Habib Bobat – The Islamic Calendar

Habib Bobat
AI: Summary © The history and cultural significance of the Islamic calendar is discussed, highlighting the shift towards the Arabic calendar and the importance of the Easter month. The Prophet of Islam's visit to Afghanistan is emphasized, along with the importance of learning from his teachings and planning for life. The importance of planning for life is emphasized, and the need for people to make plans to achieve their goals is emphasized. The segment also includes a brief advertisement for a tour of a cave and a tour of a cave with a woman.
AI: Transcript ©
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hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa sallahu

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wa Salatu was Salam O Allah Ashraf al anbiya wa l mursalin wa

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barakaatuh Allah for an image Eagle for corn and Hamid all the wilhemina shaytani r rajim Bismillah Ar Rahman AR Rahim in North Korea in the law is now Russia Russia Horan vikita

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Yamanaka algemene. Her home, Veronica Dino

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bacala Tara is your coup de saw heavy he has an in law havanna. So the call of nauseam

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honorable Allah respected elders and brothers.

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The month of Muharram signifies the beginning of a new Islamic calendar

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and just is the Jews, the Christians, the Hindus have their own calendar.

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Likewise, the Muslims also have their own unique calendar, which is called the hijiri calendar.

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And the hijiri calendar is just as relevant today as it was in the past.

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There are a burden of a Muslim revolves around the Muslim calendar.

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Yes, aluna carnian a Hindu hole here Mr. Tolin nurse you will have

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they came through Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and they asked him Olivia for law. What is the matter? Why do we see the wax in in the waning of the moon? What is behind that?

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The simple answer the Prophet of Allah gave

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that we use the moon to determine our ibadah and all other rituals that is found.

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A Muslim woman will complete hide according to the lunar calendar and not the English calendar.

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A Muslim men, a Muslim woman will discharge this car according to the lunar calendar and not the Gregorian calendar.

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And I need to emphasize here that those who are running businesses, as well as those who are discharging the person is the car. It is important to use the lunar calendar and not the Gregorian calendar.

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If the man has stipulated the first of shorewall as his date for giving out the car, then every year he needs to give out his car on the first of Shahar.

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He cannot stipulate the English calendar for discharging his car, he cannot say that the first of March I will give out my cell car. The English calendar cannot be taken into account simply because of the difference of days between the English calendar and the lunar calendar. So the lunar calendar is relevant today as it was relevant at that time.

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For those who are intending to perform Hajj for them to determine the day of arafah is important to follow the lunar calendar

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for Muslims throughout the globe for them to commence the month of Ramadan. They depend on the siting of the moon.

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And so we understand that the lunar calendar is important to a believer, wherever he may be, whether he's living within a Islamic State are not the lunar calendar still important for him to follow.

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Now I want to give you some historical perspective to the lunar calendar. It is known as the hijiri calendar. If you look at this historically, during the failure for former mahapatra, the a lot on who the governor's that were working under him wrote to him stating that oh lord Nepal, you send us orders.

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But we find it difficult to ascertain as to which order of yours came first, and which order came second.

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We request you to come up with some system where we can take our orders so that it becomes easier for us to relate to your orders. And it becomes easy for us to carry out those commands of yours.

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Say that you have called up the executive committee for sure.

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And he put the metal forward and he table this motion and he said to the people, we need to come up with some system in terms of our dating.

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So some Sahaba suggested let's go with the Persian calendar as it is already in existence. But Sahaba felt that it needs to have an Islamic flavor to it. And so let's come up with something that is more central to us as Muslims than before.

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It is at that time that Sahaba gave various opinions as to what should be the central theme for the hijiri calendar.

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So some Sahaba said, let's look at the birth of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi Salaam because that seems to be something significant.

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Some Sahaba suggested other events.

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Finally, it was agreed upon that we will use the hegira. We will use the hegira as a central theme to our calendar, and our calendar will be called the hijiri calendar after the migration of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam in the Sahaba

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language mine. It is at that point, which was decided to call it the Hijri calendar.

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Bear in mind that the the Islamic months were already there. Muharram sufferable were already there, which was still taking place in the ledger. People were still fasting during the month of Ramadan, but it was just a matter of bringing uniformity to the system.

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Now the question arises here, why was the event of hedgerows chosen for the calendar? I mean, there were significant events like the birth of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi Salaam,

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the Battle of butter, which was the decisive battle for Muslims, the petal of the Battle of hunted up and many other events like the changing of the Qibla there were many other events that transpired in the Muslim calendar. Why was it that the Muslims decided to choose the heater off for the calendar

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because his ra was the deciding factor at that time.

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It was compulsory, it was incumbent upon every person who was a Muslim at that time for him to make hegira from Makkah to makara mata Madina, munawwara

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and let's understand this from its historical perspective.

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As days and months went by the Quran became very brutal in the policies towards the Muslims. They made life unbearable for the Muslims. As a result, many Muslims migrated to Abba sr, which is known as how the Shah

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later on. Later on Allah subhanaw taala sent out relief in the form of the unsought of Medina. If they accepted Islam, they pledged their support to Rasulullah Salallahu alaihe salam, and they requested the prophet of a law to migrate from Mecca to Medina to munawwara.

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After Divine Decree the Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gave the order to the Sahaba that now the Muslims should migrate from Mecca to Medina to munawwara.

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Many Sahaba made the hegira individually as well as collectively.

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Likewise, Satan, Abu Bakar, to vote on who came to the prophet of a lion, he said, I want to hear from God give me ijazah Give me the permission to migrate Madina, munawwara the Prophet of Allah said, Don't be in a hurry, oh, Vicar of law will country companion just wait for the moment. I want you to follow the details of the journey because I want to draw lessons that we can take and implement in our own life today insha Allah.

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I saw the amount on hand the rates, that without failure, the prophet of Allah would visit our house on a daily basis. It would either be in the morning, or it would either be in the evening but he came to our house every day.

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She says the day when Allah gave the permission to migrate to Marietta to munawwara the profit of a law came to our house at an odd hour.

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He came to our house at noon,

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at a time when people are generally not out of the house.

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When I go back to vote on who saw the profitable work coming towards the house, he said to Ayesha, Surely there's something important that has come up. There's a pressing need which has pushed the profit of a lot of his outs and to come visit us at this hour of the day. The Prophet of Allah enters the house, he greets the inhabitants and the first thing he says to avocado villalta Allahu removed from my presence whoever is here at the moment

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of a worker of the lotano said there is nobody in the house except my two daughters, a smirk and I shall do a lot on humor.

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The Prophet of Allah said Oh, boubakeur, Allah has given us the permission to migrate to Madina, munawwara

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and subhana wa aboubaker was tearing he was in tears.

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of joy, because this meant that aboubaker was going to accompany him on the hegira and aboubaker do tala know tell him that Olivia from LA I have prepared two camels of the best breed for this journey and for this occasion.

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And the next thing they do is they hire out a guy. And amazing. The guy was a non Muslim. He was a Muslim.

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They hired a guy to take them to Manila to munawwara. They told Abdullah bin or a thief who was the Michelin Guide that year our two camels, you keep them with you, so handlebar how much of confidence he had in him. And when we tell you, when we inform you, you should meet us at a certain place in a certain time. He agreed. In the darkness of the night. They made the exit out of Macau, and they go to the cave of food.

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They camped there for three nights.

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And look at the planning of Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, the family of Abu Bakar the obatala, who played a very pivotal role in the hegira of Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, his son of the law being a be Becker.

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He was an intelligence officer. During the day he would collect information in Makkah and he would listen to what is happening. And during the night he would go back to the cave and inform the prophet of allowing his father as to what's happening in Makkah. On a beautiful North today the Croatia plan India decided on this. So he was providing intelligence. His other daughter a smarter to vote on her also played a very pivotal role.

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She provided the food for the journey.

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And later on, I'll discuss what an important role she played in this journey.

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The slave of aboubaker the low tide and who would bring the herd of sheep at night, and he would provide mode to the Prophet of Allah and meat to them.

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The call is made in muckety, muck Rama, that who ever finds Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam dead or alive for him is 100 camels. And this third of the greed within people and they went out in pursuit of Muhammad Sallallahu sallam.

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So Robin Monaco also followed and the incident is lengthy I'm not going to go into it. But eventually the Prophet of Allah sallallahu Sallam leaves mocha mocha Rama and he uses an unusual path to go to Medina to munawwara and his final moments looking at Mecca and the Kaaba and he said yamaka Toma October came in better than what I have, but la Lola and Acoma, Accra junie Min Ki llama second to Hauraki omaka You are so beloved to me with a teary eye is looking at mechanism. You are so beloved to me. Had it not be in the oppression of my people. I would not have resided in any other part of the world except you omaka with a heavy heart He lives in mocha Rama. He passes food

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aid at the residence of Marlboro to Malta. He goes to Cuba he spends few days in Cuba. He establishes the first Masjid Mr. kuva, which also panatela speaks about in the Quran. Lovers children Osama taqwa mean over to me I have put under Puma Fie, Fie region, a Buddha takaharu Allahu Akbar hearin. Allah speaks of this in the Quran. He finally comes to Madina, munawwara and people are excited.

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People are excited to receive Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, the young girls started singing for the Albert ralina menthone. Yet in VEDA, the prophet of Allah said a lot Islam is welcome in this manner in Medina to munawwara this is the journey of hegira I want to draw some lessons for us today.

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And I want you to look at the Prophet of Allah not just as a prophet Subhana Allah, He taught us so many valuable lessons. Look at the detail planning of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam in terms of executing his plan.

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First of all, he visited Abubakar rodeo logged on and who at an odd hour.

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In one duration, it is mentioned that the prophet of award wrapped himself in a show he covered his face and his head so that people could not make our booties.

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He kept this mission secret, besides the house of God a lot on who and earlier to multilotto nobody else knew of the mission. This tells us that when you are executing important tasks in life, you need to take all these measures into account.

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Number two, the profit of a law firm hired and experienced

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For the journey, he hired a policy as a missionary Abdulla retreat as the guide.

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This tells you that at times you require the expertise of others in life, you can't do everything on your own. he relied on the expertise of others also, indeed our coolest day.

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But look at how the Prophet of Allah taught us how to rely on almost panatela. He took everything possible in his own capacity. Number three, he appointed an intelligence officer Abdullah bin Abu Bakar, who would gather information during the course of the day, because he needed to be aware of what is happening. This is my plane. But what if the plane changes in Makkah, I need to be away. And accordingly, I need to adapt and make amendments to my own planning number for the total of aboubaker asthma. gras played a very important role in the journey. She would provide the food for the journey number one, number two, when she returned home about johal and a few people of courage

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came knocking at the door of Abu Bakar. And he asked, Where is your father? She replied, I do not know. He gave us such a severe blow. The third earring also fell down. But she did not give on any information. Had she given out the information of the whereabouts of Rasulullah the entire mission was compromised. So

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her grandfather comes into the house and he says he was not a Muslim at a time he says to her, surely Your father has caused you financial difficulty has taken all your wealth. She said no, no, my grandfather, she too quickly few stones and she put it in a bag and she said to the Father, look, place your hand here. He left so much behind us, Allahu Akbar.

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Women have played an integral role in the making of the Muslim society. And they continue to play a pivotal role in today's society. We cannot marginalize them. We cannot bar them. From the very beginning. Look at the lowdown on how many other women that played a pivotal role in the mission of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam Nobu. It started in the lap of Khadija de la Donna Anna and ended in the lap of eyeshadow, the lowdown on how it started with the lady and ended with a lady. How can we marginalize the women of Panama. Another important lesson, he took an unusual route to Medina Subhana Allah Allahu Akbar. Today it is a highway boat on that the hegira Express. But look at how

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much of planning the profitable law put into this journey. He is teaching us as the oma law Kanaka to be the Prophet of Allah said, There is nothing like wealth planning. This teaches us as believers, whenever we are preparing for anything in life, whether it's spiritual or non spiritual, we must play to the best of our abilities.

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Because the Prophet has taught us people say to our cool, I want to ask them this question. Look how much of planning the Prophet of Allah did. That is the meaning of tawakkol. tawakkol means to do whatever is in your capacity, and then to leave the result in the hands of law, that is the meaning of tawakkol. And so you find in the in the cave, when the mushrikeen were looking for Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, Abu Bakar became anxious. And he said on the behalf of law, there's a man standing here, if he has to look down, they will support us and the mission is over. And this is what the prophet of Allah is teaching the Amata wakulla. After taking all the measures into account,

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he tells a worker

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in Nevada, don't worry, as long as with us, he first did what he had to do. And then he said lies with us. A while made the spider spun a web on the mouth of the cave. And a peach had to lay an egg. And so the soldier says to himself, if there was somebody here, this web would not be there, and this egg would not be in here. And naturally he left the cave and he went away.

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So brothers, yeah, we learned so many lessons. And there is why the hegira has been the central theme of the Islamic calendar. May Allah subhanaw taala give us the understanding in conclusion, there is another hegira to be made today but others.

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Aloha Giroux man hotjar ohata, Yahoo, a Mahajan, a traveler is that person who makes his journey from one phase of his life to another phase of his life

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where he abandons the life of sin and vice and evil and he makes his draw to the life of obedience to Allah subhanho wa Taala we all need to make a draw. We all need to make the sacrifice

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Ice and allow will open the doors for us. It's about time that we look within our own life and do some soul searching, we need to come on to Salah, we need to come on to Oran, we need to come on to Vicar. We need to come on to the obedience of a law and the last person will see the new or in the Baroque have a lot in your life.

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So Panama. So let us make this intention, just as the Sahaba made the hegira which became the focal point for the Muslims today, you and I need to make the hegira for the sake of a law so that tomorrow our records can be amongst those who are pleasing Allah subhanaw taala Marlena Isabella

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