How Can You Avoid Missing Prayers

Faith IQ


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Prayer (Salah) is the second pillar of Islam. One must pray every day as it is an obligation upon us from Allah (SWT). Some people get into the habit of missing prayers and they want to get out of it? What advice can be given to a person in this situation?

Shaykh Saad Tasleem answers


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The speaker discusses how missed prayers can lead to losing prayers and encourages people to pray daily to break the cycle. They also mention a disturbing parallel to praying for a Lost Planet and encourage people to pray for it.

AI Generated Transcript ©

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How do you get out of the rut of missing prayers after prayers after prayers?

00:00:07--> 00:00:43

Sometimes when we missed one prayer that leads to us missing the next prayer and the next for the next prayer. Well, what's happening is that when we miss a single prayer that she had thought and comes up and says, What's the point? You missed the previous prayer, what's the point in praying the next one, and it's very important to break that cycle. Let a missed prayer motivates you to pray the next prayer. So tell yourself, I know I missed the last one. And because of that, I'm going to make sure that I pray the next prayer to break that cycle so you can get back on track to praying your five daily prayers and a Lost Planet Allah knows best