doesn't have that impact, then I got to work on my heart. I have to work on my heart I have to increase my good deeds so that my that my eemaan can rise and I have to decrease my bad deeds so that my heart becomes soft you know Allah subhana wa tada told us in the Quran in the middle manana la Vina Edo Kerala was here at Hulu, that barely the believers or not, but those people who when Allah is mentioned in front of them, their hearts tremble with fear, will either utterly, utterly

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imana that when the ayat of the Quran, what his is recited to them, they demand increases. They feel an increase in their Eman

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And again, brothers and sisters.

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You know, Allah subhana wa tada tells us about the people of the past about the messengers and the pious predecessors. What was the impact of these ayat when they heard them either to allow him to Rockman on rue sujeto buki? Yeah, that one the IR of the Most Merciful? Were recited to them, What happened to them?

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Did they just say, Oh, that's that's a pretty good recitation. Man. Can you imitate that guy? This is really awesome. And this is no, well, they enjoyed the recitation, but the impact on them was that they would fall into such depth. They would fall into such depth with tears in their eyes crying.

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That was the impact of the Quran on them.

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You find the results of Allahu Allah, he was setting them. You know?

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It is said that when he would sometimes lead the Salah

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they would hear the sound from his chest and I want you to imagine this sound. How many people here drink tea?

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All right.

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How many people here make tea in their homes? Good, very good. Okay.

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When you are boiling your water in a kettle, or in a pot,

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you know when the water is boiling? At the end, what type of a noise Do you hear from the water pot? Isn't it something that will write something like that if you go really close, that's kind of how the boiling water it has a sound. So they said they used to hear that type of a sound from the chest of a lawsuit sort of long winded

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was setting them when he would be leading the solder. Why? out of him crying when leading the prayer

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when leading the prayer

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I don't know all the along with that.

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You know one time it is said that he was leading ledger

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and he came to the ayat in Surah Yusuf where Allah subhana wa tada tells us in a school bus see where Hosni is a law

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that I don't complain about my weakness and my grief to anybody except Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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And they said that they could hear him cry from the end of the masjid

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from the back a domestic they could hear him cry.

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You see, Mangia Allahu Allah, Who, whoever puts the foot on in front of them. You see, this was the impact that the Quran had on their life. This was the impact that the Quran had when they listen to the ayat of the Quran. Oh my god along with that, and remember, Allah is a strong man. He's a man that is physically strong, and a man wise, he's strong. Are you talking about a man? You know, he is the man who when he would walk on when he if he would take a path shavon would walk another way. shaytaan would take another path. If he saw a woman walking down the path, that's our motto will be alone without and this is our motor who as he is walking on the mountain of water would have assumed

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sort of long that either he was sitting in a bunker and earth man. And the mountain of overhead begins to shake as a soldier alone while he tells the mountain a lot Calm down, because it's a deep a truthful one. And two martyrs are walking on you. This is their mo This is the amount of who has promised paradise on earth.

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This is a strength of armor.

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You know one time he was praying the AMA lane.

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And he came to these Ayat of surah to tour and again brothers and sisters, I want you to think with me. I want you to think with me. This man is promised paradise he set

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and he comes to the I art in pseudo tour. We're in Allah subhanho wa Taala says in

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BK la

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la hoomin dafair that verily the punishment of your Lord is going to take place is going to happen. And nobody when that happens, nobody can repel it. Nobody can stay, you know, nobody can defend against it.

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again, a question that we should ask ourselves between ourselves and the loss of Hannah Montana.

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We just heard this i right.

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What's the impact that it has on us?

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You see a role model called the Allahu tada and

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when he read this ayah

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when he read this tire

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out of being worried and afraid of Allah subhana wa tada and his punishment

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would you believe that he got sick for an entire month.

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He was sick for an entire month. And people would come and visit him and his in his house, but nobody could figure out what disease he had. Nobody could figure out what happened to her model for the love of God on you see, this was the importance of the Quran. You see for Mr. Moody along with the other and when he read this if it was as if this as of this punishment is coming on him some kind of law. This is from Little the love data and you find that a lot of while he was sitting and repeating an IRA into our living room for in a burrito, we're in the Philippines or in Africa and Cesar Hakim

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saying to Allah that or like if you punish them that they are just your slaves, but if you forgive them that you are the almighty are wise or Rasulullah sallallahu either you will send them he repeats this ayah the entire night in a surah into I will be home for in a bad joke. We're in double failure for in internet disease and hurricane the entire night. He's repeating this idea.

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This is the importance of the Quran.

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This is how valuable or on was to these people.

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You know brothers and sisters one time

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there was a suitor Allahu Allah. He was sending them one out on an expedition

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and at the Muslims you

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We're resting at night they were about to go to sleep. The lawsuits are a lot more than he was telling him. He asked the people that is there somebody who can guard the Muslims? You know how and when we go for therapy, and the in the masjid every two guys that are coming up and saying brothers, we need volunteers for our security brothers. We need volunteers for security. Right? Has anybody heard that before? Or is this me? No. Yeah. So

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So Maharani was setting him.

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He asked, Is there anybody who can volunteer for security, and two people, they've came forward one of them was her mother me acid, and the other was our bad.

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And so these two companions, they went to guard the Muslims.

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And so one of them, they, they decided that Okay, one of them is going to go to sleep or part of the night, and the other one will stay awake, and then they will take turns. So they decided that armored Nia said he is going to go to sleep, and I bothered the pressure, he is going to stay up and guard the Muslims. So not everybody

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is awake or not has gone to sleep.

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What do you think our bed wants to do now?

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Well, again, menjaga, who am I, who whoever puts the Koran in front of them, the Quran was the most important or the most important thing for them. So he decided I'm gonna start praying. So he starts to pray. And he starts reading from Seattle. gov.

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Now, as he's praying,

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the enemy, they see that, okay, there are these two people, one of them is Steve and one of them is standing. So one of them brings out an arrow

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and shoots it at about a division.

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And the arrow hits its target, it hits our by the division.

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One, what's the reaction

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he pulled the arrow out of his body, bleeding, puts it on the side, and continues,

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continues to play.

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The enemy throws another arrow shoots another arrow, which also hits the target.

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Now, I want you to imagine brothers and sisters.

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When one of us is praying,

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and if a fly is to come in front of us, or if a bug starts walking down by our feet.

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What happens?

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immediate distraction.

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This man got hit with the second arrow. Guess what he did?

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Pull it out, put it on the side and continued

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the enemy through a third arrow, which also hit him

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pulled it out, put it on the side, but this time, he was bleeding so much. And he was so much in pain, that he found it difficult. So he finished his letter.

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And he

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asked his companion our motive, Nia said and he said wake up because I'm hurt.

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So harmar he wakes up and he sees three three arrows next to him and he's bleeding so profusely. And he says to him, yeah, Subhanallah Why didn't you tell me before

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and you see the response of this man who truly apply this hadith minjerribah who Allah who whoever puts the Quran in front of him.

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He responded, he said, you know, that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam recommended to me that I should memorize sort of gaff and will lie will lie. I would have preferred to die over stopping my recitation of pseudo telegraph.

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I would prefer death over cutting off my recitation of surah to God.

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You see how they put the Quran in front of them how they made the Quran their first priority, how they were attached to the Quran.

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So that's the second stage brothers and sisters in this manual

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Stage, which perhaps, is the most important stage of all, is that once you have read the manual, once you understand what's going on whether you have learned Arabic, which is what is preferred to do, that you learn Arabic, I mean, you should not just rely on just a translation always but you should learn Arabic enough that you're able to understand the Quran. Now once you begin to understand what it's asking you to do, the next logical step is that what that you do what it's asking you to do, and that's what a manual does. It tells you how you're supposed to operate your device. So the Quran tells you how you're supposed to operate your life. The manual tells you look

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when you went when something goes wrong, there's an entire section called what

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troubleshooting? How you troubleshoot the Quran has sections all over the Quran, they talk about troubleshooting. Look, if you slip, if you make a mistake, come back to Allah. Don't continue doing the mistake. Don't continue messing up. Come back to Allah do Toba repent to Allah subhana wa gana.

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So the third step is that okay, now you understand what's going on. Now you gotta live it. You got to act upon what the Quran is asking you to do. When the Quran tells you go right, you go right, that's like you kind of follow the GPS, when it tells you you go left, you go left, when he asked you to make certain choices in your life, you make those certain choices, but you see brothers and sisters, before you start learning what the Quran is asking you to do, you have to have a certain attitude. attitude, you have to have a certain attitude with which you approach this manual.

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Because you see,

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if you approach the manual, this will run in a way that I will do whatever makes sense to me. And you're not going to get anywhere.

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You're not going to get anywhere.

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You see our approach this manual has to be that of samina. What, ah. Well, Patna we hear and we obey. Not we hear and we'll think about it.

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And we'll see if it makes sense. We'll see we'll see if you know that really applies in America. Oh, we'll see if really applies in the 21st century. Or maybe there is some other meaning to it. That applies more No, no, no. Sameer na wa Aparna we hear and we obeyed. This is the attitude that we should have that Ibrahim alayhis salaam set pad is another horrible Islam when his Lord told him Submit.

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What was his response he will do after graduation? Yeah, once I have when I once I get married and I have my kids all set, I will submit No. On a slim to little bill. And I mean, immediate responses, I submit.

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And that's why when the when the command came to slaughter his son, there was no questions asked, there was nothing like one law. That doesn't make sense. Why are you asking me to slaughter Mike? No, none of that none of that nonsense, none of that rationalization. None of that using this logic only and only logic? No, none of that. If Allah said this, I hear and obey End of story. And the story. That's the attitude that we need to have. We have to have the attitude of new alayhis salaam, when Allah asked him was nine full cabbie, our union, our joaquina make this art in front of us among in front of us and through our revelation.

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Now, imagine if you if you not take this in a completely logical Wait,

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if North was to start rationalizing the process, and he said no, oh, Allah, you're asking me to build an ark in the middle of the desert. That doesn't make sense.

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It didn't make sense. But you see, what was his attitude? What was the attitude? The attitude was semana. Aparna we hear and we obey.

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Even if it didn't make sense to him, what a law said made the most sense. What Allah said made the most sense. And that's it he followed. He followed no problem.

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And that's the attitude that we need to have brothers and sisters. So when Allah asked us that, look, Allah is waging a war against those people who are indulging into interest. Hands off, end of story.

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I don't need to bring in any rationale there. Well, Brother, you wanted the 21st century. How are you going to buy a house? How

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Can you ever buy a brand new car? If you don't have? If you you know, if you don't take interest? How is that possible? The stocks are doing really well. The bond market is a one that's going up high right? finance people.

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Right? The bond markets are very high higher, you know, at their peak. I, where am I going to invest? If I just put my money in a checking account, its inflation.

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No, no, none of that rationalization at that time you say semi or nah, well Aparna, this is what Allah said, This is what I have to do, end of story.

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And again, Britain sisters, when you look at our pious predecessors,

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it kind of came to what a law said, that was it, no questions asked. No ifs, no buts, no rationalization, no excuses, no justifications? No why's that ifs and buts, and No, none of that. It was immediate action.

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So you find a workable vehicle, the alarm data and you know the famous story of a house or a shadow your loved one who was slandered if the famous story of how she was slandered and how people started to talk about her and so on. One of those people who talked inappropriately, his name was misspelled.

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And this person was related to a worker. And it was so happened that aboubaker financially supported this person missed by.

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So when the story The slander happened, and Uber could have found out that Mr. was one of the people who were actually involved in the rumor mongering machine, if you will.

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He naturally got upset, and he said, I am not going to support him anymore.

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Because he spoke against his daughter who said, I'm not going to I'm not going to support him anymore.

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Did you see the rollout? I mean, he did not Allah subhanho wa Taala he did not find it appropriate for somebody like Abu Bakar or in that matter, any human being to make such a statement. So that I add came from above the seven heavens?

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Part of the ayah where Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Well, yeah, who wouldn't do

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that? Let them pardon and forgive the people.

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And then he went on and he said to him, blue, and yellow felt a lot more like home. Wouldn't you want a lot to forgive you?

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So in other words, Allah is telling us that look, when these things happen, don't make such statements. Forgive people pardon them. It's okay, let them go. Why wouldn't you want a law on the day of judgment to forgive you? Don't you make mistakes day in and day out? Don't you keep receiving the blessings of Allah what you use the very blessings to this obey?

00:38:05 --> 00:38:07

Wouldn't you want to lock up or give you

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what was the response of a worker?

00:38:12 --> 00:38:28

Did he go to law school for a long while, he may say, but you're a pseudo law. Look, he was he he disgraced me and my family hidest honored me and my family. He talked about my daughter like that. How could I forgive him? Or you know what? I'll forgive him but I'm not going to forget it.

00:38:29 --> 00:38:32

I'll forgive him but I'm not going to forget it.

00:38:33 --> 00:38:43

No, you see a Booker's response immediately one here it was Bella. Yes, absolutely. I want a lot of Forgive me.

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And Britain sisters, really honestly, if you think if you take this portion of the manual that we have.

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And just imagine in our MSA meetings, and our MSA gatherings or in our gatherings in our massages or in our gatherings in our families or in our relationships with other brothers and sisters, our relatives or friends.

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We face these situations always somebody will say something bad about somebody somebody will talk to you in a mean way somebody will not listen to what you have to say somebody will not listen to your opinion somebody will listen to your opinion but they won't do what you've asked them to do. Somebody will talk to you in a bad way somebody will email you a nasty email

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and at that time when you are filled with anger and you want to just let them have it

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Allah to help buena para la hola como wouldn't you want a lot of forgive you?

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And that should immediately cool us off. That should immediately calmed us down. You find Haroon Rashid. You know, he had a servant. He was one of the leavers. He had a servant or one time

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you know was held

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How to negotiate making will do.

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And a servant he was carrying a pot and pouring water for how to negotiate to make will do and by mistake he dropped apart the water pipe and huddle. Notice he didn't remember that that time. They didn't have any of those faucets or anything that has had a pot of water and he was helping him making will do. So when this pot dropped on Harun Rashid, you can imagine this party got hurt, so he was angry, he was upset.

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But before he could do anything, the servant was smart. The servant knew that Haruna Rashid was one of those people who when Jana who Anoma who put the Quran in front of them who when they heard the Quran

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and the story, no questions asked.

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So he immediately started to recite an ayah from Surah Al Emraan. When Allah subhana wa tada mentions the qualities of those who have Taqwa and those who are going to enter the agenda.

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So those qualities of taqwa

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of those people who have done what is number one that they spend during good times and bad times, and the second quality is one count the mean and the volume. These are people who suppress their anger when they're angry. They don't let somebody else have a piece of their mind. They don't empty out the four letter dictionary

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they don't do that they are calm, they suppress their anger. Yes, they may get angry, but they suppress it.

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So when

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he recited that I uh, he said well Kathy me in Ohio hello there before you come in, hit me or something we'll call him in later remember, this was a servant.

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What do you think the sponsor thought ownership was? Did you say well, buddy, this is the 25th time that you have done this. I'll let you go in the 24 times but not anymore. No, he immediately stopped right there.

00:42:10 --> 00:42:28

The servant then read completed the ayah the next part is when last seen and in us and who pardon people and by the way brothers and sisters just a little bit of a grammatical or Arabic language benefit here. This word Alaska

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you know you know that there are that we read in Ramadan Allah in Mecca as to when to hit Bullock was that for me, you know Allah, you are the most pardoning you love to part of the police part of me this word.

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It means to wipe the slate clean,

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to wipe the slate clean. Not only that, it also means an added meaning that not just wipe the slate clean, but to give the other person something good. So basically, you're asking a lion on Milan por la wipe my slate clean, but not only that, give me something good.

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So that means that these are people who have done what they pardoned people in a way that they wipe the slate clean, which means that when they forgive somebody, they won't come back after 15 years and tell them remember back in 1995 when you had said that to me in that gathering, I haven't forgotten it yet, by the way.

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No, they wipe the slate clean.

00:43:35 --> 00:43:47

This is the quality of those people who have Taqwa we're going to enter the agenda. So when this survey recited this part of the app, we're laughing and nurse Harun al Rashid immediate response was, I fold

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I forgive you.

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But you see the ayah doesn't end there.

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It goes on.

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And he finished out the I have one law who you have bull moistening, and Allah loves those who excel who do good.

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And at that time, Harun Rashid

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he said, Go ahead, you are freed.

00:44:16 --> 00:44:28

Go ahead, you're freed. And you know, brothers and sisters, back in those days, free in a slave was a big deal. That was probably one of your most precious things that you had.

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That when somebody gave, you know, when somebody freed a slave of theirs, that was a big deal. That was a big donation that they made a big donation. So now just imagine the servant drops a pot of water on them.

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And what ends up happening, no punishment.

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No Go away from my face, get out of my face, none of that, but they actually ended up getting fried after having dropped this pot on them, you know,

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when the act of hatred

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came down.

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It is said that there was one for habia who when she heard this ayah Subhan Allah, you know it just to show you there how ready they were to follow the Quran when the ayat of hijab came down. This one Slavia, she didn't have anything to cover her head at that time immediately. You know what she did? She actually tore off a part of her clothes

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just to cover her head.

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Immediately. She tore off part of her clothes,

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clothes, and she covered her head. You all know the IRS when the act of prohibiting alcohol they came down and people loved alcohol, they would, they would drink it left and right.

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It was one of their favorite drinks, if you will.

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But when the IRS came, okay, you have to leave it. It is said that people started pouring alcohol in the streets of Medina started pouring alcohol in the streets of Medina. And it is said that the amount of alcohol that was poured was so much that up to this date, the haha the people of jurisprudence, they take a ruling from that, you know, there's a difference of opinion among scholars. And I'm not going to talk about the exact difference of opinion and detail and I'm not going to tell you what is the right thing that's not my field, but there is a difference of opinion among scholars whether alcohol is pure or impure. And the scholars who say that alcohol is impure,

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they take one other evidences is that at that time, there was so much alcohol industries of Medina people must have gotten in touch with alcohol and not everybody was running and making although so they take a 50 ruling from that the showing the amount of alcohol that was just flowing in the streets of Medina

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minjerribah who are mama whoever puts the Quran in front of them.

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So, brothers and sisters,

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to conclude

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the Quran as a manual in our lives.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala has chosen this nation has chosen this nation to give us this blessing book as our manual. That's why Allah subhanaw taala he tells us, you know, some lists and keytab and lilina safai them in a Ballina. Then we gave the book to those of our slave servants that we chose, that we choose very specifically chose. And then he goes on and he says, For men who love him, and I see that among them are people who wronged themselves from a woman who does it from among them or people who are in the middle ground. And from among them woman whom sabich Campbell hierarchy is the law.

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People who rush to do the good deeds with the with the, with the will of Allah subhana wa Taala. And that's the type of people that we've got to be brothers and sisters. That is the type of people we've got to be people who have the attitude of semina, who partner with this person, the attitude of I submit, I hear and I obey, as submit to whatever Allah subhanho wa Taala has asked me to do. So again, brothers and sisters, as we look at this manual, to recap

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the three things that we have to do number one,

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to be able to read the Quran properly. And that means if we don't know how to read the Quran, then we got to enroll in some parameter Druid class tonight. Tonight not wait until the semester is over not wait until we graduate not wait until this really difficulty by all difficult, you know, physics or biology courses. No, no, no. Tonight, we must register ourselves with some some program that we can learn number one.

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Number two, what's the impact of this on on us? How much do we understand of discipline on so that it can have an impact on our lives. And again, if we don't understand the Quran, if we can read but don't understand

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it make sure that starting tonight tonight that you make a plan where you're going to do something that will enhance your understanding of the Arabic language that you can understand the Quran.

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And number three brothers and sisters.

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starting tonight, again,

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I'm sure we heard some examples of the pious predecessors and if nothing this very crucial example of how they character was towards other people how they were calm and gentle towards other people. If nothing else, let's start implementing this for tonight. starting tonight, so yes, if you

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You go back and check on your phones and there's a nasty email. You know what you're gonna do not respond back the way you would would want to respond usually. Or if somebody talks to you tonight or they have talked to you earlier today in a mean way that you immediately tell yourself Allah boon, Allahu Allah. Wouldn't you want a lot of forgive you? And in other aspects of the Quran, whatever the Quran has told us, let's make sure that our attitude towards it is semina. What Aparna that we hear and we will be and when we do that brothers and sisters, we can hope that we will have put the camera in front of us and we can hope for the Quran to lead us to Gen two definitely for those. I

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asked Allah Subhana Medina

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to help us benefit from whatever we hear. I asked Allah subhanho wa Taala to help us make this book on our first priority in our lives. I asked Allah subhana wa tada to take this on as a true manual in our life where we study it, read it, understand it and implement in our lives. Thank you so much for listening to that Camilla, Hayden's panic alarm will be handed

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in and so Furukawa to go take a salamati Come on.

Quran, a Manual for Mankind by Ustaadh Haroon Baqai

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