Abdul Nasir Jangda – Seerah 021 – The Prophet Marries Khadijah

Abdul Nasir Jangda
AI: Summary © The Prophet system is discussed as a source of pride and love, with the mother in marriage and the mother in marriage being important. The importance of doing business in a way that is not monetary is emphasized, along with the use of money lending and the importance of empowering people to take advantage of opportunities. The speaker emphasizes the importance of learning about business ethics and working in a steady and profitable life, as well as showing respect and engagement in marriage. The historical significance of "vanityually" is emphasized, along with the importance of pursuing a career in a sex industry.
AI: Transcript ©
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hamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah Allah Allah, He will be admiring

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shala we're continuing with our Sierra, our series on the Sierra the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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In last week's session, we actually were talking about the Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam coming to the age of marriage, and the profit of a loss a lot asylums, very

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entertained or was approached by a few different proposals. Some of the books have seen I'll talk about this. But the very first serious proposal for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that was proposed to him and he was also very serious about it was the proposal from Khadija the Allahu Allah. We started off by talking about the career the life the the professional life of the prophets a lot Hmm. And how he was a businessman by trade, and the prophet of a lost a lot. he undertook a couple of very serious business journeys early on for howdini radi Allahu Khadija been toilet, a very wealthy businesswoman in Makkah at that time.

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But the only way for her to be able to invest her money was to engage in a business practice that is called mudaraba, where basically somebody invest money in somebody else puts forth the effort or the energy the time. So and this is actually a system of doing business that the profits a lot less and I'm advocated much, much later on then into Medina and period, once the Islamic State was being established, and the profits a lot of a sudden was now educating the Muslim woman in the community and even business ethics, the prophet of Allah salatu salam encouraged the practice of mudaraba. And I wanted to talk a little bit about this, at the beginning of this session, I didn't address the

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last week. So you know, from all phases and all aspects of the life of the prophets, a lot of them even pre Nobu or pre Prophethood. There's always something for us to learn and for us some something that we can gain from the life of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam in general. his very first experience of doing serious business was he was a young man, in his early 20s. He did not possess any wealth, of course, you know, he was an orphan his father had passed away. Before he was born, the man who was his guardian, and his caretaker of Utah, there was a poor man himself, a very respectable, very dignified man, but just wasn't very wealthy at all. So the prophets, a lot of them

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didn't have any money to start off a business with. And I talked about this last week about how the profits a lot of a sudden basically started off by doing business where, you know, initially, first, who worked with another individual aside, had been beside him. He worked with him as agents, if you will. They were brokers. They were agents, where they would kind of connect the wholesaler with the retailer, and they were the middlemen. And once they made a little bit of money with this, but still to be able to do serious business, where they were going to Syria to sell goods, and they were bringing goods back from a sham, to sell back in the jasmine in Makkah, they needed a lot of

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capital, they didn't possess it, the profits, a lot of them didn't have it. So how was he going to go about doing this business?

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Well, the prophet of Allah sallallahu Sallam went to work for somebody, and it was a partnership. And that partnership is the arrangement that even the ancient Arabs, they called the modaraba, where you have two sides doing business, one side with the money the other side with the actual work, and then they share the profits accordingly, depending on how vital the work or the money is to that particular business, they will split the profits accordingly. And the profit or loss allottee some decades later, when you would give the Shetty I when he would outline this idea to the Muslims and the people and eventually the oma worldwide, the prophet of Allah salon ism emphasized and

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encouraged the practice of Moldova.

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And if we looked at a that actually is the answer and the solution to the situation that we see in the world today, you see in the Islamic code of ethics and in in physical morality in the Islamic view of doing business, money, wealth, anything of monetary value, currency is not a commodity is not a merchandise itself. Therefore you really can't sell money.

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And so the whole practice of money lending that we have today that is at the core and the root of much of the world's problems today, you know, the whole 1% occupy this and occupy that the whole 1% this whole fiasco, this catastrophe, catastrophe that we have in our hands, it happens due to money lending, because money lending allows the rich to become richer and the poor to become poor. And that's the essence of the that's the core of it. Because you sell the money to somebody who doesn't have money versus that what Islam advocates Islam doesn't allow for money lending the practice of the profits of some of the

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Some of the profits are some Disha Dr. Muhammad Ali Salaam says no money lending. Yes, you can take loans, but he does not encourage the taking of loans. The prophets alarmism himself took a loan to show us that it's permissible. JOHN is moved by the Jews. It's permissible. But he didn't encourage In fact, he used to ask Allah subhanaw taala for protection from falling into that a lot of my India was becoming a mother on me with me. He used to seek refuge you would take refuge from a law, you would ask a law firm for protection from falling into debt. And so while it's permissible, the process of did not encourage you, in fact, discouraged it, as this drive this application of the

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processor that some of the way I'd say the process of use and say this at the end of his Trisha hood in every single salon.

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This is from the area of the morning and evening. This is from the morning and evening. supplications so he discouraged even the taking of loans, then how are things going to work? What does somebody who has a lot of money more money than he needs? What's he supposed to do with it? I understand there's so that I am charity, but Islam doesn't tell us that we just have to give our money away for free. There's nothing wrong with investing your money and making more money out of your out of your money. I mean, that was a practice of the Sahaba of dry mouth man. Oh no, I thought they were extremely generous man. They were very very charitable. But at the same time they made

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money. I mean, it's mentioned during the khilafah I believe of Amina macatawa or madam no I found for the Allahu Allah. That Abrahamic now for the Allahu anhu one of his business caravans arrived back into Medina and the city of Medina granted was a lot smaller than it is today but still that business caravan. It was so huge they were just bringing the merchandise

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that they had purchased in a shop and they had brought it to Medina to sell in the Hejaz region that their whole caravan was so huge that the front camel was on one end of the border of the city of Medina and the last camel was on the other border across. That's how huge it was. And there's a very beautiful story which shows how they while they made money and they had money they weren't attached to their money. He showed the loved one who heard a lot of commotion so she looked outside and she saw this huge business caravan. So she has somebody should have Who is this for who does this belong to? So somebody told her this is a member of his business. This is his merchandise arriving his

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inventory. I showed the loved one who goes after him and went out for the long run when she congratulates him she says martial law a lot of you know your merchandise just arrived and definitely congratulations. Looks like business is going well. And then she said Do you remember what her salon salon is? I'm told you

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Do you remember what he told you?

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That one time the Prophet of Allah salon he said him when he was giving the the the good news of paradise. When he was giving them Bashara of Jenna, he was giving the good news of Paradise he was congratulating the genetti Sahaba that Congratulations. You're going to go to Jenna aboubaker unit, ineligibility. samanya to enter to nadelman kaliba. There are a gates of Paradise in Your name will be called out from all eight gates. Or Omar I saw your palace in paradise. It was so unbelievably awesome. I thought it was mine.

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Except when I tried to go in they said no, this belongs to Rama.

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And then he goes on and on telling them different good news in terms of drama. And when he goes you will go to Paradise. That's your good news. But he said you're gonna get left behind.

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He says why or messenger of Allah? Why? Why am I going to get left behind is that drama? This is one of the only two individuals behind whom the prophets awesome has ever prayed.

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So this is an amazing man. So he says, Why the Messenger of Allah, why would I get left behind and he said because your wealth, the accounting,

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all the accounting of your wealth is gonna cause you to lag behind just a little bit. So she goes, you remember what the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam told you, that's all she says.

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eyes became filled with tears, he became very, very concerned. And it became very, like just just really he was hit by it, he was affected by it. And immediately he tells the people, the people working for him, he goes, I want you to take all of this, drive this over, just walked straight over to the base of the mountain until the fact that this is my contribution to the beta man. It's also the charity given away.

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So But nevertheless, the so I only told this right to demonstrate the fact Sahaba made money. So the Messenger of Allah sallallahu sallam, he had to give us a solution. How are we supposed to make money? What are we supposed to do? If money lending is not a practice? You don't lend more money for you don't lend money for more money, then how do we do that? What are they supposed to do with their money? Just give it away for free. No, you can make money. And then the practice a process I'm emphasized was called modaraba. Where you go into business with somebody who's got some skill, who's got some time who's got some energy, who's got some effort, but he doesn't have the capital. He

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doesn't have the money. You got a lot of money, but you got no time on your hands. You're already running 10 businesses.

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You got a bunch more money that you don't know what to do with. So inshallah first and foremost focus on giving Southern charity but if you are looking to grow your money and invest your wealth somewhere the process of said get into business together that way what happens that somebody else who had the skill and the talent and the drive and the motivation, you facilitate business for that person and both y'all make money together and if you lose both y'all lose together. This way, there's no one you know, in the system we have today there's there's no matter what happens the person lending The money will win.

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That person always wins without fail, that person will will win.

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And it puts the the the chances of losing solely on the other party, the one that's borrowing the money so this was the practice as soon as the profits a lot he said I'm this is what he emphasized to us as an oma, this is something we have to revive within our communities. And this was from the own early experience of the Messenger of Allah salani said something very interesting about the Prophet of Allah Salaam. I wanted to talk about this again last week, I didn't get a chance to talk about it.

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The Prophet of Allah sallallahu Sallam did business, he was a businessman. Something very interesting about Islam and the advice and the guidance from the Prophet sallallahu sallam. He doesn't give advice or guidance

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that he himself doesn't have experience of meaning it's always very practical. It's always very relevant in the process and was credible about whatever he talked about when the process and told us about family, he had credibility. He's an amazing husband, an amazing father.

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When the Prophet of Allah sallallahu Sallam told us about business, he had credibility. The one time the prophet SAW Selim recommended something to the Sahaba was about farming, cross pollination.

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He told him really, why do you do that? Why do you cross pollinate the date palms in the day trees and those don't do that sounds weird.

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And if you know he was just talking to sobre de la Juan Mata como rasuluh fuku manakamana, who Fanta who when he tells you to do take it, when he tells you to stop, stop. So he said, That's it, we're not going to cross pollinate.

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That year, they had a terrible crop. So they come back to the messenger of a loss, a lot of him and the CO messenger of Allah. We're having a lot of trouble with the crop of the harvest this year. You told us not to cross pollinate. And so we didn't and we ran into a lot of issues and problems, because I was just talking to you guys. I was just asking, like, why do you do that? That sounds weird. He goes and Tim Allen will be moody dunia calm he goes you know what you're doing? Go do what you're supposed to do. Am I supposed to know? Are you asking me go do what you're supposed to do.

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So the Prophet of Allah ceylonese him he wasn't a farmer. He had no experience in agriculture. So the process I'm wouldn't make recommendations. This is part of the Divine system, the guidance. That's why the Messenger of Allah Allah ism, qualifies us within Hazara. Otherwise that title wouldn't fit. So when the prophets Allah tells us about business ethics, the ethics of doing business, how to be honest How To be fair, he's not talking just out of nowhere, he's not shooting in the dark. He's not guesstimating.

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But rather, he's talking from a frame of reference, he has a concrete reference to where he's referring back to, he was a very successful businessman himself. And that gave him the ability to give practical advice. Similarly, when the Messenger of Allah Allah, Islam teaches us how and how to merge together a spiritual life, a business life and a family life. He's talking from experience, because this was a father, a husband, a messenger and a businessman, and a head of state eventually. So he talks from a very solid frame of reference he's credible. And these these secret lectures when we study the life of the process, I mean, it's not just to tell the story, but it's a really extract

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the lessons and to be able to practically implement implement it in our own life. One personal experience I have where I was taught a lesson through this example of the CETA of the profits along the phenom is a little bit something this is a bit personal, but something personal about myself is that I, you know, went to school, and after high school, I went overseas to go study.

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And when I graduated from my studies overseas, and I came back home, the fact of the matter was that I hadn't worked a day in my life.

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I really didn't know what work was like, like, even if martial law, somebody who's a doctor now, or somebody who's an engineer, or somebody who's a lawyer, somebody who's very successful, they got some stories to tell they got some real life work experience, even that is work. But you understand what I'm saying they used to flip burgers, or they used to change tires, or they used to make deliveries. They've done that type of hard work, to where they understand what it took to get to where they're at right now. I didn't have any type of real life work experience. And typically what happens in these cases, a lot of times that I'm not criticizing, I'm just stating the fact as it is

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that a lot of times you study overseas right after high school, or maybe you go during high school, and you go study Islamic studies for eight years, 10 years, and then you come back and then you become

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any mom of a Masjid

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And you come into that position of leadership, which is nothing wrong with it, it's actually great.

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But what ends up missing a lot of times is you don't know what the real world is like. See the Prophet of Allah, Allah, Islam didn't just wake up one day, he didn't just grow up to be an adult, and then all of a sudden become the Messenger of God. And then he was just preaching. But when the Prophet of Allah loves him was talking to somebody who's struggling and balancing out their business life, their professional, their business, along with their prayer, or they're struggling with balancing family time and work time, he's talking, he knows what he's talking about. He has real life experience. So what was very interesting was, even though I didn't understand it at the time,

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and many other people in my community, and locality didn't understand it either, was when I graduated and came back my tea, one of my main teachers in my mentor, he told me that when you go back, I don't want you taking right away. And this sounds shocking, I don't want you taking like any mom job or any mom position. I want you to give clip by when she gives lectures, I want you to run the youth group, I want you to do the work. But I don't want you to become a full time your mom right off the bat. Okay?

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Why what am I supposed to do, then, I mean, I got to make a living, I want to get settled down, I want to get married. So he said, I want you to go and get some type of regular job.

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And because primarily my qualifications, my credentials were Islamic. So like, I qualified to go work at it at a computer firm or an IT job or something like that, I couldn't do that. So I said, Well, the only type of job I'm going to be able to get his like laborers work. He's like, do that.

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And get some real life experience, know what it's like for people who just work

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and what that's like.

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And so 100 like, I did that for about a year and a half or so. And after that I taught at the university and eventually then, you know, working in the community, being any mom and educating the community. But during that whole time, I always kept up giving hope by giving lectures and stuff but it he said it's from the sooner from the life of the Prophet salani Center, before Allah subhanaw taala made him and a B, before last month, I gave him the Son and the Boo and gave him why he he first made him live a normal life. He made him be a businessman, he made him be a husband and a father and all these things. And then he gave him why.

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So that the message of what he when he would deliver it when he would preach it when you would teach it when you would help people live the life that Allah wanted them to live, he understood where they were coming from.

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He knew what was going on with them. He knew what it took to make it happen. And so that's a very practical lesson from the center the life of the prophet SAW the sun, the seed I hear that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam was a businessman. And then specifically, one of the things he benefited from was this arrangement of modaraba. And he saw how beneficial it was. And that's why he encouraged it. And that's what it's from the recommendations of the prophets, a lot of them that we implement the system of modaraba within our communities.

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Now the Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and I talked about this last week as well about how the process was first a businessman, meaning first he worked first he established at least some form of income, some way of being able to support his family, and then he got married. In fact, there are some narrations in some of the books of Sierra that he will when he was approached by his uncle, a boot on him asking him he said, Mohammed, you are of the age of marriage, marriage, wouldn't you like to get married? That the Prophet of Allah Salaam actually responded to his uncle by saying that first I need to make a living? I need to I'm not working. How am I going to support

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my family? Again, it's from the life of the prophets allottee some responsibility doesn't mean you become rich. We're not talking about $100,000 weddings, and we're not talking about $50,000 matters. We're not talking about that nonsense. That's what goes on today. But we're also not talking about the other opposite extreme where that's it. I have I pray five times a day, I can get married. Now inshallah, both of us are going to sit together we're going to make do i and i was going to send them video on you from the sky for us. Right? So there's, there's some practicality there's some sensibility, and that's from again, the life in the center of the profits along the center. So now

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the process of doing business and we talked about his business journeys last week, and how ethical how moral how upright, how honest how amazing he was, that the Prophet of Allah salatu salam comes back in the slave Mesa, who was traveling with the process of gives the full report to Khadija the process and to make more profit than any other businessman that had ever done business with had ever made before. So she of course, compensated him with twice the

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twice the commission that she had ever given to anyone before. And at that point in time, over time, she became very impressed with the character and the honesty of the prophet SAW Selim. She spoke to her cousin and her uncle about the prophets a lot. He said, I'm saying, what do you think about Muhammad and they said, We think he's an amazing man. He's great. He's very honest. He's very noble. He's very upright. You've done business with him. He seems to be very honest as well in business. And then he she speaks to her friend, Nafisa or nuface.

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be pronounced either way. And she speaks to him and says, What do you know about Muhammad?

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She says, I think he'd be great for you.

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So then she says, but how do I know if Muhammad is interested in getting married or not? If he would even consider not? So her friend says, Leave that to me. Let me take care of that.

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She comes to the Prophet of Allah salami, cinnamon says, Have you thought about getting married? And, of course, but who? That's everybody wants to get married. But who would? That's the real question.

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So she says, What about Khadija? Would you consider Khadija he goes absolutely he's a very admirable person. Good o'clock, honest, trustworthy, upright, you know, every quality you would want in a partner in a spouse.

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And at that time, the prophets a lot of him asks Nafisa the same question. How do you just friend He says, but how do I know she's interested?

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She goes, Leave that to me. Let me take care of that.

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And so this is how the deal is kind of worked out. She goes back to her de da de la Mancha and says Mohammed's interested.

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So Khadija de la Mancha, then talks to her uncle, there are some narrations. Now, here's a difference of opinion in the books of Sierra. The vast majority of the books of Sierra say that the brother and the uncle of Khadija or the loved one are the ones who oversaw the niqab, the marriage, the proposal of Khadija or the loved one for the profits along the center. And there is a small minority of some of the books of Sierra that actually say, No, it was Khadija his own father who aided.

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So there's a little bit of a difference of opinion here. Nevertheless, it's it's a very small detail. So they go to

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so now, Khadija from her family, they send the official marriage proposal, and they call for the prophet to license to come and meet them, meet her and meet the family and officially have the marriage proposal go through. Khadija de la Mancha addresses the Prophet sallallahu sallam. Now, this is a little bit of a different scenario, and even islamically in Islamic Fiqh in ficklin nica this has taken into consideration that a woman who's never been married before is primarily represented, and typically because of it's a very, you know, it's a it's a very challenging experience for a young girl who's never been married before. So typically just it works out that way

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socially. The father or the one he whoever the one, he might be uncle, older brother, etc, is the one who mainly speaks on our behalf and represents her and Nicole wise, like fick wise, it is the one who represents the girl but in our even in our fic, this is taken into consideration that if a woman is what is called a fake,

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means she has previously been married, either she's divorced or widowed. That's, that's besides the point. But as long as she has been married before, then she's actually allowed to represent herself. She does not require the consent of the lady and she can speak for herself. Because typically once a woman especially like Khadija would be a lot more unhappy. Who was we typically know the Sunday school answer is that the prophets a lot, he said, um, when he got married, how old was he, everybody? 25 years old. I call it the Sunday school questions, right? And how old was he these are the old one, how in the process of got married her 40. There is actually a very significant school

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of thought, like a group of scholars that are of the opinion that Hadith of the old man who was actually younger than 40, even cathedra him Allah Himself is amongst them, who relying upon the narration, if not best, or the Allahu anhu Allah says that the a lot more unhealed was in or possibly even early to mid 30s. So there is a significant school of thought, the more popular opinion that was typically written in the or that was present in the books of Sierra that became more popular was the age of 40. And there might be some truth to that. But nevertheless, there is a significant amount of scholars of this era of the life of the Prophet salatu salam that are of the

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opinion that naka de la radi Allahu Allah, may Allah be pleased with her. She was actually younger than 40 some go as far as saying there's actually a narration from Abdullah bin ambassador, the Alomar, Noma where he swears he says I swear by Allah she was not a day older than 28.

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So there are some opinions that say as as young as 28, but it seems to be Kathy Ramallah himself also says that what seems more plausible to me and more as a as a reliable, scholarly academic position is that she was around her mid 30s 3536, around this age will love what Allah knows best. But nevertheless, she was around that age of about 35 to 40 years old. And so she had been married. So she's somebody who's been married before. She's a middle aged woman. She's a very successful businesswoman. As somebody who's bit lived some life and very confident she was more than, you know, comfortable speaking on behalf. So when the prophet SAW seven comes for the marriage proposal, she

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actually addresses the prophets of Salaam. She says you have an army, she says

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Which means Oh son of my uncle. What that means is that's a term of respect. It's a term of respect or endearment, meaning by saying that and people would address each other like that, like when Musa alayhis salam is really angry and frustrated when he comes back. And he's basically lashing out at Harun his brother, how do Nani Salam addresses him by calling him? You have no own son of my mother. Right? So when you say a term like that, when you address someone like that, it's like you're showing respect to their father, to their mother, you have no holla T. Or you have Nami? Oh, son of my aunt, oh, son of my uncle means you show respect to their parents. Like when I meet the father of

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my friend, I address him as uncle even if he's not related to me. I call him Uncle because he's my friend's father. Right? So it's a term of respect and endearment. So she addresses the process of by saying gabinete me in the other two figa, Nicaragua, Nicaragua, tick, that I am interested in marrying you because of your relationships in your family, and how you maintain your relationships.

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Well, what's the GFI omega and how you are the best of your people? Well, Amanda Tikka and your honesty, your trustworthiness, we're hosting the photo picker. And because of your excellent character was typically Heidi thicker. And because of how, you know, honest, you are in your speech, you don't lie. You don't deceive. You're very honest, straightforward person, and that's why I'm interested in you now. So she addresses the prophets, a lot of them and then she basically says that, you know, therefore, I'd like to

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ask for, I'd like to basically propose to you I'd like to present this proposition of marriage. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam actually speaks about Khadija radi Allahu anhu as well. And the Prophet of Allah salatu salam refers to her as all sudden the site you'll also find this operation as urban that she is the most honorable and dignified of the women of brush when it comes to her family and her family background. Wow, the Muna shadow fan. And she's the most dignified and honorable woman of grace. And so the profitsystem also praises her qualities and her character and her honor and her dignity. So he also praises her a flock, her character. And at that point in time,

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the prophet of Allah salatu salam goes and speaks to his own uncle's speaks to his family, and says that this is the marriage proposal that I have. What do you think? And the uncles of the prophets, a lot of them, say, we like this marriage proposal, as long as you're okay with it, we're good with it as well. And so now they all leave together. All right, those who speak or do what's called the Bharath, right, so now they all basically leave together, and the prophets allottee. Someone's with them, and they say, hands are the loved one who, who was an uncle of the prophets, I'll send him but he was also his foster brother through milk. And he was very close in age to the process. And so he

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was always like an older brother figure to the process. I mean, he was very overprotective of the profits a lot. They sent him from the very beginning. So he's the one who speaks on the profits a lot on his behalf. And they they come to the house of Khadija where her uncle and one generation says that her father is there and hangs out on the alarm line who basically says that we've come here with our, with our son, our nephew, this this very, you know, cherished young man from our family, Muhammad, and we're here for him to be able to marry your daughter, your niece, Khadija binucleated rhodiola Juan Hmm. And at that point in time, the nikka goes through and they perform

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the nigga. Now, here is some interesting details that are mentioned in some of the books of narrations. It said that Abu Talib at the time of the nigga actually addresses the family of Khadija radi Allahu Allah and says, I want you to understand who this young man is. That he's Yes, he's very honest. He's very trustworthy. He's very nice. He's very respectable. But what I want you to understand is that he's very special at the same time. I want you to understand how much work how much effort has gone into taking care of him protecting him and raising him. His father died before he was born. His mother died when he was a child. His grandfather, the great leader of our people,

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raised him for as long as he could. And since that day, I've been raising him. And we all everybody who's come into contact with these young men knows one thing, there's something very, very special about him. So I want you to understand that when when this marriage is niqab takes place that you people are receiving basically a treasure that he addressed a DJ and he goes you are marrying the most amazing men that I've ever known. I love this man. I love this young man like a child like my own son. But there's something very special about him. So I want you to understand his blessing.

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Some of the books have narrations and I only mentioned this. Now this, this is, this is interesting. All right, that's usually a sign of, you know, maybe some issues or some problems to come.

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This is very interesting that I only mentioned this because of,

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I feel that there's a lesson in here.

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Some of the scholars in their books of narration in their books of Hadith, such as the man will be happy.

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In a booth ama and other scholars of the Sierra they actually mentioned this, that the Prophet of Allah salatu salam when this nigga was taking place of his with Khadija Radhika La Mancha, they say that the father of Hadith or the Allahu anhu was there, he was alive and he was present.

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Unfortunately, because it was part of the culture of that time, it said that, you know, Khadija about the Aloma and his father was drunk, basically, at the time, the whole nikka marriage was taking place it was going down, he himself was in toxic, heavily intoxicated. Now, this doesn't get in the way of the performance of the niqab, because Khadija are the one who was twice married before, she was twice married before she was a widow. She can marry herself, even by Islamic law, she could marry herself. But so some nations actually mentioned that the father who painted was actually quite heavily intoxicated at that time, and the marriage happens and the guy happens, the

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ceremony occurs and everybody's celebrating. And that's when he kind of starts to snap out of it. And he looks around and he says, What's going on over here? said, It's a celebration, it's party. It says, Yeah, I see it's a party. But why is there a party going on? So they say because your daughter is married? She married? What are you talking about? I don't know about this marriage? I'm not I'm not okay with this. But I have nobody asked me. I don't know about you. We're sitting here the whole time. He was just drunk out of your mind. And said that he actually started to kind of cause a little bit of a commotion. Now, why did I feel that this was of any benefit to mention? Just for

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anybody who's been through that situation? I trouble with the in laws is from the seat of the profits? A lot of them, okay.

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So the problem is a lot of us alone, is having a little bit of difficulty or with his father in law, okay. So his father in law kind of is he and he really respects the prophets a lot. He's like, Mohammed is a great young man. I love Muhammad. He's amazing. Nobody asked me though, right? So it's kind of that whole issue. And they're saying, No, you agreed, you accepted you were sitting here the entire time. He says, I don't remember. Is it when you were drunk? Or that was that our fault? That's your fault.

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And so finally, after throwing a little bit of a fit, and everybody getting very nervous, you know, you know, what happens if you've ever been around one of those situations, right? So you know, there's usually a kid crying in some corner, and somebody's mom is yelling at them. Right? And it's, it's a really bad situation. So everybody's kind of nervous and a little worried about what's going on. And then when he kind of kind of gets over the initial shock, and gets over whatever ego, you know, issues or problems he was having. He at that point in time, says, Okay,

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here's the compromise.

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He says that, if I agreed, which I don't remember, because I was drunk out of my mind. All right. I was hammered. But if I agree to Khadija getting married, then of course, she's married because I gave my permission.

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And he says, and if I hadn't given my permission, I don't remember. And all you people are lying to me.

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Then now I give my permission now. And now because I said, so now said he just married to Mohammed, but only because I said so. Right. And that's usually the case. All right, that's usually the case. So, word of advice to the youngins. All right, to the young people here. When you deal with a situation like that, it's usually just a little bit of

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an ego issue that's going on and you just gotta kind of smooth it over a little bit. All right, you got to put them in charge, or at least make them feel like they're in charge and you'll be okay to go inshallah. All right. And this was recorded, all right. So, but, so that's, that's one of the incidents that's married, that married that's one of the incidents that is mentioned from the marriage of the Prophet system to Hades or the lohana. But again, all kind of end all offered the disclaimer that this has mentioned only in a few in, you know, variations of the narrations of the Sierra, but it's not mentioned by the vast majority nor any of the major popular books of Sierra but

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it is mentioned in a couple of places. So I thought it was just worth mentioning. But so the profit so that nigga takes place, the the man of the profits allottee selling the marriage gift that the profits alarmism offers to

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These are the Allahu anhu at the time of their nigga, at the time of their marriage was 20 goats

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20 goats and some narrations actually say 20 camels.

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Alright, so there's both narrations are mentioned one says 20 goats one says 20 camels. Why is there that type of a discrepancy is very easy to understand because there are words in the Arabic language, which typically can refer to animals or livestock in general. So because of that, there's just a little bit of a, you know, variation there in some of the narrations, but it was 20 goats or 20 camels that the prophets Allah ism offers. So these are the Allahu anhu in the mouth as a gift of marriage, which, by the standards of that time, and this isn't an opportunity to talk about that, by the standards of that time. It is a respectable man, but it's not extravagant. I know that sounds

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like a lot of 20 camels or 20 goats, right? Like, man, that's a lot of money. Right? It's a respectable amount, no doubt. But it's not a whole lot. It's not extravagant either. Why? Because you have to take everything into consideration. That who the profits are lovely sentiments? Yes, the profits a lot. s&m isn't a very wealthy individual. And he doesn't come from a very, very wealthy family, meaning the man who raised him whose house he lives in, is not extremely wealthy either. But yet the profits are the sum is still from Bhanu Hashem, he's still the grandson of Abdulmutallab. I mean, he's, he's a very, very, like, respected, young, well known person in Mackay comes from a very

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elite family of mcca of Quraysh. All right, so he comes from the family, which is considered the leadership of all of Arabia. Similarly, Khadija laquanda is extremely wealthy herself, and her father is extremely wealthy. And they're also considered some of the leaders of their tribes. All right, so you have people of two very high standing in terms of their background, where they're coming from, you know, where they stand in society. And typically, in those types of families, when people would get married, the man will not be 20 goats or 20, camels, it will be more like 200 goats and 200 camels. So you see, it's all relative, this is an issue within our lien is sore off. And

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similarly, the,

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on the other side, stinginess, these are all relative terms, these are all relative terms, itself is relative. So when somebody who makes a million dollars a year, somebody like that when they drive a $50,000 car,

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that's actually relative, that's actually not I would be inclined, somebody asked me honestly, I wouldn't call that a soft. It's not just as long as that person meets that for our aid, then they do spend in charity, and they do give sadaqa. And they practice what they're supposed to practice. It's rough is very, very relative.

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Alright, so that needs to be understood. There are certain points in time when it can go beyond that, because it's sort of by definition is spending a little extra on a need that you have to beat is to spend without need at all. So when I have eight cars, that's the V. That's not permissible in general.

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All right. But if I make a very, very good significant amount of money, it's just the blessing of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Like somebody who's in a position, like after a human being, all right, when I got married, and it comes to the mercy of the Prophet system, the process of season, he's got saffron rubbed all over his shirt. That's very, very expensive, by the way. That's like taking like a $2,000 bottle of Odin, like kind of dumping in rubbing it all over your shirt. All right, that's very expensive to put it into some terms that we would understand. All right. So he's wearing a very, very nice shirt that has saffron rubbed all over his outfit on. It's got rubbed all over it,

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that's that that's like 1000s of dead homes rubbed on his shirt. And the process of sees him. And the thing about saffron is he would wear a white shirt when they got married. And saffron was like orange, yellowish colored, so you can see it on the shirt. And that's why the Hadeeth mentions of the human being off came in the middle of the process. I mean, he had saffron rubbed all over your shirt, because you could see it rubbed on the shirt and the process I met him and congratulated him and everything and didn't say what's his doing on your shirt? What's wrong with you?

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Right, he didn't he didn't he didn't reprimand him. So we see from the Sunnah of the prophet SAW Selim as well and from his approval, that what a Corrado. That means it's part of the sooner that is rough is very relative. So for the profits, a lot of he seems to be giving a 20 camel 20 goat mouth to his wife is actually very, very balanced. It's very balanced. It's very modest. He's not giving something extravagant because the families of grace when they would marry, they give to 300. camels. Asthma is very modest math, but I think I might say I specifically mentioned that it is a respectable amount, though. It is a respectable amount. And that's also part of the some of the

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profits all of a sudden, mad, which is minimal mad is for situations where somebody doesn't have enough to give somebody has nothing to give. You know what that Hadeeth? Were the process of said ra just teach her some of the peran. That's you're married to your wife? Yeah, that's because he was poor. Alright, so the stingy guy that gets married today and he says yes are mad as I will teach our students in the class. Right? Yeah, you're being stingy. Now. All right. That's bad. You supposed to give a respectable amount that's from the son of the process, and they gave 20 camels 20 goats, was very respectable amount. And so matter should be very balanced and respectable in that regard. And

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that needs to be understood when I leave in the Vitaly but over the last minute was getting married to the daughter of the prophets of Salaam, Fatima, radi Allahu Allah, may Allah be pleased with her. And the process, he asked the process and he goes, What about how much should I give the prophets Allah told him to give a $500 him

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as 500 silver coins.

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All right, the equivalent of $500 him today. And you can't really do in the exact like conversion of money because that doesn't work. But what it meant in that society, in that social context was $500. That'd be like a good 5000 bucks, 10,000 bucks, he told him to give that in mouth. Now, of course, as long as it's within someone's means, and it was within the law, which means where he told him to make sure it was within his means. All right. But nevertheless, it should be a respectable amount. There's a lot of imbalance that happens in these conversations. There isn't one extreme that exists out there. The extreme that unfortunately, exists out there. And I wasn't familiar with this.

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Because, you know, I was born and raised here in Dallas, or in America, we don't, you know, just talking outside of the Muslim community, what's mad, I didn't know my heart until I started learning Islam. Right. And then my parents are from Pakistan. So being of a DC background map isn't something that's given a lot of significance or value. It's kind of a religious formality of marriage, a lot of times and a lot of DC cultures. All right. Only when I became accustomed to Arab culture, current date, modern day Arab culture, that I was very shocked to find out what Muhammad is like in those cultures, a lot of times $50,000 $100,000 maps, all right, which is making it very difficult for

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young people. Brother just got shot. So that which is making it very difficult for young people to get married today. It's actually very, very difficult. And so it's, it's problematic. But the solution to solving one problem is not to create another problem. The opposite extreme was we started preaching and the rhetoric can get a little out of hand at time. So we started preaching about simplicity. And that's great and fantastic. That's awesome. But it doesn't mean that we often cheapen the idea of man as an expert, it's a gift. It's an expression of gift and love and generosity towards one spouse at the time of marriage. 10 bucks, don't say that. All right, of

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course, relative to your situation, Marshall, if that's your that's your that's your position, that's your situation, then more power to you. With all due respect, right. But if you know you have to give a respectable amount because it is a gift. And we see that from the life in the Sunnah of the Prophet salatu salam. So there's always needs to be balanced in these conversations always should be balanced in these conversations. So the matter of the prophets a lot, he was 20 goats or 20 camels as the different narrations mentioned. And then of course, they were married at that time.

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We'll be talking more about this as we go on forward through the life of the Prophet system, the seed of the process, I'm about to basically give you a real basic overview. The profits a lot a son was married to HUD, these are the lohana for 25 years. You're married for 25 years, even though it was a practice in Arabia, very commonplace practice in Arabia, particularly for people who are in a position like who came from the elite families to have multiple spouses. polygamy was very, very common in Arabia at that time, and later on something that the shitty Mohamed Salah vsam would allow for as well. In spite of the fact the entire 25 years at the process of someone was married to her

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these are the Illuminati never took another wife. He never took another spouse. Why? Allahu Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah knows best, but the scholars do go as far as saying that not that the other marriages of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam weren't that serious, but there were other wisdoms. There were other issues at hand, later on in the Medina and period. We there were very, very deep wisdoms in many of the different marriages of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. But it's very, very obvious even from the behavior of the prophets. A lot of some years after the passing in the death of Khadija the loved one ha, that this was the soulmate the life mate, the partner in life of the

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. This was the love of his life. He was deeply in love with this woman. They bonded together they live their life.

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Together, they were married for 25 years, just as he was never married to anybody else during that time. With the with the Java, the yellow one had the prophets, a lot of them had six children. She bought six children. For the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, they had six children together, two sons and four daughters. The first of their children was a boy by the name of him. And that's why the process of very endearingly used to be called and used to like being called upon possum.

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And he used to love the title I will cost him so much that it's actually mentioned in the hadith of john mayer, Timothy, Timothy mentioned this Hadith, that the Sahaba the Allahu anhu used to discourage each other, even if somebody had a son named him, his son, even if somebody named their son awesome, out of love for the son of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam or whatever they just like to name these to discourage each other from calling that personable costume.

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Because only call the Prophet of Allah salonica Mobile costume, he's to love the title that will remind him of his first child than anyone who has many children. You love all your children. But the first child is the first time you experienced many things is the first of your experiences. Right? Like these days now that we have smartphones. When you have your first child, you basically like this the entire time. Right? You take pictures of everything, you record everything, right? Everything is unbelievable. Everything is amazing. You blog about everything, you Facebook, everything, right, your first child. And so the prophets, a lot of this shows you the human human

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side of the prophets of Salaam. He was a very loving man. He's a very caring individual. I talked about how and you can go back and check in this podcast. When we talked about the parents and the grandfather of the Prophet system in Abu Talib, the uncle of the processor, the processor always had even though he lost his parents, he always had a loving, caring, compassionate individual taking care of him. And he was always loved. He was always showered with love throughout his life. And so the process of by himself through his upbringing, and by nature, you know, ooh, for him. These are characteristics of the process of Salah. He was a very loving, compassionate, caring individual

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And so the processing was an amazing father. And so his first child was an unbelievable experience for him, a boy named awesome. And so for the rest of his life to process and we used to love being called a little constant.

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And this son Al Azim of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he died. The books of Sierra mentioned when he was a few years old. So he's probably like, like a small child, a small boy three, four years old. When he passed away,

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some of the books of Sierra are narrations also mentioned that, that the son of the prophecy, some of the positive actually reached the age where he was old enough to actually start learning how to ride an animal, which was probably around four or five, six years old, kind of like when around the time when we start teaching our kids to ride a bike, four or five years old, they used to teach their kids to ride a horse. And so it said that he was old enough to start learning how to ride an animal. And the Prophet says that one was the one teaching him teaching his son how to ride a horse in an animal and that was around the time when the son of the prophet SAW some his first child and

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passed away.

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After that, the Prophet ceylonese element Khadija rhodiola, Juan Jaime, Allah be pleased with her. They were blessed with four daughters in a row.

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The first of them was a nap. The second one was Haiya

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ruqayyah the third one was mukade film. The fourth one was

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Fatima radi Allahu

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Allah. May Allah subhanaw taala be pleased with all of them. And these were the four daughters of the prophets, a lot of them and they were the next four children. Out of all four of them.

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They were all basically they lived to the time to see the new Buddha the prophethood of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam they all accepted Islam, of course, and three of them. The three older daughters, Zainab Rocha and omocha film, they three passed away during the lifetime of the Prophet Somali center.

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And Zainab radi Allahu anhu passed away from and we'll be talking about this later in the series, but she passed away from the eventual infection and you know, difficulties that she had health problems she had, after a very serious injury that she suffered or making the hedgerow from Mecca to Medina. She was attacked while making Hendra and she suffered that injury and eventually died later on due to complications from that same wound that same injury will

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suffer from a very serious fever and she eventually ended up dying. This was around the time

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The Battle of brother That's why earthmen been found what the loved one was not present in the Battle of bud that he actually was getting ready to leave and go out with the profits allottee Sam and the process of salt Earth man been our fan his son in law, the husband of his daughter and he actually said go back and take care of my daughter take care of your wife it'll pay you

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which is something to chew on something I think about this about the budget and the process some says go back home and take care of your wife.

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That's another topic for another day inshallah. But Earth monument I found with a loved one who goes back home and eventually will pay yet does die due to the same sickness, the same illness. And just as a little side note, since I kind of did touch on it a little bit, the profits on some actually ends up giving artheon or the Allahu anhu a share of the spoils of war from the Battle of butter. So he treats him just as if he was present in the battle, because he was home taking care of a sick ill wife. After that earthman been our fan when ruqayyah passed away on commandment I found it Ilana was very, very sad. He was very stricken with grief, he was very sad. And eventually after some time,

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the prophet SAW son married his third daughter, his fourth child, third daughter with whom he married her again, two or three men are the Allahu anhu. That's why he's called the new rain. The man who had two news had two sources of light in his life, the two beautiful daughters of the Prophet of Allah Salallahu alaihe salam. So he was married to muku muku monks who became very ill, and she ended up passing away she ended up dying during the lifetime of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. And Fatima rhodiola has

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lived throughout the life of the prophets, a lot of them, she witnessed the passing of her father alayhi salatu salam, it's actually even mentioned in an operation where she was actually very troubled by the passing of the processor. She came to see him the day before he passed away. And she was sitting with him and she saw him going through the pain, the pains of death, and she's noted to have said waka waka waka Baba Tanaka, my father how much pain he goes through, and the process and I'm told her at that time, lack Karbala. Viki Baba going after today your father will never suffer ever again. And so she witnessed the passing of her father alayhi salatu salam. And it said that she

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was so overcome with grief and sorrow at the passing of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam that she passed away six months after the passing of the prophet of La salon a center. So these were the four daughters who had the first son of the possible passed away as a child and the four daughters of the prophets. He loves him, three of which passed away in his lifetime. The fourth daughter Fatima, passed away six months after the death of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam himself. And then he had one other son from Khadija radi Allahu Allah, a boy by the name of Abdullah,

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a boy by the name of Abdullah and it said that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam had a couple of nicknames. Like you have nicknames for a child, that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam had nicknames for Abdullah, he used to refer to him as

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the beautiful one, the pure one, and used to refer to him as thaw hit the pure one, the clean one. So he's referring to him as a play ball hit. And so many people used to call him out of love. Like once a kid gets kind of a nickname. Everybody calls him by that nickname. So oftentimes, and that's why sometimes people get confused when reading the Sierra, because they're like, no, the process of matter suddenly in play, you'd be at a Sunday. And the process I'm used to be called by you by some people. Yeah, about a year. Right. And, but what you have to understand is, those were the nicknames of his son, Abdullah. And it's mentioned in the books have seen on the books of history, that

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unfortunately, this this last child is last son of the Prophet salallahu, Salam Abdullah, he literally passed away within days of his birth.

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He passed away very, very soon

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after being born, so it was like an infant death.

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And then the profits a lot he sent him later on, and we'll talk about this in the car later on. But the process that I'm while we're on the topic, he was blessed with one more child, a child, but in a son by the name of Ibrahim. Instead, I named him after my great great grandfather, Abraham.

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And he was born to the prophets a lot he sounds from his wife, or from, you know, one of the women, it's, we'll talk about it at that time, but it's mighty awkward,

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which you can refer to as a wife because she was like an omen of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, but she was originally given to the prophet SAW some as a slave, and later on the process on how to child with her. So she's an omen wallet of the Prophet Tolleson, which basically makes her a free woman. So you can refer to her in that sense as a wife of the prophets, Allah the son, but nevertheless,

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he was this last child of the process and was born to the process from Mary Acomplia named Ibrahim, and it said that Ibrahim, this last child of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam also passed away when he was about 18 months old, a year and a half old

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He was 18 months old. He was a year and a half old and he passed away at that time. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam said at that time in Allah who model the unfiltered is documentary about

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the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was so overcome by, by just so much pain

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at the passing of this last child, that it said that

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did tears were constantly streaming from the eyes of the prophet SAW Selim. Like even when he wasn't like actually like sobbing and crying, there were tears just constantly flowing from his eyes. And the Sahaba rhodiola one woman they saw that they said, What's wrong or messenger of Allah, Yuki callosal Allah, and he said, I can't help this. It's the heart. And the process. I'm at that time said that, because he missed his son so much miss this child so much, that the Prophet of Allah salatu salam said that Allah subhanho wa Taala has appointed a witness. The Prophet Allah subhanaw taala has appointed a woman to breastfeed to nurse Ibrahim in Paradise, so that he can continue and

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he can continue to be taken care of like Eliza pointed a woman to take care of my son Ibrahim, even in paradise.

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And so the Prophet of Allah sallallahu Sallam had in total, had seven children, six of them from Khadija rhodiola haha. And one of the very, very powerful things to note is that six of his seven children,

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the prophets, a lot of them, ended up having to witness their deaths.

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Like he had to lay six out of seven children to rest,

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to lay them down in their graves. The father had to do that. six out of seven children. Can you imagine what that must have been like?

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The Prophet of Allah sallallahu Sallam was, for us was a superhero. He was absolutely amazing. He was unbelievable.

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He is greater than any man who ever walked the face of this earth. He did miraculous things. He went on miraculous journeys.

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But the prophet of Allah selection was also a man. He's also a human being, he was also a husband and a father. And he not only witnessed the death of his wife, but he witnessed the death he lived through survived the deaths of six of his seven children. Imagine what that must have been like.

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Sometimes it's very important that we appreciate this aspect of the life of the process and understand the man.

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And again, I told you everything the Messenger of Allah ceylonese and told us about he speaks from a position of credibility. When the prophet SAW some toxis about patience, he knows what he's talking about.

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You know, when somebody quotes you a hadith on patient, you're like, it's easy for you to quote that Hadith.

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Easy for you to call that Nana. He's just a messenger. If somebody's quoting the Hadith to you, who doesn't know what you're going through, that's fine. He's just a messenger, you should thank him still brings you something beneficial. But read the Hadith. Listen to that Hadith. And think of the men who spoke those words originally, that men neupane. He knew suffering.

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He he knew where patients was, he was the epitome of patients. He was a pillar of patience.

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The product, the guidance from the Messenger of Allah bless him. That's why it's so valuable. That's why it means so much. We talked about his parents. When he lost his parents how he lost his parents.

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He loses his spouse, a woman who spent 25 years with the love of his life, and then to witness to survive the death of six of his own seven children. Imagine what he went through sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

00:58:36 --> 00:59:14

So, the prophet of Allah, Allah The some, of course, like I mentioned, who is married to Khadija, or the long line have for 25 years. And so now we're at the point in time, the age of 25, the prophets Allah some begins his married life with one of the most amazing women who ever walked the face of this earth. Khadija radi Allahu Allah. And the Prophet of Allah sallallahu sallam, of course, then begins his married life and we'll be talking about some of the things that transpired in his life shortly thereafter, inshallah in the coming weeks in the coming sessions, the last thing I'd like to mention here, again, kind of touching on the topic of marriage, because that is the crux of these

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last couple of sessions, we've been talking about the marriage of the process of deja rhodiola. Haha, one very valuable lesson we learned from the life of the Prophet ceylonese enemies. Why was Khadija are the this is one of the most amazing couples when the most amazing marriages of all time. This marriage is like a role model marriage, she's a role model woman, she he's a role model. The greatest role model of all time was what's on hacer la and their marriages. a role model is a is a standard is something for us to look up to and aspire to in our own relationships and marriages. That's the blueprint of how to build a family follow the blueprint of Khadija and Mohammed

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. But there are things that go into consideration to making sure that you put yourself in a position to

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succeed as much as we can as much as possible. Some things are in the hands of Allah. We understand that too. What couldn't is there? But yeah, it came from Metallica, we tie our camel and then we do Tahlequah. What's tying your camel in terms of marriage. The prophet of why was the prophet SAW said I'm interested in marrying Khadija de la Mancha.

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Her character, she was honest, she was dignified. She was respectable.

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She showed respect to others, she was respected by other people.

01:00:30 --> 01:00:40

And that's what made her such an interesting proposition for marriage for the profits of us. And that's why he was interested in her because of her character clock, her personality,

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how she conducted how she carried herself. Why was Khadija an amazing one of the greatest women that ever lived Khadija da de la Mancha?

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Why did this amazing woman considered the greatest man who ever lived, of course, but at that point in time, she doesn't know that he's the Messenger of Allah.

01:00:57 --> 01:01:04

What was the basis? What does she say? Why does she send the proposal? Why is she interested in marrying the Prophet of Allah salami center,

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against you mentioned his character, his nobility, his honor, his dignity, the way he carries himself, the way he conducts himself, the way he walks the way he talks. That's why he's interested.

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The character of a man and the character of that woman. That's why they were interested in each other. That's why they were right for each other. And that's what made an amazing marriage. Very, very valuable lesson that we need to instill within our youth today, because as I've talked about numerous times, we have one of two extremes. We either got people that marry solely based on superficial reasons, such as looks, or might be money, or might be, you know, something else that's superficial.

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You know, a lot of times parents are solely interested in marriage for the sake of the last name of the person.

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without the slightest bit of regardless of the character, the honor, the nobility of the individual, what that person is made of what their character is, nothing. I check on them. Right? But But yes, you're supposed to look for a good family, but what if what's the definition? What are the parameters of a good family usually needs money? Typically, it's money, unfortunately. And then we do have another extreme. It's a very small minority, but it's an extreme in our community. Where we basically you know, some of the very overzealous religious youth, they think that hey job, and he's got a beard and she's got a new job automatic compatibility.

01:02:28 --> 01:02:39

That's it, superficial religious qualifiers. She wears the job. That's it. very religious, Mashallah. You have no idea about the person is a flock, their character.

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The Prophet of Allah, Allah is made for the job because of her character.

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Her dignity, Your Honor, as an individual. And she married the process and because of that honor, that dignity that o'clock that character,

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and that's what needs to be taken into consideration that is, should be the primary consideration within a marriage proposal. Well, what about Dean? Furby that Dean? That's the problem is because we don't consider a clock and character, a part of Dean. That's the problem. character and a clock is the crux of our dean.

01:03:14 --> 01:03:20

The Prophet of Allah Allah tells us that Aloo Shea filmyzilla Yama, Yama tea,

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that the weightiest thing the heaviest thing in the scales of deeds, on the day of judgment will be good conduct good character. In Nicola Allah, Who looking at him that was his first qualification as a prophet and a messenger. And that was his primary means of doing Dawa. He's a Clark his character. So that's something we should always take into consideration something we learn from the blessed life of the Messenger of Allah, may peace and blessings be upon him. May Allah subhanaw taala allow us to learn more about the life of the messenger sallallahu Sallam May Allah subhanaw taala allow us to benefit from the life of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and May Allah subhanaw taala give us the

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two feet and the ability to model ourselves after the blessing messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Subhana Allah He will be from de Sahara Colombia Hambrick Mashallah Illa into the soccer community village

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