Haitham al-Haddad – Philosophy of Fasting #13

Haitham al-Haddad
AI: Summary © The importance of fasting for individuals is discussed, with emphasis on avoiding disrespectful culture and reducing the amount of food consumed. The speakers also emphasize the need for parents to encourage their children to fast before fasting, and the importance of fasting for gaining health and wealth. The conversation also touches on the challenges of fasting during the pandemic and the need for flexibility in meal plans for older individuals. The segment concludes with a recap of guidance provided by the previous day.
AI: Transcript ©
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Welcome my dad

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oh my

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oh one who sleeps. Stand up bendy Claire the 1717

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Assalamualaikum and a very warm welcome to the philosophy of fasting Bismillah R Rahman Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen. All praise is due to Allah, peace and blessings be upon Muhammad the last prophet and messenger of Allah. As always, it's my pleasure to have in the studio Dr. Hatem Hello, dad, Salaam Alaikum Alaikum salaam wa rahmatullah wa barakato. Thanks once again for joining us in the studio's local law Club. Well, Doctor, as you know, we were discussing last time on the program about fasting and the etiquettes of fasting, before we move on to today's topic, which is going to be who should fast obviously it is Muslims, however, we're going to talk about that. I want

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to quickly pick up on the food that we should give you mentioned previously in an episode that we should give food to others after maghrib Okay, smiles salatu salam ala Rasulillah

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the Prophet sallahu wa salam in one of the Hadith Hadith do know Khalid, he encouraged us to provide food for the fasting people and he said, The one who provides food for a fasting person, he will get similar reward,

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he will get a similar reward. So, the first person will get an amount of reward and this person who provide him food to break his fast, he will get a similar reward of his Shan Allah. So it is good to provide food for people who are fasting. And you know, that, as an ambassador of the Allah, Allah and who the companion said that the prophets I seldom used to be generous all of the time, and he used to be more generous during the month of Ramadan. And he was he used to look like a blazing wind,

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you know, yes, means blowing, yes, it was oh, yes, moving, moving. So, he was certainly very, very generous. So he used to give and that is more than in the month of Ramadan. So this is a good etiquette to be provided. However, as we are talking about, again, the philosophy of fasting, providing food, I noticed that some people are doing it, maybe in a way that makes it difficult for their families. For example, they have a lot of invitations at home, for people to have food. And here I would like to mention a very important point, we should differentiate between providing food for others because we enjoy having others

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accompany Yes, the company of others and eating with us, it is like a party. So Ramadan becomes like a time for parties, of course, and the party is what Okay, let us invoke let us invite them for having food. And this will waste a lot of time, because also, this will burden the wives. Yes. And see many wives at homes, they do not have anyone to help them now. And imagine your wife cooking for 10 people or more than 10 people on a daily basis, or maybe semi daily basis, every day, every other day. Or even in once or twice a week is quite a lot too much. Yeah, too much. So we advise people not to do this. If you can provide food for poor people, for other people without these parties, and

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you will get the same reward if it happened once or twice. Alhamdulillah but it should not be that frequent. And what I noticed is the point that you mentioned in one of the episodes that normally when people II have that kind of food and that kind of parties, they go late for the Salah, yes, and they become too heavy and they delay the

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They come late for either Maghrib Isha tarawih Yes, later on that the person has to go and buy a lot of food. Exactly. And you see that

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during the month of Ramadan, the consumption of fruit in many Muslim countries, and as well as some Muslim communities in non Muslim countries, increases so much for sure the consumption there, and this is really something very strange. And, you know, unfortunately media etc, helped to make Ramadan as an opportunity for celebrations, of course, so they talk about the different cultures and what kind of what kind of food different cultures have during the month of Ramadan. And, you know, all of us know, of certain types of meals that we do not hear about, except to the month of Ramadan. Exactly. So as some people said, that in the month of Ramadan, we should reduce the amount of food

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we consume. In fact, we are increasing, increasing the quantity, the quality, the variety, etc. Yeah, and this goes against the spirit of fasting, of course, yeah. What you've mentioned that the doctor I want to pick up on, is throughout this program, you've been saying all the time, the Oneness of Allah. So, in this month, why are we consuming? Why have we allowed people to control our minds and consume more food? What is that point? We can say? No, look, I'm a Muslim. I'm proud to be a Muslim. I'm going to be upon my Deen. I'm going to follow the Quran and Sunnah. That's true. And the danger of see the danger of what we are seeing now is transferring Islam to be a cultural, yes.

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A cultural phenomenon. Of course, Islam, my dear respected brothers and sisters. Islam is our deen is a way of life it is not a culture. We are not ethnically Muslims. Of course, it is not our ethnicity as Muslims. So we are proud of that ethnicity. It is not our culture is not of course Islam controls our culture. But we are not following Islam because of the culture now so it has not transferred Islam from a beautiful Deen in which we submit to Allah to Nevada, to a deen that is purely cultural. Yes. And you can see there to those people who transferred Islam to be a cultural

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a cultural phenomena,

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that when the month of Ramadan comes, all cultural things appear, definitely, and they do not put that much attention to the spirit of fasting, or the spirit of a baddha during the month of Ramadan. Subhan Allah Dr. It's very true, that we must confer you know, and take this time and opportunity to make sure that before our intention is to give food not to have parties and burden our wives with this burden. So let's move on now and talk about Doctor Who should fast is as a Muslim, I know Allah say we as Muslims, we should fast, but is there any excuses in Islam? Okay. Smilla salat wa salam ala Rasulillah. This is a very good point. And this leads us to some technical discussion, we'll try

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to touch upon it quickly. And we try to focus on the wisdom Yes, of course, and the philosophy of it. And we say that this program, although we are discussing philosophy, but we do not want to disattach ourselves from the rules and guidelines for fasting so it will be a comprehensive program. Yes. See, as we said that the people who should fast are Muslims.

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By the way, having said that, it doesn't mean that the non Muslims are excused from fasting Of course, no, they are obliged to become Muslims and to fast Yes. But aside from this discussion, we are saying that

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the person who must fast is the Muslim who is who has reached the age of puberty, okay. And who is sane? And who is free from obstacles, right. So three conditions above the age of puberty and same and is free from obstacles. Okay. You know, the age of puberty and sanity. It's confirmed in the

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Battle for Hadith all of us know the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu sallam said that the pen has been lifted from three people, their sleeping person and the young person until he reaches the age of puberty and the insane until he becomes sane. Yes. So the young person and the insane person are not obliged to fast. Okay, now for the insane person, it is clear, but for the children

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before the age of puberty, they should be encouraged to fast. Yes, that's a question I was going to ask you. Sure. Is it not preferable to encourage our children, not from the age of two or three, but maybe six, seven or eight do to advise them and show them this is what we do to get to prepare them? Yes, yeah, definitely, definitely. And I should have the alotta and and have confirmed that when fasting, when fasting, Ashura was made obligatory in the beginning of fasting, they used to, they used to encourage their children to fast and to provide them with toys, in order for them to play. So they do not think about food and drink in order for them to fast.

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So, this is absolutely it is something that has to be encouraged. And by the way, children will like it. And let us not underestimate the power of children or the will of children, most definitely not. My children, I have seen many other children at the age of eight and nine and they were fasting long days, mashallah, in front of in the school, in front of their colleagues, etc. They were observing fasting, and that was in the Western world, and that it was

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Dr. Very quickly, I want to throw in something there going off the point when you're saying children are very clever. You know, my daughter have a daughter who's two years old, sorry, one year old, I'm sorry. And she she can sit there. And she she watches us pray. And she's there praying with us. Yes. So Subhan Allah, this is all from Allah subhanho wa Taala Subhan. Allah. So you're mentioning, you know, the the children can fast from the age of eight, nine, preferably and you've mentioned the insane people. But you mentioned if people have gotten obstruction, what may be these obstructions? For example, a pregnant woman? Yes.

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Now the person who is free from obstacles in general, they can be divided the people who are free from obstacles, they can be divided into two types, right? Based on the nature of the obstacles themselves. There are permanent obstacles and there are temporary obstacle temporary and permanent obstacles, or check or get we'll pick up on that after the break permanent and temporary obstacles. Well, stay tuned. We just gained a quick break. Assalamu Alikum welcome,

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Oh, my

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Oh, my

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I saw my coma and a very warm welcome back to the philosophy of fasting. Doctor before the break, we were mentioning, you know, who should fast and we were at the point saying, you know, we talked about the same people fasting, and why they should not fast. I want to pick up on the obstacles that people may face that they cannot fast. Yeah. Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim. We said that there are two types of obstacles. Yes, permanent obstacles and temporary obstacles. Permanent obstacles is first of all, age, right? Age and permanent illness, right? Permanent illness is obvious, permanent illness age. For some people, some old people, it is very, very hard for them to fast. Or if they

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fast, they might become severely ill. Or they cannot fast. Yes. Okay. These are three types. It is extremely extra ordinary difficulty. Or they might become ill. So they cannot fast. Right? I thought. So this is in terms of old people. An interesting question that I want to ask very quickly Sheikh, if you don't mind, if the old person is generally fit, let's say and they would like to observe the fasting however, they would become a little bit faint. Could they not? You know, observed the faster a little bit to the best of their attention or how would that work? Yeah. Okay, now

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Data old people, this is very difficult to judge whether the person

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is obliged to fast or not obliged, okay? And that's why we will leave it to the people themselves. Yes. And we say to them, you need to try it. Yes, it is obligatory upon you, I'm not the person who can confirm that you can fast or you cannot fast. But definitely, if you

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if you can't, physically you can't have you can't or you will become very ill

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or you will have illness and the illness will increase okay or will prolonged Okay, or it is extremely, extremely difficult, then it is up to you to decide, right, it is up to you this is decided because I cannot decide today. And as you said some people might be able to fast in the beginning of the month of Ramadan, we say you need you need to fast fit Allah as much as you can. So start fasting.

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And if after, for example, six, seven days or 12 days or so, you started to faint, then you can go for compensation and you can stop fasting right but just to abandon fasting from the beginning this is not right. Okay. Okay. So this is, you know, the old people, right and

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this executes has been given to them in the Quran indirectly. You know, Allah Allah, Allah Allah says, Yeah, you holiday nominal Koulibaly camassia mocha marquetry Valentina mean Kamala Kamala Allah Contacta con. I am not do that from an academy committee, among others have been invited to midnight. Yeah, I mean, we're AlLadhina yoti. Hakuna who Cydia tune by miskeen from mantapa Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, la untersuchen Allah comin control didymo

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in this area, you know, fasting in the beginning,

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for multiple Rohan for wahala and fasting in the beginning was not obligatory upon people right was the recommended then fasting became obligatory provided, it became

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obligatory with a certain etiquette, right, if the person was fasting, and he comes, he can and the sun set, he can start eating right, but if he sleeps, before eating, although the time of Maghrib came, if he sleeps, then and wake up, he cannot eat again, even during the night thomassie. So this is in the beginning. And there were there was one incident when one of the Sahaba fainted because of this, then Allah, Allah, Allah made it easy for us. And

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so these are the stages and the beginning, fasting was recommended. And the people who want to pay a compensation and not too fast, they can do that. Or they could do this in the beginning. Then the second stage came, then the third stage, when people were obliged to fast from ensure he doesn't come Shahara failures on whoever witnesses the month of Ramadan. He must fast Yes, then I shall be a lotta Holohan has said, but it was the choice for the elderly people was given whereby if they cannot fast, then they go for the first idea in which Allah Allah Allah allowed people to give compensation if they don't want to fast so the elderly people had that ruling whereby they can give

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compensation if they cannot fast okay? And also, they said that Allah Allah Allah gave execuse for the people who are traveling or the people who are sick, not too fast from incoming call Maria on our other Saturday in Florida to Mina Yemen, O'Hagan who is sick or traveling, then fell into too many Yemen offer means he can make it up on other days, I say so, they say did the elderly person is like the sick people. So this is the ruling for elderly people, what elderly people should do. They can refrain from fasting but they must pay their compensation What is it the compensation is to feed a single person per day they missed. So if they miss the whole month of Ramadan, they have to feed

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30 Poor people, right. Each person should be fed with a complete meal. One single

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to complete each day, each day, so each day they elderly person must feed 30 people in one day, either either 30 people in one day, or one person will be fed 30 days. Their motto is flexible. Yes, that's what the question is going to ask you shake. For example, if they couldn't, I was under the impression they may have to pay something or take money out of their pocket. And we know Subhanallah many old people don't have the finances, but that's made me feel more comfortable by saying they have to feed

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somebody once at a meal once a day, that's fine. It's not that much. Big deal. Really. And by the way, if, for example, the meal costs a lot of money in in England, yes, they can provide meals for poor people. In some poor countries. Yes, the middle will be much cheaper than that, that is not a problem at all, of course. 100 That's brilliant. I do hope the brothers and sisters out there find the strength to remind themselves if they are unable to fast due to age, then surely they can feed people you know, less fortunate themselves. So let's take it a bit further doctrine and say okay, what happens if you're pregnant? Okay, so see we said that the permanent obstacles or excuses the

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age and permanent illness yes permanent illness is mentioned in the Quran as well as it is same as age because the person if he is ill, permanently he's ill or she is ill, they cannot fast and as Allah Allah Allah says from Academy committee Allah no other self determination means the sick person or the person on travel

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he might make it up later, but the the person who has permanent illness he cannot make it up later. So what is he going to do what is he going to do? Basically what they are going to do is to feed a single poor person one meal per day they miss it same ruling that is applied on elderly people, yes. Now, these are the temporary or sorry, the permanent excuses right now. The temporary excuses, some of them are excuses that are not in the hands of the person himself. Right. On some of them, there are excuses under the control of the person himself. Okay. Okay. Now, there are excuses that are not considered to be in the hands of the person himself. And they are related to women. So women during

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menstruation period, and women during

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postnatal period, they are not allowed to fast see, not they are excused, not too fast. They must not fast Yes, of course. Okay. And it's about the Allah to Allah and her said that Allah de la Jara put fasting off the

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the women on pregnancy Yes, sorry, women on ministration period. And one of her slaves. She asked her

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she asked her what's why do we make up the fast and we do not make up the salah.

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During the administration period, we do not fast we do not pray. But I mean women do not do not pray. But they make up the fast and they do not make up the fast the prayer prayer so I shall not be allowed to other hand has said a hallelujah to an aunty What's wrong with you? Do you belong to Hallelujah? Hallelujah is a sect of our rich who used to object so many sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam generally speaking, so she said, This is what we used to do during the time of the Prophet Salah Salem and this is what we must do that we should abstain from fasting. We should abstain from Salah during ministration we must make up fasting but Salah we do not make it up

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Subhanallah thank you so much, Doctor. That's all we have time for right now. I'm so sorry to cut you off there. Hopefully we'll have time in the next episode to carry on this discussion. Once again. Thank you so much for joining us in the studio today and Sharla does.

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Until next time viewers I live in a safe care of Allah assalamu Alikum welcome

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Amantha code and

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