Daood Butt – Our Youth Our Future

Daood Butt
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss various topics related to Islam, including Subramanianiou, Monica de la Hilda, Subramanianiou, SubramanCustom, Monica de la Hilda, and SubramanCustom. They encourage listeners to ask themselves questions about their past experiences and share stories about entrepreneurs and their success. They also mention people like SubramanCustom and encourage listeners to trust Allah.
AI: Transcript ©
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During his time in Canada, he studied with local Imams and was hired as a new mom and correns instructor at a local mosque Shakedown to later move to Medina and pursue Islamic Studies at the famous University of Medina, where he spent seven years completing a diploma in Arabic language and a Bachelor of Arts degree in theology and Islamic Dawa from the faculty of dour and a solid Dean in 2010. He also has a Master of Arts from the International Islamic University of Malaysia. And he is currently a well renowned international speaker and an instructor at alcocer Institute. His topic will be our youth our future. So may everybody welcome shake down but

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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim, Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was salam, ala MVL, mursaleen Nabina Muhammad Ali of masala to automatise Lim, and my brothers and sisters in Islam Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

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It's a pleasure to be back again, Alhamdulillah. And in fact, I wanted to give away all of my lecture time today, to the two sisters as well as brother Abdul Rahman. Because this actually was inspiring me, I was learning a lot from them. And so panel, I actually passed, you know, recommend my business card and I said here, you know, I want to know those five points. And we should all be that active, we should all want to know what this brother Subhana Allah, these students are learning that are coming and giving us that knowledge. And just because they run out of time doesn't mean Oh, you know, it's okay. It's not important. No, that's important that might change our future that

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might change our entire economy that might change our entire Ummah, and our community as Muslims, we just sit back and relax. So we have to actively take initiative in helping the youth and helping the young adults. I don't know this term youth is very broad. You know, Baba Ali touched upon it last night, his youth, I mean, to me, youth is like little children. But when I came back to Canada, and we say youth, it's no longer than nine and 10 age group, it's now you know, young adults, people who are in college university, you know, and becoming successful businessmen in their lives and, and, you know, sisters that are becoming teachers and lawyers, and doctors and engineers. And so, it's

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really interesting that we classify them as youth because they're young adults, and the youth at the time of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam were youth who stood on their two feet, they were youth who changed the entire Ummah, they were youth, who we talked about today, they were youth who wanted at the age of eight, and nine and 10, to join the prophets on a long ladder, who are sending them in expeditions that we're going out with this habit of the alohar unknown, those were youth. They were young, they were at the the first few days of maturity in their lives, you know, when the the mustache starts to grow, right, and the armpit hair starts to grow. And your mom and dad says

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you need to start using this thing called deodorant. Because you stink, right? And so Hannah love that, you know, that's, that's the age that's the time where these habit these young boys, young girls, they were going out sacrificing their lives. And if the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam didn't let them actually fight or go out with the bat in the battles with this habit, they were the ones that were bringing the water and going in carrying the injured back to Medina or back to the safe place to treat them as nurses and doctors. That's the youth. And when we say youth, we're thinking, you know, 1819 2020 to 2526 27 years old, 30 years old, you're still a youth at 30. And

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there's an interesting question, if you were to ask yourself, or ask the children and you've all been asked this question, we have all been asked this question. What do you want to be when you grow up?

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What do you want to be? Or what do you want to do when you grow up? And you'll notice how some handler from society to society from nation to nation from one place on Earth to the other. This question can vary from different age groups.

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You'll see how in some places like the little boy named accom that some of you might have heard me talk about ones before, and a lot

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Come when I first went to Medina in the year 2002, when I went not for the first time, but for the first time as a student in the Islamic University of Medina, this little boy by the name of a crumb, not even eight years old yet was walking around the streets with a scale in his hands, you know, the scale that you put on the ground, and you stand on every morning and say, Man, another day, I didn't go to the gym, and another day a pound added on to my weight, right? The scale that tells you how much you weigh and how much you badly need to stop eating and go to the gym. He would carry around this scale him and his brother. And he also had two cousins that also had a scale with them. And

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they would walk around the shadow sotapanna soltana Street, which is also the street that many of us go to when we visit Medina to go to all the western restaurants to finally eat Burger King to finally have halaal TGI Fridays to finally have halaal, KFC and halaal. This and halaal that, right? It's the restaurant or the street that has all the restaurants. It's a street that has all of the things that the Western society or people who wish to have the halaal version of the Western society go to, and it's the street that links you directly from the Islamic University of Medina. to muster the number. You don't need to turn right or left it goes straight there. So on your way back from

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the Islamic University or on your way back from most of the nabawi you will go through this fitness Central, right that me and Jeff Musleh used to, you know, give it a bunch of nicknames. In fact, Maslow was my roommate when we were in Medina, and he was the one who introduced me to McDonald's. It's his fault.

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All right. So Pamela, he used to eat McDonald's, sometimes two or three times a day, he was so addicted to it. Mashallah. But yeah, those are the days.

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My brothers and sisters, we see how Subhana Allah, the youth of today, when they're asked that question, what do you want to be when you grow older? This little boy accom was walking around with the scale, weighing people and charging them one reality. How much is one reality?

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It's one third of $1. Basically, you're paying him like 3032 cents, 33 cents, to check your weight. And people are sitting in these fast food restaurants weighing themselves and I'm thinking why on earth are you weighing these people who are chugging down this crazy food, they're the least of the people that are concerned about their weight, but you'll notice everyone was okay one real check their weight and walk away one real check their weight and walk away. For seven and a half years. I lived in Medina, for seven and a half years a column worked on that street.

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And what was his goal?

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His goal was him.

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His brother, his cousins, because their uncle had passed away. So his father, who was elderly, and Ill was looking after not only his family, but his brother's family. So a crumb and his cousins, they would all work the streets, weighing people to save enough money, so that their father can send the eldest son to college and university so he can get a good job. It doesn't matter what job it was, anything that was good, so that he can now be the person that's going to look after the rest of the family.

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Real Life entrepreneurs, not worrying about anything trusting and having telecoil in Allah subhanho wa Taala. And they use the Ask a column, what do you want your brother to be? Do you want him to be a doctor? Do you want him to be a lawyer? Do you want him to be something great, something you know, do you want him to be a superstar? He said, I want him to be a professional soccer player.

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I said Why? He says, because my brother deserves it. He works very hard. He studies really hard. And he should enjoy having fun as well. So Panama, this is a little boy, who for the next seven years, seven and a half years I saw every single day or every single week when we would you know pass down that street, we would see him and his brothers and cousins, my brothers and sisters. The importance of youth is something that we cannot fully sum up in this half an hour that we have. We heard the two sisters talking about an MSA a Muslim Student Association. I myself wished and loved to have a Muslim Student Association. When I was growing up. I was born and raised in Montreal. I went to

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school there. We had high school we moved to the suburbs, right? We lived off the island of Montreal. And in our high school that had just under 1000 students. There were only

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Only three Muslims in that school.

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There were only three and I was one of them.

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And, you know, you think of having an MSA, but the other two people that might be Muslim in your school. I mean, if one of them is not practicing then there's only one more person to have an MSA with. Right. There's not many people to have an MSA to form an MSA. In fact, some handler we had so much respect as Muslims, because we used to leave every single Friday to go for Juma. And there were only three of us. And I think out of all the three of us, I was the only one that would go every single week. One of them was a sister, she wouldn't go because it's not compulsory, she would just pray for her. And then the other brother, you know, Subhana Allah, when when he could go, he would

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go when he couldn't, he wouldn't. And so the importance of having an MSA the importance of having a union, that shows unity amongst our youth in their schools is absolutely needed and valuable. When I went to study in Medina, at the Islamic University of Medina, we wish to have a student union, but because of different countries, because of different laws, because of you know, worrying of you know, having students getting together and taking over the university or whatever it is, you know, it was actually forbidden, you're not allowed to have a student union. And so we formed our own student unions or our own essays, like me, and mostly we're roommates. And we had friends from

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Canada as well. And we used to hang out with the trainees and trainees here. And he got an ease, and in Jamaicans will go on. Yeah, man, right? Me, I speak the language, right? We could we could do everything Mashallah, we would live together, we would cook together, we would do laundry in the same washing machine. Right, you wash your chubbies in this washing machine, he washes his jedes in that washing machine, everyone uses the same washing machine. And we noticed some Hana law, each and every one of you sitting here, at one point in time in your life was an entrepreneur, I know that I asked Who here has their own business or runs their own business, and only two brothers and one

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sister raised their hand from what we can see because honestly, we can't see much up here. But each and every one of us was an entrepreneur, he said that an entrepreneur is someone who's trying to achieve something with the few means or without even having a means to get there. And almost every single one of you studied at one point in time in your life, especially if you were studying in University, where you might not have had a scholarship, you might not have had the ability to freely go out and eat what you want, and buy what you want. You are and were an entrepreneur, and those of us who are youth who are going through that right now you are going through that phase of

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You're struggling, you don't even have enough money to pay to wash your hijabs.

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You don't have enough money to buy food, because you're thinking, you know what, I need a new exercise books, I'm going to buy the exercise book, there were days where Subhanallah, we would have no money. And we would just buy one reality of yogurt.

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And one reality of bread, which was a big bread. So for three meals, two of us could have a meal two times a day.

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We could have yogurt twice a day and bread for three meals to people. And that's how we lived. Sometimes we struggled because you know, Muslim took me to McDonald's too much. Right? But Subhanallah as students we struggle. And we see this in the lives of the Sahaba of the alohar. And we see it in the lives of the prophets of the past as well.

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And those from amongst us who strive hard, that want to inspire the rest. And this is where we shift No, we shift into understanding how we can impact society as youth. What is our position on earth? as youth? Who am I in terms of society, as someone who's a young adult, someone who might even be a 50 6070 year old person? How many of you consider yourself to be a youth?

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We should all be putting up our hands because you're only as old as you think you are.

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Even if you're 55 I know some uncle's Mashallah, right? This uncle lives across the street from us. My wife and I we see him he walks up and down really quickly. He's got his running shoes on and he goes retired white beard, Mashallah. And he's quicker than me.

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He's fast. You're only as old as you think you are. So never consider yourself old. Let's look at what Musa alayhis salaam did Musa Prophet Moses. He himself showed us the importance of turning to Allah subhanho wa Taala as someone who's young, as someone who needs hope as someone who's looking for trust in Allah subhanho wa Taala

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Someone who needs help and assistance who wants to make an impact in society.

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Moosa Allah has sent him when Allah subhanho wa Taala tells him go to fit around, go to the Pharaoh, talk to him deliver the message of Islam to him.

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Moosa, the young boy or the young man who has a speech impediment, who might have even having a lisp who could not speak so properly and did not have the confidence to speak so properly because of the speech impediment that he had.

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He had a speech impediment, and he made dua to Allah subhanho wa Taala. He said, I'm being nice London, he was sending me a mini

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me Lisa, Annie. Yes, como con Kony. He asks Allah subhanho wa Taala Give me that confidence, open my chest, open my heart to being capable and able to go and speak to fit around.

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Well, yes, certainly emri make this an easy task for me. When I look that melissani removed this speech impediment that I have, untie the knot of my tongue, if you want to translate it. What will work better melissani yufka who Kohli so that the people will understand. He went through struggles. He was a young adult. But he changed the world. He changed the entire world, because he stood on his two feet. And he went and he achieved what Allah subhanho wa Taala had requested from him.

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And then you ask yourself, I might be a young adult, I might be a teenager, I might be someone who's in my late 20s or nearing my 30s or almost, you know, in the mid 30s. And you ask yourself, I want to make an impact on society. But where's my place in the dean? Where's my place? How do I fit in? And then you look at the verses of the Quran, where Allah subhanho wa Taala says young Pharaoh along with a loving man whom you

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comb your own foreign long who levena man Oh,

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c'mon levena oh madonn Anja. Allah Subhana Allah says that he raises you in status. You're a federal law who live in Aminu, those who believe you and I, we believe in Allah subhanho wa Taala. He raises us in rank not only in the Hereafter, but in society right here. People look at you and you're an exemplary individual. You carry not only the banner of Islam on your shoulders, the true banner, not the fake one that we see in different countries where people are taking the blood of Muslims illegally how long against the Sunnah of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam. You carry the true banner of Islam on your shoulders, but you also carry a clock. You also have a dub, you also have

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good morals, good values. People look at you and they say she has a hijab. She's wearing that ugly scarf. But she's helping the old person cross the street.

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They hate you because of the scarf. They hate you because of your beard. They hate you because they see you praying in the streets, but they admire you because there's something different about you.

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There's something different you carry yourself with honor, with dignity. And Allah Subhana Allah says, He loves our own long would love you in a man or woman come that you will raise you in status. But then a law says one levena

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from amongst us, those that are young continue to seek knowledge.

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Because a law will raise you in ranks higher than those that simply believe because you continuously seek knowledge and implement it.

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You want to be that amazing individual. You want to set a stamp on the entire globe that says boom. I lived here. Just like the stamp of Imam Al Bukhari. Rahim Allah, every single one of us when we hear emammal Bukhari we all know what we're talking about.

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No one even needs to explain.

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Someone might sit there and say, Who's the man who Bahati and their friends will be like, Are you kidding?

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And Subhana Allah you look at our youth today.

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And how they're struggling simply to make Allah to pray their prayers in school, that they need an MSA to have a little corner to pray in.

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And those that don't have the little corner to pray in. Don't think you're exempted from your prayers. Stand strong. Pray your prayer, people will see you and give you an example of a brother many years ago, who Subhana Allah stood firm upon his prayers.

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He used to be a non Muslim,

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in the sense that he was not an active Muslim.

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he considered himself as a student in the University of Carleton in Ottawa.

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Someone who was Jahan, someone who didn't use to practice Islam.

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Someone who is now what's that.

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But one day, he decided after going through changes in his life, to start praying and establish his prayers, one step at a time, not become a memorable hottie overnight, start to pray and establish those prayers. And this is over two decades ago, in Ottawa at the university, he started to leave his his friends, those that were taking him away from the dean, those that would take you aside to go and smoke those that would take you outside to go and drink those that would take you inside of bed inside of a bedroom to do something that is hot. Um,

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he decided to leave those friends and establish his prayer to the extent that his friends became upset.

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Like he never we never see him anymore. He doesn't chill with us anymore. Where is he? What is he doing? What happened to him

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and some panela this person was inside of that room in the MSA office, or the MSA room that was allocated for Salah. And he was praying his prayers with such concentration and devotion, his friends would see him and think we need to distract him from that one day.

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One of the girls that he used to hang out with put on a bikini and started to stretch her stuff in front of him while he was praying his Salah.

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Now this is a reality of the society that we live in. And those don't want to criticize and say stuff that a lot. How can you say this? Well, I'm not standing on the member in the masjid. So you can't say we're in the house of Allah. We shouldn't be saying this. No, this is part of our Deen. This is part of the struggles that you and I go through. This is what myself and all of the other youth that grew up and were born and raised or maybe not born, but came to this country and went through this system. These are the challenges that we go through.

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And so this person is praying his sada and she comes in front of him dancing as though he's in the middle of a strip club.

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But he doesn't even blink. He doesn't even look at her. He's so concentrated in his solar. She gets annoyed, she gets upset. She starts to speak to him. What's wrong with you? He's praying.

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He's praying. She goes to the back, she waits, she covers herself up. She's like, waiting for him to finish. He finishes his Salah.

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He turns around, he sees her there. She's upset. She's like, what's wrong with you? Can't you see this? Don't you like this?

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And he says, My Lord is more important to me. I was praying to Allah. I have to pray to Allah five times a day. When you're obedient to Allah. You get whatever you want. You get that you get anything.

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She was so impressed with his devotion to Allah subhanho wa Taala. She accepted Islam.

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She accepts Islam.

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Imagine that, as youth who stand your ground. You stand firm upon what you believe. And we'll look at more examples in sha Allah hota Hana but I want you to ask yourself before we move on,

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what is the rare skill that you have achieved?

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What is the stemp that you are placing on this earth? What is the footprint that you are going to make? You know when you go to Makkah and you see McCollum, Ibrahim. And inside you look inside there and you'll notice that stone that has what is said to be the footprints of Ibrahim alayhis salaam, the macam that he stood on during the building process of the carrabba. He built an icon he built the the carrabba he put the bricks together with his son and the law has shown us the stem, his feets literally there.

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His footprints. But what footprint Am I placing on this earth? What footprint Am I giving to the next generation? What footprint am I leaving for people

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100 200 300 900 1000 years from now, what is the footprint that I am placing on this earth?

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And we look no further than the footprint of Russia, about the Allahu anda. To make the sisters feel confident because we're always talking about the brothers. We're always talking about the men, we're always talking about the male. So however, the male scholars, what about the female scholars of our past? Our mother atisha, about the Allahu anhu, the wife of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who did not get married at the age of 18. And many of us when we say get married at 18, they're like, are you kidding me get married at 18. Like, I have to go to college and university, I need to get a degree I need to have a car and a house. I need to establish myself first, then I will get

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married. By that time. You're 30 years old, no one wants to marry you.

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It becomes difficult to shut up. You love her and her at the age of 18. Her husband dies.

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Some Allahu alayhi wa sallam,

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our beloved prophet and messenger. He passes away, and she's no more than 18 years old.

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You think you're young at 18? Remember, we said at the beginning, that's why I asked the question. What do you want to be when you get older? What do you want to be when you grow up?

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In our society, you can ask children in school, what do you want to be they'll say a fireman. They'll say I want to be a doctor. I want to be you know, someone who's just like my mother or just like my father. Right? That's what they will say. But that's at the age of 5678. When you ask the youth so called youth of our society, who are 18 1920, even 25. What do you want to do when you grow older than like, well, I'm doing a degree in sociology right now, but I'm not really sure if this is what I want to do. Really? Yeah, I have one more year left in med school, but I'm not sure if I want to be become a doctor. I think I'm gonna switch into it. What?

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You're 25 you're 30 you don't know what you want to do yet. Your life is gone. Half of you has expired.

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And you don't know what you want to do. I have a shot of the love her and her at the age of no more than 18 years old, her husband passes away.

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The scholars we know through the books of Hadith show us that she has memorized and reported over 2000 Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, over 2000 Howdy.

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How many you have you and I memorized?

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Maybe collectively, we can't even put together 2001 person.

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Her husband dies at 18 she's never to remarry. After that. She carries on this Deen. And you know what? just mentioning that she memorized Heidi is not enough. Because remember, I asked you you need to master a rare skill. She mastered a skill as a woman that even men did not even have. They didn't even possess at that time. She knew how to read.

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She knew how to read.

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What was the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his first response when God Allah Allah has sent them came to him and said it cannot.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says ma No, because

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I'm not capable of reading.

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How you shut off the alohar on her. She was capable and she mastered reading to the extent that the Sahaba mentioned when she would speak. We never heard such eloquence come from a person.

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We never heard such eloquence come from a person. This is a young woman, youth who leaves her footprint for the rest of us to learn from and not only can she read, it said that she knew medicine. How did she know medicine? How is she a doctor? She's a doctor? Are you kidding me? She went to med school. She's a doctor.

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When the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was sick and ill and different tribes, different people would come and say, You know I'm neem. Hakim named neem Hakeem shot today john Wright. I'm named Hakeem and I come in a mix spices and I know take this herb take that herb mix it together. This will be good for you. It's a cure. Don't worry. Take this for your headache. today. We just go to Shoppers Drug Mart right? We go over to the pharmacy and we say I have a headache Tylenol. I have this aspirin. I have that. polysporin right. Take this. Take that just treat yourself. I shuttle the alohar and her she would say

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stand there and learn from these people that came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, how to relieve the pain that the Prophet sallallahu usnm felt and she would mix the medicines and she would administer it. She would give it to the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam. She was the doctor. She was the nurse. She wasn't standing in the kitchen. jello by Kanako roti shorty cannula party party, right? No, I shadowed the alohar. On her. She was the person who Subhanallah took care of the leader of this entire oma.

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And she mastered along with taking care of him and looking after his household and the rest of the people of the ummah. She took care of looking after education for me and knew

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she looked after medicine. And she also was so famous for her fic her knowledge in fic. Because she lived with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, she knew what was to be done, and especially more so in the most intricate detail matters that would sometimes only happen within the house, or even within the bedroom. She knew that and she taught it to the Sahaba of the long run.

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And on top of that, she knew poetry.

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This is a young woman, a youth of our society. Youth? Where is our footprint? How are we impacting the rest of the world? Today, you ask yourself, yes, I've mastered a rare skill. Really? What have you done? I'm a master at Facebook, check this out. I could post without even looking what I'm typing. I can talk to you and post at the same time.

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Congratulations, you've mastered Facebook. Did you create Facebook? No, no. Okay, you didn't do anything good.

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What have we mastered? What rare skill are we bringing to the table. And that's what we need to be asking ourselves as youth. And as parents, or adults, when we see these young adults, these 20 year olds, these 25 year olds, 30 year olds that are going through university, we should be there supporting them as well.

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We have to be their backbone. We should go into their universities and pray with them in their MSA offices and rooms, we should be a part of their society as well. We should give them the strength and the courage and let them know that I never had what you had. But I'm going to help you to achieve what I always wished to have. Or I was, for example, not me. But any one of you might have been the former president of an MSA, go back and visit them, spend time with them, advise them guide them, and our youth that are here, please don't ever feel as though you cannot approach your Imam or find the Imam that you can approach go and speak to them. Whether you're five years old, six years

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old, 10 years old 1520 2530. our emotions need to be dynamic. They need to be people who can speak and can address the problems and the issues as well as just the understanding and listening of our society. And I invite the youth those that are struggling, those that are smoking, those that are taking drugs, those that are drinking, those that are hanging out and chilling with the opposite gender, those that are getting mixed up in the things that they don't want to get mixed up into, but they don't know how to get themselves out of approach that mmm that you trust. Approach the Imam you feel comfortable with. And that's why it's important for us to be those people, whether we are an

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imam of a Masjid, or the Imam of your household, the parents, the adults, we need to lead by example. And I love taking the example of Sheikh Abdullah. I know he's sitting here and I didn't want to I didn't want to say this while he was here. But so kinda we look up to him. We really look up to people who someone no matter how old or how young you are, you will approach Him and you will speak to him about the most intricate details and problems that are going on in your life. And you have no worry in your mind. You know that this is someone who understands you understands your society understands your place, understands where you come from, and shake. I'm not saying this

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about you. I'm saying this about every mmm that is dynamic in that aspect. And we as adults need to be that way as well. Those MSA students, you must be that person when you leave that university also, you must be that person who the elementary school students will say, can you come and lead Juma in our school because we just want to hang out with you. You're cool.

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Can you come and just read us a story about the Sahaba or the profits of the past because we want to hear from you. We love the color of your hijab. You're awesome.

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You're amazing. We admire you. That's the type of people that we need to be at

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exemplary role models to the rest of society.

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My brothers and sisters, I know I have just a few more minutes in sha Allah how to add five minutes I believe there's so many things like I said that I want to get into with regards to youth and we can go on and on and on in trying to inspire our youth, but youth Subhana Allah, leave your footprint wherever you go. Just like when you travel to another country, and they stamp your passport, like Baba Ali mentioned last night there are some stamps he doesn't want, right? I travel the world as well and I get stamps like you wouldn't believe. There's a brother who messaged me last week a good friend of mine who lives literally on the other side of the world. He says one day, and

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in fact, there was a brother here in Mississauga, who lives in Oakville who messaged me the exact same thing he says one day, I just want to go through your passport and see all the stamps that you have in there. That's amazing.

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But you can collect and collect and collect stamp upon stamp upon stamp and visit country after country after country. But what impression Are you actually making?

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Are you impacting the world that everyone will want to learn something from you, every one will want to just see you and say Subhana Allah, I need to be like that. Because that was the method of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, from the way that he spoke from the way that he walked from the way that he ate from the way that he slept from the way that he combed his hair, from the way that he groomed his beard from the way that he smelled from the way that he looked from the way that he gave his attention to people. It was all characteristics that we admire.

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And he left that, not by doing it once or twice. He did it consistently throughout his entire life, that we hear stories all the time of when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was speaking to someone, he would give them their full attention. He would speak to them as though there was nothing else on earth that was happening. But what do we do today? We reach into our pockets when we're talking to someone or like, Man, this Auntie won't stop talking, huh? Tweet, I'm talking to an auntie who won't stop talking. Right. And we do that so often that Subhana Allah, it becomes so apparent to the people that are around us. They look at us and they know very well that they're

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boring us. They know very well, they need to stop talking but they don't know how to get to that sentence. They don't know how to reach that sentence that's going to make them stop. My brothers and sisters, our two sisters that came up mentioned five before five. The Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, tell him to take advantage benefits of five things before five. Google it you will find the head easily. And I don't like to tell people to use Google for education and the dean. But when it comes to a simple headache, that is so common, you can easily find it. Five before or five, you will find it very easily handy. So number five, before five Google you find that

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Heidi, read it and understand it. Take advantage of those five elements of your life before five things happen to you. Another example of our youth and how we need to leave that impression is the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that when you will love him Allahu fi when he young mala villa in love window.

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The seven categories of people that will be under the shade of of that shade that Allah subhanho wa Taala will provide on the day of judgment when there is no shade except that shade. And from those seven categories is she been a youth, someone who's young,

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who spent their time in their rabada of Allah subhanho wa Taala seeking that knowledge,

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seeking the knowledge and using that knowledge and one day I will tell you this Hadeeth in an entire life spectrum, how from the mmm to the youth to the person who spends time in the masjid to the person who lives in South Africa. That entire idea is literally the spectrum of your life.

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Hadeeth is powerful. And we can all be under a shade. Just like I wish right now I was under a shade because I'm blinded by these lights. But we will be under a shade insha Allah huhtala where other people will wish and dream to be under. I leave you with two questions my brothers and sisters, two very important questions that you need to write down and ask yourself

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you need to write these down and ask yourself

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the first one is how am I contributing to this oma?

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How am I contributing to this? oma What have I done to help not the entire

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All across the globe.

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But Mississauga, Oakville, Toronto Oshawa Ajax. What have I done to benefit this woman here? The GTA?

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That's one question you need to ask yourself, and then become involved, then go to the masjid, then go and meet the Imams, then go and meet your leaders then go and meet the MSA is going speak to people and say I want to do something your students in university? How can I help you? What can I do? I don't have much cash, but I have time on my hands. Can I help you with anything? Can I organize anything? Can they clean up your masala after all the students are finished praying.

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Imagine the reward that you get. Imagine that reward. The next question I want to ask you and it's sort of two questions put together. Ask yourself,

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does it matter how many people know me during my life? Or how many people will remember me when I'm gone?

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Does it matter how many people know me during my life? Or how many people will remember me once I'm gone, because you can open up Facebook and type without looking and swipe with fingers. And you can use voice command to post your posts. And you might be the most eloquent individual, you might have 50,000 100,000 2 million, 5 million 10 million followers. Mashallah, congratulations, once you die, how many people will be at your janazah when you're moving from one house to the other? How many people will come and help you move when you're sick. And in the hospital? How many people will come and visit you in the hospital, you go online and you post. I'm in the hospital, I'm sick. And you

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have 6 million followers on Facebook, who are following all your posts and your tweets and your Instagrams.

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And you post a picture of yourself laying in a hospital bed? And they say May Allah grant you health? Do they mean it? Do they really mean it? When someone says May Allah grant you health? Are they getting up out of their seats and coming to see you and actually giving you a glass of water to drink? Are they coming and visiting you in your hospital room? Are they going to spend time with you during the time when you pass away and your janessa is going to be prayed? Are those 6 million people going to fly in to come and pray your janazah?

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Ask yourself?

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Does it matter how many people know me now? Or how many people will remember me once I'm gone. And I have a beautiful story to share with you in sha Allah. And as we conclude my time up.

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Time's up. Time's up, share the story. It's a story about an entrepreneur,

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the father of a friend of mine,

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who literally helped anyone at any time with anything that he could possibly help them with.

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And my friend, who's British Pakistani, originally, now lives in Malaysia, flew to the UK to attend to his father's janazah. And he says 1000s and 1000s of people showed up at his father's jenessa. And he had no idea who these people were. And he's like, my father's body was released because in the UK they there's a mandatory autopsy that's done when a person dies, Muslim or not, they have to do it. Right. I know the laws are changing now. But some hamdullah he says the body of my father was released very quickly, and we found it strange. And he said, I was so curious, how did my father have so many people at his janazah people that I've never seen in met before in my life? So he said

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he's telling me this personally in person face to face. He says I went to meet certain people at the janessa and I just asked him, How did you know my father? And one of them says, You know, I was sitting in the mustard one day and I was making dua to Allah. I wanted to get married, but I didn't know how I could even pay for a Nika. How could I even pay for walima I have no place to stay. And your father asked me one day What was I making? Do I have four? And I told him and he says it's okay, arrange your marriage, I'll pay for everything and I'll put you in an apartment.

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Then another person he goes in, he asks him, he says, you know, how did you know my father? He said, You know, I was, you know, always wanted to make Hajj and I was I ran into your father one day, and he said he was going for hygiene. We were sitting in the masjid talking. And then he said, You know what? Why don't you come with me? You seem like a nice guy. I need someone to come with me because they're getting old. Right? And this brother, my my friend's father, he went for Hajj I think 32 years in a row. Right? And Subhana Allah He. He told he told his brother, he says I wanted to come with us. He's like, Are you serious? He goes, Yeah, come with us. I'll pay for your hedge. You just

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come with us. You know, come I'm taking my wife. You just carry our bags and stuff. Make it easy for us, but I'll pay for your hedge. So he says your father

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paid for my hedge and allowed me to go for hedge and he taught me how to do hedge throughout the entire trip.

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And he's like wow Mashallah, my dad did that for you. He said, yeah. And he goes, I'm the doctor, who when I pulled open the drawer and I saw your father's body there, in the morgue of the hospital, I began to shed tears because I saw the men who paid for my Hajj. The men who taught me how to even perform Hajj while we went for Hajj. And I thought the least I can do to repay him is to clear his body on the day that he dies to allow his family the ease of burying him and having a proper janazah

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he said on the doctor that released your father's body.

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And that goes to show you how youth can impact the world become entrepreneurs become dynamic, and trust Allah subhanho wa Taala jazak Allahu heylen or sallallahu wasallam all American and Amina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa sallam, the Santa Monica Monica de la Hilda

Annual Carrying the Light Convention 2015

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