Haifaa Younis – Are You Seeking a Heart Enshrouded in Truth

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The speakers discuss the importance of creating a clear mindset and not giving up on past mistakes. They emphasize the need to focus on one's heart and not to disgrace oneself with d-cost. The importance of embracing the natural process of the heart and not allowing people to go through a difficult experience. They also emphasize the importance of forgiveness and severe punishment for one's behavior. The speakers provide examples of how people can be forgiven and emphasize the importance of taking time management seriously.
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When the washta'am Mu'ta'ala created me and you
as babies, when the baby come out from
from the mother's womb, right,
That I know, he knows, she knows, this
baby, you know, this just came out, they
are creator.
Have a creator because
everyone else on this life, on this earth
know there is a creator but they call
it differently.
Mother Nature, oh my gosh. Why do they
say oh my gosh?
Right? Oh my God, what is that?
Because we know there is
bigger power than you and me.
Superpower, mother nature, they call it what they
want to call it.
That's what the baby comes in.
When I and you were created, we know
there is a creator, and we all do
when we get in trouble, when we are
in need what do we do? You Allah
please for us Muslims.
Why? Because I know he's there,
and Allah
when he brought that human being to this
earth, made it, should be, again he made
it, but then we changed,
that this human being, this small baby, this
man, this woman, young and old, is exactly
in harmony with everything else around me.
This whole
is a complete harmony.
What they say these days?
We ruined it. What did we do?
What did we do when we chop a
tree? What did we do?
When we cut a tree, what did we
We broke
the harmony that Allah made it. There is
a reason why there is a wizard,
and there's a reason why there is a
and there is a reason why there is
this tree,
and there's a reason why you and me,
and we are all in harmony, should be.
But what happens
as we grow older,
all of us,
it depends where are we growing,
what is the environment
we start changing.
I'll give you a simple example,
and hopefully this will make it clearer. This
is true example in my office 20 years
ago, when I was in Saint Louis after
September 11th we had an influx of refugees
and the refugees came from Afghanistan
and I remember very well the mother brought
a 12 or 13
year old young girl.
Literally, you wanna use the word angel? That
was the girl.
Poor faya,
beautiful dress, she doesn't look at me, the
way she sits, you know what I'm saying?
Then, this God came 3 years later,
lived in.
This society
and you all know this.
So, this is what it is. It's as
I'm growing,
where I am,
number 1 is the house
and then it gets the school and then
the society, I change
and it depends what is this change
is gonna be me.
Right? We all say back home
when we were growing up this will never
happen. Why?
So what does Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala said,
and I'm gonna share this with you. Allah
don't you see?
And this is in Surat al Hajj.
Don't you see?
And when Allah told you don't you see
you should see
you literally meaning in our daily talk, what
is wrong with you? Why you're not seeing
Don't you see? And Allah now narrates his
creation. And I'm telling you, don't you see
that the following
glorify Allah.
You said,
sun, the moon, the stars,
the mountains,
all the animals that walks
in a different way, and he didn't say
people, he said,
A good number of people, but not all
of them.
This is what we are, we are supposed
to be again in harmony. Everything
around you should, and I keep gonna say
should because it's not the reality, unfortunately.
Everything around me should remind me of Allah,
even the disasters,
even things that is not
the pleasant things, even when I see what
is happening in Gaza, it's a reminder.
Allah creation,
Allah power,
Allah's will,
Allah's rahm.
As I grow up,
as I come
in contact with what is around me,
and I change, and some human beings get
completely corrupted,
Taskea comes in
and brings you back in me to where
Allah wants me
to be.
Without it it's very difficult. You see people
memorize Quran, but they are not Muslim.
They are not.
You see people
who have have PhDs in Islamic studies, but
they are not. And you see people don't
have that, but they are because they know
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
So the goal the goal
is I move in my life, and my
life continue the norm, and I see everything
through the lens of Allah.
And I want you to remember this, I
use this all the time, how you students
in the right okay, know this, in the
lens of Allah. You are here because Allah
brought to
you. Well, we never think of it this
And those who were planning,
but they didn't make it, not because they
were this or that,
or why did not bring them.
In Taskea, as I'm giving you the introduction,
the I word
that everybody
brag about these days,
none existing.
There is something it's called I.
I did not deliver a baby. Allah made
me deliver a baby.
You did not get pregnant. Allah made you
I didn't help you. Allah brought me to
help you. Did you see the difference?
The goal,
the aim, you know you are in the
process of tazhiya when you become the true
servant of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. The real
Not we all say we are Aybab Ulloa,
but are we really in the word that
it means? Taskea will make you this way.
The lens becomes clearer and clearer and clearer,
and getting to Allah
in dunya let alone in Afira is by
this process.
How many of you, and let me ask
you this question, how many of you say
I have a pure heart?
How many of you say, I have absolutely
no pure heart?
So we are in between. It's a scale.
The pure heart, and I'll come to it
what it means, and I'll give you some
outline, the pure heart is saying Ibrahim.
You want to know who what I should
Or at least what I am aiming to.
I am not Sayyidna Ibrahim, we're not prophets.
But what I am aiming to, Sayyid ibrahim.
When Allah say to him, whatever it is,
is yes, I'm gonna do it.
The corrupt is completely
dead is who?
for example.
I am your biggest Lord.
That's a huge problem.
He did not see Allah.
Hey, Harun,
my assistant, come come look the way. Come
build for me stairs.
Right? Let me go up and see what
is this
that that they are talking about.
Ilaha Musa, I wanna see who's that.
Maybe I will know him. Complete
elegance. That's dead, and that's why
made him drown.
We are in between.
Let's all agree. We're not.
Nobody should say I have a dead heart,
because you will not be here. You're not
a Muslim if you have a dead heart.
But, I cannot claim, I'm talking about myself,
I have a pure heart.
I hope, I want, I'm working on it,
I fear, but I'm gonna get up. In
between, where are you?
The best example, look at yourself in Ramadan,
the same place, the same masjid,
the same you, nothing changed in Ramadan especially
for us living in the West.
and then the day before Ramadan and the
day of failure.
If you pay attention to your heart, if
I have the EKG that we use,
I will see how it changes.
So my goal is to be the person
who I am in Ramadan, the best of
me in Ramadan, to continue. And the work
is on the nafs, is not on the
It's exactly the same way when you wanna
lose weight. What do you do?
What do you do?
How easy or difficult?
Very difficult. What do you do?
To and?
Exercise. Exercise. Do you like it? Yes.
Do you hate it?
Right? But many people do it because
they love the result.
If I really, really
want to come to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
with a pure success,
as Sayedne Ibrahim said,
This is a beautiful verse, so to show
out the codes.
He was talking to Allah.
This is Sayedne Ibrahim. He said, you Allah
don't disgrace me
on the day of resurrection.
Do we all in this room believe
that we're going to meet Allah?
Do you have any doubt?
Alhamdulillah. So we have this, we're going to
have this sooner or later.
Don't disgrace me on the day of resurrection.
Number 2.
Listen to this, memorize this because this is
extremely important in your process of task here.
The day where
or the day where neither children
nor wealth, money will be
will come to mind, bless you,
will be beneficial.
Look at your life, and mine, and ours.
The focus is on what?
And what is dunia?
What is are we focusing about? Looking for
and what do you focus on the children?
There's nothing wrong with focusing on the children.
They are Amana. I have to do it.
But what do I focus on?
We really have the I'm gonna spend most
of the time, especially in the first part,
all of us accepting
If I don't know what is wrong with
me, this is what I tell my patients.
I'm a physician. If I don't know what's
wrong with you, I can't help you. True
or false? If you keep telling me all
the stories I was like, please forgive me,
but what is the issue?
What is the problem?
So what is the problem for us as
a human being, and again for us as
Muslims, is I focus on Dunia. Alhamdulillah, there's
nothing wrong with that. Without dunya, I'm not
gonna get to Aqira. True?
Don't you say I am on this dunya
because then how are you gonna get to
But the problem is that what I focus
in this dunya
is it, and I'm gonna put question mark,
you say it. Is it getting me to
To the place where I wanna be in
And he said it clearly,
the day where the children and money will
not come to my rescue.
What does it mean?
When I spend in 24 hours a day,
I spend, let's say, 16 hours
of my day
focusing on what he said,
of course it's Allah's words,
would not come to my benefit.
How smart I am.
Sixteen hour of the day, I'm just giving
you a number, right? Could be less, but
do I
spend at least 10 hours a day
focusing on
my children and wealth,
and wealth mean job and everything?
Yes or no?
Yes or no?
So, but you're gonna I'm sure all of
you are asking this question,
but then how am I gonna live?
Well, he gave me the children. He's gonna
ask me about them. True or false? And
everybody is gonna you memorize this word 100%.
Well, Amal El Zayed,
right? Working is an act of worship.
I have not heard any statement
more frequent than this
because it comes on mine.
Now she justified.
Absolutely true, but what am I doing?
What kind of a job? Am I disobeying
Allah and his job? Is the job bringing
me closer to Allah? What I'm doing with
the money that's coming from the job?
Now, my children,
what I'm doing about my children?
I'm gonna give you an example,
which is I lived it with all of
them, all these years talking to people. You
have children.
The child,
young a boy or a girl doesn't matter,
did not wake up for freedom.
Okay? And the child come from home, school,
or university, wherever they are, and they have
The report card F.
What is your reaction
as parents?
What's your reactions?
Why is it so bad? Right? Why did
you feel?
And, it's the end of the world. True
or false?
And, list of
punishments, whatever I'm gonna do, let's put a
my son, my daughter will not go to
college. My son, my daughter will not graduate.
Don't you hear that? And even me, like
a student,
I feel very down,
and it's a failure. True or false?
What happens when the child doesn't wake up
is he's tired. You know, they they study
very hard
because the focus is?
This is what he was saying.
When that child
is taking me away from Allah,
Let alone make me justify the disobey of
Allah. That's what he said, but if my
or your children
is the son of Sayyidina Ibrahim Ismail, no,
I want 12
if not 24.
Did you get the point? Because balance
is very important in Tasya.
It's not an extreme.
It's not, you know what? I don't go
to Jamuna. I'm not gonna do anything in
this life.
No. Who's gonna take care of this earth?
So here you go. The focus is on
what will bring any fruits at the end.
The focus is on my akhirah. I'm gonna
live my dunya, enjoy my dunya, do everything,
but with the goal
akhir. Meaning,
when you go to school, again, alhamdulillah, we
have a good number of youth here, when
you go to college,
is it always boring? Is it always studying?
No. You still have some fun when we
work all the time, but there is also
times of joy, right?
That's how life should be.
Time of joy
is not all poetic, is not all
non pleasant, but the calm, the focus. So
focus on that
human being, and this is very good for
inside me. Allah created
it, that I love Allah.
I know he's there.
I want to obey him,
but I get distracted,
and I keep distracted, I keep allowing the
distraction distract me till my heart become dead.
When the heart dead I don't feel it.
Are you all with me so far? Is
that easy?
Yes. No. I can see it in your
It is not,
but the result is beautiful.
It's not.
It's a struggle.
Because you're gonna go against a lot of
the things
most people are doing,
and let alone you like it.
There's 2
obstacles, in fact there's 3 obstacles.
One is me,
and one is people,
and the third one is Shaipan.
And Shaipan usually play on these 2.
Like for example, you have an exam tomorrow,
and you love games.
Yes, you're you're playing games
because you like it, you enjoy it, but
it's not gonna go do good.
I need to go against my mess. Stop
playing, put it away, we'll play
after the exam. That's me. So the first
thing you have to all analyze, and Tuskegee
is all about contemplation.
You really have to start thinking
this rat race we all are living in,
but also the rat race I need to
take your time off. When I go for
I'm not gonna feed more of my nafs
and shaykum.
The vacation should be time for me to
If I ask a question for everybody here,
where are we going?
To the grave. Right? Fortune.
Somebody was asking me the other day
about celebrating birthdays, and I'm not gonna get
into it, but I said I want you
to think one thing, everybody. I'm not talking
about a 5 and a 6 year old,
It's a different story. I'm talking about us
all day. What what are we celebrating? 1
year closer to my birth,
when I reflect on it.
If you are looking at a cake, and
a gathering
that's the external, that's happy, that's beauty.
That's exactly what we are doing in this
life. We look at the external, it's beautiful,
I like it, but reality I am not
paying attention.
Tuskegee makes you start thinking
As we say in this in this world,
in this country, what do we say? I
start thinking outside
the box.
And that's why in the beginning you're very
different from everybody,
because everybody
doesn't do that. I wouldn't say everybody, but
I would say most of the people.
So now let's come to and say what
heart I have. So I'm just giving you
an outline today, Musa Allah. Let's come to
the hearts. What kind of hearts we have?
And it's in the Quran.
I'm not giving you anything outside the Quran
or this number.
How many types of the hearts we have?
I'm talking about spiritual one. I'm not talking
about the one pumping.
We all have this pumping heart, talk to
So there's a three kinds of hearts,
at least in the Quran.
There's more.
In the Quran there's 3. First one,
the best, the good, the go,
the sound heart,
pure heart, that's the goal
of the true heart. So Al Khaldushalim just
just know these names I'll give you
some out my
some symptoms
of each, and then
you go home and start thinking of. 2nd
one, the complete opposite,
the result of
it, dead heart.
Dead in between?
Sick. Sick.
Their heart has sickness. Allah made it even
Are you all with me? So dead,
3. Easy. Simple.
sound let's start with the kalbu Sahi how
we say
sound sound healthy
like in medicine honestly
this is how you understand things very simple
what is a healthy heart
Not statutory, medically. When I say I'm healthy,
what is the heart is doing? Doing its
job. What is the job? Pumping
in a
certain numbers,
pushing the blood, healthy blood from the right
place going to the rest of my body.
Right. 1st of all the same sound
healthy heart spiritually.
This is basically it.
My heart and yours, and you're Abi Anil
and Say Anil, and really make it your
gob. Don't give up on yourself.
Don't say I can't do
it. No. Allah's capable.
He can. The one who brought you here,
the one who introduced you to Islam, the
real one, the real one, the real one,
is able. So there's 2 things this heart
absolutely doesn't have.
Selima. Selima meaning completely
free of.
Number 1.
That heart is free of any desire,
any desire
that is against what Allah wants.
Not few.
Hadam Afri, this is pure.
It's saliman. It's absolutely
from any desire
that is
not what pleases Allah.
Is that clear?
Now let's transfer. What does that mean?
Reality in my daily life. What does it
What is a desire that please Allah
and a desire that displeases Allah? Try to
not only focus on salaawudikir,
because I want reality. I want in my
daily life.
Right? You go to work. Right? You go
to school. You're married. Dealing with your husband,
with your children. What does mean? Every desire
that is not pleasing to Allah. So I
am I am cooking for my children
or I am working double 2 jobs
because I want my children not to need
Is that Haram? The job is absolutely Haram.
Right? And I'm cooking all this Haram. Is
that is that
Absolutely not. Right?
Now the word, why you are doing it?
The answer was, I'm doing it for Allah.
Don't we all say
this? I'll give you an example that's gonna
make it very clear,
Why you are here
for Allah, right?
Yes or no?
Why I'm here?
For Allah, I just claimed it, right?
You all came, stay here, I didn't show
What's going to happen?
Are you gonna get upset?
Why did you get upset?
She wasted my time. Why didn't they tell
us? Why didn't right?
That's not pleasing to Allah.
You came to learn. True? And you're learning
something pleasing to him. Would he hear you,
would you?
Would he hear you, would you all hear
it? Yes. Then what did you get upset?
So you cook for your children, exactly the
same. Same thing with the,
I work very hard for my children.
What is wrong with that?
What is my expectation?
Working 2 jobs, very long hours,
and then one day you look at your
child and you say, do you know how
hard I worked?
So you go to college?
You didn't do it too long.
Your knee should be,
so this child
will be Allah pleasing
or even harder
because he is
a man and I trust Allah put it
through me, and he's gonna ask me
about it. Did you see did you see
the lens?
All of you?
Yes or no?
Yeah, but you are finding this very difficult
or it's
reality. That's what needs to change.
Shahua is when I like something.
So anything you say, I love it, I
like it, human being, food, dress,
place, vacation, doesn't matter. The first question should
be if I want to be a Al
Qaeda Salim,
what is the first question should be?
Is it pleasing to Allah?
You shouldn't say, I why you're doing it
because I love it?
But that's not pleasing to Allah, or is
it pleasing to Allah? And if it is
pleasing to Allah, you put you didn't put
as number 1.
The niyyah, the intention, then I'm not gonna
Are you worried? Are you all with me?
This needs to change everything
I do. I shouldn't do it because I
or I shouldn't not do it because I
hate it.
These 2 are not for Allah.
If I am drinking, let's say, coffee.
Coffee or tea. What is wrong with coffee
or tea?
I'm buying it. The money is mine. The
money is halal. Right?
What did I ask myself?
Is this is a desire that's pleasing Allah?
I'm taking you very deep because you really
believe in me that after today you're gonna
start analyzing everything you do. That's the first
So when you wanna go and buy a
a donut, you gotta go and have the,
While I'm hungry. Okay.
I love it.
Is it pleasing to a woman?
The question has always to come.
As you're gonna go, many times you find
it overwhelming, difficult, but wait, wait, wait.
He's gonna give you the answer.
Well why he's gonna give you the answer?
And I said, well why in his name,
in his upper house?
When you are sincere,
and you really want to know the answer,
he's gonna give it to you.
But if you are just gonna do it
by the way, so every desire,
you know what I say to my patients
sometimes they really
look at me,
and the patient comes and she doesn't have
children, and this is very challenging.
May Allah
never let you go through this test.
And the first question, these are the people
I know, and they know me. And I
said, why do you wanna have children?
I'm trying to move their nia.
I'm trying to make them think of the
And what is the usual question I answers
I get?
You tell me, parents, because this usually couple
why do you wanna have child? What is
the usual number one answer?
I love sugar.
Some says, why did I get mad at
Honestly, right? So when I grow up, they
will take care of me.
Well, it's the beauty of this life.
Is this harm?
No. Is this displeasing to Allah?
As long as you make the intention.
You put Allah there, I want to have
So when I am in front of Allah,
I said, you you Allah, you wanted us
to have more Muslims on this earth to
worship you, so I tried mine. Even if
the children, may Allah protect your children. Even
the children did not come out the way
you wanted, but you tried and you put
Everything you put in your mouth,
and I'm I'm saying everything in the beginning
is not gonna be everything, but as you
go through this process, it becomes everything. Believe
Why you are doing what you are? Every
every why do you want to get married?
do you want to go to this school
or not that school? Why this
profession not that profession?
Learn to know why and how.
will bring it an ear in your life.
Will bring one of the first thing I
learned, I remember it's probably 6 months after
this was introduced, of course
most of many of you, you will probably
feel this, I wanted to stop doing medicine,
and I wanted to only do Islamic studies,
because I felt it's a waste of time.
Like now, many of you are thinking
of it, and the answer was no.
Nothing about your serving people.
None. Because this is all shahwa.
The question was,
the answer was,
you say to Allah before you open the
door for physicians in this room, before you
open the door to see the patient, you
say, you Allah, this is for you. If
the patient thanked you, it doesn't matter, and
if the patient went out and sued you,
it doesn't matter.
Changed it completely
and continue the practicing medicine.
So, every desire
inside you, I want to go to a
I like
it. All my friends are going. Is that
pleasing to Allah?
Don't wait to your parents to say it,
or to your husband tell you, or your
wife tell you. The answer is clear. Is
that pleasing to Allah?
Yes or no?
Why not?
Please don't throw the word.
There's displeasing things. What's displeasing things? This is
what I read you, because you have to
be convinced.
It's not the orders. That's why people are
not practicing the right
Everything is haram, everything is going to go
to Jannah.
What will Allah gain from punishing you?
As a person, the Quran said, if you
only believe and be grateful.
What is wrong with going to
a concert? That's how you have to talk
to your children also,
or to your spouse. What is wrong with
going to a counselor? I didn't say it's
okay or not. I'm asking you the question.
It will make you forget Allah. I'm sorry?
It will make you forget Allah. It will
make you forget Allah. I am gonna answer
well. When you're working, you're remembering Allah all
the time.
It's what's going on in the time
Simple one.
Simple one. Again,
remember the lens.
Remember the lens.
When Allah is looking at you, only
in that concert,
is he happy with my presence?
I wanna hear it. No. Done.
Then you decide.
This is how I say to myself,
then you decide.
No need for arguments.
Obviously, what is Taqwa? One of the names
of Taqwa, one of the definitions of Taqwa.
It's not Allah here. Whoever tells you it's
Allah here, I'm sorry.
Is he finds you where he wants you
to be
and does not find you where he doesn't
want you to be.
Or the other definition, the opposite is, he
doesn't miss you.
I love this one because that's the law.
He doesn't miss you where he wants you
to be,
And he doesn't find you
where he doesn't want you to be.
That's the answer.
Is this clear now?
because not all desires are harm.
How do you have children
if you don't have the desire? And you
will be rewarded. That's a hadith of Raswa'i
He said, you put the
piece of, like,
a piece of food in your wife's
mouth, you will get reward, and to the
Sahaba, this is of Raswa
he was saying that you fulfill your desire
in a halal relationship, you will get rewarded,
and they said,
We are fulfilling our desires, and we will
get rewarded. He said, yes. Look at that.
Because if you if he or she had
fulfilled it in the Haram way, will Allah
take them accountable?
They said yes. He said no one will
do it in the halal way, Allah will
reward you.
Is that clear?
So shahua desires,
and each one of you in this room
define what is desire for you. Your desire
may be not mine, and my desire may
be not yours. Some people love chocolate,
some people hate chocolate,
some people like ice cream, these are all
desires. I give food because that's a daily
common thing. The way we dress
men and women,
it's desire. I wanna be like everybody. I
wanna be beautiful.
I want people to praise me. True or
That's desire. When I'm in front of the
dressed ready to leave, one question.
Don't wait for anyone to ask you anything,
you ask. Talk to him.
Is that okay, Allah?
And you will hear the answer,
Did you see that Khalu Sayin?
Nothing in it.
That's the ego. That's a plus.
That's Nobel Prize.
Nothing in that heart,
but what pages of lies. What you said,
but I want it in a daily life
daily life. When I am in this Masjid
upstairs or I am here
and the Adan wait on,
what does he want me to do?
No. Not yet? Adan?
Adam is doing well. What does he want
me to do?
Listen to the Adam
and say after
the mother. You all know that. Anybody doesn't
notice in this room?
Why I don't do it? What I normally
do? Either I'm talking or or I'm looking
at my phone. That's my desire.
Is that desire pleasing to Allah?
Done. I think this is very clear now.
Now, the second one,
that heart, Salim Perfect,
is free of now, this is much more
harder because this is usually the problem of
the educated people,
free of any thoughts.
Now remember any.
Any thoughts
that is not pleasing to Allah
or any thoughts, look at this one, contradict
his orders.
Who can give me a very common example,
and we argue about it?
Or anything comes to your mind,
any brain.
Hey, John.
What are the most common ones?
Right? What do they, what do you, what,
what comes here? It's thoughts. So now we
thought desires, now it's thoughts.
I'm thinking.
What do we say?
A common one.
It is not an obligation.
It's a problem. And some people say it
to me, it's like, you know what? This
could be true. Now I'm entertaining the thought.
The thought is not pleasing to Allah because
the end of the thought, I will end
up not doing what he wants me to
What do I do?
Any thought, not only hijab, any thoughts
that's come to me, that I like it.
Now now are you with me? Now my
is gonna work on my thoughts to make
them go together,
what we call it justified.
Justify. Are you are you all with me?
Justify it.
For example, a child, or a son, or
a daughter, right?
very unpleasant to the parents.
Or a
husband doesn't treat the wife at that moment,
say things is not pleasing to Allah or
vice versa. What do we say? When you
when, let's say, your friend come and talk
to you or your friend, what do you
they usually say, the person who did it,
what do they say?
I was upset,
you don't know what they said,
how can I even take this?
Now these are thoughts. Are these thoughts pleasing
to Allah?
If he tell me when you get upset
and respond
then that thought is not pleasing to Allah.
Are you all with me? This is getting
more difficult.
Why it's more difficult? Because the result is
a Anusayn,
the pure,
the result is a direct flight
to Danna.
There's no questions.
Because I already questioned myself
in every act in this dunya.
He's not gonna ask
me. Him. As Sayyidina Umar said,
Take yourself accountable before you will be taken
and weigh your deeds
before it will be when,
and beautify yourself
for the day
of the beautiful exhibition.
What that day is day of judgement. So,
most of the time they work together on
my life.
I want
to say classic, Monday
and Thursdays, for example. Right? And your friend
you and said, hey, how about we fast
on the short days, you know,
is what? 4:30, 4:45,
as if we skipped lunch and at work.
What do you know? Answer.
Now now thoughts.
What is the answer?
If I don't take my coffee, then a
copper bag, whatever, I get really bad headache
and I cannot function. True?
Then your friend is a good one or
or sometimes the friend is the dialogue inside
There's a huge dialogue.
Something inside you says, so what did you
do in Ramadan?
30 days
you fasted.
A sound inside you. Oh, that was a.
So thoughts.
I'm listening
of any thoughts or desire
that not in the law.
At least the step to start, and this
is what I will say, some of you
maybe this is the first time you've been
even exposed to this, alhamdulillah
the first thing is start analyzing
You feel, don't you think today you learn
this tomorrow you are about to say, I
but you it's okay. Your fear is okay.
At least you know you failed.
Because if I don't know
I failed, and I think I'm okay, that
wasn't I will never change. So, here you
and desire.
Now coming to feelings.
Coming to feelings.
And I'll ask everybody in this room, have
you ever had their love of feeling towards
any human being?
Yes or no?
someone you want to marry or someone you're
gonna get married or somebody you are engaged
to. There's nothing wrong with that. I'm talking
about feelings.
I didn't talk about
the pure heart, the true heart,
all the emotions
whether it is upset,
whether it is love,
all channeled
what pleases them.
The most famous thing they said we have
not seen Rasul, alaihis salatu salam, get upset.
This is from the Sahaba.
So he did get upset.
one one lost boundaries were broken.
If you go at that point you will
say, Allah, you are the only one. Mahalu'lillah.
If you see someone walking the street, I
don't know Muslim or non Muslim, doesn't matter,
but that person,
he or she,
dressed inappropriate,
acting inappropriate,
if you don't have a feeling inside you,
not I'm not talking about external, I'm talking
that you are upset.
Especially if you know the others.
Why you are being disobeyed? You feel it.
That's karma.
When you get upset
because someone did this to you or didn't
do this to you, or
violated your right, and you don't get upset
when Allah's right are violated.
That's the problem.
Is this clear for everybody?
So long,
The conversation is, where is the feelings? Here.
I don't know where is here. That's what
we say.
The feelings has to be channeled
to Allah. Meaning, when you forgive somebody, why
do you forgive someone?
Why? Most of the time, why do we
forgive people?
Because we love them.
Right? Yes?
That's not for Allah.
I should forgive them. Why?
Forgiving pardon. Don't you want Allah to forgive
That's personal to know.
Are you all with me?
So even the good deeds, the feelings, I
am doing the act has to
be channeled
toward Allah. That's why I said let's move
out from good deeds only
fasting or praying, really in Quran. What about
the others?
What about the person who cannot read?
How about the person who's crippled and baby
can pray, can't stand in Talaiah for 3:4
So, Rakhine was saying feelings, so you have
your desires, you have your thoughts, you have
your feelings,
and you are Let me ask you this,
have you ever seen, some of you maybe,
when you go back home and you have
people who serve you.
This is an enema from afar. The young
people here don't know what this means. When
we have a sermon that whatever you tell,
they do to you. I can't tell you
what a man is. Right?
Do these people argue with you?
And if you are they argue, what do
you do?
Let them
go. Right? You're you're here to obey
me. That's out there. That's the slave.
That's how we are with the most.
Allah said so
now. That's
the end of Surah Al Baqarah. After all,
by the way, Surat Al Baqarah
has all the rulings that Allah wants to
do. From salah to Siam, to Hajj, to
Zakah, to all all all all assorted.
At the end of it,
They said we hear
and we obey. So here I am Hadal
Qal Husayn.
Now how many of you can say my
Al Qaeda is saying 10%,
Not 0. No way it's 0. It's not
I I keep reminding you no way. 0
is dead.
Now let's come to the dead heart,
and this is a hadith, a beautiful hadith
of Rasulullah,
and basically, he's he or the signs of
it. Everything you like, you'll do.
Every desire
you want, you'll
do. You don't have this filter. What is
the filter?
Is that pleasing to Allah?
Then don't go through this filter.
You know when you wash fruits, vegetables, you
know, you put in the strainer? Why? Because
when I filter
things that is not healthy. Okay.
So that the the the sick
heart, not yet the dead, the sick heart
knows knows that's the difference between the sick
and the dead. The sick knows
that what he or she is doing
is not pleasing to Allah, that I like
I do it,
Everyone else. Allah is all for giving just
something, just this
thing. That's a sikari.
which I doubt each of you here, I
don't care if Allah is pleased with me
or not.
Let alone,
I rely on Allah's
And I always say this to myself,
when Allah is for sure or forgiving
your pardon
me, but Allah also
should be
That's severe
punishment. What will I do with that?
So that's number 2.
Allah. Everyone in the school is doing this.
I'm doing it.
Everyone, all my friends are doing this. I'm
doing it.
Nobody is doing it. I'm not doing it.
Why are they gonna be different? I wanna
be like everybody else.
A servant
other than of a.
That's the dead
that's the dead one
dead one
the sick one
between these two
I'm more pure,
sometimes I'm more sick, or most of the
time I'm in between. I'll give you an
example. This is a very common example.
When Salat al Fajr comes at 4 AM,
now alhamdulillah, now it's a piece of cake.
Right? Most of us are awake before the
alarm because, you know, we have to do
this and that. But when the Fajr becomes
4 AM,
When you put the alarm, what happens?
And you went to bed 11
or 12.
What happens usually? You put the alarm, and
the law went on. What usually happens?
I call it the dialogue.
I call it the federal dialogue.
Let's see. What is the federal dialogue?
2 more minutes.
Oh, my, I'm so tired,
and I just can't.
Y'all repeat.
And back and forth, and there's something inside
you're gonna say, come on.
Just cannot do what you want.
Quickly come back to sleep. Don't you hear
You you are not talking about somebody's telling
you. It's you. That's
Qadul Maril. It has 2 forces.
Has 2 forces, 1 from the angel and
1 from the sheikhan, and they are fighting.
Think of this every time you wanna do
and this something for sure is not pleasing
to Allah,
or for sure is pleasing to Allah, and
you want to do this, you don't want
to do this. There is this inside you.
Don't say this word.
But she upset me. But she deserved it.
Did you see this?
That's it. You have a sakat.
At least not dead.
Definitely not dead because they are fighting.
But if you're gonna keep not
treating the sick heart we will end up
dead one. Exactly.
You will end up with dead one.
Rasool, ASSA,
gave us 4 types
of hearts. 4.
One is
this beautiful hadith who they say it's either
hadith of Rasool alaihi salatu wa sallam or
it is a saying to Khudayf al Niyaman
which is a Sahabi companion he said
hearts are 4 kinds now we give you
let's say this madda
free, empty.
Which one is this 1? Kalbu selim.
There's nothing in it because now he is
saying it. Is mutajafidmi
Nothing is except what Allah? Which we said
meaning everybody who's pleasing to Allah, everything channeled
towards Allah. That's the first one.
kanbun alif,
a heart that is
completely covered,
No truth goes into it.
Which which one is this?
that nothing. I somebody comes to me and
say come on,
You can't say this word. It's not pleasing
to Allah. I don't even hear it. No.
Doesn't even go. Not that it goes, and
you're thinking,
why did I say nothing? What is wrong
with it? Please do, I don't
I'm giving you all examples. I'm sure you
all have heard it. You've been in it
or you've or you've been the person who's
giving the advice.
3rd one.
This is the addition in the hadith.
The heart of the hypocrite.
And I'm not talking about hypocrite in belief.
Hypocrite in practice
and reject.
May Allah protect us all.
Knows and reject.
You know this is not right,
and you were doing it. I'm sorry. You
know this is right, and you are doing
it, and then you've
And and you always have to ask yourself
why did I change?
I had this discussion with somebody one time,
and they were telling me they always were
in tragedy, and
then they disappeared.
And I said, what happened? I asked my
guy, I said, I'm gonna ask this question.
It's gonna be a tough one.
But think of it.
Why did a boss Pan Tala
doesn't wanna see you
in the first
on everybody that has known in the last
And the answer was, at least they were
truthful. The answer was,
one word.
That's what I heard.
So you did.
I did.
And then I changed. That's what the most,
one of the most frequent drama of Rasoolani
was The one who change hearts,
keep my heart steadfast.
Don't you be
lured. That's all, alhamdulillah,
look at me. Here I am. Allah says,
Quran. I do this. Don't you don't know.
Nobody is saved.
Nobody is saved.
That's why you keep Asumu'u'llah to keep you
on the straight path. The 4th one is
the sick one that I just shared with
you, task 2.
one goes this one and one goes this
The signs
that your heart is pure, Now that I'm
gonna give you, and you grade yourself.
put the 12, and here I think I'm
gonna give you only 9. Pure heart. If
you have this, you have a pure heart.
I I don't care what people think of
If I have this, then I say to
people, you don't know
What? He knows. Number 1.
He or she,
that person,
that you have a pure heart, the true
heart, the subject.
dunyaal akhirah
that person lives in this dunya as if
they are living in akhirah
Lives in this dunya as if they are
living in akhir as if he is in
Jannah, and
I'm sure you're thinking so how am I
gonna live here?
This is exactly what he's saying. Takes
from dunya
what he or she needs
and the focus is
have you seen this example recently?
In case you wonder,
how can this woman,
how can this woman or that man,
when he looked and he see his 3
children and says, make sure you send Salaam
to Raswa alaihis father,
Haven't you seen that one?
SubhanAllah. He's crying.
Human beings.
No one,
but the
and effort. I just saw an interview. There
was one man who was assassinated
very recently,
and they brought his,
interview not that long.
You know what he said?
He said, I lived all my life to
be a martyr. I'm so surprised I'm even
that age now.
He was assassinated.
The reason
we are finding this difficult or it's hard
for us to practice because we're focusing
on it. The answer I just told you
I heard from that person. It's the dunya.
Meaning, practically.
When you put your to do list or
what I'm gonna do today, what I'm gonna
do tomorrow,
Ask yourself one one question.
Put it in that list.
Where is Allah
and where is the akhirah in there?
Take care of your children, take care of
your beauty, take care of your home, who
do your job, everything, but don't forget
this all
should come
into my rescue on the day of judgement
I chose this job
not because I love it. I chose this
job, Yalla, because you love it.
I let go of this job
or of this thing, whatever is this thing
is, not because I don't like it or
I can't get it,
but because it's not pleasing to Allah.
Are you all with me?
You're tahlaan dunya.
Don't make this dunya is your
because I will
be pulled out and away from Allah. So
as Rasul alaihi salatu wa salam said this
to say to Abdullah ibn Umar, the son
of Umar, radiAllahu anhu, he said,
write that down.
Live in this life as if you are
a stranger,
or you are a passing by traveler.
You live, let's say, in Hawaii,
and your plane,
you were for work or job or visiting,
right, coming from the East Coast, and your
plane landed in California,
and you have a 6 hours day over.
This is our daily life. Right?
Do you build a house in California?
No. Do you focus all the time around
on it in California?
My house is
That's where I live. That's where I'm going.
This is what he meant.
You are a stranger
or a traveler.
Don't focus on here,
because you're gonna leave it
sooner or
later. How many times in this week, just
think of this, how many years of people
die in your heart?
Young and old and everything.
Subhanahu Wa, my friend,
she sent me a picture and says, oh,
that's my relative. I said, oh,
he just died.
Sitting all together
at dinner.
Right? Healthy, joking, talking, not everybody. Guess what
He choked and died
in front of his hand.
Stand on.
Here you are.
I don't want you to get depressed, but
pass, but I want to us all, this
is what does,
bring balance.
Bring balance between this life and the hereafter.
I'm not staying here forever. Live as if
you are
a traveler,
When you park to travel,
always think of this, when we park, actually
we're not gonna park.
Someone will park for us.
What do they put with us when we
travel, when we go?
Number 2,
that your heart
is sound. This is gonna make you feel
very good,
When you are sinning,
you've just committed a sin, you just disobeyed
the law,
the heart will keep reminding you and making
you feel guilty.
And keep nagging till you change.
That's the difference between the sick and the,
You're gonna feel so bad.
You know when you hurt someone you love
and you feel so bad? Did I see
That's when it is when you disobey your
path. The heart will keep reminding you, reminding
you that you've done it,
don't despair,
but go back to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
Then you have a sound heart.
You don't accept sins, let alone and I
on everybody. And I keep reminding, talk about
Fajr, because it's the hardest one on everybody.
What happens
when you wake up?
How many of you feel bad?
Alhamdulill said, so if I don't feel bad,
you are ready.
I felt bad,
When they miss
an act of obedience, not this is only
worship, act of obedience.
Are you ready?
Question. Yeah. The pain they feel,
the pain they feel
is more than the pain
when they feel if they have lost
the dearest thing to them.
exactly. Exactly. First time I read this I
remember I was like wow,
and then I start
the feeling of when someone use something,
for for for it. Right?
We lose the phone, what happens?
Right? Panic.
It has everything. It's my life. You don't
know about all this. I I was like,
then somebody comes in, what's in Icloud? Okay.
Just go and buy another one. No. No.
You don't know. You don't know.
The feeling.
Is that the feeling when I miss my
Let's alone every day.
I think the message is clear. Number 4.
This is beautiful. How many of you have
been very hungry in Ramadan? You're feeling dizzy,
and very dry. You Allah, how much left?
You see this? Do you know this feeling?
And you start counting, and you're putting the
bait in front of you, alright, and waiting,
and Allahu Akbar is this.
See the feeling? That's why I wanted you
to feel the feeling. They say
the person,
the true heart,
the pure heart,
that person
and want
the act of obedience to Allah more than
that hungry person wants the food.
So there's 2 things. There's feeling of of
pain for losing,
and there's pain of longing. He had these
2 sons
that you love, love, love. You long.
Now remember, Al Qusareem, true.
You say Allah,
it's a lower time.
My private interview with Allah.
private talk with Allah,
then yes.
Again, I said it in the beginning, it's
the top.
That's the goal.
I'm gonna share this with everybody. Don't say
I can't do it, because I am not
gonna do it. You know who will do
Who will do it?
I wanna heal it.
Why? But why he is not yet doing
it to me?
He's capable, yes or no? Yes. Why he's
not doing it? That's right. Because I'm not
serious in wanting it.
It's on my priority.
Is it?
Is it my priority in my list priority?
You'll make my salah the best salah today?
Or let's make deal with people around me
today in the best way that pleases you.
So that's number 4. Number 5.
How many things you have to worry about
Just give me an answer.
Like you're thinking, I have to do this,
this, this, this. Right?
Some people say, oh, you don't know how
many things. I thought, I can't even think
of it. Right?
I have to go grocery, I have to
do this, I have to pick up the
kids, I have to clean the house.
I'm listening.
Have only one thing to worry about.
and that is
obedience to Allah.
I'm gonna go for the grocery. Yeah, Allah's
gonna make it easy. I'm gonna do the
curve in my way. I'm gonna look at
all the creation of Allah, say subhanallah, if
you don't have time Allah will make it
easy. I'm not gonna find parking Allah will
make it easier did you see me? Are
you with me? When you said they are
always in dhikr, that's what I mean you're
always connected
You're connected with the source, and the source
will make things easy.
I'll give you an example how Allah Subhanahu
Wa Ta'ala operates. This true story happened to
me, and this is my last trip.
So I changed my flight
to another day. Put whatever that is. Okay?
And I normally, when I am in the
plane, rarely speak with anybody. It's my downtime,
I wanna be with Allah, I'm normally next
to the window, look at the creation of
Allah. You know?
As I have sat,
there was in the front of your family,
and they were asking a young man about
it. The only thing I heard, sure, and
the young man picked up his things and
came and sat next to me. He had
a beard, but he didn't say, so
I don't know. Is it Muslim or not?
normally I'm the last person to board the
plane. I don't like boarding early.
Don't ask me, I want to make me
board early.
So I'm sitting, so people are coming. Right?
It's here, so people know me, so they
are, you know, saying salaam, everything. And the
last thing before we took off the lady
in the same line looked and says, inshallah,
this is gonna be a very safe, blessed
trip you are with us.
Then here's a young man, 23 year old,
didn't say a word, then he looked at
me and said, are you famous?
So I know I'm used to this because,
you know, all the young people wants to
be influencers.
I said,
I don't know. You can check me
what did he ask me next?
Now, this is related to what I'm gonna
what I have been sharing with you this
morning. What do you think he asked me
next? He said, can I ask you a
I said, sure.
What do you think the question he asked?
23 year old
student. He said, what do you advise me?
I'm drifting away from Allah.
And I said, why are you drifting away?
Why are you saying this? He said, because
my salah is not the same as before.
And I said, you are sincere. He looked
at me and says, how do you know?
I said, because Allah made me change my
Come here early.
You changed your seat,
brought you next to me,
made all these people come,
me, gave you the courage
to ask me,
gave me
the desire to answer. Usually, I don't.
The answer
made you check, and the most important thing
gave you the courage to ask me the
tough question.
We went into detail, but then he gave
me his name.
That's when you are
worried about Allah.
You see why I shared this story? It
made my day.
The whole trip,
the whole trip,
I was like, so I'm gonna be,
what does this young man has with you?
That you brought him next to me?
When you are worried about the law,
he will operate
to give you what you want.
The problem is
it's not our priority.
This man
was his young man, because I asked him,
23, very want to do family
has everything.
He was worried about Allah,
and his relationship with Allah, Allah brought to
So don't tell me how.
Don't tell me it's not gonna happen. Then
you don't know Allah.
You want it?
He's gonna give it to you. We'll wait
in the right time. Oh, I know how
long this young man has been struggling. I
didn't ask. There's a long discussion after that,
but the most important thing is what I
wanted to share. The last one is
That's the biggest thing we ought to talk
about these days.
He or she, a person not too hot,
so worried
about their time
that is being wasted
getting him or her closer to Allah and
closer to what pleases him.
You look at your time, everybody, young and
old, when you spend 3 or 4 or
5 hours
on social media,
then the Khalu Saleem is has a vision.
If you're telling me I'm on social media,
I'm serving Allah
in everything, then absolute.
It's it's it's very unlike,
very unlike.