Yasir Qadhi – Spiritual Advice During the Coronavirus (Covid-19) Pandemic Live Q&A

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary ©
The speakers emphasize the importance of knowing the consequences of actions and not being tested, as well as the need for a culture of sex and gender to prevent violence and avoid overwhelming crowds. They also emphasize the importance of not letting anyone test one's immune system and renewing fealities, as well as the need for a local community to support their communities and avoid overwhelming crowds. The pandemic has impacted the economy and created uncertainty among businesses and consumers, but retailers have been hit hard by the pandemic, creating uncertainty among consumers.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah while the early he will be here woman while my bad Alhamdulillah I returned from my trip, but I returned to a state have to be honest sadness and trepidation at what we are going to be facing ahead. But the purpose of today's reminder is not to be sad nor to be scared what are the hidden wala has? No Don't worry and don't be sad, one tumor alone and you shall be victorious if you have Eman. This is what Allah subhanho wa Taala reminds us of the purpose today is really just a brief reminder of many we're going to be giving reminders to ourselves over and over again. That we

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need to have hope we need to put our trust in Allah subhana wa Tada and that we shall overcome. We shall come through the stage we shall go through the following weeks and months with whatever it takes, we shall turn to Allah subhana wa Tada. And we shall in sha Allah to Allah when in this world, and definitely in the next world, we have to realize dear Muslims do your brothers and sisters that most likely and I will Allah He I pray that I am wrong. And I pray that I'm proven wrong immediately. But most likely we will be facing what is perhaps the greatest test of our generation of our lives, maybe even of our century. With the test that we're about to face, it is

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unprecedented. From all that we have seen Subhanallah who could have predicted two months ago that things like this would be happening even one week ago who could have predicted and day by day, rather hour by hour, things are changing. And updates are being given and will lie I pray the time wrong. I sincerely pray that we find the solution immediately to this problem, and that life resumes back to normal. But we also have to be realistic. And we also have to be pragmatic and see what the experts are saying. And as more and more experts get involved. We're hearing that this might even take weeks months, maybe even more than a year and the situation might get much much worse before it

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becomes better. And again I ask Allah subhana wa Taala to really prove me wrong, I want a solution immediately. But at the same time we need to tie our camo and we need to know the dangers. Now we need to be prepared spiritually, psychologically, emotionally, logistically financially, and we we don't want to be tested our Prophet sallallahu I said I've said the famous Hadith letter to men no, they call it I do. What's Allah Allah Aafia don't desire to meet the enemy don't wish to face tragedy head on. And ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to avert the calamity away from from you for either lucky to move home hospital, but if the opportunity is there, meaning that if you must meet them,

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and you are required to face your enemy, and you have to there is no alternative than in that case hospital with Bucha. To be patient and be firm and put your trust in Allah subhanho wa Taala we don't want to be tested. My dear brothers and sisters, we ask Allah for our fear. But if we are going to be tested and if Allah chooses to test us, then we have to have your clean that Allah is putting us in a test knowing that we can pass that test knowing that he will also give us the Eman the suburb that is lost the firmness, the courage and all that we need to pass this test. Realize that you're Muslims now you can live hula hoops and Illa. Allah is not going to put us in a burden

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unless we are capable of passing that burden and carrying that burden. Now is the time that it is time to earn gender, it is time to earn our delta jet in Jannah and SubhanAllah. We used to read these verses in the Quran. I used to I confess, I used to read these verses. And I would think oh, they these are not going to apply to me. These verses used to apply to the sahaba. They used to apply to the MaHA Junoon and the unsought they're not going to apply to me the verses Surah Al Baqarah, where Allah subhanho wa Taala says what an evolution can be shaped in mineral whole fuel jewelry one apple submitted and while they were unfussy with thermal rot, whereby she saw a bit in a

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lady you know either Asaba Tomasi, but when Apollo in the law, he was in LA he wrote your own. Allah tells us in the Quran, we are going to test you have a certainty we're going to test you what another new one Nakum be che in Mina Hovi with some things that will make you scared you're going to be terrified. There's going to be uncertainty, be sure MNL COFI. Well, Jewry, there might be hunger. Why not also a minute and wildly one unforced and you're going to also have to be tested with a diminishment in the money that you have with a calamity that is financial and maybe even a calamity that will take lives matter and why they went unfussy with Thammarat with vegetations and with

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fruits and produce, Allah azza wa jal is telling us I'm going to test you some of you will indeed be scared some of you will indeed be hungry. Some of you will lose finances. Some of you will lose loved ones, maybe even your own lives. Some of you will lose your investments

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Send your stocks which will be diminished. And then Allah says we're best shooters sobbing sobbing, but beat give glad tidings give glad tidings be happy and rejoice. Out of all of these calamities. Allah is saying rejoice be happy. Bashir means something to make you happy, who is going to be happy, those that are patient in all of these Columbia calamities, those that turn to Allah subhanho wa taala. Bashir is sobbing in a Latina either Asaba to masiva those who want a calamity comes upon them when a calamity befalls them. They say in LA he were in LA he Raji rune to Allah we belong unto Him we shall return dear Muslims, I ask Allah for Alfia you ask Allah for Afia I ask Allah to give

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me you Our fear and our fear means to avert a calamity. I fear means that no harm comes to us. The uncle of the Prophet sallallahu sallam said, O Messenger of Allah teach me a dua that I should say. So the Prophet sallallahu sallam said, ask Allah for Afia and Ibis are the alarm set by one something more than this. And the prophets have said there is nothing better than Afia there is nothing better than not being tested. So we ask Allah for Alfia nuts on Hola Hola, Sofia memorize this dua of the series, we're going to be giving us the series on dogs we're going to be starting those inshallah as well. So for today, memorize this dua Allahumma in the local mafia, oh Allah I

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asked for your Afia and once again, what is Alfia to be removed from testing to be safe from testing to not have a test is itself a blessing from Allah subhanho wa taala. But dear Muslims, if Allah azza wa jal is going to test us that we need to be prepared for that test. We don't want to be tested, but as our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, but if you are indeed tested, then be firm, be patient and turn to Allah subhanho wa taala. So, brief reminders to myself in all of you and there will be a lot of repetition from previous lectures and there will be repetition in future lectures and in this repetition, we will drive the point home in this repetition we will insha Allah

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to Allah better ourselves, because there is no easy solution. Today's brief reminder will be inshallah seven pointers first and foremost. During this time, we prepare ourself by renewing our iman in Allah subhanho wa Taala by strengthening our iman by fortifying our iman, Allah azza wa jal reminds us in the Quran, Maria Fabula, who be either they come in Shackleton, what are meant to what will Allah gain by punishing you, if you are thankful to Allah and if you believe in Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, so we renew our iman, what does it mean to renew our iman? Renewing our Imam means to strengthen our Eman to increase our iman and this is done by contemplation and by every single

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action of worship. Every action increases our iman whether it is vicar whether it is to our to Quran, whether it is Salah, whether it is contemplating, we think about the purpose of life and creation. This is all of it a part of increasing our iman and renewing our faith. Point number two of the things that we need to do is repentance to Allah subhanho wa Taala realize dear Muslims, and it is not politically correct to say this anymore, but it is a fact that is undeniable that Allah azza wa jal sends down tribulations upon those who do not repent to Him. Allah subhanho wa Taala sends down verhaal facade to Phil Barry will Buhari be Makkah service ad nurse Allah has Giorgio

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says in the Quran, evil and chaos spreads in the lands and in the oceans because of the sins that people have done. It is not politically correct to say this people don't like talking about this, but it is a theological reality. And we ask Allah as a refuge we seek Allah's refuge Subhanallah for how long we were in heedlessness for how long was this dunya immersed in the pleasures and Chihuahuas. For how long was this arrogance of godlessness of atheism being shown for how long was fascia becoming the norm across this globe? And so it is indeed possible. In fact, the Quran tells us that these types of issues and punishments they come to remind us that this is not the way that

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is beloved to Allah subhana wa Taala and that we turn away and so the second point here is repentance to Allah, repentance. Now we cannot control what is happening around us, but we can control our own lives and the lives of our loved ones and families. So turn to Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, Allah promises in the Quran, that those who do not repent to Allah, they're going to be the ones that will pay face the punishment. Somebody I'm here to boo, boo Johanna, if you don't repent, then the other will come. Which means if you do repent, then in sha Allah Who to Allah we will guarantee ourselves that at least in the era, we will not be punished and inshallah in this

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world as well. So repent to Allah when repentance is done by leaving the sin by feeling

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remorseful for our lifestyles and evils by asking Allah's forgiveness and by turning over a new leaf So point number two repentance to Allah subhanho wa Taala point number three, a softening of the heart, making our hearts soft. Allah says in the Quran, Allah Mia needed Adina Amano and Tasha Kulu boom Nicola hasn't the time come? Hasn't the time come that the people of iman allow their hearts to become soft in the remembrance of Allah subhanho wa taala. And Allah says in the Quran that the punishment came down, so Mikasa Kuru wokmon Baghdadi that your hearts became hard. And because of that, Allah subhanho wa Taala sent a punishment down. So the punishment is linked directly to the

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hardening of the heart. And what is the hardening of the heart? The hardening of the heart is a sense of callousness of not caring, why am I here? What is the purpose of life and death, the softness of the heart is to be aware of who you are, why you're here, who created you to be aware of this world and the next world. So point number two, or point number three is the softening of the heart. This leads me to my next point, and that is, this should lead us directly to the issue of awareness of death, being aware that indeed, life is not permanent, that there is something called the Acura. And again, these are things that is politically incorrect to say, people don't talk about

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death, even though death is an inevitable reality. Death is the end for all of us, there is no escape. At times of crises like these, we are reminded of our mortality. And I'm not asking me and you to be reminded of our mortality to become morbid, to become global, to become gloomy. And to become dreary know, the purpose of reminding ourselves of the inevitability of death is so that we live the better life there we remind ourselves of the end so that the journey that we will eventually come there, all of us will come to that Journey's End, so that the journey becomes more meaningful and more noble. Our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam reminded us Akuto mimicry has the

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middle of that increase the frequency of remembering that which will destroy all pleasures, increase the frequency of reminding yourself of death, and the purposes that we think, what have I done with my life? What have I accomplished with this time that I have been on this earth? And what do I hope to accomplish before I meet Allah subhanho wa taala. So we remind ourselves of our mortality and the mortality of all the people around us, why am I not the best sharing man public I'll hold. Allah says in the Quran, I have not given immortal life to any human being before you ever emitter for human heart. They don't. If you Yasuda Allah are going to die, then do they think that they're going

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to live forever. And so we remind ourselves of the mortality of this world, we remind ourselves of why we are here. So that insha Allah Who to Allah, we then prepare a better life and we live a better life. And so also, by the way, and again, I'm reminding myself and all of your things that might not necessarily be the most popular to do, but we do them so that we live better lives, dear Muslims, our Prophet salallahu idea he was sending him said, Let no person go to sleep for three days without having his will prepared without having his will prepare. And dear Muslims again, it's not something that is nice to say, but somebody needs to remind me and you that we all should have

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our wills or we will see yours prepared. We should all be ready to meet whether it is going to happen tomorrow or in sha Allah a long time we will ask Allah for a long life full of Iman and Taqwa. But eventually this life will come to an end. So all of us, all of us be prepared, and especially given all that is happening, may I strongly strongly suggest in fact, may I remind you that our prophets ism himself said it is not allowed for a Muslim to let three nights pass and he wants to make a will, except that he writes that will or she writes that will and so write a will and make sure that it is something that is going to be following the commandments of Allah subhanho

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wa taala. The next point that I want to remind myself and all of you is sincere dua to Allah subhanho wa taala. And this is something that is very, very explicit in the Quran, that Allah azza wa jal says in the Quran, fellow LA is a home that sunnah told baharu Why didn't they beg and plead us into? Why didn't they come to us in dua when our punishment came down? It is the Sunnah of Allah subhanho wa taala. That the purpose of these The purpose of these trials and tribulations is that we turn to Allah and I have said this before, and I'll say it again. If you live the life of heedlessness before, don't feel guilty that this calamity is causing you to become religious. On the

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contrary, the purpose of a calamity is to make you religious. The purpose of a trial and tribulation is to bring out that image

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It was latent, that was stored inside of you, dear Muslim, if you are feeling religious now and you want to turn to Allah now and you find a sense of desperation, now you know what that means? It means deep down inside, you really had Iman, deep down inside it was there and that's why it is coming out. That is the purpose of the trial and tribulation allow that Eman to grow, let it come out and make dua to Allah to avert calamity from you and me from your loved ones and my loved ones make sincere dua to Allah subhanahu wa taala to protect all of us. So, this is the next point and that is to make dua to Allah subhanho wa taala. The next point after this one, I forgot what number

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it is five or six, the next point after this one is we remind ourselves that it is a time to be charitable and merciful to the creation, if things are going to proceed as people are predicting, then in all likelihood, we are going to see very, very economically challenging times people's that is all of our sustenance in all likelihood will be pinched. And that is when real generosity is shown real charity and Karim is shown this is when we will be tested. Do you truly believe that when you give something to someone else for the sake of Allah, you will get more back in this world do you and I really, really, really believe that our Prophet system gave a custom to Allah Wallah, he,

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your money does not go down when you give it to charity, do you really believe that because now I and you will be tested. Now there will be people that need and we might have a little bit of surplus, and perhaps we're going to feel oh, I need to protect it. And again, be reasonable. But indeed, we're going to be tested in all likelihood all of us. And so this is the time when our compassion, our mercy, our charity is going to be demonstrated, do your Muslims remind you and me of the famous Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam era hammelmann Phil audibly Your humble command for summer show compassion to those in this earth, the one in the heavens will show

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compassion to you, we will be tested with compassion, there will be people that will need our help. May I suggest myself and all of you reach out to those who are elderly who are alone, who don't have family reach out to those who might need more people to be around them, and they don't have them. And you have the opportunity. You know, you know, there are specific age groups where the risk is much higher. If you belong to an age group that the risk is much lower and you have the capacity the means to go shopping for those that are elderly, and they're not allowed to leave, then go ahead and do that that's going to be a charity. Charity doesn't have to be writing a check. It doesn't have to

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be giving your money to somebody else. Charity could be an optimistic word could be an enthusiasm and a cheering up of somebody. Charity could be spending your time your gasoline your car to help somebody do a chore as long as it is reasonable. We don't want anybody to take any unreasonable risks, but still helping others out within reason within precaution. That is indeed a sign of ima. The next point I wanted to say. And again, I've lost track of how many 123456 Now or seven actually right now is that it does look like it does look like that we will be

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told to remain long periods inside of our houses in fact that things are getting from bad to worse not day by day, but hour by hour. And we're being told that you know, the earlier you should stay home and even all of us if there's no need that we shouldn't be going outside. And this means that we will be cooped up in our houses and with our families. And this means we're going to have to have patience as we're already seeing upon amongst family members. We're gonna have to control our tongue but you know what, find the blessing in that we now have family time, we now have time for tarbiyah of the family to develop the bonds of love. We have time to set role model examples about Salah

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establish the Salah in your houses, pray Salah together at least one or two prayers, do some Quran together try to do certain family activities together so that in sha Allah to Allah, you're going to be able to get those bonds of love. Get that that community that communal feeling because Subhan Allah before this timeframe, you know, we barely got a chance to sit with our families we will be here and there and busy. And perhaps this is a blessing in disguise that for the next few weeks, few months, maybe even year today I read an article a year and a half some of the Experts are predicting 18 months of Allah Allah. So Allah Salam, O Allah, Allah, but if that is the case, then maybe there

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is also the silver lining the hidden blessing, and that is that we will be that the family that learns to live together, cope together, establish those blends of bonds of love, despite the fact there's going to be irritations there's going to be nuisance, there's going to be screaming, that's human nature, but in all of that insha Allah those bonds and those memories that will be established, they will last us through an entire lifetime. So use that for

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Only time with wisdom, see what you can do make sure there is communal activities of Salah and other things that are being done. And these are my spiritual advice. Now, I want to also I want to also tell you a little bit about some necessary precautions that we need to do that are not spiritual. These are logistical precautions and taking logistical precautions. I said they are not spiritual, let me cancel that. No, it is spiritual, dear Muslims, every one of you knows the Hadith of the Prophet saw some of the man who came and said O Messenger of Allah, should I when I go to sleep, let my camera loose and trust Allah or should I tie my Camel Up, you all know the Hadith he said, tie

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your camel, and then put your trust in Allah tying your camel doesn't go against Iman, it is a part of iman. So now that we are facing this tragedy, now that we have this global catastrophe, the likes of which we used to read about in history books, when I was talking to a friend of mine today over the phone, and I said to him, you know, this reminds me of reading the the, the study of urban cathedra, the topic of poverty, where we would read that, and in the years such and such a great calamity came, and the people abandon the massage. And then they did this and they did that. And it is as if you would read these mythological historical tales. And lo and behold, Allah has willed

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that we are living it in our own lifetimes, I would never have imagined we see a day when the massages themselves are shut down because we ourselves are shutting them down. Dare I say that in all likelihood that has never happened in the history of Islam, that so many massages have been shut down voluntarily across the globe, this might be the first time that we are seeing this and so Subhanallah the situation is indeed dire. But we turn to Allah and we take reasonable precautions. Now what are those precautions here? Let me say and if you've been hearing me in this semester than before, for the last few months for the last few years, what I'm about to say will come of no shock

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to you, dear Muslims, listen to the experts when they tell you about their areas of expertise. I speak to you as somebody who has spent the last three decades almost of my life almost three decades have gone by and every single day as far as I can remember I had been studying Islam full time I have dedicated my life to this religion and ask Allah for acceptance and ask Allah to accept from me and to forgive the mistakes and I speak to you as somebody who has been studying Islam full time. Listen to me when I say do not go to the aroma for medical advice. We are not the people you need to go to to tell you about the specifics of logistics of how to prepare dear Muslims, our Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said hadith is an Buhari Unto Allah will be omitted dunya come you know the affairs of your religion better than I do. He is the Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, and he is telling a group of experts about agriculture, you know, agricultural techniques better than I do, dear Muslims, what we are facing now there's an element of religion, there's always an element of religion and everything. But the bulk of what we need to do logistically is not going to be found from people of knowledge, it's not going to be found in our classical textbooks of ficken of theology. This is something that our medical experts are going to be far more knowledgeable about

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what to do, what not to do, what precautions to take than people that have studied 10 years in a seminary 20 years in a madrasa, go to the real ama for their expertise, and go to the medical experts for their expertise. And therefore dear Muslims and again, I must bring this up, I must say this again, that please do not raise the people of Islamic knowledge above their role. Indeed, it is true that the Prophet system praised the aroma as being the inheritors of the Prophet. And that means the role of the Prophet of spiritual guidance will collectively be from the Islamic Ummah, that is true. We all agree with that. And I ask Allah to make me even just related to that category,

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and I'll be happy, but that is the role of spiritual guidance. As for logistics, go to the experts and I am not an expert in epidemics diseases in the spread of Coronavirus in how viruses spread. And if you find that Aruna ma are divided about the best way forward in terms of logistics, then go to the opinion that the experts are sticking with Yes, don't jump over the aroma completely. But when you find the aroma divided, you find two opinions. And the issue that they're differing over is related to modern issues, whether it is medicine, whether it is anything, then follow the opinion that matches the expertise, advice and don't just become blind and say oh, because the chef I love

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said it I'm going to follow him. Just like if you had a medical issue that really affected your life. You wouldn't just go to a

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Share and get his advice you would first and foremost go to the doctor and then that what the doctor says if it's a really controversial issue is this Hello is this haram and you'd get the opinions of aroma and you would especially go to those rules that are more familiar with medicine and you would go to those doctors that are more familiar with Islamic sciences. So dear Muslims, the whole purpose of all of those last few minutes is so that I bring up once again this issue of shutting the masajid down dear Muslims, I don't want to say this but I will be honest with you all today. I have literally been crying to Allah subhana wa Tada. I swear to this is not an exaggeration. I was

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literally my heart is like it is I have never felt this way. I was just crying in my room and crying in my cars, thinking that the massager of Allah subhanaw taala are shut around the world. This is because of sins that we have done. There's no question about this. Allah knows how sad this is just the thought of not coming to the masjid for weeks. And for months, the thought of not praying Fudger the thought of not coming here. It is something that is truly, truly terrifying. And it is something that makes me feel empty and guilty and sad. I don't say this out of any pleasure or pride. And yet still I say I fully agree with the logistical advice from the experts that we do need to shut down

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any public place, we do need to minimize any public interaction. Now I know that some of you know that some of them have allowed ministers to be open. But dear Muslims, open your eyes and look around you. The council's over over a dozen Muslim lands from Saudi Arabia to Kuwait to United Arab Emirates to auto to, to to Malaysia, to Turkey to it the list goes on and on here in America, the fifth Council of America and Amgen, the Islamic Medical Association, they've all basically said the same thing, which is that if the situation gets to that dire level, then yes, we should shut down the Jumar under Gemma odd and dear Muslims in most cities, I'm not speaking about the globe. But in

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most major cities in America and in England, and in Canada and other places, the situation has indeed become dire. Now let every community leaders say what they need to say, I am speaking about Dallas, Texas, I'm speaking about the community that I live in. And we have asked the experts and we've asked the people in our communities and the experts that know this issue. And to a man all of them to a man or a woman, all of them they have said that we really should minimize any interaction and it is best to shut down these congregational prayers that we are having it is not an easy decision. It is not something that we like to do and Allah knows my heart is greatly troubled. But

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dear Muslims, we cannot use a simplistic emotional response. We cannot use a misunderstanding of theology to go against that which we know to be true. Indeed, we put our trust in Allah subhana wa Tada. But we try our Tamil some of you say, Oh, our Prophet system would stand up to pray when he became when he became flustered or anxious. Yes, stand up to pray. I'm not telling you not to do that. Go stand up to pray. Some of some of us have said some people have said that. It's never been shown that you know, in the past Muslims close their massages, well, maybe you are correct that to this level that has never happened, by the way in regional places is sometimes because of a great

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fear, obviously, in regional places. Yes, there have been times when massage would have stopped for specific fears. But I agree with you, as at a global scale, we might be quite literally seeing for the very first time in over a dozen Muslim lands and over a dozen non Muslim lands, hundreds of 1000s of massages, shut down for the average Muslim to come this might be the first time but do you think that this decision is coming out of nothing? I asked you by Allah I asked you a simple question. If there were a masjid that you were told the engineers and the RND and the architects or the local city council said, oh this Masjid its pillars are about to collapse. Its pillars are going

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to fall down. It was constructed incorrectly. If you were told that. Would you say no? We must pray in this masjid and Allah wants us to pray in this Masjid. No, you would say okay, this Masjid is a dangerous place not because anything evil with the masjid, but circumstances are like this. So, the point is that the situation that we are in right now, this situation is a situation in which we now are far more familiar with the causes of how this disease is transmitted. We are familiar with how this Coronavirus goes from person to person. And we know what our past scholars did not know we know more about science and medicine than people did in the past. Therefore we are required by Allah to

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take that knowledge into account when we derive our rulings to Muslims our massages we thank Allah or play

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places where people are packed together of all ethnicities and all backgrounds. But in these times that blessing is the exact ambience that these viruses need to spread from person to person. There are hundreds of people of all different backgrounds of all different nationalities of all different traveling places coming together, packed standing next to each other for lengthy periods of time. And every single medical expert is saying that this is the number one preventative measure and that is to stop the transmission or the potential transmission by practicing social isolation by putting in you know, barriers, physical space between you and other people, mashallah do Muslims. We're a

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friendly bunch. We thank Allah for that. Is it possible for me? Are you to come to the masjid and not shake people's hands, there's going to be 100 people, 1000 people, is it possible to come and not hugging and it's not possible really. And even if we tried to do it, it would not happen. And therefore, medical experts are unanimous that we really should shut down these areas until this disease passes by now, the claim that the claim that the shopping malls are open and other places are open, and therefore we should keep the messages open. Firstly, by the way, this is changing day by day and hour by hour today, it was announced that all restaurants should be shut down. Tomorrow,

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another issue is going to come out so things are moving in that direction. Secondly, two wrongs don't make a right just because other places are open. They they are dangerous places we know this. Thirdly, those other places are generally speaking, there's more ambience and air you can keep a distance whereas in our massages, it is literally line by line row by row packed to capacity. Fourthly, as what we need to be aware of There's levels of necessity, we can't expect hospitals to shut down we can't expect places that sell food to shut down or else all of us would be in serious trouble. These are places where we need to go to purchase items. And the masjid is indeed a very,

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very important place. Our heart wants to be in the masjid. But there is a dangerous threat like the building were to be falling down, we would not enter so to if the massage or places where potentially there is indeed the potential for virus to spread, we should be cautious for the time being as long as as it needs to. And again, we say this, I say this with a huge loss with a huge sense of grief with a huge sense of emptiness. It was such a shock to me to hear today that a country like Saudi Arabia where I've lived more than a decade of my life has shut down every single Masjid without exception other than Makkah and Medina and then to hear that a dozen other Muslim

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lands have have followed suit in this Wallahi it is something that makes the heart terrified. Indeed, this is a this is a potential punishment from Allah subhanho wa taala. For what we have done that we are being deprived of our own misogyny, but this means that we need to increase our him and increase our Toba increase our returning to Allah subhanho wa Taala this means that we need to make our homes into places of wicked into places Komitas Salah into places where Allah subhana wa Tada his name is mentioned when the Quran Tilawat is raised. If we do not did not appreciate the messages in the past, after this is over in sha Allah hooter, either every one of us will appreciate the most

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massage and for as long as we live, nonetheless, dear Muslims, I was feeling extremely, extremely distressed at the closing of especially our East Plano Islamic center. And I spoke with the board about a technical just a technicality that perhaps we can work around that at least for Joomla at least for Joomla if we have a symbolic or symbolic Joomla and this I'm only telling you this so that you realize we're all feeling I am feeling all of us religious, you know, especially as the Imam that we started the show myself I know we're all feeling especially hurt psychologically and spiritually. So, I requested from the board that at least for Joomla, if the four of us and that is

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because the minimum you need is three, then the minimum for Joomla it is three and that is half as a job and start by Jude and Imam the DM and myself if the four of us we come for Joomla and we stand apart from each other and just symbolically just give a hold up for the baraka that something is done. Now please this is only being done as a token symbolism. We cannot and we will not open they're not even the board members are going to be coming to this I told them I just want to talk in Java so that we feel because technically from a UK perspective, by definition, the the Jamia Masjid is the mixture with the Juma takes place and I really felt that if this goes for a long time, how

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can we have a masjid without even the Athan being raised and the salah being done at least once in a while. So just for the baraka I'm just telling you this so that we understand just for the baraka, not for anyone else, not even the staff of the masjid, not even the board members. They were going to be coming just the four of us. One of us will give the hook but

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that will be broadcast live and three of us will be standing literally at one side of the masjid not even salaam to another physically we'll just wave to each other and we'll go separate ways this is how cautious we are being just to keep the symbolism of the masjid alive. Needless to say this might continue for many many weeks we might need to prepare a contingency plan for Ramadan that will inshallah have to either be spoken about but we will continue to update you and we have set up a mini studio by the way I'm not sitting in the masala you might think I'm sitting in the masala we have set up a mini studio so that it looks like I'm in the masala I'm in a room all by myself.

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Nobody else is here, the cameras in front of me. That's how the level of caution that we are doing amongst ourselves. Can you imagine if we opened the door to a 2000 people or 500 people it would not serve the purpose. And as we are aware, you know, there was a religious gathering by the way in Indonesia look this up or Malaysia excuse me a religious gathering where people came from all over the world and they spent some time together for the sake of Islam their Nia was good because of that religious gathering one person had the virus. Now fortify people, according to what I read the other day have that virus from that one person because of a religious gathering, we tie our camel we do

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not act foolishly and coming together ignoring what every expert is saying is acting foolishly and our religion is not a foolish religion. It is not a religion of superstition, it is a religion of knowledge. And Allah tells us to act with knowledge and the people of knowledge are telling us that the number one mechanism to spread this virus is by person to person contact and that is why we are taking these precautions. It is still too early to say about Ramadan, but inshallah hooter Allah, if worst case scenario we will be giving you every single day without exception religious reminders to myself and all of you, we're going to try our best to keep a virtual Masjid as much as we can, on a

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daily basis, there's going to be an entire schedule, I think you have been told as well about this, that every one of us is going to be doing certain projects and things every single day so that we keep that attachment because now is the time for that attachment. Now is the time to specially to turn back to Allah subhanho wa taala. So in sha Allah Allah with that, I will open the floor for q&a, I have my iPad in front of me, which has a number of questions that people have sent in, and feel free to send in other questions. And this is how we're going to be doing this from now on, by the way, a live q&a that we're going to be updating and whenever you want to ask questions, you're

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going to be able to ask them and inshallah I will try to answer them, one by one inshallah. So first question, can we do a Joomla in our home with a few neighbors?

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Are there any guidelines are we allowed to create Joomla in small groups, instances, the massages are closed, this defeats the purpose. Agreed, agreed. It is better to have small gatherings and large ones. But what is going to happen if you advertise you're having a doorman in your house, your 510 15 neighbors are going to come number one, number two, from a technical perspective. Joomla is done in the Java, Java and the message to the Java I'm not saying is not allowed elsewhere. Sometimes you have to do this. I don't encourage this as of yet. And this is not the default. The default is that Joomla is done in the masjid. And the large community comes if the Juma is not done

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in the masjid, then you pray for her as at home.

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Question is that traveling in and out of a place does the Hadith apply? So we follow the medical experts and the medical experts have basically divided the world into two or three broad categories. There's the epicenter of you know, where all this is happening, where there's complete shutdown, those places we really should try our best to not go to or to not to leave from if we're there. By the way, our scholars say that if there is a legitimate reason for you to leave those areas, and the government's allow you legitimate reason, for example, you went on a trip, then everything happened, and the government is not declaring your zone to be a disaster. One zone, the red zone might be a

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gray area that you don't only necessary travel our scholars say if it isn't what is forbidden, is you flee from the plague out of fear of the plague if the area is the area of plague now that is only in the Wuhan province and some other places in the world. Otherwise, generally speaking state to state city to city is pretty much the same in all of America over here. So generally speaking, I speak from within the American paradigm that as far as I know, there is no one city that has been declared a disaster area compared to other cities. Therefore, within this, this country America, as far as I know this can change day to day and hour to hour. There is no disaster area per se, in

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which we really should require ourselves to remain if there is a need that you are far away and your family is elsewhere then yes, you may insha Allah to either travel or have them travel so

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that you're all together insha Allah Who to either question that. Do you think this is one of the signs of the end of times?

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Allah knows best, Allah knows best. Don't want to say any more than this. But regardless we need to turn to Allah subhana wa Tada regardless we need to turn to Allah subhanho wa Taala and we ask Allah for, for for for Afia question is that some of the members of my family are feeling very anxious and others are feeling very sad. What is to be done?

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This is something that is explicit in the Quran well and everyone can be sure in mental health, we're going to test you some of you're going to be anxious and scared some of you are going to feel that and Allah azza wa jal in the same series of verses he tells us what to do what to do. Was there a newbie somebody was salah, was the you know, the slavery was salah, seek help through patience and through prayer, patience and prayer are the two ways we seek the help of Allah subhanho wa taala. So and inshallah over the course of the next few weeks, we will be doing a number of lectures and series about what does it mean to seek help through patience and through prayer. Question that

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Do you have any charity that you suggest to us that we can help the people affected by Coronavirus? I don't know any specific charity? I'm sure there are. But I would say that your best Charity begins at home look around you in your own communities who in your extended families and may I suggest and I suggest to the board of epic and the board of all of the massage at the same thing. May I suggest that people that are elderly or particularly vulnerable, they sign up on a community board that the board is aware of they sign up they say look, we are an elderly couple, we're in our 60s or 70s. We don't have any family. Can you assign somebody to help us this is the best charity that you're

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spending of your time and of your energy, you're shopping for other people you're giving them whatever needs to be done. And I'm sure you will find local causes as well. And of course, I'm not negating any other causes feel free to give to any cause, as well. Question over here that she asked if this virus is manmade does that change how we approach the spiritual aspect? Not at all, not at all. Firstly, I am not in a position to comment on whether it is manmade or not. I'm not an expert, but as an intelligent listener to the world around me as an intelligent listener to the experts. It does appear to be a natural permutation, a natural mutation of the virus that has already happened

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SARS, and you know the the other influences that have happened in the past, but even if even if there is a calamity that is man made look at the civil wars in Syria in Burma and other places these are man made calamities, does that change the spiritual component? Not at all. So it doesn't change at all the issue of Eman and the theology aspect question here is that if we are establishing sada in our houses, should we raise the event it is not required to raise the Adan but it is good it is Mr. hub you should raise the alarm but it is not required. So it's not mandatory to raise the event. But yes, it is good to raise the attend anytime you are praying and it is especially now that the

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massages are closed Mayor encourage all of you to raise the attention in your own houses have your children say the event you know make them learn the event this is a good time to increase all of our knowledge. Question Is that

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can you give us talk on a regular basis? Yes, that is exactly the point I will be giving you talks on regular bases. Tomorrow there will be a talk about the fear of epidemics and plagues and the history of epidemic epidemics and plague just a reminder on the more academic level there will be tomorrow inshallah you should get an email a live talk with a live q&a And then is going to be posted online. So yes, and not just myself, all of the Imams and all of the the religious clergy here who said by God, mom, Nadeem, you know half as the dad is continuing his Quran online mashallah demotic Allah, myself, all of us as a team. We're going to be continuing to give you programs and

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continuing to help all of us through this difficult timeframe. Question here is that are you going to relay the Joomla live and if so can people listen to from their houses and follow?

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Yes, Joomla will be done live in sha Allah. They're working on the the aspect and Charlotte will be done live. However, the Juma that will be done live. You will listen to it at home as a reminder and you will then pray to her you will not pray tomorrow. You must be in the masjid listening to the Hadith you cannot pray you know two miles away five miles away that's not going to be Jumeirah. You're not going to be behind the Imam but you may listen for spiritual benefit and in case you are not able to listen live it will be put on YouTube and you will listen to the heartbeat when it is uploaded.

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There are insha Allah Who data

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share, even though it's cleaner is called closed, there is another Masjid in our community that is having Joomla and we went last week, can we continue doing this? Look, you're asking a logistical medical position issue. I am not a medical expert. Physically wise, you may pray somewhere else. But every single expert I look up to every single person who has specialized in this is telling you do not go into crowds. So, religiously speaking from a technical standpoint, it might be permissible to pray Joomla elsewhere, but the least that can be said, you're acting foolishly, it is against the goals of the Shediac to act foolishly, it is against the goals of the Sharia, to walk into a place

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that is going to be dangerous. And when you have 1000s of people sitting together in this time of plague, and we know how this plague spreads, then you're acting foolishly, and the Sharia does not want you to act foolishly. And so my religious opinion based upon what I know is that you should not go to another Joomla that defeats the purpose of all that is taking place. And Allah subhanaw without it knows best

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question is that, why is the masjid closed? Isn't it enough to counsel the congregation? I the board can answer that question. But what is the purpose of the masjid being open and people are going to be coming in and out the purpose is crowd control. So let the board officially answer. That's not my position to answer officially. But I will say that it makes complete sense to me. Because if you were to open the gym, let's say and you have 50 people coming in out of the gym, that defeats the purpose. I mean, dear Muslims study up on this, people that don't display any symptoms can give this virus to somebody for whom it will affect 80% of the people who have the virus 80% will have no to

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mild symptoms, just a slight cough or slight flu and life will go on however, in the small percentage upon whom it will be lethal or fatal, then that 80% might potentially give it to that two or 3% that will potentially pass away. So we just need to and there is no cure, and nothing can be done. We already have had Muslims across the globe, you know, and we all every life is precious, but especially we need to be careful that in our own community in Dallas and other places people have fallen sick from our community. And Muslims have passed away in other cities, which means it's within our community. So if we are going to have Muslims coming in and out of an area, it defeats

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the purpose. That's all though I will say with this regard.

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Chef, Chef, should we encourage local businesses? I mean, this is a logistical question. And from a fiscally perspective, I will say you may you may help people out by continuing when when obviously we are I went to go shopping today for stuff we need food and stuff from it you have to go or just take adequate precautions from a filter perspective. There's nothing wrong with helping local businesses and and maintaining because they have to pay staff they have to do whatever needs to be done. But you take reasonable precautions. There's nothing wrong with listening to this generic advice of supporting your local businesses. Question here is that if my Masjid is still open, does

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that mean I'm required to go Listen dear Muslims, this is a city by city fatwa. It's a region by region fatwa. I know for a fact there are certain countries where the Coronavirus as far as they know has not even entered those countries. For those countries. How can you might not be watchable? Of course it is Why'd you have to go to Joomla until their own aroma and their own experts say Hey, hold on a sec. You know, this is now spreading the community and it is becoming rampant. I am speaking to you from the North American scene in general, and especially the Dallas and the Plano area where we have been told our president has said try not to have gatherings and more than 10 The

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government has said I shouldn't say the President because maybe his advice isn't the most sound but the CDC and that is a body that I respect, the CDC and the Surgeon General and experts have said do not have gatherings of more than 10 people, you know, as much as possible. And in all likelihood, this is going to become enforced. I mean, I just came back from and as many of you probably aware I was overseas when this band came and I wasn't sure where it's gonna get this bad. We had a trip to de Lucia to Spain. And I went when things were relatively good like 10 days ago, and when I was there, everything day by day is changing until finally, you know three days before we got the news

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that they might shut Europe down. Everybody's panicking and whatnot. Things are changing too fast to make a generic response. But I will tell you I was in Spain

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three days ago, two days ago, and the government there announced a complete shutdown. I have been to Spain five times or four times before I have seen Madrid I have seen Seville I have seen these cities bustling with tourists from around the world.

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world and with my own eyes, Madrid was dead empty. It was like a scene out of some type of apocalyptic horror movie where everybody's gone with my own eyes. I saw this not a single person in the street except the odd person who might have some type of emergency or something. It felt surreal, as if I'm in a dream. This is in Madrid, one of the capitals of the world. That's what they're doing. And it's not even as bad as in Italy or in the Wuhan province. What do you think is going to be in other places so dear Muslim, act wisely? If you're asking from America and especially from Dallas, no, do not go to your Masjid. Even if it is insistent or offering Juma you have an

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excuse in the eyes of Allah subhanho wa Taala plenty of Rama have said now if you have two opinions, like I told you, and one group seems to be more in tune with the experts of Rolla, follow the aroma that are in tune with the experts because this is an area where and where logic and modern science combined. So listen to the fuqaha who are following what the experts in science are saying and Allah azza wa jal knows best.

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If somebody dies in this Coronavirus

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timeframe will they be considered shaheed? Yes insha Allah they will be yes in sha Allah they will be an ask Allah for Afia for myself and my loved ones and for all of you. We don't want to be tested but those of us that are tested, we need to look forward to Allah that that is the death of a Shaheed our Prophet says that I'm said that whoever lives in a land where the play comes and he expects that whatever happens happens by the will of Allah and he expects that you know, it's Allah has called a meeting he doesn't become a coward. He doesn't run away. It's happening. It's happening. What can he do, then if he dies? I will process him said he shall get the reward of a

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shaheed. Question over here is that and inshallah we'll finish up because we don't want to go too long, another three, four minutes and then we're done in sha Allah question over here. How should the body of the disease be washed if they have passed away with Coronavirus?

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How should the body of the disease be washed okay. So, once again what did I say the middle of this lecture wherever there is an intermixing between Islamic law and between modern science listen to both and then form the position go to those Roma who know modern science and go to those experts and health experts who are also aware of the Sharia. I am not a medical expert, I do not know whether a dead corpse can give out Coronavirus on its own virus will live or not I will give you generic guidelines then if I find out I will tell you I heard from a CDC or whatnot or or I heard from a reputable source that etc etc. To the best of my knowledge and I read this today, the CDC has indeed

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released that as far as they are aware, the the corpse cannot in and of itself transfer the virus nonetheless, they required they required everybody to take the regular precautions of masks and gloves and disposable, you know the the Kroners know what I'm talking about those that watch the body there is a requirement that you must be dressed with the the the safety dress code and other than that, that it is not in and of itself contagious. Now, if that is true, and if the people of that city are able to give a lesson then also is obligatory however, if either of these two is not there, meaning number one, they discovered that the disease is transferable from a corpse or number

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two in some cities they might not have the people with the equipment or whatnot. In either of these two cases our books or films are explicit and that is the amount is done on the diseased so wearing the extra gloves and everything you just do take a moment and you wipe the head and the hands and that is it and the mama no and other say if in case even their mom cannot be done for whatever reason, then the body is buried as is and the record requirement is there for whatever reason. So if it gets that bad that you cannot even touch for example, it might be in a certain clays that the people don't have the equipment, they don't have gloves and whatnot and there is a fear. I'm not

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talking about Coronavirus, there is a fear that some virus or plague will transfer to them from the deceased body in this case than in the zipper bag. However it is it will be placed in the cupboard and there is no problem over there that Allah azza wa jal does not require and put us on a burden more than what is can that we can bear with Allah Hey dear Muslims are Sharia is easy and it is sensible. Our Sharia is not difficult, nor is it foolish, nor is it something that is unrealistic. The more you study Islam, you realize that the laws of Allah and the laws of nature go hand in hand they are not contradictory. We tie our capital and our put our trust in Allah subhanho wa Taala

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I'm question over here. Is that balancing between helping others and staying safe? Is it okay to knowingly risk ourselves, you risk yourself as much as you're comfortable and as much as is reasonable and everybody's comfort level, and everybody's reasonability varies. If you're in the medical field, you obviously you are and you are, you're at the forefront of dealing with patients. Obviously, by virtue of your profession, you must be exposed to more issues than everybody else. And that's the job you chosen. That's the reward you shall get from Allah subhanho wa taala. Otherwise, try your best to be cautious in this regard. Final question. Somebody's saying that he's worried

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about me, I just came from Spain, that I'm very concerned for your health, can you please, you know, Can you lay our field fears by getting tested for a Corona? So the government stopped us when we came in. And they had a survey from all of the passengers and they gave us the pamphlets and everything. And I myself was was was as cautious as possible. When I was in Spain, I did not intermingle with any crowds that I was there, I did not I tried my best to not touch anything, or anyone and wash my hands. And the government did not require any tests, there were too many people coming back from the airport. But they told us to self monitor ourselves for a week or two, and to

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put ourselves in as much isolation which I have been doing. Even today, a brother came in to my house for some issue, and he refused to shake his look, I'm sorry, I can't shake your hand, you know, just Salaam and you stay there and whatnot. So I'm trying my best to be self imposed.

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reasonable precautions, and that's what actually the government policy is right now, that those who returned from Europe, any place in Europe, they should just, that's not other than Italy, Italy is a different ruling. If you come back from the valleywise. The government is simply saying, you know, take general precautions and just wait because the symptoms, they show up anywhere between three days to five days to a week or two. So just be precautious for those days, and then after that Inshallah, you're you're absolutely fine if nothing has happened, that is nothing over there. So we I take reason I took reasonable precautions. And to me, this is the essence of Islam. And Iman, I'm

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concluding and wrapping up today's lecture. But this is just the beginning. It's not the end. It is the beginning of in all likelihood, many, many weeks, months, maybe even a year or more of a different mechanism and we will cope and we shall persevere have we shall turn to Allah subhanho wa taala. We will be tested in ways we never even imagined we will be tested in ways where our minds did not even go possible. Well, I could never have imagined that the world is going to shut down as misogyny that a time will come when I'm not going to be doing Juma and Jabba art and Ramadan and whatnot in the congregation.

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But Allah azza wa jal is testing and he shall give us the mechanism to overcome those tests and we shall come out stronger, more faithful, more appreciative of the blessings of Allah subhanaw taala. And if Allah chooses, other than this, that we don't come out of this, then inshallah will come out winners in the ark era. And that is the ultimate ultimate goal to come out winners in the era. May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant me and you and my loved ones and your loved ones Alfia May Allah avert from all of us a calamity May Allah subhana wa Tada send Salam down to the Ummah and to our the entire world. May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant all of us a peacefulness and a security and the

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safety that we need. May Allah strengthen our image and make our results firm. May Allah azza wa jal allow us to be role models for the people around us who don't know our faith. May this calamity be the hidden disguise and the treasure that we've been waiting for that people see the beauty of our faith? May Allah subhanaw taala allow us to come out of this bit better and more stronger and more faithful, and role models are of our religion. We're awkward with that one and it hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa sallahu wa sallam about aka Ali Mohammed while early he was a big marine was salam Wa alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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