Hamza Yusuf – Gateway to God’s Book #4

Hamza Yusuf
AI: Summary © The title of Islam is discussed, including its use in English and Arabic, as well as its potential misunderstandings and negative impact on health. The speakers emphasize the importance of acceptance and understanding physical laws in achieving spiritual goals and the need for people to be more Cal MACical. They also discuss the use of the "one small portion of the human body" and the importance of memorizing the Quran for future reference. The importance of learning ahead of puberty to improve memory is also emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim Allah Allah Allah say Mohammed while it was a few sentences Lima a cinematic Omar Abdullah Baraka to Ramadan Mubarak for all the people that are online. We have some of the students here the international students in particular that got stuck in the United States. So we're happy to have them but Charla May Allah make it easy open it up for everybody and remove this blight that's on us the the profits a lot is said in a hadith he said Mark Fisher

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he said Matt Matt Matt Malhotra tell Fantasia to apollomon illa Shafi him up our own when Oda Allah Tell him to country slfp him so you get new diseases from human disobedience I mean people don't make these connections but that had these it's a sound Hadith

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but he also said in a reply an email admits Muslim that

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that Allah removes these tribulations when when third as a nation he called it a nation but the ultimate is 30 years on

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his on the Manzella of Thuraya. So it's the actual mansion what they call mansion in classical ancient astronomy, that he said allow removes those things. So that's may 17. And if a hyzer says that it's how common it it's an empirical judgment, like he's not saying that, that it has to happen, but that would be the norm that like influenza season, things like that they they're removed around that time when the najem is on the horizon, so inshallah May Allah make that Haku learner. We're looking at images Ed kalbi, great Andrew, Sian martyr and scholar, who's who's been one of my favorite scholars for many years, I've,

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I've always gone to the tassili a limited zeal as a as a kind of first commentary just to see what he says. And I'm always amazed at how much despite the fact that it's really only two volumes, how much he puts in how much meaning and he actually has a really

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just comprehensive

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approach because he brings in rhetoric he brings in fifth, he brings in up either, he brings in all these different things. And he's written two really beautiful books, one is the Quranic tasawwuf, showing all to solve only from the Quran. And then another book he did on aqeedah, which is

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purely puran, from just using the Quran as a foundation for it. So he was steeped

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in in the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And so

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he, he makes an argument that the he's looking at the makkasan of the Quran. And so he told us to just to reiterate, that the the fundamental crux of the Quran is that it's an invitation. It's like, you get an invitation, and it's RSVP, you have to respond and, and and, and let them know that you're coming. And so the book of Allah is an invitation and all revelations are invitations, the difference between the Quran and the previous dispensations is that the Quranic revelation

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is to all peoples. So it's kapha, it's an S calf, it's all peoples, whereas the previous dispensations were to specific peoples. And I mean, Christianity is an interesting both Christianity and Buddhism are the other two great proselytizing traditions in the world. If you look at Hinduism, it's it's, it's, it's really even though there are people that convert to Hinduism, it's essentially an ethnic tradition. Judaism is essentially an ethnic tradition. I mean, they do have no hitech laws that they

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invite people to. And, and interesting enough, Koehler in his book on Jewish theology actually says that the traditional rabbis understood Islam to be a divine force, that it was from God, because the prophets Elijah was teaching the essential no hidden clause to the, to the, to the to the mean to the Gentile people. And I think the moon is a is a is probably closer to Gentile, because he's never You mean, and in the, in the books of appy that they mentioned that, you know, if the Jews say that he's gonna be mean, like he's the Gentile Prophet, that it's not enough to have to accept him. And there are Jews that except that like, I know, a rabbi who says, I believe the Prophet Mohammed is a

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true prophet from God. But Moses is my prophet. And so that's what those why those

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Books say that because there were rabbis that acknowledged that. So, we looked at the this these seven he looks at seven

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aspects to the Quran to looking at the Quran.

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And the first is obviously the Aruba v. And I'll just say one thing about rovia this should not be understood to be this the the,

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the the, the, the approach to theology in which you have you separate between types of tawheed. That was a later

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innovation that,

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you know, some of the the Hammadi scholars introduced into Colombia traditionally tawheed was not seen as like Olivia Roby. And asthma, we'll see that some have added even Hakka Mia and added others to heed his tauheed. And, and the proof that because in that argument of UI and Ruby via the proof that

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that the

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that the everybody has to hate the Ruby, but they don't have to hate Alou here is that the question in the grave is not men. Allahu katzmann rabuka it's Who's your Lord. And that's something that

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he brought out that if it was Oulu, he would say men illa huka. If everybody accepts Allah Saurabh Allah Allah mean. So here he means Rob will be a teaching us about God through creation through his marble because that that's the way we know it. I mentioned earlier that Adam is the word for world which is the it's called in Arabic, the the instrumental, the noun of instrument, so it's, it's, it's a small Allah hartham the seal. And so and then he went into the Nebraska and we looked at the 25 prophets that are mentioned in the Quran, and then the argument, we can't specify a number, some of the books of IP that later mentioned 124,000 some, some mentioned, other numbers, but there's, we

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don't know Allah, Allah, Allah knows, but every peoples received messages from God. And then and then. So then the mad, which is the afterlife where we return to, and now he's looking at an outcome and this is the tough seal. So in the app comm you have basically commands and prohibitions and and topo if you look at the very first command in the Quran, which is in Surah, Baqarah linearly, I mean, the first command in Revelation is FRR. But linearly if you look at how the Quran is laid out, the very first command is, is is to attack or a book on you know, to have Taqwa to guard yourself to protect yourself,

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and to be dutifully aware of God, to be pious to be beautiful, and that means fulfilling the commandments and prohibitions. So if you look at the commands and the prohibitions, these are called the allameh. And why so Allah subhana wa tada in the Quran has our mayor, and then he has no way things that he tells us to do things that he doesn't tells you and then like the prophet SAW, I said him said that Secretary Nasha Ramadan beacon,

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right that he was silent about things as a mercy to you. So things that allow a silent about, but that have helped who and don't, don't seek them out. Don't Don't, don't

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hide, I can move on at your own, that the people that go to delve too deeply and become too obsessed with these things can actually go astray. And so the commands of prohibition go under five categories. The first is wage and wage job is basically what you're rewarded for doing and then there's a threat of punishment for not doing a lot can forgive people but there's a threat of punishment for not doing it. And then the men do which is also their different words for it. This is the word that we'll surely use for it. The Sunnah is part of the men job the Nafisa is part of the men do and there's there's just as there's gradations of obligation. There's also gradations of

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recommendation and and then you have the the the MOBA, which is a neutral, so the men do, you're rewarded for doing it, you're not punished for not doing it. And then the MOBA is what is permissible, and then the macro is what is disliked or discouraged. And then you have gradations. So and in the Hanafi school they have a used car here

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in there's actually a type of prohibition of car here so you'll have

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a degree of something that's very macro and then you have even the authorities introduced another term which is called falafel Ola, which was used basically

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for things that you can't really say they're my crew, but but they're better not done.

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And, and, and examples of that would be things like

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aspects of decorum, you know, that that society would would see. I mean, traditionally, for instance, if you didn't wear a hat publicly, as a Muslim, if you did not cover your head, in many places, it was considered according to the football ha, to be mosque, a Polish Shahada, like it would actually remove your testimonial ability in court, because you weren't seen as a, like following the decorum of the society. In other words, you are like a not a trustworthy person.

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Those things I mean, obviously, now, all that's gone out the window, but that that's how traditional societies were. So like, in Arabia, not that long ago, when I first went to Arabia,

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if you if you didn't wear the hoorah you know, as as a as a as, like a Saudi citizen, if you did not wear the ultra as an adult male, it was seen as something that was just not appropriate. It was like, You weren't, you weren't following the decorum of the society. So it was frowned upon. I believe it or not, in my mother told me in the 1930s in San Francisco, she was from a certain socio economic class, because she was from a wealthy family, that she told me that if she didn't go out with mesh, and, and a hat,

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that it was seen as just not not acceptable. And I want to write an article.

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My grandmother wore a face veil, she was a Catholic, because I would picture of her on our Easter, you know, with a complete face veil. So women did wear veils in. And if you look in the in the, in, even in like 100 years ago, in England, there's footage where they're pretty much they look like Muslim women, the way they're dressed, because traditional women, especially in villages, and things dressed very properly. So if you broke that it was a break with decorum. It was a breach of the decorum, which was not good. And so. So my crew is a very interesting area, in fact, because it follows very often

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as well. But

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there are things that the prophets I said and clearly told us not to do, but they don't have the level of prohibition. And then finally, how Tom, which is that if so my crew is if you leave it, you get a reward, but if you do it, you're not there's no threat of punishment. And then finally, how Tom, which is, if if you if you don't leave it, there's a threat of punishment. And if you leave it, you're awarded. So there's actually more reward, if you look in this categorization, there's more reward than there is threat. It's very interesting, right? So allows generous in that way. And then if you look at the outcome, that those that relate to our bodies, so we Islam is a physical

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religion. So there's all these things that relate to our body. So for instance, our prayer is physical fasting is physical, right? Because you're depriving your body of I mean, we're not depriving our minds of, of food, right? We're not meditating on not eating, we're actually not eating. And so it's in the body and and that, and this is why because we believe that there is a, that the body partakes in in the bad. And, and, and and we believe in the bodily resurrection. I mean, this was a debate amongst the philosophers, but we actually believe in this is, you know, a Hanukkah Jedi. It's a new creation, which is this, this body and soul that has become enmeshed. And

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and and so this is something really central to the Islamic tradition is that we believe that the body is that we were embodied souls. But there's, there's a complete harmonization of these two things. So we don't have a kind of duality in that way, even though there is a separation of the soul, but there's a reunification with what's called a Jessa del barky, which is the eternal body that's restored and it's restored from some kind of if its genetic material, we don't know I mean, cloning. The Quran says sanitarium it nerfed FRP Wolfie and fusi him had a Debian I don't know we'll have that Allah will show us our His signs and one of the things

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that the prophecy Sam said is there is an indestructible portion of the human body. It's indestructible and we don't know is that

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You know,

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what it is, I mean, they traditionally they said the toxics is, is the traditional view of it, but but allow them, I mean, we, we know that there is something, there's a seed in us and from that, there's a recreation. So now we know, theoretically that you can take, you know, it's like a hologram where each cell you know, in a hologram, if you take a hologram, and you take one small portion of the hologram, it's the whole thing. So if you take, you know, a portion of the human being, it's, it's the whole thing, because all the genetic materials there, and this is why Allah says in the Quran, that He created us from men, not for 10. Right, there's a not far, which is the

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zygote. So they're the initial, the coming together of these two things, and then it's,

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so it's mixed together. And the only way if you read the tough series, they don't know why the substantive is in the singular and yet the the attribute is in the plural, but we know now and then also in the Quran, when it says that, that we will, that, that that allowed create s min min min, min many n right? Human and then tuna, so there's two para, right? So there's human and tuna, because it's a male and a female many because people forget that the woman has many, and the man has many and the prophets I sent him said if because asked what determines the male or the female and he said, if the if the if the male water gets there before the female water gets there, that's x and y

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clearly. Right? So so you know and he and he had knowledge of these things, but how do you express it to a seventh century people that that would not know any of these things? It's like you know what, when I I saw this Hadith of the Prophet Isaiah them with hrl Delano

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she asked him when he said the baton and not our own

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that finalmente batani with our own that my alma will be destroyed by a strike a Marshall strike so an attack and then thought own so he put them together so is that a biological weapon? You know, a low atom but it's he put them together the thought and he will talk soon. So she said out of Nevada and we know what a military strike is. what's what's what's a thought own because she didn't know that they didn't have their own in Mecca or Medina so she wouldn't have known what Barton was there so what's wrong? And he said Watson and I that informal gin it's, it's a it's a penetration from your unseen enemies. Because gin is is anything that layup subtle in Arabic, Elgin is my laptop,

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it's what you cannot see. So even the standard out of says the angels are called jinn in that their main animal gender that from the unseen world. So the jinn are, it's one of these things where it's, you know, if baba baba Allen cool, right? So or it could have been synecdoche, they call it

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so so, in that Hadeeth, what's amazing to me is that

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the walk zone one has is what a needle does, so you penetrate and and on viruses, they call them spikes, viral spikes, so the virus comes in and penetrates the cell wall, and then it releases it. So what protects us from that? Our army, our internal army, so we have an immune system, that's, that's got these white blood cells that are reconnoitering throughout to make sure that enemies, right so if it sees a virus or bacteria, it identifies it as an enemy. And then it goes in it tries to end and if one overwhelms the other, that's how you get sick or healthy by it. So the fact that the Prophet described it as it's a penetration of your unseen enemy, in other words, they got

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through your barriers, like they have penetrated your barriers so I mean, that is a miracle to me, I have clearly amount upon it. How so anyway, the the body like prayer and fasting and and and Hajj is also we forget it's a physical journey, like you don't do virtual Hajj, you know, it is a physical that now

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inshallah, people get restored, but it's a physical journey where your body is going and and it's, it's getting the reward and and, and then this is why the body is so terrified of disobedience because like what did I do?

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deserve this because your will is what's willing your body to do things it doesn't want to do. And that's why the tongue, you know, every morning all the whole body says to the tongue listen that had, you know, a tequila Athena, like, Don't fear God with us in a contest on that if you're straight, we're straight. You know, I will judge that judge that like, and if you go astray we go astray. So that so the, the, the body is afraid of the tongue and the tongue.

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As Ralph Nader said, his mother told him to eat the vegetables. And he said, I don't like that when he was a boy. I heard him tell the story. So when I was a boy, he said, I don't like vegetables. She said, who is I? And he said, me, he said, Who's me? said, I don't what do you mean? She said, You said you don't you don't like vegetables? I know your liver likes vessels, your kidneys like vessel your lungs, like vegetable? Why are you letting your tongue talk on behalf of the whole body?

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So the tongue is a problem, right? It's very interesting. So the next is those that relate to well, such as cat, and and SATA, and all those things. So like SATA is a shorthand, it proves your thing and so that also is a synonym for zakaat. So it's used in the Quran also, for Zakat, but generally setup is charity. And it's from sit, which is sincerity. So it shows your sincerity. And then those that relate to the matters of the heart. So you have the body, the wealth and the heart. And, and and and I can encompass all of these things. So for instance, Allah subhana wa tada warns against kebab, and warns against treachery and warns against all these things that relate to the heart and

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then tells us to be truthful. A couple of akuna outside yaqeen so sit is from the heart. So these are all related to the outcome. And then we get into

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the promises. The wind is the promise from Allah subhana wa Tada. So a lot of promises the good of this world such as being granted victory and prominence, and then promises good in the afterlife, such as being granted paradise. So the word is that if you follow these rules, if you obey Allah, if your people of taqwa Allah will give you Tim Kaine, he'll give you victory in Townsville, rely on sort of calm, he'll give you victory in this world. And if you deviate from them fairly out there and lead in your heart Ivana and Embry and to seabone, fitness, don't

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leave, let them be forewarned, if they go against your, your way, you will be afflicted with calamities with civil strife, the prophets Allah is seldom said that, you know, man aka the Pomona Allah had to lay him I don't mean of any unforeseen, that people will not betray this covenant, a covenant of a prophet except they will have enemies that will take over them. Right. So these are these are what you have to understand about the Quran is the Quran is a book of metaphysics, you know, you have physical laws, like Newton described all these laws, you have laws of entropy, you have, you know, a law of cause and effect.

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And, and, and those physical laws work in the world. So if if, you know, if you take a knife and you cut, there's a physical law that something's going to happen when you do that, if you cut flesh.

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metaphysical laws are, are beyond the physical realm, they're working at another level. And and if you if you don't understand those laws, you will do the same type of harm that can happen to you with not understanding physical laws. Like if you don't know that jumping out of an airplane is dangerous. Right? without a parachute. And even with a parachute, it could be dangerous. But if you don't know that, and you jump out or jump off a building, right, like there's a whole TV series, I think of people jumping off because they're so stupid. And so they called that like jackass because they're acknowledging how stupid it is. But there are people like that, that don't realize that you

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can really hurt yourself. And so they do things that are very harmful. The same is true. This is we're forewarned. This is the thing about the prophets, they have for warned us about all of these things. And so that's the word is is the divine promise. And then you have the Wade so it's the same same words. root, the promise and what it is a threat Oh, and so in genders fear of punishment in this world, right, but also in Genesis fear of punishment in the afterlife. So both are problematic if you did

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obey these laws that Allah has set down, you're going to have, you're lucky if we get them in this world there, it's better to get the effects of it. And that's why the prophets I sent him said in omega T. Boone, Mattoon mahoma jurina that will have the dunya my own has the Rama of Allah, because its punishment is in this world. And so when you look at the Muslim world and see all the horrible things that are happening, you have to understand that you have to see the Rama in in a lot of it because it is a result of this is a place of purification. So if you're not going to do your purification, here, if you're not going to consciously do it, Allah if he loves you, will do it for

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you. And through a lot of suffering and through a lot of pain and tribulation. And that's why I mentioned earlier you know that even ATI Allah says manlam yakou, Jacobian ally, b malapa. To sn P. The E b said acid in Mt. Han is amazing. hikma, you know, if you don't, whoever does not go to a law, as a result of all of the accent of all of the charity of all of the providential care that God has shown you. If that doesn't drive you to God, then God will drive you to him through tribulations, is a tragedy of human beings. And so

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so, just a few minutes, because I'm getting a thing and I just want to get to this one. And then because this one gets very, for me, this is what I want to focus on a lot later on. But the costs are very important. And I'm just going to show you one little thing about the puzzles here. The stories of the earlier prophets and other people such as the companions of the cave, and those are nine, you know, the prophets Allah Allah it is said

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that he if he is told, in in, in the Quran, these stories were to help him deal with his tribulations like, Don't worry, what's happening to happen to the people I loved before you so don't see this as, as

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that I'm displeased with you. It's the opposite, that you're of my chosen messengers, and and just as difficulties happen to Moses, and Abraham, Abraham was thrown into a fire, these things are going to happen to you. So if you look like in so the wisdom behind the recurrence of the stories is very interested in that's what I'm about. But this is the last thing I'll focus on here. I'll just give you one example. And sort of tell us which is the chapter of of stories like Bazin meme, bar scene, meme, tikka, Turkey, Tabitha mobian, natural alayka, minibar immersa. So we're going to tell you about Moosa with her own bill happy Omen noumenon for people, enough around Allah that they will

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stop a football if at a minimum, you have not only stay in the set home, so this is repeated several times in the Quran, this story because it's such a fundamental story. But if you look here, when When, when, when when Moses will Oh haina you know me Moosa and out of the E for either 50 and a half LP he fed me well after Harvey whether that has any Don't be afraid, just throw him into the to the denial right here the young is denial thrown into the Nile and that read basket and don't worry he's coming back to you Now look, look what Allah subhana wa tada says, you know, that, that in Iran do who eat achy which is a human and more serene, I mean, even though the way he used a rod do who

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really like the time factors in there like this is going to take some time, but he's going to come back to you. All right, so that's all Mussa and then Allah subhana wa tada brings him back because harana la and Marathi and an Abra Terra De Luca mana debate in the akuna Whoa, la como la hanasi home so they the wet he wouldn't wet nurse from the nurses like Allah inspired Moses not to take milk. And so the lady told him Oh, I can tell you who the mother to bring her as a wet nurse to them. So for that, now who right here it's doable. Now it's a rod that now right? We returned him right to to Omaha, you know only K to arrive in Walla, Walla

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and voila, how can what I can.

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So in order for you to have the coolness of your eye in your child again and to remove that grief from you and to know that the word of Allah is certain now look how the end

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Because remember the stories are for the prophets, Allah light is to them, as well. But most importantly, therefore the prophets of light is cinema. So look, the end of us in the photo de la Khurana la Duca Elon mad, like, at the end of So at the beginning of classes, he's telling you, it gives you goosebumps, he's telling you, like I I sent Moses back to his mother. And I did it in order for you to know that Allah fulfills his promises. And so I'm telling you now, the one who gave you this book that I do, like, he's going to just same word that allow us at the beginning of puzzles, he uses at the end of puzzles to show you and so that is, in order for the prophets of the

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lie, they send them to be at ease that I do get it in a mad I mean, look at that, you know, the med plasm, there is, again, the time factor, you know, it's like, there's, this is going to be some time but don't worry, this is my promise. Just as I brought Moses back to his mother, I will bring you back to own Cora, to your mother, right to the mother of the cities, and any and he did and and this is a miracle of the Quran, that this is, you know, who would have thought when he left Mecca, you know,

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on his camel with Abu Bakar and, and serrata with nothing like nothing, and yet he comes back victorious. And, and with his head bowed because he knew this isn't me.

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Like he didn't come in like Victor's come in the conquerors. He came in humbled with his head bowed, knowing who brought him back, because it was a law, who brought him back

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to so you know, martial law.

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Alhamdulillah So,

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we'll stop there.

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And question and answers that

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I'm going to do go into these the wisdom behind the recurrence of the stories more.

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But, you know, these are the subtleties of Oran, that the whole book is filled with these things. And that's why, you know, the thing about the Quran is because it's, it's, it's from God, and we, we believe this, and, and there's valid reason to believe it, like it's not, you know, this book has,

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has taken the hearts of some of the most brilliant human beings in human history. I mean, you look at people like a center of America, Sally, for her generosity, I mean, these people are in the top 100 most genius people in the world. And and, you know, they, they were completely convinced of the revelation because they, it takes a long time does that most of us are more Caledon. You know, we we grew up in families, we believe it and it's true, but the people that studied this deeply, they didn't become less convinced of its truth. They became more convinced and when you see the rhetorical miracle, and this why Bulava is so important. You know, I mean, there's so many

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subtleties in the Quran. You look at something like you know, in in sort of, um, when Allah subhana wa tada says, to pull to the Prophet Allah or to Mahara mirrabooka madico alleged you should cliche. Everybody, Danny Santa, would I talk to Oded comin in LA? Right So, so Allah says, Do not kill your children from poverty, like your poor.

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No nada supercon

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what your home, we will provide for them, for you and for them. But in sort of that is Surah when Allah subhana wa tada says, led up to Allah to come harshita imlach, one word changes. So here it's Hachette to enveloppe don't kill your children out of fear of poverty, you're not poor, but you think if we have more kids, they're going to take sustenance and provision from us. So there it says that a lot. No, not a super home when it switches. So when it's poverty, it says will provide for you and for them, so don't worry, but when it's fear of them, causing you poverty, starts with home, before he starts with comb. And I mean, that's throughout the Quran. You find these subtleties in

00:34:40 --> 00:35:00

repetition, that show you that a human mind could not have worked all of this out and, and the Quran because it's it's it's kaleidoscopic in, in its view, it's it has all views at once. And and and that's why when

00:35:00 --> 00:35:42

We look at it you know the Persians I don't know how you say it in Persian, but there's a there's a proverb that what does the ant know about the pattern of the Persian carpet. So if you look at the carpet, you know, there's a pattern the ants walking across it, well, if you can imagine, like, if we could put, like, the make the Quran a carpet, then we're like that. And, you know, and so we get, you know, we're just going through, it's all red, and then it's all blue. And then it's all but if you if you rise above your, your, your insect nature, and actually develop your mind and intellect and study the Quran, it begins, you begin to, you'll only see part of it, you'll never see the whole

00:35:42 --> 00:36:28

only Allah could encompass the reality of the book, but you will, you'll get openings, even common people that read the Quran constantly allow, give them openings, and they'll see things and then they'll see relationships, and then they'll like, they'll have a verse that comes to them right when they need it. Do you know, I mean, that happens to people, just average people. And then the idea that you can recite the Quran constantly. What is that, like? People? People really, there's In fact, one of my say, does it does it take away from the reward of the recitation when you get an intense lead in because some people they really get led that from reading the Quran, and they read

00:36:28 --> 00:36:36

it constantly. So these are these are things for us to ponder.

00:36:40 --> 00:36:42

Thank you for that one.

00:36:43 --> 00:36:48

We have received a consistent a particularly consistent question.

00:36:49 --> 00:36:50

And that is,

00:36:52 --> 00:36:59

what is your advice on memorizing the Quran? Should one learn Arabic first beforehand?

00:37:02 --> 00:37:02


00:37:03 --> 00:37:05

it depends on what age you're at.

00:37:06 --> 00:37:22

So it's much better to memorize it when you're young, especially before puberty. Because the the capacity for memorization is just very, very strong at that time. So as you get older, it gets more difficult.

00:37:24 --> 00:37:25


00:37:26 --> 00:37:48

you know, when I when I because I became Muslim, I was already an adult. And the people I say with the more Italians they say, you know, memorization of Koran is men do, but phip is wajib appeases wajib. And so they prioritize Filipina, happy that over memorization. So

00:37:50 --> 00:38:23

you know, I would say that learning Arabic to learn the deen is very important. Personally, if I had to choose, I would much rather understand the Quran. And then a lot of people memorize it and don't understand it. Whereas hamdulillah if you understand it, it's a great blessing to understand it. It's a great blessing to memorize it undeniably. But if you had to choose a model that has one the very first things that he told me, when I went when I was into him what he said about hevel he said,

00:38:24 --> 00:38:28

have the subterrane how you know men

00:38:29 --> 00:38:35

know Yeah, he said, Have those subterrane hieromonk. karate well, terrain,

00:38:36 --> 00:38:40

like to learn to lines is better than to memorize.

00:38:41 --> 00:39:18

to memorize two lines is better than to reading two camera loads. And then he said, we're thermo subterrane teittleman heavy rain. But to understand two lines is better than to memorize two camera loads of knowledge. So understanding is over memorization. And one of the things that the prophet SAW that Sam said about the earlier people he said, unknown fiza man earlier on Korra Whoa, Catherine. Aha, oh, to have his own Allahu doody, he will tell the owner, a roofer who will say Tiamat is a man. Catherine Pura Whoa,

00:39:19 --> 00:39:59

whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, you have his own Allahu rofi where you are your own karma. So so that Hadith I think is very sound in terms of like he said that, that at that time, there weren't a lot of people that memorized it. But they they knew that there were football, they understood it. He said the time will come in my own you'll have a lot of people that memorize it, but they don't understand it, which is a negative thing. It's not that the memorizing it is a negative but memorizing it without understanding then so I would encourage people with their children, you know if they can if they can find a good audience

00:40:00 --> 00:40:05

Very, very careful, unfortunately now, because there's there's a lot of abuse

00:40:06 --> 00:40:07

in in,

00:40:08 --> 00:40:19

you know, so you have to find trustworthy people and then you should also always, nobody should be alone with children, especially males that are not hold on.

00:40:20 --> 00:40:51

You should never have like one on one with a child doesn't matter who they are, and that's the son of a honey ferdinando did not allow beardless youth to come into his matches and as advisors what I saw from my teachers, so you might not have that problem, but just you know, so it's very important because unfortunately, the prophecy isn't one of the signs of the latter days is * and that's in the Hadith. The Prophet said you still have una he said people will desire

00:40:53 --> 00:40:57

boys, you know children. Anyway Alhamdulillah

00:40:58 --> 00:41:02

barakallahu li comb Ramadan Mubarak Salaam Alaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh

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