Haifaa Younis – The Quran Has It All #21 Divorce

Haifaa Younis
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the rules of Islam, including boundaries and rights of the woman and man. They also mention the importance of learning from the Quran and the importance of following boundaries and not harming oneself. The speaker emphasizes the need to learn from the Quran and follow its teachings to avoid becoming a divorceist.
AI: Transcript ©
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So as Allah

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taught us in the Quran,

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as a community,

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we fell in love with each other, we

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get married.

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Unfortunately, sometimes

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things doesn't go the way. We wanted it

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or planned it, and Allah knows that, and

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he mentioned it in the Quran.

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And that is actually

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And Allah put it in a way

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that it is not

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neither it is condemned.

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It's something that is going to happen. But

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what do we need to learn? What is

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he teaching us in the Quran? The rules

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of it. What are the boundaries?

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What are the rights of the woman? What

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are the rights of the man? Or what

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should he do? Or what she she should

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do? And there's 2 places in the Quran

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where it is detailed, if you want to

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use the word. One of them is actually

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in Surat Al Baqarah. In Allah,

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it's almost 2 pages of the Quran, but

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the interesting thing is a whole chapter in

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the Quran

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is actually

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the divorce.

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And start that chapter.

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Allah is addressing Rasul,

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as if he is telling him, this is

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really serious. I am telling you, I want

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you to learn this, and which means

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I and you need to learn this. And

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he says,

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when you are gonna divorce the woman because,

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there was

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a, a strong opinion that he divorced Hafsa,

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the daughter of Sayidna Umar, and then he

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brought her back.

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And then Allah

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is telling you and me

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what are the things that we really need

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to be very careful about.

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There is

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a waiting period.

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There is times the man cannot divorce the

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What happens if she was pregnant?

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What happens if she was breastfeeding and the

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divorce happened?

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All these rulings

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in detail in the Surat Upalah

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chapter of divorce.

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How about

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because usually the waiting period is related to

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What about if the woman

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does not have menstruation?

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What is the ruling?

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What is so interesting that we all have

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to learn,

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that Surah Al Tanakh, the chapter of Tanakh,

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is only 12 verses.

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Out of these 12 verses,

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5 times Allah

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mentioned the word taqo in different way.

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And most commonly is,

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the person who practice taqo

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because it is an action.

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Divorce is not something very easy.

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It's unfortunately

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that cause harm, cause pain,

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ego goes in it,

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pain, emotions.

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And the only way for me and us

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as human beings

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to do it this the way that pleases

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is to remember again the taqwa of Allah

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that Allah is watching,

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Allah is allowing it. Allah put boundaries.

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I need to

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follow these boundaries. For example, one of the

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boundaries Allah said is do not harm them.

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Do not hold them, meaning don't divorce them

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so you cause more harm to them. He

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also taught us, don't do that so that

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she will not be able to marry somebody

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Do not let them leave the house

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or the woman should not leave the house.

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This is all in the Quran. SubhanAllah.

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Now when we and this is sometimes what

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shaitan brings inside us. If I am gonna

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do this or I'm gonna do this, I'm

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gonna lose this or I'm gonna lose that.

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And Allah said one of the most beautiful

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that Rasool, alaihis salatu wa salam said about

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it. There is a verse in the Quran.

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The person who practice it will be more

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than enough for him or her.

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practice taqwa, Allah conscious,

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Allah will make a way out for him.

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And there is so many meanings

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of this way out. But let's say financially,

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if I am gonna not obey Allah in

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the divorce, I'm gonna lose money. Remember,

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you obey Allah. You'll be Allah conscious. Allah

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will find a way out for you.

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And I am going to go through divorce

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and life is going to be very

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difficult. If you're gonna follow Allah's rule, Allah

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will make it easy for you.

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One of the interesting thing again in chapter

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the name of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is

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so much repeated in it.

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And as Allah talking about Talaq or divorce,

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you see in between,

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Allah brings

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the result or what happened to a nation

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that disobeyed Allah.

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absolutely did not obey Allah.

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They paid the price for it. SubhanAllah.

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And in also very interesting,

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in the heavens, in the earth, and what

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comes in between them.

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So you know Allah is capable of doing

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anything and everything.

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So you know Allah

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encompass everything. He knows the suffering he or

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she is going through. He knows the pain

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you are going through. He knows the feeling

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of failure sometimes people feel.

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And Allah knows everything.

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Islam is a beautiful religion

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and Islam is a faith or a religion

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touch on realities.

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The beauty of Islam is that it has

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of a religion. It takes it serious, but

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also it takes

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it reality,

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teaches me.

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When I, and may Allah protect all their

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marriages, But these things happen.

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And what we all need to learn is

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when we go through this difficult time,

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remember Allah.

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Learn what Allah have taught us, you and

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me, in the Quran. Obey Him. Follow it.

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Even if

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externally it's gonna

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make us feel that we may be losing

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something. Remember,

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practice Allah consciousness,

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Allah will find a way. May Allah protect

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all their marriages. May Allah makes divorce a

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way that to bring as we've said many

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times in this series. Everything comes from Allah,

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is khair, everything Allah allows,

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is good, even if externally it doesn't look

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this way.

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