Haifaa Younis – Ramadan The Month of Love – Day 10

Haifaa Younis
AI: Summary © The concept of "has been love" in the Hadith is discussed, where individuals are given a choice between being a bullet journal or a woman. The importance of beauty in the context of beauty standards is emphasized, along with the need to learn to interpret it as a virtue and be rewarded for doing so. The three types of beauty recognized by Islam are also discussed, including conduct in action that leads to beauty in the world and knowledge of personal attributes.
AI: Transcript ©
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Mr. Smith, your manual.

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sir Mr. Lee Kumar, Allah Hilbre carto hamdulillahi Rabbil aalameen. We are going today through another journey, learning about our character, something a loss Pan hautala love, and he loves to see us having this character, this virtue. So we will at the end get the love of our last panel with Todd. Today we're also going to cover a hadith a saying of our Swati Assad or salon. In it's also mentioned a name of Allah, a character of a loss Pan hautala that he wants us as human being to apply this character and this virtue that Allah has we applied and Allah Subhana Allah will love us. inshallah. The Hadith is actually in Sahih Muslim and the meaning of the Hadith is a man came to a

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Rasul Allah Salatu was salam, what actually are Swati saw to Sunnah starts saying lay at home, Jana. No one will enter Jana who has an atom weight of arrogance.

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Then the man responded. And he said, Yasser Allah, we are the man, a human being lost love to see that he dressed beautifully. And even his shoes beautiful.

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So the man was thinking that looking beautiful, is a form of arrogance. Then our Swati sort of Sam responded to him. And that's what we are learning in sha Allah He said, in Allah Jamil. Indeed worldly. Allah is beautiful. So Hannah, you're a bullet journal. He loves beauty.

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He loves beauty, our organs is actually bottle will help and bottle will help while humbleness bottle will help is actually ridiculing and rejecting truth. And looking down at people.

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arrogance so in this Hadith, we learn a lot of things. We learn what is arrogance, we learned a lot is beautiful. Allah loves the beauty. And we learned indirectly and that's what we're going to comment what is beautiful. So let's start first by the name of Allah Subhana Allah in Allahu Jamil Allah is beautiful Subhana and we should have no doubt or we just look around us. And look at the beauty around us in every small and big creation of Allah subhanaw taala the harmony, the beauty, the color, the perfection, this is all beautiful. So Allah subhanho wa Taala beauty, beautiful in his being Subhana in his attributes suparna no one is more soulful. Like Allah, no one is forgiving,

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like Allah. No one is gentle and kind like Allah. No one is wise. Like like Allah. So in his attributes, and then in his actions, beauty, everything around us as beautiful. So Pamela, look at the human being the perfection in the creation of the human being. And look at the animal look at the flowers. Look at everything around us, the the oceans, the seas, everything. Allah has a beautiful Suppan, you're a boy, Jamal, he loves a beauty. And beauty is what we need to learn. Because unfortunately, in these days, in the human being, understanding of beauty is very different from what lust pantalla refers to here. Beauty is not only external, and beauty is external, but

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it's not the parameter is that we human being, especially recently are putting as a para parameter of a beauty. No, beauty is

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beauty, externally meaning the way a las panatela created us is beautiful. And that's what Saraswati sought was around taught us when we look at the mirror, regardless what we think of our self. Do we think we are beautiful or people think we are beautiful? He absolutely taught us the following. When we look at the view at the mirror at ourselves in the mirror, he's taught taught us to say you're a law, it's an application, Oh Allah, Lucky beautified me externally beautifying me internally. That means the way Allah created me is beautiful, regardless of what people think. And the beauty is not only the beauty of the external rather, is the beauty of the internal my inner being my characters

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the way I conduct myself. So number one beauty is not the beautiful

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The beauty standards that the people put it's actually Allah has put now beautiful externally is also the way I dress beautiful. The way I

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talk is beautiful so it taught, being honest, Don't lie. That's the beauty. The way I dress that's pleasing to Allah subhanho wa Taala and clean and well

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beautiful if you want to say the word that is Allah Islam and then my conduct, the way I act and that's what we have been learning since we started this series in Ramadan, so beautiful externally beautiful in the heart beauty, externally beauty in the heart and beauty in the conduct. And there is three kinds of beauty spa beauty that is highly recommended and we will be rewarded for it.

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Beauty that highly recommended and we will be rewarded for it and that is any conduct action or dress that will number one please or last pantalla number to support and help the spread the Islam and beautified Islam and it will lead to beauty in the world and people loves it. So number one is pleasing to Allah the standards needs to change the standards of pure beauty Mr. Change is not the standards of people standards of a loss pantalla so when the woman is beautifully covered, that's beauty. And when the man is dressed what in the way please or last pantalla and if his beard is shaped to beautiful that's be pleasing to Allah pantalla now the way externally I dress it will help

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surprise my Deen and change the way people look at us now that's pleasing to Allah subhanho wa Taala

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there is beauty that is not pleased, not liked by Allah subhanaw taala and actually it is going to be people will be punished. It's regarded as a sin, although it's beauty, any standard of beauty, external or internal conduct or dress that is displeasing to Allah and that will put the deen lower so uncovered people who does not cover properly. People who does not say nice words even if everyone is saying it. That's not beautiful. That's not what Allah loves. And Allah is beautiful love beauty and in between there is things that is not this or not that then that's fine. So we need in our day, again, what do I want to apply? Number one, I need to learn that to beauty is a virtue. And Allah

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His name is beautiful. So I need to look at everything around me with the lens that Allah the Creator, the one who is beautiful, does not create but beauty. That's one. Number two, I am going to beautify my external look, not artificially, the way that it is being sold to us or rather the way pleases Allah and what he taught me and the Quran and the Sunnah. And I'm going to more importantly beautify myself internally, my speech, my heart, my conduct, the way please Allah subhanho wa Taala and I should be looked at and we should as Muslims looked at as Look at how beautiful the Muslims are. So people will look at Islam differently, and so people will follow us. And then in my actions.

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Again, if I'm preparing food for a spa, I'm gonna beautified served with in a nicer way, as long as and this is the second part of the Hadith as long as my intention in showing the beauty is not arrogance will not lead me to arrogance, or my intention is to show arrogance, and I am better than others. And that's why in the Hadith, he said kibber arrogance is actually rejecting the truth. So rejecting that the beauty standard by Allah is the writer standard, not the standards that people put that's keyboard that's arrogance and humbleness, looking down at people. I look down at people because the way they look but that Allah created them, they are beautiful, because they are creation

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of Allah. Or I think I am better than people because of what I have or the way I look or what what's my degree, that's a humbleness, you're putting people down. That's arrogance. So what we're going to learn, Allah is beautiful, loves beauty, loves to see beauty on his servants, and he does not like arrogance, and arrogance will, even if it's an atom weight in the heart of the human being will prevent him

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from Anthony Jana May Allah subhanho wa Taala keep beautifying us May Allah subhanaw taala show us the beauty that he gave us And may Allah pantalla Mecca so grateful to his view to the beauty he gave us

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