Fatima Barkatulla – 70 Major Sins #02 – Sin 1 Major & Minor Shirk, Repentance, Sin 2 Murder

Fatima Barkatulla
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the negative impact of shrooming sh heads and the importance of being mindful of one's actions to avoid harming others' lives. They emphasize the need to be more conscious and intentional, avoid major Badber payments, avoid major Bad Deeds, and address past mistakes. They also highlight the importance of forgiveness and apologizing for past mistakes, avoiding false accusations, and avoiding major Bad Deeds. The conversation also touches on the history of Islam and the negative consequences of murdering monks and the use of negative language.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah the assisters Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. Please let me know if you can hear me properly.

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hamdulillah Okay, excellent.

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So, last week, we began our series on the 70 major sins based on

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Kitab al Qaeda al by Imam at that hobby. So I'm just going to share my screen with you so you can see my

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So last week, we began looking at the topic of shirk the first of the major sins that Amanda hubie speaks about, and we said that share is the greatest sin, the greatest sin. And it's also a, the sin that if a person dies, not having repented from it, then Allah tells us in the Quran that he does not forgive Sure. He does not forgive shirk. So, we looked at major shoot and the lesser shark. And major shoot is basically, you know, idolatry, it's associate it's associating, associating partners with Allah in His Lordship, worshipping things alongside Allah, or other than Allah. And it's ascribing Allah's names and attributes, you know, the names and attributes that are unique to Allah,

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giving those attributes to other than Allah. Right. So, of course, when it comes to Major sherek, and it can take a person outside of the pale of Islam. And that's why we have to be very careful, because, you know, when you see a Muslim who might be

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involved in certain practices that look like, Major sherek, or that aren't Major sherek, this isn't something that we're supposed to take lightly. And just, I mean, we're not supposed to like go around casting labels on other people, right? The ruling regarding whether a person has

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gone outside of the fold of Islam or not, this is something that has to be made by qualified scholars. Right? Not by not by every Tom, Dick and Harry, right. And also, we have to be aware that in our times, this so much ignorance, dear sisters, there's so much ignorance,

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that some practices have just crept in,

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that people have misunderstood or you know, they haven't had a good understand they haven't been brought up with a good understanding of the key the the kind of human, they don't know exactly where the boundaries are, things like that. Are there certain cultural practices that they've seen their families and their communities do for so long?

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That Unfortunately, this has led to many Muslims

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falling into certain practices, you know, that are either better, or that look like shirk. Now,

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we have to be aware that they may, many people may have the excuse of ignorance in our times, because ignorance is so widespread, right? So, you know, we have to deal with these things with hikma with wisdom. Try to educate our communities try to bring them out of the darkness of you know, so Pamela, you know, turning to other than Allah.

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It means that you're you don't understand that Allah Subhana Allah Allah, He is the one who can give you everything. No one else can give you what Allah can give you. And Subhana Allah, knowing that you don't have any kind of barrier between you and Allah. That's such a huge blessing. I know Catholics, for example, when they become Muslim, you know, they

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assist a sister I know who is a Catholic, she said, You know, one of the most refreshing things about Islam was that

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you can talk to Allah directly. You don't need to go and confess your sins to some to a priest, right, in order to be forgiven. You don't need

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To go through saints, in order to talk to Allah,

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you don't need to ask the Saints for anything right? It's a loss of $100 you can talk to him directly. And that is one of the great blessings of our Deen dear sisters.

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Lesser share is

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his area, for example. So, you know actions when we do actions, and they're cut in order to impress other people. So they're not purely any we're not really just thinking about Allah we're thinking about impressing other people here.

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And we're going to talk about react in a moment. Other things also that might lead to shear or that are described as shear in the Quran and Sunnah. Sometimes, you know, the prophets are Salome said, this is shared, but that is shared. But they're not to the level of major shear. The scholars of Islam say they are that they are defined as lesser ships, or they like minor ship. And minor ship doesn't put a person beyond the pale of Islam. But it is a major sin, it is a major sin. So it is something that, you know, we want to repent from and that we want to constantly ask Allah Subhana Allah to forgive us for.

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So just to go into,

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oh, yeah, by the way, I haven't really gone into the different categories of major sherek. and stuff, you know, in a lot of detail.

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We don't have the scope to do that in the time that we have. But what I'd encourage you to do is to go away and do your own research, you know, into each of these sins. So one of the things about each of these topics is that you could really talk about them, and go into them and you know, in a lot more detail. So I would encourage you to think of this class as like a stepping stone or,

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you know, an introduction, and any area that you want to know more about, and you want to know the more details about then please do do your own research.

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Maria, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Whoever does an action in which he associates someone else with me, it is for the one who he associates and has nothing to do with me. And in this Hadith, he was talking about Ria, right? So when you do something, but you're not really correcting your intention and making it purely for Allah, you're doing it to impress others.

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So it shows you that you know, before we do an action, we should just become you know, nowadays, they talk about mindfulness, right? mindfulness, very fashionable to talk about being mindful and everything that you do and being very present, etc. as Muslims, we should be mindful and be very present. When we're about to embark on something, you know, take a moment to just pause and purify your intention.

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We all can easily fall into Korea, it's not something that you know, a Muslim is immune from. It's very difficult to say that nobody, you know that there's anybody who never falls into react.

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But what that means is that we have to be more conscious and more intentional, right?

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In this heavy market, even Yasar reported, I departed with Abu Bakar to meet the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Oh aboubaker there is idolatry among you more hidden than the clock crawling over land.

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And abubaker said, Is there idolatry meaning sure other than to make another god alongside Allah,

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, by one in whose hand is my soul, there is idolatry more hidden than the calling of an ant. Shall I not tell you something to say to read you have it both

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of it both minor and major? say, Oh Allah, I seek refuge in You that I associate partners with you while I know and I seek your forgiveness for what I do not know.

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So here are Sol Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us to do up and here is the do after avoiding Rhea the the avoiding Ria and also to be forgiven for Yeah. So this is something that we should say as much as we can you know Allah Hama in Nia or the beaker, and or shreeka beaker. What

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right so I Oh Allah, I seek refuge in You that I might associate any partner with you right that I might might commit shirk.

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While I know Yanni unknowingly, was the pharaoh Kalima, Allah, Allah, and I seek forgiveness from you for that, which I don't know.

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Yeah, this is the thing as Muslims, we have to be humble, you know, this.

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There's only so much we are conscious of that we do.

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And sometimes we do things unknowingly. Or we do things, you know, in a state of flow that, you know, we just heedless or were absent minded. So, that's why this is so amazing. It covers both scenarios, right? The things that I know, when I'm knowingly doing Ria, Allah, forgive me for that. And when I'm doing it unknowingly, then Forgive me, you know, protect me from doing it knowingly and forgive me for doing it unknowingly. And here, I've got the, what's it called the transliteration for anyone who doesn't, can't read Arabic. So again, it's Allahumma. In ne although Vika and Shri kabaka Allah was stellar Pharaoh calima, Allah Allah.

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So how can we avoid react? How can we avoid react? You know, I know that some sisters when we were starting a project,

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one of the sisters was saying,

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you know, she, and this is something common that happens to all of us. When we're about to embark on something, you start thinking doubting your intentions, right? You start thinking, Well, you know, what, if I'm just doing this to show off, what if I'm just doing this?

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for fame, or for, I don't know, some kind of adulation or

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to just feel good or something, right? I'm not really doing it for the sake of Allah. Well, this is something that all believers should be worried about, and all believers do worry about. So what are some of the things that we can do to avoid react?

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The first is make the the dua that Allah the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam recommended in that Hadith that we just mentioned, right? And just make da, O Allah purify my intentions. You know, you can make light in your own language. You don't have to make that specific, though, of course, that specific buyers from the prophet SAW Selim, so it's special. But apart from that, in your own words, ask Allah to help you to purify your intentions. And then don't stop doing good deeds for fear of Ria, this is very important because sometimes fear of react can paralyze people, right? They feel like, Oh, no, I'm not gonna do that thing. Because I think my intentions are bad. No, the world I

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might say that you shouldn't allow fear of react to stop you from doing things.

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In fact, you should continue doing that thing and you should do it even better. But this time in, fix your intention, become intentional, and fix your intention.

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Another thing that you can do to help all of us can do to purify our intention is to increase in doing good deeds in private, right.

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We were saying last time that you know, nowadays, everyone to feel that they have to tell everyone about everything they do, right? Even like celebrity culture and the culture of even philanthropy, right? People don't just give without there being a payoff. It's like they want some benefit in this world for that thing that they've done. And the benefit they want is fame, or likes, or, you know, followership, right. So, so panela.

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for the to be accepted, it's got to be pure, it's got to be pure. It could be that a person has other intentions, additional, for example, like, Okay, I'm going to do this, I'm going to be the first to give to this charity. And I'll do it. For example, if there's a fundraiser, I'll do it in public, I'll put my hand up and people can see me, but I'm doing it, I will do it with the intention that more people will get encouraged by seeing me is that is possible, you know, to have that intention. It's not like you can't have other additional intentions that, you know, as long as they're good intentions.

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the antidote

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becoming somebody who gets addicted to constantly doing things in public and being seen, and Ria, is doing plenty of good deeds in private, that not even your own spouse knows about that your children don't know about that your parents don't know about. All of us should have lots of good deeds, giving charity, extra prayers, fasting, even, you know, we shouldn't tell people that we're fasting, if we can avoid it.

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Going on camera, any good deed any good thing that we can do? We should do it for the sake of Allah and do lots of them that nobody knows about. except Allah.

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Also be mindful of staying constant in public and private. Yeah, so that takes a lot of kind of consciousness, right?

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Don't put on a persona in public that you don't really have in private. Of course, all of us are different in public and private, you know, we can't help it, we were obviously going to be a little bit less self conscious when we're in private. However, you know, to put yourself out there as being much more pious than you really are, you know, or dressing in a way that you don't really dress.

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Though, there are caveats to that, you know, like, for example, myself and other sisters that I know we, we were in a car when we're giving lectures, right? Or if we're in public,

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where there's going to be brothers

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maybe in our everyday lives, we don't when the top right, but that's okay. Because you know, niqab or covering yourself is a good thing. The more you do it, the better, right, like in terms of niqab because it's if you consider it to be recommended.

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So we should not fall into this idea. You know, sometimes I've heard sisters say, you know, I don't want to wear hijab, because I don't really wear it, or I don't wear it all the time. So, you know, I don't want to be like a hypocrite, right? That's the wrong way to think about it. Know, when it comes to Allah's commandments, you do them, right, you do them, whether you like to do them or not. And whether you do them all the time or not, the more you do it, the better. It's actually a trick of shavon that he comes to the sisters and says, you know, that, well, you know, you're being two faced, you don't really wear hijab all the time. So stop wearing it, even in public, even, um, you

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know, when they, when they come on line, etc. No, that's a trick of shape, and he wants you to completely let go, right? is better that you're holding on, even if it's a little bit, then to let go completely, right.

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So although we should be mindful of staying constant in public and private, is better to be somebody who does things out of fear of social pressure, right? Then not to do it at all, especially if it's a command of Allah. I hope I've made that kind of clear.

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Also try to hide your good deeds.

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Like we try to hide our sins. So just think about how we all when it comes to the thing, negative things about us we don't want people to know, right?

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In a similar way, try to hide our good deeds. Those are just some of the means that we can take to avoid Ria.

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What about forgiveness? I think last time somebody asked about this, you know, forgiveness, and I really want to spend time talking about it, because I don't want anyone leaving our class, thinking that, Oh, my God, I'm doomed. You know, I've committed major sins or I've, I used to be maybe a you know,

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I used to worship other than Allah, maybe somebody thinks, you know, they were in there before they embraced Islam. How am I going to be forgiven? I want you to all go with a message of hope. Right? And that is and so when it comes to forgiveness, we must be aware that when it comes to major share, so that's like, worshiping other than Allah, right? Or associating partners with Allah.

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Yes, Allah says in the Quran, he doesn't forgive it. But what that means is, he doesn't forgive sherek when a pet if a person dies upon that, without repenting right. Of course, Allah can forgive shirk.

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If a person asks for forgiveness,

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Thus Allah subhanaw taala promises that he will forgive. So, the key thing is to repent and we're going to talk about how to repent, inshallah, when it comes to the other major sins again, you have to repent for them. Okay? We must repent from any major sins that we fall into.

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If we don't repent and repent means Stober, right make Toba. If we if a person doesn't repent, and they die in a state of, you know, having committed major sins or still being in the midst of committing major sins,

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then really, their status is kind of in a bit of a limbo, because it's up to Allah. Allah may forgive, or he may not forgive, okay? He may forgive them, or he may not forgive them. But we don't consider people who've committed major sins, as

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that major sin takes them outside the fold of Islam. This is an erroneous belief that was a belief of one of the early sects that emerged.

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And the reason why I'm highlighting that is once I saw her debate, and there was a young sister, and I know, she was obviously she was trying to be very, she's very passionate. But it was a debate about I think it was about homosexuality. And there was a Muslim, who said that he was basically, you know, homosexual. And this sister was so angry, like she was, so she was trying to show how, no, you know, that homosexual sexuality is a sin, right or acting upon homosexuality is a sin in Islam.

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But in her passion, she kind of said something to him, like, you can't be a Muslim. And the homosexual, right. And that's wrong. That's wrong.

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If a person commits a sin, we don't now say, well, because of that sin, you can't be a Muslim and suffer a lot. That's, that's wrong. You know, as with any major sin, of course, it's something that we encourage people to repent from, to turn away from right. However, we don't do even worse, which is to then expel them, or make them think they cannot be believers. That's not true, right?

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We want them to be believers, and we want them to repent. Okay. And that's, I'm talking about any sin, right? And we don't want to repel people. Okay, especially in our times when there's so much ignorance and that and we're living, many of us are living in an environment where Islam is not the norm, right.

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So I hope that's clear.

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And when it comes to minor sins, so in other words, the sins that have been mentioned, that don't have a punishment attached to them, or some kind of very strong rebuke,

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like a verb in the akhira, etc, or a curse or something like this. So that's all of the rest of the sins basically, then, of course, we should repent from them as well.

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However, if we avoid the major sins, then all of our other good deeds that we do day to day, they can expiate for the minor sins. Yeah. If so, in other words, other deeds that we do might expiate for these minor sins, because some of them some of the minuses we might not even be aware of. Or we might not take the time to ask Allah to forgive us in a very conscious and specific way. But still, they can be expiated by our other deeds, if we're avoiding the major sense. So I hope that's kind of clear.

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And Allah says that in the Quran, right? He says, If you avoid the great Sins of the grave sins, the kabaya, which you are forbidden to do, we will remit from your small sins only we will expiate your small sins, and admit you to a noble entrance paradise.

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and you know, the famous Hadeeth you sometimes we forget these, but this is really basically about minus since a Buddha era reported that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, the five prayers and jumeau are to Juma Friday prayer to Friday prayer, Ramadan to Ramadan. The fasting of Ramadan to the fasting of Ramadan will expiate the sins

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Committed between them, as long as major sins are avoided. So Pamela so that's a real blessing for us right as believers in sha Allah as a real blessing that

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when a person just thinks to themselves between the five daily prayers, that little sins that we do you know those those prayers, they expiate for those minor sense as long as we avoid the major sense.

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How minor can become major? So

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I found that Mr. manoli, or him Allah He said, that the scholars may Allah have mercy on them said persisting in minus sin, makes it a major sin.

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It was narrated from Homer,

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even Abbas and others, may Allah be pleased with them, that there is no major sin, that if one prays for forgiveness, and no minor sin if one persists in it, sorry, let me say that again. There is no major sin if one prays for forgiveness. So my major sin can be wiped out. If one prays for forgiveness, and no minor sin if one persists in it. In other words, a minor sin that you persist in becomes a major sin. It's not minor anymore. What is meant is that the major sin may be erased by praying for forgiveness, but the minor sin becomes a major sin if one persists in it.

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And him I'm a no he quotes.

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Even a Salah who is, you know, one of the scholars of I think he was seventh century. I'm not, I don't remember exactly. But

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one of the great scholars, the one who persists is the one who has the intention to do it again, which is contrary to the idea of repentance. persisting in a minor sin could change it to a major sin.

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So the idea is when you make when you commit a sin,

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true repentance means

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you're not going back to that sin, right? Like you're not intentionally constantly going back to it.

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But that doesn't mean that if you do go back to it, that there's no hope for you know, if you do go back to it, you all you repent again, and we're going to look at what the steps of repentance are in a moment.

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in fact, hollowbody the explanation of Sahil Bihari even hedger last Kalani, he says, The believer is overwhelmed by fear of Allah because of what he has of strong faith.

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So he does not feel safe from punishment because of that.

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This is how the Muslim should be always fearing Allah. Meaning having taqwa, right, being conscious of Allah and remembering that he is always watching. So he regards His righteous deeds as little and is worried about the smallest bad deeds. That's the kind of state that a believer is in, right? Unfortunately, sometimes you see, and some people they think, well, I'm a Muslim, so Allah is all forgiving. So um, you know, they just kind of wave away their faults and their sins by saying something like that. The point is, you can't rely on that. You can't rely on the fact that Allah Subhana Allah is all forgiving to then

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continue doing bad deeds, because Allah who Allah if he's going to forgive you or not, right?

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Don't put your own state in the hereafter at in danger, right? It's not just in the hereafter. It's also in this life, right? We said last time that

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committing sins blackens the heart, it kind of affects the spiritual heart.

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I heard one of one teacher explain it like this that, you know, you might be doing lots of good deeds, right? And you might be really a good person overall, right? You're doing a lot of good deeds. And that's a bit like putting the central heating on, right? Putting the central heating on in your house. So there's heat being generated. But then you're asking yourself, why is my house still freezing cold? Why is my house still freezing cold and the reason is you've left windows open, you've left windows open. So committing sins is like leaving those windows open.

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You've left windows open and so now the good deeds that you're doing that they stopped benefiting you

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Because there's so many bad deeds, right? I mean with regards to specially major sense, right?

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So what about repenting from sin? Allah Subhana Allah says in the Quran kuliah, a birdie Alavi and asafo Allah unfussy him. La doctrina. Toma Rahmatullah in the lie of the federal law by Jeremy inna, who will have a full Rahim say, and he's telling you saying, oh, say oh prophet that Allah says,

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Oh my servants who have exceeded the limits against their souls, you know they have transgressed against their own souls and that means sin. Do not lose hope in Allah's mercy. For Allah certainly forgives all sins, he is indeed the all forgiving, most merciful upon Allah.

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So Allah is constantly and this is just one idea but in many places in the Quran, Allah is constantly telling us that he is the forgiving one just turned back to him and Allah is happy when we turn back to him and we asked him for forgiveness.

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And in sorted for pan Allah says even those who commit shirk, he says, you know, in lemon taba, or Armand amela, Amazon solid Hanford, cola eco you But dear Allah who say yeah, tm has an ad. What can Allah for a rahima that if a person repents from shark, right, so this is like say somebody was a disbeliever and then they enter Islam

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Subhana Allah, Allah, tons, all of their bad deeds that they did, into good deeds.

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So panela so a person, especially when a person enters Islam, or a person,

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any repair repents from committing shirke, Allah Subhana Allah turns their

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bad deeds into good deeds, and gives them a clean slate. So panela So of course, there's always hope for a person right.

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And the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us that this the gate of repentance remains open so long, they should say, as the death rattle has not reached a person's throat. In other words, so long as the moment of death has not come,

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a level except his slaves repentance, so long as the death rattle has not yet reached his throat.

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And we know that one of the best times

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to seek forgiveness is in the last third of the night, last third of the night, right?

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The Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us that our Lord comes down descends in a way that is befitting His Majesty to the lowest heaven when 1/3 of the night remains and says, who will call upon me so that I may answer him? Who will ask me so that I may give to him? Who will seek my forgiveness so that I may forgive him?

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So Allah subhanaw taala is just waiting to hear us calling on him.

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So what excuse Do we have not to repent?

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In order to repent, a person of course needs to regret what they did, right? It's not just words on the tongue, like, you know, it's like when people say sorry, and they don't really mean it, right? I'm sorry. I'm or they say a really horrible apology. Like,

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I'm sorry if I offended you, right? Rather than saying, I'm sorry that I offended you. I'm sorry that I hurt you. They say, I'm sorry. If so it's almost like they're

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kinda of saying when I don't accept that I really did. But you know, panela so we don't want like a half hearted sorry. We want to we want regret true regret in the person's heart, as well as asking Allah for forgiveness.

00:34:51 --> 00:35:00

Also, the person must resolve to give up the sin. You know, it's not like, I'm just gonna continue doing this sin and I'm just gonna keep saying doing Toba. But I completely

00:35:00 --> 00:35:05

And do not intend to leave the sin. Right, that's not the point,

00:35:06 --> 00:35:14

give up the sin, the sin has to be given up, at least you have to have that kind of resolve that I'm not doing that anymore, right?

00:35:15 --> 00:35:18

resolve not to return to the sin.

00:35:21 --> 00:35:32

So give up the sin means stop doing it now, and resolve not to return to the sin means, you know, make a decision, I'm not going to do this again, you have to be adamant that you're not going to do it again.

00:35:33 --> 00:35:49

If it involves someone else, then you might have to write that wrong. So if the sin is obviously like taking somebody else's right, or, you know, taking something, the property of someone else or hurting somebody else,

00:35:50 --> 00:35:55

apart from doing its defy, you need to go and make amends that with that person, right.

00:35:56 --> 00:36:07

You need to give them their property back. For example, you need to compensate them, for example, you need to apologize. So you know, that's when it involves somebody else.

00:36:09 --> 00:36:32

And if it's Major schilke that a person is repenting from. In other words, maybe they've just embraced Islam, for example, then the scholar said that they should make good muscle as well. Apart from Yoni repenting, a person should make muscle as well. But of course, entering into Islam in itself is,

00:36:33 --> 00:36:46

you know, like a repentance, right? When a person says I Chateau La ilaha illallah wa shadow a number Hama de sola, now they've entered Islam, and in sha Allah, what they did previously will all be wiped clean.

00:36:47 --> 00:36:48

But if

00:36:50 --> 00:37:00

in this scenario, you know, a person is repenting from major ship. The scholar said they might be good for them to meet your son as well.

00:37:02 --> 00:37:18

What did I want to say about this? Um, yeah, so, the point is, however, that if a person does return to the sin after this, it doesn't mean there's no hope. Okay? You know, there might be a sin that is addictive for a person or something right?

00:37:19 --> 00:37:28

Or they completely intended never to return to it, but then later on, they did return to that scene or something similar.

00:37:30 --> 00:37:39

Again, they have to repent again, repent, never be shy to repent. Never be shy to start a new day, a fresh, a fresh day, a fresh

00:37:41 --> 00:37:43

turn over a new leaf.

00:37:49 --> 00:37:53

So I think we've pretty much covered the first sin

00:37:54 --> 00:37:58

you know, in time that we have can't go into too much.

00:38:03 --> 00:38:09

Sin number two, major sin number two is plotting on lufs killing a soul.

00:38:15 --> 00:38:22

In the Quran, Allah subhanaw taala rebukes the people who used to, and who do

00:38:23 --> 00:38:26

kill their own children, right?

00:38:27 --> 00:38:51

Because they fear poverty. So we know that Allah says in Surah, two, queer, whatever more or the two so lsba them being quoted that when the baby girl will ask who the baby girl that was buried alive, will ask for what crime she was killed for what crime was she put to death?

00:38:52 --> 00:39:06

panela and we know that Allah subhanaw taala rebukes this practice and brothers and sisters or sisters, realize that it's still happening today. And hamdulillah lots of hammer that Allah wiped

00:39:07 --> 00:39:13

caused Islam to come to Arabia and white to that evil practice out of Arabia.

00:39:15 --> 00:39:31

But in countries like India and countries like China, if you look at the statistics, the UN statistics, you know, is horrifying. The number of babies and there is usually girls who are killed by their own parents

00:39:33 --> 00:39:58

out of fear of poverty or abandoned, right. But here, obviously we're talking about unlawful killing. And Allah Subhana Allah says in the Quran, well maniac to me and I'm Mohammedan fidessa Oh, who Johanna Mohali, done via Well, how do you Billa who Allah He, Allah Allah Who? Allah who other than our vema and whoever kills a believer intentionally.

00:39:59 --> 00:39:59


00:40:00 --> 00:40:17

award will be Hellfire, where they will stay indefinitely. Allah will be displeased with them, condemn them and will prepare for them a tremendous punishment. And, you know, it's not just for believers is disbelievers as well, right. It doesn't matter whether a person is a believer or not,

00:40:18 --> 00:40:56

you know, unlawful killing is universal and there's other IOPS that that other verses of the Quran that corroborate that, but you know, just like with, with any major sin, there are degrees there are certain elements that make that major sin even worse. Right? So for example, we know that Xena is prohibited, right? Xena is prohibited. But Zina with a person's neighbor is even worse. Right? with with with a person's neighbor's wife, or Xena with a maharam is even worse.

00:40:58 --> 00:40:59


00:41:00 --> 00:41:06

killing unlawfully, whether it's a believer or non believer, whether it's a child or an adult,

00:41:07 --> 00:41:10

is evil is wrong. It's a major sin.

00:41:12 --> 00:41:20

But killing a believer is supposed to be your brother, right? It's like killing someone who's in your family. That's even worse.

00:41:25 --> 00:41:31

And we know the first murder that ever took place. We should reflect on the story right?

00:41:33 --> 00:42:24

Because the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that no person is unjustly killed without some of that responsibility or the sin for that falling upon the eldest son of Adam RBL, right? Oh, in English, we say Kane, for he was the first to make a sunnah of murder. So you know, there is the famous Hadith that whoever starts a positive Sunnah, then he will get the reward for it and the reward for everyone who acts upon it until the day of judgment. Similarly, anyone who starts an evil sooner, an evil practice that wasn't in the community before and they start it, and now people are people, no, it has something to do and they might follow them or copy them,

00:42:25 --> 00:42:33

that person will get that sent as well. So the idea of killing a human being had not entered the minds of human beings until

00:42:35 --> 00:42:41

corbeil. committed that sin. Right. And you know, the story of how being an RBM

00:42:42 --> 00:42:48

they were the two sons of Adam, how bill used to do good deeds, he used to,

00:42:49 --> 00:43:06

you know, he was a pious son, I believe that he used to be in agriculture. So he used to know Sorry, I think he used to rare animals, so used to be a shepherd, and RBL used to work and the land. So he used to work in architect

00:43:07 --> 00:43:14

agriculture as a farmer. And one day their father said to them, Adam said to them,

00:43:16 --> 00:43:20

You need to make a sacrifice to Allah, a sacrifice to Allah,

00:43:21 --> 00:43:22


00:43:23 --> 00:43:40

how bill went, and he got the best sheep that he had the best lamb or the best sheep that he had. And he offered it as a sacrifice, right? And RBL he went and got the worst of his crop. And he offered it

00:43:41 --> 00:43:54

for the sake of Allah, or he offered it to Allah. And a fire came from the heavens, and it took the offering of her bill and did not take the offering of Gabi.

00:43:55 --> 00:43:56


00:43:58 --> 00:44:03

And how bill was like, very beloved by his father.

00:44:04 --> 00:44:07

How bill and qabil they were twins.

00:44:08 --> 00:44:23

Or sorry, no, they had twins. They had a twin each. So they were born of two different pregnancies. But her Bill had a twin sister, and RBL had a twin sister. And of course in those days, because there were no human beings on earth,

00:44:24 --> 00:44:34

Allah had made it permitted for her bill to marry the twin sister of hobby. And for kabhi ultra marry the twin sister of her bill.

00:44:36 --> 00:44:48

And RBL was very jealous of her bill because he felt that that his that her Bill's wife was more was better looking or, you know, more attractive.

00:44:50 --> 00:44:59

So there were lots of reasons that corbeil over time became resentful and became jealous of hobby right?

00:45:01 --> 00:45:14

When in fact, he had no one to blame but himself. He was the one who was not as pious he was the one who is not a sincere, he didn't offer. You know, when Allah when his, when his father asked him to offer a sacrifice, he gave the worst.

00:45:15 --> 00:45:27

And However, his envy and his jealousy got to such an extent, that one day he goes, and he says to his brother, I'm gonna, he has an argument with his brother and he says, I'm going to kill you.

00:45:28 --> 00:45:32

And his brother says, even if you tried to kill me, I'm not going to raise my hand against you.

00:45:33 --> 00:45:35

And he kills his brother.

00:45:36 --> 00:45:49

And he is so regretful of what he did. He's so upset with what he did, because he realizes that his brother is that it's permanent, right like that. He's, he can't bring his brother back to life.

00:45:50 --> 00:45:51


00:45:52 --> 00:45:59

Allah guides him to bury his brother in the ground, just to give that human dignity to his brother.

00:46:01 --> 00:46:04

But Subhana, Allah RBL, he

00:46:06 --> 00:46:17

will be remembered for all time as the first human being, to kill another human being his own brother. And it shows you that kind of destructive

00:46:18 --> 00:46:44

nature of a murderer, right? That resentfulness those negative thoughts and those negative characteristics that can go out of control, anger, hatred, resentfulness, envy, you know, all of these kind of when they left unchecked, these diseases of the heart when the left unchecked can lead to such terrible destruction.

00:46:46 --> 00:47:10

And after Allah tells the story of how villains are built in the Quran, he says, that is why we ordained for the children of Israel that whoever takes a life unless it's as a punishment for murder or mischief in the land, it will be as if they killed all of humanity. And whoever saves a life it will be as if they saved all of humanity. Right.

00:47:15 --> 00:47:31

And in another Hadith, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us that if two Muslims face each other with their swords, then both and they fight, then both the killer and the killed will be in the Hellfire panel.

00:47:32 --> 00:47:40

And the Sahabi who is narrating this, which I've forgotten who he is, he asks

00:47:42 --> 00:47:44

your rasulillah

00:47:46 --> 00:47:51

I understand why the killer would be in the hellfire. But what about the killed

00:47:52 --> 00:47:54

and Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam answered

00:47:56 --> 00:48:01

because he was completely intent on killing his companion, right?

00:48:02 --> 00:48:09

So in this habit, if two believers have don't have a legitimate reason for fighting,

00:48:12 --> 00:48:17

they're not fighting to defend themselves, for example, right? Or fighting with a valid reason.

00:48:19 --> 00:48:22

Then both of them are blameworthy.

00:48:24 --> 00:48:25

So panela. And

00:48:27 --> 00:48:45

also like my mother, Hubby, he talks about the not harming a person who is protected by a treaty. Well, I had and more statement, so a person who has a treaty with Muslims, right. So in other words, a non Muslim

00:48:46 --> 00:48:51

or a person who has been granted security by Muslims.

00:48:52 --> 00:49:06

They're not somebody who can ever be harmed and a Muslim will be very severely punished in the hereafter for harming such a person, okay, for harming such a person. So that could be like

00:49:07 --> 00:49:09

somebody you know,

00:49:10 --> 00:49:30

in the olden days, it would be the non Muslim citizens of Muslim countries, right? The non Muslim citizens of Muslim countries. Today, it could be people who are traveling in Muslim countries, people who have a visa to be in a Muslim country.

00:49:31 --> 00:49:35

All also us in the West, living in the West.

00:49:36 --> 00:49:36


00:49:40 --> 00:49:48

We have a type of covenant and a type of treaty with the countries that we are citizens of.

00:49:50 --> 00:49:55

Have you ever thought of it like that? Even if you didn't take your oath of allegiance to the queen, right?

00:49:56 --> 00:49:59

Which people do when they want to become citizens.

00:50:00 --> 00:50:05

just by virtue of the fact that you are a citizen of this country of these countries like Britain,

00:50:06 --> 00:50:08

you have a type of

00:50:10 --> 00:50:24

agreement, a type of covenant with the land in which you're living, right? To obey the laws, basically, you know, so we have to be very careful when we hear these terrible narratives, you know,

00:50:25 --> 00:50:29

that kind of treat very lightly, the lives of,

00:50:31 --> 00:50:36

you know, non Muslims is completely wrong, it's completely wrong.

00:50:37 --> 00:50:39

So I just want to highlight that.

00:50:46 --> 00:50:51

And I really want to tell you this story, which I know, you've probably heard, but

00:50:52 --> 00:51:06

it kind of really illustrates to you like, not just about murder. So I hope that none of us who are listening to this will ever be involved in murder, right? I'm assuming in sha Allah, that we won't, but

00:51:07 --> 00:51:13

you know, other major sins, this can apply to those as well. So in this beautiful Hadith,

00:51:15 --> 00:51:28

beside the heathery, Rahim Allah reported, that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that there was a man from among a nation before you, who killed 99 people.

00:51:29 --> 00:51:33

And then he went to the most learned person he could find. And

00:51:34 --> 00:51:38

he asked, you know, who's the most learned person and he was directed to a monk.

00:51:39 --> 00:51:43

He came to him, and he told him, I have killed 99 people,

00:51:44 --> 00:51:59

and asked him if there was any hope for his repentance to be accepted. And that monk said to him, No, there's no hope in your repentance being accepted. You've killed 99 people, no way you're going to be forgiven.

00:52:00 --> 00:52:10

So the man killed the monk as well. Right? And then he and thus he completed 100. He killed 100 people, so panela.

00:52:11 --> 00:52:16

He then asked, Who is the most learned man on earth, and he was directed to a scholar.

00:52:17 --> 00:52:29

He told him that he had killed 100 people and asked him if there was any chance for his repentance to be accepted. And this time the scholar who is more knowledgeable,

00:52:30 --> 00:52:36

he replied in the affirmative. And he said, who stands between you and repentance?

00:52:37 --> 00:52:47

And then he said to him, so Yani, in other words, you can repent right now, if you want, right? You can say to Allah, Allah, Allah, forgive me, I won't return to the sin now. I regret this sin.

00:52:48 --> 00:52:49

I seek your forgiveness.

00:52:50 --> 00:53:04

And then he said, go to such and such a land. There you will find people devoted to prayer and worship of Allah, join them in worship and do not come back to your land, because it's an evil place.

00:53:06 --> 00:53:08

So the man, the murderer,

00:53:10 --> 00:53:16

who had killed 100 peoples panela, who he know repented, but he, he began to travel.

00:53:18 --> 00:53:41

He was so he went away and hardly had he covered half the distance when death overtook him. And there was a dispute between the angels of mercy and the angels of torment. The angels of mercy pleaded. This man has come with a repenting heart to Allah. And the angels of punishment argued, he never did a virtuous deed in his life.

00:53:43 --> 00:54:02

Then there appeared another angel in the form of a human being, and the contending angels agreed to make him arbiter between them. He said, measure the distance between the two lands, he will be considered belonging to the land to which he is nearer.

00:54:03 --> 00:54:16

They measured and found him closer to the land of the pious people where he intended to go and so the angels of mercy collected his soul. So Pamela, I love this story. I really love this story.

00:54:17 --> 00:54:18

So amazing.

00:54:21 --> 00:54:22

So moving so

00:54:24 --> 00:54:26

I think we can learn from this story is,

00:54:28 --> 00:54:38

first of all, never give people the impression that they can't repent. You know, you don't have a right to do that. You don't have a right to condemn people.

00:54:39 --> 00:54:59

As if there's no hope for them. Even a person who killed 99 people, that first person first a monk that he asked, gave him the wrong information. Of course you can repent. Especially if you're a religious person, somebody comes to you and asks you never make them feel hurt.

00:55:00 --> 00:55:00


00:55:01 --> 00:55:04

because all that does is pushes them further into the sin, right?

00:55:06 --> 00:55:50

So it shows you that, you know, just because somebody is pious or looks pious doesn't mean they're knowledgeable, right? The second person he asked was knowledgeable. And he gave him the right information. But look at the wisdom of the second person, the scholar, he said to him, and he knew that the reason why this, he probably analyzed that the reason why this person is involved in so many sins, and is, you know, so violent, is because he's from a place or he lives in a place where there's a lot of violence, or there's a lot of the sin or, or since it's a negative environment. And so is he should physically move himself away from things that will pull him back to that way of

00:55:50 --> 00:55:53

life, right? Also, it shows you that

00:55:55 --> 00:56:12

when you decide, like, say you've become known for a particular crime, or for a particular sin, and you want to turn a new leaf, and you really want to start afresh, and there's actually wisdom in moving and starting your life over in a new place.

00:56:13 --> 00:56:31

Right? There's some wisdom in doing that. Because it allows you to not constantly be reminded of your past, right? When you get a reputation in a particular place, it's hard to leave that reputation behind, right? And that can kind of demotivate you.

00:56:33 --> 00:56:50

So panel, I think for all of us, there's so many lessons in that Hadith that, you know, if you really if you're really serious about repenting from a sin, you got to move away from the people and the companionship that encourages you to be involved in that sense.

00:56:52 --> 00:57:02

So in sha Allah, I think our time is up. Next time we're going to go into set her and then there's the other sins to follow.

00:57:03 --> 00:57:07

I'm just going to quickly neglecting the prayer. So how,

00:57:09 --> 00:57:20

and when to teach our children to stop praying, that's all going to be next time. And then refusing to pay those guys the sin after that we're going to cover.

00:57:21 --> 00:57:23

So let me go to the chat.

00:57:24 --> 00:57:26

And let me close this.

00:57:28 --> 00:57:29

stop sharing.

00:57:32 --> 00:57:33

And let me look at the chat.

00:57:37 --> 00:57:40

If you wrote some questions while I was speaking,

00:57:41 --> 00:57:47

might not understand what you're referring to. So you might want to contextualize them a little bit.

00:57:54 --> 00:57:56

I'm not going to be specific about

00:57:59 --> 00:58:01

different examples of shark because

00:58:02 --> 00:58:10

it's a long thing, right? It takes it's a very nuanced and I want to avoid that. So

00:58:11 --> 00:58:23

I would encourage you to do your own research. If you've got specific examples of Is this true? Or is that shareable? Is this major or minor, etc? Please look into it. Do some research.

00:58:29 --> 00:58:32

Okay, somebody's supposed to link to their hobbies book. That's good.

00:58:33 --> 00:58:39

Can we have examples? I don't I don't know what you mean. Maybe you mean major, minor shear.

00:58:50 --> 00:58:50

The second

00:58:51 --> 00:58:54

quarter enough's. Yep.

00:58:55 --> 00:58:58

Okay, so I think there's no other questions.

00:59:04 --> 00:59:59

So if that's the case, I just want to say to everyone, please do invite others, encourage them to come and attend this class. I also want to tell you that today was released a podcast that I did with Muslim big, Muslim big about Ramadan in Guantanamo. So don't miss that. Look it up. It's on The Ellen feed podcast YouTube channel. And it's also on my Muslim Central podcast. And it's more than big about Ramadan in Guantanamo, and you know, so powerless, very inspiring. So, please, please look at do check that out in sha Allah. And with that, I'm going to leave you until next time in shop. So so pelicula home ob handig. Shadow Allah Illa Hey, lanta esta firaga. What are to be like, so

01:00:00 --> 01:00:03

Salam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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