Haifaa Younis – Just a Simple Reminder Again in These Most Beloved Days

Haifaa Younis
AI: Summary © The hedger and Sub ultrasound have been working on the 10-day plan to attack the hedge and improve their deeds. They have been reminded to do more Holy Grail and to glorify Allah's Greatest and Greatest accomplishments. They also remind everyone to focus on their own successes and to do good deeds.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh today is the fourth day of the hedger and may Allah Subhana Allah accept from all of us. And it just a simple reminder, again, why the 10 days of the hedgerows so special, and why not other days and Subhan Allah,

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the man had been had had a beautiful reminder for us, he said, these 10 days are the only days in the year where all the major good deeds of stone or even the pillars of Islam is actually all combined, in this 10 days, and these 10 days, how is that in these 10 days,

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whether we are going to hedge or we're not going to hedge usually one of the things that we are advised and encouraged and reminded to do is actually attack via Allahu Akbar, and to glorify Allah subhanaw taala and do the right. And then in Allahu Akbar, and IntelliBeam what the Hajj does, is actually we are reminding ourselves that Allah subhanho wa Taala is number one in our life, Allah is the Greatest, that great have the greatest. So that's only

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this dhikr especially, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allah, Allah, that can be right is usually something we highly recommend to say it in these 10 days, then salah, and we are encouraged to do more Salah and whether to improve our salah the current one or L or so to add. So that's number two, we're encouraged to fast Of course, if we can, and also we are encouraged to do a lot of charities, and especially slaughtering animals. And then for those who are lost pantalla invited them that is had these five only get together, all of them in these 10 days. And that is one of the reasons that these 10 days are so special of Lalo am dunya as a Roswaal risotto Salam said, the best days of this

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whole world, meaning that the 365 the best days is these 10 days. Number to any mom, even Rajab, actually here said something even very nice, and he said, not everybody can go to lunch, which is true. Many of us for whatever the reason, we were not invited this year Alhamdulillah so what should we do? And then do we miss on the reward of hydrogen? Right? And what Roswaal is Otto ceramsite said that these days, no other days the good deeds in them better than being done in these days. And he was asked not to even Jihad he said the law he said not even as a geometry sebelah unless the person goes to for the sake of Allah and doesn't come back. So the good deeds in these days are actually

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but as if somebody is in a state of jihad fighting now Hajj, specially for us woman, also our Roswell is sought to surround said Nisida Aisha, when she asked him, the man goes for jihad, we don't go for jihad. He said lacuna Allah jihad, you have the best Jihad Hajj. So had is not for everybody. However, when I am doing these good deeds, and I am home, and I'm doing this extra meaning signaling or signifying, or making sure these 10 days I do things usually I don't do it outside. I am actually in a state of jihad, and Al Hajj is a state of jihad. I didn't go to Hajj, but I am in a state of jihad, and I get the reward of jihad. One reminder for something easy to do

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is a dhikr of Allah. I stuffier Allah Subhana Allah Alhamdulillah and the best liqueur is Allahu Akbar first koroni as cold wash Kuru Lee will attack followed. Remember me I remember you. Allah has seen this. Remember Allah let's all remember Allah Alhamdulillah Subhan Allah Now you don't like the law or stuff federal law and may Allah Subhana Allah accept from everybody and May Allah help us to do good deeds


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