Daood Butt – The Tests of Life

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The speakers discuss the importance of sharing experiences and learning from one another to benefit from each other. They share personal stories about their desire to be the only one to receive the holy spirit and how their desire led them to pursue spirituality. They also discuss the negative impact of fear on society and the need for people to be more aware of their natural environment and natural presence. The responsibility of individuals is emphasized, and the importance of helping others is emphasized.
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pleasure to be here, please forgive me if I look like I hadn't stepped in a year, it's almost been a month. So
it's been a long month and
but it's a pleasure to be here. And always nice to meet Muslim brothers. And of course, there's probably sisters here as well from different parts of the world, and to learn from one another, and to benefit from each other.
Tonight in Charlottetown, I'm going to try and make this short, sweet and concise inshallah, mainly because I just arrived, and not too long ago, just landed. And I think sometimes we spend too much time talking, not enough time doing things. And so I'll give an example before we finish how we can do things other than just listen and go home and enjoy ourselves and feel as though we're, you know, happy on the inside, but not really giving back so much to our communities. My brothers and sisters, you can see here on this banner, what was it little hearts, right. And I know right before slanty eyes shut up. The brothers were telling me about little hearts. And I was thinking of speaking about
something else. But it kind of goes along the lines of what I was going to talk about.
And so somehow Allah mentions for us in
how he created certain things for us as human beings that we desire, and certain things that we enjoy certain things that are, you know, a mercy from Us.
They make our hearts feel really good when we have them when we when we see them. They make our hearts feel really you know, saddened and we feel down and some people extremely depressed, right. when when when they don't have these things that are lost kind of metallic gives us and in particular also kind of highlights children. He says
one corner of
Last accountable internet shows us that there are things that he beautified for us, and he placed on earth for us. And those things have an effect upon us. Sometimes they bring us closer to Allah. So for example, you might see that you have a child, and that child brings him closer to us accountable to Adam because you never used to recite the Quran on a regular basis. Now because you have that child you want the child to learn the Quran, you want the child to be in the masjid regularly, you want the child to be raised appropriately upon the deen. So you yourself start to get closer to all of us
through that child, so that child became a means of you connecting with a Muslim.
While at the same time that child can be a distraction from the remembrance of Allah. And I lost awesome handling data sends us, you know so many things, to remind ourselves of his greatness.
And those same children that can bring us closer to us, apparently to Adam can take us away from Allah. They can distract us during the time of slaughter, as in, it's time to pray, but we think you know what I need to take them for, you know, football, I need to take them to do something. It's It's time to, you know, give them back in terms of or give back to them financially buy them things that they need. But somehow we realize we're spending on other things. So those children start to rebel. And then as they're rebelling, we realize that we ourselves don't understand that these children are rebelling because we're not giving them the time that they deserve, or the things that
they deserve. And so we start to create barriers between ourselves and our children as they grow older, into their teenage years. And the last animal like to add placed those children there, as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam shows us how he loved children. There's something that's supposed to remind us a lot, bring us closer to a loss of habitat want us to give more for the sake of a loss in common with that, in an example of the profits, how long it will send them over? the long run, he says, the profit so long, he says these two years have heard and these two
eyes have seen the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam with his grandchildren, right? And same, and he says the prophets of Allah, he took his grandson by the hands, right, put his palms to his palms so held on to his hands. And it has an oral her saying would stand on his feet. So put his feet on the feet of the prophet SAW a lot more on a Windows.
And then he would tell him climb,
climb as though you're climbing a tree, go and climb. And so he would climb and climb and climb up the body of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam until his feet would reach the chest of the Prophet. So a lot more out of yourself, as in, you know, it's as though his knees are on his shoulders, and he reached the top of the tree, right?
And then the province no longer Look at him and say, okay, you make it
out how nice he was with children, how welcoming he was with them, trying to bring them closer. Now this was someone who saw along there it was and he didn't have to do that. He was the leader of the Muslim oma, someone who's extremely busy. Today, we tell our families, I'm busy, I don't have time. You want this TV, want this video game, you want these books, you want an iPad, you want a phone, I'm busy, I don't have time, I have to go and work in order to give it to you.
Sometimes all they want is time. They don't want that iPad. They don't want those video games, they want our time. Because that time is something that we can't give back to anyone else in any form. Except in the form of time. They have time something that we're limited with as well. I'm also happy to add places us on earth such a limited amount of time. And he will test us with our last panel talent shows us that he tests us and he tests us with certain things. Things that we become scared of what
a shame means.
explains for us the things that he that we will be scared of are the things that he tests us with, I should say. He explains to us the things he will test us with. Whenever you wander home, be Shay in minimal healthy fear. I will test you with things we will test the human beings with fear and we'll explain it one jar and hunger in today's economy. We don't suffer from hunger, right? We suffer from having leftovers too much leftovers. Our fridges are not even hungry anymore, right? There's too much food in the fridge, the fridge becomes a coffin, just a place that we put food until it's dead. And then we put it in the grave, which is the garbage. Right? So then it says in that condition in
midair, hopefully we'll do one nuts in a minute, while he while unforce with
and he will test us with our wealth with the last in lives, and with a loss in our provisions and things that we were requiring
teaches us very well that this life is a life filled with tests. When you analyze those things that he mentioned that he will test us with. Whenever you under condition in your home free will you're the first thing fear. And somehow people are popping pills today because they're scared. They're scared to face reality. They're scared of life. Right? They're popping pills, depression, anxiety. We're scared. I don't know if I can make ends meet. I don't know if I could feed my family. I don't know how I'm going to pay for you know petrol to put in my car. Everything is just on the increase. Everything is so expensive. How am I going to do this last panel data told us we want to test us in
many other ways in terms of fear. We're scared sometimes as Muslims to walk the streets. right handed over here. There's a lot of Muslims in this area. Right? At least from what I've seen. I've been to many of the places that you don't see Muslims as you walk the street, you walk into the mustard, nice big, massive mustard and hamdulillah you don't see any Muslims around.
You go into the streets are walking around where the Muslims
test us and even now at times, where we see every single day, multiple times a day, the image or the name, you know, or the display of Islam or Muslims in the news.
We don't like this.
It bothers us. But at the same time we see people becoming so scared to show
Their Muslim identity. That's a test from Allah. Our sisters that are taking off their hijab, in many places around the world sisters are taking off their hijab simply because they're scared to walk the streets. They're scared to go out on their own. In Toronto where I currently live, you know, some kind of a Muslim sisters are getting abused physically and verbally abused, when they're simply going to pick up the children from school, because they're wearing the hijab. They're being pushed to being sworn after being yelled at. And how are we supposed to react? Allah Subhana. Allah says, Why are you doing why 11am
must handle data reminds us of how we're supposed to be walking the face of this earth. Each and every one of us we are the worshipers of right. We're the worshipers of the law, some kind of like to have it. We worship Him. So he's speaking to every single one of us. He says, We are a band of rock man, and let the name of the Honda when we're walking on the face of this earth, we're going about our day you're shopping, you're out with the family, you're playing in the park, you're at work, you're at school, university, you're minding your own business, you're doing what you're supposed to be doing, and you're doing it in the nicest way.
And then the last Hello data says, What either
when someone who's ignorant comes along and calls out to us, someone comes along, you're minding your own business, you're doing your own thing. So when ignorant comes around to you and starts yelling at me stop swearing, starts telling, you know, what are you doing? And then you have the ultra, you know, or the more modernist Muslims who say, you know, that was revealed a long, long time ago, the job, you know, people needed the job back then they don't need it now. Right? Because we see Muslim, or non Muslim woman without a job all day long. It doesn't matter. Just don't worry, it doesn't make a difference, right? We actually have Muslim saying that same things like you know,
this is 2016 stop holding on to these, you know, barbaric, traditional sort of, you know, behavioral traits or actions that go that monitors yourself, no one's gonna harm you. Don't worry. So they tell you don't worry, take off your hijab, everything's gonna be fine.
He's going to test us with the test of fear. You're walking outside, minding your own business, but you're scared because you're scared, you might get attacked or something. That's your test. That's your test for Watson.
And then the law says, What either thought of the human human when someone who's ignorant, calls out to this person and says something that might harm them, make them feel bad, what do we say,
we respond to that person, not by swearing back at them, not by yelling at them, not by pushing them back. The profits are longer, and he was telling us to do it in front of the camera. And he had intestines of of the camels. Right? the guts of the camels being placed on his back. When at other times he was there also Institute and he had you know, a foot in his neck with his head being shoved into the ground. Another time when he had a piece of cloth wrapped around his neck and he was being strangled. What did he do? Did he take the same thing and start strangling back? Did he take you know intestines and guts of animals and throw them back into the profits and longer and he was on
Sallam showed patience to teach us
that we need to use wisdom in the ways that we react.
We need to use wisdom in the ways that we react. We need to react in manners that are going to be most beneficial and impactful.
Not by simply swaying back and punching back. When you want to achieve
and achieve. Defend yourself. Yes, defend yourself. The Sahaba of the law article they came and they defended the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when he was being strangled over the love answered, we came over and pushed back the you know the person that was strangling him?
stopped him from harming the Prophet. So what were they?
What did they do?
Who was the man who's the method?
while you sit down, you, you have now been given the golden opportunity to convey the message and stem to that person. you respond to them in a manner that shows the behavior of a Muslim. I know I'm going to be tested this way.
I'm not ignorant to that fact. Allah tells me to go and I'm going to be tested right?
last count, and it tells us we're going to be tested. So we know that we're going to go through hardships, we know very well that that's coming our way. Why is it that as soon as someone says something to us, we start to get really upset,
we lose our pool, we lose our control, we're not composed.
So my brothers and sisters, it's important for us to understand that Allah subhana wa tada in his infinite wisdom, sent the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to show us the best ways to deal with every single situation that we're facing in life.
Every single situation.
And that brings me to another point, with regards to our children, you know, some kind of law, you see, this poster in front of you, is just a very simple image. Very, very simple image, in that image, to the hearts of the parents, who are looking after this child,
and almost knows best who this child is and who the parents are.
But the pain that those parents feel in their hearts is real.
And that pain was created by loss of habitat. And the test was created by loss of habitat. And every single moment in our lives is a moment of golden opportunity for us to get closer to Allah subhana wa.
We see things around us that need to be done all the time.
It's our responsibility to look after them. It's our responsibility to help others. We know very well we don't need to go.
And so on, right. But what are we doing in terms of our part, we said, when we walk the earth, we walk showing a good example.
A simple example and I wanted to finish with this world throw it in now. In parallel, many of us we don't realize how the blessings of Allah are laying on the streets right in front of us.
Literally, the blessings of Allah are laying on the streets right in front of us. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tells us the lowest level of email, what is it? What's the lowest level of email? In a hadith where he mentions the highest level of event is to testify and say that, you know, what, what's the lowest level,
right to remove something that's harmful from the pathway of people, where people will walk or people will pass? How many times a day do we walk by something on the street that is harmful, or just hanging around, that we should be picking up and cleaning and putting in a different place in the garbage, removing it from the pathway that is actually part of our belief.
As believers and Ulsan, Hamlet's Adam, part of our responsibility is to clean up the areas that are around us.
We just parked across the street, and crossed over and walked up the street here. And I saw, you know, some garbage literally random, right outside of this wall, right here, on the other side, on the street and umbrella and stuff just there. And you know, we walked through it. And I thought to myself, I said, you know, somehow this is the example I'm going to give. And I'm going to give us the opportunity to actually take charge.
When we see garbage when we see things hanging around in the streets, we should be picking it up, we should be cleaning it and even more so when it's right against the wall of our mustard. That's our responsibility. This is the house of Allah subhanaw taala we come here to worship Allah. The inside is clean, yes, but the outside needs to be clean as well. We should be keeping our eyes open to clean the places that are supposed to be kept clean to begin with. And then even if it's a place that isn't supposed to be kept clean as and there's no particular reason for to be kept clean. We still keep it clean because it's from the creation of awesome panel tab.
Recently I was on a trip
in Borneo as my first time heading up there Sarawak.
actually saw that
for those of you that know Brunei about Sam, it's just to the east of it, right so it's not in Brunei, but to the east of it.
I went there and we were by the coast standing you know right at the shore watching the water and the sun was setting the boats are going by shallows beautiful, everyone's enjoying it right in the distance. I saw something that I always wanted to visit that never had the chance to miss
something known as a water village. It's a village or a town or a town built over the water that people's homes, their workplaces. everything that they do is there over the water
and some kind of love when a site passed the brothers said you know I want to go there. So we went to visit it
actually posted a video online with regards to that area, how dirty it was, these people are extremely poor. It's the slums.
We pulled up the car pulled up, as you know, we were driving the next morning, we're going there intentionally going there and said, I want to buy some chocolates and candies and stuff like that and give it out to the children. And so as we're driving there, we drive and we parked up, and then you have to walk out over the water on these planks of wood. But before we even get out there, you open the door. And somehow the person that was driving the car starts to get
you know that the smell of the air was so bad, they couldn't even, you know, just couldn't breathe, there's flies and bugs flying around you. And the water underneath you, you would think that's water, it looks as though you're standing over a garbage dump. Those homes that are built over the water has absolutely no running water in them.
Fishermen go out in the day to come back with barrels of water for their families, right that they took simply from the sea. Right. Or they go into the land somewhere they find you know, well, or some sort of water source and they bring the water back.
And everything that they need to do, they simply dumped in the water.
They need to use the bathroom, they don't have toilets, I actually saw it, I witnessed it myself, there was a child that needed to use the bathroom and we're walking, you know, along these flights, and it was a little kid just with a little bowl, and you know, squatted over the bowl doing what they had to do. And then just dump it right here. Next one, just dumping over.
Every single thing gets dumped in the water.
That's how those people are living in extreme poverty, extreme poverty. And the last verses we said, I was going to test us with with with, you know, well, he gives us wealthy and allows us to enjoy our wealth, he allows us to enjoy our spouse, he allows us to enjoy our children. But at the same time, they can be a test. For some of these people, I remember seeing there was one father, who didn't even have a teaspoon to give his child you know, panadol or whatever, you know, pain medication that you that you would take or give to a child in syrup format. Because the child had a fever, the child was not wearing any clothes, they don't have any showers, they just take the
clothes off, right? The child has a fever, take the clothes off. And he didn't even have a teaspoon to give the child that medicine that he got from outside. He poured it into his hand and he was going like this trying to force feed the child that medicine with his hand.
And you just smell the air, you probably think Whoa, I wonder if he can wash his hand in a day or two.
That's that's the condition of the people.
And it's our responsibility to do something with regards to that we might not be living in parts of the world where we see that extreme. But there are more people here there are needy people over here. There are children as well that are suffering, even though they're in nice hospitals with you know, electricity and air conditioning and heating and all the electronics and gadgets that we can imagine those families still need help. It's not easy. And so it's our responsibility all the time to go out of our way to help other people.
And in particular, to go out of our way with the smallest things that we see in front of us, like the small garbage that surrounds our mustard,
or the small things that you see on the carpet rather than waiting for the caretaker, or one appointed brother or sister come in the middle of the night and start vacuuming and cleaning the budget. We should all be doing that we see little chrome or some little piece of lint or something on the carpet next to us. We pick it up, put it in our pocket. That's as soon as the prophet SAW fit into some of this habit of the law. They would pick up things that they would see from the masjid and go and dispose of it in places where it's meant to be disposed. So if we all do our own part, just do a little bit. You'll see how inshallah tada with the will of Allah, the entire oma will be
blessed with goodness, things will change. And today we're so busy just butting heads with each other. Right? are busy pointing fingers at each other. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will conclude with this when he was invited by that Jewish woman
to eat right. And he went to the Sahaba with him and they ate from that meat that she prepared. And she poisoned it.
She poisoned it and the profits in love. It was seven eight from it. The Sahaba of the love Island they were furious. They got really upset and they asked permission from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to punish her for what she did.
And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said no.
He pardoned her loss of habitat. It shows us the reward for pardoning people for forgiving people.
All right, for getting over issues and grudges that we have with people that our reward is with the loss of habitat, he doesn't even mention in detail what we're going to get. He just says, as you had a lot, that the reward is with a lot, you will get rewarded someone hurt you, someone hurt your feelings, someone bothered you someone, you know said something about you that you didn't like, just get over it. And so Panama the profits are wrong, or it shows us this is someone who's not Muslim, Jewish that poisoned him.
And he and this habit of the long run himself, we could see the effects of the poison and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam for quite some time, it was affecting his throat.
And yet us as Muslims, we can't even party the Muslim brother or sister that stands next to us in our slaughter. Right? We can't pardon that person. Because they once upon a time said something that bothered us. They once upon a time said something that we didn't like. So now we will never give them Sam will never reply to them, Sam will never smile at them. Yet that person stands side by side with us, worshipping Allah Subhana Allah. So we asked him to grant us a deeper understanding of the scene. And we asked the last panel to add it to make it easy for us to be from amongst those who help others. When we, when we don't expect help others will come to our help. And we asked the last
panel to add it to allow us to be from amongst those who help others when they don't expect our health just added to cure all those that are suffering and struggling different parts of the world. And we asked the last panel to allow our children to be protected and to be raised have fun, amen and Islam in this country or whatever country or place they travel on earth. And when is the last one to add it to allow us to live on email.