Mufti Menk – People Who Curse the Companions Of The Prophet Muhammad

Mufti Menk
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the history of the message of Islam, including the deception of the young companions of Muhammad's death and the use of negative language. They also mention the loss of respect for the companions' deeds and the use of negative language in the message. The message is not only about the young companions, but also about the entireity of Islam.
AI: Transcript ©
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Sometimes we hear of the disputes between Muawiyah

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radiAllahu an and the children of Ali ibn

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Abi Talib radiAllahu anhu. Allah's peace and blessings

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be upon all of them. And we become

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big judges and big champions in that. And

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we start saying this man was cursed and

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that man was this

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and this one was the other one. Yet

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was one of those who also was selected

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to write part of the wahi, part of

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the revelation. So once we start swearing and

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cursing him, what will happen? We begin to

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doubt revelation, aoodubillah.

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May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala protect us from

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the devil and from his plan. So it

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is extremely important for us to know the

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reasoning behind Allah

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instruction to us to respect the companions of

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Rasulullah salallahu alaihi wasallam. One of these reasons

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is because your entire deen has come through

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them. They have sacrificed. If we are to

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discount their effort and disrespect them, we begin

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to lose respect for the deen itself.

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Some people begin

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to curse

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the status

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of the young companions of Muhammad

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such as Abu Huraira radiallahu an. And they

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begin to issue remarks that are very derogatory

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by saying, oh, he was only with Rasulullah

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salallahu alaihi wa sallam for a very short

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period of time. How can he have narrated

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so many hadith? Allah grants barakah to whomsoever

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he wishes.

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Sometimes the youngest from amongst us has memorized

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the Quran much stronger than the older ones

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from amongst us. It is the choice of

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Some of our children have made a greater

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effort in learning the deen than some of

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the older ones. And sometimes it's the blessings

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given by Allah, the ability given by Allah

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subhanahu wa ta'ala. So when we say, Abu

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Hurayyah radiAllahu an, we need to know that

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his proper name was Abdul Rahman ibn Musaqh.

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And we also need to know that we

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will say

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And we also need to know that the

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bulk of the hadith and the the sayings

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and the life of Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam

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came via that particular companion when Rasulullah

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sallallahu alaihi wasallam had made a dua for

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him, and when he was a person who

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really made a great effort in conveying the

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message of Muhammad

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So don't let allow don't let anyone allow

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or do not let anyone con you into

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believing that we are allowed to speak bad

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about this companion and that one and this

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one. Because if that is the case, we

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lose the value of the deen. And this

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is why when it comes to Umar ibn

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Khattab radiallahu an, we find some people bad

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mouthing him,

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Whereas the hadith of Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam

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Do you know what he says? He says,

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if Umar ibn Khattab was walking down a

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certain gully or alley,

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shaitan would never walk down the same gully

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or alley, but he would walk down a

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different one.

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And another narration says that if there were

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to be a Messenger after Muhammad

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perhaps it would have been the likes of

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Umar ibn Khattab

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The reason is many times

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he utters statements in his life which were

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later confirmed by the revelation

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of Allah

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Sometimes he uttered certain words.

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And when he was asked for advice, sometimes

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he gave certain advice.

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And later on the Quran came to confirm

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the opinion of Umar bin Fattah

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May Allah

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peace and blessings be upon all of them.

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My brothers and sisters, what a powerful topic.

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What powerful people. We have no standing in

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front of them. We are only known because

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we have taken from their teachings.

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Today, if we were to remove the teachings

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of the companions of Muhammad

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we would have no Quran in our midst.

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We would have nothing to talk about. We

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wouldn't even be gathered here. You would not

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even know me nor would I have an

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inclination of who you were. Subhanallah.

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But if it is because of their sacrifice

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and Allah having chosen them that the message

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has come down.

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