Faith IQ – Can I Say ‘Merry Christmas’

Faith IQ
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the use of phrases like Merry Christmas to signal religious beliefs against teaching. They also discuss the use of phrases like "orthobrupted" and "monster" to convey political messages. The speakers emphasize the importance of avoiding phrases like "orthobrupted" and "monster" to avoid offense towards people.
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I say Merry Christmas to my co workers.

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Usually from an Islamic perspective, the reason why this question is coming up is because Christmas is something that might perhaps indicate a religious belief that is against our teachings. So in reality, all of these phrases they need to be looked at. If a phrase conveys a theology that is Cofer or Schick. And if it endorses a theology, that is that is essentially how long then we cannot say that phrase. However, if the phrase is generic, and we are simply saying, you know, may you have a good day today, and may you have a May you have a good fortune, for example, may your life be good May May God bless you in this life, these types of generic phrases are permitted. And somebody asked

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him Mohammed, can I make dua for my Christian relatives? or friends? What should I say Mr. Mohammed said, Oh, ask them for a good make make dua that Allah bless them with a good life, no problem, you may make the offer their worldly things. So the question therefore is, does these do these phrases convey theological problems? If you think that they do, then they must be avoided, if you think that they don't, and it's just your generic phrase that says, may you be happy today, then these phrases would be permissible, it goes back to what these phrases convey. And and frankly, different cultures and different times and places might actually convey different things via these phrases. So the

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question goes back to you, if these phrases convey theological impermissibility is it is not allowed to use if these phrases are generic and it's simply a well wishing for that particular day, then they would be permitted and alive so it didn't those

Can I wish my non-Muslim friends ‘ Merry Christmas’? What has Imam Ahmad said about this reference to context?Would it create theological problems if done? What should be the accepted norm?

Shaykh Yasir Qadhi answers.

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