Hacene Chebbani – Oaths Vows And Expiation

Hacene Chebbani
AI: Summary © The history of Islam is discussed, including the use of "ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham
AI: Transcript ©
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handler salatu salam, Ana Ashraf, Mohammed Radha adios iVh May, we had to start late because we change the time and people don't pay attention to the new timing are used to come here at eight o'clock. But anyway, today insha Allah will be talking about a man and another Kenny oaths and vows and their expiation in the Islamic Sharia.

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And these are two different chapters, and sometimes they are together in one chapter, it depends on you know, every fucky every album has its own methodology. But basically amen is the plural world of Li Amin. And if you mean means in Arabic, the right hand and this oath was named Idi Amin, because it was the habit of the Arabs whenever they make an oath of the promised each other something they would shake hands. So it was called an amine. Allah subhanaw taala called it le amine or a man in the Quran, like Africa, como la who we love with a monocle. So these are of an Islamic flick. It means to confirm something by mentioning the name of Allah subhana wa Taala or one of his

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attributes. you confirm your plan, you confirm something that you want to do in the in the future, or you confirm any information you are telling someone about something that happened that took place telling him about an event and he wanted to you want him to believe you. You want him to believe you then you mentioned the name of Allah subhanho wa Taala include the name of Allah subhanaw taala or one of his attributes in your statement, and that would be an oath. So you would be swearing by the name of Allah subhanho wa Taala but basically, we know hamdulillah This is basic knowledge many people know about it that swearing by other than Allah subhana wa Taala is not permissible. We are

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not allowed to swear by any thing other than the last panel data or one of his names. And this is a sin in Sharia. So Lhasa Selim said in the famous Hadith Anna in a lie and hakam and tally who we ever come from and can holophone fell we will lie odious mode. So also Lhasa Salem said in a famous howdy Verily, Allah forbid you to swear by your father's that was maybe the habits of them, some of the Arabs at the time of Rasul Allah assylum. These to mention their the names of their fathers when they want to make an oath. So Rasulullah sallallahu taala told them at the time, you're not supposed to do it. If one of you has to take an oath, then he should swear by Allah otherwise he should keep

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quiet, it's better for him to keep quiet. In a different Hadith he said, Man, Hannah for the very life of Ashok. So he said, Whoever swears by Allah, then he has committed shirk. Now, here we have to be careful.

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This is a good example. A good example, about the fact that small knowledge or a little bit of knowledge, a little bit of knowledge could be very dangerous is someone who would read this hadith and think right away that the person who does something like that becomes a mushrik Yeah, and he becomes a non Muslim. The owner maybe said this is schilke Azhar This is minor shark and minor shark or minor Cofer does not take the person out of the fold of Islam, he does not become a real mushrik he does not become a Kaffir a disbeliever in Allah subhanho wa Taala. So minor Cofer or minor ship is a sin. It is a major sin, and also Lhasa Selim used to I think he used this term a shark to

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encourage people to stay away from it, not not to swear by anything other than Allah subhanho wa Taala. And this expiation of this oath, the aroma, the said is to make a Safar to make Toba to Allah subhanho wa Taala you don't have to pay anything. You just have to say that in the in the law because there is another Hadith, in which Rasulullah Salim said man halakhah for Carla be happy healthy he will he will Rosa folia Kula ilaha illAllah Hadees he didn't say that he becomes a catheter because if he becomes a Kaffir he would also say that he should say la ilaha illAllah Muhammad Rasul Allah, but here he's saying he should say la ilaha illAllah. Whenever whoever amongst

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you swears by Latin and Rosa when making an oath a Latin Rosa there were two idols that he used to be worshipped at the time of Jerry Lee before during the pre Islamic era. One of them was in the area of Makkah and the other one was outside the city.

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So as soon as I saw him, he said whoever swears

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in his oath and makes a mistake in his oath by saying, My alert and Elisa, when he should say la ilaha illAllah. And that will be the kuffaar of this mistake. He's not supposed to pay anything in this hadith is in Bukhari, and Muslim. So the rule here is swearing by one's father, one's mother, by the life of the prophet SAW Selim. This is, by the way, a common mistake. Why yet and maybe they say people, we say why yet and maybe we're here only a warrior.

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These are common mistakes in our community in different communities. I don't know in the other non speaking Arabic communities. I'm not sure but I'm talking about my community. This is very common. This is a common mistake. people swear by the life of their mothers by the life of their fathers, by the life of Prophet Mohammed, Salah Salem, or the name of Jesus or any other creation, anything other than Allah subhanho wa Taala is not permissible and it is a sin. And this is a common mistake that when you hear someone

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saying something that you should correct them, we added Yanni,

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you have to be kind, you should correct them and tell them this is not permissible in the Sharia of Islam.

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Basically, there are three types of oaths. In general, there are three types of oaths. The first one is a Leo moon and Leo Amina Hamas. It could be translated as the engulfing oath, and this is very dangerous.

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Lindell, Rhoda mahalo sumiya to Hamas and the anatomy su Sahaba. Outer Musa Sahaba. Now

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he said, the roadmap we said it was called the engulfing oath because it's either immerses The one who says it

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in in sin he becomes sinful or it immerses him in Hellfire and as Allah Salama will have here. So it is a to swear by Allah that the person did or did not do something in the past while deliberately lying about it. So he's lying about it on purpose, he knows that he's lying.

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He knows that he's lying. And it has two levels. The normal engulfing

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oath when you give false information to other people, it is yummy in kariba, it is removed. But this is very similar. There is another yameen that that goes to a higher level, where you use this year mean this hole to take the property of someone else. So there are two types in the first year mean you don't take the property if anyone don't take their money. If you don't, you don't hurt them. But you give them wrong information. You tell them well, I traveled yesterday to marathon this town, and you know that you didn't make this trip. So this is your main caregiver. But it's not like the one that you make. When having a dispute with someone else financial dispute muscle, someone gave you a

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loan, and you stand up in front of the recording and recharge and you say well, I didn't take anything from him. So this is yameen harmos. And also license lm said Sahiba, whatever it may not, or will either be on camera. So the person who makes this oath to take the property of another Muslim will face severe consequences on the Day of Judgment. And he is a promise to have a severe punishment on the Day of Judgment, unless he makes Toba and, you know, returns the property to its owner, rightful owner, and make still but that's a different story. Well, nahata, Allah Allah, but it is a major sin turla he said, le amin and Hamas is a major sin who should not use the name of

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Allah subhanho wa Taala while lying, or saying false information, giving full false information to other people. The second type of yameen is called the Lia meenal monaka, the inactive oath and it is to willfully swear by the name of Allah to do or not to do something in the future. And you're talking about the plan here.

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sha Allah will lie I will do this and this and this. I'll give you $500 or I will do this or read this from the Quran, or I will fast Mondays and Thursdays next week. And he plan something to do in the future or not to do I will By Allah, I will never do this. Okay, this is something you're not giving any information about something that took place in the past. You're talking about future plans or

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you know,

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So the ruler, man, he said here, if, if a person breaks this oath, then he has to make the expiation, and we'll talk about different types of expiation at the end. Can you had the plan and use the name of Allah subhanaw taala and your oath, but you didn't fulfill that plan, then you have to make an expiation and sometimes it is not a sin to break your oath. We'll talk about it. And because this is another common mistake, many people think when you make an oath, you have to fulfill it. No, sometimes maybe you have to break your oath, or you need to break your oath for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala to do something better. So it's not always a sin, to break your oath. This is a

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common mistake that we'll talk about it today inshallah, but this is called Le Ameen Almanack VEDA, the enacted oath, when you have the intention to make an oath, you're talking about the plan, and you have the intention to make an oath to confirm this plan. The third type of oath is a Yemeni level, the mistaken oath.

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And the mistaken oath is to swear the first type of this mistaken earth to swear about something thinking that it is a such what a reality it was not as you thought. So you tell someone will lie. It was raining today early, for example, based on your knowledge about the forecast, you read about the forecast last night, and you thought that it will be raining today in ursery, so you made an oath, use the name of Allah subhana wa tan, how do you mean low? What does it mean, it's a mistaken oath, you don't have to pay any expiation, if you know that it did not rain in earthly today. There is nothing wrong with it. And he didn't mean to lie,

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by you thought that it rained in early today. So he gave him some information based on your previous knowledge, but he turned out to be different, then you found out that it was not the case was not as you thought. So here there is no blame on you. And there is no expiation that is due for this mistaken of the second type of Yemeni level the mistaken oath is to swear by the name of Allah subhanaw taala with no intention of making any oath.

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It is part of your daily speech there are people who have the habit to use the name of Allah subhanaw taala with every statement well are you go first? Well, you come here and sit down here while I eat this. I mean, this is a habit that it's not good. But this is near me and Allahu Allah subhanaw taala will not punish you for this yummy because you don't have the intention. Or Allah subhanaw taala will not impose any blame on you because you don't have the intention to make any oath. They just have the habit of using the name of the last panel data is not something that is appreciated in Sharia. But is not a sin. Because the last time caller said como la be love with a

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monocle precision Sora tillbaka well I can you can be my cassava Toluca. So in Surah Baqarah, two to five. He says Allah does not impose blame upon you for what is an intentional in your oaths, but he imposes blame upon you for what your hearts have earned? Or does it mean when you have a plan and you have the intention to make an oath? here now Allah subhanaw taala if you break this oath, then there are some consequences that you have to pay if to deal with some consequences. But if you use your meaning level, then Allah subhanaw taala is forgiving and forbidding. Because at the end of the day, I will low or fortune haleem allies forgiving and forgiving Willow to Allah Allah.

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There is another safety clause that you can use in your oaths to be in the safe sight to say insha Allah. If you are not sure about yourself, if you are not sure about your future plans, so the older man he said when the oath contains the safety clause of saying in sha Allah, then the person will not be guilty of breaking his oath. That means he doesn't have to pay anything. And he's in the safe side. What is the proof is the howdy to prasun license lm man Halifax a mean in fact Allah insha Allah Allah May Allah This is a hadith from rasulillah Salam rotimi do you have no matter when they say, he said whoever swore an oath and said insha Allah. Then if Allah wills if Allah wills he would

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not be guilty of breaking his oath if he breaks it. So he doesn't have to pay anything. He doesn't have to deal with any expiation

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So if you add insha, Allah, the owner man, he said, this clause has to be connected with the first statement, you don't say inshallah after one hour or two hours. Okay? This is the opinion of the majority of scholars will allow to add on, both statements have to care come from the same person, yeah, and you don't say something. And then your friend or your companion will say, insha Allah, then keep quiet, you don't say anything.

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This is not

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an exception for you to your statement, your statement is not, you're not in the safe side, which means, if you break your oath, you still have to deal with the consequences, because it is your friend who said insha Allah, not you.

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And they said, it has to be clearly pronounced, the intention of making this exception is not enough is not sufficient is not accepted, you have to clearly pronounce this exception, or the safety clause of saying insha Allah.

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What if a person swears an oath to do something, and then he thinks that there is another action that is better, another course of action that is better. And he he makes an earth note to to give any sadaqa to so and so.

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And then he would think about it again and say, I mean, it doesn't make sense giving sadaqa is always good, maybe I should give him soda. This person

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all Avi didn't have a good relationship. So he made this statement. And then he changes, he changed his mind. So here he is allowed to break his oath, and give that person sadaqa. And he but he has to pay the cafaro he has to make the expansion. As I said, we'll talk about it. What is the proof is the Hadees of Rasulullah sallallahu he was talking to a man of new Sumeragi Allahu anhu. And he told him what either hafta Allah meaning for eita Hydra Hydra minha for Kasper and he emika what the lady who hire habitual Buhari or Muslim. So he was talking to a man who Samarra are in salatu salam, talking to other men who Sumeragi Allah who I know. And he told him whenever you take an oath to do

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something, and later you find that something else is better, it's a better choice. He said, then cafe near Munich experience for your oath, and do what is better for you. And this is one of the common mistakes in our community, that people think when they make an oath. That's it. They are not supposed to change it unless they are forced to or they don't have a choice or No, it's okay. If you find another a better choice, then pay the cafaro make the expiation and do what is better for you or your family or your community. Now, what is the expiation of a valid have? We said if the mean is Ramos, someone is lying. And it's engulfing oath. He has doesn't have to pay anything. It is a major

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sin. But he doesn't have to pay because it is not an accepted oath. If someone is has made a mistaken oath, yeah. And he he made an oath about something thinking that it is a search. And then he found out that the story is different. It's a different case. But he didn't mean to lie, he made the mistake that he had, he doesn't have to pay anything. There is no cafaro for this oath, or it is his habit to use the name of Allah subhanaw taala all the time. He doesn't mean he doesn't intend to make any both, then he or he doesn't have to pay. Now we're talking about a valid oath, which we call the Lia mean and monaka in Arabic, or the enacted oath. So Allah subhana wa attallah told us

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about the Kapha in Surah tema Ada in Ayah 89 he said, Alfredo como la Villette, Wi Fi a monocle This is in salted Merida. Allah will not impose blame upon you for what is meaning meaningless in your oath and he doesn't have any meaning. What can you do can be MCE to a man but he will impose blame upon you for breaking what you intended of oaths.

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This is in the same ayah 89 in salt in Marietta, and then he said for cafaro to itama shiratama sakeena made out of the Moto three Muna aliko there is another common mistake here. People whenever they break an oath, they think about fasting three days. This is a big mistake, because Allah subhanaw taala did not give us the choice of fasting till the end. And this is this is very clear in this ayah if you check this ayah and Sora telma ada 89 it will go to fasting right away. No, you have to follow the steps.

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The last part that I mentioned. So here he said fucka Faraj to Amash era t Misaki. And I mean also the metal Taemin and Ico, LP swear to him out Raka Allah subhanaw taala is imagining here the first option, but within this first option is giving us three choices. Within the first tap, or the first level, is giving us three choices. The first choice is to feed 10 needy people from the average of that which we feed our families. Yeah, and it doesn't have to be expensive, it doesn't have to be very cheap.

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If you spend less than the average of $10 for your lunch, or for your dinner, that would be the value of your cafaro and you need to feed 10 people 10 different people is not enough to feed one person 10 times

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because Allah subhanaw taala said Ashura Misaki he said you need to feed 10 people 10 needy people. And this is the first choice. The second choice is to close them.

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We'll talk about the criteria or the measurement of this clothing. And the third step is to free a slave.

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But we don't have slaves these days, so it's not an option for us. Then Allah subhanaw taala said femoral Lamia, Jeet fossa, Yarmuth lF at a year I mean, but whoever cannot find or afford it, then a fast of three days is required. And that is the expiation of oaths. When you have sworn that it can conform to a medical either half term.

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Fine. So we have the food as I said, and it's enough to what is the value of this food. The minimum value allowed to add an item is 1.5 kg of rice or wheat.

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This this is the minimum

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1.5 kg is like the kafala of bringing a fasted Ramadan if someone was sick, or has the suffering for permanent sickness, and he's not able to fast and he has to pay for each day, this value this amount of food. And oh, sorry, older Odom and he said it's better to make it a full meal, either lunch, or, or, or dinner. So the minimum value would be 1.5 kg kilogram of rice or wheat. And then it's always better to make it a full meal with some meat, some juice, you know, turn $15 allowed to Atlanta, but we'll talk about the money now about being money paying it in cash. Now the second step or the second choice, which is clothing. They said the owner you give them enough clothes for their prayer

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to be valid. Any one hats is not enough

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to give him one pant is not enough. So the clothing that you give him has to be enough for him. For his prayer to be valid. For a woman, you need to give her a hijab for Asia with a femur because she cannot pray without covering her head. She has to cover her head. If you are giving some clothing to a woman.

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Men, yeah, and he doesn't have to cover his head. But at least you give him enough clothing for his prayer to be valid Voila.

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Are we allowed to give to give them money majority of scholars he said Allah, Allah mentioned food and clothing, he did not mention money so you shouldn't give money.

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In the Hanafi school of thought they said it is permissible to pay them money to give them money. And the conclusion will allow to Allah Allah as it was made by some scholars, they said you try your best to offer this cafaro in the form of food or clothing. If you are not able to do that, like here is very difficult to find sometimes 10 people who need some rice or wheat it could be difficult here. It could be easy back home in many countries, but here it could be difficult. So you can give them money or you send it to a relief organization and you tell them this is a fire at me. And then you have to take care of it. They have to buy food and give it to those who are in need in different

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countries. So the owner Maddy said this is the conclusion This is the best opinion. They say you try your best to pay it in the form of food or clothing the way las pantalla mentioned it in Sora Dilma ADA, if you are not able to do that, then it is enough. It should be fine to pay cash for la husana.

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Now about the fasting, the there are two opinions about fasting these three days.

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Are we supposed to fast them in a row?

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consecutively, or we can spread them out. So the best opinion we're allowed to add on him is to fast them in a row. Unless someone had an excuse, he only had to travel or he became sick after the first day. This is a valid excuse, he can continue the next day. Like he had to break the first the next second day, he can continue after that if he has a valid excuse. If he didn't have a valid excuse, it is better for him to repeat the fast and fast them consecutively in a row, and that without any interruption, and that would mean shall accepted from him. How do we know when is the person is unable to feed or buy clothing?

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when the person is

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when is he went? When does he have the right to say I'm not able to feed and not to buy any clothing, I'll just move to the other option which is fasting three days.

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So the majority of scholars majority

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if we believe that if a person has more than what he needs for himself and his family within 24 hours,

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and what is left after that is enough to feed 10 people, then he has to feed these 10 people that could be very difficult for some people who are poor, not for most of people can afford actually to pay the cafaro for 10 people. But in case there is person who has enough for 24 hours to feed himself and feed his family and the rest is enough to pay the cafaro for 10 people they said there's no more majority of scholars. They said he has to pay this this this money

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which could be very difficult in this case if someone has only something left but for a few days and then he has to pay it as far as the opinion FEMA Mushaf it is a little bit different is more merciful.

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A mama Chavez said if the person is deserving of the cat like he's faqeer

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or miskeen is deserving as a cat then he doesn't have to pay anything he can he has the right to move to the next step which is fasting three days like Matheran

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someone what is the criteria or what is the How do we know that the person is faqir? the roadmap he said if his income is less than 50% of what he needs for the whole year, he needs 20,000 to cover the basic expenses for the whole year. And his income is less than 10,000. He needs 20 his income is less than 10,000. This is a faqeer and he deserves to receives a cat and miskeen someone who is better than this faqeer his income is more than 50% 60% 70%. But he still is not enough. He needs 20,000 his income is 15,000

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he still is sure to have that 5000. So he's miskeen is not here, but the second one deserves Zika too. So the email Shafi he said if a person deserves to receives a cat from other people, then he's faqeer or he's miskeen. And he doesn't have to pay the cafardo offer the kafala in the form of food or clothing, and he has the right to move to the other step to the next step which is fasting. Three days, this is more merciful. We'll learn how to honor

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now let's talk a little bit about the new vows and then if you have questions, we'll we'll leave them till the end inshallah.

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Another is different than OAuth and Nether and most of the people when they talk about another of the sadness of the use the Zed instead of th or d h in Arabic is Nether because the Quran the Quran use use the word another or another. So with that, but when it is translated in in books, in English books, they usually people use the letter Zed I don't like it because people will not pronounce it in the right way.

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People keep keep saying NASA, NASA Missouri, but in Arabic is never

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okay. So another here which is vow in English is to make something which is not obligatory and obligation upon yourself.

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Due to some occurrence Yani are facing some conditions, some hardship or without any hardship. He just thought about making another to our last panel and making a vow to obey Allah subhanaw taala to make it calf in the message

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One night, too fast one day to give us another car to slaughter that we have for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala or do something so it's a little bit different than an old

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old you may he can he can make an oath and say well I will do this and give this sadaqa but in another you don't use the name of Allah but you say oh a vow to lillahi Allah yeah I promise Allah even the word promise is not clear is not used directly in a new zoo. When you make another

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translation the English word is vowel in Arabic to Leila Elena throne and Pamela Cara. You know it is making it an obligation upon myself to do this and that would be a kalu Elsa mukalla Fimo Macari nafsa eBay that an Li lei Li Zi Mattila obviously Shara It was not an obligation upon him, but he himself decided to make it obligatory upon himself. It's his choice. This way the owner man he said is not is not good. It's not a good idea to make another if you want to make a T calf make a calf without making any Nether. If you want to fast,

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fast without making any Nether without making any vow if you want to give sadaqa give sadaqa without making any vow because if you make a vow and you are not able to fulfill it or you don't fulfill it, then this is not something this is not something that is appreciated in the deen of Allah subhanho wa Taala

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Allah subhanaw taala told us about a bad law silent in the pious people who will receive the reward of Jannah on the Day of Judgment, one of their c fat you funa B neveri, where half moon a woman can Usher Rahul Mustafa era. So in certainly in Santa Claus, Allah told us about those who will deserve gender on the Day of Judgment. He said there are those who fulfill their vows. So if you make a vow, we are not able or you don't fulfill it. There is not something that is appreciated. In the deen of Allah subhanho wa Taala it could be a sin

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and the fear a Day who's evil will be wide spreading.

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And also nice SLM in a famous Hadith. He talks about the qualities of the first three generations. They said, they are the best of this oma, the first generation, the people who lived with him, and those who come after them, and those who come after them. And then he mentioned they are the rest of people. And he mentioned some bad qualities. One of them he said, you young una una be never, we would make vow, but they will not fulfill them. One of the qualities of the people who will come after the three first generations. So it's not something to make a vow. It's not something good to make a vow and not fulfill it. And that's why it's so nice. I sell him said men never annuity allow

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for you to hold women never any arsia hoof lirc This isn't Buhari, he said whoever vows that he will obey Allah, Allah to Allah will perform an act of Riba, then he should remain obedient to Allah subhanho wa Taala should fulfill his vow. And who ever made a vow that he will disobey Allah subhanaw taala then he should not disobey Allah subhanaw taala he should not fulfill his vow. Now talking about conditional vows, what are conditional vows, these are very common, very common and and then also last, I seldom advise the oma encourage the woman not to do them. These conditional conditional vows, and they happen when a person says if a luck use my son, then I will fast method

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in two months. If Allah subhanho wa Taala cures my mother, I will pay

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$100 methanosarcina $100 is not a big deal. But there are people who make crazy vows crazy vows I know someone who said if Allah subhanaw taala fulfill my wish, and give me this and that I will keep paying. I'll pay the half of my income or my salary for the rest of my life. That's a crazy vow. And then Masha Allah, he became professional, and his salary was his income was big. And then he found it very difficult to to fulfill the vow even is accounted for the difficult to calculate his donations and, and he felt like he's not paying he's forced like he forced himself to pay the sada you shouldn't force yourself. And this Watterson law says in him said in another live cut the movie

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and now you have the higher mcadory las panatela from Las panatela is planning to give you

00:34:57 --> 00:35:00

what you want, he will give it to you with a union

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Make the statement this vow or you'd make it if Allah subhanho wa Taala did not write this, this name out this bounty or this risk for you, He will not get it. So there is no point of making this vow. So that's why as soon as I said him, he said in another ally

00:35:18 --> 00:35:22

What are you a hero in them I used to be nurserymen Elba Hill.

00:35:24 --> 00:36:01

He said evolve neither hastens nor delays, anything can he doesn't hasten the color of Allah subhanaw taala if Allah subhanaw taala did not write for you to get married with someone so you will not get married with her. That's it. Just forget about it. You'll be you'll get married to someone else. Because Allah did not write that you will. He did not decree for you that you get married with so and so. Right. So this was me saying it's a pointless, don't make it. They never used to hurry up never even behave, he says but by making this vow, some of the wealth of the miser will be taken out.

00:36:03 --> 00:36:09

The miser Why is a miser because you're alive. You do this for me, I'll pay this. If you don't do it, I'm not going to pay you.

00:36:11 --> 00:36:19

So that's why I said in a minute, up Mina Alba Hill and this hadith in Bukhari and Muslim.

00:36:20 --> 00:36:22

Now how about vows

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regarding things which are not legislated in Sharia,

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and he thinks that are crazy, crazy things but they're not legislated as, as an act of a bird or an act of obedience. We have a good example that took place at the time of Rasulullah. Saw Selim, they said the IDF in this had even sooner libido while the prophet SAW Selim was delivering a horrible sermon, when he saw a man standing, and everyone was sitting down, listening to the prophets, I saw them and this guy is standing outside. There was an opening or a gate or a soloist and was able to see him standing outside under the sun, the heat of the sun. So and then he asked about him, and he told him he's able Israel, his name was Abu Israel. He vowed that he will stand and never sit down.

00:37:20 --> 00:37:22

I don't know what his explanation of this.

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He vowed to stand and never sit down. He will never come in the shade.

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Nor speak to anybody.

00:37:34 --> 00:37:57

He vowed not to speak to anyone just keep quiet for his I don't know what is the reason of this well, and too fast. The last one makes sense. It's an act of a bother and to fast, sort of homeless hustler Karla Rosalyn, he was talking to a man he said Mourinho fairly ethical ammonia Seville, when he called when you Tim masama,

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soulless, SLM, he said, Tell him to speak. He doesn't need to make this weird, this crazy vow, tell him to speak. Let him come into in the shade and make him sit down. Will you Tim masama Whoa, and let him complete his fast. So this is the only thing that makes sense, which is fasting is really bad. But the other things don't make sense at all. Standing up and no, and not sitting down or not speaking to other people, there is no reason for that.

00:38:33 --> 00:38:48

So you are not supposed to fulfill this kind of vous type there. The owner Matt, I've mentioned around seven types of vows. I'll mention them very quickly now. And then we will give you a chance to ask some questions if you want to before and mark.

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The first type of another is called naturally jash alleges.

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When someone is angry, it's called a vow of anger when someone is angry, and he wants to stop someone else from doing something. Or he wants to encourage himself to do it. And he's excited and angry. And he said, I will do this and this for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So he really doesn't mean to make any vow to Allah subhanho wa Taala because he's angry or he's excited, or he wants to stop his brother or his mother or his wife from doing something. He's making this statement. So the earlier they said, this is not another and he takes the ruling of a yameen over an oath and he doesn't have to fulfill his vow but he has to pay the cafardo and the conferral of

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another is the same afara of an oath the same. You know the feeding 10 people clothing them, freeing slaves or if you cannot afford these three things, you move to the next step which is fasting three days. So this is the ruling of this nother this craziness. The second one

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Under a PA

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at the vow of obedience, you say, I made a vow to fast three days for the sake of Allah subhana wa Taala this month, if Allah Subhana Allah Qi accused my brother or my mother, or I have to pay sadaqa then he had that you have to fulfill this well.

00:40:20 --> 00:40:25

You have to fulfill this role you have those three days or repay the sadaqa

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code in the visa sell them another annual fee Allah for you to whoever vows to obey Allah Subhana Allah then he should remain obedient to Him. subhanho wa Taala This is number two, another part of obedience.

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The third one omnipotent mover him and move him ambiguous, the ambiguous vow and he doesn't mention anything. He says I will do something for the sake of Allah, what are you going to do?

00:40:53 --> 00:40:59

We don't know. So have another move. And there are people who make these kinds of statement.

00:41:01 --> 00:41:27

Some odema they said, you need to make a photo take a photo of me to follow me. So cafaro to never either let me use a mark a photo to your mean. This is a hadith hasn't decided the kuffar the expiation of another one it is not named. She's not named this the hadith of Rasul Allah says Allah, yeah, and he the person does not mention anything. He doesn't mention the sada or fasting or the vihara or anything, then it is the same expiation

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you know the, to be like the expression of an oath to Allah Allah.

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Never in Masia and mercy is someone who would who vows to,

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to drink alcohol or to disobey Allah subhana wa Taala or to hurt another Muslim or to cut the ties of kinship with his family members. Anything that is a Mercia here the family said layer helluva obey. It is not permissible to fulfill this kind of vows because it is an act of disobedience. He cannot vow to disobey Allah subhanho wa Taala and many ruder Modi said he has to pay the same expiation cafaro tulameen, Allahu taala. Number five, another MOBA, Yanni our ride this camel, I will dress this

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you know, we're this close this garment, I will go to visit this town if Allah subhanaw taala give me this, this is permissible, this, these are not active for obedience. These are permissible things are things that are permissible to do and he should you know, another MOBA kalu, higher fee Nazarbayev affair or Turk, Malka, fara, you have the choice not to fulfill the vow because it's not an act of obedience.

00:42:50 --> 00:43:21

And you can you can break this vow and pay the kuffar will low to Allah Allah. Another worship, we said, is the vow to perform some obligatory acts of a burden, some obligations geometer evolved to Allah subhanho wa Taala, to praise five daily praise. You don't need to make a vow for this. Because it is an obligation upon you to pray the five daily prayers, what I vow to Allah subhanho wa Taala I vow that I will fast in the month of Ramadan for the sake of Allah.

00:43:23 --> 00:44:00

So you don't need to make this vow because it is an obligation upon you to first the month of Ramadan. So they said he has to he has to pray and he has to fast and lies he will be he lives up and there is no expiation if he breaks, it's a maaseiah. If he doesn't pray the five daily prayers, it's amalthea he has to pray, has to take care of his prayers. They said there is no explanation here will love to Allah Allah. These are the seven types of vows will love you to Allah. She's Acoma Lohan. And we have 10 minutes before we pray. My mother is 1038 30 today, right?

00:44:02 --> 00:44:07

So we have 10 minutes before the karma if you have some questions, yes, rather

00:44:12 --> 00:44:22

the time limit so summarize my dissertation for alpha zero alpha and whenever it's possible for you to pay it, you should pay it. You shouldn't delay it on purpose.

00:44:25 --> 00:44:42

No, I said the antimo higher you have the choice to do the first one or the second one or the third one. If you can't afford any of these three, then you move to the other step which is fasting three days. So you have the choice and then

00:44:43 --> 00:44:44

it only one thing

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that would be very difficult to do all three.

00:44:50 --> 00:44:59

salaam aleikum, wa rahmatullah in case your logical affair does the cafaro have to be paid specifically to just Muslims

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Can you give the kafala to non Muslims?

00:45:05 --> 00:45:14

video is paid specifically to Muslims. Well I this is good question and I believe that you can give it to both to

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to Muslims and non Muslims but this is something that they will need to confirm because when it comes to freeing the slaves, many scholars they said you can free a non Muslim slave

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because Allah subhanaw taala did not say

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he did not say I mean a believing slave, and they are in some other ayat Allah Allah mentioned that he has to be a movement. So what I believe is what I believe is that it is permissible to give it to a non Muslim, but I just have to confirm it. Because it's it's like a sadhaka Allah tala Adam Zakat we we usually give it to Muslims, if they are Pokhara and needy. In some cases, we we are allowed to give it to some non Muslims in some cases zakat.

00:46:03 --> 00:46:08

But anyway, this is what I believe, but this is something that they need to confirm. Yes.

00:46:14 --> 00:46:17

Can you fast, see consecutive days?

00:46:24 --> 00:46:27

Can you What can you fast or feat

00:46:29 --> 00:46:31

as an insurance policies?

00:46:36 --> 00:47:09

Yeah, you just feed in case Yeah. And you you break method and one of your oaths and you're not sure about it? Yeah, you can do that, too, to be in the safe side. And he thought maybe you made an oath and you didn't fulfill it. So it's better to feed 10 days, not fasting, if you are thinking about an oath, they should give some other power to 10 people feed 10 people. As I said, you don't move to fasting you don't go to the option of fasting, unless you are not able to afford to do the other things.

00:47:13 --> 00:47:13

That you

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love to do something in that case what should you do?

00:47:21 --> 00:47:27

If you do it? If you do it, yes, if your father tells you

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makes an oath, asking you not to do something and then you do it then he has to fulfill he has to pay the expansion.

00:47:39 --> 00:47:44

For not for not fulfilling the wish of your father.

00:47:46 --> 00:48:05

It depends if your father asked you to do something that is not that is Muharram then you have to disobey Him because it is a mercy you cannot obey your father and disobey Allah. But if it is an act of obedience or something good for you for the family, he should fulfill his wish because your father the obedience

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obedience of your parents kind is part of our kind treatment to our parents bedroom every day.

00:48:18 --> 00:48:26

You know when it is permissible when it is hella good for you good for your family or it is an act of a bad then you should do it.

00:48:28 --> 00:48:30

Yeah, god

00:48:38 --> 00:48:55

yeah for for breaking multiple oaths. Okay, if the oath is about the same thing. So by Allah, I will not eat this food. By Allah, I will not eat this food by Allah, I will not eat this food, about the same food.

00:48:56 --> 00:49:43

So it's enough to if you break your oath, and you ate this food, then it is enough to pay only one cafaro even though you're taking the oath was repeated three times but it is about one thing. But if the oath is about multiple things, so by Allah, I will not eat this food. By Allah. I will not spend the night tonight in my house. And by the night I will not travel tomorrow too early or too just to me. And then you break all these you break all these Earth's, you ate the eat from this food. You change your mind and you went to your house. And tomorrow you went to chess to me he will have to pay three car for us. So you have to feed 30 people

00:49:44 --> 00:49:45

30 people

00:49:46 --> 00:49:59

because three multiple things. You see the difference? When the oath is about one thing, and he's repeated, it's okay. It's only one Earth one cafaro if it is about multiple things,

00:50:00 --> 00:50:09

Then it is every oath for every oath you have to pay a cafaro for one cafaro which is as a feeding 10 people

00:50:17 --> 00:50:45

yeah, if he has the intention to make an oath, this is the criteria How will distinguish between me and allow mistaken oath and the enacted oath and among arcada if you have the intention to make the oath then it is monarchy that you have to pay the kafala if it is a mistaken of you just said it because it is your habit to mention the name of Allah then there is nothing upon you, you got it now, and you know yourself you know our intention.

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00:50:51 --> 00:50:58

mahisha fara, there is no cafaro for Yemeni Hamas it is a major sin will Hamas the engulfing

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oath when when the person is lying on purpose, while using the name of Allah is a major sin and there is no cafaro for it. The only kuffaar is to make Toba and is still far and if someone took something from another Muslim through this mean, through this oath, then he has to give it back to his brother, this is his job and he has to make this too far. And he has to have a firm intention not to do it again in the future.

00:51:30 --> 00:51:32

When he was okay and he

00:51:34 --> 00:51:35

can he liked his wife.

00:51:42 --> 00:51:49

Yeah, very interior, there is an exception without using the name of Allah. There is an exception if you

00:51:51 --> 00:52:03

if you are trying to fix your relationship, improve your relationship with your wife You are allowed to use to lie to give some false information. But don't use the name of Allah.

00:52:07 --> 00:52:14

He doesn't mind my message now. Just to be in the safe side, don't use the name of Allah. She tells you then,

00:52:15 --> 00:52:17

then it's a different story. You are in trouble.

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00:52:29 --> 00:52:37

if you break the vow, to Yanni you make a vow to to to obey a lot too fast within a few days, and he didn't fast.

00:52:38 --> 00:52:42

There is a California and the same caffarelli they can follow me.

00:52:47 --> 00:52:52

Yeah, for all vows, but we said there are different types of vows

00:52:55 --> 00:52:56

the same cafaro

00:52:58 --> 00:52:59

saying you follow the same steps?

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00:53:11 --> 00:53:12

And then you smoke again.

00:53:21 --> 00:53:22

Could you say it again?

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00:53:35 --> 00:54:24

If you break if you break your oath one time and you pay the cafardo, then you are not bound to observe this oath, because it was a broken anyway. It was a broken, you paid the cafaro then you are relieved from the first oath. But don't make another oath. If someone has a problem within a smoking problem, and he wants to stop smoking, instead of making vows or oaths, just have to have a firm intention not to do it. Think about any method you should think about the health no consequences or or consequences upon your pockets, mother losing money or the bad smell or this is just an example the brother is mentioning an example. This is an example. But sometimes he has people make oaths

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about other different things

00:54:27 --> 00:54:35

BNL about not watching watching some movies are not doing few things. If they break the old theater they have to pay the cafaro

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because it is yummy munakata There is no doubt about it. Yes.

00:54:48 --> 00:54:49

inshallah I will.

00:54:53 --> 00:55:00

We do what? Hush hush Yeah. This is not Neverland. This is even if it is never there is no question.

00:55:00 --> 00:55:23

afford it because this is an obligation. So, if you this is not another and this is not an oath, just a promise, you're promising a las panatela that inshallah you will do Hajj. And by the way, when you say in sha Allah, your oath even if you break your oath, you will not be guilty of breaking the oath of perjury, they call it Persian in English,

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the guilt of breaking your oath. If you say insha Allah, you don't know if you'll be able to make Hajji within three years or not. Right. So this is just a promise of the lemma. They said the promise a regular promise is not an oath and is not a vote. So you see the difference now? Yeah, there is another question from sisters here. The second door freeing a slave, instead of being a human being, can we free a bird or another animal? This is not something that Allah subhanaw taala mentioned in the Quran. So it shouldn't be an option. It shouldn't be an option because it's not something actually there is a hiccup behind freeing slaves because Sherry

00:56:05 --> 00:56:36

Sherry, I meant to free slaves. And that's why Allah subhanaw taala made it as a cafaro expiation for many since so many people will earn their freedom through this because it was a system that was established at the time for a solar cell. And Islam meant to you know, that people will earn their freedom through this this ways, different ways, but this is one of the Yes, the last question because you're gonna make a comma now or as adding a comma. Last question. No, we cannot keep people waiting. Yes.

00:56:41 --> 00:56:43

celebrate holidays.

00:56:47 --> 00:56:49

What kind of salary holiday

00:56:52 --> 00:56:54

birthday is not an act of shirk

00:56:55 --> 00:56:59

is not is not legislated in Sharia is not sooner, but is not an act of

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00:57:04 --> 00:57:10

birthday. Birthday parties know the URL Emily said you are not supposed to do them.

00:57:11 --> 00:57:25

Because they are not part of the sooner for Allah says Allah masala did not celebrate birthday, but definitely they are not. They are not an act of shirk, or celebrating the Mila. Definitely. It is bitter, but it's not an act of shirk.

00:57:26 --> 00:57:56

Someone was going to Mila the Navy to eat some food and talk about the Prophet Mohammed Salim This is not an act of ship, but this is beta. What is beta is an innovation, something that is innovated in the deen sola says lamb did not do it. The Sahaba did not do it. We should not do it. If someone knows about it, this is a beta and he does it on purpose. It can be a sin, it is a sin, but it's not an act of shirk. So we have to be careful about what is shirk. And what is not is that come along

Oaths Vows and Expiation in the Islamic Fiqh

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