Hamza Tzortzis – Success, Mindset & Planning

Hamza Tzortzis
AI: Summary © The importance of knowing one's actions and values in order to achieve success in life is discussed in a Islam course on Facebook. The concept of ego is discussed, where individuals are told they are just like regular people. The importance of waking oneself to acknowledge Islam and finding balance in one's life is emphasized. The speakers also emphasize the need to learn to reflect and forgive oneself and be a good person. The importance of being aware of one's goals and values is emphasized, as well as the need to be willing to hold onto one's potential. The host also discusses the negative sentiment towards Muslims in Australia and offers resources for accessing the show and receiving exclusive content.
AI: Transcript ©
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Episode 47

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don't plan your life Really? No.

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Plans fail. That's rubbish. Yeah, that's rubbish why Welcome to the Muslim life hackers podcast, the weekly podcast providing you with tips and tricks on how to hack your life and maximize its potential. And now for your hosts Mira maroof edma hain Molly

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across the sea of

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Assalamu alaikum This is mahane Malik here with Episode 47 of the podcast. In today's show, we actually have a guest interview with Hamza sauces. Hamza is an international speaker and Islam, a writer, a lecturer, and instructor and a researcher. He delivers courses and workshops worldwide with organizations such as AI era occult, the Institute and the International online university. In today's episode, my friend, I will be having a conversation with Hamza on topics like how to plan for the future critical thinking, and how to tackle the problems that you're facing today, along with much, much more. And as you can find all the links and resources mentioned in today's episode

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in our show notes at Muslim life hackers.com, forward slash 47. And lesson number 47. So with that being said, let's get straight into the interview.

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All right, sounds good. Thank you so much for joining us for this interview. We're really excited hope we can get into the guts of this interview. Yeah, so one of the things that we want to start off this interview that we know that you had had recently. And so you know, with everything that goes to Hutch, they come back with like a different experience that's unique to them. So we should sort of know like, what were your experiences from your hardship that you can share with our audience? So very good question.

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Hodge for me, was why kusa, the individualization of the self. Most of us this is because I found

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it Yeah, basically, I became nothing. And in the midst of 3 million people, in that nothing, you have to actually find yourself, because you strip away your kind of false identity and the illusions that you've built around your life, like I am, this, I am that, and so forth. Because I was stripped away from me, then I basically became nothing. And through that nothingness, I found that I'm just an Abbot and just the worship of Allah, a worship of Allah. And during Hajj, what you experienced is actually a true sense of happiness.

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without sounding spiritual, cliche, without it sound like a cliche. And the reason I'm saying it's true happiness, because nothing else matters apart from going to Mina, praying, reading,

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going to alpha, alpha, going back to Mina, to image Amara, Murat, etc, etc. And you like following a process you just following the command of Allah and the will of Allah, just like the planets, the

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an orbit, and everything obeys the same law, and ever same function. So you've basically stripped away all of the illusion of illusionary aspects of your life, like your ego, who am I, I'm a father, I'm a husband, I'm a teacher, I'm this and that sort of irrelevant, and you become nothing. And in that nothingness, you find who you are, which is you just the worship of Allah, become really happy that you come back, you get depressed.

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He has that lack of withdrawal symptoms, kind of like what you've been talking about recently in your talks and courses about awakening the future.

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Maybe that's a good link, what we talked about, concerning awakening the fitrah, we talked about that there is something within us that was created according to the traditions as a Muslim in other places. And in the Quran itself, were Alliance created something that is natural and unchanging, that acknowledges a lot and wants to worship Him. So to equal the fit for other ordinary, like people who came out here imitate me and others, they said, not only is it the natural disposition to worship Allah, and to acknowledge him, but also that were molded to be in line with the Islamic ethics and the Islamic tradition, Islam. So that's the fitrah. And the way to wake up the fitrah is

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doing things that big Dutch, Allah say hi to the calamity, because in the cram, you see that the various ways of of waking up or triggering the

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The fitrah to awaken and both are to ponder, to reflect, to reflect on the Qur'an to engage with Islam in that manner, but also to experience calamities and problems and hardship, and hardship. So that is like a window of opportunity as spiritual and opportunity, free to open and free to reach a love come close to Allah at the same time, here we can see you are. So when I went to hatch, and many other people have experienced this, you just realize that you're nothing but that nature. So you strip away all your illusionary identities in your ego, and then all you have left is nothing with your finger. And it's saying, hey, I want to worship Allah. Do you like your job? Yes.

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So it is still interesting. It's more profound in that. And the reason for that is because he's like when Allah says, Those forget forgot Allah allow, make them forget themselves. So in a way, our self identity is contingent dependent on

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remembering Allah.

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Say, it's that when you remember, like, and when you find all this fun to live your life, you'll find yourself. Yes, exactly much. Exactly. Interesting. How do we connect this with a today in our societies, we're told that we know, we're like, we're special snowflakes. We're like, oh, like, social butterflies. And we're all individuals. And we all have, like, we have to go off to like what we want to do in life and things like that, how do we consolidate consolidate this with the fact that, you know, we're slaves of a lot? Wait, wait, like you said, for like, nothing? Yes. Well, we're in a society that celebrates the ego. Yeah, so you know, you're this you're that make a change

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be something that's fine to rubbish. The media is rubbish is because you just,

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it is adding the illusion of an illusion, it is building upon your ego. In Islam, you don't add you take away. That's what you do. So you strip away from the socialization from the system and affected who you are, whether it's materialism, or whatever the case may be. And then that's when you find yourself fluffy like solid things like Vicar, things like reading the Quran, it doesn't really add to your identity, it removes the ego. So somehow, when you're in such that your heart is higher than your brain, you know, you're facing the floor, the does, the ego is being diminished. And essentially, you just find out who you are, which is just a simple person who's worshipping Allah.

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So if you read, so we've studied mind, like a person says, Okay, there are a simple person and

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you know, they know their place. But then how, with that mindset, how can they actually realize that they have something special to offer to this world? How can you find a balance to them? Because sometimes a person can be so low of themselves that they feel like, you know, what you can I know, what change can I make? And you know, I can't do anything because I'm not bought anything, because you're aging? Yeah. Because I love to change. So see, through the nothingness if you like to diminishing the ego, it doesn't mean you don't have a sense of self esteem or you don't have honor. That doesn't mean that because our honor, isn't that debasement because when you humble yourself,

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and you diminish your ego, that limits you, that's the point. It's not like, Oh, I'm just nothing, I'm pointless, because I like gives you that you when you reach that positional stage, so and through that, then you realize some of the goals that you want to achieve in your life, because now you're connected to Allah nice about worship, because there's a problem amongst oma, we ought to be legacy builders and pioneers, I will do this, I will, I will do that. There's so many leadership pushes, right. Which is, which is across the justice, seeking leadership is actually spiritual disease in Islam only need to change the world, I want to be a flower man.

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By the end of the day, this will force and we must only do those things as a result of

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seeking the pleasure. And there's a fine balance here. And I think we've missed that out in our popular culture, you know, go to courses were two events. It's all about building the ego, you know.

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But notice the harbor actually was so successful is because

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they were so humble and so connected to allies to that they became successful. I don't think it will become successful for the ego.

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what is it that we have within us as individuals that make us

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feel like ego building? What is

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We need to like recognize within us,

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that will not be allies, everything Allah, everything you do is because of Allah.

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You know that and you know that you essentially are weak in terms of like, you know, you have a

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sin, for instance, you transgress you're almost an enemy to your own soul. And the only thing that could change that is by connect to Allah. So, if you realize you're nothing, Allah deserves all praise or thanks or gratitude.

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And you realize that you're not self sufficient, because in Western societies, the biggest disease is that we think we're so sufficient, because we get a job. We have Medicare or whatever you call it. You have medical insurance, you have this you have that. You feel like you're almost godly. Yes. Vision. And that's true. It's an ego. And that's a barrier to Allah

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was misguided because of ego. Not because it is believed, even from a pocket perspective. He He spoke to Allah. Yeah, so he's gonna do this, because he had ego. You know, he was like, Hey, I made a fire isn't a clay? Yeah, what's going on here?

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yeah, so we deal with self sufficient and, and this society builds that. And we forget that worksheet very vulnerable, and that everything is dependent on a lot. And that's the critical point. Because we're so busy with Facebook, Twitter, mobile phones, internet forums, cooking, more cooking, finding clothes, whatever the case may be shopping, and we don't have time to realize who we are. And it's only certain things in life, don't wake up, wake us up sometimes, like, the internet's down, or she left me or whatever the case may be. And then we find that we're actually vulnerable, we're dependent. But then after we get back into that drunken state of the rat races to me, and I'm

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still sufficient, and I am the master of my destiny. Yeah. So you know, falling on that point that you said that how you were living in like an ego society, it actually reminds me of that verse in the Quran, which is like, have they taken goddess themselves? So pretty much that seems to be happening in that, you know, you're saying each has been It feels like they're a godly individual. So with that, and then with realizing that you are dependent on Allah subhanaw taala? What would actually encourage a person to take action then? If they say that, okay, I'm dependent on Allah, Spanish, Allah, Allah Subhan, Allah do whatever changes that needed?

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Where does my action

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take a dog, right. And I like comparing humans to dogs, because the dogs in some form are quite more elevated than humans. Because

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the farmer loyal for one. And it is

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aligned with the nature but many human beings don't align with our nature's, take it out, right.

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And it's based on a story from one of the writers, I think his name was beaten, very nice story. And basically, he's saying that him and his dog when a very hot day, and they were walking in the forest or the jungle, or whatever the case may be. And that was so like, almost ill and tired, and he's coming out and

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the man in the story was really tired, and you want to find some shade. So they stopped in some shade, and the dog was so pleased, but then his master, the owner, deliberately walked off and the dog repeatedly to follow him. So on top of the rest, and when needed that shade,

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and he, the owner, run back to the shade. So the doctor gets some shade, and the dog was like almost like in a static pleasure. Now, the story that he got from this is, look, look what the dog does for his odor. He would even basically, his fidelity, his obedience, his realization that his existence is dependent on the odor.

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Even though the doctor stayed in the shade, but he obeyed willingly. He put his needs regardless of 1000, sufferings. And then

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in the story, demand basically says,

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I just realized my loads, forgive me. Help me be like this lowly animal. I could sleep on a dog.

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But he's almost better than me because

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I will. I am more dependent upon a lot and a doctor to tell me any I'd like the doctors to see Yeah, to perform.

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Would you start to dependency, then you do everything your Master says. That's what action comes. It's really interesting. Because oftentimes, like in life, we only do things that we know we shouldn't do. They're not good for us. But yet we proceed. And we go ahead and we do them. And somehow we push back the knowledge that you know, this is bad, this is wrong. And we just go ahead and follow like, you know, musical desires and things like that. Interesting, huh? Yeah, it is. Yeah, just a mix up a bit. And connecting back with what you said, how we awaken at times in our life. Going back to your history, is there any moments within your life, where you can say that, you

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know, you had that awakening moment, you realize that, you know, I'm really nothing, you know, I am dependent on a lot.

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Yeah, there's a few.

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I wrote, before I was Muslim, I had a friend who was Muslim. And I remember it was in my mom's living room. And he would say,

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we did things for the sake of God.

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I felt sick, actually hustled inside me, my soul felt sick. I went to the toilet, it was like, Oh, my God, I just felt really bad. Like, it was like one of those moments where your ego is bashing, because it just closed down the concept that you didn't know for yourself. I just couldn't understand it. And that was one of the small trigger points that got me thinking about, you know, who I am. That's a trigger point. Another trigger point was, when

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my son was born, my first child,

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I realized two things. The first thing I realized was,

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how bad son I was to my father. And I was crying raised fully guilty, but the whole thing because it was so awakened to the reality of how egotistical you are to your parents. The other thing was, is I knew immediately when my son was born, that I could easily put my neck on a rail railway line, and allow the train to decapitate me, just for my son, as we as the parents do, you would like you could, you could literally do anything, any means necessary to help and save your child. But then that made me realize

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that I have the same approach for Allah.

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So Allah says, children are test free. For those who are less than that listen was

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I was aware, I thought I was concerning my level of demand because, you know, so willing to like sacrifice for my son, but could I do that for Allah. So that was a weak point. Another waking point was where I attended this kind of psychology course thing. And it's designed to

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teach you how much of a scumbag you are.

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As my psychology,

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your for your scumbag use or your for you have the power to change the relationship in your life. Don't blame yourself, blame yourself. And then because about 200 people in the room, and they all have the same experience in your life in them as well. And it becomes really real. So that was the waking up plane made me realize like, it made me realize everything I've been doing politics for the wrong reason. And it's all ego. So after that, I would say humility,

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exercise, or instead of humbling exercises like apologizing to people and

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blaming myself, even when I didn't deserve the blame, but stuff like that good training.

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That was a waking up experience. Also, just before I converted to Islam,

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brand new song was the truth intellectually, but I would have become a Muslim, and I became a Muslim. When my friend talks about death, right? It's a real way, a profound way that I internalize that information straight away. So that was the waking up point thinking, Okay, I need to make a decision because there are implications.

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Every day the waking up for me, everyday can be if you reflect in your day properly. For sure.

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Every day should be an awaking day for

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him to play for like a calamity. No, of course not. I mean, because if you if you

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if you adopt the art of reflection, then every day because every day Yeah, for sure. I don't really remember what happened yesterday or two days ago week. I've trained myself like that. And even I could argue with someone now home and or like my mom or dad or and it didn't happen.

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Monday comes it didn't happen. Like that it's like is almost meaningless. And I think that wasn't to be successful. spiritually.

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Everything is meaningless unless Allah gives me

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I think we get a lot of problems because we give out meaning to things. Yeah. Oh, but she said this about me, how dare she come down who there are you thought and maybe better than us, you might have might have should

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relax, what is the meaning Allah is giving you here, find out what Allah intends for you, and find out what meaning he wants the situation, which usually is to shut up and forgive. But we don't do that, because we give so much meaning to it, we give so much meaning to this. So if you follow that general rule, everything is meaningless. And this is it meaning, then you'd be like the price of something, which will never demand his right, to only get angry for the rights of the law.

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And I believe other people by himself.

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That's really interesting.

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You know, something that I like, because I do know that when you became Muslim when I wanted to, because if you became Muslim during like a union, University College age, so then after that you started, you know, taking whatever decisions in your life to to be where you are today. Like, what advice would you give to people of that age, like, whether they'd be one since I just became weak, not with realizing that you know, there really nothing? And that we're realizing like their place in the world? 10 $15 further, what advice would you give them on how they should go back with their life

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is about perspective. So when you realize you're nothing spiritually, and that should basically empower you, and,

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and make you realize that everything happened because of the will and power of Allah. So if everything happens, because I love what empower that should really make you Superman. It's weird that you just said we shouldn't be Superman at all,

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by intention. But once you realize you're nothing, yeah. And then you realize everything happens because of the way the powerful law that can make you Superman. without intending, I want to be something why today was to harbor the

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Spiritism around the world in just a few years. And there were so successful.

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Because the new light allows everything, everything happens because of power. And because of its will, and that we're essentially the empty tools allow you to manifest his guidance and mercy. So when you when you're done, everything happens, because the when a powerful law, he creates a new realm of possibility. Anything becomes possible, because you don't know what would have a life.

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And the meaning you don't think is possible is because you haven't, you have given something else power. That's the point. Somebody Oh, no, I can't do that. Why?

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Did Allah tell you this? You don't know. It's because you've given something else power, you've got to be willing to do something else. So the only thing that really manifests itself is a lot. No. And you got to hold on

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to the infinite realm of possibility to achieve what you can. And that's why most should be seen as crazy.

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Yeah, we like to use that word a lot.

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I'm going back to like, the tools kind of side of it. What is something that you use to like, keep in touch with your crazy like sides or infinite possibilities?

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It's a good point.

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What do I do to maintain that craziness?

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I don't know. Really. I think the more you fit the law, the more that caters. I guess he is the powerful one. He's the one we get which he braved isn't it for lazy with you. And he you know, is your protector? That you know, everything happens? Everything happens because of him. Everything is possible. So that preset

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so like knowing that Okay, so there are infinite amount of possibilities in the world. How does one know what direction to go to then? I mean, cuz he said that the sugar levy leadership courses and what

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I'm saying we live in a spiritual crisis, that everyone's become a leader. Yeah, I mean, before you become a leader, you have to be good follower. Yeah, there's not one course on how to become a good follower. Diamond twice, which it

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You have to be good followers. And you have to be leaders. So when you've got clarity

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carries a leader. How long will it lead with the, you know, so some mothers so much, you know, whether they fall over or they're upset or whatever is so bothered, and you're going to create these babies into leaders. I don't care what age is usually the two babies

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Anyway, run over the previous, what was the question? tools that you use to actually get to what you do, but also how do you know what direction to go the possibility and the kind of person so don't plan your life really, of course no.

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plan to fail, That's rubbish. That's why a lot of times always gonna come into play anyway. Plenty life pencil,

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rubber feet, trust me to take a direction that you don't know, just walked on line with us, that's my humble view,

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a vision for ourselves for the sake of Allah and want to do things for the sake of Allah. But I've, I feel the kind of view that you know what, have a very fuzzy direction like somewhere there is clouded you don't know where you are in Allah with Archie. And you see that in the use of a center that you know, you can plan but Allah, Allah will always always dominate. So

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what you should reduce mean to other what less patchy, good for you. And that should be the case and do your best I was gonna be do

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achieve the small things have achieved so far. No wait time that it is happening because you do the work and you just

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that you may argue she can achieve more.

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It's really interesting, because as a student, this is the honest job Oh,

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yeah. Any

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maybe two ways you could put you

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studying for something vocational like engineering, law, nursing, Doctor, maybe pharmacy,

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shooting things like pharmaceutical science, biology, history, all these subjects, sociology

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quit. So waste of money and time, maybe, because you're just being cheap reacting to the fact that everyone has to get a degree. degree you don't make you intelligent.

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Western education teaches you what to think about how to think you could learn what you learn in sociology. In the three degree, you can learn that at least nine months, I think was self learning, self learning, and only self learning. But with

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my own books, you literature, studying material not being motivated to learn.

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Actually, in my life, I study philosophy or theories of the mind or whatever, yeah, I'm able to articulate a case with an analytical professor. And he says, I agree with 95% waste.

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As an example, to show they feel motivated, you do much more learning outside of university for sure.

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So if it was for the learning to become intelligent, then you use an expensive way to do that quick. And it's pointless because you pick up bad habits anyway. Because he's all about ego, most of it. So quit. Yeah, tell me what to do. So buy books and read. Yeah. And you also do something else. Now, especially

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if you don't get it here, you're gonna get job in here, man, you take care of you. It's a waste of time.

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To put as a tick box, I have to get a degree because it's part of my self identity. Yeah, things being a slave. You have to do that. He knows who he is. You can charge work. You can travel the world. You can live things in your own time. You could have done so many great achievements. What would you do? Get a degree. I've actually been in one of the discussions in respect of sisters talking about degree and everything. And they're like, well, I need a degree so that you know, I can be a better teacher for my children. That's rubbish.

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No, absolutely rubbish eating it

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is the natural teachers. Yeah. And

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getting a degree will make you a good teacher. getting a degree doesn't make you empathic. And empathetic, doesn't make you compassionate. It doesn't make you tolerant necessarily. It just gives you information. It teaches you to be a good consumer.

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I don't think getting a degree teaches you to be a good teacher. Not necessarily what would make you a good teacher, by teaching

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by teaching, but then you have to learn before you teach. So how do they teach you to be a teacher they tell you to teach

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is immersed in that environment. That's the irony to be a good speaker becomes a freak. No matter what books you read about how to be a good speaker. The point what helped me that much guaranteed, because the people who wrote those books, observed the good speakers who didn't actually

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take them in by the way, throw the book in the bin

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Just thought speaking level mistakes. advice? Yeah, just going for it and letting it pretty much one thing is how do you know that you should go in this direction? See, that's what people kind of like,

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like a lot of people to think, Okay, then how do I make that decision whether I'm going to do infinite possibility?

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is a law. Okay? How can I do the law with my current natural inclination, disposition and capacity and skills and capacity? And the power of questioning? No, that's not the question. Okay. It's the other way around. We say, right? Where do you want to be? But you missing the point? Why do you want to be where you want to be? We don't ask that question.

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what do you do when you grow up? That's the wrong question. You should be observed. What do you do in your life in order to please Allah become a good Muslim? As a different question? So if we tell our youth,

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right, your goal is to please a lot. How are you please Allah with the capacities with a nature with the inclinations because that you have at the moment? You like, you know what I really, really like helping others. Books, do it, find yourself other than, like, I got big mouth, I really could talk to talk to love speak. And that's it, you have the right questions. And we still follow the Quranic strategy of the power of questioning. We don't. And Allah teaches Christians all the time gives us questions. But we don't we just keep looking at the goal, which is a problem. And that's what we end up so happy, because we all are in achieve what was achieved. But your goal was pleasing Allah, not

00:31:41 --> 00:31:43

the outcome.

00:31:45 --> 00:32:12

of the right question, you end up to the right place. I think, hopefully, yeah. Yeah. Because I've seen is like, like with some people do create goals, they become so attached to it that like, even after the like they achieved that goal, the funds have decreased. Yeah. Because the the end was to get that goal. Was it like to kind of, I guess, like, it comes back to asking the right question. And that's actually a very simple but very profound, to make quick to make decisions and the right questions

00:32:13 --> 00:32:32

that collect mayhem that we're in right now to social whether, you know, the new negativity and things like that, is it because we don't ask the right questions, or a lot of people have thought 100%? Yeah, no question I get from Muslims. And without being sounding arrogant, I'm like, What 2%

00:32:33 --> 00:32:56

would like some of these brothers and sisters, they think so much to get the best mortgage, or the best car, the study analyzed, political deal of law, they don't even bother to switch their brain on. Honestly, it's like, the mouth is on first and the brain is dead. Right. And I'm thinking in our mission to answer the question we wish to teach you not to think

00:32:57 --> 00:33:00

it decided it's not because we see this in our lives.

00:33:01 --> 00:33:06

Good mobile phone contract, good house, evil unit, a good husband and wife.

00:33:08 --> 00:33:27

Anything so much for thinking into it? When it comes to do you think it's I don't get it? Our motivations are quite twisted. Yeah. Nothing has to be without bringing in commercial environment. The Bling, bling. Yeah, L'Oreal because of my thick culture. So

00:33:29 --> 00:33:30

how do you think?

00:33:31 --> 00:33:48

How do I think now? Like, how does it fit them together? How do you think it's all about? Like you said that people should we should be a people of thought, how do you become a person of thought? Like, what's going on? In your mind? Right now? You're looking out? Like, how do you analyze this?

00:33:49 --> 00:33:50

Without being like?

00:33:52 --> 00:34:03

Yeah, I think thinking is a conscious decision. And then it becomes a habit. So used to get a snapshot snapshot of yourself and thing to say, right.

00:34:04 --> 00:34:14

Let me think about this. You ask questions and give answers straightaway. I think that's naive sometimes. Because it think about.

00:34:16 --> 00:34:16


00:34:18 --> 00:34:31

so we need to teach people just to be conscious and saying, I didn't really think about this, which, again, the power of questioning, what are its implications? If I can't answer the question, does it really mean anything?

00:34:32 --> 00:34:34

Is is the right question.

00:34:35 --> 00:34:42

What do I mean by this? or What does it mean? etc. So ask the right questions about a particular thing.

00:34:43 --> 00:34:44


00:34:45 --> 00:34:49

for example, take the atheist narrative. Some if you say,

00:34:50 --> 00:34:56

if God was a turtle, and before creation, there was nothing by him. Who is he doing?

00:34:57 --> 00:34:59

And I'm like she was doing what you

00:35:00 --> 00:35:00

was doing.

00:35:01 --> 00:35:06

I was asked the question or answer that question to that undermined both existence?

00:35:09 --> 00:35:18

So is it really a valid question? No, really, if I was in the other room last week, you don't know what I was doing, does it mean I was

00:35:21 --> 00:35:34

just getting you would think to get that question and apply it and extend it and and you know, manipulate it and try and apply to different scenarios and the logic or the basis the assumption that the question, seek the assumption.

00:35:36 --> 00:35:38

We get so

00:35:40 --> 00:36:11

overwhelmed by things, thinking that oh my god, you know, ideas affect my religion. You know, the last question that got the Higgs boson. In particular, they found that makes up the Higgs field, the Higgs field was this field that was switched on any universe and he gave particles mass three oh my god couldn't exist anymore because they found the particle It was called the God Particle. But there is a good a good particle because before we put the * particle filter and find it, and I got

00:36:12 --> 00:36:13

and I likely to be rude look.

00:36:16 --> 00:36:29

They found a particle How did that undermine anything? Think about your question. Think about reality and what is the implications of this? And when you give people the power of question that gets them to think a different way

00:36:30 --> 00:36:43

out of it when you get used to Yeah, do you think you need to put it at the time because I think they know to see the TV switch off Facebook, Twitter,

00:36:44 --> 00:36:50

etc much will go out too much IE unnecessary social gathering victory got to

00:36:52 --> 00:36:52


00:36:55 --> 00:36:59

like a completely new tangent podcast by the way. Oh

00:37:01 --> 00:37:09

yeah, we're gonna wrap it up shortly so yeah, it kind of the social weather in Australia is quite negative towards Muslims in general. And some people

00:37:11 --> 00:37:26

like even like our relatives, they like good to go out because of like the possible hate how, how can we come to terms with this hate and progressive kind of like throw the seeds of change in the society that could possibly not want the people change?

00:37:30 --> 00:37:39

There's no question. I think we should have pre frame people. The mini pre frame if you pre frame someone is even if the non Muslim

00:37:40 --> 00:37:48

and your relationship with them is going to be by the lenses that we created a year whatever the case may be preventing them

00:37:50 --> 00:37:51

don't pre frame them.

00:37:52 --> 00:38:21

And we we saw this to be the case with abroad and Islamophobia study or testing public and he found that the majority of the Australian public were very kind of stick up for brothers and sisters when there was racist or Islamophobic abuse Yeah. So there's no need to prefer people that's number one. don't prefer and when you do that is a blank canvas you can engage with them in a new real neuronal possibility with that person.

00:38:22 --> 00:38:28

So don't pre frame sexually do what you have to do it could all the circumstances because the minute you

00:38:30 --> 00:38:47

your focus too much on the circumstances you're a slave to circumstance the harbor would like that because then you everything happened because the widow power law so you got the circumstance, right? We're gonna do the at home there's still gonna be a she got died this behavior to the point is

00:38:48 --> 00:38:52

it cuts it out. So hate everywhere. So the point is to to deal with it.

00:38:53 --> 00:38:54

You know, it makes a difference deal with it.

00:39:01 --> 00:39:31

So, just a final question. That's probably asking back of what you said about planning. So how do you go about planning your day then? I mean, is it just like you wake up and you're like, I'm gonna fly up to Sydney and do a court? Obviously not. So invites you to bring your diary bring your diary and you go by to the planning the day of the week? Yeah, thanks to the actions I have to do by because it's a natural thing that you're doing it naturally. You don't really

00:39:33 --> 00:39:58

want to be planning action planning your life. Yeah, that's fine. When I think over planning your life is lack of talk and lack of reliance on Allah, because he's already planning for you anyway. So where are you do you know, a low ticket places? So I think rely on a lot more than you plan. That's my point. And that was planning pencil. It wasn't actually in the work obviously plenty we printed a diary.

00:40:00 --> 00:40:13

But, you know, though, fighting for the vision of your life, yeah. And the big milestones in your life and all of these things are long ticket pieces that you don't know if you've got things planned for you that you have no idea about. And he will take your pieces to

00:40:15 --> 00:40:22

do the action. A lot of the rest. The point is, we plan. We, we assume the role of a lot.

00:40:23 --> 00:40:43

And we would love to be service, but we need to be sincere. And we need to do the job to manifest itself to be sincere direction. What we do is we plan which is about money. Yeah. And we weren't allowed to do the action for us. And we weren't allowed to be sincere for us.

00:40:44 --> 00:41:05

Is role reversal. Yeah. Which is a spiritual disease again, confusion. Yeah, just have a cause I plan, b2c to the action of law, change it make you better add to it, take you places that you would have never imagined I would never realize. She told me 10 years ago, I've been Australia, Malaysia, America.

00:41:07 --> 00:41:14

Many parts of America, Canada, South Africa, Denmark, Sweden, Norway.

00:41:15 --> 00:41:15

I mean,

00:41:17 --> 00:41:19

so many different places. Dubai, Qatar,

00:41:20 --> 00:41:20


00:41:22 --> 00:41:28

I would have said no way possible. Yeah. I see you having a lot. Yeah. So ballot.

00:41:29 --> 00:41:30

So you think you've opened it?

00:41:32 --> 00:41:45

Probably not. Because I guess what, what people would think now, but they can't imagine themselves doing it. So pretty much when it comes to like your day to day like your, your day, your week you plan it in so that, you know you get to get things done and be organized.

00:41:48 --> 00:42:20

Short term plans? Oh, one week, two week maximum, maybe a month? Yeah. Heidi never more than a month? Yeah. But just generally for life, you tend to lean it. And then you're just open to possibilities pretty much. The plan is an intuitive process. You never know supposed to follow the plan is intuitive. It changes as you will actually do, the more you realize, oh, watch he actually did this. The plan is an iterative process. It can change it can amend it as a mechanism to help you achieve what you want to achieve.

00:42:21 --> 00:42:21

And that's

00:42:22 --> 00:42:36

unfortunately, all about time for today. Once again, thank you so much for joining us number. our listeners will definitely benefit from this and more planning more short term. Yes, again, thank you so much, Michael.

00:42:38 --> 00:43:19

Alright, so that concludes the interview with Hamza sources. inshallah, you benefited from that and enjoyed the conversation that we had with him. I know, we froze, and I really enjoyed it immensely, and we learned a lot. And for more interviews like this one, and access to our past and future episodes, make sure to get our mobile podcast app, you can get access to all the episodes and it automatically updates with the latest episodes that we have. Plus some cool features like you can download episodes and listen to them later without having to stream them and you can email the show straight from the app. So make sure you get it from your local Apple windows or Android app store

00:43:19 --> 00:43:49

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Muslim Life Hackers

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