Haifaa Younis – Ramadan Series The Month of Love – Day 04

Haifaa Younis
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the importance of patient in Islam, as it is a means of avoiding negative behavior. They stress the need for patient and encourage others to practice it. They also mention a verse in the Quran that says the patient is the one who needs to practice patient the is the one who needs to practice patient.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. Al hamdu, lillahi Rabbil alameen, day four of Ramadan. Today we're going to look at another virtue that Allah subhanaw taala loves, that will

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make me loved by Allah pantalla and that's the virtue of Sabbath being patient in Allah, Ohio, herbicidal law, your head borsari Allah Verily, Allah loves those who are in constant in constant virtue or habit of character of being patient. And what is patient.

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Patient in general, originally Subodh comes from a plant called sub bar, which is basically cactus, a plant that looks very tough from the outside, very bitter when you first bite, but then becomes very sweet. So what is it? It's basically I am linguistically I am control, I am withholding islamically I am withholding my reactions, my words, my tongue, my heart, my body, I am withholding it. In when I am faced with a state of adversity. Something happened around me that I don't like it. It's painful. It's not pleasant. I don't want to do that. I need to practice patient. It's a very highly virtuous act. And Allah subhanaw taala mentioned it in the Quran more than 90 times in many

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forms and ways and the one we are talking about is one Allahu Akbar slobbery. Allah loves those who are always in a state of sober being patient. So what is it what what what, where do I need to be patient. So here I am. Ramadan itself is the number one month I need to be patient, because I am putting myself willingly in a state that it is not used to it. I am usually used to eat and drink whenever I want, or at least for two or three times a day. Or Milan comes in and I am holding my self that I'm not going to eat from this time to this time this needs. This needs to be patient. And I am doing it that's why they say a sub A so useful sub fasting is half patient. So Alhamdulillah

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hellenbrand. Me, we all can say we are already practicing, being patient then comes into the patient's in my life. Other than fasting, there is patient and that's how actually scholar is divided. There is patience to be obedient to Allah. And there is spacious to stay away from the disobedience of Allah and there is patient when I am exposed or when I am facing calamity or I'm facing adversity. These are three so impracticality today for the day of Ramadan, I need to be patient and I'm actually patient because I'm fasting I'm withholding I want to go and drink water. I want to go and eat but I am holding it because that's please Allah subhanaw taala then I normally or

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maybe I'm faced with something I like to look at it but that something is not pleasing to Allah. I am holding. I'm going to say I'm not going to do this. I'm going to lower my gaze, I am practicing patient and when I am faced with something I know like simple, I am cooking preparing a for and then subhana wa get burned. I need to say under Allah Masha, Allah decree and whatever Allah decree will happen. And I'm not gonna complain, I don't like it. But I'm not gonna complain. And I'm, if I don't, I can do it. I'm gonna say you're a law. Please help me to do this. Or for example, I'm spending my private time with a law I had this 1015 minutes and then someone in the house comes and

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mom gives me this on Can you answer this and then I get unhappy, I get upset. I want my time with a loss pantalla Now remember, I need to practice patient. My response will be Can we do this later on? Can it wait without being upset? Easy said not easy done. What helps me to do that? Couple of things. Number one, remember Allah is a sabol one of the names of Allah Subhana, Allah Assad was the patient. So when I want to practice patient, I'm going to talk to him in my supplication, and I'm gonna say you're sober, somebody, you're alive. You are the one who is the patient. Give me this virtual. Show me, teach me and help me to practice it. Number two, I remember a verse in the Quran.

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In your mind, wasabi Runa

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byutv sub worldly. Those who practice patient they will be rewarded with a reward.

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That is not counted on accountable. Everything in our D is one time Stan aloha Salah ashati, I'm sorry, I do a good deed I'll get done except patient, except patient is unaccounted for. And also it's said that the patient is half of faith. Have you heard of Ross Wallace Auto Center, half of email, half of faith is being patient. Specially these days I need to be patient. Meaning I'm going to turn to Allah says your Allah make me go through this difficult time without complaint with looking and remind reminding myself that you are the wiser. Al Hakim, you are a rough man, you are the merciful and Tarzan You are the one who gives sustenance helped me to go through this. The more

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I practice this by teaching myself the more natural, I will become patient and other Swati slotzo Samson, enormous sobre witness about becoming patient is by practicing it, let's practice I'll feel but remember what we learned so far, doing good, Allah loves those I'm watching, then I'm gonna finger probably and allow him

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to Wahby he loves those who repent and goes back to him. And Allah loves him attacking those who all Allah conscious all the time, these three will help me to be patient because I'm with Allah upon God. If I am not patient, I remember those and this will help me look at the three things in your day to day that you were tested. as an individual, you're tested with the people around you, you're you were tested with a act of obedience to Allah or you were tested with an act of this obedience to Allah. And let's see how much you can practice patient. Remember, in America fasab your own behavior hisab wordly those who practice patient who are in a constant state of patient they will be rewarded

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and accounted for think of the reward. Think of the Day of Judgment, think of your book in the hereafter. And then when it is open, you will find all these rewards patience becomes easy, your biani does up

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