Faaik Gamieldien – The correct understanding of of Ahlus Sunnah wal JamaaA

Faaik Gamieldien
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of sharia, a fundamental term used in Islam, and its use in schools. They explain that sharia is a term used to describe individuals or groups, and that it is important for schools to understand the meaning of sharia. They also mention the use of "has" in sharia, meaning to make laws and legislate, and the importance of understanding the meaning of "has" in sharia for mothers and children.
AI: Transcript ©
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move away from the Viking

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militia no no hang on a sec.

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Meeting with a new

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woman Darby that what the learning about the beloved brothers and sisters Islamist

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would like to

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apply here.

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I just want to confirm that all of your words to receive the email

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when the announcements of the academy on all the amounts that were placed

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on you did everybody receive the email?

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If you didn't receive the email that we know that the email address

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so if you don't receive the email we have to, it's easier for us to send emails, and also very important is your phone come to class at least an hour or so before you come to the class. Just check for any announcements on

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the Facebook on Facebook. Because it could mean that I I may have decided not to come up. Something happens.

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And we all know that you don't have to come

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for nothing

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else. Okay.

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All right. There was a question asked last week, man, it's a question. I was afraid. That doesn't take a short answer. And the question was, what? What is the correct understanding of the phrase? And the Sunnah? Well, Gemma,

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again, this is a really fundamental phrase.

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But before I go the

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the name of the school is the Academy of Sharia. It was the Academy of Sharia

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law studies for God. So we just call it the Academy of Sharia. Sharia is a very fundamental term. And I want to start off by describing or discussing what is the real meaning of the word Sharia. When we use with many words that we use? What is the Sunnah or Jamar? Shall we fit the soul as a soul ID so for us, these are words what is a Muslim? What is a character? What is the motioning?

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Are the we define Islam? How we define

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shapes out of defy beat out? How do we defy sunnah? Is these extremely important terms for mothers and fathers particularly, who need to answer the questions that the children will need to be added when you ask them? Because they get disturbed in the marketplace? They will come along and say, Mommy, we know somebody, first of all, without somebody spoke about and we will know that about this but the last time we spoke about Sharia, and as parents, we must be able to give them the correct understanding. It's very important. So we also need to understand what is the correct understanding. So let's look at the word Sharia

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which comes from the word shutter, which means to enact laws

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to make laws to legislate

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and that

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