Ebrahim Bham – Importance of Zakaat

Ebrahim Bham
AI: Summary ©
The importance of being informed of Islam's rules and the benefits of giving money in a hadith is discussed. The segment also touches on the disconnect between rich and poor wealth and the need for proper care. The importance of avoiding negative behavior and avoiding giving up one's jewelry is emphasized. The speakers also discuss various ways to increase charity, including giving money to charity, using water, and using water to make money. The importance of giving money to charity is emphasized, along with the study on the effects of water bricks and mortar on people's health.
AI: Transcript ©
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And hamdu Lillahi wa wa Salatu was Salam ala Mala V about

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a month ago for COVID-19 Mina shaytani R rajim Bismillah it was Manuel Rafi. Our team was

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Zeca worker Omaha rock and he said that Allah will ask him, my dear respected elders and brothers amongst the Ferraris and amongst the obligations that is upon Muslims. And one of the pillars of Islam is that of zakat.

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Normally, people give zakat in Ramadan

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and we have to keep in mind that it is not compulsory to give zakat in Ramadan. Whenever the card becomes compulsory upon you, we have to give the card at that time to say for example, a person has wealth in Muharram and that wealth remains with him till the next Muharram. So that next Muharram he has to give zakat on the first of Mahara. However, there is an added benefit in giving the cutting Ramadan that according to the Hadith, whoever gives one for us in Ramadan, it is multiplied 70 times. So, you can work your circuit in such a manner that you go inside by giving it in the car. So if it becomes compulsory in Muharram and then you give it in Ramadan, then you have to give that

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extra whatever it is, Look, nobody nobody gives a cut in Ramadan and there is some benefit in giving. So therefore I thought that before Ramadan, we will speak on the importance of zakat. Zakat in case we do miss EXO tuna or here a Humphries Lok Woombye torpor Ramzan miss the card data Yeah, going for his first name Jeppe for us Hoja was called ocarina saluja lickin Zika, Ramzan DNA fighter yet, get to Hannah was cast.

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Now the meaning of Zika comes from the root word which means purification, the Cab Calloway man parks of the heart. Now how does it link to the cut the original meaning of the cut together with the religious connotation of the word zakat? Well I'm I have given many reasons I will make mention of two. One is that Allah Tala has kept both positive and negative in wealth. So in wealth is positive and negative. Therefore in the positive Allah Tala in the Holy Quran has used the word fair for wealth.

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In America, higher allies use the word goodness for wealth Rapana Archana for dunya Hassan Allah give us good in this world give us good in the year after so there is good in wealth and there is negative in wealth. So the negative Allah Tala has warned us LM one level higher to dunya.

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Dunya is just amusement in play, and you want to add a cream sauce from set to hungry wolves. Lead lose on a peck of sheep will not cause that much harm to the sheep. The way love for dunya love for wealth and love for fame will cause to a person. So one meaning of purification is it purifies you from the negative aspects of wealth. So the cat command will look we torpor parts of Karnataka to eight mana. Yeah. KIM MULKEY menoufia terrazze advocate back at the time, that one of the meetings the other meeting is also very interesting. You know, what am I have written if you don't give zakat on your wealth, your entire wealth becomes impure. But the moment you give zakat on your wealth,

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then the remainder of the wealth that becomes purified for you. It becomes permitted and purified for you to use and therefore in a hadith in a Buddha would be a cream sauce and I said in Allah Lavinia for these zakat. elante you take Eva My God,

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Allah has not made the cut compulsory, but to purify the remainder of your wealth. So the remainder of your wealth becomes pure when you give the cut. Otherwise, if you don't give zakat as a shareholder, it doesn't matter as a career

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in the present, so the thought is made mention of this hadith. What a great morning man cassava Hibben have birth a woman whose zakat whoever earns Halal risk, but doesn't give it

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The car the inability and not giving us the car renders and takes the entire wealth into impurities

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to get the goose Romana Hi Tara commercial up here is a car Tennessee Bucky, Amanda and what are more

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ordinary occurrences sauce and nicaya Kyogre. At me, Anil Kumar is the candidate to pour a model to enter war Napa quota. So this is one of the two meetings with regard to purity, the god keyboard fighter. There are many benefits of zakat. One Hadith via cream sauce and said has to be new Oladipo has to

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protect your wealth. By second. Many times people lose their wealth and they said why is the cat media in one Hadith because it said apartman not martela Famara fibaro What are well does not get destroyed in the layer or in the ocean. But it gets destroyed by not giving

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so many wealth gets destroyed by not giving the car sometimes we think all of a sudden our wealth get destroyed, why we haven't given us a cut. So this is very important that we give the cut. And there are many other benefits. One of the benefits you know it's so amazing. Today there is so many poor people when we talk about it. There is such a gap between the rich and poor, maybe a cream sauce limited in the Hadith that ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala has made that amount of

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the card compulsory that if the rich people give this card correctly, they will not be poor people in this room but

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I'll just say it receives the cat look at me Maldon too much McCoy, Jenna, our world partner.

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Because Allah Allah has given that amount of zakat compulsory upon the wealthy, that if they give it correctly, they won't be poor people in this country, but they don't give these occurred correctly. And this is why we have the great disparity between the rich and the poor. So wherever there is many aspects with regard to it and because of the importance, we have to see that we give zakat correctly.

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And we must ask our Allah MA and we must ask the Messiah in this short time, it's not possible for us to make mention of all the Messiah of second, but as the old Mr. Kesh occurred on which particular type of well this occurred compulsory is it compulsory upon my stock? Which type of stock is it compulsory upon my you know, all those type of things we have to find out is key. Okay Medina's every day with a man with a messiah Messiah pushing Africa kidskin molecule persa Kadena so now okay Hamza candidate, or Jenna hamari

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or guna Kamusta are gonna tell him he doesn't matter mean that we don't find out the proper muscle and we don't give the correct circuit and you know, it can become the means of a lateral as punishment and the means of sin. And one one aspect and one shortcoming I will make mention of maybe a cream sauce or a Monday. Do you know a woman came with two of her daughters? Right, she came with two of her daughters and the two daughters had dangles of God. He caught it and maybe a cream sauce and KeePass can continue to react seems to be occurring so Seneca Abner whose kids occurred directly to you give us a cut of that the goal that you are wearing the jewelry that you're wearing? Did you

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give up on it? And the woman said I couldn't get it. So the Vietnamese awesome said do you want the depth particular jewelry mustered into the fire of Jana

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kept chatting whenever Jana Jana Chiappa. chiamata didn't Jahannam carpenter to yet some of these types, we don't pay attention to this. Now I don't want to say who it is compulsory. A port obviously is compulsory upon the woman. It is her you gave it to her now it is her responsibility. But after all, you gave it up to October because temple cemetery I totally DNA. So if you have given the jewelry you must see to it, that you also see that she gives us a cup. And if she doesn't have the way you are giving her other things give us a cup also on this also the Patani data. I don't give us a fatwa that you must give zakat on Arabia. But if you are given for everything else, then

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perhaps look at this also as an added responsibility. But this is something that many times we are we are very very, you know neglectful with regard to the jewelry and the gut and giving up the circuit of jewelry. So anyway, this is some of the aspects that we have to keep in mind. This is such a great warning

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in the IET Valentina yet mizuna, dabbawala Where are you in your own office Avila from a shoe

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those who

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who hoard and we have gold and silver, and they don't give in the path of Allah subhanho wa Taala for the Schumi

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give them tidings of a great punishment.

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When they first yolmer Yama Alia finality and Hadith that if a person doesn't give zakat of his wealth, that wealth and now we'll make it into a snake sub Keisha call me Allah Tala was called Jana Qiyamah smells better Klingon. And that snake will come around you eat you on your forehead, eat you on your chest, and bring the cliff upon you bring punishment upon you, and that sneak will call out I am your wealth meta Amal, I am your wealth that we didn't give.

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And if you give us a card, that particular punishment will be less than. Now, this is the importance of circle. However, we must keep in mind case that God is the lowest limit of expression of human sympathy. Who said Come dinner your child's name, comes comes the car Kadena to Pharisee lickin zakat que per partner Samia to give circuit is compulsory we can go less than circuit, but to remain confined on circuit is not this this. It is not the quality of a believer. He cannot remain confined upon circuit nebbia cream sauce limited in the field. Malia Atkinson was the school considerations these rights upon your wealth other than the god to allow our outcome out you.

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Are Johanna Will Smith character Rebo co de deed kickham RP Sally kidney Medan Hedren our character naming these so many avenues with regard to giving charity. The card is the lowest form who said Come can NASA guys me you can just go for it the Falcon NASA in a year. Maybe I couldn't saw Salam and Allah subhanho wa Taala has told us to be generous, lengthen and rebuild Hatha tuneful commitment to hipbone you cannot achieve closeness to Allah until you give in spend of that which you love. Allah Tala Korba oscillators, jack them up

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just just just just just open aka dill, Jamal or a barber cattle we all love wealth, you cannot reach closeness to Allah you cannot reach piety until you give of that and you spend on that which you have loved. Then we are cream sauce Salam has told us so much with regard to you know giving of charity. You know, Allah Allah wants us to be a people who give you a free room and yet is to flush the hand that gives us better than ended receipt. They want to hurt anyone who has a better

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I have maybe a cream sauce limited tucked in now. We should get them rotten. Save yourself from the fire of Jahannam even if you give one control why only one to two. Even if you have the ability to give one control give it why you get into the habit of giving

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them a reward for now. Maybe a cream sauce from Ricard Chungnam set up banana mango or Johanna called up the hardcover Ciao ciao Hey Jude he kisser ESL taki Danica rewatchable Nebia Kareem said Allah while he was salam has also made mention that we are supposed to be you know the one who gives even if we have difficulty maybe occurring so Solomon said every morning to angels come down dog maraca dog freestyle

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Allah Maha Ki Moon frequent Khalifa Allah Almighty Moon second telefone Yala Joe daily whatever ANCO or zyada

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to furnished as they come in, they make dua every morning every morning, once a one not the one who gives the one who is charitable, the one who is generous you Allah give him even more and I will not the one who was old jerk never know who's Kim Malko

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what are the one who doesn't give a what not destroy himself? Maybe a cream sauce we may take wealth does not decrease by charity. Yama Cola or Riba? Will you be set up suit? No, Allah Tala amalco 200 Whoa double Catania. You take you take interest, Allah will destroy your wealth. But if you give Senator in charity and that will increase it. Maybe a dream so Allahu Allah was celebrated, that I would have take I take an oath man that God had said to me, man, that Allah does not decrease wealth by you giving charity, Allah subhanaw taala increases it increases it in volume, it increases it in blessings, and give even if you are in difficulty, maybe a current source from St. Bucha. You said a

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cataclysm jasola What is the best charity to give so that we attach themselves from a current asset

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Want Asahi on Sir Hey on the official fuck

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when atom he'll

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give when you are healthy, you also have desire for wealth, you also feel poverty, give that time. Don't wait till your life comes here by the neck and you about to die. And you said give charity to this organization give to this Masjid give to this person swept up to up into circle Toronto apni zindagi meadow, giving you a healthy giving you a need giving you if you're in poverty, that's the time to give us an eyeshadow. Allah with Dharma one day someone came and gave 100,000 silver coins. It has our grandma

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she gave everything to the poor before that night. Entire 100,000 So the slave woman said if only you would have kept we don't even F food for Iftar

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if Turkey would comprise me up come come ask me if Dalkia push

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towards Russia Nick Jakub Elizabeth, who should have told me before I should have kept she didn't have food in the house. But she gave under 1000 Discipline charity. America, we can spend 1000s and 1000s on our own and if you give the magic 1000 When we you know we give you know we will we will make mention with regard to that we will read the ban upon the metabolism trustees also will get 1000 into the machine.

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How is this particular aspect? And then Allah Allah has told us with regard to etickets Elektra says led to Crusader Kotick mobile money when other don't spoil the rewards of your charity by reminding and giving hurtful words the person who gives you give

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up near slob uplift hierarchy sabko Namita Doosra code that lived in MA estan eaten me up Luca to detail felt when Uncle sunnah to our marriage

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fair we marry some data to an hour but tell

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Sangeeta to give a person and then you tell him to eat my Zakat and you gotta pick off your debt your all your rewards are gone. It nicotine is such a beautiful thing. The reward of charity is very great. But it is not so great that it wipes away and erases the sin of you taunting and reminding a person with regard to your challenge.

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swab is dead but not that matter. It wipes away the sin of you taunting someone called Oamaru from a forgotten high room instead of

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that giving a telling a person nicely you can help him to the extent that you want is better than giving him and then taunting him and giving him the cliff and lastly I'll just give you one or two aspects where we can start spending my dear respected by others. Let us spend firstly I always make mention spend on the masjid that you are reading Surrett by up just Majid mancherial to commerce complainer business demand control. You use the water you use the electricity into many other genuine Cydonia a condition SAPA catering

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to your scheduled LPG Kabil to dinner protect by a blimp Majid can you do? The first thing is given your own budget because you are using the water you are using the electricity here to enable Magicka up near courage Killian tenten Doctrina Yamaha pianos while

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no one goes and make Chanda for his electricity his own home for a budget to go out for collection for his own electricity and expenses. It is an indictment upon the mysteries of the budget. Yes, it was up near here Rajat Canadian agenda today. I'm going to help you must be among the first we are using the magic we must give. Second thing by gift for the sake of D didn't kill you.

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Yeah, Amara Dean to hamartia apne Harsco Casa to happen over to the interior measures consider what is our team? This is our team is ours. If we can spend, we can spend for ourself. Why can we spend for our dean? As it was Monday in the allotted time of the book. You know how much he gave 950 camels 50 horses 1000 gold coins.

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We give one gold coin in Mahato plus, all whole life he was telling the wife I gave you one one gold coin man. He gave 1000 gold coin for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala How much do we get for the sake of him? Kissing hotter boy Yes, Abram spacer on agave syrup, a place that can

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only use it for your needs. More or less of ropery started crying. He said What do you mean only for my knees?

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Because whatever he used to have whatever I'm used to I used to spend it in indeed. spend it on him.

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Not spending in the path of Allah to someone told him out of goodness out of compassion he said Why am I giving you this only use it for you and your family? Is that a crime? He said Dean is not mildly to telling us what to use it for me. So his name is not mine.

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And then another thing that you must start looking at Brothers is we need to start you know spending upon human beings. I'm ready what magic catalyst is McQueen

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audition massage or row ribbon ribbon which cannot be occurring. So some setup best charity set

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up to enable San Antonio karate, judo only go into you know, water bricks and water the roots will look after the

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repo canicule up lift uplift the poor look for a family that is poor uplift them. In a way why is it that we can only give on bricks and mortar because it will show some shine, it will have a big impact that you gave so much for this Masjid. Look after the poor my dad is 50 Brothers people are dying of thirst and of hunger, people that don't have don't have means look after the poor sometimes take one particular family and said I'm going to look after this family SubhanAllah. Again, these are important situations that we have to keep in mind. You know, I can go on making mention with regard to it. But I think it's enough that you speak about the importance of Zakat, and that that is

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the lowest form of human expression of human sympathy, the after the importance of Herod the importance of giving in charity and also some of the other and some of the avenues May Allah subhanaw taala given to people

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