Faith IQ – Can I Own A Dog To Assist Me With My Disability

Faith IQ
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The speaker explains that dogs are protected and their behavior is recorded, including their behavior during sleep, activity, and activities during the day. They also mention that dogs are not allowed to mess with human beings and that they only interact with their owners. The speaker emphasizes the importance of letting dogs play and interact with human interactors, and encourages them to use them as an adventure.
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So when you look at the a hadith about holding dogs or keeping a dog in the home, you notice that the scholars mentioned exceptions to the rule of keeping a dog so they mentioned some of the more specific ones are you'll find near consensus on hunting dogs right after the consensus on hunting dogs, you then have some scholars that broaden it to a guard dog then some scholars that even brought into to having a dog that would guard a person's crops or tend to a person's crops by making sure that no one comes towards those crops. Surely, if those scholars would have expanded the permission to that, and we can also expand the permission in shots out to a person that has a

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special need and even some cases a necessity to have that dog with them or whose quality of life will be greatly enhanced by the presence of that dog. So yes, you can inshallah tada have that dog. And the same thing as with many of these many of these areas. You do your best inshallah to observe the rulings in regards to the dog saliva, if the dog can be kept in a certain part of the house but then you use it for depending on the level of your disability, you use it when you need to use it when you go out or in certain parts of the house then do so. But inshallah tada The answer is yes. And if you're not sure if your particular disability and your particular need, then make sure that

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you ask the scholar in Charlottetown about your particular situation

Owning a dog in our deen as most of us know is not encouraged at all. However, there are certain exceptions to the matter. Is owning a dog to assist someone with their disability one of the exceptions?

Shaykh Omar Suleiman explains further and answers the Qur’an

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