Hamza Yusuf – Sacred Text Messages S02 E09 – The Qur’an – God’s Banquet

Hamza Yusuf
AI: Summary © The concept of "we" is important in religion, as it protects one's faith and potential harm. The importance of guarding one's faith during fasting and rewinding to a point of consciousness is real, and the need to remember death and rewind to a point of consciousness is priority. The importance of disciplining behavior and avoiding media consumption is emphasized, along with reciting the Quran in prayer and avoiding reading news. The segment emphasizes the need to align with the truth of Islam and reality to avoid losing faith and maintain order and safety during the pandemic.
AI: Transcript ©
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I was able to show up on Mirage in this manner Hello Rahim wa Salatu was Salam. O Allah says, You know what have you been no Mohammed and

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he will send him to steam and get your lamb de la Salaam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, who

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Alhamdulillah were in the blessed amount of chabanne and on the doors of Ramadan.

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And one of the great blessings of this faith that we adhere to is that we were given the sacred month of Ramadan, to restore to replenish to renew our faith, and to most importantly, reconnect with the book of Allah which is something that people should be doing throughout the year. But many of us fail to do so in the Quran is in essence,

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the nourishment that Allah Subhana Allah has provided this oma so I wanted to look at a few text messages that relate to this. Allah Subhana Allah says in the Quran are already been human a shell Ponyo regime, yo yo Hello the manual cutebuy ECMO cm will come katiba and under the cinnamon claverie Camila tap on sooner Baccarat loss for HANA with Allah says oh you who believe fasting has been prescribed for you and other in other words made obligatory for you, just as it was prescribed under people's before you in order that you might learn tequila under content upon the very first command in Oran is to a taco robocon to have Taqwa of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And and taqwa is one

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of the central and foundational meanings of our faith. It's a difficult word to translate, but it's related to protection we have higher and the idea is that one words of harm. In fact, the word in Arabic for believer moltmann means to to actually make oneself safe. So a man is

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a means to make safe and biLlahi through God to make one one safe through God. Because if you're with God, then nothing can harm you. And anything that harms you is from God and by God and, and because of the other have a loss of Hannah with Alan. So in essence, topo is warding off harm. It's entering into a sin would hold off his cell me Cafritz entering into a surrender to Allah subhana wa tada because Allah has given us a free will. But he wants us with that will, to give up our will to align with his will. And this this is the paradox of faith. And this is why the disbelievers somebody who wants to assert his own will. And while we do have will, and we do things in life, we

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choose things Allah has given us all these choices, but he's also given us Whoa, dude. And so willfully entering into a surrender a submission to Allah subhanho wa Taala is to enter into this Deen and that in essence is the way of warding off the, the consequences of being in a state of disobedience. So

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the the month of fasting is is a month in which Allah gives us ample opportunity to really align ourselves with this idea of being in a state of taqwa because tough quote is to guard yourself from all those things that are harmful to you. So you have five degrees according to our scholars, even

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Jews, Al kalbi mentions them in his tafsir the five degrees of taqwa The first one is just tukad Cofer to really be guard oneself against co founder and this is why every believer is a moot. tukey who enters into Islam even if he's disobedient. In his Islam, he still has taqwa, of Cofer. And so in that way, he's a moot ducky. And which is very important because who the Linwood duck in the Quran is guide for the people of taqwa. And so just being a believer means you're a McDuffie because you have type of shirt. But then you have Cofer and shark then you have type of kabaya. Just being concerned about major guarding oneself against major wrongs. And the chocolates are guarding oneself

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against the lesser wrongs. And then Tucker MOBA hat, being concerned about too much luxury in life just having too much of the mobile hat, because

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it's all going to be a reckoning on the Day of Judgment. And even though it's permissible What if you're paying your cards and doing all these things? nonetheless, being extravagant is not something Allah subhanaw taala now you're doing

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Now you've been emotionally thin. He doesn't love the extravagant ones. And he calls them Oh, but they're in the extravagant ones if one is Sheltie and the brothers of the demons, so, Ramadan is this extraordinary opportunity for us to return to the book of Allah subhana wa Adana. And this is why Allah reminds us again in our baccara Shahada Ramadan and Lady Uzi Rafi report on this is the month that the Quran itself was revealed, according to our tradition, who the linetti will begin at him in alhuda word for on guidance for humanity and clarifications of that guidance, one four on and a criterion. It gives you a criterion by which you judge Furman Shay Deming comitia Harper yahama.

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So whoever sees the moon meaning whoever either sees it or has strong strong evidence that it's been cited, then let them fast it and so the fasting is an obligation from Allah subhana wa Tada. So what's really important in this month is to reconnect with the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala the Prophet salaallah alayhi wa sallam said in lieu but us that will come Yes, that will hadoo either alpha will map the hearts oxidize just as iron oxidizes, when it is subject to water

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pdrs would Allah wa magilla How do we polish that rust,

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Allah katha to lick the corral mode without without a Koran by remembering death, and by reciting the Quran. So, remembrance of death is one of the spiritual practices of a believer is to in fact, really, we should be remembering it in every prayer. So at least five times a day, one of the things that some of the cell have said was

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when they would enter into their prayer, you know, flooded with more prayers, if it's your last prayer. So going into the prayer with the idea, that's your last prayer, when you say goodbye to your family, not assuming that you're going to see them at the at the end of the day when you come home, or you may not come home. So just living life with the sense of the just that life itself is something precarious, and that we could lose it at any time. And so remembering much of death.

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So remembering death, doing this reflection on death, and on the just the fact that life is temporal, and that we're only here for a short time. In fact, the forum when it talks about the days of Ramadan, it uses what's known as gem pillar, which is the,

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the plural of porosity, a Yemen I do that, you know, a few days. So this, this idea of Ramadan, the beginning of Ramadan is like the being your one's life and the end of Ramadan is is is a metaphor for the end of life. And then there is the afterlife when we feast on the efforts that we did here, so it's just important to keep that in mind that the fact that this Hadith, which he Mahmod, very happy, relates

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in the short but he man. And it's also it's in the context of a man in the Muscat. But this Hadeeth is an important Hadeeth

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in in connecting the remembrance of death with the restoration of poron. One of the essays that is in the study of Koran that I actually wrote on the death in Oran. And when I was originally asked to do that,

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it forced me to really read the Quran with the idea of death in mind. And what really struck me was that the fragrance of death is on every single page of the Koran. And those chapters that were meant to recite on a regular basis. Yeah, I seen

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sort of a walkout and sort of tell mark, they're all death meditations from beginning to end. If you read them from that perspective, you'll clearly see that they're death meditations. And so the Koran is, in essence, really a death meditation. And this is not in some morbid sense. It's not the idea that we we simply become morose. And, and, and, and just filled with angst about life. It's actually to heighten the experience of life and the preciousness of life and the extraordinary opportunities that we have. I have a little cartoon that reminds me, somebody did this cartoon where it showed the Grim Reaper coming to a man he's at his typewriter.

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And the man says to him, thank God for deadlines. And you know, that's a humorous idea but but a deadline, you know, when you have a deadline, you work harder. And so the idea of having a deadline, meaning the end of your life, which you don't know when it will come, one would think that from that knowledge, we would simply be more apt to act in the present, as long photo says in his famous poem,

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act now in the living present,

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because this is it, and our hearts like muffled drums are beating funeral marches to the grave. This is this is this is the reality of it, our heartbeat, each heart, we have only a certain amount that are allotted for us, we have a certain amount of * that are allotted for us, we have approximately 20,000 days and an average lifespan 20,000 days, it's not a lot. If you have $20,000 and start just handing them out one by one, they'll be gone very quickly. It's not a lot of money. And 20,000 days is not a lot of time. And it seems that the righteous people are people that really understand the preciousness of time, but Ramadan is a precious time. And so even though we've

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squandered much of the year, let's not squander this extraordinary month that we've been given that even has a day, that's like 1000 months. I mean, it's so extraordinary that Allah subhana wa that is put that much barakah in this. So today, our parent is really important. And so my advice to myself and all of you it's something that I do, every Ramadan is really disengaged from a lot of things that keep us occupied during the month. So I would really, really recommend that everybody turn off their media. Just don't listen to it. You don't you can get by without knowing what's going on. Because what's really going on is in the Oran, and this is why Thoreau's famous remark about not

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reading the times. But reading the eternities. The Times was like today we have the New York Times The Times was a newspaper in Massachusetts. So he was saying, read the eternities read those things at last. Don't because you can take a newspaper from 10 years ago, and I guarantee you you won't know if nobody tells you the date. You won't know by and large that it's any different from today. It's all the same stuff. This is dunya it's just it repeats itself over and over again. The scandals come the scandals go. A politician rises a politician falls. There's a war somewhere. A lot of people die. This is dunya it's been going on for millennia. And and and the Quran is reminding us of

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the eternal truths, not of these temporal truths. And so it's really important for us to, to really use this time to do as much reflection on the book of Allah as we can. There's a hadith that mama Baba Ronnie and Kourtney relate from Asia or the law

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that says the carrot parlor sort of lies a lie said I'm a parent sarathi of the Roman characters are on the radio Sala. That recitation of the Quran in the prayer is better than recitation of Oran outside of the prayer. And so title is a really good opportunity to to recite the Quran in prayer which is better than reciting the Quran outside of the prayer. But then he said socialism or as reported to have said

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that Pura utter Quran fee rate of Salah of Dada minitec theory with SB that reading the Quran is better than to Kabir and test via In other words, doing other forms of Vicar because it's the best of all Vickers and it doesn't negate La la la la is the bears of lado de la la doesn't negate that had it because La la la is from the Koran. So you're actually when you when you say that, you know, hey Lola, you're actually reciting from the Koran. So so the

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Quran is is is the best type of Vicar that we can do and coupled with prayer is the very best. And I was asked Dr. Hodge would fafo

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Ramallah about de la Hara, and he said it was a good book that I wrote, but he said well, Khurana Asan, but the Quran is better.

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So reading the Quran and getting back to the Quran is really something very important for this community.

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There's another

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beautiful Hadith that Imam Muslim relates to

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Have you oh mama are a smarter Rasul Allah. Allah Allah Allah semia Cora crower Khurana the inner who yet to Yama, Yama de Shafi Aeneas hubby

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read the Quran or recite the Quran because it will come on the day of judgment as an intercessor for those who who were its companions. So I was harbor Parana, the people that are always with the Koran that recited all of the time. And a mom

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Albay harpy relates a hadith from Anna's from the prophets Allah sent him the said no we're no wiro mana zero combi serrato Cara Quran

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illumine your houses your your domiciles with prayer and recitation of Quran there's had he said indicate not to make your house a graveyard house if you recite a Bukhara

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in your home Sherpa will not even think about entering that house for three days. So the Quran is a protection. One of my favorite traditions is about the

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this statement Some are even ordering

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on an individual license, email and very happy related. And even though some have said that it's weak it's also it's it's has other narrations and even Tamia said it's metaphor and Malkoff. But its meaning is certainly absolutely sound, which is a colonial demand and in a rewire kulu ad, then you want to do better who

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every host of a banquet loves, that his banquet is attended. And then it said, Well, Matt dooba to lie at

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the banquet of God is the Oran falletta journal. So don't miss out Don't, don't not show up to the banquet. This is God's banquet. And it's beautiful because Matt dooba, which we there's a bummer over the Dan is also related to metadata, which is the metadata is the place where you learn to discipline your you learn discipline. And so again, we get back to taqwa and disciplining the soul. And so it's really important during this time to work on disciplining yourself. Try not to overeat, one of the things about the body of the prophets Allah is that him said, that it's enough for the son of Adam to have just look came at small morsels that

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that keep the back straight. But if you have to then a third for food, a third for air third for water, but that's that's if you have to the origin is the loop a mat, which is how the province of Islam that and one of the things we know now in physiology is that you do need a certain amount of food to sustain your health, and you shouldn't do anything that will harm that. But one of the things that we found most people do overeat, and that, that when the, the, the less you eat, before you get to that point, beyond which is dangerous, your body actually gets better physiologically at using the the caloric energy that's given through the food. And so the body actually becomes better

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and more efficient. But when we overeat, we fall into all these health and that's why Sumo taseko is a Hadeeth it's related in a lot of the books fast and become well. So there's actually now we know all this about intermittent fasting. Now everybody talks about intermittent fasting. And but we have always had this because our bodies are actually designed to spend periods of time without food.

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And, and and it's a it's a healthy thing, it's a good thing. So not over eating and then also just guarding the tongue backbiting which is such a problem state and people don't realize but your comments on on on the internet. They're also forms of backbiting and and just it's it's very sad that that so many people don't realize that putting it on there is like permanently like anybody who reads it after that if it's a negative remark, especially if there's obscenities and unfortunately, I mean, I think most of these people are trolls and they're not actually Muslims, they just use Muslim names because I couldn't imagine any Muslims speaking so Fowley I mean, at least not a

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practicing Muslim because the prophets lie to them said that the believer is isn't is not foul and one of the signs of the latter days is yellow hot and fresh with the vouch that though obscenity is will become commonplace. And and he and he also said

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to faculty, which because an obscenity usually occurs spontaneity, through spontaneity, somebody just spontaneously says something out of anger, but to foul she's actually to do it effectively as as an effect that and now people say it like there's nothing that says if these words no longer have me, I mean, when I was young, you never heard in public spaces, the type of foul language that you hear now just commonplace amongst people. It's a very bad sign. And Toynbee marks it as one of the hallmarks of a civilization on its way out. And which I know there's a lot of people that think they'll be happy when they see the collapse of the civilization But the truth is, they have no idea

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what's coming.

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People have no idea what what social order is and and when things break down what happens and if it's going to happen, I mean, that there's nothing that can stop it. These are things that Allah subhana wa tada

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decrees. And when they happened, I stopped the monitor when I started Sharona, who sat and they can't bring it forward, and they can't delay it. But we should do everything to, to to want to maintain social order, public order, because of the blessings of living in a time of peace, wherever you are, and if there isn't peace, you should be doing everything you can to work toward peace. Because it's it's it's horrible, especially for women and children and an elderly people, young people. Unfortunately, there's a kind of excitement that goes with war. And this is one of the things that Dorothy Sayers mentions in her book prisons we choose to live in, where she talks about

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nobody ever wants to talk about the attraction that young people have to war young men in particular. And and until we deal with that we'll never deal with, with

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with preventing wars, and this is why

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the Jalili Arabs were very well aware of that in the Sahil verbal hottie the minds of imminent case about war being seductive to every young ignoramus are actually mentioned they were jaggedy lines of poetry, but the Sahaba considered them worthy of repeating during times of fitna so just hopefully having a safe and peaceful time.

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And using this time of Ramadan, it's a great time of blessing. So May Allah subhana wa tada inshallah, make your ramadan ramadan have a virtue, and have solace and have family and, and blessings, and Sharla. And also supplications very important during this time supplicating for our community for oma, our globe is obviously going through a lot, and many, many places, there's incredible difficulty and hardship. And those of us who are blessed to be in places where we're not experiencing a lot of the things that other people are experiencing is the time to really magnify those blessings and and avoid complaining mean people will complain about the fact that the samosa

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wasn't cooked properly, or something like that really stupid things to to complain about, we should just really try to avoid complaining as much as possible. And then, and then also trying to unite people because, you know, I've been thinking a lot just about

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conflict theory. And

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there, there are real forces out there that are trying to really create a lot of conflict in our societies all around the world. Because there are committed Ed logs enthusiasts that actually believe that conflict is a good thing until the great revolution comes and until the great egalitarian societies created through some kind of utopian dream. And this is a real problem, because these people work towards creating compensation be good between the young and the old, between the male and the female, between the the different various ethnicities, and races. And these are all demonic forces working in the world. And our tradition is a tradition that brings people

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together. Our tradition is a tradition that makes brothers and sisters have different groups. And if people say that the Muslims themselves don't live up to that it doesn't matter. That's their business is not our business. It's their business. Our business is to do it ourselves, for us to live up to the truth of this faith, and to live according to the principles that the Prophet slice em gave us, because that's the religion what people do is what they do. And whether it's in accordance with the religion or not, is determined by whether they're following

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Our prophetic tradition or not, that that's how it's determined.

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And And otherwise, it's just a free for all. So those Muslims that are dishonouring Islam or, or

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are are themselves wrong doers and sinners and people have of arrogance or whatever sinfulness that they're expressing those are all in spite of their faith, and they're not because of their faith. And so that's where we have to get back to is recognizing what does our face say? Not what do Muslims do? What does our face say? And then each one of us as an individual has to align with that truth. And that's what this month is all about. It's about realigning ourselves vertically with the heavens and and inshallah we have 29 or 30 days to do that. And hopefully we'll be able to retain as much of that as possible throughout the rest of the year. Until we have in sha Allah, Allah gives us

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another opportunity we none of us know. So May Allah bless all of you Ramadan's and inshallah may be a Ramadan of Tierra del Quran. Angela polu the polishing of your hearts shala article afikomen said Almighty Kumara tomoka

As Ramadan approaches us once again, we’re blessed with another opportunity to respond to God’s great invitation, drawing near to Him through our worship and remembrance. In this special episode, Shaykh Hamza discusses the secrets of this extraordinary month and the centrality of the Qur’an as God’s banquet for the believers, where the guest never leaves unsatiated and the Host never disappoints.

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