Habib Bobat – Quran Gateway Series Part 6: Abrogation

Habib Bobat
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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh welcome to visit neon lady Islam International. My name is Habib Baba and inshallah we keep in accompany this morning we continue with our series on the Quran which is titled Quran gateway series. Today we are moving on to Part Number Six Masha Allah and today we are discussing abrogation to start off with the basics. The word nessa means to abrogate or to cancel man and self mean it no Luciana divided mean her obviously her law says at times we change the command, we bring in another command. And that command is better or equal to the one that was before that. The question is rises here that Why does a loss of handle wattana abrogate

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certain commands? Why does the loss of how Nadella cancel certain commands? Like a lot gives you a command? And afterwards a lot changes the command and gives you another command? The question raises your Why?

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Well, it's simple to understand, you'll find this in any regime, they'll issue a command. And after a certain period, they'll review that command and issue another command.

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In the case of a loss of handler, we must understand that when he issued a new command, it is not it is not to suggest that the loss of a handler made a mistake. Now the LM in Derek and the after loss realized his mistake. And so he changed the command that's not the case.

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It's totally acceptable in any part of the world, to review your policy and to change it. When it comes to Allah subhanaw taala Allah applied the same principle, but Allah subhanho wa Taala did not do so because of an error but rather Allah subhanaw taala change the command to ease in the situation for the people. For example, a doctor would also prescribe a certain tablet for you a certain setup for you a certain, you know, routine for you. But after a while when he sees that you are making improvements, you are doing better and hamdulillah they say okay, now you know you don't need to take this any longer. I'll put you on a on a lighter dose, and I'll give you a better

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prescription. shala. So now you're not saying that a doctor made a mistake. And he realized he made a mistake. And so he's prescribing something new. That's not the case. What Allah subhanho wa Taala is doing is the same Allah subhanho wa Taala gave a command for a certain period for a certain time. And then Allah subhanaw taala changed the command for the people to make it easier for them. And according to the time and according to the need Allah subhanaw taala will change the command. So in the Quran also, there was there are certain verses which were revealed. And in those verses there were certain commands given and then after a certain period, Allah subhanaw taala revealed more

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verses, and those verses that came afterwards abrogated the verses that came prior to them.

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So now that you have a basic understanding, we can go into the discussion further. We must also understand that abrogation is not exclusive to the Omar Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. It was a common thing that occurred in the previous nations also. I'll give you a simple example. And it's mentioned in the Quran also, when Yusuf alayhi salatu salam took to the throne, and his family members came to Egypt, Masha Allah, and when they saw Yusuf Ali salatu salam on the throne, then the family members started prostrating in front of the use of Allah salatu salam, and this was permissible in his Sharia it was permissible for a person to bow down and to prostrate in front of

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another person, other than Allah subhanho wa Taala. But obviously this was done out of respect. And this is permissible in the Sharia. You come to the Sharia of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam a person cannot bow down to anyone, a person cannot prostrate in front of anyone other than the loss of Hannah Medina. So this is abrogation to show you that this is not only exclusive to the home of Rasulullah sallallahu sallam. If you look at the shery of a Yoruba, a salatu salam who was also an abbey of Allah, in his Sharia, a man could marry two sisters at the same time. It was permissible for him to keep two sisters in one union at the same time. There was nothing wrong in his Sharia.

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However, then the bill that followed afterwards, it was not permissible in his Sharia. It was abrogated. A divorce was permissible in the shery of musala. Salatu was Salam and not permissible in another newbees time. So this tells you that this is not exclusive to the home of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but the important thing to understand is that abrogation does not mean that Allah Subhana

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Donna eard and he realized his mistake, and that's why he changed. That's not that's not the case. Like in the case of the doctor, the doctor would prescribe a certain medication a certain script for a certain period of time, and afterwards, the doctor would change the prescription altogether. That does not mean the doctor IRD. So this is abrogation in a nutshell. Now, the next question is that, if the verses are abrogated, then why are they still in the Quran? Because there are some verses in the Quran which are abrogated, which no longer apply. So why are they still in the Quran? The simple answer to that is that you're still getting reward for it. Man call our alpha men Caterpillar for ob

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he has an A what has to be Ashley, I'm certainly her. whoever reads a letter of the Quran will be credited with one reward. And one reward is multiplied by 10. So one letter gives you 10 rewards. So if a person is reciting a verse that abrogated and that no longer applies in terms of its application, then to a person is not losing out on the on the reward factor. He's still getting reward for reading that verse. The third thing that you need to understand here is that the number of verses that abrogated in the Quran, Allah masucci Ramadan lolly mentioned that there are about 19 verses that are abrogated in the Quran. Chateau de la Talalay has done a closest study of this field

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and he says that there are only five verses that are abrogated.

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After closely studying he says the only five verses that are abrogated in the Quran. Let's go into some of the the basic ones first and then we'll go into what Charlie has to say. The simple one is the Qibla. For 16 months when the Muslims came to Medina, they were facing Jerusalem masjidul Oxo. And then the command came to the Muslims to change the Qibla towards maka, maka, Rama and Badal Haram. And this abrogation came, whilst the Muslims was still in salon in Sala they change the direction. And today we have Mr. Gribble attain, when you go for zero they show you this place, and they tell you the history behind the place why it's called capability in etc. So that's a simple

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one. We've all understood that, that

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Allah subhanaw taala gave a command for a certain period of time and then Allah subhanaw taala changed the command and Allah subhanaw taala as the believers to face mccutchan karma. Now moving on to some of the other verses which showery Lara has touched on, for example, the first one that Charlie Laura Lee discusses is that in the Quran, Allah subhanho wa Taala mentioned that quotevalet come either hedorah dokumen mode. In this verse, Allah subhanaw taala says, quotevalet come either haidara had a common mode, it's compulsory for you that before you pass away, you make a

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u bequest, and you make out a well and you're including the your parents and your relatives. And Allah subhanaw taala says that this is compulsory for a believer to do so. Now, let me give you some context to this verse. Previously, there were no prescribed shares in the Quran for the heirs. How much does a father get? How much does a mother get? How much does the brother get? How much does the sister get? The children get? How much does the wife get? All these shares were not fixed. A person would use his own discretion but but it was compulsory for him to make it we'll see it before he passes away.

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Then Allah subhanaw taala made it easier for the people. Allah made it easier for the people. And he brought in another verse of the Quran, where Allah subhanaw taala say use a como lo Viola decom the Vickery Mr. Howe Delonte in and the entire page goes on to speak about the shares of the inheritors the shares of the heirs in the Quran. So, in one verse a lie saying it's compulsory for you to write down the world and to make a bequest for your parents and your relatives. If you don't do so you'll be sinful.

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In another verse, Allah subhanaw taala says, Now is no longer necessary.

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If a person did not make a wasabia if a person did not make a will, then two, then two, you will not be sinful. Because Allah has already pre ordained Allah has already fixed the shares of the IRS in the Quran. Allah has fixed the share of the Son, the daughter, the Mother, the Father, the grandparents, and the relatives Allah has already fixed the shares. So the second verse

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Now abrogates the first verse, can you see there? So the first verse was General you must make a request and you must distribute your inheritance. The second one is, if you did not do so, not a problem at all, Allah has already taken care of that in the Quran. Another verse, which shall will you learn, lolly discusses

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under the chapter of NASA and abrogation is that a loss of handled Allah in the Quran says yeah, you're never you're healthier than what meaning are located in your command Kumar Sharona sobre una Yakubu may attain what in your coming community Jojo alpha Milan Latina cafaro, the unknown common life tone, Allah says in the Quran, that oh you believers, if you are 20, you will overpower 200 if you are 100, you will overpower 1000. Now apparently they there seems to be no difficulty in terms of understanding this verse 20 will overpower 200 100 overpower 1000. It just seems an informative verse. But that's not the case. In this verse, Allah subhanaw taala is believing is common in the

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Muslims that work well to on the battlefield. And if your enemy happens to outnumber you by 10 times your number, by 10 times your number, you are 10 and they are 10 times that number. If you are changing the 100 or if you are trenching there are 200, it is not permissible for you to leave the battlefield. It is wrong, you will be sinful. It's a major sin to leave the battlefield. So if you are 20, and they are 200. And if you are 100 and 1000. You can't leave the battlefield. That's what this verse is saying. But then Allah subhanaw taala sir, revealed a verse after that saying, an offer for lower income, while him and if he can offer for any upcoming commitments or below to

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attain what you're coming Come, elf Yahuwah alfine Bismillah Allahu masovian. In the verse after it, Allah reveals that, okay, now we are changing the command, it's no longer 10 times the number if you are on the battlefield. And if you are 100 and the enemy's 200, then you can leave the battlefield. We no longer saying 10 times, we saying two times, that means half if there are more than you by two folds, you cannot leave the battlefield. So if you are 50 and there are 100 and if you are 100. And there are 200. If you are 500,000 you cannot leave the battlefield. So Allah made it easier for the Muslims, Allah brought it down and Allah brought it down from 10 to two, no longer tenfold but

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rather twofold. If your enemy outnumbers you buy two phones, you cannot leave the battlefield. Yes. If the enemy out numbers you more than two fold. If you are 100, and the enemy is 300 or 400, then you do have the option to leave the battlefield. If you want to retreat tactfully. The option is there. So that's the second verse that Charlie larhonda Lally discusses under the chapter of NASA and abrogation. The third verse which is abrogated, and in which our environmental law is also discusses, is the instruction where the profit of a lie stole a u haul, Moza mill comin Laila illa kalila nice wahoo Erwin cosmin Oh, kalila Ozzy dollar euro Tila Tequila in these verses, Allah

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subhanaw taala has ordained upon Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, that he should stand up at night for the 100 prayers, and he should stand up in tahajjud prayers, please half of the night and this was obligatory on the Prophet of Allah. And afterwards Allah subhanaw taala revealed another verse in the same surah Allah subhanho wa Taala says in Arabic a Allah Nikita Kuma dynamin salute a lady when is for what if a two minute Latina Mark well La, La La, la, la la la

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la la come for Chroma Tia sir Amina Quran, Allah goes on to speak in this verse, that now we have made it easier for you, for you and for your followers on Viva La. You can spend a quarter of the night you can spend half of the night you want to spend a little less you want to spend a little more, it's up to your discretion. There is no restriction in terms of time you don't have to spend at least half the night in hi burger owner we have a lot you can even do less than that if you wish and if you want to do so. So yeah, is another classical example of abrogation. So we must understand in sha Allah that

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nesaf and abrogation does not insinuate that Allah subhanaw taala made a mistake and Allah subhanaw taala realized his error. And so he changed the command. Now we learn in direct now that we live in Delhi. That is not the understanding

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that a believer has with regards to abrogation, rather, in a nutshell and I'm going to end up on this is that abrogation is part of the wisdom of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Humans apply it in their day to day lives, but they do it differently and Allah subhanaw taala do it differently. A lot of Hamilton a purely does it to make life easier. Number one, number two, Allah brings in a better command for the believers in terms of the time and the need, and Allah subhanaw taala makes it easier for them, like the case examples that we discussed earlier on. Nonetheless, this was Part Six of Quran gateway series.

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